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Change Your Thoughts-Change Your Life

Power Point / Jack Graham
The Cross Radio
October 15, 2021 8:00 am

Change Your Thoughts-Change Your Life

Power Point / Jack Graham

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October 15, 2021 8:00 am

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Welcome to this edition of PowerPoint with Jack ran a little later in the program to tell you how you can get a copy of Dr. Graham's meditations on Romans first hears his message change your thoughts change your life. You pick up in verse 20 of Ephesians chapter 4, but that is not the way you learned Christ assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him as the truth is in Jesus to put all your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds and put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. Therefore, having put away all falsehood led us each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members of one another. Be angry and do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. Let the thief no longer steel, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouth, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear and do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. This is the exchanged life where to stand, having repented of sin and resisting Satan and the way we do this is by renewing our spirit a renewed heart and renewed mind a bran new life in Christ.

Unfortunately in America we have gotten used to the darkness and we are becoming more and more accustom and accommodated to over looking evil, rather than overcoming evil with good. We are over looking evil with bad condoning and commending and even celebrating sin in many quarters we have lost our moral courage over evil and we go to great links to appease and accommodate an Excel and even approve evil behavior described earlier in Ephesians chapter 4 that is dishonoring to God and destroys lives. Proverbs 17 verse 15 says he who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination unto the Lord. Isaiah the prophet spoke of those who call evil good and good evil to call bittersweet and sweet better. It is an upside down world and America is choosing step-by-step to plunge deeper and deeper in to the darkness. The Bible says you who love the Lord should pay evil. Proverbs 14 and verse 34 says righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. The key verses in the passage that we just read verses 2223 24 tell us the secret of success in life.

There was a book several years ago called how to dress for success and what we have here is a manual as to how we as believers are to take off the old clothes of our past the grave clothes, our previous life before Christ. What we were like before Christ changed our lives and exchanged our sin, for his righteousness, and how we are to put all this old man and put on the new man. The outer person. Paul says in second Corinthians 4 is perishing, but the inner person the inner life is being renewed every single day and the way this exchange takes place in our lives where we exchange this all life for a brand-new life. The old man for the new man the new person in Christ is by this daily exchange is revolutionary is revitalizing it is restorative is what keeps us going incident to put on the new man and exchanged the old for the new everything about the Christian life is new.

We have a new birth a new life.

Therefore, we have a new liberty new freedom we exchange the chains of the past of the freedom of the present where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. New language we don't speak the same.

We don't live the same revenue direction we were going in the wrong way and we turned around that's repentance. And we begin going in a brand-new direction. We have a do dynamic within us the spirit of God indwells us and infuses us with spiritual power.

His very presence. We have a new destiny. We are on our way to heaven we were on our way to hell and judgment and now we're on our way to heaven. So we have this brand-new direction.

This brand-new dynamic.

This this brand-new destiny and because of what Christ is doing in our lives because we are learning in Christ. So you have learned Christ. He says that means you have a personal relationship with Christ. You are discipling your following your learning more and more because he is the way the truth and the life. And because you are growing in your faith and maturing and developing as a disciple learning of Christ, then you also have a new disposition. There are the sins of dissipation wild and crazy life. That some choose to live, but there are also sins of disposition and even demeanor, our lifestyle and how we live and Christ wants to change all of that is well and so we have really a list. I like the list they give me some very simple and clear direction and that's what we have in this passage.

It is really a simple list as to how we are exchange how where to put off the old man and put on the new person each and every day so follow along with me, let's look at our list. Verse 25 says that we are to exchange truth for lives to live a life of honesty and integrity lying. Simply put, is a statement that is contrary to fact with an intent to deceive. Satan is the father of all lies.

Jesus said this in John chapter 8 and verse 44 Satan is a liar and a murderer from the beginning he lied to Eve and to Adam he questioned the word of God, has God said and he plunged humanity into the depths of sin and the dominion of sin with ally Satan is a liar. Any spread lives like a virus across the world and in our humanity in the first birth we go for speaking lines from our mother's womb, so is natural for us. The old man lives.

That's what we do. Satan, the father of lies and you are never more like the devil. Then when you are telling lives. Why is the truth so important because the Scripture says we are members of one another. We are together in this.

There's nothing like a liar mistrust that will split a family destroy a marriage community. A country lives.

So in contrast to that those of us who are followers of Jesus we are to speak truth, not live telling the truth even hard fruits is necessary today if our nation is to recover if we are to renew online, don't spread lives but speak true believe the truth love the truth live the truth here listening to PowerPoint and tank ran in today's message change your thoughts change your life.

As a follower of Jesus Christ.

You have every reason to hope and we want to help you experience that help by sending you pastor Graham's book of meditations on Romans eight call to help in the future.

In it he shows you how you can experience freedom from confusion, doubt or fear. This powerful resource is our thanks for the gift today and to thank you for a gift of $50 or more will also include pastor Graham's book help hope and healing from life's challenges.

So call now to request your resources: 800-795-4627 that's 1-800-795-4627. You can also text the word PowerPoint to 313131 PowerPoint to 313131. And don't forget to visit Jack where you can shop our E store. Give a gift online or sign up for Dr. Graham's free daily email devotional our website again is Jack Graham.Archie. Now let's get back today's message change your thoughts change your life. Secondly is in this past front of us at verse 26 we are to exchange sinful anger for righteous anger and do not let the sun go down on your wrath or your anger. So what is sinful anger and what is righteous thing. God is angry with the wicked every day according to the Scripture. Jesus himself righteously took a whip and drove out the hypocritical moneychangers, those who were abusing the temp. Yes, there is a place for righteous anger to stand up for truth. The stand against injustice there certain things that ought to make you angry, killing babies in their world ought to make you angry pornography and the sale of trafficking in the souls of people ought to make you angry. Racism ought to make you angry, child abuse, ought to make you angry.

Yes, there is a righteous anger is to be expressed appropriately, speaking the truth in love.

There's a place for godly anger but never a place for ungodly unrighteous and even self-righteous anger, Revelation 1212 says the devil is come down upon you, having great wrath. The devil's wrath is come down upon us any of you are a person that is still with anger then you are giving place to the devil.

According to the Scripture. You are giving the devil an open door to your home, your family, your life, your marriage, your job, don't give place to the devil in other words, don't give the devil a stick to hit you with don't don't open the door don't invite Satan in, but when you are are filled with rage and unrepentant unforgiveness – the rage in fact we read earlier other kinds of rage and anger that we have today and is down, and what is it verse third are birther 29.

No part of me verse 31 let all bitterness and bitterness is the internal seething rage smoldering heat on the inside that's bitterness in any speaks of wrath, which means the barn and anger which is explosive and violent, and clamor, you know what clamor is shouting, why you so angry why you shouting I'm not shouting that's clamor lots of rancorous resentful shouting and clambering and slander, which means to use your tongue, your words to destroy someone else to defeat someone one else in the put away from you, along with all malice. That's the intent to do harm. So as Christians. What we do, we'll let the old man in the put on the new person and we exchange anger that is unrighteous anger that is righteous, not giving place to the devil or inviting him in to destroy our homes, our lives are families. Number three we are to exchange stealing for labor and generosity. Verse 28 let the thief no longer steel, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.

Do not steal.

Of course that's one of the commandments. The eighth commandment, do not steal. It is a command not to steal. Whether it is cheating or withholding doing or robbing God from ties and offerings. The Bible says Will a man rob God when I withhold from God, what is rightfully his. What I hope withhold from others.

What belongs to them when I take from someone what is yours is mine and I'll take it as a philosophy of life are so many this is the old man at work, but the new life means that we no longer steel but in contrast to that what we do. We labor the Bible commands honest, honorable, hard work, in contrast to that socialism is stealing. It is government stealing taking what belongs to someone else and distributing to those who do not work. Not talking about those who cannot work with those who will not work. The Bible says it, that if a man will not work, neither shall he eat earning a living and making money is not to hoard our thing selfishly to keep more and more and more for ourselves, but according to the Scriptures is that we might be generous and give. This is the principle of generosity just to provide for our family.

Yes, to live and love life to the fullest and advance the cause of Christ. The goal is not just to get the goal of gaining is giving giving to be unselfish and compassionate towards those who are in the and of course the very best gift that you can give to someone is the gospel of Christ, don't withhold the message of hope and life from those who desperately needed this message. This Jesus we love. He's too good to keep to ourselves. We are blessed to be a blessing. So God has called us to work and work hard to earn more and more so that we will have more in order to give more in order to gain more in order to give more as a principal of life.

What if this became your motivation for work to work more in order to earn more in order to give give more. That's what the Scriptures say the old man is all about self and selfishness. But we have renewed our mind. We have a different aptitude and a different attitude towards the and therefore we are to be diligent and dedicated in our jobs in order to why glorify God and give more of our life and our livelihood away. Number four we are to exchange corrupt communication for purity of speech corrupt here in the in verse 29. Look at it is says let no corrupt talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good. Building up, as fits the occasion that it may give grace to those who hear corrupt is a word which means rotten worthless garbage talk. It is diseased. It is a virus that spreads from the mouth. It is this tasteful.

It is regurgitation of what is on the inside because Jesus said, out of the heart the mouth speaks. The corrupt communication here references file offensive speech.

I don't know about you but I don't want to be around that stuff. Let me give you a verse, Psalm 141 and verse three set a watch Lord before my mouth and keep the door of my lips set a guard, we tell our children watch your mouth God is telling his children watch your mouth, get rid of filthy, foolish talk anyplace that exchange it for what is called here edifying speak.

This is positive, productive speech, not speech that is is destructive, not speaks that is unobstructed, but speech that is constructed. Anybody can tear things down.

But God's people should build things up and that includes our speech helpful and hopeful speech. We have experienced grace. We have a new heart and we no longer speak the way we used to speak.

This is the renewed life and one final word before we close verse 30 and do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption because you are a believer you are sealed and marked for redemption. Salvation, you are protected by the spirit of God, the person of Christ who lives in you, the Holy Spirit has marked us. We are secure in Christ.

Tremendous truth sealed into the day of redemption By Christ in his hand, and because that is true. We therefore never want to do anything in our lives that would grieve God that would hurt the Holy Spirit. What hurts the Holy Spirit.

What grieves God corrupt speech lying, stealing, living a life like we used to live rather than the new life in the power of the Holy Spirit lying and stealing and cheating and all the rest. Don't let it be once named among you Scripture says don't grieve God anything in my life for yours that is sinful or disobedient to God grieves God and holds back revival in your life, your home, your church community.

So what are you going to do everyday. I hope you'll get up every day and never let the old man in invites the new man presence and power of God to take your listening to PowerPoint with Jack Graham in today's message change your thoughts change your life when you feel like you being tossed by waves of doubt, the only way to stay afloat is by focusing on your true source of hope Jesus Christ pastor families to help you experience that hope in all the circumstances with his book of meditations on Romans eight called hope and a future, you'll discover how God gives you perspective, protection, purpose and power keep you from sinking in life storms hope in the future is our thanks for your gift today to help boldly proclaim the truth of the gospel and hope it brings to more people around the world – thanks for the gift of $50 or more will also send you pastor fans book hope and healing from life's challenges to come down to requester resources and thinking for your generosity: 800-7954 67 that's 1-800-795-4627.

You can also text the word PowerPoint to 313-1316 PowerPoint 313131. And don't forget to visit Jack where you can shop our E store the gift online or sign up for Dr. Graham's free daily email devotion our website again is Jack Graham.March pastor. What is your point for today in Matthew 1820.

Jesus promises to be with us when we gather as a family of believe for where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them. He says I would love for you to gather with us here at Preston Wood Baptist Church when you walk through our doors. You become part of our family right away whether you've never been to a service at Preston Wood or life just got in the way of regular church attendance. I would love to welcome you into this family of believers visiting a new church can be intimidating but we try our best to make your visit as easy as possible.

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We want to share the love of God with more and more people tell the whole world hears and we want you to be a part of that exciting mission. There is no substitute for the love and encouragement and guidance found in the family of God. So remember you're always welcome at Prestonwood.

There is a place for you here and I hope to see you say and that is today's member when you give a gift to PowerPoint Cindy Dr. Graham's book of meditations. Hope in the future as our things. Call one 807 957-1800 79546 can also text the word PowerPoint 313131 text PowerPoint to 3131. Join Dr. Graham next time when he brings a message about how the forgiveness you having its next time on PowerPoint with Shaklee PowerPoint with Jack Graham is sponsored by PowerPoint ministries