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Give Me Your Best Bible Verse to Prove Me Wrong

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
July 26, 2022 4:40 pm

Give Me Your Best Bible Verse to Prove Me Wrong

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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July 26, 2022 4:40 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 07/26/22.

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The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network.

We have some fun today in the Scriptures give me your best verse in the Bible that shows we were wrong in one of my positions for the light a fire with your host scholar and cultural commentator Dr. Michael Brown your voice more so and spiritual clarity.

Three for truth to get on the line of fire and now there's your host Dr. Michael Brown broadcast this is Michael Brown. Phone lines are open. I can't wait to get into the broadcast today. Yet you can hear and see the smile in my voice. Here's another call 866-34-TRUTH 866-3487 884 we have a word-based show today. We got a really important broadcast community tomorrow. God willing on on a major moral cultural issue. You'll be shocked to hear the things that we talk about on the air today, tomorrow, today will be word focused and have some fun.

So if you differ with me on any of the things that I believe in particular if your fellow follower of Jesus.

Just think I'm wrong on the end times on aspects of salvation so so so cheery all of your eschatology or some other beliefs that I have a few things that I feel strongly about and you believe him wrong on any of those issues. The gifts of the spirit for today is relationship to the Torah, etc. give me your best verse on any one area where you think I'm wrong. Your best verse proves me wrong.

In other words, if you believe in.

Once saved always say what your best verse to argue for the if you believe in secessionism that the sign gifts are no longer for today which are best verse to argue for that.

If you believe him look wrong about a pretrip rapture which are best verse to argue against my viewpoint. So phone lines are open and what will have some interaction you might say well not a debater theologian like you are Dr. Brown that that's fine on Michael's not to intimidate my goals of friendly interaction. All right and that we we may go back and forth little we may go back and forth a lot, but everything is open, you may be a Jewish person and you differ with me about Jesus. You may be a Mormon and you differ with me about the Bible and in Joseph Smith so phone lines are open 866-34-TRUTH 87884 and let me say this before I go to the phones we may have some older callers that the Guardian immediately that this one or a similar issue so will talk some other issues to but we just say this. I obviously do not claim infallibility that have to be a fool idiot arrogant jerk the claim infallibility on every point, I believe, on every subject that would mean that I alone am right of all believers in the entire world and everyone else is wrong on so they set me that that would be the height of arrogance, foolishness, the, the height of failure to recognize that were part of her body and that we know in part at the same time there hills of Zion: say there hills on which I've stake my life my eternal destiny on certain points that I'm super dogmatic about and that comes from obviously dictates to be with God in his word and being convicted and being convinced that others I feel strongly about be really surprised to find wrong on them but will be the end of the world to me and there other areas that guide this my view. But I like, I can. I'm open to hear other views in the course always opens interact and dialogue.

All right, 866-34-TRUTH and again we may be taking some general calls before we get to your specific responses to my challenge, but will start with Eugene and for who Ashoka is that it in Arkansas to get there all right. Most goes closer for you to give it a try. Yet what you quote quoted them of people yet. So this did. I'm not sure if I entirely wanted perspective, but I do remember quite in time you made a comment on how you differ with your typical outperformed cabinet in their understanding of man's depravity and hearing Bodie bottom P catechin it by saying the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intention and thought of his heart was only evil continually basically expounded on the first thing that anyone outside of Jesus Christ, ultimately, can never do anything that good. Okay, that sounds very very extreme to me and I do whenever I do hear the cabinet or the reformers talk about man's depravity. It is always been kind of like this really very upfront, confrontational type of extremely I'm just wondering the way he explained it did make sense.

Dr. Brown dumped his wondering in your perspective. In what ways are they may be right about this in what ways you differ in your understanding of man's depravity and if there's any other books or resources that you can recommend me back a further study to my own. I would also appreciate that there sure thing right so let's assess this one question if it since we all acknowledge that human beings do good.

Outside of the cross. In other words, outside of being redeemed believers every day human beings are doing good things.

Human beings are are not doing bad things because they they feel guilty about it. How do you think of Bodie, who I deeply respect for some of our other reform brothers would explain that an elder was on what basis or people doing good things outside of being born again believers right for the quick response. Explanation came out of Romans eight basically saying that anyone in the flesh cannot please God and fell. Ultimately, because they don't have a relationship with God. They can never do anything that ultimately, for God's glory, therefore making it, not about God but about something else and tell you that. Therefore, it is not ultimately good though think they're not saved, and I can't wait for God's glory. Therefore, even what seem to be good that they're doing is not ultimately good that with his explanation right right so it is worth defining things like that that a human being that is not born again will not do something with no ulterior motive whatsoever other than only the glory of God, then perhaps you could make that argument and and I accept that. But when you have the impression that human beings don't do any good. Outside of being born again believers scriptures really say other than that in other way so the broad thing I agree with is that we are hopelessly fallen, that we are sinful creatures outside of the gospel that if left to ourselves. We will go away from God, not towards God with your Luther adage that a rock and go up and down goes up if you pick up the ghost out. If you drop it. So I agree with that. So in that sense of total depravity or need for Savior or or inability to save ourselves or draw near to God or approach God know in ourselves. We will never do that without being drawn by God and changed by God so I agree on that score, but we also have examples of of people doing good that God acknowledges is doing it freak for example, King of Abimelech in Genesis the 20th chapter of what is it say there that that he did not that that God saw the integrity of his heart because he saw the integrity of his heart, therefore he didn't allow Abimelech to commit adultery with Sarah right because he knew that Abimelech didn't know that it was another man's wife, and he saw the integrity of his heart, so that's a human being outside the cross of of which God says I saw the integrity of his heart, so I believe based on the principle of human being still be created in the image of God.

Although it is now through the image of Adam, so it is an image of God, get fallen is Genesis 5 and since John one tells us that that the son of God lights everyone that comes into the world. I do believe that there is human conscience and based on that that there are aspects where I don't see every human being every day doing only that which is depraved if that was the case, obviously the whole will be destroyed. So I agree with the large picture is being painted some of the spirit specific nuances of it. I would see differently the book the grace of God and the will of man is a useful book on some of the larger issues grace of God and the will of man, I don't know how much it gets into the soft have to check it out. I'll get you the editors during a break up with the grace of God and the will of man, I found to be a thoughtful response Calvinism. So again fundamental a man to the large picture is being painted some differences in the nuances, as you said, hey, thank you for the call 866-34-TRUTH. Let's let's go to Mike in Owensboro Kentucky walking to the line of fire.

Thank you for taking my call.

Dr. Brown appreciated sure I don't have don't really, really difficult agree with your point.

You have but I would like you to err your clarifier about what you wrote a while back over 20 years ago. If the if you think any differently on but now great years ago you wrote a book called let no one for the and in that book you had a chapter on well. It was gone in prime revival on harbor about how to harvest time you were you were contending for the last day Park okay not remembering effective because I kind of have an overarching I'll tell you where that theorems from myself. Just like a lot of other people in the faith. We are waiting for an end time revival and awakening, a move of God, something you know that's going to make it different than the insured while working or not resting on our laurels, we are anxiously awaiting for God to do something mighty and he has been on in the past.

Yes, overarching you know I'm aware of but Wells revival Street revival, which was in the early 20th century interview not healing revival of the Jesus movement member that on The charismatic movement development. Some of the lighter things like you know: things like that and what I'm what I'm kind of concern about all that that happened in the 20th century bit a lot of really impacted my life and my family and just the way we worship the way we see every and I'm wondering if the revival already happened to the harvest already happened in my anxiously awaiting something that has already hired and is already in history and did you feel any differently about it being harvest to see you see is like 23 years. I answered fully. On the other side of the plate, but do I believe what I will send you 100% absolutely hundred percent question and respond in more detail him.

So the breaking friends one phonons over the floor: 86634. Truth teller I'm wrong on so give your best verse is the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown got on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown). Thank you for welcoming us into your home. Thank you for joining us on the line of fire. 866-34-TRUTH 874.

Sometimes during the break looking at some things posterior interactive good somethings in my head from the break into the intro but I'm aware of the welcoming came from, but thank you for welcoming us into your homes into your heart since your lives 866-348-7884 purpose of today show still get to the word and have some enjoyable time iron sharpening iron if you believe I'm wrong in a position that I hold to by all means give me a call. Give your best single verse back your position so Mike in Owensboro Kentucky when I wrote what I wrote about harvest time in.

Let no one deceive you, which was then republished as the revival answer book I wrote it based on a lot of things happening in the world, along with what Scripture says in other words, what missiology this will tell us is that more people have been saved say in the last 75 years than in the first, 1900+ years of church history combined.

Some would argue that more Muslims have come to the faith in the last 10 or 20 years than in the previous 1300 years, so there is a massive harvest of souls around the world. The Christian population of Africa has shifted dramatically from countries where it was less than 1% of the population of the country to being 40 or 50% of same.

In Latin America, massive growth same in other parts of Asia. Massive growth so that there is a massive harvest taking place around the world that with that there's a need to make disciples with that there's a need to increase teaching and strengthen local churches, things like that but that's it a reality.

Any solid missiology us will tell you there is unprecedented church growth is taking place since World War II, and especially since the last 50 years.

Then I see the word painting a picture of parallel extremes at the end of the age of great outpouring and great apostasy. As Jesus says in Matthew 13. The harvest is the end of the age and is going to be a multitude of good fish caught in bad fish. This can be the week is going be the tears there's gonna be the light shining is going be gross darkness, so I'm expecting an increase in darkness and light, until we reach the end, it is just like on the planet any one moment, one part slid up to the port start right. I'm expecting that as we get closer and closer to the end and I see the Bible speak of final outpouring and final apostasy. So my views haven't changed at all. As for as is the last great revival past, certainly not because there's no way we can have the harvest that we need to have is the way the great light can shine in the midst of of darkness without a greater move than we've ever seen. That being said, I'm not waiting for that I'm looking to Jesus every day to honor him to be a disciple and to make disciples at the same time.

I'm praying for God to do things we've never seen of you on the earth for the glory of the sun. If you honor his name for the good of this lost and dying world and I do believe that were going to see a massive move of the Spirit sweep America and shake the nation just as were being shaken by so many other things. I believe that for years, I still believe it, but I'm not waiting for it in that regard, I'm honoring the Lord day by day. Thank you sir for your call 866-34-TRUTH.

Let's go to William and Canton Georgia this please teller you think I'm wrong above to hear from you. Okay, I'm an Anglican priest and I have I have a stronger sacramental theology than you do. Hello yeah I'm here glad I'm an Anglican. I got an urgent origin. This let me comment on blue and the maybe you can put a people 729 and 30. They are to be all there that indicate that when they acted on the presence of the sacrament code drawn to baptism.

Something happened and it wasn't just obedience. The received the grace of being able to listen to Jesus and accept him. That indicates that the sacrament of something more than just activate obedience. There was actual grace given the angle position yet so I don't know versus right there. Jesus says in John seven I tell you among those born of women that is greater than John is the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than the role the people heard this in the text just to they declare God just having been baptized with the baptism of John, but the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the purpose of God. Not having been baptized by him.

So to responses one exegetical and one theological.

This theological and agree with you the exegetical hunger different with you at X exegetical. He I what I understand Jesus to be saying here is not a because I'm just just looking at the Greek here yeah I'm on that I'm sending this is a because, but rather the ones who will baptize with the John. They were excited to hear what Jesus was saying because they were in harmony with them. He was he was defending them, and those who were baptized by John.

They were upset with Jesus because he was speaking against and that's all I see this text saying however I do believe even though I'm not a Catholic and you're not. I do believe that God works through the sacraments. So yes, your more sacramentally oriented line and you could be right, and in other words, this is not a hill that I die on all right but I do believe that we partake of the Lord's supper that no he's not physically present on the believe in transubstantiation so is not physically present and in the way for an and in the juice, but I believe his presence is there is we do it and in the there is power to heal and forgive.

As we partake in the same way.

I believe that in baptism.

Although I believe in baptism for believers for inference is no discussion, but I believe that God does something that is not just an outward sign that the presence of God is there and its extent we take hold of that that there is power in sold it right yet I would call the Lord's supper of giggle had we would say that in the Lord's supper do the real presence is ogled beyond that going to transubstantiation, but something really happens to the person when they receive communion yes yes so soon, so we agreed there so theologically when sink that not everything but the effort sure hate is a name you can please. Thank you for listening to the broadcasting calling in and in having us emphasize these points together. I appreciated your thank you thank you all right 866-34-TRUTH I love having dialogue. Okay, let's go to Mark in Louisville, North Carolina.

Welcome to the line of fire. Talk to you again hello I'm here all sort of the probation rate can't do it in one path, but as you know you I don't believe in the literal 1000 okay but if you could all away due to real quick. You can go ahead to connect. You bet. Okay John.

John 654 whosoever eat up my flesh and drink my blood at the total life and I will raise him up at the last day as believers.

John 1248 did reject and receive not my words Want that judge the world, but I have spoken the same shall judge him if the last day Jesus is saying believers and the believers will be right at the same time, which goes perfectly with Matthew 1330, the week the tears both grow together.

How can that be a literal 1000 lineal donning up okay. You stated you still here Mark yes okay just just one question for you is as you see the second coming right Jesus and appears in glory were or are we, then, is believers resurrected to me than the dead in Christ will rise first Jubilee that first Thessalonians 4 got it okay so at that same time or is is so we are resurrected to meet him. So that's the this at that same time or the wicked dead raised absolutely program with John the 20 oh okay so so here's your scenario, then, is that when Jesus returns that it says were were caught up to meet him in the air right right so we are transformed. But if at that same time.

All the wicked dead are also raised. That's what John Botta right okay and then and then caught up to meet him in the year. Also necessarily made it there because he always directed that is, what do you DO sheep and goat got it okay so… Okay just want to be clear that white silver churches so so thank you sir for the question. You could make a case for that. Using Daniel 12 to as well.

Right you could deftly make a case for your argument based on these verses that the resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous occurs at the same time called the last day and you are therefore interpreting a first Thessalonians 4 in harmony with that even though Paul only mentions the resurrection of the righteous there so you could deftly make a case for that based on those verses.

John five you mentioned it all fit together and they would work potentially for computer three about this invention resurrection.

There could tie it to the question is why don't I accept that. Why do I believe there is a millennial kingdom, and after that the final resurrection so perfectly fair question. Good verses to support your view and you could make that point.

All right, so what are not accepted, mostly under the sun break was totally legitimate fair use of the Scriptures are.

I agree with you the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown thank you so much. One through jam right now want to get through as many calls as I can go respond to Mark from before the break before I do that there is limited seating for our trip to Israel gobbling may of next year. I actually been thinking about a lot, had dreams were on tour together doesn't mean the prophetic. This means I'm thinking about it when I dream about things so can't wait to see their check out the details on the website, couples, families, individuals asked her to SK DR right on the homepage. Find out about it.

The earlier you register, you be guaranteed a seat as you do so today would ask you to call any give your best verse to argue against something that I believe so. Market disk are called any scalding before we had some dialogue back and forth but red versus indicating pointing to the resurrection of the righteous, and in the unrighteous at the same time at the last day, the hour is coming, Jesus will do this and their other versus hybrid and identical to that would seem to support that. So why do I not believe that what I believe that Jesus will return will be the resurrection of the righteous than a thousand year millennial kingdom, after which the will be the final resurrection judgment of the wicked, and then the eternal age.

Matthew 25 was also alluded to by Mark in support of his view, so if that's the case, so be it. In other words, if he's right. If there is no millennial kingdom. If Jesus returns at the end of this age and we go straight into eternity. So be it. The Summerhill I died on his why I don't believe it. First Peter tells us in acts three that Jesus will not return until the time of the restoration of all things spoken by the prophets, and this the profits of the read.

I say to you, if you read Isaiah 11 spoke very much of a literal kingdom on the earth with the nations of the world will come to Jerusalem to learn from the God of Israel.

Zechariah 14 the survivors of the nations that attacked Jerusalem will come to worship and those that don't will be judged at time of the knowledge of the glory the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.

So I see all these verses spoken of them come to pass. Yet, the Peter tells us in actually beginning verse 19 will then when I get to the book of Revelation. Yes, I understand that there is much symbolism in the book of Revelation and understand that numbers can be taken to have different meanings fully understand it, recognize it but you have Revelation 19 the return of Jesus in glory King of Kings and Lord of lords clear, bringing judgment on the sinful world indisputable under the terms of that's what's been painted there. Then you have Revelation 20, which speaks 6×6 times over thousand year reign and then the new heavens and a new earth. After that, and it speaks of Satan being bound for thousand is what has been bound yet.

He's continuing to deceive the nations even now right servant from Phuket when did this happen what it hasn't yet happened. The binding of Satan for thousand years. Then Johnson's I saw thrones, and sealer them with those from the authority to judge risk analysis of the souls of those who been beheaded. The testimony of Jesus and for the word of God. Those would not worship the beast or its image that received the market heads they came to life and reigned with Christ for thousand years.

So there versus about us raining with Jesus. Quite a few, actually, but it's raining with Jesus. I just wrote an article about that on so understand this is when it happens the rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is the one assures the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, there will be priests of God and of Christ and the reign with him for a thousand years and a thousand is rented say will be released so two minutes. Crystal clear this a thousand years is repeated over and over and over and over were promised terrain with the Lord. This is after the second coming before the new heavens and a new earth. Revelation 2122 so will I do with all the verses that Mark referred to others. Understand that is very common prophetic language that it it puts a large picture in a short short picture that it's the proverbial two mountains that you see you think this will now it's actually two that are separated. We have look at Isaiah 52, 13 to 15 is a 52, 13 to 15 words that speak of it speaks of the exultation of the Messiah and his terrible suffering so terrible suffering first coming exultation second coming, all telescoped into one or Isaiah 61 with the Lord comes to bring comfort and to bring judgment. Jesus quotes the first part, the comfort part is for sermon look for the judgment part is later than that.

So that's how I see it there telescoped together but fair question totally for a question that's my answer as to why see it the way I do. All right let us go to Zev in Atlanta, Georgia. Welcome to the line of fire about Michael sure I am, I thought, missionary, video about 31 and then interpreting every wrong Hebrews 8 I believe about where we talking about one versus God is really not faithful to God, but God remained my driver to walk the whole chapter is basically God recounting his faithfulness and no and I was the star ceased to exist and so forth. Been Israel will cease to be a people that went Reading apologetics view of it and where it says God… Just discarded us had no regard for us much are unclear exactly right but seems to imply something different in the description given a reason given was up to again and that if the demo in the beginning change the meaning of the word discarded and even if that was true.

I don't know how in context. You could say that entire chapter then you get over. God says I have this discarded Israel or divorced. Israel had no regard for the put them away when later in that chapter not reaffirm his commitment Israel this universe that would scream of replacement theology and you know it's not is not some effacement theology: and thanks of the questions so the issue is why the New Testament Hebrews 8 which quotes Jeremiah 31 versus 3134 in full and is the that lengthy his quotation of an Old Testament passage in the new and in part of his quote again. He was 10 white reads differently than the Hebrew text that we have in our Masoretic Bibles over. They did not continue in my covenant, I should never concern for them to close Lord or others would even say I rejected them throughout the Old Testament of God rejects Israel not forever.

All right he rejects them all the time because there said it commonly happens and even uses that language, like Rios, I wanted to what why is Hosea told to name one of his kids low on me in another loan, more meaning is not my people because if you are not my people still is people.

But then I was people, so I can have any compassion on them, the syllabus and yes, but for seasons, he rejects them. Yet he has wrath and anger. So that's all this is saying there's there's no disagreement Septuagint's budget as translators before Jesus. There's nothing of replacement theology, the Septuagint, but use translators. That's just a week, missionary argument 11 textual tradition says God was a husband to them the other textual tradition says God rejected them. Either way, it's the same thing.

It's the same promise that he's gonna be faithful to them in the long term.

Even on the short term rejected here does not Jeremiah Telus early earlier in the book chapters 2, three, four, because of Israel's unfaithfulness to God divorced them Ciceronian.

Jeremiah, the God divorced them, but you can take them back if they repent so same thing here there just two different sides of the same coin and the overall meaning of the passage remains absolutely identical arts. We are taking questions of the subjects, but in particular looking for those who differ with me, let's go to all that see let's go to Terry in Montréal Canada yeah really different with user thank you thank you I wanted to know replied to my question or my position believe operatively doesn't believe in the classical/Orthodox vision of incarnation to be a heretic.

In other words, I don't believe you had to embodiments of divine nature and human nature. I so do you believe that he was fully human, or he was my position stipulates that he was fully divine in heaven, and apathy tonality at Isaiah 5715 he stretches out the heavens as per saw second Samuel 2210 and descended like and at the end of the light with a fully human person, the Messiah, so size was see God in the flesh.

He was God in the sense that his ontology but is he had the title God, still because he humbled himself as per his and his being. Since God does not change his essence right Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever. Hebrews 13 eight. Malachi 36 on what I do not change what you see this same eternal God simply not operating in his divine prerogatives but was he the same eternal God in the flesh.

I obviously would have eternal nature and I further training. I don't believe God the son changed he was still in heaven.

That's about the code on 313. No one has ascended the defendant that he who descended even the Son of Man, who is in heaven.

So I unnerved the human being late, but I like being projected by himself any tonality to reality for my model is one one person to nature to different reality. So you're suggesting that he is eternal.

Well, you would have to respond to Jeremiah 23 six. With that he will be called by the eternal name that he supposed to have Yahweh, our righteousness, and you would have to respond to Psalms 2/75 today is to turn to internal enchanter in Kansas as well but this is a desperate one.

This first, that are you smooth that's that's fun. God you judge. I'm not your judge, God your judge, but I believe you're quite wrong in your position, God your judge, not me some I can tell you whether your Savior, not a right relationship with God or not.

That's between you and God, and God meets us in various stages of knowledge and ignorance and takes us deeper, however, absolutely, I see your position is wrong because, first, that those of the verses you mentioned to me are the don't don't prove your point. And although the last couple Jeremiah 23 Psalm two just to be candid, but quite flatly you are.

Jesus is not the same yesterday today and forever. See one of my view of him giving it to you as often as that is so great.

Thanks to the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown, this is just quickly to theories of the points and this doing this and ensure here Jesus identifying himself as I am Jesus, having the authority to forgive sins. Jesus being recognized by demons is the holy one of God. Jesus receiving worship both before and after his his resurrection, and yes post-resurrection. But when Thomas refers to as my Lord and my God they might suppose resurrection is different.

Time to get to those nuances here, but for for sure he is operating as God. Colossians 2 tells us the fullness of the deity dwells in them in bodily form cautious to not the fullness of the deity both in him and bodily form in Psalm 102 the end of that song about the Lord, the creator is spoken with regard to the son incarnate and he was the first chapter. So Terry with all respect to the think you're putting into this guy do believe you are in error on the point in a significant way. That being said, God is your judge, not me.

In terms of your relationship to him a thank you for the call. This is exactly what I asked for today let us go over to John and John's not there. Let's go over to Sonja in Jamestown, North Carolina. Welcome to the line of fire call in regard eternal security, I agree with you okay.the Baptist church that I go to disagree with both of the night and while I don't debate them argument them. I would like very much to hear your position on John 1028 and first John 219, which are the canine version that I hear from them so Johnson is not sure thing so John 1028 but no one can snatch a set of the father's hand and yeah I agree with the So there is no debating that that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ, that nothing in itself has the power to pull us away from the Lord. It's entirely a matter of will we stay or not. In other words, God does not force his children to stay in his house, nor does he force us to stay in his house in the Bible, which is why all the verses that we raise come down to or will come down to our choice come down to that as children of God. We can still turn away from him as children of God.

We can still reject him. So all of the warnings that we get from Hebrews 2 from Hebrews 3 previous 450% from Hebrews 12 from second Peter two other passages that clearly speak of the danger of apostasy they remain just the same. Yes II do all incomplete security. I never ever ever for a split second worry about quote losing my salvation. At the same time I'm careful with my walk before God.

Recognizing that that I can walk away as her first John 219. It doesn't tell us that every person who ever falls away was never truly saved is just saying that those who left their obviously never really part of us.

It was they'd still be here with us just making an observation. There went what is what he saying is there. There were there were people that were among us.

If they were into it's like you your forming some team in your building. Some team. And in the business place and how many are really with us for the long term, and when it gets rough you to be here when you have to sacrifice your be here and then a month later. Half the people dropped out.

You say they never really bought into our values. That's why they're not here anymore.

They never really signed up for the long haul. That's why we weed them out to see those who are really with us. So that's all first onset they'd really been with us. There were stay with us is not saying it's impossible for someone who was with us to ever leave us saying yeah, these people at their obviously never really with us or they would've stuck around. So I looked at first and by itself and it certainly the case with many other in church for a while but they were never really saved this to would've been here, and others yeah they turned away as it says in second Peter to would've been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness, and after knowing it, to turn away because it and that's like into a dog returning to its vomit and a fool returning to his folly. So they abandoned and they went back and we have the power to do that so that's how I respond. I very, very much.

Thank you. All right you are very welcome.

Let us go over to Kathy in St. Louis, Missouri.

Welcome to the line of fire.

Dr. Brown I didn't know time for me today yeah about the hundred 44,000 in the book of Revelation in your book. Not crazy and I this agreement is much as I wondered why I thought you had omitted had been LOL me which one little over a year ago. The state Revelation 14, why not the bomb. Page 223 the followers of the Lamb. The hundred 44,000 is a much more detailed passage in Revelation 743 latent. I don't recall you using that in your book were lit the tribes that signed the 12 tribes of Israel have my name right so the deal is that the Revelation sections of the book written by Prof. Craig Keener, not by me and he sees a brilliant New Testament scholar lease me in the dust behind them. In that regard. And as far as the book of Revelation is an expert in so why he quoted one text and not the other night I can answer that. I don't know why, so unfortunately I can interact more with your question, I would say this though, just just my own. My own view is that the listing of the 12 tribes is meant to be symbolic. This one will try dismissing right tribe of Dan that is meant to be symbolic of the salvation of all Israel with the end of the age. The 12×12,000 is speaking of the fullness of Israel. So Israel salvation at the end of the age.

But why religion forts.

He was quoted versus Revelation 7 I have to look at the book and see the context and as far as I know that was written by Craig Keener's. I said so I unfortunately I can answer in more depth because as far as I know I didn't write that that line or that paragraph thank you, thank you for the call which can help more of let's go to John in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Welcome to the line of fire by Dr. Brown know I appreciate you show.

Thank you.

Okay I get a quick 120 oh when John the Baptist and the Pharisees's gadgetry.

The government won't be that you therapy G generation of vipers, yeah, I looked up this word generation. It's a Greek word 1081 and it means offspring only if it was to me through proselytization. They would use the Greek word 1081, which bring someone know what you like preaching to one. So this Canedy means physical offspring only yeah okay suggest that your recording from numbers. Of course that would relate to Strong's concordance right so when when Jesus that when John is addressing them brood of vipers of yet.

It is they, they are the spiritual offspring of the enemy right is not literal children. John 844.

When Jesus says to Jewish leaders who reject him. You are of your father the devil, the Old Testament uses that imagery or brood of vipers that didn't mean that they were literally born of physical snakes, or literally born to sin but spiritually Swiss document spiritual offspring, and this word absolutely. It is used metaphorically's common sense, metaphorical use, so that a literal seed of a literal snake right but spiritual offspring of Satan who rejects God yeah first on 519 the whole world is the power of the evil one. Ephesians 2 were by nature children of wrath, doing that the will of Satan set a signal from Corinthians 446, the god of this age, so he does have spiritual offspring for sure.

Yeah, but not literal offspring.

Thank you for the call and we have time right really quickly. Chris insert a stretcher dive right in.

Please stop our year yeah I am sorry to rush you, but please go ahead know what I'm looking point out the carpet in that audit office anywhere yet. Will this is what we we carry the spirit of of the orange well?

Something that I've been looking at building to I got a conversation with the interpretation. And I feel like I looked into the birth. Jeremiah 33 three and court. I'm sure you're familiar with it, you are colony and I will answer you and I will show you great and mighty things that you don't know entered several different variation of the leper.

I think one of the great variation of the mystery colony. Also, you mystery and 1/4 and Romans, they could talk about praying and in the spirit right when you we don't know what to pray for Ukraine.

And you and your pray through mystery that is so it's just a jump in because runtime the reference to the orange there was this very unusual color orange carpet in our main building that we made in an Brown survival school of ministry that was called the orange. The main building was the blue so that was the reference that no orange carpet here just a joke that I would recognize, but no II don't connect the God answering us here and and and and answering with things that that we don't know all right. I know I'm a look at that. This is a great and mighty things, there is little you lead us and what you don't know how to connect that Mr. Lee's praying spirit misplaced God first with his fourth man or woman is a little unsecured connection between that Jeremiah 33, three are the best friends right here an important interview tomorrow.

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