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Song of Solomon 4:6 Jesus' Bitter Sweet Mountains

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
August 8, 2022 8:50 am

Song of Solomon 4:6 Jesus' Bitter Sweet Mountains

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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August 8, 2022 8:50 am

Song of Songs 4:6 Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, I will get me to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense.

This the 6th and vuv verse is the "continuation" (some ofthe meaning of the letter vuv) of so much of the whole book, you find in it - The Sun that makes black and shadows found all over chapters one and two and the Mountains all over the book as well and the spices, myrrh - bitter and frankincense, sweet - Listen to hear some thoughts to connect all that.

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This is the Truth Network treasures of the song of songs, which is Solomon's master the verse today I booked as clearly, this is the verse or the continuation verse which continue so many different things in the song of Solomon in the fourth chapter and so with the idea of the above being you number one delight in semi-different ways but also you know I will keep by law continually forever and ever is in the section of the hundred 19 Psalm so that idea of the love is a continuation and we can't help but note that this verse before guaranty is a continuation of of of of what happened in chapter 2, and a continuation of what happened in chapter 3 and to be continued because it it also lines up very much with the second to the last or even the last excuse me, I think the last verse in the whole book salads like it is to be continued.

There is no doubt about that when it comes to this verse and unlocking it. Wow, I think there is so much here is just so much here so will just get into it. So here it is in English until the day break in the shadows flee away. I will get me to the mountain of murder and to the hill of frankincense and and you might remember. I hope you do that, you know, in the second chapter. We talked about that he leapt you know on the mountains and he skipped on the hills and we see that mountains and hills exactly the same words he uses again and when we come to the end of the second chapter.

You might remember he Solomon uses these exact same words as the bridegroom is calling out her beloved until the day breaks in the shadows flee, you know, turn and and be like a young or like a heart like a rower young heart. A mom upon the mountains of the third row that mountains note that the that she used a plural word for mountains. Not one mountain, but to mountains and so here he says you know in this particular verse, which is again the six verse in the fourth chapter he says, until the day breaks the shadows flee, I will get the to the mountain of murder and to the hill of frankincense and wow I mean I have Doug and Doug and Doug to try to see all that this is trying to tell us here, it's beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. He is described his bride beautifully and now he turns and talks about again the sun and you might even remember that's a continuation from the very first chapter where she said I'm black, but comely and talking about how the sun had made her black you know because the sun right in and that idea of the sun is you know a big deal for Solomon. Obviously, until the day breaks and Rashi points out in this is spectacular that this has to do with us being exposed to the sun and the sun, meaning heat meaning sin, and so you know it's it's a bitter thing.

So we need based on our sin Jesus to go. Essentially, to the mountain of murder into the hill of frankincense and what are these mountains well it's clear clear clear can be more clear. Both Rashi and Matthew Henry point out that the word that is translated everywhere murder here is actually the exact same word that is an Chronicles that describes Mount Moriah and it's it's referenced actually with exactly the same Hebrew cipher. In other words, it met with the word mountains made the same way and the word Mariah is made the same way but yet here translated Mount of murder and it gives you the idea that murder is the root word of the word Mariah and and the idea that Mount Moriah was the temple is obviously extremely significant here, but they also the idea that murder means bitterness is also very much the idea here, and the idea of the bitter, bitter offerings, it bit you know death is a very bitter situation.

Yet here we have this complete contrast as we have throughout the song of Solomon with frankincense and we have the bitter and then we have the sweet smell of frankincense which you might recall from an earlier episode we talk about these two because right back in the third chapter.

You might remember as the beloved was coming out of the wilderness she was perfumed with what frankincense and myrrh. So once again we see how this valve is just a continuation of something that is teaching us throughout this and we were perfumed with frankincense and myrrh again with the bitter and the sweet. In other words, the bitter testing that obviously went on in the wilderness and the sweet victory that that comes as a result of that. And here you know.

Clearly we have this idea of you know, the mountain of murder which clearly has everything to do with Mount Moriah and and also you know you can't help but think when you think of the mountains in Jerusalem that Zachariah 14 Ford talks about the Jesus is going to stand on the Mount of olives right and it's going to separate into a valley and when you think about this. It actually says in Zechariah that it's going to cleave while when you think about what she said to him in the second chapters. Wish we she said be on the mountain of cleaving the mountain. We talked about this of this of the covenant, which also has to do with the cleaving that bit that happened with the sacrifices for Abraham.

So again it leaves you with all sorts of different things that you could be thinking about and deciding info about where these lamps are you okay, I'm just throwing it all out there and I don't know that I can come down.

Yet when we get to the end of the book were going to study this all fought one more time because it comes at the very end and I don't think were going to completely understand until we get to the end of the book, but we didn't know at this point that after describing his beloved in other words, he couldn't seem to be more in love with the features of his bride. So because of that he is now going to go to the very place of bitterness, which certainly I think myself as Mount Calvary in order to have the sweet victory of the resurrection which could be the sepulcher. I or the Mount of olives, where he had the sweet prayers. I'm not sure of all that, but I think that he will amount murder is is certainly the place of sacrifice in the altar that sat Mount Moriah so it's it's it's all very interesting but the point of it is I really really think that where were we think about this is we, if working to meet with Jesus we need to be at the place of right repentance that when you think about it. Repentance itself in Matthew Henry points this out is bittersweet.

In other words, we've got this horrible sin, but it's so sweet that he forgave us but is also a point of you know if we are going to choose life. We have to choose death test way it works right that you know he who seeks to lose his life will save it. Well that works in so many different things in your life right. If we lose what we want, which is sleep in the morning and we get up we make a bit of a sacrifice. We spent time is words absolutely spectacular right well you know the story I was to be used. To illustrate this this morning.

You know you my wife in a gives up her life so much to help her mother. You know that's a sacrifice it's a great example. But back in June when I really wanted to use was where I gave up something. In other words, the doctor I went to the doctor and he said Robbie your A1c is 7.0 which my A1c had never been in a high yes I'm diabetic. If you did not know that and this really really concern me and I really, you know, prayed a lot like God. What are we gonna do here because you know I don't want to end up. You know, I've seen what happens to diabetics as far as losing their side and toes and eventually her kidneys and going through dialysis like in a week. We gotta get this straight. We gotta get it right well and my struggles is my weight like so many and what I eat like so many and I also I think the Lord put it on me to bear down to give up some life in order to get the sweet victory over my disease that I'm struggling with right and so I went on what would appear to be the direction of both diet and exercise. In other words I'd already been exercising every morning but I increase that significantly and began to walk a whole bunch more and ride my bike a whole bunch more and at the same time take out take on fasting a whole lot more than I have been fasting as well as eating like I absolutely quit drinking beer. I absolutely quit eating bread. You know I gave up some things that really and this was bitter for me, it like when I'm on the lawn. I can't tell you how bad it would appear okay for those of you that offends I'm sorry I in one beer I'm good but anyway that is what I do, you know, it's just me and influences no I'm not hiding anything here. That's but I gave that up and I was I was I was taking the bitter because the of the sweet idea of because I thought if I could lose it.

Highway 245 pounds of the time I thought if I could lose 30 pounds that you know that would make a significant difference in my A1c and quite honestly, as I was checking my blood sugar couldn't seem to get it down under hundred and 60 matter what the world I was doing for the first month that started again on 6 June and after I don't know how much of the bitter that I've enjoyed of not eating the things that I may have wanted, and the exercise which was also giving up that I can. I'm happy happy happy to report I have the sweet feeling of knowing. I did lose my 30 pounds in two months that I now weigh 215 which almost blows my mind that I got there and it's really a sweet thing to think know God has allowed me that kind of healing. In the course. I wish I could tell you that my blood sugars completely under control. Although I bet you right now to check that A1c would be under 60. Most the time it Russell now around 100 and 1020, but every once while it still flares up telling me that I've got some ways to go before I could eat all that I want to drink all that I want so you know that's common but I just thought it was a perfect example of how sometimes we have to embrace the bitter in order to get the sweet, and that's the idea of murder, which has also to do with the name Mary and others so much. Here is just spectacular but I think as we go through our dated maybe we can think about G Jesus, where would you have me take on the mountain of murder so that I can enjoy the hill of frankincense venture list