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Adam Draper and Bill Mixon

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
February 2, 2019 12:43 pm

Adam Draper and Bill Mixon

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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February 2, 2019 12:43 pm

Kingdom Pursuits

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Kingdom pursuits where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into kingdom versus now live from the truth. Your host Robbie Gilmore. I am really excited today because I get to go where I've never gone before. And no, it's not an episode of Star Trek, but I've never gone from a Christian card.

I shall carry the exact same desk over to kingdom pursuits and carrying them over in a completely different conversation because these guys are been friends of mine for probably 30 years. I don't know I it's a long long long time and and so with me coming into kingdom pursuit. Talk about a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with insurance or attorneys likely didn't Christian car guy. I have Bill Mixon who asked as we spoke about Christian car guys was for site insurance services but Bill, you got a lot of other things that really you know I've always seem like more of your passion, then insurance will my mother was a very bright lady. She said if you got a passion to help people.

You should get you good job that pays you a good salary to so you can afford to do it. It's a whole lot more enjoyable than going out and trying to take a job did make much for helping folks so I've got a good job and then there are lots of different ministries that God is laid before me, primarily from him bringing me into the Gideons because of the Gideons had the opportunity to place lots of Bibles. Lots of places and work with the Forsyth Jail and prison ministry so that the Forsyth prison ministry come out of the Gideons. Yes, I was the chaplain that they told me that one of my jobs was jail and prison ministry and I said how come you told me this after my check cleared to my mother worked at poke you center which is where you win. If you are too tough for any other facility and you are under 22 as she taught the GED there. She always said it was a lot safer there than it was in public school that nobody ever gave her problems. Twice she doesn't know what ever happened to them but they never crossed her path again. So when I took the unity of the detention center at Winston-Salem you you got to about 12 doors where you've got to have keys and you have an elevator that only some of the guards are even allowed to have a key to go in this small room with a bunch of inmates and you hear that institutional door clanged shut and your eyes get really, really, really big.

It was the most wonderful, awesome, life changing, rectangular event and after that first time just had this great hunger and passion to go back in and then I had the opportunity to start working over arch Erie Street prison, with the Sunday service. I've just thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed to so also with me today as I mentioned Adam Draper who always Adam Draper of Draper and Wagoner attorneys your PC Attorney at Law, but again, knowing Adam as I know him and having met a matching Christian business men's meeting with Bill and and a couple other guys number 30 some years ago you got some cool stuff like the house of prayer yeah I will St. Francis of Assisi said spread the gospel everywhere you go and if you have to speak I speak a lot more than probably St. Francis to but now I think it's it's it's one of those things where the kingdom of God's righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. So when she filled with that you are in its you always are trying to to find and spread that rest to say that that this life that you you think that all this tumultuous you go through every day is reality but but when Jesus set on the way the truth and the life that that word for truth. There is also reality keys to reality and so to recognize that I am already living eternally to whatever I am. I am seated in heavenly's in Christ Jesus, I'm already there, spiritually help me how to live that here and help me share that with others. That's that's what we do something to find out a lot about the house. Prayer Gideons went sailing for site jail ministries and many many other ministry. So speaking of many many when the drummer moved back in next door.

There are many many repercussions think that repercussion even though the chef's girlfriend assumed she was great in many ways many many chef girlfriend was great many many ways.

She had a temper that will easily with half-baked and extremely needy. It does is it to the and you may not know this but just after thimbles were invented there was a shortage so many many people got stuck about one got about time we got we got Rachel laughing so there. Did you hear about the pickpocketing ripped off 30 people at the parking garage. It was wrong on so many many and so you know at the end of all the shenanigans I will actually have a riddle that you can call in the day and winnowed 866-34-TRUTH 7884 and the war riddle is the many many lepers that Jesus healed only of high didn't get below the skin and he was a Samaritan. The others were poor example of what 866-34-TRUTH 87884 and had is that when again I hang out many many left Jesus healed only a tie to get below the skin and he was a Samaritan. The others were poor. Don't miss that. Example of what 866-34-TRUTH 87884 and if you can call them with any answer, Rachel, Billy, I think I'll end ancient forest first. Tickets for Tuesday, February 5 I think we got three sets of them. If I'm not mistaken, so you know these other lepers. There's lots of things they could've been a poor example of and I would point out that it's PO REE announcement PO OR is kind of, for example.

Anyway 866-34-TRUTH 87884 about what you guys blank so enough we go back 30 years, guys, and am I think about in a bill before. His hair was gray Adam when he still had a little I did have Carolyn Upshur minor wasn't great and I'm sure the way, what I weigh now it it was interesting that we we were all discipled by a guy by the name of Tim Burton and he used to come over from Greensboro.

Maybe you had not started coming at your looking at me like you may have came a little bit later he died of amplitude. You are very familiar. He died for our prostate cancer. You, but I mean all my goodness what it what a difference this man-made and just so you'll know what that Christian business men's committee was in all these years ago. It was not only Robbie Delmore, Bill Mixon and Adam Draper.

It was Stu Epperson Junior I and sometimes Stu Epperson senior stickies and and David Parsons was originally the present of it when I got involved in flaws and you one that's near and dear to the three of our hearts is you call in flaws. I calling Frank Vanek for in all his ties were just a man had a phenomenal walk with the Lord and you know I think of what God in passion. All of us live at that point in time was seeking after him and then what what is happening with all these guys were stalling Winston-Salem. Think of how many ministries are involved in just a list of people that I just talked about in all the different things because you know I don't talk about all the time, but I'm just a God blessed me to be special needs ministry at Calvert and I do the devotion at Somerset and I have the Christian business men's committee and still in Marksville and of course all the stuff to consider?

I've Jesus later love lots of master journey so you know it's amazing to see all the ways God's taken that passion over the period of time and talk a lot about all those things and how God does that when we come back, but right now you got a call in 866-34-TRUTH 87884 until his those other guys it didn't come back report that that with us Bill Mixon with Forsyth insurance services and his many many ministries as well as Adam Draper with Draper Leitner PC Attorney at Law, and his many many ministries which led to our many many riddle for today which is the many many lepers. Jesus healed only a tie where got below the surface of the skin and he was a Samaritan. The others were a poor example of what and we got Brian Condon from Charlotte Brian, what were they poor examples exactly report of being thankful of it.

You know, which is it's a phenomenal thing when you think about it that this was the only one that wasn't a Jew.

Actually, the others were all Jews and this was a Samaritan. He happened to be the 10th five that that came back and was thankful and I wondered don't you, Brian.

How many times in my own life I really really do wonder how many times Jesus is come true for me in a huge way.

And I never came back and thanked and you know they say. Skin deep and ugly goes all Malad is a poor example either Betty bride as Churchill said lady Ashley said Prime Minister Jan drunk, and Churchill said yes put lady, Ashley, you'll ugly and tomorrow I shall so drop and God bless you appreciate God in your so that's that's absolutely hilarious all the way to the bone.

Yes, yes and and and you know that the sad news is, how many times is that median opportunities for that but you know one of things I am really thankful form on the reason for one to do the show today as I'm really really really thankful to Tim for starting the Christian business men's committee hearing Winston-Salem for bringing us together which is had the blessings of friendship of deep friendship. You know I'm saying it you got friends and then you got friends. I remember when my daughter was diagnosed with leukemia that you folks with the people… Called first said pray just led to one miracle after another miracle after another miracle after another that I meant I had absolutely no Dale that I had a group of really wonderful Christian men.

Brian and that gave me a strength that I was able to share with my family right and that was the time I when I got cancer and was also when I got crushed by the Jeep all that stuff was going on right in the midst of of that time when I'm you know God and put me in a community of disciples that were really really really hungry and there's no doubt in my mind that flaws/Frank you know he he he kept us a little hungrier because he was you know he had such a faith and use. You still go see flaws.

To this day) was my spiritual father I talked to him the other day about something he had a word and called me about something I was going through like this week so yeah it's important as relationships that we have because it's that's that's how we mean it feeds us and sustains us and and Tim went keep on to say Tim or Tom but anyway he he, Ted, you're right.

It was Ted but I was in a meeting of Christian business men's committee about 10 years ago in Greensboro and there was a maybe 2000 people in the room and Ted only came to Christ what one is 55 or something like that.

He died at his life. He was Hotel he put kitchens together sold the right right in his story was that he was he was a traveling salesman and a drunk and haven't had a messed up life. Whatever. And he was in a motel room drunk and on comes Billy Graham, you know, in the motel room. He comes to Christ and a result gets involved in Christian business men's committee and he was about the age of 55, just that that was about the time and I think he died in his late 60s. Now I'm in this room with about 2000 men in Greensboro and some he says how many men in here were personally discipled by Ted Burton, and I promise you two thirds of the room. The hands went up. While that that's how many lives were touched by this man who obviously was not in Christ all that long, but was absolutely on fire and I can remember Ted sitting down with me and operation Timothy on saying okay not what is this me and what is this mean that he began to to do that but Frank in the took us deeper. When Frank came in and that without love, Frank Frank could explain something that just confuse the you know what out of me, and it would be so simple and not only that it would clear up two or three other things that I hadn't asked him about it was just phenomenal how he could explain how he can explain something and just make it crystal clear. It's like you look back at the wine in the world could not see that before and his story was absolutely following from George. Lots of right and he when he was growing up Catholic and will not be was brought up Muslim cat was Catholic and well said they had just he went to the Baptist nuns would pay him minor candy if he would memorize verses does not if it meant anything because he when a Christian.

And so he had all these mitten very has accepted the Lord right.

He didn't accept the Lord. So he comes over with his brother, Florida and is it some kind of meeting. All the sudden he does come to know the Lord and immediately he says and I totally believe him all these verses that he had memorized back in his day all of a sudden came to life inside it was such a story and a change in mean completely because what what Frank would say about it is it is that he accepted that the Holy Spirit changed him and he realized that he was a spirit being at that point and not a state, a a soul that there's a difference right and then when he recognizes that was eternal and that the things that we look at if you look at the Scriptures as recognizing that I am a spirit I I have a solar consciousness and I live in a body that there's a difference and that this tripartite thing that we go through here, as in in this in this reality is a singular perspective of what is being spoken us in the Scriptures, and if you unveil it. From that way you just see things in a whole new way of things. I got to see a whole new way about two years ago we do boot camps of messenger any night.

I had to do the father by God talk and in doing so, one of the exercises was to go back and think about all your spiritual fathers and put them on a board and start taking their pictures and line number up across the you know and as I put all these different spiritual fathers that I had on this board and I knew one of things I was teaching was God is not the backup plan father.

He was always the original plan. Father, the ease the primary father and he's been orchestrating us like a conductor bringing these men into your life and end creating this you know what you're becoming tip to initialize you as a man, or just initialize you as a brother. What the fascinating thing. When I think about this story that really have not put together until I was talking to you guys is least because we's we share spiritual fathers. The three of us. Several of them certainly Ted. Certainly David Parson is certainly Frank and and that makes us all the more brothers but also know think of all the men that God is brought into your life orchestrate.not the backup plan but for you and in Adam because your adopted that's a little different twist on it. Then for some of us that he really has been orchestrating in your life in phenomenal ways. Yeah. And the funny thing is is that I don't really have to stop and think of myself as being adopted because my parents are. I've known them since birth, but there are things that that God speaks about, for instance, when he when Moses said show me your face and God said, you can't. You can see my face okay, but I am going to put you in the cleft of the rock kinda clear my name, my goodness. In the past, my goodness in front unanimous clear my name to you and one of the things that he said in telling them this is how I am I merciful the thousand generations but I don't forget iniquity and sin and in iniquity gets go to the iniquity of the fathers is visited upon the sons to the third and fourth generation. What in the world is that we start studying that really really look at what what are you talking about okay you you get this understanding that there is more going on and does more in heaven and earth and in dreamt of in your philosophy Serratia unity have to wreck it recognize that there is a spiritual truth going on here that we have to open ourselves to and because of that, this notion of God as my father healing all all things all the broken places you go back in one of the things I'm involved with. This is my friend Kathy Oates has a ministry called healing the broken hearted name is Dexter that's her ministry and you go back to that point. When you you start recognizing these various things in your life that the Bible call strongholds. What is that how you deal with at what is your emotional response to that end in mind. In my case it was. I realize there was some sort of a an orphan spirit that made me feel his abandonment and I had to deal with it. And fortunately, Kathy really really help me go back and deal with at the root of that where you come from and then and then how does Jesus replace that to become whole heals the brokenhearted S Isaiah 51 so the many many ministries of Adam and Bill and you may have another answer fervently free to call us or ask anything 866-34-TRUTH 87884 so much more kingdom pursuits as I have my good friends on Bill Nixon with first type insurance services and his many many ministries and Adam Draper with Draper and Wagoner and his many many ministries Draper Widener attorneys at law PC was PC mean and not politically correct things professional Corporation area go so Bill, when you think about Ted and Stu in those early days, and what that and Frank and you know it was it was an interesting time in our faith and in and you know when you look back on it, how immature we were both I or maybe you were an immature but I was totally immature and I had no clue. I thought that I had a really good grip on my faith. I do remember we closed a lot of restaurants we went to for four different restaurants over the many many years. We met and we met some really wonderful wonderful friends and we met people that really had a close relationship with God.

It we got to see a lot of other people grow in their faith you my favorite stories. We had a Chinese restaurant that we met at and as you might imagine the Chinese restaurant has the Chinese zodiac on every placement and a few Buddha sitting around all the stuff so one Christmas we decided that working to celebrate communion and you notes to invites his dad big Stephen's big Stu invites a guy by the name of uncle Dudley and I have no idea who uncle Dudley or Stu could probably tell you.

Uncle Dudley were sitting there were ready to take communion in our we get now and in all sudden uncle Dudley just jumps in. How can I take communion with the Chinese zodiac is letting us both as long as I live things written it. I had never been out. The thought never even occurred to him how can you not take communion to the tenants and let me share a little bit about the gentleman that ran that restaurant was extremely, extremely bright belly had a connection with Wake Forest at any time the health department had to go out and inspect any of the other Chinese restaurants. He's the person they would call to try and figure out what was going on. Will he went from there and started building restaurants for other Chinese and I ensured all these restaurants LOL now I'm forgetting a lot.

I know that he was in my mind all the conspiracy for Villa Highland restaurant after having started go in there and then I got but he disappeared. I couldn't get him on the phone for like six months, I'd try. We were pretty good friends will when Hannah came down with leukemia.

When we walked the end. One of the very first people we saw before I got even see the doctors which he was coming out of the door that you had to have the code to get through to Gideon, which, it turned out that his son had been going through leukemia for the entire six months so will we win in the end he was coming out and his son had just done unbelievably will that entire process.

So yeah it's amazing how these things wrap around, come around, using the time that is really I've never heard that story, nor did I even know that you and insured's strict trucks shot as a result of our little Buddha buddy or Adam analytical things that that I get you know I love Bill's ministry with the jail in and with the Gideons and all that but many times I've got to go out of the house of prayer, and it's one of those that you know God got called you to, I guess.

And can you share with our listeners what that is, through for was by the way, because Tom bearing that when the Iranians are just was finicky at our meetings. Bill and I and you sometimes would meet out at at at his truck with Frank's dry cleaners and Anton Baron came out there and and Tom bearing got started with that with a house of prayer. The house of prayer is that Christian facility for the changing of lives of those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol or something like that.

I don't call it rehab is a rehab of my boys Mike and critter from the house of prayer over my house today and there listening to this so shout out to you boys will be drinking in heaven with the Lord. So enjoy your time and this is let's not forget these early days, and you may know this building on what they call him at the house of prayer they know what to call Adam when I tell your guy go. I get that completely recalling Trippi so the first time I come over there and they do and I'm I'm Beco you ears.

The guy there were Trippi. Unlike who in the world is Trippi I met but you know that the neat thing is is Trippi helps teach prayer yeah Stephanie, my wife and I go out there every Thursday night and and the whole thing that I'm trying to teach them to do and in Stephanie as a whole list of things that she wants to help them with what we try to do is to help them learn to soak in the presence of the Lord is a little difficult to someone who is addicted to heroin and is coming off. You know they're not nested.

There the first two weeks, or do another Johnson so ask them to meditate is about like covering them in honey until go sit on an ant man, but we get there innately negative net geyser out there in that place are desperate for God.

Their desperate and their way of exhibiting it is sometimes different K, but they got to have him and and I tell them all the time.

It's this this is just one of those things are going to go through in this in this eternal walked this life is eternal. Okay so you going to deal with this in this place, and as you do that you make it on to something else and you have to deal with that if you can deal with this when you can do with an excellent the Lord will walk through this thing with you and give you rest. How cool while I am excited because good friend of the show cam has called him many times that many riddles in Colfax as a comment for Skinner on kingdom pursuit component Robbie showed very quiet. Well it's not that the Lord our church as we are part we have it every Friday night and the speaker Friday night involved with our church involved with the ministry court should know in that program.

They are good rate their testimony and his life started out young alcohol very successful business started restaurant thanks began to escalate and I think that's what Leah gets mentioned installer ruined the relationship between our and not you know he went all about a lot of it would glorify the devil's concrete well it's going to the end and the women that were there. How chained he was an somebody invited to the house of prayer member with it was one of the men involved with it or somebody, and that's one. You know he got so right he actually said he got there and it turned just like Karen and I just wanted to yell but remember his name. Well, the first night was John and out to give it away. You, you know, I'm just trying it out. You can see they connect the dots on how our lives.he actually started a restaurant and it was still in good book called buying bailouts on the guilt and aggression on Bell probably noncombat but very involved in our cooking dinner for the ER pro-government got another ministry. He mentioned it's very specific about how he got the Lord from the house of prayer. I had not even heard about the house.

I did not and then I'm listening to yell in the building is equipped as scholars believe you guys talking about and he's a great guy. Yeah yesteryear had seen that is so cool. Can I am so grateful that you cry now that what is her thing you know this is really what we get to have an organ to figure out how many different ways our lives in sent out into the one constant. A lot of people last night really. I got home.

You can yeah last night was Friday night. Well, you know how how quick can that be and and all that you know it's it's it's phenomenal to me and I do you remember back in the day Adam that Bill at this thing for homeless people to qualify that little bit I is that while he did and he was like, you know, I just am not okay with these people you know not have anything so you start picking them up and and and God was just working with you and Ike I can't help but note that you know he took what I would say is a desperate need to try to do something good and and channel it in a way that it actually began to build fruit for you but at first it went quite so easy wasn't well I did meet this one gentleman who I had an adventure with my wife made me promise I never pick up anybody when I was at 11 again.

Well we will hear more about that will hear more from Adam and Bill and their many many many ministries but I I is grateful to God for the different ways is taking people's passion music to build the kingdom of got to see it over the years, some feel free to call us 866-34-TRUTH 8788 we have with Forsyth insurance services that since where he makes his living but it's an interesting thing that God is allowing him to take partner with him in so many different other ministries, including the Gideons and the Forsyth jail and prison ministries in the church that he served close Adam Draper with Draper and Wegner, PC attorneys at law and his many ministries and and it's amazing to me how may times these things intertwine between us as his friends like what were to start. Met with Ken from Colfax is that of the house of prayer. You know, I've been with Bill out there and served Thanksgiving dinner in the jail ministry. I been on the house of prayer for their thing, seeing their guys and and and been involved in that, but you know it's kinda cool is your point now when you get to the bottom of the man that he was talking about. He also is been touched by Frankie used to come over after he got out a house of prayer and met with you and frankly I'm pretty sure you talk about my friend John Jones. I don't think John would mind saying this to John lost a really awesome restaurant in Kernersville in his life was busted and he came out of the house of prayer and that man is a man of God I am telling you God changed. John is also a man. He is so cool and he's on fire for the Lord. He is a ministry. Now he runs the hops halfway house John Jones came after he left the hot he came to Tuesday's every Tuesday.

Tillie Kelly found a job. We couldn't do it anymore hung out with Eliza and I every Tuesday yeah it's great guy and just look at these connections man coming this is so I met for wise with you guys at the house of prayer. Bill and I met with the wise every Tuesday. I'm telling you is been 20 going on what 18, 20 years now I've met for with four hunters that it has to be laundromat because I 98 and 98 was when I started with the wise 1998 so that's 21 years while so got it. Now you to that old but you know what you think about what you said a while ago though that those men are desperate.

Okay and always had a feeling. Personally, I mean I'm a Benadryl manager for Chrysler store in Winston-Salem, but I was desperately looking for God, to the point, you know like not. My life is not making sense at all and all of a sudden it starts to make sense. You know it's it's us it's a source of desperation. I think the guys are at the rescue mission or guys that are in the Forsyth jail and prison ministry know God has them in place. To be desperate, but really he has.

He has everybody in that place right but place a boat broken dreams. That place of the trailer we talked about Christian cargo ship that place of I thought I was your guy and yet all the stuff happening to me not I get cancer when I'm in right now and I'm your boy to rally what we were talking about that recently went. What struck me, and in deep prayer recently was, in fact, I was just ministering to the Lord from this. This is what I know of you know you are good starting from Genesis and night and had just I was awake in the middle of the night talking okay I want to minister to you, Lord. This is what I know about you, I get to Abraham I'm thinking about wise to take what 14 1500 years before you find somebody as the father of our faith and what struck me about it at that moment. I believe this is revelation is the outrageousness of God's you know demanded Abraham sacrifice Isaac told him sacrifice Isaac and eggs you name and when did it not like he wanted to but he did it because that's God, not because he thought will one when I get out of this. That's exactly the point that our relationship with God is. We are going to be confronted with situations that are outrageous from a human perspective, there is no reasonableness from any human perspective that will say that it's reasonable for God have told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac and yet Abraham did it because he loved him.

That's it because he thought it was going to get something out of it. Not because of the covenant because he's God, and God said it is a win we approach him that way.

I have an outrageous year, earning for you, Lord.

Beyond anything that I see or think I must have you I'm desperate for you.

I must be with you and then look what we got because Abraham was willing to do that. We got Jesus because Abraham was willing. I've known I think about your own testing on Hannah I mean is horrible enough to get cancer your own. But when your child gets it all my goodness, you know, there you go. I mean II got a think you are thinking.

Wait a minute got on your boy. I had three verses that came to my mind when my wife was telling me this over the phone.

One was. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and then with prayer and petition with Thanksgiving.

Lift up your request to God.

Peace of Christ which treats all understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. In the third verse was unchosen and holy and dearly loved by God in a way that's hard to explain. I felt I hurt inside a voice that sit and yes we know Hannah is chosen and holy and dearly loved by God and if this be true. We know God does not want her to keep this cancer hello and I went from really high blood pressure and ringing in my ears and just to tell real peace and was able to tell my wife we will get through this. You tell Hannah we will get through this at all kinds of miracles just popped up. I mislike the day before I'd gone through my wallet had been sitting on a big wallet trying to forget and one of the things I was looking at doing weed my wallet out with the health insurance card and on the back of it.

It says you must call this 800-number before you go to the hospital in great big red letters the day before – they can. The date that Dennis stupidest best thing out of it what you do if you did an ambulance so I look up the webpage and the webpage. Sure enough, the claims page this year. If it's an emergency you can wait a reasonable period of time, but I found that you can email the claims department so I had emailed the claims department right after I talked my wife and said my doctors in network sinister. One of the two hospitals which I assume is and then I called the 800 number and I had this nice talk with this young lady and she said don't worry about it.

Everything will be fine. I said send me an email you an insurance agent thinks were different in get to the hospital at all kinds of things happen and the next day were the next workday Monday we find out that were in the wrong hospital that they want us to relocate to Dick and my wife is listening to this conversation and I said darlin' I was just told you do not pay for this here, but would have to move to Dick as she said it will don't worry about that.

Well this is interesting conversation. She says no you don't understand your your daughter is comfortable here. We like the doctor she loves the nurses we could also all mostly our church steeple from the wind. Money is not an issue in this wilderness stay here and you can imagine the insurance agents headset then and I gave her a kiss and luckily the same three verses get me to the car not feeling a lot better and I get to the office and a buddy of mine calls and says some long short. We got to stay. We got to stay at Baptist Hospital and it took a lot of miracles but wanted the miracles was me calling and getting an email from the insurance company which allowed me to realize I could email the president with his first met Leah statement first initial, so we had sent an email in the next day the vice president's charge claims called and it was just one miracle after another miracle after another. I remember that bill but there was something else about her treatment. Remind me about what that was.

We had we had four positive tests run for came for leukemia because therefore different types. The pediatrician had to test so we had six positive tests the first day they never saw another positive testing after that and so will we were praying for a bone marrow match. We were worried that since we were worried about that.

We got through and six months instead of seven because the the sixth round of chemo hitters so hard so much harder than they expected that they cut out an entire round of chemo and for some reason it was important to her that she make it dirt graduation or seventh-grade graduation set she got out with all the doctors just assured us there was no way that was going to happen but bill and in particular what what struck me about that is real. I remember wherever was okay and you're going guys we need it. We need to pray for a bone marrow match, and I remember getting it in in that meeting feeling you know what Lord you prayed this I remember you doing it because we were in deep prayer in your praying.

You know what Lord we don't need a bone marrow match as much as we need you to take care of the situation, which is what he did, which is what he did and if we had the bone marrow match would have been far worse off, but I don't want to miss that even if he did even because there's a lot of people right now that they didn't get the primary fracture they didn't get the healing or they did lose their business. What they did. You know whatever the situation is, but I love that song by Mercy me. Even if you don't then that was the faith of Abraham that sat there and said hey I'm on no I'm not coming fall. 40: the fish what is wasn't like him on the fish and reenlisted did the disillusionment that comes from betrayal, when you didn't deserve it there's there's a place to store thank you got a father take.

Especially when you got brothers around your sisters for to help you walk the God of the honor to have you guys while friends need discussion grateful for the chance to do it. You guys are listening are also my old friends and so you get a chance to take part more truth, after the journey starts here now at 12 o'clock followed by my truth