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Aimee Cabo Boris Nikolov Liena Apsukrapsa

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
June 22, 2019 12:44 pm

Aimee Cabo Boris Nikolov Liena Apsukrapsa

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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June 22, 2019 12:44 pm

Robby's Riddles and Answers

Aimee Cabo, Boris Nikolov, and Liena Apsukrapsa Talk about her book Advent To Epiphany: Engaging the Heart of Christmas. Amy is the Author of Love is the Answer, God is the Cure. And she talks about her life and what she has been through in her journey.


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Versus where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into kingdom pursuits now live from how fun day on kingdom pursuits. I'm very excited post a couple of friends and new friends. So we've got with us today, very special. We have Amy Carbo and her husband Boris McLaughlin.

She is the host of the cure radio show every Saturday right here in about an hour at 1 PM. Amy is also the author of the book. Love is the answer got a secure welcome Amy and you having it's kinda cool. They're coming via comics that you guys are in Miami right so she sounds just like she's in the studio because that's pretty neat set up that she has down there to host her show and is coming on in the shower in our and Boris here with us to yes thank you for having all were excited and wait to hear my not my guest is with you guys so well first I should tell you Amy has an amazing story about how God is that your and she went through lots of abuse. Maybe I'll let you share just a minute of of what led you to end up with a radio show. Amy said I is something continuously for about 25 years and I can remember snow is useful in handheld facilities used in the notion abuse me adolescent and mystic abuse and poverty and my daughter almost got killed. So throughout the years. The experiences that I had. I always believe I can pray and God help me, no one in the world and God always been a focal point in my night and he has always been there for me even though I felt there seem to even pray and sell that do. I am honest about who I am and that's what started and my husband and he said well you can help a lot of people. Now you can help people. There was another one time. This interview show up in surprise. Boris you trickster well Boris you're actually from what country in Eastern Europe, Bulgaria. He is from Bulgaria, which is very. This is why think you love go on with you guys, we have Lena and attempt to her last name but I'm sure I'm in a murder. It's obscure there you go. It's liana I wish I and you let I said that right. Anyway Advent to Tiffany engaging the heart of Christian swords subsided here about that Leanna and interestingly I don't have any idea comes about from that area. How far is Latvia from Bulgaria today so still the same kind of man did you grow up in Latvia as well. I did and so and Boris, you grow up in Bulgaria 2019 98 is when you came and then you know what I could get some meat. Amy really do is the midst of your prayers.

Having gotten to know Boris over the last few months. What an amazing man he is and that God would connect you to see really did have some cure on in mind for a lot of folks for your ministry has been Lasting God blessed me greatly.

In fact I don't even realize how he could best be some light on how he can bless me anymore and it's wonderful that I can come up with the ATS going and I think together. Together we make partner.

Yes you do well in a part of kingdom pursuits for you guys ever heard us before, as we have to do Robbie's riddle. So, speaking of the cure right. My brother is a real one.

He walked out of the hospital. He said your measles body and there you may have heard this when the managers went back to college to become a veterinarian. Why not make a lot more money but she was great at giving up that you go all the shenanigans actually have a riddle in the scum of anyone today so I'm looking forward to you calling in and 866-34-TRUTH 87884 with your chance to win by answering who in the Bible was who in the Bible was the only one who could cure us. Sure, as a spitting image of his father was the only person in the Bible who could cure as a spitting image. Think about it, of his father 866-34-TRUTH 87884 as a number calling and when and if you do the Winston-Salem – in the pelican so you know, that sounds like a fascinating call in to win 866-34-TRUTH 87884 866-34-TRUTH so Leanna waiting a chance to talk at all about your book. Just a little bit about Latvia, so share a little bit about how you came to author that book you mentioned God talk. I righted. Go going through a very hard time and I didn't know anything about the neighborhood and entered and doing the warship pastor came down and Mike Channon and Phil God one night about 10 years ago and know what right in my good friend Jaclyn called me for Christmas. And every morning they would have a time of prayer you prayer method, meditation and prayer picture and you really listen to the word deeply work and then when she left the trade in the same way every Sunday for half an hour in our and then at some point I God saying to me. I want you to invite other players and I said how bright though really question invitation into the same contemplation, interactive devotional you really take people into scriptural and you know we come back to find out more sounds amazing God led you through all the you can still call it love to hear from you. 6678 Morrison well stories we have read will actually several situations workouts God's compassion and use it to build the kingdom we have Amy Carbo and Boris Nicklaus. They are the host of the cure radio show comes on every Saturday right here at 1 o'clock on the Truth Network in her book. Love is the answer. God is the cure we have Leanna not try your last name. It's really long. It starts with a and she is the author of vent advent to Tiffany engaging in the heart of Christmas and as I was listening to Amy. I was thinking often when I hear your show you talk at length about that type of prayer. Well, yeah. Arlene and I to lease 30 minutes to start my day.

I do a grocery and I don't really like. I can understand the contemporary Bible understanding so I thing down and Bible verse every day things I'm doing is eating.

Sometimes you may read as elitist and spiritual songs, things that I like to be posed and that usually helps me and I find it a lot easier and more can create everything. I appreciate outlook on life and anything that's good. I can't get good behavior at happy moments when things go wrong, and things are tough and hard. I think comes from the devil, which I call pickpocket because he feels people so I get that from the thing that yeah I think that comes from and what he just makes the best it's your way out. He turns into a blessing you have to do is trust and one way that I learned to trust him. Yeah, that connection to Christ that comes you know with that lien. As I was thinking or listening to what you're talking about. Can you give us a little more detail on how you actually do that which is kind of interesting to me that what God asked you to do is create a giant first circle of all your readers right and so as they begin to read how did you share the concert format format) or Mark in my book letter devotional will report no and duction and then there is people. Prayer time can't become everywhere really bringing people into their heart wrenching down prayer and then there is the day your passage entering the team where you really use all your to become part of the way I make people talk the scriptural going deeper part, for you and and then there is prayer.

And then I people all you giving them question flexion really can work and felt that the format for each devotional and so you see, you know, just for me personally. One of the original things really grass my harder when Christ did that was. I went to a sermon when I was nowhere close to being a Christian. I couldn't been more of a car salesman and this pastor gave the sermon on prayer and he said you know if God is really God all your many words don't necessarily necessary but you know he Artie knows, what going on inside you. You need to be listening. Got two ears and one mouth and you need to be listening for what he has for you and then he gave us a similar meditation what you just described. Where were sitting there and and and it's all about the senses.

Learning to smell and feel in touch getting in the moment because like you said, if were not there current situation we we can't pray and so being able to hear from them is what you describe him asking rapist prayer circle and Amy in your own way you do that through your radio show and Boris, I was curious about your version of how you do that well question actually turned to God is was for forbidden church actually show me the way I knew I needed him and he needed me. Now I was the same Boris. I was completely that way with my wife. In fact only reason I went to that church was.

My wife told me if I wanted to marry her. I had not heard the sermon on prayer and then the next thing I know I started to apply because I could tell that I needed something that I was sorely lacking in that and so what was it like in Latvia when you're grown up lien or they doing the same thing with you. I know though I know. Growing up 300 and actually my family and I really open the church in my bedroom and no gardening, no garage though getting the duration of the church is no garage more here blah yes I grew up under that beginning about notability and one of the underdog came and gave the funeral and he said for those who want to learn about why don't you gather them how they most people from the funeral came and then he want to do a worship service in the family pray the Holy Spirit gave great cards to my mom and she invited everybody to know how and only remodeled my faith later on. No garage people coming out will you Boris, as you were growing up there. Did you ever encounter a Christian and what were your thoughts about that will actually Christian. She's always been trying to teachers resisting because Joe church. I know I do have a couple of churches open but you can really go so becoming more available after all. So Amy, how did you you just met Boris and then just start working on them or what. I think that the standard style you like and I think that what influenced the most is how he saw God change my life where I came from a long way. I remember that day very dark days thinking there where my husband is having dealt and left me unconditionally and in peace and still believed in me and had hope and many reasons not to have hope and peace how God has worked with me how I can make a difference how God is your peace of mind because problems happen happen appointment in others and yourself will start happening here with guiding your life is there's nothing you will go to you and him cannot handle elitist passion suicide. Trust me and you know my actually grow and grow and grow granddaughter St. so grandfather's blood. So, what was his name is one of the pillars my goodness he had Bulgari occupied right there and everybody who was in somewhat culture so Amy you're from your family from Cuba right yes yes FMG about both my parents are from Cuba Miami consequence to Fidel and she thinks she's glad to is separating en bloc blinding China will you is is is someone from Latvia. I'm curious of your personal well we got a break when we come back. I really want to get into more of their stories. What Amy's been through really mind-boggling to me the amount of suffering and as well as land really interested in more appropriate to build the kingdom and today we have more poster children for that concept with Cabo Boris and the cloth with the cure radio show which comes on every Saturday right here at 1 o'clock. About an hour more to wait and you get to listen to her show today which will be live from Miami, where, and she is also the author of an amazing book of love is the answer God to secure more naming story in a minute but we also I was Leanna Leanna Gladden said force option. She is the author to Tiffany engaging the heart of Christmas and as I looked at your information. If there's two things jump out at me that we haven't had a chance to talk about number one.

It described you as having healing experiences through this type of prayer and the other thing being that that house has a tremendous history that actually was used to help save Jews during World War II. Yet funny how all three connected lady who lived there. She would open the house up for the people who are coming to an many times to deliver baby from both died died died.

What labor she would help them to deliver the baby coming to an end and also she did hide them to you how and and later my father published a family. My mom is a medical field, so we always were taken.

People to look for curing or also never die… And then God you talking about the church and my my vision for that place is open there, so I'm in process of making fun venture that would be emotional healing people treat so I want to continue their healing mission. Life is hard for the beginning so interestingly that you ministries, love is the answer to that.

I was just like well I mean, what an amazing thing, but I'm wondering if there's one particular sure that you seem that we just blow my monthly no one that you dislike of God that is so beautiful that I got to see that I got to see that happen in front of my man was alone and that condition so basically take care of himself. The and so he came to our house and we took care of him in on the last day and now and one day I was sleeping. Taking a nap God of that going talk and now through and I just plainly know are you afraid of dying in. We talked about what that mean that he is going and what faith in Christ death or famine, we had the most beautiful conversation, accepting of Jesus and then I took him to the bathroom and I was holding him under under trying to walk with him and he became bad. People that moment that I like dying in my arm. He died in my arm conversation and now and now you know we took care of the lawn and next night he came in a dream to my mom and he said all thank you so much I'm doing so well by the way the stock on how to feel great.

I would imagine that you know I can't help but think of Lazarus you know where the dogs were licking his sores and so now he's in heaven and while the result of what a story. What a story and maybe your own story. I know that you sure the listers a little bit of the depth of misery that you really endured at least have been told that they get a little frustrated like will ever stop happening.

It was one thing after the consecutive yes mayonnaise memory was when I was seven years old sexual abuse by my stepfather and I continue to lose 15 adolescents in another repeat me. She was also emotionally peace 1590 N. and went to some foster homes where I have used and then I ran away I was in the manifest and when he started working at the manager where I was working and he ended up in the father of my time as child.

He was obese and I lost the first child because he was eating me and when I left it a second time. The second pregnancy. 14.

Use of battles and in those times you know when you're in a plea in a dark place where you don't know where you easily on the screen now is based on faith because Jesus came in 19 and my God which Christine reminded me to come to mean so it's a conscious constant struggle just like writing Tariq and you kinda have to choose the site when each is God happy heart. I had contentment in the commercial and happy heart rate high and I learned three things to be grateful for it to be grateful to be grateful for who you are and to be grateful for regular grateful for the staffing and checked the cats and more understanding and become like compassion and and if I can't do that.

I went there is no way be able to host a meeting shall learn tonight about what you tell someone you're not alone.

I understand. Yes, you can make it. You don't have to believe the lies that will put since you had. You don't have to believe negativity meeting Christ's needs are supposed to be wonderful and great in it's fascinating to me. Amy is the show I just did on the Christian cargo sure we were talking about the verse in Colossians were Paul was talking about rejoicing in his sufferings, because essentially he's filling up what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ and the church and it was just a really surprising verse one started studying this week and I had a caller call in and she related almost exactly what you just said which was that when we go through suffering. That is, what it says in second Corinthians. You know the God of all comfort will comfort us that we can comfort others with the comfort that he gave us and so had you not gone through all that phenomenal suffering, you wouldn't be able to comfort people at the level that you can with your radio show on with your book.

Thank you and thank you so much for teaching is about the Scriptures because it's wonderful. I really think that God is great thing in our lives and I know what to do that well you know if God suffered.

Why can't we let me so there's no doubt that we we sure that in Lima as I hear your story, I hear. Similarly, we just have one if you want to call it when you got a complaint when the Bible was the only one sure image of his father, 866-348-7884 I see we have a caller blessed with this Amy Carbo and Boris McLaughlin with your radio show, which comes to lie right here on the Truth Network every Saturday right here at 1 PM in her book.

She is the author of love is the answer is the cure. And I would point out that that is amazing amazing radio show they have guessed quite often that examples of that second Corinthians verse that they really been through some stuff from Amy walks with them on how God has been mature in their life. And of course she always welcomes your calls as well and you know it's it's the callers that make the show so much for my chemistry that we also have Leanna and I'm not even a tribe of her last name is wonderful, and when she says it, it just melts right off of Atlanta. I guess I better put your phone off old yet and that wonderful don't you love to hear that means to add that I will say a bit, but it's Advent to Tiffany and want to meet me in a neat idea to join her prayer circle engaging in the heart of Christmas and if you just heard her story. If you need to go back get the podcast if you didn't just hear her story so you can get that it to skip the podcast of the story that just blew me away. It made my day.

Actually, I'll be thinking about that one for a long time, but she has an amazing amazing prayer ministry that I can see right now we have Carl is calling in Winston-Salem is the answer to who in the Bible was the only one who could cure is the spitting image of his father, Carl.

You're on your pursuits. Good morning.

I am well yeah I can hear you fine. Who was it a go, whomever that is the Sunday school Ansell girl you can never miss by saying Jesus, but in this case, you're exactly right. He was the one spit in the mud and and ends in Renton cure the young man's eyes, all that stuff.

So that's really cool that you can enjoy the game. Thank you, Douglas writes well. Somehow I managed to cut Leanna off, but getting back to will get back to her in a minute just have a few minutes left. Show but Boris, I feel like you know your spirit is one of the most amazing I have come across just completely upfront and I always since just a joy that's unbelievable and you to grow up ends in difficult circumstances. So how did you process that when you didn't have to. I haven't suffered so I can't complain since patients I guess what God just gives you extra extra features.

Let's put it another way like you have like a more complex life. I guess but it's it's good to have gotten your life if you contend accomplished with lights and certainly love the joy that I always hear your voice and it seems like she's always having a good time, which that's got to be good to be around to be around then that is funny and so is my son happy, joyful home, always laughing and I have to tell you, God, really. If you have God in your life is continuing around like even really and I grateful me to me to for the connection. Linda getting back to you about your second book we we heard about Advent to Tiffany what was the second wanted God hard okay okay and Glenn and Easter golf club same dial available both devotional and so I'm guessing the one for the season of Lent has pictures leading up to the passion, so to speak right yet home 4040 day devotional and so you know. Interestingly, my boss, Stu Epperson wrote a book. The first words of Jesus in the last since the last words as being of course what we just describe the length of the first one being the advent closer to fascinating you know what I think about the meditation into those two do you finally kind of definitely come together likable book and you know okay you know three you know how they feel shame in order to suffer and so you know I think again engaging the heart of Christmas there and find out more about me and find out more about Thank you guys are wonderful right now