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The Quest For Life

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
September 24, 2022 3:13 pm

The Quest For Life

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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September 24, 2022 3:13 pm

In this episode of Kingdom Pursuits, Robby sits down with Matt  and Allison Willis to discuss their new book Master Life Together.

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Hello this is Matt slick from the match looked like podcast right from the Christian faith and lay out our foundational truth of God's word chosen Truth Network podcasts starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing The Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network.

This is the Truth Network.

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network kingdom pursuits where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into the kingdom pursuits now live from the truth.

Your host Robbie Gilmore. I often wonder how I thought it's a good seat so many amazing folks that God given these passions and that I get to hear about it and talk about it and you're going to be so glad that you tuned in for this hour because I have some good friends actually with me today that I've known for years. In many cases, and I have a new friend so we can we get to check out all those things but first up we have Matt and Allison Willis along with their friend Scott who Matt as you may know we had him on the show many times about mission work right because your last book you wrote was about be a missionary run.

That's right so serving as a missions pastor at Calvary in Winston-Salem for the last six years there's been plenty of things to talk about Weatherby books or conferences or speakers. Thanks for having us back today. Yeah, but today they've got a new book coming out. It's called master life together so and you wrote this in with your wife. So the first thing it just would appear to me is it for you to master life here co-authoring that Allison what was that, did you have to master some life. We managed to write God without getting marriage counseling so I think that that when I think so too.

I mean, it's got to be so you know that. But really the books about discipleship right and so that part of that is we've got Scott with us to get to him in a minute but Scott is actually in their class that that that and gone through the book, and so we get to see firsthand how that's all worked out in the house have another old friend with me. Who is Jim Kinney who is got this expire and ignite inspiring ignite not expire on expire energies that way. Jim and somebody expired in welcome Jim will help clear up and I was one big step forward about that. Probably not what we really got what I would've expired for Cliff leaving the Navy over there. Meanwhile your app is been out for a while and hopefully it's inspiring and igniting lots of folks right will work to do the prayer everyday and we are about to launch into will let people who want to build Room for fellow warriors to greet one another and keep one another accountable to share what's going on in their lives.

Social setting on the Internet but their own, their own private network. So would be launching that very shortly. That is awesome and so again it's the inspiring ignite prayer at which you don't have that on your phone line on now is pretty easy, just IN S PRE inspiring ignite.

You can go get that so speaking of life. Sometimes my I'm trying to get my producers up there is a Grayson. Speaking of life, you never got to play shenanigans when you're in the 60s did you ever hear that Jim that show that big band sound was on top of the world is in the 60s man when I was a kid I guess that I never missed it was a prima facie time to show you anyway. Speaking of the best years of my life. This is documented the best years of my life were spent another man's arms have to say is thank you mom come on guys is, that was all right. Another one here is my life used to be a joke, but then I became a dad and so now my life's a dad to got there I got a smile. I got a smile. I have now here's a question for you Jim since you obviously been on the show before. So how is life like a nice hot bath one about that is like there you go if you want to know every voided by the longer your unit more wrinkles you get me that I will note this might my wife said, being married to me is like being on vacation for the rest of her life.

You know my wife would say that Allison married to me is like, your kids think they been looking for. Why would my wife save okay sheep.

She said I was her last resort. I was all right.

So I am a very challenging very challenging real really good beside his desk real fall to think like Robbie Ritter right considering all right, how was Judas's life. Jesus is life like a fairy life like a fairytale.

You know the answer to that Grayson tell them what they could win a prize. All that is loaded for bear if you can get this answer is hard hard. I was Judas's life like fairytale 866-34-TRUTH 7884's number. Call in and when I know you enjoy go shenanigans. I know I did nobody else that I have a blast anyway, getting back to discipleship so interestingly you are the missions pastor and now you your your hats kind of change and so you wrote another book yes thankful to do that. I think any good book really comes out of real life ministry not written in an ivory tower but what happened was this material that we wrote is actually a simplified revision of material that my granddad wrote 40 years ago and thousands of people went through it over the last four years, called master life. So this is a sure is tidally little plagiarism. The same publishers they gave us the right likely published in the subtitle is the discipleship experience for small groups so we don't mean this to really just be an individual Bible study but really experienced in community and somehow need right.

It's a legacy right for your family and I know how dear your grandfather was to write you and when he, the co-author of your book. That's right is the co-author of his book learning more thousand nine that came out with. Now press.

That's right. And what a neat thing right and then to bring your wife in on the adventure or did she decide I mean, how did that guy with that decision process by not allowing that both of us really have that on our heart because we were leaving and original group and Scott and his wife Susan were a part of that we were leading a group through the original material and when it came time for some people to make disciples and talk through the plan with them. Some said yes.

I want to lead a group through the master life and some did, but other said I don't know anyone who's willing to put in that much time and so that was to suppress sauce really is.

I'm excited to hear about that. I know you are thinking know what invited me to the whole idea discipleship was the great commission right if your car salesman I was always afraid I will be right back.

If you you're listening to the truth and life to build the kingdom and how fun I have my old friend Jim Kinney with me here with his inspire and ignite prayer as well as Matt and Allison Willis and Scott Butler with master life together. This book has not been released, I should point out that all this information is it kingdom so if you go to you can preorder the book which there's a sale right now you can take advantage of that and you can also see the inspiring night app. So if you need to find that it's your app store there's links for all that there it kingdom and I want to mention one more time that I would be really I mean you don't know what it would do for my heart for somebody actually guess my riddle. How was Judas's life like a fairytale, 866-348-7884 and as always, if you want to call you and talk to Matt about discipleship or you want talk about the great commission and I'll talk about great commissions any day of the week and my old friend Jim Kinney with expired ignite the gym.

You know, I know discipleship is always been really really close to your heart as well and so a big part of what you're doing with this app right it is is because that was the great commission go make disciples, which are enthusiastic learners. People that love God's word and love to should chase down the stuff right. It will Christian who are concerned about the direction of America. To begin with we all are well because we don't have a microphone media or alteration.

We do we ask God to get ball well the truth is, most Americans do not have a vital prayer life. It would be part of master life to develop a vibrant life will help you do that, first of all, when you download it every day will send you a short little prayer for America and we ask you to read it and at the end just agree with the question you are a man or shall be joint at the current time about 300 other people were open a year from now it will be 10,000 people are raising the same prayer to but goes on to give you place to list personal prayer request. So once you begin to understand.

I need to talk.

Got it and we prompt you where hoping that the next is that you will begin to write yourself a few notes about what you need to remember to pray that your family unity job and Dan this chat room that you can join a lot of other Christians in sharing prayer concerns encouraging one another and that active prayer life and becoming a part of the group is praying every single day critical. Jim, I got an idea okay because I don't like me, but I've got it. Prayer chain for Masten journey. I have a pertain for the cuticle is man up. I have a prayer chain for my Sunday school average per change consummate system pastor in another church. I got I got prayer chains at the kazoo and when those things start going off like I can't get my phone because I got text coming in by the you know what I'm saying. I don't know if she experiences in life, but I do so well and I will try to give you an idea urgent this work with. So if you guys would get the inspiring night prayer right and put your prayer chains on the sea, then there everybody's life would be easy because you do not get together on the phone at some point will your clear and will help you set up up prayer circle for each of your prayer change right that's why that's what I'm explaining.

I was thinking like man because I love all the prayer I mean I love it when people are being needy out loud ensuring that stuff. It's wonderful but actually if you're trying to do some on your phone right that minute. It gets annoying. And that's not is not spam, but what it can take a lot of time and if you felt prayer circles not only everybody else.

It's right here with me, so Matt chime in here.

What you think about this idea is nuts. Well, I don't want to say that were experts you know are always going to grow as disciples, we do spend a week in the material through prayer about we don't have app. One of the practical resources we use as a prayer notebook you know some neighbor a little low-tech. You have right now to contact him with the app but I bet you like Québec so when I got your Scott will take you know the pro-life position so thanks for asking. So I get a lot of tax as well.

You know with needy prayer requests on the source. I get that. So actually I'm to support what matches that is kinda nice little low-tech on prayer. Sometimes because you know what that prayer notebook can get to your phone right so just a thought.

Now while it's it's one of those things that you know there's a lot of stuff that I put on my phone like my notes, my morning devotions like an animal through the day.

I mean that's actually pretty helpful.

There's other things that are so it's all a matter of your life and how you want to organize it into and set up a trellis in order to support it, but no doubt this is a great idea Jim. I really really love it and I really love the idea that there's people that that are gonna be using it more and more, and if it becomes a resource, the more they look at it right. The more the praying little you believe it. No, there's no rescue for America in the direction we're headed a political party or hyper hyper active candidate got involved himself in the dream got ill shining city on a hill is dying is like a campfire going to lighten everybody around woman and neglected it now and have it listed store that just got have to get involved in progressive three. Trying to print what we know there are prayer warriors all over the country.

I but I would suggest you talk to pastors. I think they would agree.

Let me know. The vast majority of people attending church are not actively involved in praying everyday unless the child or illicit prayer with her meal but getting getting after God at the troll taking the power that he when he will rent that curtain into between us in the holy of holies is the answer to almost everything we struggle with. He is the answer. I think that's that's certainly the case. I'm very interested because here we have the practical use you've experienced this right mastering life together firsthand as they were working through it so is somebody that was actually working in their discipleship.

What what was your experience yes will start here actually go back to the original master life so I had the opportunity will rally to be discipled under the original master life, went through that and so that is an intensive and awesome discipleship program as well. So I went through that and then had the opportunity as well with master life together. Matt and Elsa gave us the opportunity in our Friday men's group to actually have input into this as they put it together so that was kind of neat to kinda walk through your the initial writing all the great work they had done taking the original master life, which I guess it was very intensive and I think Matt correct me if I'm wrong. Eight months something like that is like eight months. Very intensive, and so some of the feedback.

Some of us gave us you were talk about hey how we replicate this right. Had we take this in, and so and so he went spent eight months and that I'm very curious like what was your mama, I'm wondering about your input or what was it that grabbed you that is like man I'm really excited about doing this what craft yes what Grammy is just the disciplines and it's it's nothing new than any of us don't know already, it's about prayer.

It's about quiet time with the Lord. It's about being in and community right holding each other, all these different disciplines sharing the gospel, the great commission right all all these things we know.

But it it goes through very systematically and very intentional, and by doing in a group setting.

There's just a lot of accountability and a lot of input that you get is the spirit moves different people in different ways to challenge what what did you have some input well yeah so okay that's what this is. So get to answer questions like about the input so a few of us gave input to the Wilson said you know if we were to start a master life group together. This is great for people who have been found Jesus for a while they could be a new believer, and certainly for mature believers, but for the newer believer.

Maybe even the nonbeliever restrung a little bit with you know it's so intensive, so the Holy Spirit move both of them. It was kind of need to see that I got kind of inside view to see the Holy Spirit move both of them together to say you know what if we just freshen the sop condensed it a bit not lose any of the disciplines not lose any of the teaching right which is condensed it a bit and make it just freshen it up a bit for the culture today and for the people that are maybe newer to Jesus or possibly the nonbelievers so from a practical standpoint, Matt, and I'll send some listings that how did you take this classic picture grandpa you know I did you do differently.

Can you give us an example of how you actually in through the Holy Spirit yes so we cut over half of the content that was there the last edition was done 25 years ago with four notebooks +1/5 book is a leaders guide and we put that all into one book that is 288 pages so it still plenty of content.

The process takes about four months now so cut that in half.

But here is the question that we are really wrestling with. When we are writing this.

How low can we lower the bar of discipleship and still call it discipleship, so trying to make it an easier on-ramp for anyone, no matter where the rent in the relationship with God to be introduced to a 360° view of their life as a disciple and how they can grow and at least be a resource for lifelong discipleship through other community and resources to ask. So get more specific here morning burning knife from our friend Jim Kinney. In the meantime, you can go to preorder and then you can get inspiring night out. That's all there, but I want you to think through the play. I think I know what is life like a fairytale six. Now I'm asking you're listening to the and and uses it to build the kingdom and where we would like to hear how Judas is life was like a fairytale, now nobody's ever in the history of kingdom pursuits not gotten my rental and I'm telling you, I'm excited for your call 866-348-7884 866-34-TRUTH would be the number to call in and win.

But today were so blessed to have with us Jim Kinney with this and expire in next.

I keep on this expire.

I don't know what inspire and ignite at its apparent that's an amazing thing and and it really does bring a lot of people together to pray for our country as well as Matt and Allison Willis and their friend Scott Butler with their new book that's due to be released on October 3. But this is less important that you do this now if you will go to kingdom pursuits and preorder their book. I then although sales count towards the first week of sales when their book is released on October 3 and I know Amanda gets a big rating on Amazon and lots of people will be inspired to master life together right and so that would be really fun if they weren't so I'm very curious since I got Allison right here and she has a mic in front of her for change. So Allison, here you are you dealing with your husband's grandfathers book and you're going to cut cut cut cut cut and it sounds like touching territory.

If you try to master life together. What what what were you what was your input when we really, I thought you just let the Holy Spirit lead us as we you know put together an outline and it was really a joy to be a D that with Matt. We actually began our relationship doing ministry together and that has been just a great source of joy for us that this was this was such a privilege to be able to do this together back we did. You know what year is granddad's idea of holistic discipleship and we really tried to you, you incorporate all the areas that he had Nina brought out such as you know, what is it look like to follow Jesus in your relationships when you let like to follow Jesus in your physical body and in your emotions and you know all parts of our being that we we definitely use that as a foundation in the material but we did want to bring in some additional topics that may be our our unit increasingly important in the culture that we live in Eunice that we talk about gender we talk about what is it look like to follow Jesus with your sexuality and and with your gender and you know in the way that you eat and went in the way that you move your body in the way that you rest your body and you know all these things that are so important yet so often neglected by believers, we tend you know, put our spiritual life in a little box and that part of us. You know is faithful on Sundays and you if you heard of the term rule of life. We were like yes yes and so as I'm hearing you right because everybody has a rule of life you know their role may be that I hurried out the door it at 8 o'clock with the coffee that I'm still just brood so that I can get to work on time Bubba blonde, they just jump out a shower and they go do that that's their life. That's how they live the life it's kind of tough to be a disciple if you're doing that because other people's real life is to get up first thing in the morning. Listen to the news right you just assume handsomely screaming her face the world, the innocent, but the question is like in discipleship what what are the rules life and it does have to do with how you read and add it does have to do with how you rest now includes just really, everything about us you know Jesus wants us to be whole being disciples all all heads to get every part of that has to happen and you know I think the rule that he wants us to follow is is you know love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength and that's one of the verses that you'll memorize going through this material and so you know what were seeking to do is as guide people to understanding what that really looks like in their life and not only understanding but experiencing it for the first time.

So a lot of the exercises in the material are just really experience all their not knowledge base that they are experience based and say were really helping people to do that in community and and to do it as a small group setting and it's it's designed for group 17 around 12 people or last said that there can be intimate, you know, discussions and conversations and sow yeah that's pitiful and did you ever meet his grandfather yes yes I was able to spend a lot of time with them. So our son and wise just about to be born whenever I granddad passed away and that he prayed a special blessing over Ethan as he was in my womb.

Just a few days before he passed away and just praying that the Lord would bless the future generations of his family and we named to eat. Then after Avery set his middle name is a race now at the special yeah I special thing for us to do to be able to have known him well and so Jim a big big big big part of discipleship actually like were supposed to pray without ceasing right so you know what it what a great you know that after just help remind people right if this is something that's in this part of the rule of life is is to look and think about marketing your praying for a country which is I love you. You served our country so well a lot of people don't know is Capt. Jim Kinney, but it is a big part of your life right well for 26 years.

That will define our old life, but where we live. It was it was the central Gen. Linda I evaluated whether I should stay in line every time independently. We came back together believing that God called us to serve. But yes, it is built into mere desire and whole prayer at designed to deal with somebody rule. We want to help you make it a habit that you talk to God every morning will help you look a little pretty good start. A lot of people don't really know what I have to hold my hands like these bow my head no pray in the shower. You can agree to pair off of your your iPhone talk to God talk to God because that's the essence of our spiritual life is God's will and but I do want to mention there is a website to inspire and to go read about what would it do it if you download the app there get some idea.

And speaking of slightly in your ministry as well write your life was there that much right as she she's right alongside you, which I love that you know that's that's a big part of, you know, Sharon, our family will not shoot I write all the prayers I will read them to her shoulder and her children will one day just a little harsh. Well, just a little harsh up. That's not Capt. Jim to hold it all.

She's been involved in every single prayer and I really really like that matter I do. I like that that you guys do ministry together and that really that helps you guys do life together and and really, you know that's a beautiful thing. That's right have heard it said that the Holy Spirit sounds a lot like my wife little great gift me so you had that occasion where she edited some you that you'd written. Let's write well even with this material that we are right with master life together.

There were some chapters where she took the lead on writing and then others. Right took the lead, but we would edit each other's comments and so there be sometimes very kind of come to a disagreement like well it was nice to have people like Scott who were going through the pilot material and said… Got a zero for like okay here's the two sides in his opinion, what did actually bring now so that a long time is here there both your friends and so he would not come to him is Scott really strong just laid out there and get a master life together. If you know you know how Jesus's life was like a fairytale you could master my life and make me feel so much better.

Call us at 86614 segment left 866-34-TRUTH for and got more with Jim Kinney and Scott and his wife Allison and you're listening to the Truth Network and here how God takes passion and uses it to build the kingdom and look at that we have a line lit up.

I'm very excited Grayson. We have somebody who may know how Jesus's life was like a fairytale. Okay, 866 if you still want to get it 866-34-TRUTH 87884 Brookside about the caller called and will get that the second but I I'm very curious, Matt.

I I am. I love love love this idea of discipleship. It's one of my favorite things like I just you know I love to read the Bible and I have ever since you know I came to the Lord. It was like man every morning God would give me some sort siding that I read I would come in the work, even though as a car dealer, I would say God is what I just read and it was amazing how all I had to do was be a disciple in order to be a disciple.

It seemed like if I was an enthusiastic learner.

Then everybody around me would go. I never saw that in the Bible. I never sign next to you know their grandmother Bible and it is like discipleship leads to discipleship right and it's right. I think it's important for us to define what discipleship is in the book we define it as a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ experiencing a lifelong journey of obedience. Well said she get that from grandpa's original readiness, shortened it, along with most of things.

A short, how about you Jim, what would be your different definition of discipleship will go follower of Christ to the cycle you are walking and so mature cycle and it is everyday. Lord, to be obedient to God put the fireside and let you and so I love love love that you obviously are providing God through the Holy Spirit gave you this concept you gave them the book to write. And then they were obedient in both cases, as you listen to what they're saying obedient.

In both cases, and some Scott over here and sit near the trail life outfit right. Part of what God had for you would be in disciple was with these kids this morning with 13 of right yeah yeah so in the worthy life award.

It's called start discipleship program in trail life and you know trail life is really its Christian outdoor venture group and its Boy Scouts. For Christians that's exactly right. The Christian voice healthily. Like I say right and so yeah this morning, we had 13 boys were talk about sexual purity and we are talking very candidly about it from a book.

The disciplines 13-year-old boys 11, 12, 13 know how tough age write a great time to have the discussion, I wish that you really you know I was a Boy Scout, but they never bridge that one but boy oh boy, I wish they had soaks with bridging those that is absolutely beautiful in all this and that's discipleship. It's really really cool thing did they do that for you and Boy Scouts Jim, you had to be a Boy Scout right and Robert O.

Church were members from Calvary that went to the original trail life organizational meeting in Memphis to see your listeners know it. Calvary Baptist Church was the first mega church America to move voice shouting out and bring trail life discipleship program for guys who want to solely sleep had him on the show many times and so trail I cannot help but think that you know at what point you know so important to young men to find out they have what it takes right it's so important to be tested on certain things like going camping and all these things are critical to a young boy's life because he got up, find out an adventure and always kind of stuff that I have godly people talking about important things that actually come matter I mean this is a huge that's exactly it.

And if you asked why mine trail. I feel my son loves it. First of all, but I want to have other godly man speaking into my son's life other than me going back to master life together again.

Great opportunity to have both men and women speaking into each other's lives on the important things matter whether it sexual purity with our prayer life.

Whether it's sin that were caught in that we need to talk to somebody about repent of. That's really what it's about right. It is, it's about Jesus. Is there you go. And that's what makes it so much fun and you know, for those of I want to share Jim that you and I we we would go to lunch when you were here living in Winston-Salem and and if you wanted to go to a discipleship luncheon. Somebody sat there with you and me while we were talking about God right out spilled out on some of the little why no I don't. I enjoy those meals alighted to I did to and then also for those who don't know, just to show you is how we been friends Matt and I did a podcast called Jesus his junkets which we had a blast doing it. It was did didn't get to last as long as I hoped. But we went you know on all these wonderful books that that are on on missionary work and took people in the story so you really cool stuff again.

I need to tell you it's master life together comes out October 3. But you can get it now and preorder good starting night after is also there, now I know you're wondering about Judas is something called I his life was grim.

You know this is life was like a fairytale will now stay tuned because there's so much truth in purging prayer followed by messenger another program powered by the Truth Network. This is the Truth Network