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Wired: The Digital Revolution

Understanding The Times / Jan Markell
The Cross Radio
September 3, 2021 8:00 am

Wired: The Digital Revolution

Understanding The Times / Jan Markell

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September 3, 2021 8:00 am

Jan Markell talks to Nathan Jones for the hour about the connection between technology and Bible prophecy. Half the world’s population are connected. How is this setting the stage for the Antichrist and beast technology? How is it numbing the minds of people, particularly youth? Find the Lawless book in our online store.

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Understanding The Times
Jan Markell

One industry may control the future of the human race will talk about it this hour was half of all purchasing done this year will be done over a cell phone, all purchasing entertainment which keeps us addicted to our cell phones is that dopamine injection in the head and also present new culture, not merely those in insecurity, the endless tracking.

Soon the ability with facial recognition. It's all a precursor I believe to the market to be system which will control how people think in this covert lockdown is a great test run for will into understanding the times radio with Jan Markel radio for the remnant brought to you by Olive tree ministries today. Jan spends the hour with Levy evangelist Nathan Jones talking about the rise of big tech and how they may be setting the stage for scenes right out of the book of Revelation, here is today's programming.

What other devices and what is the psychological emotional toll the price that really comes with all this technology.

Let me answer your first question, by reading a quote.

The arrival of the smart phone has radically changed every aspect of teenagers lies from the nature of their social interactions to the mental health. These changes affected young people in every corner of the nation and every type a household. The trends appear among teens, both poor and rich of every ethnic background in cities and suburbs and small towns where there are cell towers are teens living in their lives and their smartphones. I went to Nicaragua Third World country and you walk by every house that big screen TV and a cell phone because the government subsidizes this is a global phenomenon and the purpose is to break down national boundaries, cultural boundaries, and create a new ethos, a new culture that is united by basically pop culture. The end result is sure of the loneliest generation arc children are so lonely there so lost in the end result answer that second question is, is there souls and welcome to the program well most of us have a love-hate relationship with technology we know it can be used for good against the gospel around the world literally to every continent with a click of a mouse. At the same time as a dark side.

It is addictive the content can be dark can even be demonic. Will my guest for the hour, Nathan Jones of landline ministries says social media saturates today's culture adults as well as youth of America and the world for that matter, have their eyes constantly on the various devices that bring them news, information, and most of all entertainment devices turn people in word fulfilling the apostle Paul's perilous times characteristic lovers of self, Nathan goes on to say they term photos taken of themselves cell fees, the minions of the antichrist spirit are enabled. He says to use the devices that have so captured the minds and hearts particularly of the youth to benefit their nefarious work in the high places they occupy, they can bend and shape opinion in concert with the leftist mainstream media. Thus, we have a nation divided but more importantly, a people even on a worldwide basis. Captive to the spirit of antichrist that wants to enslave them under the coming regime of the first beast of Revelation chapter 13 will Nathan has contributed a chapter in the new Terry James book a lawless end times war against the spirit of antichrist which we carry in his chapter is titled devices in these end of days. Reminder that this book has 17 contributors and it's available in our store in our newsletters or you can call us Nathan Jones.

Welcome back to the program affected, or the great blessing to be with you and your audience.

Listen, you love technology and utilize every aspect of it to spread the gospel.

So I think we ought to state right up front that neither you nor I are anti-technology. We recognize its dark side.

Absolutely I've been in technology for 20 years now on the Internet evangelist line ministries.

But before that I was in web development, design and digital marketing for 20 years I've been championing the cause of Internet evangelism to churches and ministries until the covert virus blot on deaf ears.

People not realizing that opportunity that the Internet provides a reaching the world gospel very passionate about that, yes, but you're right, there's actually a very dark side to it. Satan is using technology to continue to build this new tower of Babel and workhorses OneWorld kingdom.

Yes, exactly. And I want to emphasize that technology keeps us informed keeps us connected to people we care about, but it offers the clip baiters the identity thieves. The cyber bullies and what you bring out Nathan in the book and in your interviews is the young as you pointed out, and I think it's obvious to just about every listener. Younger people become detached and they live only electronically. Ultimately, your point is this is setting the stage for the antichrist and I do want to talk about that in this hour but let's just go back here for a minute to dealing with the young people because they become detached they live only electronically and you even say that some young people are on the brink of a mental health crisis because of that.

Explain what you mean there is no other generation.

In the past has been subjected to as many distractions of millennial generation leaders of today generation these in particular have lived their entire life.

Never having known that life was like before being connected 24 seven to the Internet and mobile devices.

In my research for this chapter I found Jean Twinkies is professor of psychology and San Diego State and she labeled millennial to engender these and those are people born from 1980 and afterwards as generation me or I Jan or distracted generation because they now have the devices to continually keep them distracted affect 90% of teachers that were surveyed said that it's creating a short attention span generation. They can't do their homework, they can have critical thinking skills created this terrible loneliness. I have children that are generation. These matters are born 1998 and later for them and their friends. You see, increasingly homebound jobless there dislocated their lonely there falling to lethargy, either physically weak or depressed for taking painkillers and or 35% more likely to commit suicide than previous generations in socially 44% of high school seniors as of 2015. Having been on a date before as they nurse generation gets more and more connected to their devices which supposedly connect this with other people there actually being disconnected from society is having great adverse effects on the psychology and want to build on that is to be a clip as you in an interview. Some of these young people are ending up with no social skills their only interest is devices when it comes a Bible prophecy. People tend to come to me for the technology aspect of it because I have 20 years in the field of Internet evangelism.

While is the technology side of it. Terry approach a single were all looking at different ways how Satan is trying to build this new world order. Could you approach from the technological side, particularly devices and I'll just tell you straight up front. I think that all of technology is working towards reprogramming humanity to a new ethos in a new culture which is Satan's to build this new world order. In particular, they do it through digital media, particularly the cell phone cannot tell you when Terry approach me.

I was at a restaurant I saw a family of about 20 people they had put all these chairs together every single person on the table was on their self, not a person was talking to him.

I sat there my table. I watch the meat. I do you know why they were in a restaurant together.

It's become the way the only way that Jens is Michael Jones is a talk about my children's generation is born 1998 to 2015. The millennial's are 1980 to 97 and they've grown up with technology.

They don't remember a day where they were hooked to the Internet or some way. As I began researching for this he found out that Jens is my children's generation spend 6 1/2 hours a day connected. They prefer to connect to people over social media rather than in person. So they are now isolated onto their devices. The end result is that we don't have a generation that the suicide rate has gone up 35% amongst our children studied or isolated their lonely 44% of seniors in high school now have even gone on a date they don't know how to do it.

I watch my own children struggle socially with people because I'd rather talk to people over devices and the idea goes back to the Garden of Eden.

Satan uses five-step strategy you want to distract people away from God and what was important and to to focus on self than to break people's relationships apart and then divide humanity and that's where rat but the ideas and once you divide them are easy to indoctrinate and then you build this new world order. This new culture in this new eat those Russian secular humanism and its postmodernism and that's what's controlling the new generation today. Nathan is very interesting clip that are just plain view in your chapter. You look very carefully at the smart phone just about every listener right now has a smart phone and you call it a mind altering device and I would agree with you, but every listener who has a smart phone.

They're not looking at it is some kind of a mind altering device.

It's a convenience to them. That's all they're out running around. They had to call somebody and it's a tremendous convenience over the old landline phone, which by the way, some of us still have why are you calling it a mind altering device thing always have had a strategy and as I explained in the clip. There is a five-part strategy.

You can go back to read Genesis 3 and read how Satan tempted Adam and Eve and it's fascinating because you got a goal you got a purpose and you can read about that Isaiah 14 that's were things that I will send into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will also sit on the mountain of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north and I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the most high knowing what Satan's goal is Satan's goal is to replace God and receive the worship that God has onto himself.

He try to overthrow God in heaven got sent down to earth and now confined earth. He's trying to turn mankind away from God to worship himself.

You can look at all of human history as Satan's attempt to get mankind to turn to him and worship him and he did that through this five-step strategy first distracted Adam and Eve, he said will show you not eat of every tree of the garden, and it got Eve particular who is in the conversation, or distracted with the things that they can never possess and that's one thing that the smart phone technology does is it continually distracts this extremely shows us a different look more stuff you can buy great trips. A new world that you could have, but can never really possess.

And so it keeps his focus than on her self, which is the second step and you could see the Satan in Genesis 34 so you will not surely die for God knows that day you eat of it your eyes will be open. You will be like God, knowing good from evil.

Even consider putting her focus on Adam and God became inward focused and self focused and negotiate the Apple and Adam willingly did annexes third step to break people apart break the relationship between man and woman apart break the relationship between God and man apart and even the animal kingdom animals had to be killed. So there be close for Adam and Eve in us today. So this relationship kept breaking apart.

You can see that the thing is always a divider which is his fourth step is constantly trying to keep mankind broken apart and divided in fighting, so they cannot unify and achieve the things that he wants to achieve, which again is the worship of self as final step to take all those disparaging broken conflicting relationships and then reprogram into a new eat those, a global eat those a global religion which is humanism, which we know in the tribulation will lead to eventually Satanism and set up his kingdom where he is the center of worship during the tribulation time.

Add he will achieve that another clip is in Tennessee and with the seam lease for the opening few minutes of the Lord is doing to teens and young adults.

This is simply a short clip from an online documentary called plug-in and again folks were just sending out some mornings you have kids, grandkids, whatever young people in your life. Not that adults and even senior citizens are tense technology. They are big time but it doesn't seem to be twisting the mind so much of adults as it is to young people. There is a new study affects warning of the possible deadly consequences for teens using social media.

Obviously, we know social media plays a role, but here we are in this day and time where your home is not surprising that this is occurring. I'm so glad that you brought this up and I do see a connection between teen depression and social media in my practice. Teen suicide has gone up a lot in the last 10 to 20 years it's been basically a 50% increase in females under the age of 17 and 30% increase in boys under the age of 17 society has been gradually darkened by the scheme in which everyone is under surveillance over time and everyone is under this mild version of behavior modification over time, it's me. People jittery and cranky. It's made teens especially depressed, which can be quite severe and is a point in time for people who need to heartbreak from some of these tools in the things that you will I'll the short term opening driven feedback loops that we have created our destroying how society works.

That thought process was all about how we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible in this documentary we will be exploring the hidden toxicity of social media use.

We are not to be telling you not to use social media. Also throw your smart phones away. We do want people to understand the way the algorithms and office of intelligence that you engage with when you open your smart phone and use social media affect and condition your brain on the dopamine reward system and your central nervous system and even your very perceptions of reality itself, Nathan.

The two things that jumped out at me and we've only been recording here less than 15 minutes, smart phone, and social media.

These seem to be the two instruments that control society today.

I agree with that. When fishing is when Terry came to the general editor of Melissa past me with this. When we look at technology as a whole. And so what I did is I covered six different categories of technology electrical power computers, communication, e-commerce, entertainment, security, and how they all work together and how the ultimate combination and collect a cross roads or the center of a spiderweb is the smart phone the smart phone is the hub of it for us. I don't think it hard for anybody to deny that when they go outside and they watch people walking up and down the glue to their smart phone. They're addicted to it and it's a scary thing limited animated YouTube video recently and it showed all these people like zombies walk around her cell phone. The people were dying and get robbed.

The only interest the people had with the take the pictures of it. Put it on their Facebook page and move on and we read how the end times that society, the love of most will grow cold. I was at an airport once and I had a layover and there's a young woman sit next to me and she spent the entire time dumping herself and taking self events. She was totally 100% absorbed in herself, the Bible calls us to be right. The Bible called the to love God and love others to be self less so. This is Satan's way he makes his focus on ourselves and not self focused, then separate the people around us and as amplified by the smartphone she just joined me and talking for the hourlies needs in June, season Internet evangelist with landline ministries.

You can learn more in Christ in Christ in Nathan has contributed a chapter to the book Lawless the end times war against the spirit of antichrist which has 17 contributors Terry James, editor. You can find it in my online store olive tree olive tree and my newsletters, print any give my office call will get a book out to you as quickly as possible. And Nathan, you bring out the fact that 4 1/2 billion people on an electronic device that's literally half the world's population. The average Internet user expense 6 1/2 hours online daily. The smart phone user almost 4 hours daily and as you say this is today's Tower of Babel. Once you explain what you mean by that of the Tower of Babel was mankind's attempt to disobey God. God had ordered humanity after the flood to go out and be fruitful and settle the world and mankind said, now working to build a city were to build a tower. Morgan declared that where our own God, mankind and Satan are two different we have the same lot ambitions and greed and self focus, but we're trying attempt in some respect with saying that humanism is basically the worship of humanity in the worship of self and humanity is doing the thinking. Satan's warning for himself. He wants the world to worship him. So what is this type of technology provides and provides a great means by which we become the center of our own world.

We become the focus go to grocery store and see the children trailing the mother and she's on her cell phone and they don't even exist or restaurant ivory family members on their own phone the whole world revolves around you when you get into your own little world in your own little bubble on the smartphone.

Like you said earlier Jan, I'm not against technology all America, love it. I you as it to share the gospel.

But this dark side of it. Satan has a purpose for them and we've already identify Satan's goal, which is the usurping of God's rule over the entire earth in the theft of mankind worship of men forgot alone. We learn that Satan's five-part strategy entails ending with the new world order controlled by a global government force religion and the means by which our enemy will implement this new world order that the one he so long desired to delimit proverbial Tower of Babel is by creating a new religion, something that connects people and what connects the world is through these various technologies. I covered six categories in the book it creates this new pop culture a shared identity that transcends borders to transcend your and it also gives him a new religion which is humanism there worship of self and reading a paragraph here from your chapter, we can as seen in the seam here cell phones and some other devices.

Hearing you say and is home security systems and home devices become more smart and interconnected to the Internet of things with the master controller being the smart phone the threat grows of a shady outside entity being able to gain control and monitor our homes over our very own security system then you say, for instance, Amazon's ring doorbell camera system was discovered being monitored by company engineers over unencrypted live video feeds you say Amazon even wants to tie it to ring doorbell's into facial recognition and has allowed police forces to use these home cameras as part of their surveillance network and then you conclude the very home security devices that keep the robbers out also keep homeowners in a monitored prison of their own making. That is brilliant and so true. It is what we think is pretty. Oh, I get free YouTube videos I get free email it the enticement is free to keep us connected to it, but there's a huge price. We need to pay for one know that your cell phone is connected to a global positioning system. The GPS the Lord your cell phone is either tied to satellite-based radio navigation or tower paying tied to cell tower location even turned off your cell phone keeps track and a record of everywhere.

You have been for this free stuff this entertainment we get on our device. We've given up the freedom of being anonymous. Where were at two and this is like that movie minority report with Tom Cruise is generally a time and I think were living in it now where everywhere you go. You're being monitored are being tracked. The purpose they say is well taken. Give you advertisements or to tailor the Internet field who we are, likes and dislikes, but we've seen already, China crate, which I believe Jan is the closest thing to the market would be a system that we have the side of the tribulation is China's social credit score, China has millions of cameras in all their major cities watching and tracking people in a computer algorithm then rates this person based on their actions and decide whether the more loyal or less loyal to the government. It then gives him a rating and then you get freedoms and rights based on your credit scores if you're very loyal to the communist government then you can travel all you want and you go. These restaurant, but if you're not like Chinese journalists find out that they get a negative report and they are restricted in travel and restricted in money and even in the United States were seen that big tech companies without even asking us already begin to start implementing something like this in a way that we are being evaluated based on our belief in systems and shut out of the public conversation whether they agree with us or not this will be on a global scale. At some point to play little clip backing up what you're saying here that you see in your social media feed are specifically targeted to you.

It sounds like the app is listening to your conversation. I know it's happened to Katie on Instagram*you know my friend and I were talking about a specific cruise that she was not just a few minutes later for that specific crew is popped up into my Instagram feet and wonder if they're not listening happened Parton is my wife's grandmother's maiden name you LTD photojournalist Adam Kovacs and his wife named their new Martin. Like most new parents. They post pictures of her precious little things on social media saw something strange online while my wife just tell me the phone which was her Facebook feeds and she told me the story of how calls Martin Martin so is always a heart how are you we love you hearts and then she started getting some ads on Facebook with abandon Martin's heart.

I also couldn't even tell you what they say, like a similar anecdote in the many gaps are listening in on the nations, even members of Congress. Question Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about it you're talking about this conspiracy theory that gets passed around that we listen to what's going on in your microphone and you will get. I wanted to test it out so we started with Instagram with my Instagram absolutely on my phone. Charisse and I started talking about all kinds of stocks telling their trap when you go think we did brunch at my air B&B that rented and it was actually Gordon, Sammy, I have not searched air B&B on my phone. I don't have the only took 20 minutes into our conversation. For this to happen.

There's an ad for everyday needs and have actually covered this topic on here a few times Billy Krohn Eric Burger have talked about this tracking. I think the average listener if they didn't give those programs.

They have no idea what a victim. They are when it comes to tracking your docketing of active security technology we have today is really Orwellian. Now is the constant monitoring big cameras and microphones smart assistant I get a friend of mine who got Google home Google home is always there ready listening, waiting for a command.

A Google do this that Google even manages your finances that controlled her thermostat mafic in 2014, Amazon availed the echo speaker, which features Alexa you know if it's voice activated virtual assistant. They hired armies. The low-paid Amazon employees to listen in and transcribe people conversation and gleaning very personal information from that.

In my research for this book, I found many different examples of companies who on the surface like that Zuckerberg clip said Nana were not doing it. Oh yes they are. They are very much listening to you because that's what the thing does it's meant to listen to your voice command but it's not just stop listening.

As soon as you stop. Given the command it's picking up information. I developed primarily to sell you products against his purpose that be fine if the data disappeared afterwards but it doesn't strain huge data centers been built all over to store the history of all your data is being used against people that TV show the flash one of those superhero TV shows they fired one of their actors for a tweet he said when he was 12 years old talking to Nathan Jones for the hour. You can reach in the Christ in is a part of Dave Reagan's landline ministries and Internet evangelist. Yep, you heard that right in the 21st century. We need Internet evangelist because there is a bright side to technology and that is against the gospel around the world in a heartbeat. That is what Nathan does on a full-time job. But here's where I can want to go yet cashless is coming a cashless society you say Nathan, you say that all of this and we've kind of already made some implications here that all of this is setting the stage for the antichrist and we need to explain just how and again just because somebody's using technology smart phone on social media and clearly social media has revolutionized the world for good and for bad.

It certainly keeping people connected.

That's usually a good thing.

But how in the world are all these things, setting the stage for the antichrist. What about E marketing boy about places like Amazon do now that the top 100 online marketplace outfits in 2019 sold not get this.

A total of $203 trillion in product that's online. You wonder why brick-and-mortar stores are sating theory 20th-century phenomenon.

Certainly not 21st-century because all about. Were talking about came along here in the last 15 to 20 years and bumped everything else the shopping mall and more into ancient history. When you tag that some of these things. What I'm really interested in is how all of this would play into Bible prophecy and will talk more about that in just a minute, so don't go away were coming right back love for employee feedback. Write us through our website. Follow three views.O RG's follow-through reviews for coal is central time is seven 655-4444 763-559-4444 get our mail.

Would you write to John Markel the olive tree ministries.

Box 1452, Grove, MN 55311, Box 1452, Maple Grove, MN 55311.

All gifts are tax-deductible in this age of uncertainty false teaching and faith views. We are so thankful you trust, understanding the time.

Just a reminder folks that next weekend is the behold he comes West Coast prophecy conference at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, California date is Saturday, September 11.

You can live stream the conference and have access to messages postconference for just five dollars visit, behold, he behold, he comes down to work. Speakers include Pastor Jackie and pastor Barry Stagner Amir Sarah Fadi and I'll be there as well will talk about the crazy happenings in our world today from a biblical perspective.

The events of the day really do make sense if you see them through the lens of the Bible. The event will be live stream Pacific Tynan begins at 9 AM go to behold he next Saturday, September 11. While that day lives in infamy to many Americans. We want to use the data glorify God and remind you that Jesus is coming soon. What happens when the electrical grid size that you are spiritually.

We need to check your power off.

This is the type of stuff to read how Satan is working all of this economies up to the one world economic which can read about in Revelation 13. You cannot buy or sell unless you take his market identity is loyalty. At the end goal of overseeing know you lead busy lives and can always be via radio. Remember that all programming of both its audio and video format.

This posted to our website. Follow three views.O RG's follow-through reviews for video format is also posted to our YouTube channel and also his channel Christian television. We are thankful for our 900 loyal radio station and listeners who have supported understanding the signs, radio over 20 years is the conclusion of today's program goes to work. 1990.

Much of what he needs to get through the day right there, just below the surface with the ship to gain entry to the building in various just being myself and microchip serve cheese his ID and his bawling landline 55 right lines at right right this ship Sweden microchip already here, which is made pretty much obsolete. Sweden welcomed that quite frankly caches can be obsolete everywhere within a year or two.

I maintain everything will go digital. You can't do commerce electronically are certainly and at that the credit card depriving I can be able to do commerce so it's just kind of the new 21st-century. My guess Nathan Jones says tech companies control the future of the human race.

And that's what we are talking about for the hour because he's written a chapter in the book Lawless end times war against the spirit of antichrist which we carry in our online store and olive tree views as an viewpoint and his chapter is about technology and how it's being used well for good and for evil.

Both of us are pro-technology, but we do recognize that it has yet guess you could call it a dark side. Now you may be asking about olive tree, what kind of technology are you folks into. We remain on Facebook for now, but maybe not forever because of their marginalization of Christians and conservatives were also on Instagram on gab on YouTube and rumble Nathan. This is not covered in your chapter but your thoughts on the effort of big tech to silence conservatives and Christians and now with an administration that's not friendly to conservatives and Christians where you think the big tech silencing of us is going only know exactly where it's going. It's going to become like the country of China. The whole world is going in that direction.

Where you have a one-party government controlled all thought all discussion in advance whatever, it doesn't like and it persecutes those it finds inconvenient like the Christians and the Muslims in the country that is exactly what the antichrist kingdom associate like as well. A one-party one world ruler who controlled all the conversation and it's got a be about him in the end it's interesting to see the vision being in some of these others, like the miracle in all soon as they are elected to a position and then elected for life like then you've got the idea that they need to be worshiped. The ghost just like Satan. So that's where I believe it's going. I don't think big tech is the controllers of the world, but they are pawns for same. Part of this whole discussion here that things using technology to build a one world culture in a one world religion and technology is convenient because you can flip people like switches often on and world dependent on before the break. You'd mentioned about e-commerce. How simple would be if you have a cashless society to shut off people's money.

I have seen more stories just in the last few months, fellow ministries, getting there banks and PayPal shutting them off is because they don't agree with them ideologically, like, well, okay, you could lose social media. You can survive that. Have your banking system. What happens when the electrical grid decides that you are at conspiracy theorists. We need to shut your power off. This is the type of stuff you read how Satan is working all of this economy. Up to this one world economic system which can read about in Revelation 13. You cannot buy or sell unless you take his market identity is loyalty that the end goal of overseeing to because you say this is setting the stage for the antichrist and I think you just summed it up there in the paragraphs unless you want to embellish that at all. My goodness cashless society.

The surveillance society surveillance alone is just staggering and people have no idea you can turn your cell phone off you can do all sorts of things. Thinking that you're shutting it down and is still tracking you and we dealt with that in the first half of the program. People have no idea of some of the dark things that some of this technology can do all absolutely in the six categories of technology. I covered that.

Then intersect into the smartphone. I began with electrical power in your life and that we haven't really had electrical power and less than 200 years. In 1831. Michael Faraday.

He created electric dynamo in $1800 under Volta made the voltaic pile and eventually we started being not just have networks of power but portable power, battery-powered Pres. Biden said he wants to turn the entire federal fleet of vehicles to electric power will have you shut off people's ability to travel if you want, you give them electric cars in their self driving for all these freedoms and conveniences. There is a huge price to be paid then went into the second category about computers and the relief of the 1944 that the Abacus was the only computer the world new now as of 2020.

Last year the average person's own 6.58 computer devices, adding up to nearly 50 billion devices operating world wide. I was at a conference last year in Las Vegas and the whole discussion was where is artificial intelligence going. Billy Crone does an excellent fence on that we talked about it in depth and he's been on Christ prophecy about it. He was telling us about how the system out.

Not that the game sentience but the ideas that they control everything from behind the scenes to leverage this point called the singularity is a moment when civilization changes so much of its rules and technologies are incomprehensible to previous generation is called a point of no return and history. Then we've got communication that we only have the Internet really since the 1960s and the people using Internet since 1991. Now we have 4.54 billion of the 7.77 billion people. The world are connected and of those 4.18 billion of them utilize mobile devices when you said generally that were building a tower of Babel. We are, and the next phase of the Internet is called the Internet of things. Every single device you own will be connected to the Internet.

Your refrigerator will tell you when you're out of yogurt. Your car will call your cell phone and let you know what hires low everything that you own will be connected to the Internet and give you conveniences but at the same time also watch you like a bird in the case Jan the voting machine may be tied to the Internet as well, which does not bode well for future elections.

Going back to e-commerce here just a moment, because let's face it, the richest man in the world just diesels because of his e-commerce brilliance. Again, malls are closing around the world that gave the figure of $203 trillion sold in 2019 and online marketing. Probably the biggest change in my lifetime is to see shopping malls close and never thought I'd see the day.

I love to watch the YouTube channel: retail archaeology is a gentleman who goes into malls that are abandoned and it's like ghost town without growing up in the 80s and out of the thing. The goat you went to the mall and I dated about 3000 moles now under 1201 COBIT Hitler talking about maybe 800 malls, closing obviously demographic shift. The malls get dirty and old, but for the most part it's a move to online shopping affect the Internet really in the 90s didn't take off until able to make online shopping and e-commerce.

A reality protected with secure socket layer and what is created in the seismic shift in commerce that is transform the world in the last few years. Princeton's gender very familiar electronic fund.

These new currencies called bitcoin or crypto currencies. This idea that we need to get away from the dollar and moved electronic I do carry cash in my wallet but I use a credit card for every transaction imaginable. We been using all this money and yet at the same time were hearing the same companies we thought were apolitical like banks and PayPal another's turn around and decide well.

We don't like what you're saying were gonna cut you off American family Association got set off from their bank. I've known a few ministers get cut off by PayPal to move to a totally cashless society. It is moving in that direction.

Matter affected 2023.

Sweden is going to try to run all cashless.

Maybe this COBIT epidemic will speed that along and we had queen shortages. This year the whole world now thinks money is dirty and should be handed around. I think were seeing a huge push to get to a cashless society and away from a paper money society when all your money is virtual, that all the takes of the bank or government decide I don't agree with you have no access to more you're listening to understanding the time to radio. I have online from Texas, Nathan Jones. He is interestingly enough, the Internet evangelist with landline ministry.

You can learn more Christ in writes in Dave Reagan's wonderful ministry there out of Dallas Texas. We are talking about technology because Nathan is contributed a chapter in lawless end times war against the spirit of antichrist.

I have a chapter in here as well. Terry James's general editor. There are 17 contributors to the book. You can find it in my store, and olive trees use down to work by the contributors Wilford Han Damon deck Nathan Ryan Peterson tied Strindberg Jonathan Brinton or Pete Garcia like Chandra and Tom Hughes Jim Fletcher Dave Ragan and others have contributed to this outstanding resource on documenting the tide of our times lawless in times war against the spirit of antichrist were playing off of Nathan Jones chapter on technology in Nathan.

I don't quite want to let the hour get away without continuing for just another minute or two on social media because there are 3.8 billion users of social media which that is staggering.

Almost 4 billion end of the world's population is 7.7 billion and half of them on social media when play one more clip here in the program. This is kind of going back to some things we talked about in part one about the addiction of all that we are talking about and I don't think we can stress that enough. Those of you have young people who are glued to their devices.

It's because of the addictive nature of all of this and then we have the stalking side of all of this. If you think this is all harmless. You are oh so wrong. We now know that many of the major social media companies hire individuals call attention.

Engineers borrow principles from Las Vegas casino gambling among other places to try to make these products as that is the desired use case these products is that you use in a fashion that maximizes profit that can be extracted from your attention literally is a point now where I think we have created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society that is truly where we are going to technologist during the Americans. It is that these companies offer you shiny treats in exchange for minutes of your attention and bites of your personal which can then be packaged up and sold what happened is that the attention economy in his race for attention competitive and got to get people's attention on his website or the need to design more manipulative ways of pulling on his being program social media tools are designed to be the actual design desired these tools is fragmentary attention as much as possible throughout the growing amount of research which tells that you spend large portions of your day in a state of fragmented attention to large portions of your day. We are constantly bringing her to the quick glance to just check with this can permanently reduce your capacity for. I'm especially worried about this.

We look at the younger generation coming up which is set for this technology is very slow machine will be in you never know which will reward us in addictive behavior and it don't mean that is driving that addiction.

So what happens social media is Robert Sapolsky to the foundational research on this stamper because of the magic made when human look at your phone and maybe there's a text there.

Maybe there's not don't know when it shows up that I get that still means the magic made maybe to be that maybe it was when it shows up 400% spike in dopamine that is roughly same on dopamine as you're getting from cocaine slightly less extremely addictive drug like cocaine and that was how we really care what other people think of us.

So for example when you upload a new profile photo yourself on Facebook.

That's a moment where our mind is very vulnerable to doing what other people think of my new profile photo and so we get new likes on a profile for Facebook. Knowing this could actually message me and say all you have new likes on your profile photo.

It knows it will be vulnerable to that moment because we all really care about will retag at a photo or when in the things that they control the dial to technology companies control the dial for when and how long your profile photo shows up on other people's so they can orchestrate it so that other people more often end up liking your profile photo over a delayed period of time. For example, so that you end up having more frequently come back and see what the new likes are literally arranging a social media. The challenges with these terms and Facebook depression. This is socially depression is worse. Everyone's looking at their feet and are comparing their lives are highlights of other people's lives.

And there's actually less life satisfaction send and it's interesting because if you think about things that routinely produce a lot of dopamine alcohol.

For example, there's a drinking right we have a drinking alcohol releases a whole lot dopamine makes you feel really really good. We say okay you can have that you got a way that be 21 years old.

We don't do that with social media work essentially putting highly addictive drawings into the hands of kids before they had any national defense and what you're seeing with Internet addiction was social media did the same thing over and over people trying to change their state of consciousness with a device trying to get at the underlying neurochemistry, and it's very very Nathan Jones. These are tech giants talking these were intensive Instagram, you name it that were talking in that clip catch my breath correct that. That reminds me so much to have a Netflix account. I highly recommend a program social dilemma. The documentary from former big tech people who started social media and under no longer in it and realize what a monitoring made and what really caught me is one line is that you think that they're selling advertising to the user that not there selling your attention to the advertiser. You're the commodity not the commodity being sold to you Teijin that it blew my mind. We are like the matrix were plugged in, where the batteries running the matrix were not the ones living in the matrix social media users almost 4 billion people start Into some the things that were talking about here.

I'm going back to the chapter in your book. Talking to Nathan Jones landline ministries Christ in in the book is in my online store you and call my office. It's in our printed e-news letter going back to the issue of entertainment extend this is so important here for the 21st-century and all the things being tapped into YouTube to billion users of YouTube. I use it every day. As a matter fact I can be on it but just two hours a day. It's an 80 different languages.

It's owned by Google. Of course we post our radio programs to YouTube folks. It's a more visual form all the videos were playing we show you is posted to our website under radio and the video form so if you'd like to see you remember a whole lot more if you see some the things we show you but Nathan let's just jump here for a man I just referenced YouTube what about Netflix, what about Hulu HBO Disney plus Amazon prime.

I could go on and on AppleTV Roku. None of these existed 20 years ago did they even exist 12 to 15 years ago Netflix did. But some of these are brand-new that's true 65% of people are visual learners. Yes, they connect, they learn by seeing that led media culture expert Dave Turner to say film supplies more widespread cultural references than any other art form and movies provide a shared reference point film to move it provide an unparalleled opportunity to connect to an increasingly visually driven story and culture and then shape it to the storyteller's point of view in my fifth category of technologies we covered electric computers dictation e-commerce and security but entertainment is what you said earlier Jan was perfect. It's the glue that keeps you connected to give you that jolt so we got was called short form video which is YouTube more accessible, easy to make and long term, which is your traditional movies and documentaries and TV shows. Also under entertainment as gaming and social media select with YouTube here only been around since 2005, so this rural reach 16 years that's always been on 79% of Internet users have YouTube channels and 90% of US Internet users ages 18 to 44 access YouTube. I went to a webinar this week to see what the future of television. The movie since our ministries and television and it's going to serialize short television series like Amanda Lori movies might soon become a thing of the past because the movies are ending and the going online in the going streaming part of that isolation thing you're not going to a group experience with hundreds of people in on your home with yourself or maybe a few people are on your cell phone which 50% of people are watching their video over cell phone really. Yes, you take it with you and so this is what YouTube is doing.

It's amazing that 720,000 hours of video is uploaded every day to YouTube. That's equal to 29.15 PB of monthly traffic coming from video you realize when you see the statistics that people are connected to YouTube like there's no other increasingly connecting to their television and movies through these online streaming platforms, crackle and Netflix.

Now Disney plus and stuff like that.

If the glue that keeps us connected to our cell phone. If you're not getting your dopamine kicked out of your social media then owe a lot of my watch YouTube video you don't see the world around you anymore, and again you're trapped in your own little world and your sharing that unified culture that's where we get back to the stand the idea of having this online media is to develop a new culture and a new eat those and that new culture new eat those is pop culture and humanism. And that's exactly what YouTube is basically the pulpit of that religion. Let's spend just a minute. I played the clip from Sweden and you did references and that is Sweden's heading. Like you said by 2023 possibly sooner, to cashless society.

Frankly, I think America could be cashless easily by 2023. That's a whole new way of living. Going to have to order digitally online PayPal all the various ways you can have to be ordering product again. We get back to brick-and-mortar going away, but cashless. I know the Bible talks about Revelation 13 talks about it. We know it's in the future. It just seems like it's coming like a freight train adolescent course, what were saying here in this hour Nathan and you stated bluntly in the chapter you've written all of this is setting the stage for the antichrist for the one world system for the one world religion for a cashless society. We know the rapture of the church to be today. We don't know the day of the hour will be nowhere in the season. Getting your thoughts on this freight train coming at us were roaring. This cashless society overlooking the end of the transition of our society away from historical modernist logic-based thinking to a postmodernist relevant feeling based post-Christian era might affect evangelism expert Rick Richardson describes the character of his brave new postmodern culture is this is a new culture that were coming here that people of their own gods that they engage in identity politics, the rampantly distrustful of authority they hold a general belief that love rules they've an overt fear of the patriarchy. They readily discard whatever came before and they tend to view Christians as self-serving. This is things new at those carefully indoctrinating the methods worldwide by never present ever watching smart phone and thus were creating the new global culture. If you want to sum it up, it's a pro-humanist anti-Christian having a form of godliness but denying its power ended a culture, just as Paul warned Timothy in second Timothy 310. I don't think it's a matter of is coming down the line.

It's now the cashless part.

I've read that the Fed wants to release its own currency, called the fathead and can place the dollar. That is one of the final component driverless cars.

The one people on the cell phone for not driving the computers control your car. You're not again and again we give up our freedoms for conveniences. People who give up freedoms are slaves and that's with the antichrist is working to coding you hear technology companies control the future of the human race. And I totally agree with you. We don't want to make that kind of a statement to scare people. That's not the purpose of this hour at all. The purpose of this hours to get people aware not to scare but wanted to spend a minute on strong statement to companies control the future of the human race.

Why think the tech companies tried to prove that by banning Donald Trump off all the social media also economic platforms like Amazon off of search engineering 92% of all searches are done through Google. 92. That's monopoly we hear countries around the world like Mexico and EU stain if they were to bring antitrust against these monopolies that they've lost. If you can take down the most powerful man in the world present United States. The new proven, you've won the war and you're ready to bow your knee to whoever that one world future ruler is I don't think that Jeff basis is to be the antichrist don't give our marriage clearly a political figure with a tool to help support that money back up to what you said we have been making us aware of the negative side, but the positive side, and this is why I've been teaching and preaching the Internet evangelism 20 years of wonderful site. No time in human history has God given us the ability to share the gospel worldwide. Sure, restart your road to freedom for the ability to share it. But God wants us to share the gospel. I minister to people around the world all day long without ever leaving Dallas. It's a wonderful, wonderful thing absolutely awful with Muslims you share them over the radio way the Lord is giving us this tool to double-edged sword. We use the good side of it to share the gospel and get it out in the short time the Lord has when the church's rapture to way then that's when it's only to be one sided sword and it'll come down on people and restrict them. But for now it's a two edge sword. The Lord given us time to use it so we can all be Internet evangelist very well stated needs and I think that's the upside is this hour we talked about some grim statistics here in all and we've talked about the addiction to all of this type of the tracking.

Some of that's very, very negative, as given statistics. Billions of people are tapped into technology billions folks at spellings of the B is hacks. The world is tied in to the things that were talking about you wonder Nathan just who isn't tied into technology. I can imagine you've got some fairly remote jungle dwellers and that got a cell phone for Pete's sake all yes there floating balloons around their cell phone connectivity in the jungle like you said just eight years ago I was down in Nicaragua. Everyone has a big TV and a cell phone which the government subsidizes that the opiate of the masses were well connected in the beginning my chapter. We talked about the depression and addictions that are you third having the social media. One commentator said that this isn't just a localized Western phenomenon.

This is a global phenomenon.

Children, young adults, even our age all around the world are being addicted to their cell phones. The purpose of that reeducation and moving towards a global government now with all the connectivity we can also share the gospel with people who we wouldn't have to list.

We got on the boat and went overseas. It's a fascinating time to live and dangerous but also exciting and I think it's a sign of the end times of Jesus Christ is coming soon. Connect with he consigned the book the lawless end times war against the spirit of antichrist find in my story. Give us a call. You can find it in my print and E newsletter and Nathan, thank you for your contribution and thank you for all you do in your online outreach and on Christ in prophecy TV, which I watch and love just go out of the program here with a sentence or two because the emphasis of this hour was not so much to focus on tools of the antichrist as it was to remind you that his kingdom has major players and they are the primary movers and shakers of our generation and let's make the best use out of today's technology by using it to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

While we have the freedom to do so. Those freedoms are vanishing, they could be completely gone in the year two tragic to say but I think it's reality. The Bible says now is the day of salvation. The Bible says that you and I are Occupied until he comes to occupied by spreading the good news that Jesus Christ came to live and die so that mankind might have eternal life.

I thank you for listening and will talk to you again next week right us through our website.

All of tree that's all Oaktree views or call a simple time. 763-559-4444 763-5594 your mail when you write to John Markel and all Oaktree ministries Box 1452, Maple Grove, MN 55311 Xbox 1452 Maple Grove, MN 55311. All gifts are tax-deductible for support is just as essential to us as his financial support. Looking back, our times been troubling for over a year. Just remember that God knew everything would happen for the beginning of time remains in total control and everything useful looks