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Christy McGoflin and Dr. Gil Kingman

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
June 1, 2019 12:37 pm

Christy McGoflin and Dr. Gil Kingman

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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June 1, 2019 12:37 pm

Kingdom Pursuits

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Kingdom pursuits where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into the kingdom pursuits now live from the truth. Your host Robbie Gilmore June is busting out all over today.

King wanted to say that Kristi loved it with the carousel, but that was in that movie I'm probably older than everybody. Nobody knows what I'm talking about but anyway, we are is the first day of June, and we got some really cool stuff today for you on kingdom pursuits. First off, we have Dr. Kingman is a deacon at Grace Baptist Church, but the reason these witnesses because oh my goodness, Josh McDowell is going to be there tomorrow June 2 he's gonna be at the 9 o'clock service.

There 10 o'clock service and at 6 PM and if you'd never heard Josh McDowell all my goodness, and Gail you been a deacon there for many years. Yes, I've been a member there for almost 20 years and then we rotate on and off the deacon board, so I've been a deacon many times over the last 15 years. Dr. Kingman is a plastic surgeon so he can find her other guest really interesting.

Today we have Kristi McLaughlin and you may have heard Peter Rosenberger show. If you're in Charlotte you know the name of his show. It's called the I can't believe my memory is not like this. But anyway it's for its for caregiving hope for the caregiver and so Kristi has started a new company called home rule and it literally is a revolutionary idea in home healthcare and it's really cool how God is taking her on this journey with her own child and Kristi welcomed the kingdom pursuits yeah you started experiencing some of the downfalls of home healthcare, and so God gave you a passion to help fix it now or medically fragile American ride bareback border and Democratic nominee family. The same Lifestyle, and I think it is a lot more work and family really required and getting so we've got a whole lot coming for you on how Kristi said that journey but also you know what God's given runaway solution and having this country that with my own father with the home healthcare and what goes on with that I think you can find this really really helpful. I know I am. I'm certainly excited to hear about Josh McDowell but since his kingdom pursuits. Speaking of rule right so if you know this, but as long as the Imperial system is in place a ruler will be afoot just rule of grammar double negatives are now no in the overweight fighter pilot while he was grounded for violating the rules of engorgement that I'd learn this recently hitchhiking is not a good rule of thumb to sign without end of all the shenanigans you knew it. Actually have a riddle and we got a really cool prize to give away today, so here's your little you can call in 866-34-TRUTH 87884: when which biblical monarch shouldn't have been given an inch because he thought he was a ruler which biblical monarch shouldn't have been given an inch because he thought he was a ruler and if you can answer that riddle. Jasper tell mother with well-rounded web that's actually G and it's a recording but you can save yourself as a T-shirt giveaway today that I really think violence is giveaway. I got a T-shirt giveaway. We don't get to hear my music but yes we have T-shirt actually had three shirts and the reason is because I think there's more and more than one biblical ruler that should have been given an inch. He thought it was a ruler so you call us, we would love to give these away 866-34-TRUTH 87884 866-34-TRUTH trousseau Dr. Kingman one of the things I just love to just find out is you know how in the world did you meet Jesus and invite will. In other words, you wouldn't be a deacon.

Josh McDowell would not be in your you know sure to try an elderly was it, or if at some point in time God did get a hold of you have well I was raised in a Catholic family in New York and really yes yes or in the Bronx, New York.

How cool you up on Long Island and I guess is somewhere in junior high school we just kind of stopped attending church and so church was really a part of my life for many years.

I was raised to put other people first and treat people decently and then it wasn't until I got to Michigan for training in general surgery, where I met a nurse at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital name Cheryl and I we started dating and she went to a Baptist Church and so she talked me into coming with her to a couple of services and I listened for weeks and months and it really piqued my interest.

It was very different from what I heard through Catholicism and finally one day I went to the chaplain at St. Joseph Mercy Catholic hospital and asked now. What's really the difference between what we Catholics believe and what these Baptists believe me we both believe that Jesus died for the sins of the world so what's our difference and he said something very profound. He said well the Baptists and those people believe that everything we need to know about God is in the Bible and we Catholics believe that the Bible is important, but that other truths were added later by man popes, people like that and I thought that was the strikingly honest answer. And as I thought about it over weeks and months I thought I know enough about the popes, to know that some of them weren't the most righteous people, and why should we believe there are decrees and that they were emissaries of God and so I attended more and more at her Baptist Church when I was on call and I could get there and eventually God grabbed my heart and taught me not only is this true.

Not only is the Bible true but you are a sinner in you need the Savior.

So I went forth and got saved in a year later we were married, and that started my my Christian journey so I from the beginning. You can see my conversion was somewhat related to apologetics and that has really been a passion of mine ever since, and thus the call for Josh McDowell who we meet at the beginning of the show was going to get Grace Baptist Church out there and peters Creek Parkway on June 2, which is tomorrow from nine until 10 but interestingly if you're in the home healthcare thing right now Kristi it's hard to get to church because you don't know who's going take care your child and all that stuff. So that's a struggle for everybody that's in that role right brain to carry out the required caregiver actually get out but that we care for.

It generally are medically fragile children and adult and I may have to make me have a chronic find ventilator and the family personally.

It was really challenging because I remember you telling the baby had no idea that anything going wrong per se.dictating everything and we ended up in any form. I'm not there Kristi, here's the music behind the break is coming. So when we come back or to hear more about home rule is really a revolutionary idea in home healthcare as well as more on Josh McDowell come to Grace Baptist Church tomorrow from 9 to 10 course we have those of you who need a new T-shirt, so you need to the house of 866-34-TRUTH until his which biblical monarch that person takes and uses it to build the kingdom. I didn't get to finish my riddle. So by all means I'm more than some people. When a teacher today you go tell us. Don't over think this it's pretty easy really.

Which biblical monarch shouldn't have been given inch because he thought he was a ruler 866-34-TRUTH 87884's number to call in and win a T-shirt and Kristi you know II similarly my dad was struggling with the end of his life.

He passed plan March 9. But honestly, I feel like if I'd understood home healthcare like I do today are like understand what Homer was doing. I think we could've extended his life, some because what you're doing is a matter life and death for people and get all more people realize, and at picking them out out of court and their underlying work. Our don't go to church and unable to go shopping. They don't have family there any peer Internet world that looked like it very well. Now it can mean 24 70 EP clean our night. But you can't sleep all night and any caretaking or working during the day and their families around and we realize and what happening with the damping agent at the time and actually never met you or your child or your person that you are here a lot of time sending people out in you don't really sleep that I know for here year. We could not get in your Sunday really.

We might go for night and I will alternate family and I need people like you and hear what ended up happening like I am one of my children planning. My daughter might have gotten married and my daughter was going to get married and needed to effectively defend anybody thinking I am basically what happening in only one that we have a caregiver for you under your loved one required me you don't have one and tell everyone that you plan thinking working eating taking a shower and going out your adult But every happening happening actually been in that role and that it is ongoing. Caregiver always ongoing something like well and can fit up at night and get a girl out of not like that it contained a letter year caring for the man felt like he didn't get the clerk heart failure or chronic lung were talking about ongoing I hate a little story in it with that. My parents were living in Virginia from the community and community for 40 years and felt like going up in Florida and I wanted to collect their email that I was glad that Tim (eight week eight week ballot and so I finally left my three what might have been including my daughter with the trait, and I've never done that and some driving at 530 in the morning at 95 and the rain and thinking about long day making sure it gets her treatment and a lot of tricky event clear line clear that she can breathe and calling online and I thought something that there have to be this type got drafted into my hat and I could start the portal but if we had a portal but if families could take their own healthcare. Highly, highly regulated and I called Brandon and me check it out legally. If so, can we started on the journey of becoming like the credit and that feeling where family never have to be told Bill again. That's awesome at this point in time it's it's basically in the Charlotte area so if you think you know unfortunately Kristi going to expand at this point in time.

It's just in those areas. 20 County Carolina to pretty much we are now and frowned north to fill in all the way down to Charlotte though.

If you think a crane. That we cover.

Interestingly close to my other guest is Dr. Kingman he's a plastic surgeon by trade and so as you hear that Dr. King when you had mentioned during the break that you deal with a lot of home healthcare issues. Yes, one of our specialties is wound care. We know things that take a long time to heal. In these chronically ill patients, pressure sores there not the wound alone is not necessarily something to keep them in the hospital and so home healthcare is so important that someone is seeing these people and teaching doing the dressing changes. Teaching the family to do the dressing changes offloading the pressure. There's no pressure sore that will heal.

While it still has pressure on and that's a challenge because of negative pressure on one side and they get one on the other side.

Well, I can imagine that gets very very tricky so yeah there is nothing more important for those folks and their home healthcare night you know I didn't have any understanding of both myself or your what all that entailed. I had no clue. But as I began to get into it and I saw there were certain people to come out. Kristi that you're like oh yeah they really care about you know they this is I want that person back. I want that person back in the next thing you know this about another person and that person. Oh my goodness, I mean don't you realize my dad is 88 years old and you just can't flip them in the bed like that help line caregiver and having people think they talk about you know how their only caregiving. In any event the other night where it always on your heart always on your mind to care for your loved one other now and you want everything possible for him in the end of his life and when you don't have 22 coming out and getting that caregiving for you. You can feel a little bit help and I know I felt guilty, probably more than 11 times when I know that there's a particular caregiver coming in to tell my daughter and carrying her think that there's a lot of people out there like that but when you are the one before you left one you really want one. An opinion any money to the people and your mother and your hiring caregiver baby therapy can be pretty careful about you now and then and where you pick it cool and I'm very particular about that when you're talking about. Chronically ill person you want them to feel love and care. 10 don't have that relationship going on. One of my favorite thing for my daughter went and sat with her and I can hear from the other room that to convert thing and having a nighttime nature as it is and that's the reason that its home rule. That's the name your company is like, well, we can kind of take some control back to this situation is since it's our home and these caregivers are coming in. The idea of having access to the portal, which bites calling home rule and all that stuff sitting pursuits, By the way, you can hear more about it on the Truth Network but by doing the home rule's website. Home you can find out how to get engaged in those kind of things but you know we got a get a little extra time for Josh in here because Josh is coming tomorrow and do you have an idea what is going to cover during the 9 o'clock service.

He'll be talking about the deity of Christ.

Big question comes from a lot of people. Why did Jesus ever really say he was God come in here, Josh explained that 10 AM service. He'll be reviewing his testimony and how he basically went from the most, but he calls the most dysfunctional family ever became an agnostic, having had no use for God and then was challenged one day. Well if you think this is all made up. Once you prove it. He spent two years researching and finally it struck him after he reviewed all the manuscripts and all the evidence compared to other historical ancient writings that there's no reason we shouldn't believe this. This is all really trip and then God got hold of his heart and made some unbelievable changes in his family, which he certainly couldn't have done himself. Even the town where he grew up and since then he's been with campus Crusade for Christ. Now crew for 50 years he has spoken to over 25 million people across the world.

He has authored or co-authored over hundred and 50 books is debated on college campuses you've never heard him live and in person right there in front of you. He is literally and I love good public speaking.

You can imagine as a public speaker.

I know how sure he is. He is among the best you will ever powerful and a regular guy all you exactly so tomorrow. If you're in Winston Salem, you might want to drive over from Raleigh to Charlotte if it will be worth be there at nine be there to be back at six so all those opportunities course good kingdom

Find out more about overall will be right back with more person – and uses it to build the kingdom that I find absolutely fascinating. You know that this would enter my life at this time Kristi and her husband Jerry have been friends of mine actually for years and years and years. Jerry is a publicist to help me out. Years ago God got me on Fox and friends all sorts of different things and and I actually did interview on Kristi's Facebook channel and Kristi, you've got what's I forget the name your show but it's a wonderful show on Facebook. I the roles are reversed. Yeah they they used to live in Raleigh recently moved to Hickory and you know I've been familiar with your story for long time and I just find it fascinating that at this point in time, Peter Rosenberger, who does help. Hopefully, caregiving and and Jerry became friends and you know and in the next thing you know home rule is sponsoring actually hope caregiver which comes on Sundays and so you know this and that's a fascinating and then at the same time we get on this show like God would orchestrate it. We have a wonderful you know, a plastic surgeon who deals a lot with other things that you would think that but plastic surgeons I deal with because you know I think plastic surgeon. I'm not thinking.

Bed sores and that kind of thing I'm thinking about all sorts of other things that we had a great question during the break Kristi that I am the know the answer to, but I thought it be great if you answered it so I know a lot of people dealing with home healthcare very interested in Medicare and those kind of things and you guys got a big breakthrough. There an adult care and a lot more to get an kind of thing in North Carolina. We actually personally not bill Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare, so there's that's a big deal, right Dr. O. Sure sure that home healthcare is expensive. As everybody knows what about private insurance cover letter tort barely cover it often long-term care required cardiac or child born, not breathing or any kind of a creek and got home going to need 100 hours a week and there are some insurance company that you cover that and a lot of land that with different Medicaid program. People may not know if they met people who qualify for nursing care from Iran and had no idea that they did not qualify for Medicaid because their parent, I didn't cover it with the North Carolina Labor Fee and DA Kit under 21. All not income though it may require nursing, skilled nursing and on an ongoing date for medication works great for their paraplegic or how many different everyone is unique but there are program though for people who feel like they have to go it alone and when it fell, everything we know that there are people who will literally tell everything go on Medicaid that they can have some kind of dark nursing home very challenging and I think educating yourself specially if you have an aging parent or loved one, or you ran to take, for example, have and I have a lot of time there caring for that person just don't have the time to go out and find out what the report that I now live reflected that literally anything happening you may have experienced that Robbie that you want to be with your loved one.

You don't want to be out 13 for all the help that you can get you poor and everything you've got, but there are so I would encourage people around your loved one to throw some report their way. They may or may not appreciate.

I know baby and peddling people what they think like they have no idea. You now, but feel that reaching out.

I think there no important because honorably I were talking the church world there and I've been in a church for 11 years.

I love love love love the people that I really like one fever gone performance and she finally came to believe young people that you know we try ventilator tray like yeah like when you're like. Fragile dad a couple times and it didn't work in all, often nothing and the mom who lived at really value nursing care that comes into my home are lifeline that we work together. Our family can understand and when my older kids were younger when trying, but I ended up calling the goal and I ended up going out of band and we literally were all howling and no that really if my parents and word to make a family feel supported because no you live now.

I do give Josh a little time though because he's common we find out what's happened in at 6 o'clock so just went out again is coming to Grace Baptist Church tomorrow from nine. These can be there again at 10 and then at 6 o'clock you got some special there to yes Josh is in possession of something called the loads scroll LOD Z town in Poland call loads and it's almost 600 years old.

It's a Torah scroll, and he presents that, and reviews the regulations that the scribes copied to, or use to copy ancient scrolls and it's just amazing what was on their hearts or preserve the word of God and how one tiny error. They started all over. So they will be a long discussion of that and then people will be able to come down see the scroll touch the scroll and then following up will be a question-and-answer session with Dr. Jeremy Wallace are our senior pastor where people will be able ask questions of Josh and the promises to be an outstanding evening were socially he was born in Michigan, that's where it all started out.

I'm not sure.

Maybe you didn't believe lives in California and let me say that after his journey that I discussed you know maybe the best known of his hundred 50 books is one called evidence that demands a verdict so 1972 he wrote this about his journey and about his study of the history of New Testament and it's been a landmark book in in Christian circles and apologetics.

It's been updated several times.

The most recent addition with his son, Dr. John McDowell, and they've added chapters that look at the Old Testament well how can we believe the Old Testament and things like well can we can we know truth that all really really starting with the basics. One of things he said this in terms of why all the new additions they said well the truth doesn't change, but the questions and this, that book will be available and he'll be signing books and so that's really something you don't want to miss this a great, great speaker. Most importantly, bring him in ways that maybe have seen before, as is home rule which I can clearly see God's hand in providing in this environment of today's home healthcare with all these things, so we got a little more kingdom receipts come your way.

State and oh by the way, if you want to tell me what that God takes and uses it to build the kingdoms. They were so blessed to have with us Kristi McLaughlin with her new home healthcare company again is called home rule which ignore home and find about about where you're looking for. Since I got links there for that as well as tomorrow Josh McDowell that performs all that information is very kingdom receipts as well as can be a Grace Baptist Church delegate of Creek Parkway at 9 o'clock and then again speaking at 10 o'clock so you can actually come at nine right QI just come and stay safe through the second service then come back for the evening and go and so Kristi again one of my favorite parts and I don't know your story how did you come to know Jesus and church only 11 years older than me that over to her apartment find of the day. Direct number years old able and 13 continued their walk and I think I mentioned were both pretty about life actually amazing that we can even get along so many ideas we I think that we can have that many feeling like many people do that, reason, and when something comes across your path. Whether it appeared or whether it appeared to be dating.

The reason that that comes out of that and I would never wish anything bad on you anybody out. However, when I look at what comes out of my daughter and I went to see where healthy.

I don't like to live the way that back. I do love that we get to reach out and help other people and years that big part of that weight you know your you are out there trumpeting and good, and that people are doing. I love that I did feel like Berkeley or here to make some kind of a different, but certainly not here to be all it is really beyond cool in you and IIII think about the whole situation. You know that Peter Rosenberger would come in my life that you guys are coming in my life and in so many different ways over the over the years and am and then got brought that together in in new ways, and I don't know that Dr. King and I may just need plastic surgery. My wife lives there are many options on any option forcefully elevates radio know is anyway so Dr. team and what are you excited about it. Grace Baptist Church what would you think man I gotta tell people this is this is going on in our church and I'm excited to kingdoms, oh yes will grace is a very welcoming place where people hear the truth, proclaimed with compassion, but unapologetically I can use those terms.

We are talking about suffering here and Josh McDowell certainly suffered with his story and I think he'd be the first to say God was using this to get me to where I could minister to literally millions of people and we hear those kinds of stories from our neighbors know well how many people do we know so you know that was the worst time in my life, but that was the best thing that ever happened to me. That's what we hear in the grace people who are looking for a home church will be welcomed warmly and we just hear that over and over from our visitors and from our members so I think of the word grace I think of the word favor and I never heard this Kristi I just heard of this week.

Actually that the end of the 23rd Psalm. This is surely goodness and mercy will follow me. Well, if you look at the Hebrew on that word it actually is more like pursue like he's coming after you and am that goodness and mercy, by the way, if you look at the actual Hebrew on that you will find several of the fruits of the spirit.) So it sounds like the comforter is going to come after you write is not is not just like it's gonna follow you into coming after you.

He's he's chasing you down because you're his favorite see if it comes back to grace that working when you're not going on the radio. How wonderful. What a treat. Thank you all and we got to go.

I say one more word go forth, please. Thank you. Thank you. Bless yes that made my day. So thank you again it's home if you want about that again Josh Patel coming tomorrow morning is not you have to wait long.

Second line 10 and six clock. We are so grateful to you so grateful for you listing the Truth Network, thank you so much more truth, that's the Truth Network urgent prayer problem on our 12 o'clock