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BREAKING: Iran Can Produce Nuclear Bomb

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
July 18, 2022 1:10 pm

BREAKING: Iran Can Produce Nuclear Bomb

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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July 18, 2022 1:10 pm

In breaking news, Iran has just claimed that they're capable of producing nuclear bombs. Kamal Kharrazi, advisor to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, yesterday publicly stated, " Iran has the technical means to produce a nuclear bomb but there has been no decision by Iran to build one." Jordan, Logan, and the rest of the Sekulow team discuss this statement, the state of Iran-US relations, and Biden's recent visit to the Middle East. This and more today on Sekulow.

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Breaking news and senior is wrong to produce nuclear bomb broadcasting all of you. So my brothers in Washington. Your center was meant as your blood suggests on later today. The big breaking news we are covering is out of Iran and they said this is all refer directly. This is the advisor said are capable of building a nuclear bomb ravenously decided whether or not they're going to have the ability to enjoy. This is a big news for obviously a host of reasons, specifically coming out of just right now the Middle East trip.

The present by the just made. This is a deeply concerning you. Absolutely.

This is why he was meeting with our second part of the reason why is meeting with our allies of the golf doctors to beg for more oil for the United States but also to could hopefully continue to build the Alliance of countries against Iran, and to to build a life because what we know now is that Iran is at a point which we were all feared was coming very soon where they've got all the capabilities they beat all that what they are doing is trying to extort something out for the world. Likely that's cash and sections relief. They also what the Iranian Revolutionary guard removed from the Ford terrorist organizations list that is held by the that is put together by the United States will get a sanctions issue as well, but I think what they tried to do.

Clearly, by announcing that we got all the parts we can ramp up the enrichment. We got what we need.

We got the ICBMs they had the missiles capable both of the short range to target Israel, Saudi Arabia, but also that we got the, the, we could, we got the ICBMs he could target you in the United States, there could be two issues, though, that arise from this will talk about where the next day with a broadcast don't take your phone calls about it. What 100 684 31 two that's 1-800-684-3110. What is your Rod will try to extort and I think what we saw from the Obama administration we might see from the Bible administration which is which is a at least a willingness to consider the Iranian extortion logo which could be the pallets of cash again for cash influx but also sanctions relief I be to be put that Iraqi Revolutionary guards were even considering taking them off of the Ford terrorist organizations list is just absurd and dangerous.

But this puts the world in a very dangerous place that did nuclear deal.

We said from the outset would put Iran audit path where they would have a nuclear weapon were three that deals expiring three years, so it's been in existence for 70 US pulled out of it under the Trump administration.

Guess where Rod is in a position where they are publicly flexing that they have the capability to put together the Bob but don't worry world. We haven't decided whether to do it yet again.

Here's the clothing came from the advisors directly from a Cazares in a few days we are able to enrich uranium up to 60% and we can easily produce 90% enriched uranium Iran is the technical means to produce a nuclear bomb. There's been no decision yet by Iran to build one but certainly discussing it's part of the conversation and they are a bit of a threat with is this is both predictable and has been predicted. The IAEA is reporting connection with this that are Ron right now has about 95 pounds of highly enriched uranium.

It takes 65 pounds to produce one nuclear weapon so they arty have more than enough uranium and they can actually go to 90% and constructive on the IAEA saying in about three weeks. If they chose to do it. This is really alarming. Iran could talk about that, as well as other topics today were a couple start of the crisis pregnancy centers Roscoe talk about that fist bump her own round the world to discuss that as well. Gallup polls would come out people's media confidence. Guess what, not very hot and a lot more red discuss that throughout the next hour on secular if you want to be on their talk away those topics, but specifically Iran over the next few segments.

100-684-3110. That's 1-800-684-3110 we are in the middle of our matching challenge. Right now the month of July. We encourage right now to go to a skilled trade out or check of the great constables support as all donations are effectively double back to secular. We are to consider your phone calls at 100 684 31 tentacles now those on hold will get you in a minute but we need to reset Jordan. Those people are just joining us now because everybody on on trust are ready or just get in their cars to hear what's happening. Maybe they clicked on a push unification to got from one of the social media platforms and saw the big news that Iran says they are capable of building nuclear bomb and why is it important to us. Why support opposite to the Middle East and Israel in general and some we need to break down a little bit is when the advisors are set in few days were able to enrich uranium up to 60%.

We can easily produce 90% enriched uranium. Iran has the technical means to produce a nuclear bomb. There's been no decision by Iran to build one so estimate this in studio drawing your people better breakdown them.

We are less ß sure. So what we now know is a rod which there publicly stating which I get I would utilize her to believe the Iranians are believe these dictatorial regimes, but we know they been on a path towards getting the materials necessary to put together a nuclear weapon and they are now say that they have that right after the present United States leaves the region meeting with one of their top enemies. The Saudi's and of course the Israelis add there's two issues at play here.

One other say that they got the uranium at the level they needed to create the weaponry. We also know that they got the deliverable capabilities that a rod at least has claimed to have not just remember for Israel's sake and for the region. They don't need ICBMs. They don't need to cut a ballistic missiles to deliver. They just need a short range missiles that you could deliver again at these devastating weapons.

Remember this is in the hands of regime that believes that you got to act in a way to somehow bring back the 12th in it bomb as were about remind people about their religion that they rely on the extreme version of their religion and they believe that you do that that the 12 the Bobby Hindley Bob returns or egos no longer hidden. If you do something dramatic like a nuclear attack on Israel or the great Satan, a nuclear attack on the United States. These are not rational actors. This is that India and Pakistan with nuclear weapons pointing at each of the static Cold War, a situation you have to treat them much differently. Look at the terror that they've exported around the world. Look at what they're willing to do, and engage in around the world. So we doubt another at this point so so what where we go next.

I think what we have to look for this administration is a rod is tried to blackmail. They are trying to extort body and sanctions relief. Right now they're gonna put their play with the idea we have this we haven't built it yet. So what will you give us in return for not building it. Of course you did have to trust them that there are some that they're actually not building it. Remember, we don't have access the AIE.

His never had access to most of their facilities where this would be built but again I think were an unfortunate point I want to play this out to look at is the board between Israel's interim prime minister dear Lapine and Pres. Biden because there is a direct disagreement on how to deal with errata. This was before that does take a listen. I continue to believe that diplomacy is the best way to achieve this outcome was will not stop the present diplomacy.

We love stop if they continue to develop nuclear program to free will will use force something that's another part logo that has to be report is that the rest of that region. That would put Israel in line with the rest of the Gulf states and on the west of this, but I they do not want to rod to put together this weapon and what you heard from guaranteed is the inner prime minister's we will go to war before that happens. So are we on the cost of yet another conflict in the world and other major world conflicts. We arty have one going out in Europe are we back to see what in the Middle East yeah and you know that there are bipartisan members of Congress that have worn Pres. Biden about continue negotiations and the possibility of lifting sanctions on Iran. As you said Jordan D. Israel in their Gulf states are totally against what's going on there, including Prime Minister Lapine and we know that in 2015. The last time we your relieved around from sanctions I got about $100 billion. When we did that, under Pres. Obama.

They use that money to deliver over 10,000 rockets and missiles to Hezbollah and Hamas. In addition to that they armed up the Hutu rebels in Yemen and the Hutu rebels because of better land deal in 2015 were allowed to overthrow the government in Yemen and so they will use the money for that and for continued work on their nuclear weapons program, and yet and yet in this was a surprise to me, and I follow this pretty closely. Pres. Biden in Israel said that they had actually delivered their final offer to the Iranian government that it that it essentially was on their desk and that if they signed it they would go forward with the agreement and yet in that agreement there. It allows Iran to have access again to billions and billions of dollars with no restraints on their ballistic missile system. This is this is bad. Diplomacy is bad for the world. You know it's bad for the United States of America and yet he is insisting on going forward with this. The only thing that's holding us back right now is Iran has not signed tennis calling in California aligned to Timothy on their my call why the Biden administration blinded to the fact that Iran had technology to destroy the world.

Jordan, do you think that this is blindness in think this is just what happens when you have this administration enough is a weak, weak leadership at they Iran wants something from the by the ministration. I don't want to war yet. I don't think they want to launch a nuclear weapon yet. I think they want to see what they could get an what was that mean what that means economic relief sanctions relief the removal of the Iranian Revolutionary guard, which is ugly believe and say.

But we know that this administration is kids has considered it at certain points is a further four terrorist organizations list. I think they are try to blackmail which is typical vibrato tried to extort something from the world by putting this information out.

Now the question is this. The US right now may not be postal strike, but there other countries not just Israel who were to be very uncomfortable after this statement is out out by top advisor to the Ayatollah, the supreme leader of Iran, who put his name out. This is a day person so put his name out with it and who are who are not going to be so patient with a rod and I think unfortunately we could be on the cusp of another conflict in a major conflict because take out the nuclear capability. They have massive weapons capabilities.

A large military.

This is a region which again there's a lot of unity against Iraq, but that unity is not been tested in military action before this could go on, takes more calls I live in Ellicott, and Ronald from South Carolina line 1 rally on the air and if you will be on your two 1-800-684-3110 remove him from the topic after the segment may, if your question or comment about it. We have to take Ronald calling in South Carolina. You're on the environment are taking my call. One of the questions that Jordan had put it so eloquently, is the fact that there are rational and yet this Biden administration consistently wants to make deals with someone that's completely irrational and when I think the whole trip to the Middle East was more or less I think they already knew that the group because I think he was going there to try and convince the Middle East that hey, it's not our fault that Iran is this far along we tried to do what we can, but nothing that they do is anything positive for what the Middle East is going to right now what wheat we did put on a pass by the Obama administration that was not good because we dealt with Iran. We gave them the deal that allow them to get support there. I doubt believe them or not.

We know that their nuclear program has advanced significantly in those seven years, and so since the deal and we know that the deals we got a few years left. We know that the the Biden team would like to still sign that deal this is.

I think where we have to watch very closely in the next few days are we about to head over pallets of cash add sanctions relief to a radical terrorist regime that is threatening not just Israel, not just the Gulf states or the suit he states, but is threatening the United States directly that was asked we cannot see Iran with nuclear weapon and I think the Israel has pledged you never again will our people be able to be annihilated.

They will go it if this statement is that true, and they are able to get the Intel this is correct, there will be conflict. This will not be handled with sanctions relief.

It does request we treat Iran differently.

That's always the topic points always are a million a minute left, but this becomes an issue.

Every time you can issue the with the Obama ministration down to the trimesters came in and did some things bounce back. Iran always the talking point in her always making these threats we treat like they don't know exactly under the last two Republican Presidents sanctions had so crippled the Iranian economy. It is slowed down the research and development of nuclear weapons, but because of the deal in 2000 feet 15 with Pres. Obama and Biden you're coming in now giving them hope allowing things to happen. We're at the point of Logan, where probably in. This is most unfortunate. The only thing this going to stop them from acquiring a nuclear weapon is some sort of military action. Hopefully, if Israel cares about the United States military will enable them with refueling and targeting, and other things that I'm not hopeful that we can stop them any other way. They were getting calls, 100-684-3110 are also can be talking about the attacks currently have air crisis pregnancy centers around the country are discussed that CC Hile who be joining us in studio coming up again. We are in the middle of our matching challenge at ACL change means alternations effectively doubled another donors there waiting to donate alongside of you if you give $10 there ready to match that make a 20 is a skilled trade out of the house joining us in studio.

My note is a brand-new blog is available on a check out right on the homepage is Biden's new executive order aims to protect abortion while tacking pro-life pregnancy centers.

What's new and that is the title of the blog again. It's available on it seems like pro-life pregnancy centers always end up being oddly in the crosshairs of these Situations when really they are out there doing amazing work, whether you are pro-life or not there doing some amazing work in providing a lot of the service plan. Put your Potenza they offer right exactly hand and like I say in the blog, the Executive Order's goal was to expand access to abortion care and medication apportions bites and no pro-abortion action is ever gonna be on complete and alas, they included an attack against these pro-life centers and so right in the Executive Order in section 4 before it says an executive order, the Sec. of Health and Human Services shall, in consultation with the Atty. Gen. and the chair of the FTC, consider options to address deceptive or fraudulent practices related to reproductive health care services, including online and to protect access to accurate information and we see that this is the language that they use over and over again. We've defended on pregnancy resource centers. Also, crisis pregnancy centers, also known as CPC's weave defendant and for decades and this is exactly the language that they use to go after them. We see not even in New York, New York trying to go after and investigate whether pregnancy resource centers limit access to abortion. They use this exact same language. So every time you see a pro-abortion place you're going to see an attack against pregnancy resource centers that exist all over the country join. I know you do a lot of work with yet.

I think what you have to understand here is remember for the left and for the Biden administration would they use language like missing of the misinformation or fraudulent information. What they don't like about the pregnancy centers is that they are pro-life so they take a pro-life position, which we guess what they're not going to try this and Ed Tele 888 a woman who was pregnant. The great virtues of having abortion that I could.

They're not going to go and sit in fact a good talk about the negatives is called freedom of speech that there's no Roe versus Wade. This executive order without teeth that the states are where the issues are, but you see how they are setting up this debate that these pro-life pregnancy centers are putting out fraudulent information. The logo what they mean by that super audience to understand is being pro-life rings are being fraudulent say that there are that that women struggle post abortion with with with issues.

These are experts in the field. Whether you like you said whether you are pro-life or not they been working in this field for decades. We get those calls all the time and are broadcast about people who had abortions in the 60s and safety of the 70s and 80s who are still dealing with that today at an end that decision they made.

Today, a decision that they were they were young woman and so yeah think they talk about those things that, at the pro-life crazy sinners and they don't shy away from from that the truth. That is what they are. That's why Elizabeth Ward says they gotta be shut down that you got to their somehow torturing women by not providing abortion. This is what we saw in California when they said if you want to continue operating. You got also advertise for the local abortion clinic and there are things like even Google and your blog. That is kind of making adjustments to their algorithms to make sure that you search for one thing, you're not getting the other and alien.

I can have of Christ, springs cerebral effort and add the Cotner Congressman Annie turning Attorneys General that had gone after Google written a letter to Gail basically saying when someone searches for abortion. You can't have these fake clinics again as shell app instead of an abortion clinic and so there they are so concerned.

Just as Jordan rightly said on the client as a pregnant woman going to a pregnancy resource Center and getting accurate information about the life inside of her and what her options are. When she gets is and that information and obviously when she sees her baby on an ultrasound. It's overwhelming the majority of women she used it to keep their baby said. That is why Christ sprang centers, pregnancy resource centers.

They are at the center of attack always for the pro-abortion group is a bizarre thing. I think that if they are given during the we will touch but this many times and in his blog by the way, check out the blog. You can read in detail all is that CC is saying on right now to do it during our broadcast it's on the right hand side of the page, but if you look later audits. One of our most popular article right now is called binds new executive order yes aims to protect abortion while tacking pro-life pregnancy centers. What's new you could find that there make sure you share that, as well as reading it. If you're a really good read gives you a lot of a lot of detail about what exactly is going on and with that I wanted also talked about the work they see LJ because people were in the middle of our IR fundraising push which is our matching challenge, which is every donation that is made there someone on the other side, ready to match the donation and it is incredible content. We do incredible work in court. We talk about that all the time cc during both legal experts. Both lawyers talk about that all the time.

We also do you just imagine I was like, say, look beyond the glass.

You look beyond on the DRC or whatever you're watching or listening to this and imagine the hundreds of people that are currently working on this incredible concert where that's our video content where that's our daily radio broadcast by the we try to hire the best of the best. Make sure you get the highest level of production possible and we get the highest level of work and cannot do that without you and that's you can support the work right now during matching join.

This is nothing new for us. We been part of this fight for you. 34 years at this point. Yeah that's right it up with our team in Washington DC. We watch ACLJ after the C4 to even counter in a post-real world. What this would be what we know there's always with this animosity they tried to use the political, legal and and legislative. Usually the state and local level was in New York City receive it in California but Allie got a President pushing at the federal level and that US senators like Elizabeth Ward pushing at a federal level to criminalize pro-life pregnancy centers that this is a time when they just lost the biggest abortion case in history. They lost that protection that somehow abortion gets treated the abortion distortion so their first effort is to take out pro-life crazy sinners talking think that we talk about the were highly what they are calling up Pro life pregnancy centers. They are there to protect the life of the unborn. These are adult.

These are women who can make decisions about where they want to go and in most states.

As of right now abortion is the legal it's not everywhere but in most and so these decisions again at the fact is they show you an ultrasound. The tell you the truth, and they get to have your freedom of speech. This is about but they want to shut these groups down because they are the front line. They are the answer to the question located of what you do love these children and what the abortion industry doesn't want everybody to know is where you have an answer you doing that for decades, that is no rush about that because we already have these institutions in place that they shut that down. Did you create avoid because they are the conduits to adoption there to conduits to helping baby someone who's a deed economically forms families that help you to provide of the resources they need on the front lines with a continue to be on the front lines with the support the work of the ACLJ because this war is just starting. We told you take some time to celebrate the wicked overturning Roe versus Wade. But the war is ongoing as we speak. Reference advertising to pay Logan through ACLJ action next week on a state constitutional a bit bit good to more support our work. donate today double the impact your donation part of our matching challenge the we could not only did you do the work that we do span work was wealth ACL take that's donate today if you can write back.

Second half hour, the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate $10 becomes 20 oh becomes 100 rejecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most to you and your family.

You forgive today online keeping you informed and now is now your homes Logan Sekulow secular. Take your calls 164 3110 just reset the show a bit really be talking a lot in the second half hour must be joined by Rick Grenell later on one of these will be discussing is the media confidence ratings and overcoming out as having special pro-life pregnancy centers.

People called about that will take those calls the biblical about Iran in the nuclear bomb announcement. We talk about that as well.

If you want to discuss any of those topics will do our best to get to about 100-684-3110 and would love to hear from you.

I think this is a great time great time here also to hear your ad is ACLJ support is a secular listener love to hear you guys are on this issue. We also present by knobs going overseas in his whole trip in the fist bump heard around the world love people have some issues with that the outcome of the bowing of 2022. You don't remember.

That's what happened when Pres. Obama was on his apology tour throughout the Middle East and now you have this fist bump moment that a lot of people are discussing will just to kind of show the lack of seriousness to so this is intake or essentially that were bowing down to people because of the situation.

That's right.

There is even analysis by CNN's chrysalis about the fist bump and he says why Joe Biden's fist bump with NBS was such a disaster.

Now the entire trip present by and said he wasn't to be shaking hands because of the resurgence of some variants of COBIT, but when he got to Saudi Arabia he got out of the beast out of the Presidential limousine and walked up and NBS walked out of the palace and they immediately fist bump in the optics in that something consistently that the President's administration. Despite administration gets wrong on the optics and that because there was no handshake and and because there was this fist bump it almost made them look like, but I like hey bro how you doing man good to see you do the fist bump when he was saying he was going over there to be serious. He was gonna talk about the human rights issue and I was gonna do all these things, but the first image you see is Mohammed and Solomon walking out the crown prince and boom fist bump and so that's why some are calling the fist bump heard around the world because it completely undercut the message that he's going to the pariah nation, who he called that in that now of Sonny's best buddies look at it will be a critical I think I'm these conversations have these meetings is important. I think this should be meeting I thought is important when Pres. Trump met with Kim Jong-Il and I think that these are in these big issues have not even to compare the two. By the way, the Mets, massively different Saudi Arabia and was God, North Korea, and I want to compare those two, but it is a conversation you have of how were looking on the global stage and I think this is a big problem with this presidency.

It's not just who he is meeting with how his meeting with them is how things are presented. What kind of unforced errors are happening continually and this is just sort of that that trajectory of Eli Cassis why you see the percentage of support for Joe Biden. Even most Democrats to be so low they don't even want to run again in just two years. When this will grow more close I know it sounds crazy.

It feels like we used to live pre-maybe pre-social media live in a world where election cycles ended the Felix anymore doesn't feel like you have a year or two in between each election doesn't feel like you have for years because now we have midterms and then they announced quickly, were probably a good you were not very far away from people really starting you already can tell who is going be running for President in both Republicans and Democrats. That's right you seen Gavin Newsom running ads in the state of Florida maybe seen that already start to happen. Why is these are the likely candidates that will be running for President so I don't want to ignore this and pretend it's not happening and we have some interesting interesting feedback amongst Gallup, but I knew Paul, but the media confidence record ratings and guess what, it's at a record low will discuss those numbers I don't shop installed shocking to all of you.

I'm sure your listening right now going. I can't believe you don't trust media is a call and hear your thoughts on the media right now. Maybe the far right pilot.

Put your thoughts on all the media, 1-800-684-3110.

That's 100-684-3110 give Rick Grenell be joining us towards in the show as well live from Israel's will be discussing a lot with him how his trip is going in all things that they're doing their support the work of ACLJ parliamentary child.

Right now All donations are effectively doubled matched by another donors. We appreciate your support. Specifically, right now the month of July secular.

We are discussing fun news it's coming out Gallup research center. Pulling maybe got the calls before their new pull out will and it said discussing the media confidence rating. And guess what, it's at a record low.

That's right.

Let's go to the numbers here just 16% of the spam is good. Sounds like a nice 16% of Americans have a great deal quite a lot of confidence in newspapers and 11% in the same degree in confidence in television news Democrat confidence is low but higher than he, Republicans and independents.

So what they're saying is even just presume that Democrats have much more trust in the media.

It's almost showing the bias they are alone right but even amongst Democrats significantly low in your time at 1116% people that have really any trust in the mainstream news and that is it honestly such a disturbing number.

No, it's not shocking number but really is a disturbing number for where we are as a society where you flip on the news. Whether you're conservative or they are liberal, you don't feel like you are getting the facts doesn't feel like you're getting at the truth anytime and saw an ad this week for Shepard Smith has a new show and it's like the whole concept of the show is you will not hear our opinions but that opinion prevent news is coming when Dan Abrams is even doing that he had a whole news network trying to do similar where the accusation yeah there's nation exist, but it's still opinion journalism in there like Dan Abrams he's got some good stuff is is a whatever version of live PDAs, back in next couple weeks. Look for that comes up in this week but it the problem is you have Shepard Smith, who historically was fairly bias now saying trust me I'm not gonna give you my opinion and I think we all look at that and go.

This is sad where were at it sad that we only mentally.

Do not trust the media but we are getting fed. The idea of you can listen to us and hear the stream. He was from people who are historically not the most straight and narrow it comes to giving you just the news right and in this pole. It also found they did a ranking of of 16 other major institutions are not just media. They did you know businesses, the military criminal justice system, etc. and television news in newspapers, ranked nearly at the bottom of the list of institutions, the only institution that got less confidence from the American public was Congress so that kind. It tells you where were at when it comes to how people see the brokenness of Congress that the really that they're not looking out for their constituents in many ways they're just putting the party above all else, but also that the media is kind of locked and right there with it that the 7% confidence rating in Congress. In general, not specific congresspeople to the 11% for television news is really telling about where people are right now and I wonder where just sitting here kind of where people were beforehand.

Is this a new is this new that that then the support is so low.

It's a 5% drop from last year's and just last year the media we obviously know media took a bit in the 90s to reveal that way I can read the the pandemic, but within a 5% drop in confidence in television news in just one year is a very significant debt.

That's not within even a margin of error. Typically when you do a poll like there is a number in here it says confidence in television news never been higher than in 1993 which around is nothing that that's around the start of CNN right that 24-hour news cycle and is kind of just becoming a thing and at that point was it 46% of people were more confident in it and then obviously there was other numbers. It came out insistent, slipping ever so much as as ethics and got more partisan options to whenever you have general poll like this. I feel like it's always can be hard to get a positive over 50% rating because it's not what is your confidence in the Washington Post or the Wall Street Journal or Fox News.

It is what is your confidence in newspaper media so because like you said, there are options. It's always going to come askew, probably a little bit more negative when you think of the general institution, but the fact that it is so low in the last couple years. He said it's also that a lot of the mainstream news stories that were even be allowed to share because at the time were called faker were called false information or partially false or misleading in all the sudden a year later two years later you have mainstream news outlets sharing the same news we all knew all along, things that would get you banned from social media platforms and and red flags against your posts and things of that nature are now able to be reported because the trusted institutions at any stuff that we knew all along and I think that is a big big problem. Sure, we want to make sure that there are people who are checking the facts, making sure that some these new sources are sourced well all that would have worked with some summer incredibly well sourced and they are working a lot to make sure they are giving you confident information does me doesn't come at a bias at least information from their point of view and backed up. Promise you had a lot of distrust news on people individuals were being taken off of social media because of really their point. If you know their point of view just because they get their news from a different outlet then say Facebook to us or say Twitter does or Instagram that you got your news from maybe alternative source and therefore made invalid then a look what happened. A couple years past year passes also were allowed to discuss this obscenity allowed to discuss the creation of covert all of a sudden you're allowed to discuss the Hunter Biden laptop also your allowed to discuss side effects that happen from even from vaccine something that you get.

We were very pro-vaccine on the show. There were stuff you had to make sure you said it could not say where they would bounce you immediately pretty wild indices that change in the news media. Even this we can bill it was ported this weekend and select a New York Times something you want to been removed from the Internet simply shadow shadow band like locked out be allowed to say it now because now a trusted institution can say I think that is where he will start losing extreme trust in the whole concept of mainstream news do you think you know you you brought up the Shepard Smith example, do you think that people in the more mainstream media are getting the wrong idea because I don't see people wanting no opinion in their news. I think they want people to be honest about their opinion in the news. I think that that's why you see the that what you may be referred to as an alternative source, but maybe conservative media that isn't a television network that gets whether it be blogs or shows like this where people come to for their news because they want to hear the analysis of the news. Sure you can you can give the bullet point of the facts such as the, the Iranians today saying you know we have the capability to build a nuclear bomb.

They don't just want necessarily a Associated Press style bullet point what they want to hear is someone with military expertise with analysis of that that yet there is an opinion to siding the rise of some elected Tulsa Gabbert is the proof of that which is someone that a lot of conservatives look at the III have a huge amount of respect for we've worked with her directly and I had her on my special revenge of the Taliban, which you can watch about the Afghanistan. The botch of guest and removal.

If you have respect for obsolete she is military background and I served our country in many different ways. Now I might align up with 100% of her opinions on some of her political leanings. When she ran against Pres. Trump as a Democrat.

Honestly, things are shifted little may be something for a politically, so I can give her a little bit respect for that. But I do look at that golf why do people like listening to her why she can she go on the conservative talk shows like she can speak at sea pack because at least people believe that she believes what she said people just want people who actually believe what they're saying.

It doesn't matter if you agree with them but at least you know that they believe they're not just giving you a political point of view that is is locked to a party or anything like that and people respect that. I think that is proof in her rise and people like Russell Brand on on socially. People are not ever even Joe Rogan exactly the highest of Republican conservatives. But people who at least are normally speaking their mind or giving intelligent backed up version of why they feel that way you can agree or disagree but you can respect it. That's what we need an immediate right now. We need at least with people you see on TV and you read in the newspaper you can at least respect they are giving you their point of view, even if it leaks their tell the truth to themselves. I don't think you have that everywhere in the next segment will have record of joining us right that's right he's live in Israel's red discuss what's going on over there in the Middle East and in a whole lot more.

We do a few calls. I will do our best to get to you in the next segment will see what we can do about that and we almost went to about a one minute left, let's check in on the make sure they're doing okay. Give us a call if you will be on their 100-684-3110 but right now I need you to support the work of the ACLJ and I'm sure Rick will tell you you need to as well.

Discussing that with him all incredible work were doing all of the world. He again you see the sort of small Linzer hears her studio that things are going on outside these walls physically right here in studio was going on.

Our media center is going to Washington DC. My brother is right up what's going on in our offices across the planet. We cannot do any of that work without your support appreciate a good make your donation for why you think I was encourage this one demo the ACLJ app makes it easy. See all incredible conjugate a new blog for CCN new blogs go up each and every day video content on YouTube and rumble channels. Take a look at all incredible content with producing the ACLJ really enjoy coming up next segment recruit Rebecca more secular live Rick Grenell Rick first leg of our listeners bit about it while you're there, what's going on. Well, I am a part of the delegation. Pete had Israel. Siding will be spending a couple of days here. I meant to King David Hotel so I'm sure you know exactly where a.m. and the sun had set and it's a beautiful beautiful night in Jerusalem was not so great to hear back to Israel a few years. I don't know exactly where you are here because they're an interesting time. At present, bind, and yet he ends his trip to the Middle East coming up and we talked about earlier in the show yet it senior advisor to a ayatollah and Iran, saying, you know, we have the ability to do build a nuclear bomb. Do you think though based on what you've seen obviously talked about the fist bump talked about all the issues that have happened in this trip.

Getting out the deck, direct response to serve the. The weakness that were seeing from this ministration in the Middle East. You know were here for a little bit Republican response I get Israel and it's clear that the trip with not good. Pres. Biden he made fundamental mistake. The whole time not well received in the region.

Certainly that valleys remember that he wanted them to be a pariah state. His administration is worked really hard to really ruin relations with with Saudi Arabia and then you know basically showed up with gas cans begging for some help and I think you need to be a little bit more strategic if you're gonna come home make Saudi Arabia pariah state and expect to come back and get favored and that think whether it be MRI, audience, or the Saudi's are all now correcting the record, I started correcting the record pretty fast. Once Joe Biden got in the air. And so I would just stay to the White House got to be much more strategic about your language and what you're trying to do. Certainly we know the Iran deal is in trouble and what is the Biden administration's response, being now that their premier focus of foreign Iran deal with chronic heart well in and as the Iranians now are a kind of promoting this date they happened in the past been open, saying that they had the technological capability of building a nuclear bomb in and things but we see this out of the.

The senior advisor to the ayatollah now there strategically.

I would feel like releasing this information saying you know we haven't decided working to build a bomb. But we do have the technical capability. Do you think that we we always thought that Ron had much more capability than they were being open about.

Do you think that now this pivot is a new challenge that we see when facing the Iranians, especially as the by administration still tries to push for a demo diplomatic response in working on this issue with Iran, and one that started at the United Nations and I have to say the one thing I've learned over 25 years of working on the issue is we can always count on the Iranian to you completely messed up the situation and so we have utilized frustration in the US with Iran.

I think the Europeans are frustrated with Iran or the Iranian regime now to come out and stay that there close to a nuclear weapon or they're going to get one is really remarkable because it it exactly what we thought all along. We know from the very beginning that the Iranians have lied about the number of centrifuges in the weaponization and and that we know a lot about the heavy water amount that they have accumulated.

So there's all sorts of evidence showing that he cannot cut the Iranians.

I'm not sure why the Biden administration has decided to trust them and in started negotiation again but it to be a pattern that the Biden administration keeps trusting what the people say. And yet we have so much evident that they lie from the beginning. I'm actually pleased that they're coming out and now confined teen what the Biden team has said that they they were close they weren't right there at the limit and now the Iranians are admitting that they are and so will been saved by the Iranians there that's causing a lot of people have a lot of these issues Nick DC Nick, thanks for holding your on-air thank you for taking my call light my quick question is why on earth would be Obama and Biden administration negotiate and give Harriet so much and why what I what is their excuse and wide. What you guys think the real reason it is what you think the real reason is yeah you know it's a great question, but I think I said that the number of times the opposite of America first is consensus with the Europeans. Joe Biden has placed a priority on having consensus with European and what that means is that you take the European position and you take the American tradition and you somehow meet in the middle and and I don't think that that this Mart diplomatic move both sides don't get what they want.

Some people would argue compromise is good in this situation I would argue that it the lowest common denominator of what we both agree and it actually terrible all the way around. So the long answer is that Joe Biden cares more about keeping all of your together. Europe applauding the position the policy position and he now he isn't necessarily looking at what that or the American people or you are Europeans of people around the world final question here when we see Iran going in one direction and we know that Biden is still going to pursue the diplomatic way to try to resolve this it in a sense, when you started it under the Trump administration with others. The Abraham Accords which brought Israel closer to the Gulf states than they ever have been before. Do you think if the Biden administration continues down the wrong path in dealing with this. It will only encourage Israel to continue to foster those relationships with the Gulf states and even Saudi Arabia to confront the threat of Iran I do I not only of empowered the Israeli continue trying to find common ground with some of the Arab states, but I think it also compels the era you know what what we have to remember in that Iran is wildly unpopular and no one knows the bad behavior and the lives of the Iranian regime more than those who live in the neighborhood the neighbors of Iraq and so I think that it very very clear that pushing the Iranian out and were trying to get the Israelis and the Arabs they find a way forward with Rick thank you so much for joining us again. Live from Israel time jealous. Wish I was there. Thanks again for everyone listening to the show today watching on social media platforms measuring policy everywhere you possibly imagine.

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