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Kerwin Baptist Church Daily Broadcast

Kerwin Baptist / Kerwin Baptist Church
The Cross Radio
December 13, 2021 6:00 am

Kerwin Baptist Church Daily Broadcast

Kerwin Baptist / Kerwin Baptist Church

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Welcome to the Kerwin Baptist Church broadcast today. Our desire is for the word of God spread throughout all me know. Join us now for a portion of one of our services here at Kerwin Baptist Church located in Kernersville, North Carolina. Psalm 103 you will verse one, a Psalm of David blessed Lord, O my soul and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits.

Bless the Lord. Verse 20, ye his angels that excel in strength that do his commandments, harkening under the voice of his work. By the way, in verse 20 that word angels means messenger.

Those who are appointed by God. It does not necessarily mean a heavenly angel, although those angels are obedient but I will say this there already obedient.

They already obey his voice. He's talking about here about his angels are those that he is called an appointed verse 21 he says, bless ye the Lord, all ye his post. That's all who are saved all who are believers, all who have experienced his redemption through the blood of Christ that do his the ministers of his that do his pleasure. Bless the Lord. Verse 22 all his works and all places of his dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul. David says this I will bless the Lord, because he has blessed me if you believe and agree with the fact that God has blessed you today say amen David says because of that I want to bless the Lord Ellis beyond how can we bless him like he's blessed us.

It's impossible. All the things he does for us. He doesn't need us to do for him. So God blesses us we think about how God blesses us. So how is it that we are supposed to bless God. David says here in this chapter were to look into it. Want to give you little bit of of of foreknowledge. If I can before we dig into this.

David says the way that the Lord blessed and continues to bless us is with benefits. In verse two, you know, nowadays everybody may get a job they want to know what benefits there are. What are the benefits. Do I get insurance do I get any perks what days do I get off whatever the case might be, you know economy gets bad enough. It's amazing how were willing to put up with less benefits. It is this you give a paycheck I'll take the job well and benefits.

And if you'll notice here.

David says that the way God has blessed us is with a number of benefits. It's the best benefit package you'll ever have in your life because it cost you nothing. It cost him everything in you and I get all the benefit of it really dig into that just a minute Alyssa Jimmy.

David then describes the benefits that God has blessed us with beginning in verse three all the way down to verse 19 then hold it. David is heading somewhere with all this in verses one and two.

He says I want to bless the Lord, verses 20, 21 and 20 2B is telling others to bless the Lord is saying hey I want to bless the Lord, you need to be involved with me join me.

Let's all do this together and bless the Lord, that is. Bless all of us. He's going somewhere with this and this is where knowing the benefits that God is given.

That should motivate us to want to do something for God you agree with that. So this morning if you know I told you sometimes I get up I want to try to be positive. By the time I sit down I think what the world happened benefit, like I just preaching hard enough trying to be positive and I wanted to get a little joy mostly on everybody today and it's amazing when you wheat when you preach God's word UK anyway. I was mean, I've never I've never I've never that's only because criticizing her and I went at that.

I apologize if you will notice if you would verse two. Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits. I want to notice first this morning how the Lord blesses us. I didn't say how the Lord has blessed us. I said how the Lord blesses us everything that I'm getting ready to tell you he has done for us. He is doing for us and he will continue to do for us. Second, were to look at this morning how we bless the Lord first how the Lord blesses us.

Let's pray Lord we love you Lord, I pray you help us as we endeavor to share your word today. And Lord, please pray that you help us.

And Lord, I really do want our folks to be encourage this morning. I think Lord when we just really take some time and stop and think about what all God has done for us and then we think about how little we done for him.

It really should motivate us to want to do more. So what I pray you help this chapter to really encourage and strengthen and convict our hearts in Jesus name we pray. Amen. How the Lord blesses us. David says these are his benefits. These are the things that God has blessed us with notice verse three who forgive F all thine iniquities. Number one he forgives. Now we could stop right there and have revival this morning Jacob got up and saying that that the Lord will say what sin I remove them as far as the east is from the west and somebody said that.

Look at verse 12. In this passage. As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. Two things I see about God's forgiveness here. First he says he forgives all our iniquities, not some of the iniquities, not the worst of the iniquities, not the least of our iniquities. He forgives all of our iniquities. That means is that his forgiveness is complete, he forgives all the things that you've done wrong.

All the sins we committed.

I'm here to tell you, dear friend. You should walk out of this building and think I don't deserve what God is done. It's a benefit that I should never have earned, but he has forgiven me. When you place your faith and trust in Christ, he forgives all your iniquities that your why don't that I was preaching anywhere else in the country. I would say your wife doesn't. But I preaching in North Carolina something your life goal but God does as wives for the sake of being fair and your husband that he will remember some things, but God forgives them, but you'll notice in verse 12 he says as far as the east is from the West so far hath he removed to Beezus. He didn't just forgive everything.

He took it and removed it as it's it's as if it never even happened. It's not that he remembers it, but he chooses to not think about it, is the fact that he forgot he removed it. He'll never bring it up again so it's complete forgiveness and then he removes it as far as the east is from the West as a preacher. How far is that why give you some statistics about our solar system and and about.

Obviously the heavens and how they declare the glory of God it and I'm letting it go through all that again.

You cannot measure east from whence it's impossible in our terms in our ability to measure that distance and God says farther than you can measure.

That's how far I've taken your sins away. That is a benefit, God has blessed us with that number to look at verse three. Who forgive evolve on iniquities to heal with all thy disease.

Number two.

He heals that's a benefit now what I find interesting here is that the Bible makes it clear that he heals physically and he heals spiritually. I want you to understand and I thought this was interesting and Matthew Henry in his commentary I thought was great when he said this when sin is mortified or forgiven, then the disease is healed, it doesn't mean we don't sin anymore because we still have a sin nature, but you got understand before you are saved you are in bondage to sin. It was a disease that you couldn't heal but when you put your faith and trust in Christ and because he said, first in verse three that he forgave those sins that automatically brought healing to your life.

Plus the fact that the Bible said he is the great physician and I'm here to tell you whatever infirmity you have.

He can heal you of it.

I didn't say he will I said he could. He has the ability, but is whether or not it's according to his will or not we have people in our church right now dealing with disease and going through treatments and I was finding some even this morning finding out how some are doing had a rough week with with cancer treatments and different things we could go on and on.

I have a mother that had a disease that God could healed in an instant if he would've wanted but he just that was in his plan. I am here to tell you, dear friend. He heals by the way, just in case your confused your doctor doesn't heal you that medicine doesn't heal you. God is the one that heals you because God gave the wisdom to the doctor, God gave the wisdom and the creativity to the medication that was formulated. Whatever the case might be, however, you trace it back. God is the one that healed you while were thankful for medicine. What is needed and thankful for doctors when they're available. I'm here to tell you that the great physician is who we are to praise and think for the healing in our lives because he didn't just feel physically, he heals spiritually and by the way, even when he doesn't heal physically. Thank God that he heals spiritually because of he doesn't heal physically and and you pass away because you been healed spiritually absent from the body is present with the Lord. That is the ultimate healing notice if you will.

The third thing we could burst forth, you would redeem thy life from destruction. Number three.

He redeems and I say that not just because he redeemed. I mean, he redeems and means this, that he save me. But guess what, if your sit here and you don't know Christ as your Savior. He is still in the saving business. He is still willing to redeem you and to redeem you from destruction.

That means this what he is implying here David is that all of us are automatically on our way to hell if they were wanting to do to go to hell nothing to stay exactly like you are what I need to do to get heaven put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

We are all on our way to destruction. There is none good, no not one.

We were all on our way to destruction, but he redeemed us, he redeemed our life from that destruction. I don't know about you, are you redeemed this morning. Say amen. Aren't you glad isn't that a benefit that you don't deserve and that I don't deserve we been redeemed. Number four verse four. If you would redeem if I lie from destruction crown with the with lovingkindness and tender mercy. Number four he crowns and I can't wait to explain this.

He crowns us with what lovingkindness which is kindness that is shown with love. You know sometimes people will show kindness to you, even if they don't love you but you can always tell the difference when somebody is kind to you because they do love you. There's always a difference in the you know that sometimes you meet a stranger and they'll be kind to you, but illness or love.

You don't know you but our Savior has crowned us with lovingkindness and tender mercies, tenderness and love, kindness, mercy, all these things he has crowned us with this.

That means that he has placed those things in our lives, and that means this that those things will will in our lives.

By the way, you can walk in here today with one for his love you. Good walking here today for what for his kindness. What a benefit notice number five verse verse five. If you will, to satisfy thy mouth with good things. Number five, he satisfied. What a benefit now. Couple things which understand this piece satisfies us in verse five the listen.

By forgiving our sins in verse three you know that only God can satisfy you. Are you condemning you know sin doesn't satisfy sin brings enjoyment for a while but it doesn't satisfy is like when you're out you're thirsty and you seldom give me a Pepsi you drink that Pepsi and you're going to be okay for little while but their salt net Pepsi their sodium and it's gonna you don't quench that thirst just for little bit for longer to be as thirsty as you were able more so you know why because it doesn't satisfy its temporary dear friend listen to me.

The Bible says that he satisfies our mouth with what good things look at me he could not satisfy us with good things. If sin still ruled in our hearts now want you to get this not know.

Please please get this please. By forgiving our sins. God removed that thing that was in our lives that kept us from good thing my sin nature keeps me from good thing because I'm not spiritually discerned. Because I have an appetite for worldly things.

For simple things because I have a out at that the sinful nature have not been redeemed.

Listen to me, but because he forgave our sins and he's redeemed us. He now can satisfy us with good things. You see those good things at one time in our life wouldn't have satisfied us but now that we been saved and now that there's a new nature inside of us.

And now that we love the Lord and he's redeemed us in forgiven us of our sin, he now can satisfy us with good things. That means if your say good things should satisfy you.

God's children shouldn't have to go get bad things to be satisfied.

I do want you to know by the way, if you're here this morning, this world cannot satisfy you and all the things that this world has cannot satisfy only God he satisfies my mouth only him. What a benefit notice number six if you would look at verse five who satisfies thy mouth with good things. Notice this so that thy youth is renewed like the Eagles's notice. If you would number six. He renews now that is a benefit. Have you ever needed to be renewed though the Bible says they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. That means that renewing that strength comes from the Lord. They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. He renews now this is I think a very overlooked benefit from God visit enough. He forgive us of our sins, he redeemed us he satisfies as he brought all these good things into our life.

But, dear friend. When you and I get to the point. We cannot go on.

He renews our string item have been busy this week preaching in Delaware. I believe the morning I got a preach every night and in morning in Gatlinburg at a youth conference last week and this present week originally were scheduled for Monday to Wednesday meetings and both change that are committed to meetings. They went to Monday to Friday meetings is announced two weeks in a row and I told my wife this summer out of his kids being sick with kidney stones. I don't know I told you last Sunday. Would you please pray for me. For those of you to pray for me. Thank you so much is on the tell you that just some nice adjustable upset.

I don't know if I got shrink the preach and and I didn't think God for.

And thank God for the decisions. Whatever the case might be, thank God, if he blessed but I'm here to tell you next week.

I need again because you know what I need renewed. I need renewed. Now there's a lot of things that people do to get renewed but would take some kind of renewed I need in the recliner.

The kind of renewed that you need all only comes from God. It is super natural strength. I don't mean supernatural so I could bend in a big bar barn and Gulliver seen those weightlifting teams are going to churches and it is pretty. I thought about doing that, but it would be like you.

Here's his toothpick kind of thing I'm talking about the kind of supernatural strength that when you're weary and you're tired and it seems that the world has beaten up on you and family beats up on you and friends beat up on you and all the things that could possibly go wrong in your life and you don't think that you go on another step and somehow you getting God's word and you ask God for help in hearing your strength. That's a benefit from God.

Trust me. Hope you take vitamins, but that's not what renews you. The Lord renews you master this number seven.

Look at verse six and seven. If you will. The Lord executed righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed all that are oppressed.

Those were seven he made known his ways unto Moses, who was oppressed his acts unto the children of Israel who was oppressed what we talk about verse six and seven is number seven. He delivered he delivers you know that in life you can get your self. And sometimes Satan can can arrange things you'll find yourself in situations that you don't know how you're going to get through this. You don't know how you're going to get beyond it and you find yourself in us. It is a God.

I don't think I can get myself out of this. I don't how to figure this out. I need your help and God, you're going to have to deliver me and that's exactly what he's talking about verse six and seven to all that are oppressed, and he gives this illustration. He said that he made his ways, known under Moses and his acts unto the children of Israel.

He brings up the fact of Moses and the children of Israel.

As they got obviously to the Red Sea and they couldn't cross in Pharaoh's army is coming after them. We talk about it so much and God delivered them. He provided a way for the Red Sea and if you think about this notice. If you would. Verse seven is that he made known his ways and the Moses that means this he delivered first by showing his path. In other words, you now. God delivers you in your life shows you the path to take. He says don't go here.

You need to go here. Don't go that direction.

You need to go this direction, and often times dear friend, the only way you and I are delivered out of things is to find God's path and to follow it.

The second thing he says in verse seven. Is he made known his under the children of Israel that means is he making he delivers by showing his path like he did a Moses number two. He delivers by showing his power like he did to the children of Israel. You deliver them. He showed what he could do a part of the waters of the Red Sea you know different.

God can deliver you even if it takes imparting a seat for you to cross God can deliver you even if it means paying a bill that you can't pay. We know all about my why we got homeward tired yesterday and we opened up the mail and sure enough you know Kingsford heart first heart catheterization here shows how you know insurance pays eight $8500. We were there for hours. 85 huddles with the insurance pays, and here's what you pay now.

We got our Come in August, August 20 limitation on how I will tell you this and every one of you. I have counseled some you you told me some of things you're going through and you got house payment. You can't pay some of you been out of work because you're sick, have disability and different things in different I'm here to tell you he can deliver you and he delivers you by showing you his path or by showing you his power but he can.

We have individuals in this building that have stepped up by faith because they felt led of God to start their own businesses and they had lean times they didn't know how there to get bills paid and God has delivered a you follow his path and you trust his power. He will deliver you at the benefit notice. If you would next verse eight, number eight.

He is merciful to verse eight, the Lord is merciful. In verse 11 for as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.

Look at verse 15.

As for man, his days are as grass as a flower of the field, so he flourishes nothing about this. He says you're like grass or flowers you have your day you flourish. You grow your out there. Look at verse 16 for the wind passes over it and it is gone and the place thereof shall note no more.

He said you just like grass in your life you're here for a while and in your blue minutes there and all it takes is a win. All it takes is a trial.

All it takes is a problem and it cannot that grass over her knocked out flour over look at verse 17 but the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him.

Verse 18 to, such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them. God says I will be merciful to you. If you obey me and you follow me and you. Trust me, you might have things in your life that are here for a while and they can be knocked out and they can be wiped out and they can be taken away. But God says my mercy is from everlasting to everlasting. That means it never fail. By the way, I believe this with all my heart. God did not have a beginning, he always has been and he always will be. That means everything that God is, didn't have a beginning either. So God's mercy never started. He was always merciful and he always will be merciful it wasn't for his mercy. I got verse after verse of the provider to give you about his mercy. I'll have time this morning, but I am here to tell you his mercies fail not merciful as the choir sang this morning. Look at verse eight.

The Lord is merciful and what gracious he is gracious, number nine.

Your grace still amazes me. God's mercy is one thing God's mercy means I deserve all this and God kept it from me because he showing me mercy but God's grace will me with things that I haven't earned and I don't deserve all these bad things I do deserve. He shows me mercy and keeps me from them. But all these wonderful these good things that he satisfies my mouth with numbers. Five all these good things that I don't deserve his grace, some on me gracious. Verse 10 he have not dealt with this after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

He shall be grace.

He didn't reward me according to all the bad I did know of God's grace does listen to me. God's grace doesn't record doesn't reward us for all the bad we did God's grace rewards us for all the good that Christ did. You and I deserve the bad from what we did.

But when we get saved we get all the good because of what Christ, he is gracious. Notice number 10 verse eight, the Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger.

He is patient patient verse 10 he have not dealt with us. After our sins. He's patient. I don't know how I could even describe the patience of God. Could you my give you versus but how can I as a human being describe to another human being. The grace of God when it is impossible with our language and our comprehension to understand. All I can do is say this God is gracious and I can explain all I can do is say this God is patient with me and I can explain there is no good reason for God to be patient with me. Number 11.

He's long-suffering. Verse nine he will not always chide neither will he keep his anger forever earlier verse 13 like as a father. His children, so the Lord pity is them that fear him, for he know with our frame. He remember is that we are dust like a father pity. If this child. He knows our frame. He knows we have shortcomings. And because of that he will not always chide us in.

He will be angry with us forever. He is long-suffering he has suffered along with the things that we do you have a three-year-old named Kayden that you know you know there are things that a three-year-old. Does that aren't right.

I wish I could remember half the things that he said this week as we have been 24 seven. All five of us in us in a room the size of this office over here. You talk about fun as we laid out at night you like why did I have children. That's when Healy Overlook Drive is that you're the one that wanted kids, you know I'm joking. There's an artist. There are some things that my three-year-old us mother will get the car and he'll ask ask ask ask ask ask it okay to sort about it. Don't worry about it you do makeup answers all these things by Minnesota runaway back in Delaware does not specify minutes later Hudsons in the back and he says dad. Are we out of Virginia yet and Kayden turns around and says quit asking again just asked 30 questions, Hudson asked why quit asking I get it. How many times go on things with my boys and Hudson or Dane was able to locate it again.

I like he's three what I say all those things because I remember his frame. I don't expect him to act like a 15-year-old Wendy's three. I'm long-suffering with him and you know what God is long-suffering with us while he knows that we should know Howard act.

He also knows were sinners by nature, and he knows that a lot of times we don't do the things that we know were supposed to do while he is a holy God and he has to do things right. He is also long-suffering with us. Number 12 I love this would look at verse 19 the Lord have prepared his throne in the heavens. It's is thrown his throne and his kingdom rule with over all number 12. He reigns he's in charge now you save all these other things preachers all the things he does for us and you say he reigns. He's in charge limitation of this is the biggest benefit of all, you better be thankful that he's in charge not you and not me. Thank you for listening to you received a blessing from our broadcast. The current Baptist Church is located at 4520 Old Hollow Rd. in Kernersville, NC may also contact us by phone at 33699351924 Kerwin Baptist enjoy our services live all Armenian honor website and church. Thank you for listening. Kerwin broadcast God bless you