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Acts Chapter 5:1-11

Cross the Bridge / David McGee
The Cross Radio
April 23, 2021 1:00 am

Acts Chapter 5:1-11

Cross the Bridge / David McGee

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April 23, 2021 1:00 am

Cross the Bridge 41111-2

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Everything doesn't mean that even though you love God and fellowship your servant God that you occasionally mess up.

Paul said this, he said you know the things that I want to do. I don't know things that I don't want to do end up doing now is Paul hypocrite. Absolutely not. Paul was a man still struggling to work out his faith. And if Paul was the guess what we are. The word hypocrite comes from the word Greek word Hippel Creek.

These, which was the word used for an actor on stage or mask and pretended to be something they want. That's what hypocrite pretending to be something you are not talking about occasionally mess up some lawyer falling. I can't raise your hand because after all, you mess up last week, not what I'm talking about just don't pretend to be something that you're not welcome to cross the bridge with David McGee.

David is the senior pastor of the bridge in Kernersville, North Carolina. As followers of Christ. We should always be real were approaching God.

It were approaching other believers doesn't want us to be fake today pastor David explains why. To be real with God as he continues teaching in the book of acts chapter 5, so here's David McGee with part two of his teaching Ananias and Sapphire was opened up with acts chapter 5, verse one, but a certain man named Ananias was to fire his wife sold a possession and he kept back part of the proceeds.

His wife also being aware of and brought a certain part and laid it at the apostles feet.

But Peter said Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to live to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself. Now what you notice something it wasn't that Ananias didn't sell the land.

It wasn't that Betty Back a portion after he had sold the land.

The problem is that Ananias misrepresented what he had done did misrepresented or lied and what they and what he had presented see what Peter says in verse four.

While it remained natural and after was sold, was not your control. You can see this thing in your heart is not lied to men but to God. Then Ananias hearing these words fell down and breathed his last great fear came upon all those who heard these things now understand Peter didn't do this. Peter did not do this. I think Peter at this point was as surprised as anybody. I think Peter said you know what you're doing is bad.

This is not good.

There was mop and perhaps some sense of foreboding or rule unit and he said let you that you did a bad thing, but I think he was really shocked when Ananias fell over dead. Now so this is something that I did Morgan talk about this is a difficult passage, but understand what we don't have all the details here.

I mean this is this is obviously something that's in-depth there's more to the story but we have about 11 verses that we can look at. We can learn from. We can glean from you. I wondered as I was studying this passage Ananias have previous warnings that you did.

I bet she did. I look back on my life and slip in a really stupid things that blew up in my face you know there was that healing right before you did it, and perhaps you, you can connect with this right before it is what I really probably shouldn't do this, you know.

But then you did it anyway and then add things happened so maybe it's never happened with you sympathize with me, if you will for a moment there is Ananias probably had but he proceeded anyway three verse six and the young men arose and wrapped them up, carried them out and buried now was about three hours later when his wife came in not knowing what it happened.

Peter answered her tell me whether you sold the land for so much. She said yes for so much man. If there's any time a wife could say, you really should have told me this is, but he didn't have opportunity to. She takes part two verse nine then Peter said to her, how is it that you have agreed together to test the spirit of the Lord. Look, the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door and they will carry you out. Then immediately she fell down at his feet and breathed her last in the young men came in and found her dead carrying her out, buried her by her husband's a great fear came upon all the church and upon all who heard these things, this is a tough passage to teach a just sure unit which we talk about grace. We talk about mercy and you know and now I have to communicate about how God the breath out of two people. Here's the thing you have to look at this and go one happen triggered this type of judgment. Was it the lying in the midst of a very honest fellowship. Now don't think so. Was it the grandstanding in front of these people in the midst of all these people self-sacrificing. I don't think what I think it was was the hypocrisy that was shown in a real work of God. They were being hypocrites, and I think that God's all this he saw the hypocrisy.

He knew the damage that hypocrisy would calls over the next 2000 years, and he needed to address. He knew hypocrisy the damage it would boost to the cause of Christ. The damage it would do to the church and if you know what by the deaths of two people.

If thousands could understand how dangerous hypocrisy was and is then their lives were not lost in vain. I think thousands and thousands of people will probably read this passage in address the situation now. It's interesting the timing of it because everything about another 30 years.

The Bible would been completed story would not have been included in the Bible because it happen where it did Luke records the book of acts we haven't now, let's talk about hypocrisy what it is and what is not hypocrisy doesn't mean that even though you love God and fellowship your servant God that you occasionally mess up.

Okay that's we refer to that is the dichotomy, Paul said this, he said you know the things that I want to do.

I don't know things that I don't want to do end up doing now is Paul hypocrite. Absolutely not. Paul was a man still struggling to work out his faith.

And if Paul was then guess what we are. But the word hypocrite comes from the word Greek word Hippel Creek. These, which was the word used for an actor on stage or mask and pretended to be something they were, that's what hypocrite is pretending to be something you are not talking about occasionally mess up some more. You're falling now. You can't raise your hands because after all, you messed up last week or yesterday or this not what I'm talking about just don't pretend to be something that you're not deliberate deception. Now how do we do this as I think most of us realize that hypocrisy is alive and well in the church.

What we do with a life lesson here followers of Jesus need to be real with God and with one another. Followers of Jesus need to be real with God and with one another and and cast this happens, hypocrisy Creek since suddenly just you know, and we try to put on a good face to understand because of what Jesus did. You have to carry that face anymore.

You don't have to pretend anymore. You don't have to act like you earned salvation. You can understand that it's a gift that it was given to you, and yet so often we fall into this well. I keep up appearances.

Keep up appearances that I'm loving God with all my heart my mind and my soul loving our neighbor.

This is important and NFT part of the reason it's important is because this this is a real church. What I mean by that I mean is not a fake church what you mean by this is a place where you can be real. I don't know if you will be, but it's a place that you can be real because I stand up here is your pastor and I talk about you know what I still struggle with my faith, your pastor, you struggle your faith yes I can't. Paul did and I do when you struggle your faith probably what you think that means you know that means that you know when I go to pray. Sometimes I don't feel like praying past her all past I'm being real with you is sometimes open the bottle filler grain. All I asked her on.

Here's a final blow. Sometimes on Sunday morning.

How feel like coming out here.

I know this this morning. My throat is turn and got some Tillotson, but so unbeaten that I can get more real now for some of you you just got really uncomfortable. Why is that because I was being real with you and your not being real with others. See some of you when I just said that you're like he's got unit. I mean if he's struggling in his walk with the Lord. I guess it's okay am struggling. Yes, let's be honest. Let's walk through together left me on this journey together, and don't sit and look at me like the legal limit God using because he's a limit that all figured out.

Quit scented now got no because the transparent from up here. I'm encouraging you to be transparent in your life actually had people come is uncomfortable with the pastor that talks about the fact that he still said yes what I said that person. This is probably not the church. In that type of transparency makes you uncomfortable.

You probably not be comfortable here lot because this is got to be the place we let down her mask and yet what has the church become is become known for wearing mask how twisted is that and it's it's see we have to be real. We have to be real with one another.

Now I'm not. Here's the flip there's a time and a place to share okay. Understand that you can be in the wrong situation and try to share the right thing and it just did it not going to be good. You know we get back over your small fellowship with you know allow your people stand up, give testimony, we stop doing that because you know there was a couple moments when people got in the weird stuff, you know, but I mean Sharon bizarre sexual things that they do not know no no wrong format.

You know, we don't need to leave but don't pull somebody of the opposite sex and tell them you know so nosy known and and and and and there's the right format to share these things and there's the wrong but find the right one share and be real.

What because you can be Jesus that you could be real. And if there's one thing that made Jesus mad me hung out with centers he hung out with publicans.

He he hung out with prostitutes. He hung out with these tax collectors who did he get angry at the religious hypocrites.

People that were wearing the mask. Let your master, let your master a scary, I realize it's scary even as I said that some of you like I not sure I can do you can do God's spirit will empower you to do. We have to be willing will be right back with more from David McGee on cross the bridge right now. Here's a word from associate pastor DA Brown hey guys want to take just a minute to pray for some cities in our listening audience. Specifically, Ashland Oregon and Baker city Brookings Canyon Ville Cave Junction, Cloverdale, and Colton Lowy.

Thank you for the cities and everyone listening. We pray that you would pour out your spirit on these broadcast audiences. Father we pray that pastors would have wisdom in the cities and how to love their communities. Lord I pray that people would put their trust in you gotta pray that you would give the governmental leaders wisdom and discernment that you would protect the city's father there be peace in the cities and Lord, that your word would be high and lifted up in Jesus name, amen, amen.

Thank you brother now get back to David McGee as he continues teaching verse by verse.

Interestingly enough, this whole passage about hypocrisy is the first time we see the word church in the Bob that use of the word church in verse 11 is the first time that's occurred in the Bible and give you study the Bible for very long. You know what's called the law of first mention what that means is the first time a word occurs in the Bible it tends to carry more weight, more significance than other words in Genesis 22 is the first time you see the word love in the Bible. Abraham is offering up Isaac. Also the first time you see the word worship in the Bible. Interestingly enough in here in this passage is a first time we see the word church in this passage on hypocrisy.

I think God looked into the future and he no what hypocrisy was going to cost the church now the church what what what is the church.

What is the church for well it's several things for several reasons is to glorify God to worship God and tell others something was.

I was just to tell others know it's not just to tell others is to worship God, glorify God and to tell others and so those are the reasons we get together we learn about God wife so we can glorify God, we learn about God so we can worship God in them. When you realize who God is. You want to go tell others. First John 318 says this dear children.

Just stay in we love each other, surely showing our action quit saying we love one another, show each other by our action. We've got a be real with you. You have to find and let me know about the person for you to come be real with maybe some money in your small group are semi-close to your summary you serve with and pull in the sense of this one struggle with. Would you please pray for me and you'll you'll know by their reaction. If you shared with the right person or not. Now when you do that don't just expect them the pack on the back door. It's okay that you're doing that that your shot three people. Leslie will have our moments know I might go well, you turn yourself in need to deal with this issue. They quit you don't take that as a lack of caring or lack of lack of love because that's a necessary part of loving people say well appreciate you sharing that me know God has a plan and and he's able to help you. Let me tell you very to two impactful moments and month and month spiritual life. I'll start with the negative. I was going through some stuff and just really and just struggle with sin and carnality know no major issues not drugs or anything like that. I still struggle some things and I went to share with somebody. And I said what I am struggling with these issues and this guy said you know what you need to go back and re-examine your salvation expert. So anyway because we should be struggling as someone they said because the Bible says behold all things have become. I walked away from the conversation God not saved because I'm still struggle to share with the wrong person. Something was a person was in leadership pretty much represent the views of that church and so made my one of the called maybe. Maybe God made him predestined to go to hell.

I don't know.

I really struggle for a long time about and then he threw in one other verse work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. I was so freaked out. After that conversation, it was years later that I actually read the verse that comes after that.

That says it is God that works in you to both to want to do and to do of his good pleasure. So it's God that's working out at us. So that's negative conversation, but here's a positive conversation earlier with another brother when I came off the this is this is as transparent as it gets work when I came off the rock 'n' roll road and got back in the church like there are a lot of things I just dropped off like you know the flight home. I spent in the restroom with airplane Diane but after that I made a quick drink and I quit doing cocaine. I quit doing all these different things, but I still smoked marijuana and I was going to church after few weeks, I called this goddess man cannot talk, you should share what's going on Samantha struggle surely struggle.

Samantha hesitated to tell me Brown Samantha, I still smoked pot and thought what he's going to hit me or banned me from the church or something. I don't know what to do. I set Phil.

Phil Verl really convicted when I'm in church about I said what should I do is keep coming so I just keep coming to church. I said just told you that smoke pot. He said you just keep coming to church where he tell me that he goes because at some point God is going to so fill you up that you not have an empty space to be filled with that kind of nonsense when I can even use nonsense. With that, stuff's okay but two weeks later I sat down to do my thing. I don't need this anymore need this anymore because God is so filled my wife, my heart in my soul that the crutches can go. I was able to be honest with and he was able to love me through. That's what it's supposed to look like this in the church was never meant to be like a museum for people that got it down. It was meant to be a hospital for those that are struggling to be long gone and to be encouraged in their faith and help twisted the whole thing is kind and what happened, Ananias and Zafar started focusing on what the outside. The appearances were not big on appearances here, obviously look, I would've just shared a story that I used to smoke dope and I went to church in we were big on appearances because I know that there's probably couple people going out thought. His eyes are red when he came out this morning playing guitar like that we know what guitar players do you know that that's the risk I take that is the risk you take when you know what I'm I'm not in the appearances don't get into this trap of appearances of doing things for appearances sake what doing for doing for God because you don't God always sees and there will be times in your life were nobody else will see what you're doing that we times in your life when you're doing something good and you're doing something nobody else can see it nobody else and thank you, but God sees and God will appreciate it if you understand that you can be motivated in the proper way. Hebrews 610 says this for God is not unfair. He will not forget how hard you work for him and how you've shown your love to him by caring for other Christians as you still do.

God sees. Don't be so concerned about appearances be concerned what's inside is an inside God's work in your life how do I know that because you're here this morning. God's doing something people don't just wake up early on Sunday morning, the lawyer will do only no I mean that's the spirit of God working in you getting you out of bed. Brainy to this place saw something. Colossians 324 to remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance is your reward in the master your servant is Christ serving God.

We would do well to remember that Jesus was a friend of sinners, but an enemy to religious hypocrites. So how do we address this problem.

How we cure the church of this ill on an individual basis. See you can't hear anybody else's hypocrisy. This is between you and God.

The question is are you willing and the safety of God's Holy Spirit in his love and his mercy to be real this morning and so you know what God walk around the mask but I will live like that when you're living like that you do not have the peace of God, you can as you keep an open parents should keep enough the last. And if you are content with just looking a little cleanup on the outside, and may you not be so cheaply satisfied because God is interested in doing some deep in here. The question is we be real with friend. You know for sure that your sins have been forgiven.

You can know right now only Legion a short simple prayer simply telling God you're sorry and asking him to help you to live for him. God wants you to pray this prayer so much that he died to give you the opportunity and the ability to ask him to forgive you. Please pray this prayer with me out loud right now. Dear Jesus, I believe you died for me that I could be forgiven and I believe you were raised from the dead that I could have a new life not done wrong things I have sent and I'm sorry. Please forgive me of all those things. Please give me the power to live for you. All of my days in Jesus name, amen friend. If you prayed that prayer according to the Bible you've been forgiven you've been born again, so congratulations for you just made the greatest decision that you will ever make. God bless you, if you pray that prayer with David for the first time we'd love to hear from you. You can visit cross the to receive our first steps package with helpful resources to help you begin your walk with Christ. Or you can write to cross the bridge at PO Box 12, 515 Winston-Salem, NC 27117 and share how God is working in your life you're the Bible tells us that the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.

But it does cost for us to come and bring that message to you and to others in your neighborhood through radio to the Internet and through the mobile technologies that God has gifted us to be able to use so if you like to support this ministry. Please go to cross the Click on the donate button and ask God how much you would have you give either on a one-time basis or continuing basis each month to help ensure that the teaching of God's word continues to go out to cross the bridge. Thank you so much ODA before we go. What are some ways that we can bless our listeners each day.

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As David McGee continues teaching verse by verse in the book of acts