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Cory Oliver- Answering the Call of God

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff
The Cross Radio
July 9, 2022 1:00 am

Cory Oliver- Answering the Call of God

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff

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July 9, 2022 1:00 am

Today, Nikita is joined in studio by pastor Cory Oliver. Listen as he takes us on a journey through the dark tunnels of this world in search of that beautiful light of Heaven.

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We help you make godly choices about Medicare long-term care and your money. Your chosen Truth Network podcast starting in just seconds. Enjoy share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and choosing the truth. Podcast network. This is the Truth Network man up, Cory Oliver, welcome to show thank you. Have me negated is great to have you here with us today. We are in studio and that's always fun so that lets up for our listening audience out there.

Cory, let's let's give our listeners a little backdrop on who Cory Oliver where you live in a family just real quick just on your thank you. Appreciate it. Well, Cory, Oliver, save thank all of the Holy Spirit, currently serving in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and the surrounding area. I've been a local pastor for 18 years and also done quite an extensive amount of mission work yet have two grown sons once 24 and 20 beautiful bride name Vera dear how are you guys been married only been married going on for years, and on five come on how to meet the man she actually reached out to me. Okay.

All right. She pursued you yeah well I just got given up on everything and was just set my face like a flint and decided I'd be like apostle Paul and just travel the world and plant and grow and move on. She just kinda got my attention, but she had already been praying to God, herself and said this is it, Lord. Kind of like one of those Hail Mary throws into just reached out, it was an immediate courtship. We didn't date awarded just to discern if we could even be friends and if this was the person that God wanted us to connect that windy life and hopefully will partner together.

Most importantly in ministry. That's pretty good. Let me ask you some about that.

So you should use the word friendship and your observation and in all my life experience in moving forward in terms of relationships, how important do you feel Cory that when establishing a relationship with someone of the opposite sex you are just describing how important you think it is to establish or or do you feel it's important to establish a friendship for me. What's kind of the order that you see there in establishing for those out there. Maybe they're single maybe they never been married, or maybe they're looking to get remarried. Or maybe like you there like I ever get married again. Yeah, sure, but the Lord bring someone into their lives right away. That is how important is establishing that friendship. Do you feel an organism. Well Nikita I have a say in his Christo centricity, Christ centered okay, Christ centered everything and Christ is my compass. He's my guide he's my leader. He's my Lord, my Savior until people is a lover my soul.

John 1515. He says I no longer call you a servant. I call you a friend and so that's the most intimate relationship.

And that's where really Peter knew that he had kind of been demoted in his own thinking. When he says I Philo you Lord. I love you like a plan. I love you like a brother. And then Jesus was like wow I'm going to give you a supernatural power to agape me because that's the way I love you but it starts with friendship and you know you go through life kind of on the surface and think you got many, many friends in Proverbs talks about if you have one, you're really fortunate and wise person so you know I think that it is a balance with the wisdom but if we always put Christ at the center of how we operate an thank then that is the baseline where friendship can be really that beautiful binding where there is that partnership that can move or how can two walk together, unless they agree so friends don't agree, disagree, you know, so the world can be at odds, but true friendship that God designs expose Legion the right direction pretty good answer Cory. For those out there listening to wherever whatever station alike.

Whatever season of life. You find yourself in. I would encourage you to take heed to what gorgeous and I like that Christ Christ what you call center Christo's interest, Christo sent you. I don't know like I can say Christ was entered yeah I get that part of his centricity write you later dear Russian court of absolute English dry so I just got everyone out there will get that. But those your wrestling friends will know that I like that though.

I like the idea of that in the older I get, the more for me personally, the more important I find it is to just have those those friendships and in developing brands you like true, genuine friendships with individuals, which takes time right right listening to the Truth Network and The cuticle fear if you're needing to buy a car and have marginal credit for considering using buy here pay here that's worse than taking the Russian sickle Winston-Salem motorcars will put you behind the wheel of a car you can rely on wall helping rebuild, repair or establish your credit score conveniently located on Silas Creek Pkwy. in Winston-Salem. Be sure to check them out because you are number one. If you would like to support Cola for Christ ministry for a gift of $25 you will see adoration declaration for a gift of $50 accumulated wrestling with this gift of $100 more will include a signed copy of the tale of the today your listening to the truth and, but especially here out there and not engage or involved in a relationship at this point, consider as you move forward in life centered in Christ first and then develop a friendship exhibit give it everything shifts into romance.

Beyond that, then so be it right or maybe it just maintains a retake retain that friendship for life right. You also brought up something else for interest use the word agape, which is just that unconditional love. Yes, there are different types of love right that there is a friendship, love that Jesus made reference to Peter and others then there's that unjust that unconditional agape love course, you know, there's the ROC out the arrow's right so are different types of love while the foundational friendship.

Now that's I guess that's the thing, I think there's like in the Greek at least four different veins or thoughts on that single word and we just kind of like it or you are just kinda tear it all into pieces are. This is distorted yeah. Even though I love cheesecake but I love her.

What will ways so is at the same thing like to say that all the same breath I heard a love cheesecake. I don't think that's all exactly what you are you are right there. I believe there are four different breakers that I mail your the family that the brotherly and then there's erotic and in their copy God loved it on comprehendible but it's something that can be received in our heart. Whether it's a sanctifying work or even moving into perfection and ultimately that's what God prefers out of that first intimacy. That's what table was all about the communities is friends and what Jesus was saying at that very moment.

Nikita was, I want you to worship me or praise me.

I want you to sit at the table as my friends list break bread and let me help you to understand what this Passover is really about what this looks like and then serving them the bread and a cup and then pushing away and wiping feet.

Just amazing how about this. This is just recently about the wife. The washing of the Holy Spirit highlights two guys out of the 12, love like a gobbler look unconditional love Holy Spirit highlights two guys to this computer. One who denies him once or twice, but what one who's going to deny, not once, twice or three the one who noticed a trend, but he nevertheless servant washes the feet of prayer, and one who would talk't illustrate how you and I are to really live our lives or give us a if you want to say a template something to work towards. I mean, I don't know about you but I can look back in my life journey and I I have experience lots of rejection. My life of others I've experienced betrayal? I'm guessing you probably have a possibly have. What a challenge for all of us like all of you out there in that if you've been betrayed and rejected pushes a Christ follower believing now.

Not everybody that this is the show.

I don't following Christ. But my hope is in the author listening. If you don't know Christ today in your listening to the show. I would encourage you to make that decision is your heart like Jesus but how amazing is that, though, that that the Holy Spirit highlights those two guys to illustrate God. Jesus washing racing and it just shows God's compassion and his sovereignty. Nikita having and this is really wowed and out there, but this wasn't this was also a choice for Cain and Abel. This is also a choice for Lucifer that God so loved the name he loved and it was that free will and choice human choice and even the angelic choice to choose so is over and over again where God saying I set before you life and did thinkers and I love you enough that you get a cheese and even at that moment Jesus could have turn right, but he allowed the enemy to intervene in Scripture says that Satan entered him right so that means that he just completely rejected agape love that unconditional love, friendship, all is Jesus that you know I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing.

It almost seems almost seems too simple.

In a sense, but all and/or you might say black-and-white notice from where you actually got lots of black and white letters like life right but what life is black-and-white. Now mankind is made a pretty great, we try to blur the lines. What did up try and make an end and made life more gray, but Scripture know that you brought your Bible with you today's Scripture makes it pretty crystal-clear. I sent you life and death, blessing and cursing. But then it goes on the encourages. I encourage you to choose life. When you do that. The blessing comes along with that right now we have we have meant mankind in his fallenness in our broken fallen world is somewhat yeah, it is evident that we need a Savior. It's simple and I like you said, we've really tried to confusedly try to find a loophole is always like that famous phrase that says when when humanity says either guide your will be done or either God, my will be done were not even acknowledging got it all and just kind of living a life distorted maybe having it all and I think that that's where the toxicity can happen in anybody's life especially demanded thanks to some trust in horses and chariots, you know, trusting in their accounts are trusting in false identities, false friendships and all of that in building the you know the castle in the sand. You know the rest just really not really understanding what is baseline important, very simplicity of God's have just to get even as you were speaking use the word simplicity and on and on thinking and our minds if it was if we could just embrace the simplicity of love God, love of Jesus distilled it directly. What's the greatest commandment of love the Lord your God with all your soul and the second is as important love others as usual, but distills it down and makes it about is elementary if you will, or as simple as a good potentially be anywhere right so let me ask you this list so here's your little bit you mentioned. I think 18 years in ministry 18 years. So at that what age the courier at what point in your life journey. Did you realize God was calling you to ministry and you said you've got a lot of travels in the short so highlight just take a couple minutes and highlight some of that force. Wow, it will have to be a highlight because I'll give you the PG version Nikita back.I grew up and what you wish I would call a pagan hunting and I'm not talking about like Druids and you know some type of idolatry just good naturalistic family just up Earth people right to hunt and fish and sports all of that, where average out in Pamlico County and I commuted to Craven County to neighboring schools North Carolina yes on the coast of North Carolina to Eastern North Carolina, down Easter and yeah that was at it, but never really had too much engagement with church. I think I remember going to a few vacation Bible schools is a chilled child just kind of hanging out with friends are chasing little girls around you know, went to church all the wrong reasons, and well, if I wanted all but you know my dad died when I was 17 and that kinda thrusted me into the role of man in the house I been fighting rejection. All my life, especially going from county to city schools and not really knowing what it meant to be a crackerjack Lord, you know not where the name brand stuff and so there was all of that social dynamic trying to get in and break the glass ceiling. You know a lot of that led to back in the day. A lot of high school binge drinking in popularity in: you know him being bullied. One of the saving graces for me was high school wrestling started in junior high and I got really good at it and it's my high school coach was like a because I dad to really an old-school bear Bryant, you know, the mark of a true champion is his ability to perform under pressure kind of thing is you know all of that was drilled and I've really believed it and believed in the power of positivity and thanking. And so it gave me a lot of self-esteem, but then you know what happens when the pendulum swings too far, gets out of balance and so with trying to be mystical in popularity and then learn in this Neil's new skill of taking care of myself.

It went in the wrong direction and when my dad died I just time got bankrupt and really didn't have a lot of direction and I had a long-term girlfriend in high school and did everything wrong that way and that kind of fizzled out and that kind of broke me inside my mom this time had been attending a charismatic Methodist Church. I didn't know anything different between Presbyterian, Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, and a because I didn't know that I just went to church right and I didn't know what was going on when I was there but when I left always felt a little bit better so I went to the preacher because I started reading the Bible little bit and I was really confused about how people could live 900+ years and there I was 11 and I think I trying to quicken this up for you Nikita.

What what happened was I went to the preacher and there wasn't a real good answer for you know my inquiring mind so I just went along in a civil what you do it. We get baptized and joined the church so as a United Methodist I was baptized full immersion in the river in February with Barry Coco probably 40° water. You know, it was terrible. But anyway, I remember you. Thank you Jesus right I will feel so the next part is kind of where we need to really focus. Even in today's brokenness is I didn't ask what to do next and they didn't tell me.

And so as quick as I was in our house. I was out and from from 19 years of age to 24 busted hail wide open as hard as I could and a lot of drinking and drugging meta-Gypsy girl I had long hair hippie. I was kind of a Pantera you know grunge type of person and really had a lot of brokenness in my life and in the lowest absolute drunken stupor of my life. I asked God whatever it takes for me to quit this and that night I got in the clients car owning my own pink body shop and just within less than 1/8 of a mile from the house. I hit railroad tracks going 80 flip spin went in the canal flipped out, bounced out and the roof of the car was in the front seat into this day only by the grace of God, do I know how I got out of that car and stayed in the darkness of that country road. I heard Cory, I just pulled you from the pit listening to the Truth Network and software have registered for the morning service conference in August.yet what are you waiting for ribbon amazing lineup of speakers, including NBA All-Star Elwood superstar like leader Gen. Jerry Boykin David Jason better the better brothers regarding businesslike children read reports, Dr. Rick order and Yours truly get registered today what are you waiting for go to M*E to call. I am excited to hear you to know you. Well, maybe. Anyway Facebook all my new fan page for fans and the like, and follow your listening to the Truth Network and and so that was a wake-up call.

Because you know God to me that earlier that morning could've been a coffee cup or a tree or you know, some kind of celebrity g but God showed me his sovereignty, Nikita. There's a whole lot to that story but that night I felt discouragement, depression, and contemplated taken my life and I was really close to that now sitting on the back porch and I know that mortar and light creates a prison, but I just looked up and I saw at least a 13, 14, 15 foot Brighton being just standing there with arms wide open and so I really tell people that on face death twice in the night in the Bible so awesome because it wasn't until a year later, after reading the Bible through twice that I was reading in the Psalms, and David talks about being pulled up to. I was like wow God you were speaking Scripture over me and God says I will never trust my word. I put my word about my name and so that was the first time but then I also realize that whole event. My wife was in John 10, at 10 I come to walk for life and live abundantly. But enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. Well, to get to that place of want to take your life. I just heard all of that self-defeating you're no good. You never going to get out of this. This is a downward spiral.

Your life is garbage. This is your stead in life and I was just thinking you know I'm condemned to this forever. This alcoholism and all that. Yeah, that was December. That was December 30, 1998 and God did such a miraculous work Nikita. By 2003 I'm a youth pastor 2004 I'm a full-time ministry and is been full-time ever since. That's that's an incredible story like the real of this transformation in God's redemption right and illustrating what you illustrated for those listening out there is just all those things you were saying and were hearing were just lives of the writer's real enemy to our soul and so try to fill your head with all those lies like Judas even dried attempt to get you to take your life right all you said something though.

In our last few minutes here. I want to highlight you said something you'll with the talked about that experience. It sure should get stuck on something you said.

I didn't ask. They didn't offer.

I think one of the shortfalls. Personally, my observation and 28+ years walking with the Lord is the word discipleship, which is the great commission right go out into the into the nation's bought into the world and make disciples that I think were the church's failed personally in my observation miserably is that very commission.

There a lot of churches out there or contact with with going after converse. I mean I'm an evangelist at heart have called me to.

Yeah, it's all about conference. I want to see conference grace. But then the next step, though what you convert them once they surrender their life to Jesus is to disciple them right doctrine and so that's why think the church really happened. I personally think needs to step up and so that to your point, I didn't ask. They didn't offer is to disciple right so you say something well Nikita if you don't mind, I'd like to just circle around real quick and and what that is is you know it took a lot of work for those disciples. When Peter preached in 3000 were saved right and I've learned that true friendship might be where you are like with your man can you dig deep with people you know and I think we live in sucks and is I don't always want to be ominous and negative our cultures gotten so big and we are in everybody's grill. But we are a mile wide and it and a centimeter deep and really when you start thinking about it. Elijah and Elisha Paul and Timothy and Titus Jesus and his 12 Mary and the other married to Martha they were interconnected and they really had a place of doing like with each other. That wasn't just surface with fictitious oil circles back around to friendship once again not saying you friends, for you and I you and I met at the vision conference for the South Carolina and and since then the know each other in your story is a set is is just fascinating to me and so I can't thank you enough for being a part of the show today and share some your story in and hoping that those listening out there will be encouraged or inspired and/or motivated by by your story just to show that we got God can reach any and all of us right there's no one that's beyond reach realistic light and show all I look forward to what we just take take one minute what you look at what you look for tooth to the future for yourself.

You look at what am I looking forward to the future. I was just asked just what I'm looking forward to in the future is just being happy in the Lord. I know in this dismal chaotic world and everything that has just been thrown at us by the lies of the enemy. The joy of the Lord is my strength and the strength of my Lord is my joy and I really look forward to just doing more like is good man.

Life is good will and in your currently pastoring a church by knowing some of our conversations are either searching God is. This is was worthless to stay you have something you of something else for me to hear you're looking you're in that that season of just exploring God may have something on something different right a new season so all I'm excited for. I'm thankful and I hope that all of us can always take away if were just clay and he's the Potter he can do what he wants with okay word and it would and I let it if you just be Clay and let him be the Potter puts your life into his hands and dad and allow him to mold you and shape you into the image of Jesus Christ. And that is a process trust the process. That is a process.

Salvation is instantaneous and sanctification use that word early on in our interview. Sanctification is a lifelong process leading home to the celestial city. So Lori Oliver pastor Cory Albert thank you for being on the map show today always just been a pleasure and delight. Great to have you. God bless you today and again for another great interview goblets. This podcast is made possible by the grace of God and your faithful prayers, generous, and may God bless you for your and donate.

I Nikita. Be sure to check out the man up show now available on television broadcast and go to or radio network. Check out your local listings or better yet, download the Truth Network app today called me to bring me tile from the top brand carpet that right beginning to number one in the war that had more thing.

This is the cuticle wall with one of the lemon support for supporting my new show man on Saturday afternoon at 1230 on the truth that were this is the Truth Network