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The Vow of Praise

Victory Tabernacle / Pastor Sam Luke
The Cross Radio
January 29, 2020 10:28 am

The Vow of Praise

Victory Tabernacle / Pastor Sam Luke

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January 29, 2020 10:28 am

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Welcoming victory to the ongoing share with you a message that I preach recently operated, it will be a blessing. More information you can always go to our or call us your church office 80478881.

Let's go to that service right now where God is moving by his spirit. 61. In verse eight ready everybody say it out loud so will I say praise unto God forever that I'm a day late perform by now. Now tell somebody about to make a vial of praise right.

You may be seated.

Everybody God bless you. I want to tell you this morning that I'm excited about this because it's going to change our lives.

David said so will I sing other words, your will is involved.

I will sing praises to God about what's going on, no matter the circumstances, no matter my situation. I praise God when things go wrong, even if I'm trying to do right out. Praise God, if I'm sick or if I'm well if I'm up or down or enter now if I'm rich or poor.

I will see praise to God. I will praise his name. I am making now.

David said so much about price. He said praises calmly for the upright, and what that means.

It looks good on Isaac on the garment of praise that would put on the garment of praise. I mean it. It's what all of the best dressed Christians are wearing praise is conflict for the upright, he said I praise the Lord in the morning is in operation at no time in operation and the sun goes down in the evening so this freaked out and then I hear single women is not that I praise God. Seven times a day and I hear him say someone will bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits were forgivable. That iniquity shall be withheld by diseases redeemed by life obstructed grandmother with lovingkindness and tender mercies to satisfy the mouth with good things so that the youth is renewed like the Eagles and someone ascetic is an old men would praise the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works of the children therefore satisfies the longing soul filled the hungry so we goodness the tape makes sacrifice, the sacrifice of Thanksgiving, and declares work with rejoicing with some 3047. I will bless the Lord all times.

Praise shall continually be in my mouth. Somebody save me so he's making this file of praise and he knew that it was sacred and he knew how powerful it would be because of some 65 and one patient praise waited for the God of Zion and under the shell. Now what about the mouth praise under the shall the valve be performed in some 35 and 28. He said my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness, and all thy praise all day long so I want you to notice that first of all, of mouth praise requires a lifestyle change.

Secondly, I want to know that a vial of praise is directed to his name. He said I will praise your name. Remember when David was confronted by Goliath. Goliath was 10 feet tall and David was a 16-year-old with a slingshot, but God made a giant slayer out of David, because he said Goliath.

I come to you in the name of the Lord to set I made up of the house before God that I would praise the name of the Lord, you know Joe and his lowest time in his life after he lost his seven sons and three daughters. He lost all of his possessions and his body was racked with pain and he was afflicted with running source from the top visit of the soul this week. He said I will glass hallelujah acres that I will bless Elohim the plural majesty. I will bless Elsa God the all sufficient God. I will bless Bill Elliott on the possessor of heaven and earth, and the one who delivers our enemies into our hands to go to said I will blast at 09. He is my master I will bless Jehovah John because he is the Lord God Almighty, who sees my needs and provides for them because that I will bless Jehovah sit good the Lord our righteousness or Jehovah Kadish, the God who sanctifies us, who sets us apart from sin, for sacred service because that will bless Jehovah nisi is our banner are sign of conquest. Our ultimate assurance of victory it goodness that I will bless Jehovah rough up because he's the Lord God Almighty, who heals us and makes our bitter experiences.

Sweet it goodness that I will bless the name of Jehovah will be our Shepherd is a leading and guiding us in paths of righteousness for his namesake said I will but let bless Jehovah some old because he is our peace, said, I will bless Jehovah some because he is the God who chooses the mom people, said I will bless the King Messiah said I will bless the wonderworker said I will bless friend of sinners moving said I will bless the light of the world said I will bless the head of the church said I will bless the coming Lord said I will bless the King of King will bless said I will bless the family only because without him there is no beginning nor misery said I will bless the rock of ages, because unless you build your experience on the rock of ages swept away with the flood of judgment at the time said, bless the bright and morning star.

I will bless those who bless us all his house and I will bless the good Shepherd is a leading mankind will bless needed to meet Jesus and Sam will bless the water and bless his name export… Leaders are salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be say three preceptor 29 wherefore God also highly exalted, and given him a name which is above every name every knee should bow things in heaven and things that Jesus Christ is Lord pricing movement rising of the rising praise is directed to Lord number three valve praise must be a consistent commitment. He said in Psalms 61 and the last part of that verse eight I made daily.

Somebody save daily made daily perform my house file is just a promise. The Nazirite required to make special master got Sampson and John the Baptist were Nazirite made a vow that Samuel would be a servant of the Lord.

David knew that his bow was sacred and he knew the importance of him and he said I am going to make a vow to praise the name of the Lord. I will do it consistently, be deliberate about price I'll do it every day and I'll be faithful to the valve that I made got to go now. Let me just take a moment here is what we do. I say we know all generalities relies so you may be the exception to the rule.

But here's what we do. Trouble comes, why did this have to make way In the 70 never heard a Christian's iPod and have bad luck I will never looking don't you just slap, talk is this gonna happen to me.

You know the Bible says life and death are in the power of the tongue, don't you know Jesus said by Ms. words you shall be justified by Ms. words you shall be can.

Don't you know Jesus said in Mark 10 that you can have what you say and what comes out of your mouth child of God will settle the score with the enemy of your soul. You need to make a valid praise today when trouble comes instead of whining and complaining to lift up your head from your shoulders, the church is an internal radio and somebody was the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus break every chain break every chain when you're going through a trial. The best way out is to praise your way out.

Stop. Stop complaining and start praising God wants God turning around somebody save me till somebody breach of better I promise day for the next 12 months to praise God for the seven things you read seven things that you have that court with all the time you reach in there you will you get your Bible with you put in there. You want to copy it down, make copies of it. It's all right. I want you to have it handy because every day, every day to praise the Lord for the seven things ready number one. Praise God for salvation.

How many of you know, hearsay, so I don't know. I don't know for sure. I think I'm saying but I don't know for sure. I don't know I'm safe. I said I wish you Jenna you will know your loss. Did you get now don't like that I get the website right now. I know I'm safe I'm covered in the blood of Jesus. The Bible says about the blood of Jesus Christ.

God son cleanses us from all sin. The Bible says that if thou shalt confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved for the heart man believe that the righteousness and with the mouth confession is made under salvation, for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Jesus and not given you eternal life. You shall never perish or sell any man pluck you out of my posted for by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast.

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us. The Bible says let the rate D say so you know your say you know you praise him everything because I'm sick you know there's some serving 70 so-called disciples dictate back in Jesus and how to go voice said week devils are subject us through thy name would be cast devils out Jesus and rejoice because demons are subject him to get through Monday. Rejoice, because your name is written in heaven. That's the reason we need to praise God. So every day, every day, every day. I will praise him for because I'm safe, if you join me praise you got probably not feel like I'm saved but I'm still sacred Sampson.

I may be going through trial, patients may be tested on.

Maybe try, but I'm still saying no matter what. Nothing can separate me from the love of God missing Christ Jesus. What the devil throws against make everything but the kitchen sink and he can even throw the kitchen sink. I'm still going to stand say say say, by the grace of God and firstly are you ready for another one. I said are you ready I'm going to thank God for the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit, folks, I can tell you something I grew up in strictly dualism we went to Pennsylvania last maybe we'll see how the Amish lip.

I said no sir, I live that way for the most part of my going life. I was like 131 lightbulb away from being Amish. Everything was wrong and you know what this is what was a contradiction while we were so afraid that we were going to off fear God we didn't understand the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit.

That's a terrible dilemma.

Did you know that's a miserable, line. When you think will I might offend God again. I don't have the power to overcome. The Bible says there's no temptation which makes trouble difficulty trial taken you but such as is common to man, but God is faithful will not allow you to be tempted or tested about what you write but when trouble also make a way to escape, that you might be able to bear the holy God's talent show Bridget. I'm embarrassed. The Bible says that when the enemy comes in we misquoted with record like this when the enemy comes in like a flood will lift up her statement is what is when the enemy comes in like the Holy Ghost will lift up a standard is not a company like a flood. So thank God for the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. He didn't jump up and leave make sense of it, but he's not temperamental Jesus in John 1412 you believe it will be the works that I do shall he do also greater works than these shall he do because like what my father what server shall ask in my name, that will I do that the father may be glorified shall ask anything in my name I will do it if you love me, keep my commandments not bring the father shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever, even the spirit of truth in the world cannot receive, because you see if they're not me but you know him for a dwelling with you, and shall be in you, you wake me up at 3 o'clock Holy Ghost to buy.

I got up this morning, 5 o'clock Lafayette faucet. This is the day that the Lord has made out.

Rejoice and be glad in it somewhere around midnight tonight till about half of the last thing I'll say is thank you Holy Ghost Holy Ghost you come in the middle of the night for a moment. And that's what we call the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. Romans a glimpse of the spirit of him to raise the price of the dead dwell in you even raise the price of the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwell with in you. So every day of your life. Thank God because your say and thank God for the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. Somebody save me. There's an excellent everyday of my life.

I want to thank God for blessing my thing at 16 and recently the Lord Jesus Christ and you and your house should be. Say hallelujah. Also, my son-in-law running around here today like he lost his mind. And I said that's old school right there.

Praise God almost took out running behind having to be remember when you have a Holy Ghost run away. Thank God I got a daughter the same sanctified fill the Holy Ghost I got a son-in-law saying sanctify fill the Holy Ghost I got a wife she's in Gatlinburg with her family. She might be watching the right now.

I doubt it, but she might be about to say hi and sort give her that Britt was to be with her family today she say sanctified, fill the Holy Ghost been a great wife of 46 years past a lot of churches don't a lot of places breaks a lot of revivals I've never gotten a body mad at me because of her. They just they just got mad at me because of the got mad at me because I hurt every place I left.

I think that she stated you people but I think God for my what I thank God for my family heritage.

We are blessed when we go out and leave the blessing out there is my checking account and my savings Lesson. I don't have a savings account you better open one. You will not been the nonvolatile glass less this thing down generation children or grandchildren, or great-grandchildren you claim family blessings when you praise God and man, are you still with somebody save me glory to God. You sound good either instrument think I told you this before I was preaching in DC and we had invited to the conference.

We invited Miss America and I cater for what her name was at that time which one it was. But this is years and years ago so Miss America said it was a ladies night and my wife was plan organ and I was supposed to be the EMC and I got up in the house was this fellow little women and most of them didn't know me and didn't know my wife and the organ was right behind me out of my peripheral vision right behind and little did I know that my wife had slipped off the organ beach and there is a black man that played the organ at the church and he was sent back to and I said folks you don't know much about me but this personal organ behind me has been my lover for 20 years will be still and know she was back there and said I want you to know where Mary is. And finally he said to explain mostly come to know the I got a plan with no man, I just want to know if you hear I still love you better pray for me. If you hear a woman. Please pray for me. If you hear it's a lie is a lie was talking about my life. Thank God for divine guidance as is led by the spirit of God. They are the sons of God the Holy Ghost were to go Holy Ghost tell you what you did you read my post I put on Facebook anybody both of you. One of you none of you posted this last after last Sunday there was a two ladies among the many that came up to our guest center and the both have similar stores. One of them said to make you know I watched your telecast for the first time today and it changed my life and I found my turtle. I found my church on this matter to my found what I'm looking next lady came up, she said.

I watched your telecast, probably watching long.but she said I decided today was a day that I was going to go find victory and I got lost and she said a policeman solemnly wandering around in circles lost and he pulled over he said can I help you, and she said yes sir. I'm so upset I want to go that Victor tabernacle and I can't find the workstation on the word is that he gave her a police escort to the front door to some, but not an accident is leading you every step you take the steps of a good five the Lord somebody save me. I was supposed to. We just started television down Alabama and it was expensive and it's like the church at Rome. We didn't have the finances but I knew this would got always been a secular chance and you felt like I would be a Christian till viscose is likely to require an assault.

Secular television is a little more expensive so we were on the Fox affiliate and this guy calls me up one day he says okay come over here my office. I want to give you something. I thought Wolf is free is from a man that's talking my language. I told Don I will go. Give me some he's rich to let know we just give me some for the church and I went over there and he said in his desk behind his desk is nice desk chair beautiful office of recent sitdown revenues and I want to do. So now I'm not call a traditional Christian but he said I want you and I like what you're doing. I like how you care about the community things you're doing to help people like you. I said well thank you very much. What I have to do patient well here this establishment I've started. It's called family bingo bingo.

We've never heard of it and he said we play bingo and what you're doing some banner that says name of your church and will play one night and all the proceeds will go to your church. I sit is also blessed to know I gotta pray about these aggravated recently.

Pray about this and how much is your budget and I told him he should have covered all for you. I said really.

I said I still gotta pray daily aggravated patient will go pray and submit back here tomorrow so I went to church and I forgot there's this place and I have family bingo and gossip. One is that I never assume what is just like families, you know it's not it's not really bad bingo is not God cannot take that money got to know so you know it got turned down I thought I'd get a second opinion. I went to my wife. I said God told me that if I would put banner up with a plate family bingo.

She said one center. I said I don't have time to go into it now, but it's okay. It's not bad can when it's good, and so put up a banner and all proceeds will go to our church and she said I would not do that if I were you got been talking her to.

So I went back the next one to sleep at all because I need that money then madly to gasket.

I went up and asset to you.

Just give me the money and I want to put the banner up. He was insulted. He said I will not say that money given to us and will look I'm take a break about God said no it's all I know. I don't why said no. Except that he's gotten him know he said no so I can take. He got so mad. He'd already written.

Check out he got Jesus including office. I'll see you again. What you do what I felt was low down as a snake daily and I went home and depressed about the low opposite. I've blown it. Now this got mad at me. Tell everybody I'm a jerk need the money, but he didn't. He didn't, you wouldn't give it to me without us, put the banner up there playing family bingo and she said what it'll be all right. We passed watching television. And here they do the perp walk with this guy is not a political and the newscaster said the family bingo parlor they have high-stakes gambling high-stakes gambling in the back room and prostitution in their selling drugs. I thought all Jesus. So glad my banner was about.

Sometimes you think got my you tell me to what you tell me not to tell me this is because God knows something you don't know if you will bring you out is never more like one everything we went we needed money, somebody say thank God for his direction and work on cheaper lines by God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ as if he has to take up the streets of gold and silver walls and the gates of pearl but he'll do it for you, let you down, turned to somebody and say I don't trust God from the time, he's got the phone overlooking talking anymore.

You resorted you enough money you need to learn that collateral to get a little willingness a good time to trust God right now because God always shows up on time. I said God always makes away when this easily. No way you started number six, thank God everyday for the promise of his return Jesus and let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me for my father's house are many mansions were not sold told you I go to prepare a place for you if I go and prepare a place for you will come again and receive you in the mind to where I am, there you make the also I want to as much as I love living down here with you. This is not seen my home. I gotta mention my name over the door indictments. Somebody said you know what I've got a lot of gold because I sold the line and they said what's in your safe and I went and bought gold.

I see that commercial because it's what's in your sake. I said I got no safe and some I said I will get gold and silver, and if I miss the rapture the antichrist could take my gold and silver all really get to gold and silver same way get everything else you will have nothing to say about Bible warns those that trust in riches.

I'm telling you folks, God will provide for you but you don't have to work with, so I so what did you give them anything to use because you got to multiply something you can multiply nothing. A million times and is still nothing. When you honor God got away. Take care, no matter what God is providing everything that I need but my God.

Paul said Lipitor, but my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ in years last thing I will praise God everyday for peace was wrong with the world peace. People are angry or frustrated or bitter or resentful they hate one another because there's no place without the Prince of peace.

Original patient but flip his forces, but my God will give to you the peace of God that transcends and supersedes human understanding and that pain that peace of God will keep your heart and mind through Jesus Christ. I'm ready are you ready to make a vow of praise, now some I sit down I don't believe in valves because it may not be able keep some bad got killed by anything on time, racial cure by Carlton.

What happens if you don't play they don't care. You do the thing will come get you car ride some you act like a bad experience and I'm hot right now but when he went down the fourth-place unit of sale card payments but I'm not going to sign that because I am not going to make a commitment. I'm not going to make anything anything on time and on washing machine run things around.

The washing machine and dryer. The vacuum cleaner by anything on time and you made a promise to sit on the now if something were to happen, something cataclysmic. You couldn't keep that promise.

They're not going to kill you, and if something were to happen. You made a mistake free. Gotta kill so God is not as righteous as God is not interested in hurting you. He wants to bless you and I'm really sick and tired of people in church act like they don't know how to make commitment, or of that when they make it all the time they make it to the businesses they make it to Ford Motor Company. They make it to their when they say got a mortgage on will pay that you do it to the bank and what comes got promised Mabel to keep it but you afforded it, don't you think it's time you grew up, don't you.don't you think it's time now because they have been in this thing all my life and I want to keep it. You are spiritually mature understand what I'm saying if you don't make about to go you are saying no to God. I would rather say yes and then say got.

I know that you helped me to do.

I'm going to make a commitment with a special prayer for you. I pray today that God will bless you and encourage you and that what you've heard today will stay with you and you will be able to walk out your thank you so much for being a part of victory today for more information. I want you to go for a website that's or call us here at 804-744-8881. Thank you for listening. God bless you and to see you next time. All victory today