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1206. No Time To Go Wobbly

The Daily Platform / Bob Jones University
The Cross Radio
March 14, 2022 7:00 pm

1206. No Time To Go Wobbly

The Daily Platform / Bob Jones University

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March 14, 2022 7:00 pm

Dr. Jonny Pope, pastor of Christchurch Baptist Fellowship in Houston, TX, will preach a message titled “No Time To Go Wobbly,” from 2 Samuel 21:15-22.

The post 1206. No Time To Go Wobbly appeared first on THE DAILY PLATFORM.

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Welcome to The Daily Platform. Our program preacher sermons from Chapel services at Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina. Every day students are blessed by the preaching and teaching of the Bible from the University Chapel platform today on The Daily Platform will be hearing a message preached by Dr. Johnny Pope, pastor of Christ Church Baptist Fellowship in Houston, Texas, to be reading from second Samuel, the 21st chapter 2nd Salmon the 21st chapter and a litigant begin reading verse number 15 of this great passage of Scripture and think you, Dr. Pettit is an honor to be here verse 15 second Samuel 21. Moreover, the listings and yet more again with Israel and David went down in his servants with him and fought against the Philistines and David wax to St. and issued by Banaba which was of the sons of the giant the weight of the spear weigh 300 shekels of brass and weight being girded with a new sword talk to a slain David but have a shy, the son of the room suckered him and smooth the listing and killed him.

Then the men of David swearing to him, saying, that shall go no more out with us to battle. But I'll quench not the light of Israel picking the pass after this.

Of that was again a battle with the Philistines and goblins to the kind of push aside sluice app which was of the sons of the giant that was again a battling job with the Philistines where Ella Hainan, the son of Jerry Laura Jim Bethel might slough the brother of Goliath again type the staff of the spear was like a weaver's beam was yet a battling gap was a man of great stature that had a really hairy hand six fingers on every foot six toes four and 20 and number, and he also was born of the giant and when he defined Israel, Jonathan, the son of shimmy you the brother of David slew him. These four were born to the giant gas and fell by the hand of David by the hand of his servants. Let's remain standing will have more to pray on them will be seated. Please leave the weekly for the opportunity to be here Bob University give us that Holy Spirit function. The function lift up Christ magnify your name make the proper application individually as well as corporately. Will you be careful to give you the praise and thanks in Jesus name, amen. You may be seated.

Please David was now in his late 50s or 60s, it wasn't like it was when he was a youngster in the Valley of the law where he was given a little bit more than a shot of adrenaline from God given supernatural power to slay the giant for the Bible says here about David at this point in his life that he was after he had had some battle that morning.

He was waxing St. he learned the hard way that when kings go out toward you go out with them and so he had led the troops in battle with amazing things about the Bible, would be the concise biographies of the Bible that God often goes right to the point he leaves a lot to your imagination.

We must be careful when we use our imagination to do what the Bible says, casting down our imaginations and every high quality that exalts itself against the knowledge of God to bring the captive every thought to the meetings of Christ. But if we use our holy imagination for a moment I want you to see what was happening here. The Bible said there in verse number 15. Moreover, the Philistines, and yet more again with Israel and David went down within his servants with them and fought against the Philistines and David wax and issued by Banaba, which was the sons of the giant known something was going on here so it appears that David met with his lieutenants and said maybe it was around noon gentleman I want you to go ahead and finish up the war. Here the battle here then meet me back at the palace tonight will plan strategy and tactics for the next time we deal with these uncircumcised Philistine, your Majesty, can we send an entourage with you know, I'm fine. I got Clyde Park to Hills over that's his camel again were using our imagination. I got some Bellingham spring water already is attached. The saddle their I'm good so I can imagine him telling them I'll meet you tonight to go to goes down one Hill and up another and he sees the semi-away says that he has Clyde tied to an he approaches that camel and he so thirsty that he grabs that sack Bulova breath Bethlehem well spring water and he begins the squirt into his mouth government so thirsty when you drink water that is coming down beside your face.

I can imagine that's happened in the David and then he hears a voice behind him when he read you again what it says in verse 16 and issued by Banaba which was of the sons of the giant weight of who spear weigh 300 shekels of brass and weight is about a 7/2 pound spear, he being girded with a new sword talk to a slain David so he has had made a sword dedicated for the purpose of taking out this elder and most reputable king in the world taken out when the boys grew up in Israel.

They no doubt look to David as their hero when I was a youngster I remember playing war games with my friends, we would pretend may be proclaimed World War II that on Douglas MacArthur on Dwight David Eisenhower and I imagine they were playing war games like that I would probably imagine David hearing the little boy says his sister is visiting him and down the hallway.

He hears a little boy say only guard I'm King David and he spots his nephew and he says to his sister. Hey sis, can I can I go fellowship with Abba shy over there. Sure, Dave, go ahead and he goes there. This is Abba shy. Would you like to know how to use that sort yes. Will Abba shy and I can see now my westernized in this very Eastern setting that Eastern setting.

Imagine grabbing a wooden sword.

Okay like Peter Pan days for me but on guard Abba shy on guard your Majesty, you history tells us outside the Bible that Abba shy for some reason I came across this interesting piece of history was the greatest swordsman that Israel ever had the lab shy David's nephew when they were growing up they wanted to be like David the giant killer. But in Celestia it was quite the opposite. They grew up wanting to kill the giant killer, especially if you were the son of Goliath, which issued by Banaba want us soon go back to Clyde and David drink is water and he hears a voice behind the meanest guarantee of their he knows two things. Number one is not a member of the kingdom of Israel and number two is got an attitude and David turns around and there stands issued by Banaba viz. anything like his dad he standing right at 10 feet tall and is got this brand-new sword with David's name on it glistening in the midday sun pointed right at him. I can just imagine this.

Maybe you can to hello my name is issued by when you killed my father die, my name is Bob you killed my father die Davis is talking to me no I David is not feeling great.

He is waxing me as I see David standing under the shadow of this massive sword in this massive bad attitude giant ready for vengeance for taken out his daddy. My mind goes back to August 19, 1990 with Pres. George Herbert Walker Bush the 41st president United States said to Saddam Hussein if you invade Kuwait, we consider an act of war. For the more you invade Lakeway, we consider an act of war against the United States of America invaded Kuwait and Desert Storm was on President Bush never got such bad I mean press as he did in that day every return. Everyone was giving bad reports they were saying things like you started the battle of Armageddon people that they know the Bible weren't even believers said you started the battle of Armageddon others a said you started World War III. But on August 19 at 11:00 PM Eastern time. He gets a call from Great Britain, and it went something like this and I believe this is recorded in 10 Downing St. Good evening, Mr. Pres., Mrs. Margaret Thatcher great iron lady just called to tell you so that I have at your disposal. So the Army all along. Lisa Lee already asked Pat how she said here but I just also saw the Navy and I shall aspire is 7005, doesn't strain train Marine and I just like to unload quoting verbatim, not just like to tell you so.

This is now time to go to Walmart delete one of very humble expression for such a distinguished lady this is no time to go toward me and I thought to myself I wonder now I think I know exactly what she meant, so I looked it up, not in the Merriam-Webster. The Oxford English dictionary not to give you the full definition. But here's what stood out wobbly from side to side to pull like Jeremy. If I can Americanize interweave and bobble like Jell-O this morning for just the next few minutes I like to speak to the subject. This is no time to do will be everybody look at somebody next Tuesday will be then I say like you're from England is all right, why, why, because number one spiritual wars will just as real as these wars between Israel and Celestia spiritual war is real. That's why the Bible says put on the whole armor of God.

Ephesians 6 that you might be able to stand against the wiles of the devil warns good about the truth, breastplate of righteousness, right shield of faith to quench every fiery dart of the devil have often wondered brother Pettit exactly what was God talking about when he said fiery darts of the devil.

But after years of meditating over unconvinced that fiery darts of the devil because of you think about it. A thought is an electrical impulse from point A to point B in your brain and remember when Jesus I saw Satan falling what will like what lightning remember you about how many good things we get how many evil things are communicated through the airwaves. I've often wondered what fiery darts of the impregnated thoughts the devil places like heroes, fiery arrows, the year you know there's a group of men for over 35 years who been praying with me for one hour a day.

We did a 14 years at 5 o'clock to 6 o'clock in the morning our church now were doing it separately. But there's a group of men but pray for one hour in our church. You know, peer pressure can work for good instead of bad sonar church. If you're a young man or even a middle-age man become in our church and you want to get what what we call in with the in crowd you need to become a prayer warrior. The most often heard statement that our poll would be told to me when I have young men or even middle-age men were older they get into prayer life. They've never been into a lot of real serious prayer life. Here's what they say pastor. I was about the breakthrough in prayer for the first time in my life God was more real to me in my prayer life and I've ever been, and out of nowhere the most ungodly thought came to my mind, I was submitted that didn't come out of nowhere.

That's what we must lift up the shield of faith to quench every fiery dart of the devil, and indeed to bring the captivity every thought with the helmet of salvation and praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and for me that audits may be given that may open my mouth will about this Paul the apostle, who I believe was called the third heaven, who wrote much of the New Testament said if you don't pray for me. I can't preach effectively.

Prayer is the preacher's power prayer is a penitence plea.

Prayer is the orphans refuge in a Christian that's not a praying Christian's a plain Christian locating one speaking of Jesus, how he went everywhere teaching. This metal always to pray and not to faint. Every left your room this morning that you think the pray. This is no time to go wobbly.

Let me tell you something I know a lot of people that were called great Christians I know people that were called great CEO types in the Christian faith. Great leaders. Natural leaders are no men that were called great orators in the Christian experience. I know people that were called great teachers had didactic abilities like nobodies business and I've known several of these types if you want to call it that, that a fallen but I want to tell you something I've never known personally I've never known a person of deep serious spiritual prayer that ever fell and that's because is not not seen is not a pop possibility but is not a probability because you cannot live in the holy place and live an unholy life. This is no time to go wobbly, so it's time to get serious about your Christian experience in this matter of understanding that spiritual wars real is not that it would be nice if we have revival be neat if we have revival is now necessary to we have revival number two. This is no time to go wobbly because we cannot live off the spirituality of our past victories. If you have your Bibles I invite your attention.

Leviticus chapter 6 Leviticus chapter 6, you know, I believe that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, that there's something for you and every book of the Bible every page and every line, if you look for friends as a kid comes home from youth camp or group of kids come over and pick youth camp and they say for their own fire for the Lord number how God spoke to Moses out of what kind of a bunch of burning bush.

Remember how God answered Elijah mount caramel by fire. You remember the day of Pentecost when they were filled with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit was evidenced by flames of fire over their heads, we see that in the temple in the tabernacle, God himself started the fire and it was the duty of the priest to keep the fire burning you try to imitate or simulate you can die like made evident by Q so the priest was working, keep in the fire burning in Leviticus 6 and verse number 13. It says the fire shall ever be burning upon the altar.

It shall never go out. Let me tell you something as a New Testament believer.

If you are saved by the grace of God the Holy Spirit lives inside of you is your duty as a believer priest to keep the fire burning what causes a fire to go out your phone about this in the context of the Scripture. Leviticus 6 it says in verse number 10 in the preshow put on Ms. Linda Gorman's linen breach shall be put upon a splash and take up the ashes with the fire consumed with the burnt offering on the altar. He should put them beside the altar should put off his garments and put on other garments and carry forth the ashes without the camp into a clean place for those of you that have ever tried to keep a fire going.

You know how necessary it is to remove the ashes, less the ashes smother the fire you and ashes are. They were yesterday's one ashes were yesterday's fuel. It was great yesterday, but it can smother the fire. Today it is so easy in the work of God. I'd I've seen this happen so often for the youth group that used to be our church.

When my brother was in the youth group with the best youth group with ever had. It'll never be like that again. I've been in some churches that I remember back in the 70s and 80s there were some of the largest churches in America and I go there again is like museums and they're always telling me what God used to do with the church how Jesus was so real in their church. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever. We don't have to live off yesterday's blessings. Furthermore, if you try to live off yesterday's blessings. You can find the smokers of fire today God was to do something with Bob Jones University that could be the greatest things is ever done with Boston University since 1927.

Do you believe that if you could believe that she has your faith is so BW.

If you have negative faith you get negative results.

You need positive faith to believe that God can remove a mountain. It could be casting the see if you would believe all things are possible to him that believe that so listen to me quit living off yesterday's ashes.

Thank God for the one that we had yesterday ashes today. God is giving you for the day to do something about this is no time to go wobbly and try to live off the past listings or your mother and your father's blessing God has no grandchildren. My great-grandfathers about cyber preach of my daddy was a preacher my mom is wonderful Sunday school teacher, but I'm not say because they're same for me. I have to be born again. They're not what you relisten on the fill despair because they were filled. The spirit I've got to be filled the Holy Spirit not drunk with wine is excess but be filled with the Holy Spirit that's command each and every one of this is no time to go wobbly because it's your turn to step up killed my father prepared to die and it looks bad for the home team but now I hear a voice behind is bobbing up and he turns around shy Nava shies wielding his sword despite nice is my mind it's with this came over here, you mean uncle David hey uncle Dave I meet your Majesty, command me. So what does David say no. I got this know he doesn't have this I can imagine David's mind going back when he was a little boy squire in the kingdom's been becoming like the kingdom and became one of David's mighty men I can imagine Davidson okay have a shot at a shot shorter stuff. I can see have a shy much smaller finish by without any spider not realize is that dynamite comes in small packages. Man, he is wielding that sword in this by the knowledge trying to maneuver and he can't quite maneuver and I can just imagine Abba shy St. remember this move and just like his uncle a few years earlier.

He too is getting up ahead in life. This is no time to go wobbly because now Abba shy. It's time for you to step up at my age I'm realizing now more than ever the Pettit that there is more years behind me that there are in front of me and I moaned this I the hardest thing in the world for me to do is the turn down speaking engagements were teenagers or college kids because it's like I used to think of the race that I'm running as on the long run. Are you like Eric little Terry to fire you know.

But on on on on the it's a relay it's really not got these micro seconds left and now I'm sprinting because I don't see dictate that I'm breaking but I see you out there waiting to receive the inspired and inerrant word of God and the command from the Lord to pray without ceasing in the command of the Lord to go he in all the world and preach the gospel so I'm sprinting because I want you to understand just the same way that David served his own generation by the will of God was a man after God's heart. Acts 13. You two are now ready to step up hey Abba, shy guilt Abba shy yet. It's time for you to step it's time for you.

Charles Plummer was arguably the greatest 80s during the Vietnam War. He flew 75 missions off the USS Kitty Hawk successful sorties on the 76 one. He was shot down his seat, ejected his parachute open perfectly. It came softly to the ground. He was soon captured by the Vietcong for six years he was imprisoned in the infamous Hanoi Hilton for three of those six years he was in a cubicle of 3' x 6' for two years he cannot even stand up straight, but he gives his testimony that Jesus Christ was a strength during those years. It was now 15 years since he had been shot down. Of course he was released and now he is back in America and was going around.

The place is giving us testimony. He was with his wife, Kathy, and he was sitting in a restaurant and there was a man over there that was looking his way and his license was wrong Charlie something I keeps looking at me. Well, don't worry about let's finish up will be out of here.

He Looking over there, Charlie. What's going on. I know he's become a bonhomie is looking. Charlie maybe thinks he knows you don't worry about it so they went back to eating but then he looked over there, that is Charles Plum looked over there and the guy was not sitting there. Now he was standing right next to Charles Plummer true story and he looked down the Charles Plum and he was standing very straight and tall and had a very serious look on his face. He said I say yeah Charles top right yeah I was in the US a scale 75 successful mission. 76 mission any name date and the time you are shot down right. The guy stood up real straight and then he saluted so true story. And then he smiled even bigger and said I guess it worked. Charles Plum stood up and said 15 years every night for 15 years ago on the bed thinking God for the man. The pack my shoe became a big hug. That night Kathy went right to sleep and Charles had a hard time going to sleep. He said in his biography because he kept thinking about the people that attacked issued his mother was instrumental when the Christ, the coach that brought them back to the Lord. When you backslid, and then God spoke to Sgt. who Charlie who shoot are you packing the came across that piece of history.

I have to tell you I reflected back on my own life. My dad had an earned doctorate degree in Bible language as he taught me theology, but my mother she never got past the fifth grade. She told me theology I see mother go 21 days at a time without fasting with fasting and prayer, not putting a bit of solitude met fasting and praying for kids. I am the product of a mother's prayers, she packed my shoe the little lady that I married to now for almost 48 years.

Every week that I would go away preaching somewhere stay safely and help rear our children for the nurture and admonition of the Lord, packed my shoe and today I'm realizing more than ever I'm here just just packing shoes. I love you all young people, even though I probably don't even know most of you got is saved you by his grace. He's called you for purpose. Please don't disappoint our Lord. Do the will of God, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice. So go ahead and do it got so that your reasonable service. You're all supposed to be doing the day is going to become the my voice of silence of Jesus doesn't come, and yours is going to be the voice that people to be waiting to hear the good news from young people.

This is no time to go wobbly give everything you have to Jesus you know Jim Daly was right when he wrote in his diary just before he died at the hands of the awk Indians.

He and I tweak a little bit more. She is no fool who gives up what they cannot keep to gain what they cannot lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt Jesus is lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, it's time to get quit wobbling and let's get everything to Jesus Christ. He is worthy to shed his blood for us. He who died for us.

He rose again. He is worthy of our love and total surface only father in Jesus name we pray, your blessings upon the young people maybe all the wobbling stop.

May those who are to the wobble not wobble but may they give all to Jesus Christ and will give you the praise and thanks for what they decide.

The we pray this in that holy wonderful worshipful name of Jesus. The name is above every name, amen and amen you been listening to a message preached by Dr. Johnny Pope, pastor of Christ Church Baptist Fellowship in Houston, Texas. I'm Steve Pettit, president of Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina. I'd like to invite you to attend one of our summer camps for both middle and high schoolers. BJ you has over 50 camps to choose from.

So there is one for you. Here's just a few aviation astronomy cinema computers, culinary criminal justice media, music, nursing, theater, robotics, soccer, basketball, volleyball, golf, and there's many more come explore your future.

During the week what we call education.

For more information about our camps. Visit our website go to educate up.

That's EDU cAMP.BJ join us again tomorrow, as will your more messages preached from the Bob Jones University Chapel platform