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Call to Duty

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Cross Radio
April 6, 2022 7:14 pm

Call to Duty

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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April 6, 2022 7:14 pm

After Wednesday in the Word, Stu sits down with Michael Hansley, founder of Call to Duty, who shares his powerful testimony and promotes his upcoming event, Call to Duty Men's Conference: Light Up Your World.

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This is Hans Schild from the finishing well podcast on finishing well. We help you make godly choices about Medicare long-term care and your money.

Your chosen Truth Network podcast starting in just seconds. Enjoy share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and choosing the truth. Podcast network. This is the Truth Network there's a mighty movement of men happening in our culture.

I actually one right now this is crazy.

There's noise.

There's people talking. There's minimal or praying actually fishing music in this restaurant weren't Dario and I with a guy named Michael is calling men to duty called to duty. But there's a big event you know about Michael God bless you man. Thanks for being here and Cheryl is good stuff with what you want to know how I know who are you teller one you know who is Michael like that is a lot we do is that I did anything was going years old and I mean I'm a nobody and nothing, especially without Christ others you know my past. I give you my story as much as my arm so I want to start so I find it hard not to start in the beginning right so my mom and dad met when they were like 19 years old.

They got pregnant at a Led Zeppelin concert so I'm a combination of unwanted pregnancy and LSD. That's where I came from my dad told me early on if I was a girl I would've been an abortion earliest childhood memory was my dad be my mom got divorced when I was to my dad. My dad was troubled. He grew up in a rough home and he basically kind of brought that in to me. Generational sin is definitely real, but those chains can be broken.

So my dancers only porn when I was three years old, which ended up creating an addiction that lasted well into my late 20s probably right on 2829 is when I started realizing that was a problem is when you grow up looking at stuff like that. It's normal to you. There is its is normalized. You don't think any of the way I grew up in my childhood isn't like most people, but as a child you don't know that you just think this is life so you know my mom was addicted to cocaine for 12 years. My childhood back-and-forth dating Hells Angels highlight I broke the first man's nose was 12 years old. My mom and like kinda got crazy. After that I didn't know Christ didn't know the Lord no clue why I heard people talk about God and know God. So from there I moved on my mom's house and I wasn't 15 actually left work on went all the way to Texas on my own so no, I cancel my own. I had I had a mentor that recruited me, gave me a job out there and I'm I was just ready go no meaning.

There's a lot of things are done between then and there. There is a point where I was bigger than my britches, if that makes sense when I was young I was mentor by this wonderful man on Christian and yeah I but I was so hungry for everything and give meaning tell me everything I know about business. I got to a point where once I left him. I just, I thought like any 1920 romantic you think you know everything is there. No one was going to tell me what's what and where is where unsightly or fired from a job, as I did the next logical thing any man does. I became a male stripper right so wow I received allowing their going Stu Epperson. This is true, talk, Michael got quiet testimony aquatic amazing event coming up. Owner wanted know about go to bed Michael go back to that now.

So where we left off about strippers open again, so I danced up and down the East Coast for three years of my life on travel anywhere from Washington DC all the way down to Miami dancing for men dancing for women on just the money was green. I was taken. That's a whole other story in a whole different talk. There, but I will tell you the night the kinda change my life. So actually was dating a girl and we got pregnant and when the day we found out that it was a girl.

I walked off stage never look back on site and I made a huge decision on life-changing decision. I went to work for Walmart for $7.25 an hour so completely just, I can't even say as a Christian. At that point time.

I just knew that there was something in my heart that says I cannot bring a little girl into this world of sex, drugs and violence that's also I stepped up became a dad, God was working my life. Well before I ever knew on their things.

He protected me from things that just I no clue I'm ignorant of.

So at that point time from there. I was blessed enough to buy my own business about eight months after that complete walk of faith and God made it flourish. So I started going to church thinking I'm a Christian man for a long time.

I sat on the church you going to church every Sunday, doing what was expected of me and I knew I had knowledge of God, but there was zero relationship. Absolutely nothing. I was absolutely my own God in everything I did. Michael was the most important, although I had other motivations to make me look good is all about me and stroking my ego.

That was really what is about four years ago God just crushed me and just the best way I got to the point where I was in financial ruins I lost was on the verge of losing my businesses. My marriage crumbled another story. Another time, and then the lab the final straw was. He broke me down on literally. I went from being able to lift 300 pounds one day to and popped in my neck and I couldn't even do a push-up. The next day. All this happened within a matter about six months done and I was to the point where I was. I was afraid to call it quits. Done. There was a time where I was going to take my life and no one knew about it except I don't know I don't how I pray to God for for five hours I had it all planned out and then someone walked in where they should've never been in Stockton and so from that day forward I just I honestly surrendered everything just to be a vessel in his kingdom with them in scrubbing the toilet scrubber toilet that means being blessed to teach men doing whatever God wants me. I'm all in a know it's interesting, I can admit you backwards because I hear about his amazing call to duty men's of it like wow that's like so when you literally know about it in promoting other Truth Network it's all Michael I got interview the guy was behind all this.

It's this put it on and promoted.

And so now I'm hearing your story That to your passion to get a bunch of men in a room and an me with food and speakers in the know and get away and in a in a safe place to connect out with what's going on with this event and how that ties in your story so all right for being real.

Let's look at some statistics okay so in the homes in America roughly 40% of homes in America, fatherless.

Now I'm part of that statistic I grew up seeing my dad once a month and the crazing is if you look at the profound impact that one day had all my life. He introduced me to porn at three years old and nothing was positive. This is the kind of impact that men have on their children's lives right so right now we have 40 exiting it's 44% of homes in America, fatherless now. From that point at least 56% of homes that actually have minimal doesn't mean a good man that does me to do a what's right that just means there.

They are showing up when you look at the statistics of those men somewhere around 20% of those men are abusing their children or their spouses so we got domestic violence in roughly 20% of those that roughly leaves a little over 1/3 of homes in America have men that aren't violent to their own families that that's it. This is isomorphic we're talking about men, guys, all of us, myself included, failing, and were feeling miserable and that's where this heart comes from because if I look at. I have six children I I'm blessed to have six and raising kids. They've grown up in the scene.

Their dad living life one way and they seen the transformation after Christ got a hold of me and I will tell you it's funny because I'm actually able to watch my kids and the transformations they are making as well on giving their lives to the Lord as well. I want to say there's a statistic out there where is if you bring a child to the Lord. The family follows and things like seven persons were only I can remember that at this member on the head and then if the mother comes it's like 19%. That's all right and and the father brings 93%. So when we go when we look at the Bible when we look at what God has to say about it. God ordains men to be leaders in our first position as leaders in our home. So that's where my passion is because I am. I'm one of the statistics I am the failure I am the father that failed and even now think my kids. We have split custody there fatherless half the week so I me and I watch and if there's like an obviously marriage is not his head and my heart is I was from a divorced family. I'm now divorced and I watch the degradation as happened to my kids and I watch what Christ can do in their hearts as well. And that's how I mean, honestly, I would love to just soak the conference came in honestly because of all the failure growth failing like really this and there's a lot of us that sit there and we put on this master from the skies and we pretend to be something or not. In the first time I realized that I was losing all the time and is not so pleasant conversation when another man brings the Sunnis as they look was the deal. I see this here this watch this and so I've been blessed. I've had two men in my lives about last three years discipling me coming and they hit me with the hard truths and they challenge me to go above and to be what I say I want to be authenticity leveraging your tester you could set a home beat yourself up anything but you know your invite a bunch of messed up guys just like you would be getting a room love each other see Jesus promote give us a shameless plug for the event will quit talking folks find out more about it.

Whether the come online or whether they can make the trip to North Carolina or maybe to have you come and speak to the group. What's the best website called to duty.

The world is the website we can actually go online and you can give. If you want to give or you can actually go and register for the conference call to that's about all the number two word call to call Tito call Tito UT why WOR LD Michael Dare did of all this event. Thank you for sharing this man.

What a blessing one, encouragement, and thank you for using your taking your medicine Glenda be God's message. I deny that all the glory to him that you don't need to thank me for that. That's all I am nothing without him we are with a bunch of crazy men and Addario after Wednesday.

The word hanging out and hear your story on national radio show in what occurs in everyone. Go to this event to date again. The date is May 6 and seventh actually to sign up right now, not delay. We got about a month, five weeks left before you.

This is the Truth Network