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Pastor Grant Castleberry

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Cross Radio
September 14, 2022 7:00 pm

Pastor Grant Castleberry

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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September 14, 2022 7:00 pm

Stu interviews Pastor Grant Castleberry from Capital Community Church. Listen as they sip pumpkin spiced lattes and share a story that starts with death and leads to love and salvation.

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This is Rodney from the masculine journey podcast. We explored manhood within Jesus Christ your chosen Truth Network podcast starting in just a few seconds. Sit back and enjoy it, share it, most of all, thank you for listening and choosing The Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network spice latte in hand, hot chocolate, particularly in front of me and the pastor to my right, who is about to do something historic.

The first time today. I had no idea this was the day Pastor Grant Castleberry your radio show washes in Raleigh, North Carolina which is a triangle area. For those of you who are outside of North Carolina. God bless you. We love our country. There's other special happening in Raleigh and it 230, which is in our family were recording to be on and I believe the show is called unashamed truth. Welcome to the regulators rather man. I am honestly just excited and humbled for this opportunity. Stages.

Thank you and just honestly this can be happier and just want to really lift up a God centered approach to Christianity and really reorient people to the fact of God's honoring God's glories. That's really the theme of the show and there's a nice ambience noise around our lattes and our hot coffee's and Marguerite are our Raleigh Truth Network surrogate here great man of God he is. He's excited have a hot chocolate. Mark isn't it awesome to work with golly pastor Sony got a pastors that are still preaching God's word. They haven't found their need a bail yet unashamedly claim the truth will excited to have a pastor Castleberry on the air with a sweet, and our goal is to spread the gospel of Christ, and to help build his kingdom and please give pastor Castleberry a listen. I think you'll enjoy his message and we just blessed to have you with us. Best pastor.

I am also having my first pumpkin spice left of the season and you are having your on the radio for the first time today and I want to talk to you about maybe a little bit about your testimony.

Quite a story. Your Marine train theologian that wasn't the direction you are going you been on all kinds of podcast fascia church here capital community church. I think you live in Raleigh but tell us about who is Grant Castleberry tell us about your journey to come to know Christ and the where you are today welcomed by my story is obviously marked by the Lord in his providence just like all of ours is but I especially saw the providence of God. Early on in my life. My father, I should say my first father was killed in a Marine Corps plane crash when I was two years old and actually never felt his body. They did a massive search and rescue operation, never, never found him they found his is a fighter pilot helmet which in Ephesians chapter 6 is the is the helmet of salvation, which in God's providence was almost like a message to my mom and myself that that my father was in heaven with the Lord God use that event in my life. My father's death to save me because I started asking all these questions as a kid know where is my dad. Where is he now. Okay he believed in the Lord.

He's in heaven so gave an opportunity for my mom and in Sunday school teachers bring the gospel to me at an early age and and I really legitimately trusted Christ as as a young man and then later on the Lord use my father's death. Also, to lead me to my wife because I went back for the first time to visit my father's memorial marker in South Carolina. And that's when I met my wife. So if I give my father hadn't died in while he was stationed in South Carolina, we probably would've never gone back would've never met my wife use my father's death bring about the two most important events of my life which is my salvation, and meeting my wife sell pretty cool to see how God really does take things that are tragic and devastating for the believer, for your good something else and indeed grub in Texas going to a secular college, you know, being involved in Intel's little bit about that dress so you know you say secular, I went to Texas A&M which is basically almost a Christian college, the bonfires write the famous of the Aggies right so I went to Texas A&M and is at a great variance there. I was actually Aggie yell leader on the few knew this about me. So A&M has never had cheerleaders they've always had yell leaders does it start as an all-male military school and basically the every year that student body elects three seniors and two juniors that are men that are guys took the lead as yell leaders and basically they they do a big event before every home football game, midnight yell practice in the yell leaders lead 40 50,000 students at midnight that show up the night before the game and go through all the yells and basically thought talking smack about the other team never plan the next day a lot of fun. So I did that two years at A&M and then went into the Marine Corps and I when the Marine Corps knowing that God had already called me to ministry, but I received some great advice before I before I went in because I was really struggling okay with God's will. I go straight in the ministry are to go to the Marine Corps. This was when we were over in Afghanistan and Iraq and and I was talking to a guy I said that at the Masters seminary in In re marriage or he was like do both.

He said going Marine Corps and then go to seminary and it was really really good advice and and and part of his rationale for that was the Lord's can teach you a lot about leadership a lot about evangelism and in and different climate is in teaching you about the world and you get to be so much better equipped and prepared for ministry itself that that was really my journey as I went into the Marine Corps, knowing I was in a do pastoral ministry after the fact but I really saw my time in the Marine Corps as a missionary opportunity to learn leadership but also to evangelize rich memories for Christ will I tell you, the juvenile, a coffee shop here in North Raleigh Northville shopping center is a lot safer now that we've established that this man is a Marine Mark week and we can enjoy our copy know in a week to get a guy with a you know a deadly hands is but but he loves Jesus and now you're pastoring here in Raleigh we got this new radio show launching with just an honor just how God would bring us together at this moment here.

It wasn't very well-planned and I'm not a very quick plan as I get is a good planner think it is you connect to God and you said that you are connected to an amazing planner, but faster what is your passion for talk about your passion for God's word. Your passion for the local church, a passion for making disciples wise and so important. We have really a famine in the land like ice to start preaching without starting work talk about that in many challenger listeners and a little bit. Well I think God said you it's a dark day in our country and your you're seeing that everywhere you look, but I'm also encouraged because I see God at work and and I personally have experienced God's work in my life and I think one of the primary ways that God works in in the lives of believers in the Breen loss people. Salvation is through the preaching of the word of God and God's word. God promises promises never returns void its living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and so when I preach the word of God. I am approaching that moment of preaching and faith that God the Holy Spirit is going to use the word as is proclaimed to change the lives of my hearers. My confidence is in and myself, my confidence is in the ministry of the Holy Spirit that he is going to use the word, and so that's why the confidence that when I preach the word of God. It will change lives.

It will save people and people will encounter God. So there's that expectation and I think a lot of Christians need to approach their church.

With that expectation that when they're going to church to hear the sermon they're going to ask variance in encounter with God himself in the word, because that word is that it is not a dead word. It's a living way and that's the uniqueness of bot of the Bible is wife unlike any other book. It's a living book is God's book match the voice of passerine Casselberry, pastors, preachers, little noises were in a big coffee shop in Raleigh having pumpkin spice latte's and existent and spice latte's on having black coffee is behaving like a Marine should write these committees preaching the word of God from the pulpit of capital, community, church and aces in our interview him and as the Lord would have it at the time of this recording were just about 1/2 hour before show lunchtime or so, maybe 45 minutes. I guess right to 230 Eastern time. You can listen to him on obviously from his his church's website is Google Features are all you can also listen in.

If you're the Raleigh Triangle area, Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Durham.

This whole quarter wake forest area you listen to them on the Truth Network's Triangle station are great affiliates of the show to talk. You can go to the Truth Network app and you can pull up the triangle and every day at 230 can hear him right then and there and I'm sure the shows, and he made into a podcast is to be looking can can download that would look, congratulations on the launch pastor and your testimony is remarkable. The impact of losing your dad at a young age. In this bizarre airplane crash you followed in his footsteps. Marine now you're a pastor of a church. How is the the legacy of your dad you senses living on or impacting you today's message looking you have small children. In order for wife your your family talk about that as we wrap up.

I think from a man you know you you train your kids. You you disciple your kids all that's important that I think just as important is your legacy and for me I didn't get that experience with my dad. Of of the raising the Dean of the learning of deviance with them because that crash happened when I was to but what my father did give me was a Christian legacy and that is just been massively impactful in my life it and after he died, my mom remarried another godly man and my grandfather. His might. My first dad's father was also instrumental in being in impact in my life and setting the godly examples I'd been given godly legacies, but a godly legacy is massively important right Paul says in first Corinthians 11. Follow me as I follow Christ to imitate my face so that is something that my father has given me which is just been just as really guides you step to carry it through for me in my life and just my walk in holiness and in striving to be a man of God bless all have younger children were all excited to listen and is going to need our coffee time will in a little bit before your show starts someone to get in my truck and I matured until the name of the program over time until everyone maybe how to find out if I know about your your ministry online yeah so the program is called unashamed truth and I don't even have a website yet, so I'm trying to build a website and unashamed so we should have that out pretty soon, but right now as to said earlier that you can listen to them to the broadcast on on the Truth Network website and publisher. Congratulations you did make sure when bellows a free truth app and make you by the way, all of our awesome affiliates because as your program grows, God may want to be on AFR to carry true inner truth talk Wilkins radio carries truth auction sale and stations carry true thoughts or just honored to to be talking to you and one other cool little thing about when you went to to your inner to go revisit and celebrate where your dad and I went to heaven you and you met your wife will you have to marry the daughter of a radio pioneer brother Carl summing it all came together did it so my father-in-law you're in the South Carolina area is pastor Carl Brody at community Bible Church of Beaufort, South Carolina, and he started his own radio station W ADP down there, which is actually dedicated in memory of my father. That was part of the connection that brought us together as the radio Christian radio is what help bring all this together years ago. So yeah this station was dedicated in memory.

My dad conceived and part of that church. When they were stationed there, and there's a legacy piece because your dad's voice is heard through his son on the radio station dedicated in his honor. And when all that happened. There was no notion that you berate, you know you be a pastor on the radio so I hope there is something to get your show on that station to that would be really cool, really special rate legacy, a great great mom and then a great I guess no stepdad.

And then of been a great father-in-law, mother, lawn, family and can still put the weight of that he could still put the plates of the other guys I guys a machine I saw him swaddle this way, you said you had a guy's belt is a strong radio guy so I day what what a blessing. Thank you for your ministry. Thank you just humbled and honored to be able to move forward with this. Yes, thank you. This is the Truth Network