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Q&A With Koloff- #76

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff
The Cross Radio
July 5, 2022 1:00 am

Q&A With Koloff- #76

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff

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July 5, 2022 1:00 am

Today Nikita speaks with good friend Felicia Bowman for another great episode of questions and answers.

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This is Darren Kuhn with the masculine journey podcast research the ancient paths to find ways that God brings light into a dark world and help set men free from the struggles that we all face on a day-to-day basis. Your chosen Truth Network podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing The Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network is welcome to another episode Q&A with Dr. privilege in the leisure today to have this young lady on the phone with me long time friend actually Felicia Bowman Felicia, welcome to the Q&A with coal off great to have you with us today and let's take a minute Felicia for our listeners out there. You and I and your wonderful husband, Edward, go way way way back.

I think in you. You probably remember because you think women have better memories than men. For some reason, but you'll probably remember remember more details than I do, but I think a youth camp is where we first met, it did, and I don't remember it like if you reached did you reach out. Do you remember do you remember the details and indent core course or type 20+ years.

I think downright great Kelly. Okay what I came home and I think you really need to make here that year. The following year and only valid without finding a friend 20+ years since he lived at least 20+ for sure and I do remember to so so I don't remember that specific day course you're referring to Lincolnton North Carolina for the because we get listeners of the show from all over the world about it and so and then I remember if I remember.

I think that it was like the first year for your your camp and and I think South Mountains that some writers of South Mountain okay and and I think I just did think the first year I think just one night like you brought me in for special to close out your youth camp or something. If I remain then and then it was God just showed up and moved in. In such a wonderful way and then if eventually I did like all a whole week and then and then even two weeks for like your high school year middle school and do as you said that the the relationship. The friendship just really just grew from there. With all of us right now. And, of course.

And since that time, I mean, and many many other camps that that we've done together. Another types of ministries and things that that we've gone the course you have your have your husband on a separate Q&A show here and and will will him and I'll reminisce about some of the past things that we've done, but one of the special things for me is how over the years that you and I have very celebrate our birthdays so there only just a few days apart, but we have been pretty consistent to meet up annually at some point there. You and I and your husband and and and and celebrate our birthdays together that's always been fun. You have become like a brother that you get to make me cry.

Felicia, that's awesome.

Yeah it it is, in fact, in fact, Ed has set on more than one. The one occasion probably to you, but certainly to me and I in or when the three of us are together like brothers that you argued brothers and sisters, are you you jousted each other like brothers and sisters or whatever it always so now it's it's been fondant and so this is year and only child, and they you guys of all have one child only one are not Miss Lauren yeah and and then you have some grandchildren as well so so you're out on your own and acquire out what's good good ages and so how has been just real quick.

How is it been the difference between raising your own child versus having grandchildren. Can you give a brief description of that you're listening to the truth and The key to co-op and I am here with a huge announcement like like a big enough man up men's conference. MorningStar ministries portal South Carolina August 25-27. You think that's always a way. No, not too soon to sign up. What a lineup of speakers we have the better brother David and face All-Star NBA All-Star how would his speaking world wrestling champion flex mover Chris Reed Rick Joyner Delta force commander Gen. Gen. Jerry Boykin tired. Yours truly, the key to co-op or renowned evangelist bring shelf and register today is live start events start go get registered.

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M. C. The number because you are number one you're listening to the Truth Network and their children here were. Your duty day are held grandchildren. You know, Iran and Iraq. And I like first bypass the headaches of the oh of raising children. It is going to spoil the grandchildren right and well anybody but you've done. You guys have done a wonder course I've known Lauren for many many years. You guys have done a wonderful job raising her and I know your you are amazing grandparents and been around you and around the grandkids and not bother well it's it's been it's been mutual that that the friendship in the relations that we we all of us have had over the years has been very special very very special so scan thank you guys, and often and so and in your out in the marketplace to let me just say this so for our listeners as well you you are so it's interesting you work out of the marketplace. But on the sidewalk.

I guess the terminology today's world is called a side hustle, you started your own photography business, which by the way, and I'm not to say this because you're my friend you're like one of the best of the best of the past like Felicia Bowman. Photography is.

I mean, you've got some things for me for like my website and promotional stuff photo shoots, etc. but I tell a real quick timelessness like what all you do with your frittata yet like I know you wedding will will you do with your business.

There where wedding photography probably my favorite right now are part pictures like little pictures. Thank you, are like little Lenny are often do a lot of shopping cool background of my favorite right now along with like to create critic. Then come here like a little 20 minute session.

Maybe interact in that particular thing example Easter session where Springer and I get to interact with the antibiotic cop set out a pretty busy really great for younger children well and anyone who seeks they can find your work. Of course you have a website, what would Felicia Bowman SBO WMA Bowman got Felicia Bowman course, they can fall your work on social media as well. I know I fall you in on Instagram is so I can catch you today link to your social media from the website care okay well you even if anyone can figure that out, you kick is you been instrumental in even helping in fact for you help design my my my latest website you you put that together for me. So not only are you the best of the best when it comes to photography when it comes to technology. You have been instrumental in supporting goal for Christ ministries them in such a blessing to the ministry and size want to thank you for that as well so well so so really get to your questions here now just a moment, but to let me just one last plug for the photography.

If you're looking a course she's in Cherryville.

North Carolina is where she's based blood as Felicia travels around the deceased actually traveled out of state, to do shoots.

But if you're looking for someone whether to wedding or is she said and anything else I mean you look her up.

Felicia Bowman photography.calm and do you would be blessed with her work and so all right Felicia. Let's let's flip the table here. You know I'm asking a lot of questions, but this is Q&A would call off where you get that scores have no clue or idea what your good AI so I'm hesitant to give you the Mike go ahead and ask your first question, Felicia really early and I really did okay.

You think you have made and appear to wrestling but with out Mr. Russell numbers, or more specifically that's right so it was the day so there was a short season where were actually lived in Nashville in the Nashville Tennessee area and Jeff Jarrett was launching a brand-new wrestling organization at the time called TNA now called impact. I believe they call it impact, and you just want you that any was based in Nashville on limited Nashville. He knew I was there and and and I just want to cut in a sense of you say do him a favor, I appeared on four of their episodes yeah and just to have some fun by an end.

In this particular show that you're referring to other put me in this whole white top white cost to any outfit, including the mask and yellow there was legendary Mr. wrestling wanted to so I missed a wrestling number four it was doing to deal with with mold. The superpower pondered to throw the towel count to three to be how you and you always get to do something that you will against him of this particular case of as a masked man and eventually unmasked in an emerald was shocked that under the mask was the Belarusian nightmare the cuticle off and so you just to boost the ratings for them and at the time they were doing a weekly paper views. Like every Wednesday night there from the fairgrounds and in Nashville and and Jeff actually tried to talk me into put the tights back on it I like Jeff. I'm dude I'm retired is like so you can just will put you in a six man you could stand on the corner and not get the ring. Mike you can look like an idiot. The Russian nightmare just standing on the not even getting in the ring and no Jeff, I am retired, but they got keep supporting you in other ways like this. Eventually, dusty night. You might say kissed and made up and over a belt that he was battling for and so that was fun in it.

Helping support the most important just say this.

Lastly, most important to me was I would host a Bible study a 15 minute Bible study before every live pay-per-view who ever wanted to come. I made all of the wrestlers and management that everybody aware that I was doing this not to have a 1012 guys HA styles WWE fame now was there every single time I did one.

He's a Christ follower Terry Taylor what would frequent the Bible study as well as a number of the other guys would would jump on and that so that was the huge blessing for me and the real motivation for why I really want to be there as well as help Jeff Lowenstein so yeah so that's the story behind the mask. You're listening to the Truth Network and I will be sure to check out the man up show now available on television broadcast and go to MorningStar or the troop radio network. Check out your local listings or better yet, download the troop workout today cuticle. I am excited to hear you do know well, maybe.

Anyway Facebook goal. My new fan page for plans and the like, and follow your listening to the Truth Network and report out.

Yes. So I next question. During your referent TV commercial grade grinder line relate to say that she shot out there for all of this out today while never forget this. We did it we did it in the way through Coliseum in Rock Hill that's overshot it, which we had done many TV tapings there and many just help what they call how shows back then in the way through Coliseum, a great little arena and very responsive fans so I had become course outcomes yellow back to dust yet.

I come to his aid as many people know the story and the Cajun charlatan turn from bad guy to good guy's novel good guy, fan favorites and some guys would were doing some commercials rock 'n' roll express Ricky and Robert and it was at a time they were doing promotional comps for some of the convenience stores and were trying to get out there and into into the marketplace and do other things as a lowball they want to the Russian diver to do this commercial for Food Lion in the setting was in an arena like they were actually at a wrestling match and and Tom Smith, the president at the time. Here's while never forget it. II got my part down like like in the first nano second here like three lines to deliver and it took like 50 takes for him to nail three line.

I like are you kidding, here's the worst part. Anyone who ever saw the commercial have a copy of the somewhere but anyone over Saul, that I would come like like flying into this into this scene as he's talking about promoting Food Lion in their commercial you know there I'm either their promotions and specials and all that well. Therefore want their plastic seats so sonic I'm landing you know on on on a padded chair. I mean it was a and I'm not exactly that 50 takes. By the time we were done at my side was bruised. I'm a month at my side was hurting it and add and he finally finally nailed his lines and the fun part. I remember to use.

It was a little girl like sitting there so it was supposed to appear like I was getting tossed out of the ring into the crowd.

That was the what we were projecting it and and I start growling like at him and then the little little girl says something to me and then I go from a growl as I'm a good guide out to like a little smile all you know at her and so anyways so yeah it was yeah it was historical for me.

But man I like to nail your line you kill me here so yeah that was that was the Food Lion commercial pretty fun.

It was famous for. Overall was fun experience yeah yup that's the Food Lion story good questions about the what what else did you have another one for me a lot if I revert to okay when doing your website on your description for you real hard for me to yes no went there and that bothered about that particular year absence is a a a marker moments you might say. As I look back I say and in one of my books if I talk about defining moments in the very first when I wrote I can't remember which. I got it rewriting you back the circulation breaking the chains just a few of those floating out there.

But yeah, absolutely. So you know, as many know the story give my life to Christ in 1993, 70 October and I'm on this journey of pursuing this deeper and deeper and deeper relationship with with Jesus and doing ministry 2005 out in Borger Texas the home of Stan the lariat Hansen and it and and that the pastor hands me this brochure on this ministry called Fellowship of the sword and I'm like okay like fields was to give this to you and he tells me little bit about it and went back to my hotel room that night to go online and look up some things and an interest felt prompted of the Lord, that I was supposed to do one. One of those events and I look at my schedule course you know my calendar.

In fact you you're on the Board of Directors of cola for Christ ministries as well. Thank you as well for that and it and so I feel prompted Lord to to do when I look at is no way I could do one 2005. Might my scheduled locked in the count is full, four, five, six months in advance so I just kind of forget about it and him and him and I'm in Uganda. After doing ministry in October 2005 and out. I we just finished up a whole bunch of school assembly. Some in the hotel room. I was Jesus time you say I have a conversation with me. Go say that you know that the that that that event, you know, the quest thing and I'm like Lord in his like so like when you get is she doing those hello hello hi Gotay. What was soon as I get home I see a guy sign up for the first one available while I get back home from from Africa and I look at you can't do in January can't do in February and I look at their March 1 next to the date starches on my birthday, my 47th birthday, only that be pretty cool and so I feel prompted to do it. II sign up for it I should reach out to your husband I said hey Meg, just put this on my heart. Would you pray about this, maybe go do this with me or whatever or not it will maybe a few days later hovered timeless anyway. He says eases yeah because I'll do with it.

So him and I jump on a plane to fly to Texas to a town. We never get on a bus a bunch, but we don't know we drive six hours south your husband thought we were getting out we were to be hijacked into Mexico to be sold off because they confiscated our folds will be gone. The boss like you who what we get ours. It is what you get me into a look around. I'm not sure.

I guess we'll find out. All that said part of my testimony for that is, which I later came back and stood on my my, the platform of my own church.

The pastor give me five minutes to share some of my story I told the thousand people. I said that assisted for 46 years I was a male for the first time in my life. I stepped into manhood, the way God defines it, and other was a biblical teaching on that event that really opened my eyes and inches.

The whole event as itself impacted my life to where I went back in and and actually served for for 12 years did I think 60+ of those that of those events that eventually the Lord released to me a number of years ago and into launch with what is now known as man camp but that was a pivotal event March 2006 changed my life and in the God wrecked me in a whole really good way.

Just took my relationships so much deeper and it took to where I have today.

As you said a just a real heart for man's semen set free CMN healed scene manhole seen marriages restored see in relationships with sons and daughters reconciled and I'm seeing all of that some I'm grateful for for that ministry and and what it did for me in my life. I remember that having a lot you give a woman's perspective on this to your wife, your husband goes to to to that event and just if you have like a brie, a quick example of of what you experience as as a wife offer your husband doing that I got help candidate everything that ever clicked on dark. I like when he came back he is more interested in trying to make sure that my need for my live at the national court, dairy, helpful, before but probably more so after the ticket ticket ticket is yours in his relation.

He took it to another level, is exactly and I'm sure it in the level of intimacy and in and at every aspect and it sounds like so yeah, I know he's still Chris Ali Selby.

I'll be talking with him. Talk more about that act as a noise he still involved with them and for those listening out there you know whether it's that this event were referring to call Kuester man camper you know if your your man out there 18 years or older by all means, you know, just just check it out infected website for leases referring to The latest one she helped set up for me and and so check check that out man out.

If your guy out there you're listening to Felicia story and how that these types of events help impact a man's life, whether that's part of our goal send them home to be just better equipped to be godly men, godly husbands and godly father. So you experience that that's amazing. It's awesome. So, well, you want to squeeze one more and were almost out of time and I want to hold you too long but do you want to squeeze Aaron here at our wedding. You telling me like the like that like to Capt. America and all that kind of stuff which are which barely have to be like us to put here okay you can have a superpower who, what, when me like the dude what way if I go back old school. I like this that the show with Bill Bixby of the Incredible Hulk were metamorphosis sizes into this incredible green halter right and modern-day vernaculars that I don't even know is that they got to like that the the rock the marble rock. I only know his name was his name. I'm not sure, but you don't talk about. He's like he's like the strong man like this are aware, yes, yes, and the guys like like made out of the rock or whatever the superstrong I get that he be my favorite he be my favorite girl superstrong. That's right you not not leap over tall buildings, but be able to move tall buildings that move this mountain it goes we can do with the Lord's help but but maybe he let me do without his help you to move them out so well. Hey, you asked some really really great questions. I can't thank you enough. I really appreciate it.

And in a very serious note, I just so appreciate our friendship and I look forward to many more birthday celebrations in the future so will Austin will once again be sure to check out Felicia Bowman for tote and out of your Nina photographer and Felicia thanks so much for being a Q&A would cool off today. All right for all you listening out there tonight again for another episode Q&A would cool off, go to and submit your questions, get a personal phone call from the Russian nightmare châteaux it publish this podcast is made possible by the grace of God and your faithful prayers, and generous. May God bless you for your donate green vinyl tile carpet right now number one thing this is Nicole. I want to thank Blevins for supporting my new show man on Saturday afternoon at 1230 on the truth that were if you would like to support Cola for Christ ministries. For a gift of $25. The keel was seen as adoration declaration for a gift of $50. The cuboid is wrestling with this for $100 more will include a signed copy of the tale of the ring a lot.donate today.

This is the Truth Network