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Benefits of the Resurrection

Worship & The Word / Pastor Robert Morris
The Cross Radio
May 8, 2022 8:00 am

Benefits of the Resurrection

Worship & The Word / Pastor Robert Morris

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May 8, 2022 8:00 am

Pastor Robert shares three benefits of Jesus’ resurrection and what we are called to do because of it.

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Welcome to worship in the world with pastor we're in a series called Passover to Pentecost for pastor Robert describes how the days after Jesus's resurrection changed today pass revenue sharing three benefits of Christ's resurrection something you're not going to want to miss so much joy, pastor. So here are series called Passover. Calls 50 days the change the world, but that today the title of the messages benefits of the resurrection. I want to show you three benefits of the resurrection, all found in Luke 24 that may be you never notice left: 24 tells us the story of the two disciples along the road to Emmaus. Now you need to know that these are not two of the 12. The original 12 disciples of Jesus chose these are not to.

We know that because one is named Cleophas there was no clear purpose.

Some of said will the second was Peter or John. The only problem is that it says that those two began went back and reported to the 11 and the 11 B after Genesis hung himself. After he betrayed Jesus. Okay so so we know they were part of the 12. They were probably part of the 70 LinkedIn says that Jesus appointed 70 others also.

There were very well known because when John talks about when one talks about if he doesn't he just says Cleophas what everybody knows Cleophas you know so that so they're not part of the original 12 but there they walked along the road. They serve Jesus. They walk with Jesus. Jesus appears they don't recognize him. We talked about this last week they can recognize them after the resurrection, and he says to them a miscoded text denies that we talking about and they said are you new in town. Do you not know. But Jesus said a size I do not they said you not know the things that have happened in the last few days and then Jesus it's this comments and read the words he says but thinks I said about Jesus of Nazareth. How we thought he was the Messiah.

And then he was crucified, and now they say he's risen from the dead and some of the lady said that they saw him either way but even CM about what's in there talking about all this and then he does something that you need to know is a benefit if you're a disciple sort of thing up the story. There were 24 verse 25 then he said to them, O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken, not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory. Verse 27 is our key verse here and beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded to the in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded to them all the Scriptures the things concerning himself, so for number one. I changed were expendable bit to explain. So one is he explains explains the Bible to this is this is the first benefit of resurrection is Jesus himself is when explaining Bible he's going to expound the Scriptures map with the word explain because it's what Ford expounds means and we don't use the word expound much here so they can IV version of verse 27 and beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he explained to BM what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself telling you to catch this morning thing if you're a disciple. If you believe in Jesus. Jesus will explain the Bible to you don't have to know homiletics and hermeneutics so anything like doctors only what those words mean you don't have to know Hebrew and Greek. The original languages. You don't have to know the difference right exegesis and ISA Jesus although I've explained that you before but everything what you do ask about yes no Jesus but that's it yourself. No Jesus. Now I need to know homiletics and hermeneutics and I need to know the difference right exegesis not Jesus because on called to be a teacher in the body of Christ and whatever teacher you're sitting under will affect the way you read the Bible. If you're setting under someone who's prideful and arrogant. The church will become prideful and so it's very important that I understand some of that these things and I can type Scripture got it, but my job is actually not to teach you the Bible. My job is to teach you how to study the Bible. My job as a teacher in the body of Christ is to say, okay, wait, we got an obstacle of legalism trying to influence the church today so I'm going to remove that obstacle and teach people about grace, so that when they read the Bible, they can read it through the lens of grace. But let me show you this some verse in Luke 24 verse 27th in the messages saying verse ribbon research in the message.

Then he started at the beginning with the books of Moses and went on through all the prophets pointing out everything in the Scriptures that referred taking up the 20 thus pointing out everything in the Scriptures that referred to Jesus as we did not Moses and all the prophets got notes he's referring to the Old Testament. Moses wrote the first five books when it says all the prophets is talking about the major and minor prophets.

That's where they referred to the Bible at that time. You also need to understand that when the New Testament says the Scriptures other than a couple times when it's actually talking about begin target of Scripture, which will become the New Testament other than a couple times when Jesus said even the Scripture say the Scripture says when Paul said the Scripture says blessed every time their site and the Scripture says talk about the Old Testament reason I say that is because so many times we write that off and the reason we write that all is because we read the Old Testament through the lens of wall but here's what Jesus does for his disciples after the resurrection.

He shows up and he starts at Moses and the ghost of the entire Old Testament and he says to me show you grace to show you how everything was pointing to the Messiah and gray stomach me show you me in the Bible, they might've actually showed him the Scripture like this.

Some 22 verses 16 through 18.

They pierced my hands and my feet as Old Testament, I can count all of my bones. In other words, none of his bones were broken.

They look and stare at me and overseas on the cross. They divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots. What you think. The disciples get on the road to Emmaus.

When Jesus some of this verse. There like we never thought about that. That's exactly what happened on the cross so he just goes that's what Jesus wants to go through and what strips they owned and explain the Bible.

So the more you read the Bible, the more you'll understand when you see Jesus with all thanks I remember and I don't mean this statement disrespectfully on many humorously and I kinda cleared it with the Lord. Mike Shurtleff said before but remember, the same wrote the whole book. This wasn't written by 40 p.m. It was it was by 40 million. But there's one author of this book and his name is Jesus is gone. So here is what Jesus won't do when you're reading log some work he wants to say. Now this is verse remind you of another verse you read my glass with like the doesn't this remind you of Psalms. Doesn't this remind you what you read.

Malachi doesn't this remind you and want you to see the completion the beginning of it in the fulfillment of the expounds. So here's the benefit of resurrection. This is this is incredible. You I got so excited about the jump out your skin. You don't have to go 700 understand this book yes estimate Jesus yes estimate the resurrected Christ and beginning at Moses and all the prophets fill explain the Scriptures to someone he explains his number two. He opens the open. So now the 2 Emmaus Rd. disciples go back to the 11 and tell them hey wait, we saw Jesus and then Jesus shows up at the shows up and this is what he does for all of them in Luke 24 verse 44 then he said that the MDs are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms, concerning me and he opened their understanding that they might comprehend the Scriptures. He opened their understanding that they might comprehend the Scriptures. Now that's new King James, the word understanding most the time translated mind and the work comprehend most time is translated. Understand more times like 2124 and 24 or 26% like that. Here's the reason I say that many rated G because I want you to understand the verse here it is in the NIV.

Then he opened their minds so that they could understand the Scriptures, and I have a question for you with Debbie okay with you, what it be okay with you and Jesus opened the way you think your mind your understanding so you can understand the Bible incinerated chapter before you go to bed and not have any idea what you just rip that you saved us from God (Illicitly this already happened. This is what the resurrected Christ did for all his disciples were disciples, he opens her understanding understand to comprehend by will pick here it is in the message.

I just wanted to read these all in the NIV in the message meant a message verse 45 says he went home to open their understanding of the word of God, showing them how to read their Bibles. This way, showing them how to read their Bibles. This way, what life the way that you see Jesus on every page because member. It says he started with the law, the prophets, and he showed up every Scripture that referred to again.

We talk about legalism and grace.

If you don't read the Bible through the lens of grace will never understand if you don't read it as a love story about God redeeming a fallen people a sinful people may like when you read the story of Hosea and autism go marry a prostitute and then she goes back into prostitution and he says go marry her again bring her back in your house. This is what I've done for my people.

It's all through the can up. I really want to fall in love with the whole pipe just the New Testament, the Scriptures, not in the New Testament Scripture to its inspired tells us about all Scripture is given by inspiration of God's choice inspires what this whole book is incredible and you gotta read it this way. So if you believe in Jesus. Please open your mind and now you can understand the Bible. What if you don't believe in Jesus. According to the Bible your mind has been blinded by the little G God of this world like St. Chretien's for verse three says, but even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe so. If you believe your mind is open, you can understand the Bible. But if you don't believe in Jesus, your mind is blinded you can understand, so I have to like God always takes the truth and he wants, applied a certain way for us. So how should we relate to people who don't believe in Jesus. How do we treat people that have differences in their viewpoints. Should we be any random should we argue whether should we talk down to so we just leave them alone completely. So this gives you a really good illustration because the Bible says they been blinded to blind or spiritually like. Pick someone you think about what if a person is visually impaired, physically, have you treat that person when you see a person using a white cane, do you criticize him, you condemn you mock them make fun of them. I do have empathy if if a person who is visually impaired, bumps into you jump down his throat know you treat that person with kindness because he can't sing.

We all follow me. How should we treat people who are so strong in their opinions that are antichrist and anti-biblical opinions. We trade with the half compassion because the black Poughkeepsie and the only reason that we can see this because we believe in Jesus opened our understanding. But there understand their understanding hasn't been opened, so he explains he opens in here's number three. He blesses with 24 verse 50 and he led them out as far as Bethany and he lifted up his hands and blessed so was it mean to be blessed.

Well, I know some way people relate this to finances and and I do believe that God blesses us financially provide force, but I will give you little different definition for being blessed. I think it means that things just work out just all of us can give testimony of testimony of how we were in the right place at the right time. We thought that maybe this was what we wanted and then it didn't work out.

And now we look back we say thank God I didn't get that because it just just just things like everything just works out miraculously like someone is planning Jason Bridget, Debbie and I one time were looking for a house in an we can find anything. And then James said okay.

I just want one more try to really said realtors or anything we wanted in this area and may be said, maybe it's an older house. You know my misdeeds. A few repairs from you my mistress older and may be maybe, but I did what we needed in this area and maybe just just just maybe just came on the market or something you know and this realtor smiles. He said while y'all were looking at this house, I got an email about how suggest came back on the market. He said it was on the market. One day it sold, but the person put contract on it did not exercise his option in the 10 days in today's the 11th day and I just just got the email right now and it's exactly we go look at it and it was just 56 years old and were walk around and I are numerous subjects that this looks like the us, it looks like the midcentury modern house. He said that it is of midcentury modern house. They said that lesson is this house is almost as old lady said to me you know what that means I may just gonna take a lot of maintenance and repairs, but it happened, be that they are your phone you got testimonies like that that's what it means to be blessed. It's like everything just works okay now tell you these three things, but I got a clincher for faith as a believer is a disciple of the resurrected Christ. These are three benefits explains the Scripture to this he opens her mind so we can understand and he blesses us.

Is there anything though that believers could do to stop this flow in our lives and before you say no, your service, because Luke 24 and ask one record the ascension of products and right before he a sentence he has to again adjust the disciples ask chapter 1 verse six. Therefore, when they come together, they asked him, saying, Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel important works and he said to them, it is not for you to know times or seasons which the father has put in his own authority.

But here's what is for you to know.

You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit is come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth. These are disciples they spent 40 days.

This is the 40th day they spent 40 days with Jesus.

He has opened their understanding.

He has explained the Scripture student. He has blessed enemies, lifted his hands and blessed them and then they said Ward, are you now going to let us rule and reign again. Let us be in charge are you going are you going to build our kingdom to restore the kingdom to us is what he says no, no it is not about building your kingdom is about building my kingdom is what he said why you think I'm leaving you here. I'm about to float up in the air and not taking any of you with me you will know why because there are a whole bunch of people out there that don't know about the resurrected Christ. What you need to do is go tell them about me go tell them I died for their sins, and I rose again will be my witnesses go build my kingdom will stop the flow in your life tell you what will stop the daily manna because the water from the rock to stop what caused the rain from heaven to stop is when you start trying to build your kingdom instead of his kingdom. It all stops all thoughts there's some gonna need in these 50 days 50 days change the world or something that maybe you never noticed about the 50 days in length 24th says they returned to the 11 and ask wanted says then the 11.together and they chose another one Matthias to take Judas's place before the resurrection.

They were always referred to as the 12.

After the Holy Spirit came in at Shepherd. There always referred to as the 12, but to these 50 days the referred to as the 11 when the wife because one guy got concerned about building his kingdom and it was downhill from there. I have seen people get very good. Thank God we want to build your team will build the kingdom to go toward us to bless us and he blesses and then it becomes about the blessing instead of about being blessed and when that happens, I watch the heaven shut because I'm telling you, the reason Jesus wants to point out Scripture to you and he wants to open your understanding to the Scriptures and the reason you also question this because he wants his kingdom will we want you to take a moment to think about with pastor average and listened with the Holy Spirit saying to you if you want to connect with us or check out some of pastor average other messages visit Pastor if you haven't already, go thousand Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can be a part of your we hope you are encouraged by this message.

Next time, Pastor Robert is going to share three keys to strengthening your faith in Jesus tuning the havoc