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Q&A With Koloff- #88

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff
The Cross Radio
September 27, 2022 1:00 am

Q&A With Koloff- #88

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff

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September 27, 2022 1:00 am

Today, Nikita speaks with daughter Kendra and her husband Brandon for another great episode of questions and answers.

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Hey this is Mike Zwick from if not for God podcast our show stories of hopelessness turned and I hope your chosen Truth Network podcast is starting in just seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing The Truth Podcast Network.

This is the Truth Network is one welcome to another episode Q&A with with me today such a special show to have today because I get to have some of my family on the Q&A would cool off today.

Kendra and Brandon murder all the way from Maui Hawaii guys, welcome to the cute patient who don't love their extra visitor well you just recently for those who may be may be unaware maybe don't know they have a new addition to the family little Lynn eluted beautiful little granddaughter number 10 for me and and as well as her other daughter, Munro little row row and so yeah, you could probably hear little gurgling in the background. As were talking, that's okay. That's okay cell, but welcome to the Q&A show. Yeah, thank you to be here. You just thrilled to have you. I just recently, Altay said all the way from Maui, Hawaii. I just recently made the trek out there to meet Lenny Luna course Benson just some wonderful time with you guys.

You're such gracious hosts and and just had such a great time out there with you guys and so it right away with the listeners, Alyssa, Maui, Hawaii, you know that the very first question I get asked. I tell people you guys live in Hawaii is all. Are they in the military and I'm like no they are not in the black and I do want to encourage people like to go and listen to you, to the man optional. When I interviewed the two of you on the man up show where they'll get a whole lot more of the story but Kendra, I'll just start with you and and what what's it like to deliver for our listeners. What's it like to live in Maui Hawaii and what prompted you to want to live in molecule Hawaii to Park West. I think that it a lot. I feel trapped. We deftly fell and think that we don't have normal things like we got great that may have normal just yet, such as pineapple, trees, and in sugarcane patches right so that we have moderate here that we have to have an yeah I think that I plan A different date now and I did not think that we are again eight years now, we kind of got here thinking it would just be fine thank my adventure and we get back to North Carolina back now I have another reason for everything and ventilating I don't know what their hold that the filing fee will raise our family file on that now I live in the high life. I know Brenda from prior conversations going back and I guess maybe junior high school or what we was middle school right or whatever they're calling it these days. But anyway, you kinda had your first 10 aspirations of of of one day exceed exclusive experiencing Hawaii right in them. In one sense it's almost like a you might say a dream come true that that you know you you stepped out in faith with with no job, no place to live when you graduated college and said I'm doing just let me to see what happens right. Is that kinda how about unfolded.

Yeah lately. Yeah right. When I was younger yeah and then it just, direct, stronger younger throughout high school and college and planned on coming out here for a little bit. I can understand and yeah I think mainly the desire to come out here with surveying in the beach is all all that stuff and amazing think that we really travel quite a bit. Beautiful places God ever created, but even more so than that.

What we have always been struck by what kind of Our rate here I think is just the community.

Clay get a lot of transplant out here live majority of people we hang out with out here have moved here at some point or another he can't have the entire community of people who don't have family nearby with a lot of you know you would go to for July thanks giving them Christmas and things like a lot of the things you normally do with the family. You kinda have all the people in a similar situation not here kind of take that community to the next level and fellow yard friend group has really become like family out here and I think that more than anything. What made it such a desirable plate and a big part of the reason why we feel the cold air yeah and some of you know the number of trips I've made out to a number of your your friends and in so you certainly do have an amazing community there of of of like-minded and in the folks families and in that are all all around the same age as well. Some older as well, but certainly around the same angel with kids around the same age and so you've developed yeah what what a blessing that is in it and it I just when I know your story and think about some of your stories just so how the Lord all you graduate from college with a civil engineering degree correct yet and in so you you you but the far side to salute when I look at your store. Think about your story and in the job opportunity that that evolve there with with the with the engineering company there just sent to me just a God story of God it out of you view it that way. But how God miraculously open up an opportunity if I understand the story) correctly wrong with with the company a was even hiring you know that that the time that you want to interview with them but but that you're such a great guy that the owner fell 55 say fell in love with you like hard you by the end of the day separately so that you wanted for him in the morning for an interview hung out with them for the day and by the end of the day you were offered a job that more or less all that happened. If I remember right, yeah.

Like a little more credit than there you are right in the think that they not advertise that they were hiring.

So yeah, I what happened way out of the restaurant they called and maybe we been here for five or six days and I'm just going through cold calling all the different firms is only about seven firms on the island felt it was a good take long. I called the guy and just after they had a vision part-time. Whatever. Well, we were hiring, but we just had me and want one other engineer but the other engineer just quit on me yesterday so I could really use some help.

So if you want to come in. We are now actually I arrived I went and yet at next day I met him in the morning. I got all dressed up like your talk to in school and I wore anything I and had a nice long collared shirt and dress shoes and I showed up and both of the my boss and the attorney for the engineer.

The attorney are both barefoot and wearing board shorts and a T-shirt immediately grabbed by my first little bit and the office was better in getting Kai's yeah we all had a good laugh that yeah I'm just a friend on level really connected with them right applicant to give me a hard time that day I fit in really well with both in the two main guys in the office and then yet a doing a big megawatts solar Inc.… 5000 solar panels on the west side in mind. It took me out there and walked around by and yeah had a really good day and then get by the end of the day like man if you be a real good time with your thinking be great to hear you're up for it being summer divorce tomorrow so that's what I did first week here what what what do Jott job description notions required stores with no shoes and no shoes required to board shorts we require require what is description. That's a cover right up your alley. Mr. surfer right. So Eric that that's amazing and so Weldon can condense fast for the story you guys dated through through your college days actually met again go back and listen to the man up show and you'll get more of the story or go listen to the men of show I should say more of the story of these two lovebirds met in the good blossom into a marriage without to two beautiful little baby girls in the family continues to grow it and I don't care. I know you work for a while, you got you when I forgot a job through for different a variety of jobs may end up working for the same company for a while but now you just stay at home and in which is nothing which is admirable and and a job in and of itself to be a stay-at-home mom just raises babies and educate them and teach them the ways in which they should go train them up in the way they should go rice with her older they won't have our insole IRB together with your community you your community and that that you guys have their it is is just amazing.

The course you fit right in with the beach life right yeah I alley and I know of thinking maybe the first trip out there that you know you you gave me the what I would say that maybe the nickel tour the island and by meaning that we went did a this is before babies, but the blood and in fair family but to know we we went out we went to some of those amazing beaches you're talking about there in Maui. It is such a beautiful island. If you've never been the author, listening put put Maui on on your list of places to to go travel to all and I remember to one of 11 vivid memory besides the little house we trekked down to see hidden waterfalls and all those sorts of things was was the dump them out. What was up.

We would drove way off up above the cloud level to watch the sunset wrote that one night what's called that. Okay now so yeah it got there any Batman writing okay.I think that that was me seeing experience to sit up above above the cloud line and how cold it got was the son started going downhill from think of why you think you know 80° ball me and then Maddie got chilly up there. I remember that we bring our winter cut and it called in windy yeah that that the kicker yeah it it was so people would not expect. I think if they weren't anticipating that but, like literally and From their resort background that you can tell they did not fully tourist. I forgot to read their email deftly tours what one of the clickers for transition to your questions for me so randomly bounce back to you real quick, and what your favorite thing can I ask you the same question what your favorite thing about about living on Maui.

Brandon will favorite thing. Well, I need.

Like I said earlier, what had become my favorite thing really in the community at close knit day just know willingness and desire for everyone going to light with each other out here yet just our neighbor that we get yeah, where were very closely all of our neighbors. All of our community and all that earlier so that is what become everything more fun answer, my favorite like activity to do out here.

I don't do it near nearly as much and I would like to but I would deftly say I got a new got a new custom surfboard last year all night long board, especially in the summer we left we don't do much competitive surfing not much riffing around on the short board. I love it whenever me and got him on board together on if you would like to support Cola for Christ ministries. For a gift of $25. You will see adoration for a gift of $50. The cuboid wrestling set for $100 more will include a signed copy of the tale of the ring.donate today call. I am excited to know well anyway Facebook all my new friends and like and follow your listening to the network and well I have been to some of these essence of the windsurfing and it just recently remarried and so yeah I can see how you would you would love do about it. Certainly near the right place for right so it weathers up on the North Shore where he or any other beach that that offers that I can see why you would enjoy that. So that's awesome Kendra same question, what, what's your favorite thing about living in Hawaii I get like that I like having kids now integrate. You think I'm calling back yeah were able to be outside night literally all day every day in the basement the last nine out 10,000 we can be in cloud more than different. And even if we are kinda cloudy we drive 20 minutes to find Mary Ann is a rare day when the entire island and rain and that I couldn't get it because I we can always find fine and I think with kids that just so special to be able to go out on winter where were all getting call with all the fat being outside thinking very active in fight against Serafin Brandon] answer really really cool child.

Yeah for sure what I thought about that a number of times what us special opportunity opportunity for Monroe and for for for Lenny and be able to open exit experience that I've been on a number of those walks in and of those beaches and like you said to get the car as Scotty, were you at the house and the drive 1520 minutes and it's beautiful sunshine and Andy can work on that golden tan sometime all right. Willa hey Madison, so there's so many more things I could ask, but this is the Q&A we call office.

But I have to flip the table hearing give you guys the opportunity and whoever wants to go first to admit a couple questions. Each girl had an in wire away your first question for me. Whoever wants to go first to leave it up to III do have a quick question what you did mention before we show you that you just finished three book bag while you are out here with the question that I get like That everybody is what is maybe in the last like year. So with the best thing that you read it you had to get like one good book recommendation you would recommend for this is a really really tough question because so many happy, I think I set a call course to the pub probably knows this about me, but you may as well but a goal guy Rice. I like at the end of the year.

I like reviewing goals and then then in establishing new goals for the upcoming year. One of those goals for 2022 was to read 12 books of how well you know sometimes I read as much as a book a week and then the at other times your kinda slows down both TO set a goal of 12 and I'll do one a month this year and I think I've already surpassed that just the long flights of the trip out there and back did help it help me finished three more books just in that trip alone, and it I want to give costuming try to think even some of the titles of some of the books I read right now is I may not be able to get a specific title is much as kind to give a range of of that somebody might consider it. Let me just say first and foremost probably goes without saying, but I'm just going to say it anyway. For the record, read my Bible every single day and so for those listed out there is that if that's not something you do can I encourage you and in the listening world and pick up a Bible and interest are reading… Even matter where you start, just start somewhere and start reading in the start of the gospel start of Matthew Mark Luke John but just start somewhere and and I'm telling is the greatest book you'll ever ever ever ever read, and soberly read read the book and it also the audio, motivational, and inspirational guy right and so you have course of written a motivational book Russell success while at the same time.

I've read a lot of inspirational and motivational books and I like to say this for those out there who maybe are not avid readers or or low reading that that readers are leaders.

One thing that really impressed me this last trip I was out there with you guys as we walked to the library, which is so much fun. 1520 minute walk walk library you guys picked up. I don't know how many picked up for Monroe but brought over 30 or 40 books that you picked up for her and I don't know how many I read to her or how many you guys read to, but it was a lot why we I think we probably got through all 40 more than once, but I think you guys are like such an incredible foundation for Monroe and then eventually Lenny to to know that that readers are leaders. So I guess it was say all that to say for the for the listener addressing the question is something that's inspirational motivation that that you because you can learn from anyone.

You can learn from everyone and especially biographies and autobiographies I'd always heard you read about other people's life stories because of so much you can learn from other people and in so a lot of people do. They don't read biographies, or autobiographies, but I would encourage the listener out there, so I'm not give me specific title names. Today Brandon bought, but hopefully that answer will help help the listener out there and baby. Maybe encourage you as well so yeah yeah only one biography in my life.

Yeah, I did really enjoy and haven't really got a lot of reading in the past, but now you really like to be held to be a couple names don't go read, go read Abraham Lincoln, go, go read Winston Churchill. I there's there's two names right there just no consider those to start with and then there's so many other good good good stories of life stories that you can learn from. So, yeah, yeah, all right. Kendra, are you okay here far can I there are the hiking hands down short answers's goal. Mikey's call my gaze like for those who I think most probably no dog group in Minnesota, which is why my little sweep is asking me that question in the course, but she was raised in the Carolinas with the Carolina Panthers, which I think whatever. Well when I know for yet when I first moved to Carolina even have a NFL football team. Now I will say I will say that if if the Panthers and the Vikings are playing then for real beach or in the Vikings. That's not to say I don't cheer the Carolina Panthers of their plane somebody else. But there deftly number two on the wrong not Uno so there you go school like purple and gold baby purple and gold are long-winded maybe now what your number. I didn't buy or a dad have to be like a girl and he good clash in the great question yeah quality time quality on the short answer, quality time and then ask give a little more explanation to that. I feel like having been a dad raising 444 daughters you're one of one of four girls I know Brandon was raised with the brother but for the for the new parent health errors or someone trying to figure figure out parenting you more than just tossing your $20 bill it at your child or you obviously depending what their ages or whatever or parking them in front of the things I appreciate about you guys, you know you you limit Monroe screen time. You know so you're not just parking her in front of it in front of a television screen or a computer screen or an iPad screen or fold a full screen and an heard baby and consumed it with a with the technology and that's that's something I really really appreciate about how you guys are training up and raise up your your children and spending that quality time and I know you talked about community where were you guys even even from a homeschooling standpoint. Again all centers around quality time right so so dad's with you got especially dead daughters in a lateral how much you remember this Kendra, but yet I try to be very intentional with it with you and all your sisters. Not only do things together as a family, but want to just have one on one quality time. In fact, I remember, this is one. One specific incident.

This is kind of interesting obvious as you got older you are, you still you were in elementary school I want to come over and have lunch right like maybe what trial it once a week or or often anyway to come in and sit on in your lunch room and have lunch with you course when you moved on to like middle school survey you like, yeah, you don't need to come anymore, but if you remember Lisa, check you out of school take you like you meant to check for ladies to take you remembered me taking other restaurant doing that you never lateral and there's what Tom actually took about three or four your friends. I guess the school must've trusted me or something. I don't know. I took your friends to Chick-fil-A and we had account. You guys must. I guess you are discussing your are discussing conversation about always move this hey gathered other different levels to Christianity like like you know and I'm like well I will let me just qualify.

I think there's different levels of maturity right and the someone can you not do so would be more spiritual than somebody else but me, but more mature than somebody else right you may or may not remove the cover said but I vividly remember that over that over my first assembly but all that to say all that to say quality time dad's your listening out there make sure I care what age your child is obviously a Lutheran infant like Lenny you know they may not remember as much, but I see Brandon spending quality time with Monroe and it just quality time or more than anything else and that I would emphasize for it for a dad or new dad are out there when it comes to to your children.

Okay, my first question is erotically charismatic guy and I think you would've been that's what a lot of things.

My question is been wrestling what is what career path. Do you think you would've taken or what you think you would've ended up dealing had had got involved wrestling wealth so so I was very passionate about football from from age 12 and weightlifting and football bodybuilding weightlifting and football very passionate about health and wellness in sports and and so was was on track or a fellow I got a couple setbacks in college were fractured some some some bones and collagen games, but that I like to say that you know a setback doesn't have to hold you back. It could be a set up for a come back right so so me, but I want to write that one down.

But what so use my first fractured leg is as motivation to come back and I did and I was scouted by the NFL. My senior year in college only to fracture my other leg but I wasn't discouraged by that, I was still determined to one day play in the NFL. That was my dream is that as a youngster, right.

Like you, you have these ideas are going to why I had an idea that I would play in the NFL as a backup.

I got a degree in teaching physical education minors in coaching and health and thought well if all else fails, I'll go into teaching and coaching right and so I was on the path of of trying out for a team with the United States at the time United States football league. I would use that as a steppingstone into the NFL. I felt like and I had a couple guys I looked up to want to tighten the play for the Green Bay Packers, Paul Kaufman and Russ Francis and and in the guy who gushes they just look this up there coming from the Oakland Raiders, but it will come back to me.

But anyway so football would've been the path that I would've chose. I figured I'd have a 10 year career walkway on top and like like Barry Sanders and then off into coaching have a 1520 your coaching career. Sail off into the sunset that will that would've been the path with the door of opportunity opened up that crazy world of professional wrestling and as the old cliché goes, the rest is history crazy when you think that you US football league.

What what is now. I just of the unit to be another leak that right, not below. There's all there's been competitive attempts a competitive lease to the NFL. Quite a number years ago there was one call the WF L the world football league and in fact Jim kick Larry Csonka Paul Warfield the Miami Dolphins all jumped for a higher salary over to the world football league. I think the Memphis show both of our remember my history correct. Don't quote me on that it I don't know that it lasted a year or two United States football league. Also, it might it might have lasted a year to actually it it is they have read it under cyst called USA. Just last year they had their first season up not the same owners are there but all the same league names and all of that and they play in the spring, not in the fall. The player short. I think a short 1010 week season or something and the rock of wrestling. Dwayne Johnson bought the rights of the XL fell from Vince McMahon and so yeah supposedly next year. The XL fellow will be out there in the spring competing as well and so they were like leagues that that guys that maybe you had been cut from the NFL and/or the. The USFL like like a Donald Trump on the New Jersey generals and Herschel Walker Playford for Hammond yeah many of the guys got their start in the USFL way back.

In fact, Lex Luger and arrested a Ron Simmons were playing for the Tampa Bay bandits that I was good to go trial for that. I never did what.

There's so many other guys Jim Kelly you play for the Buffalo Bills got his start in the USFL Doug Flutie. I mean some some big names that that that Kurt Warner, Kurt Warner, whose Hall of Fame another so many guys got starts in those other leagues that you can hear whole lot about these didn't have enough money to to make it all happen, but so crazy you wait you ever have now like like gold or something. You know what I don't know that on at this juncture that I would have time.

The one opportunity I had that I passed up which looking back now I really kind of honestly wish I hadn't would've been at this little school called first assembly Christian school you might heard of it can and and former Carolina Panthers was the head coach showbread you might you might know who will talk about any ideas rented on will talk about Mr. mentor Mike mentor actually sat down and met with Mike mentor to coach efforts assembling the would've been while you were a cheerleader, there sweeping and he wanted me to coach the defensive line of like do not want to close tight is coast defensive lineman and look at back to bed. I wish I had because three years in a rollover number curriculum wrong. He won state championships for their league three years in a row.

I think maybe one or two game. I know all is says will say some kicking myself or for… Just not been a part of that if there would've been a lot of flexibility there because I was still travel and preach and speak in doing autograph signings, but he would've worked with me been flexible with me and I'm like mad. I want to coach Steve is aligned and so but anyway so I don't know that it yields no time you what I think that exact exactly right exactly right. All right. Are we. Other questions are you guys good guy got anymore for me before we wrap up here.

How do I do have one more day about I've been reading a lot about spiritual discipline tightly it be in regard like out and go to go through in his book the list of like nine or 10 anywhere from that being praying Scripture reading Scripture memorization that community does kind of thing. You obviously they're all recorded. I think of you a lot when I read that you have done of a lot of the spiritual disciplines really well is you and I don't know that you can write them in order of importance that you just pick one up and tell me how it been like orbit in your life or how it really impacted you while the new so there's this four main components said that II look at what comes to my my spiritual journey with the Lord and in that field are all equally important, so I just said just pick and want to just get hot just quickly highlight the those for now and I talk about when I do these my man up conferences and certainly when guys a 10 man camp. We that's a deep dive rights. We dive much, much, much deeper over five days at the camps and really instilling this in in man right and that is the four components are prayer, worship of the Bible reading and relationships right building community building relationships and friendships with with others in it and so I spent a try. Spend an equal amount of time reading the word reading the word and get the word written upon the tablet of my heart just near whether it's even memorizing or internalizing the word of God and I do that on a day-to-day daily basis. Spending time in worship every day, and these are every day, every day of activities for me spending time in worship just sometimes just soaking in worship and then in my prayer closet, spending time communicating building that calm that relationship with the Lord.

The personal intimate relationship with him and so just prayer. Prayer for others not always just prayer for myself either. That's kind at the tail end you put a try to put everybody else's prayer requests and what's on my heart out in front of my own requests and so so prayer prayer, worship, reading of the word internalizing the word and last been released as is building relationships with other building community doing life as you guys I think have said, with others, so there there there you go condensing it down there you go find that appreciate appreciate you going to give you last word or letter live final question. Are you out all the questions and okay now you are praying right Dave picture because we yeah i.e. get a wide variety of question. I kind of ate at yeah basically, when you pray who or what do you, I won't tell you the other answer that I've gotten getting ideas as clearly yeah ask a CTS is an acronym ask a CTS start with EA acknowledging and lifting up adoration to the Lord. So typically first and foremost I want to thank the Lord give the Lord my gratitude just looked up my adoration for him affect, I did the Lord have me do a CD project called adoration and deck two different ones adoration declaration to teach people how to adore him, taking Scriptures and teach them how to adore him and the taking Scriptures or how to declare Scriptures over their life, so a adoration acknowledging him for who he is and just and just loving on him. Just sharing my adoration for him a C confession. There's things I need to confess and ask forgiveness for and repent of, then, to take some time to do that and just you know whether was us us a word. The kids slipped out of my mouth or a thought that popped into my head or you treated somebody wrong or you know. And so, so, just to confession some confession time and then the TS is Thanksgiving a kind of ties in with adoration, but just Thanksgiving giving thanks says in all things, to give thanks and so just taken some time and just against you give Sharon a heart of gratitude and things I'm thankful for my family.

Kendra and Brandenburger in and so many others write to Kobe Taryn Tommy the other girls and families and just giving thanks thanks for my health. Thanks for roof over my head thing for food of the table. Thanks for close on my back. Thanks for transfer patient to so many things that we can be thankful for that. Last but not least because many people. I think sometimes I think with this first and that's supplication meaning.

Now, once I've done all of that. Then I begin to bring my requests to the Lord, and those things that I want to pray for, and all the or and or others that I want to pray for and intercede for so that would be there.

The way I would break that down for you guys listening to the Truth Network and I will be sure to check out the man up show now available on television broadcast and Vodafone is more radio network. Check out your local listings or better yet, download the Truth Network app today. The cuticle will fear if you're needing to buy a car and have marginal credit and considering using buy here pay here that's worse than taking the Russian sickle Winston-Salem motorcars will put you behind the wheel of a car you can rely on wall helping rebuild, repair or establish your credit score conveniently located on Silas Creek Pkwy. in Winston-Salem. Be sure to check them out today at W. S. M. C. The number because you are number one you're listening to the Truth Network and well okay love you guys love you so much. You both unite well you guys are amazing such an amazing couple an amazing mommy and daddy and husband and wife and you are just there's nobody perfect but Jesus, but if I was can appoint anyone to a model family. I would certainly direct them towards you and we were able to build community with you I would I would encourage them to do that so I pretty sound guys so much yeah and operationally, they take you and appreciate all of you out there listening land and hope you enjoy this conversation Kendra and Brandenburger, one of four daughters that I have.

Hope you enjoy this tuning again for another episode of Q&A with Cole off God bless you hi Rob, you give more time in here because I'm the producer and mouse listing which is wonderful but I died to redirect your dad for minutes of the listeners have a chance to hear what I think the question was, you're asking them because I'm dying to know myself. So the question I don't. I think they're asking years when you're praying out of the throw some stuff out there. You picture Jesus depiction the father and you know in other words, we are picturing in your mind that experience of talking to God talking to what you feel like this at the question you're asking Brandon yeah I think some people picture him on the throat. Dumb people picture them in the room but there just yet. Visually what's going on in your brain when you're talking to God the stomach is silent and then let you answer the question that he ask. Although I love the acts thing and I think it's good that that's the question that I did on that I'm personally because III felt the question I was like oh man, this can be good. Alright I so so in my prayer time what what is that maybe you maybe visualize or maybe I picture in my prayer time in in in sometimes actually start my prayer with it like literally saying okay Lord I'm just coming into your throne room right now and I'm a ladies last on. The lady sings down at your reader, I may lay them in your lap and so yeah I is such a visualize immunity as he sits to the right hand of the father or and or just verbalize that I'm coming.

The veil was torn from top to bottom. So you've given me access into your throne room into your presence and so that's more of what I visualize is coming in when I come into his presence that I'm coming into that throne room and she is still humbly coming before him and in making my REIT requests known and so not so much. You pick pictured him floating on clouds or anything of of of that nature is much as just out of reverence and out of respect for who he is, is the King of Kings and the Lord of lords sitting on the throne wearing his crown and just the privilege and the opportunity of of coming into just enter into his presence and lay those things at his feet are like us, a lamb in his lap or or or place them in his hands.

Yeah, I think. Personality and then art.

Dr. Craig right now. I think leaders and people at a vehicle like a shepherd by guiding them through fear that we gotten kind of correlate that to actually make that because the ground personal relationship, but we took care of that.

Well, that's a very valid point in the force like with yeah what you see him as a shepherd over one day I was listening to a sermon on the way up and then it became the first time crying in the majors, second, back with a shout and and with the singing of the sword. I mean he's come back as a warrior right so yeah just depending on yeah, depending on your perspective, that's good.

So awesome possible.

Thank you guys again so much. Thank you for your time today and will look for to talk to guys.

I love you guys have a wonderful aloha.

Have a wonderful day. This podcast is made possible by the grace of God and your faithful prayers and generous. May God bless you for your continual.donate green vinyl tile from the top right number one thing this is Nicole.

I want to thank Blevins for supporting my new show man on Saturday afternoon. 1230 on the truth that were this is the Truth Network