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Wish I could Be Part Of That World

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
October 15, 2022 11:37 am

Wish I could Be Part Of That World

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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October 15, 2022 11:37 am

Today, Robby shows us our quest to be like Christ and one day share in that Eternal Peace and Joy in The Lord God's Holy presence. Listen and be blessed.

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Jesus said blessed are the persecuted and they are suffering big time right now. This is my building international in 19-year-old Ari was beaten by her own father and finally to buy local authorities and order crime was simply that she gave her life to Jesus Christ after leaving radical Islam. They need Bibles in order to endure and persevere and that's why Truth Network and finally got teamed up to sing God's word to 3500 persecuted believers around the world at five dollars and $500 since 20:800 yes word 800 yes were 800 yes word or give a, this is Rodney from the masculine journey podcast. We explored manhood within Jesus Christ your chosen Truth Network podcast starting in just a few seconds. Sit back and enjoy it, share it, most of all, thank you for listening and choosing The Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network is radio show.

Part of that world. This is my quest, by the way, ways I think if I could follow my quest.

It would and brokerage. You may understand how we get there today as we experience this wish I could be part of that world. And so in our introit may have heard little mermaid from Walt Disney and those of us who grew up with little mermaid think of Ariel in that way when you think of the word Ariel. You don't necessarily think of Isaiah 29 out that I never did. But I saw some today that was like magical so Ariel is singing there and then the man of monster you might recognize that wonderful play that had this is my quest right you can member Gomer Pyle singing out of Frank Sinatra just unbelievable and then you have the little mermaid again, but I want to share because you hear it against more in the show that that last little segment a little mermaid is the new little mermaid that is coming out sometime next year, which to be alive little mermaid like they did Aladdin and some of the other Disney movies.

And so, as you might just just because it is the third Saturday of October already hard to believe I have my good friend Sherry here with this so and I'm so glad he's part of my world.

I'm just telling you and you know this show today is always brought to us by some Hebrew letters but the Hebrew letters I might put together for you today because you know we been doing one letter at a time and today is my anniversary. Actually, I've been married 34's today for 34 years today to my wife Tammy and Sarna turned on Jerry's Mike's argument they hear me now yeah I hear you, which has everything to do with these letters so interestingly, the word for doctor and I don't know about you, but you know that word doctrine just never let up my life very and as I studied this this morning.just brought it to my world like you brought up the idea of Ariel which Ariel biblically. If you look in Isaiah 29 is the lion of God, that's that AR sound.

That means lion and that Alan means God and so here you have area was a line of God and and so interestingly if you look in Isaiah 29. They were on a quest to find the same place that Ariel was kinda looking for right part of that world.

And it has to do with doctrine and I never would've guessed it, but at the end of Isaiah 29. If you look it. It talks about doctrine and that word in Hebrew. Like I said let my life because actually if you look in Deuteronomy, Moses said the same thing in my in his famous speech and in Deuteronomy 32 he said that right that his words were gonna drop like do and distill his doctrine would drop like do and distill is actually the word he used in this word doctrine in Hebrew is amazing and I get to that in a minute but the last time elements more doctrine which is completely significant is when you think about what happened in that in acts chapter 2 after you know Peter was involved in the Holy Spirit led 3000 people into this community right, what did they do, they continued steadfastly in the doctrine of the apostles and fellowship and breaking of bread and prayer, but I don't want to miss that. They continued in doctrine.

Okay. And this is a lot to do with lion okay and of God because word doctrine in Hebrew, if you know me in this very smile talked about my quest my quest for some time.

Actually, since for about a year and 1/2 God put me on the quest to understand the 16th Psalm in your presence is fullness of joy and as a result of that he had me memorize. The 16th Psalm in the 13th Psalm, and then the hundred 19 salt and as I memorized the hundred 19 Psalm you may know that it it time and time and time again you know David says teach me your statutes eat eat eat says it seven times and at the end and that in the last section eases, 000. My lips will utter praise when you have taught me your statutes. In other words there at the end and and David was his unbelievable learner. He still didn't feel like he had learned all there was to learn about the statutes and so I went on a quest from Aaron God had me start memorize the song of Solomon because I knew that it had everything to do with this idea of these statutes, which was now my quest. Okay, so you can imagine how my life lit up this morning when I looked at the word doctrine and I realized that the word doctrine is the letter La met which we talked about many times has to do with your heart and your longing to be with God, and it also has to do with learning so you learn and you love like you know how you sit on the first day with your wife and you wanted to hear everything she had to set okay that's alarm it.

That's the idea that letter because all Hebrew letters or picture of something well alarm.

It is a picture of your heart and how it longs to know God or know other people consider the image of God. Okay, the second letter in the word doctrine is a hoof a cuff excuse me in the word. The letter could has to do with holiness but more importantly, maybe I don't know if it's more important that it's along the same lines. It has to do with proximity.

The closer you are to God the holder you get. And oh by the way, the more time goes away because you know when you get a good session of prayer earlier in the church services just your touching God. You don't want that to be a fit tight time doesn't isn't involved in that. And so here you have your heart and you have this closeness and then you have the hat which has to do with union in your marriage. It it it you were you were married under Hoopa which looks like the letterhead and so when you put those three letters together you get, the more doctrine which is those two letters of the of the cuff and the hat are the word statutes okay so put these three letters together and you see how spectacular the word doctrine is.

It is your hearts longing to be close.

I mean, this is my quest to be close in union, not just with God. Obviously, because he said what love one another. Why, because if we truly, truly, truly got to this place. You see, there wouldn't be any road rage there wouldn't be 15-year-old boys that are run and rampage in Raleigh that there would that you know I want to be part of that world where people truly love one another because they see that they're all in the image of God, and they all are longing to be close to each other.

I mean, it's absolutely a spectacular thing right or you don't even bring this up, but you're talking you know that part of community and and people trust in each other in heaven fellowship in an and you the union of bringing people together respecting a part of that is respect and is resilient that the young man in Raleigh but also this week past couple days I read a article where a family going down the highway and two trucks ended up Tronic break each other and cut each other often break in quick stop in and out run into each other. This is going on on the interstate and all the sudden one of the cars through a water bottle at the other truck with the next thing is a guy pulls out a gun and shoots into the vehicle and the other guys again.

He shoots into both of them's daughters got hit.

Neither one of them killed the both them in the hospital because of just just baffles me in a head, and what was the difference there is. How in the world you have, we live in a society as you as you mention it, we talk about this unity and step I think Satan is part of the byproduct of that. That's the tool that Satan also uses to go against the Christian church and an and Christians altogether think this coven thing coming.

Satan's had a field day because of that is that doctrine that that the part of the unity part bringing people together and fellowship together and Satan is used it in a mighty way and this is on the way when I was coming and I heard the new story. There has been. I think eight police officers shot this past week. I mean yeah that and so the good news is we want to know when you actually tasted this work right that one thing about the world that Jesus was given given us, and in Isaiah 29. As we learn that lesson when in acts to get to the good side of this, not the bad side of it, but when did you taste bad or what is your quest would love to know 866348788 full be right back your listening to the Truth Network and

Part of that world today on the Christian car garage, and when we've been talking about like this is our quest to be part of that world. That place of right that apostles doctrine would save greatly when it is I never had seen the beauty of that word. But that word is magnificent when you've experience it when you've tasted that where you could be in total fellowship, totally desiring to get to know the people, and God better. All at the same time as as they are in the image of God and and that closeness ends up in.

Here's how you can tell the fruit of it is like time stands still, it does not matter you you got no place to go but you just want to be right there. I had a dear friend.

His name is Lester Grant for years and years EE came to my Christian business men's committee and he he was married to a lady by the name of Lucille and he was in his 80s like 88, when he told me the story and eat came and he said I'm really tired last night I stayed up till 3 o'clock in the morning just sit on the porch talking to my wife I'm like where all the good at like are you kidding me got so mad I could talk to that woman forever, and I've often thought about how amazing that is. Two weeks ago on this that you may know, I give devotion at a retirement home in Marksville what they brought in Lester's wife, who is now 99 and let me just tell you she's sharp as a tack and she still loves to talk and is done at an and my wife and my mother-in-law and I all went to visit her this week and I and I couldn't help but note, you know that here is this beautiful woman that had these amazing I mean her husband loved her well right they sit up and talk to three in the morning when they were in their late 80s and the MNC the time didn't matter because you're you're in your part of that world.

And so what is it taste like for you when we got my good friend and alt is on the phone and I've lost my producer who's gonna have to help me because my thing is if you could put a amount for us and I am here I'm here I'm struggling with my connection this morning, but you're you're in great shape. It's just this where I have in my console is working so share with us what if you got a well big Lord and my I love the way you keep adding a thought upon thought that the Lord is leading you in holiday and Delaware debt. God wants to give that unreasonable joy. There is the impossible dream and I was thinking the other day about how all our air. I can take out what he wants to give us that unreasonable delay and the impossible dream. I love that, and then click. This is my quest to follow that die and never had a plan that I could read it sleazy. Would love to hear that it day and a failure to know it all you right you know that that you get at and and quickly now. It all because they know Jesus. And so I wrote a plan called the divine know it all man one day I went on all day every day down and I want to keep them from all harm straight from God to live a tell me that the road thereon ever been. I'm just a goodie. They say their joy. All too often when I what I warned you make it clear that that now it is all the answer that I hear so ironic that there know it all, he is the great I am the one to keep his only noted faith and one day bring it home to share Christ Jesus, that we will never be home, so please listen to know it all. He when you give your life to him. You will never be the same.

To achieve now and all the haven't again held that Sharon G. No other way.

He is the only one that Ohio by Ed that Patrick hit me for Heidi and amazing well and let me assure three thoughts first first thought. I want to share for my listeners. You sitting there wondering, did Robbie stage. This will let me tell you that number one at 730 this morning. I've been up since 4 o'clock trying to figure out what God wanted me to do today and I had no clue where I was going with this, until God put me on the aerial idea and and and then write you you you share this poem right this amazing poem while in the 16th Psalm which I referred to earlier that God and out and I shouldn't say I memorized it because the Holy Spirit is one. You want to commune with the Holy Spirit memorize a lot of scripture and he will feed it to you like there's no tomorrow and then you dislike communing with the Holy Spirit. You don't when you're quoting under 19 Psalm or three or four of them together like that like he is the Holy Spirit is feed near every line, if you listen and and so one of those lines in the in the 16th Psalm, and I'll never eat every time I pray that I think about it. With so many people in mind including myself. It says the sorrows of those who chase after other gods will be multiplied okay. It's a pretty straightforward statement of what you're saying you see them stream from God, the sorrows of those who chase after other gods will be multiplied and it not good news like there's no better than that because as their sorrows are multiplied just what they get. They want to be part of this world right babe. They want sound doctrine. I mean, is a natural thing that would happen that God would have and it's amazing. So when did you taste that we got Angie to stand with us to the break we got Jerry but we need you your you got some burden on your heart.

Please call 866-348-7884.

You're listening to the Truth Network and could be part of that world today, and I know that my good friend and all those of your list and last segment, knows that she called and she's very much. One of the stars of Christian car guide theater in so many different voices and so many different ways but part of the world that I know and is thinking of this morning, you know, when we lose someone close to us right. It's when our way.

All the sudden becomes more real as my mother used to say to me who was also part of that world. Now, right.

The older I get, the more my treasure is in heaven.

And so I know that that's that's the season that you're in is and lost her brother as we can be praying for God's comfort, dear, dear brother, that she lost that she also right. I know the story helped him come to the Lord was involved in the Holy Spirit, drawing him and how neat that are pure in our prayers and are so grateful for your partnership and and for your friendship to the shallow to to what the Christian car guy is. It just wouldn't be the same without her wintering. Absolutely not a minute superstar. I know I like many many years ago and then we had We talked about how I wanted to date you think you wanted to and trimmed down to the faith of another guy didn't get how I can and and and people all had one of the lack of knowledge in their time to do that, but they met with Mayor Monday night that as well.

I got up I got Nancy called from Washington and thank you so so much for calling and sharing your heart today and you're in our prayers. You know that we love you. Thank you. By poem, it's amazing bench by so I do have Nancy in Washington. I'm very excited. I think Nancy's called this before but it's been a while answer your Nancy you're on the Christian car – show the morning good morning I hear you great and so what if you want to share with us this morning. Hi, my brain think that when he called me wonderful kingdom and would like night night and become well wary God. Nine in the world and so and enough regret. Don't feel like you've done it well and any people know you and Linda and Phil, I believe that at that job. I hear certain people to be mocking and family unity and his kingdom.

The joy and fulfillment that nation connected.

I've been going though the heavenly father finally wanted to share some beautiful Nancy. You can sure sense right that you can close this you know you can hear you know Jesus in your voice and you can get people like my life reality sure comes to mind first couple years I did the Christian car – so it became real popular, much to my amazement and I got a chance to be on Fox and friends in New York City and you know I'd prepared in my heart how I was to be able to share Jesus with all these people and it was it was on how you could say General Motors, every wants to talk to me about cars which is not what I wanted to talk about but nonetheless that's what they wanted to talk about the day on Fox and found that I write it is it is with the platform I got gave me but I remember when I got off the air was with my wife Tammy that day in New York that I literally just fell down the sidewalk crying because I didn't feel like I truly shared anything that was of value, and that I hear was this moment that God gave you for this platform to be on international TV in such a way you know and I got back to my room and looked at my email and I an email from a listener that will encourage me forever so that those words said I love having you on Fox and friends. I can hear Jesus in your voice call out what better compliment.

Could you ever get to know Nancy, I mean I you right right and that's that's the beauty of right as you get closer. As you learn more. Like you said when you walk in Revelation that that you know when you can sit with Jesus on that date in prayer and just learning everything that you can learn about a mother that's in his word and prayer with other believers right in church when your pastor is just you know you it's clear that he's been with Jesus. And you're right there than time standstill and in your on that day which Jesus and in some of your life reflects that even though you may not think you did anything when Moses came down off the mountain.

Everybody saw his face right now. I am sitting here in my backup of to last week is a list of the show witness who goes for Nancy it goes from and it goes for Robbie goes for me goes favorite thousands of listeners out there. God has a plan for each and every one of us and enzymes listed last will show it just humbled me so much in a the text Robbie and told him this, because I'm thinking the journey that he is been alone walking with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ when he is open and shut doors along that path that to me and I know a little bit of the back story on some of the step. I see that and I just think you know what how God is formed. Robbie into the person he is in the platform that he has and all the people that he is touched and we all have that me Nancy you sit at the people look at you they see Christ in your view. If you are of Christ, and you know Christ as Lord and Savior. People see that you don't have to go on the on Fox and friends in it and then lay out the good news of Jesus Christ. They're going to see it and who we are and and that should reflect that main it does humbled me, it humbles me when I see people who have stepped up in bed and allow God to work them and has had a great platform. She's been in that in the Hollywood business movies and and commercials and stuff but she uses that platform now for Jesus Christ is talked about her brother who now is in heaven because of Christ was able to work through her and we have that opportunity. The Cape beaten car didn't set out in Knighton and Tobin. You know what a lot of ways and also be an elder at my church is that that's my platform and I need to make sure I use it for Christ's Robbie has multiple platforms in the church is and through the radio show into kingdom pursuits and vent than Christian Car Guy and that you said that should be humbling for all of us. The Nancy just always know that they people see Christ in us. If we are of Christ as beautiful. Thank you Nancy. Wow, what an honor it really is that you called ensure that today it means a lot to fill it out.

Thank you God bless you all. Thank you. Well sums burning, right some things burning on your heart to say wow how is God touched you right.

I mean, how is he grab that place where you wanted to sit in that date with him all night and it didn't. In the time just went away 866 is the number to call him 866348788486634 truth and so you know Jerry is I've been on this quest and I thought I would share a little bit of how I got to where I got dinner because it's just never ceases to amaze me know how God got me here right because what happened was I was, as you may know, been studying the song of Solomon my podcast my daily podcast in the Christian car guys been on the song of Solomon in the six chapter 6 chapter we finally see the fruit of this relationship that all of a sudden all the women in Jerusalem, which by the way, are the aerials of the world are looking for Jesus.

And when they look for but they find these very things we talk about when we get back, but we need your call. We really do talk 28663487884.

You're listening to the truth and part of that world. That place where you imagine drivers. This is purely dearly loved each other and wanted the absolute best for them. The other driver and all those things that you can imagine it's a Christian Car Guy show is talked about the fish for years and years later now to try. Now I kind of thing so as I was mentioning how I got here, which was always a journey for me is I've been studying the song is out of the, doing my daily podcast is always telling and I get to the six chapter incentives to do a little review and declined to 10,000 feet of the story of the song of Solomon in the fifth chapter she slept that her heart was awake and then you know her lover came. His voice was knocking, which is an interesting thing to note, that is his voice that not look that closely and you'll see it was his voice that knocked and she didn't get up to answer communist is basically what happened and somehow another. He had the key to her heart and he opened it and she got really excited jumped out of bed and went about to try to find them within it says that she was found by the watchmen on the walls and they beat her and they bruised her and they took away her veil things are going good for the Humpty that look like right and I've always thought for years that this was a picture of Peter that Peter you know he couldn't stay awake in the garden. We know that. And then when he went out into the city got lured into denying Jesus three times. They beat him with a bruised and they took away his mask he ate no longer thought he was the guy that Jesus could count on like he thought earlier, the night before right and so then an interesting thing happens that she, or in this case Peter tells the daughter of Jerusalem, and this is important sheet.

He tells Ariel that you know if you find my beloved. I'm sick with love like one strange thing to say but they are like, what's up with this guy that he so hung up on this beautiful woman that you know that who what's up with this bride that she wants this and so that's when the bride goes into all these descriptions attend descriptions of affairs to 10,000 essentially of all those different things well after she just spills her guts to the daughters of Jerusalem about Jesus is her lover, friend, and always different ways. The fruit of that comes in chapter 6 were all the sudden the daughters of Jerusalem.

Now ask where is your beloved. Where do we go that we can find them on seriously.

The first chapter the first verse of the six chapter there like they're on fire now where do I find Jesus right which Matthew Henry points out, I think, well, that like this. I know this is spiritual because how many people do you want running after your husband but nonetheless all these people are are are chasing after him and in the fruit of this is unbelievable. And it did happen in the in the acts chapter to write that Peter, after he'd fallen and after all the shenanigans Jesus restored MG Peter do you love me you know you a little story, then 3000 within days of that 3000 right came in so he had just been in this place of horrible. You know whatever and he restored and then he gets to enjoy 3000 more people coming in to this fellowship, and that sets up right. The doctrine and the breaking of bread and prayer. Well interestingly, when Jesus begins in the six chapter to begin to describe his bride again, which is a little different than the description he gives in chapter 4. He starts out with these unbelievable words. He says thou art beautiful is to Israel calmly is Jerusalem and terrible as an army with banners. Well let me just say that the Holy Spirit pointed out to me the similarities of to Ezra and doctrine okay when you live those words in Hebrew. I couldn't help but see that like oh my goodness that beautiful when Jesus looks at beautiful he's thinking about that United couple that sit there looking at each other, longing to find out more about each other with the bets in the church, or with any other person.

It's in the reflection of God or with God himself. All that to God is totally beautiful. It's doctrine. It is loving one another right and so when he said your is beautiful is to Ezra as calmly as Jerusalem is is is or Ariel depend on how you want to say that but Jerusalem is peace right in the breaking of bread, as all that to do with.

So Jesus is describing when he says how beautiful we are, what he's describing is what happened in acts when they were right, devoted wholeheartedly devoted to doctrine to the apostles doctrine to the breaking of bread and prayer, and don't miss that.

That last one is terrible as an army with banners okay prayer from Satan's standpoint is an army with banners okay. There is nothing that puts the fear and Satan anything like when all the sudden you can imagine, when the church can you imagine how we felt that day when those 3000 all bent their knee and started in communion with God. That's is terrible as an army with banners to see and so Peter went from the standpoint of Islip my heart was awake, which was me. By the way this morning to this place of being as beautiful as to Ezra right as as as calmly which, by the word. The root of that word means sheepfold of Jerusalem like you see it. The piece of what Jerusalem is when you break bread in urine, fellowship right. The fellowship about that. This is peace right and then and prayer is terrible as an army with banners right and so as I get a chance to see these things in the Holy Spirit illuminates them with me. Then when I get a chance to share them with you Jerry. I get to touch right part of this world absolutely amen again and so they know is you as you think about it this week. I had this thought I got David to give give to you what you think Jesus is laugh sounds. I've been told many times about people that listen to me that I write you know they'll Bill tell me whatever but they say Rob, you love your laugh right that's is very, very rare common well that the thought that occurred to me is when you love to hear Jesus like can you imagine because you know that in his presence is fullness of joy he's laughing. I'm just saying. And so there is your homework for the Christian Car Guy show is like contemplate, think, pray like to be part of his world. The part of the world that were talking about. This is a place of joy, fullness of joy and and and think about it during the thought about what is laugh. Sounds like no but I imagine he's had plenty of times the laugh look at my life. All except given plenty of opportunity guy that even this morning, and in so many different ways right you know that that humiliated it as you said, that one thing we as Christians as followers of Christ. We need always know were never out of God's reach his followers's grace get us meet with were always right there, no matter where we may think we are fallen to God's grace and then what is God what was wanted to go to the cross because he wants us to be in community with him and have fellowship with him and to spend eternity in that in heaven, and I won't say in the email and the thing about eternity is it won't be enough time not select for it to be like to be like you, Lester, Lucille, you know, I lost track of time. Right you know we won't consider just be unbelievably delightful and when you're there right I think that's why always say right slow down. I think that really is what is what is worth driving if we could slow down and to slow down from I mean standpoint of realizing you're in the presence Jesus right now things are absolutely wonderful and that person over there. That's frustrating you. They are made in God's image and they too have something that would blow your mind if you knew it right which can have to ask. Find out what it is to see you know how they reflect Christ like and I know Nancy does in the know and does on the colors that we had to date. Absolutely wonderful.

Thank you Jerry. Thank you, Robbie, and happy anniversary and all yes yes looking forward to that overgrown the Brazilian steakhouse for a better slow down. Thanks for list.

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