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Valuable Insights On Today's Hot Button Cultural Topics

Family Policy Matters / NC Family Policy
The Cross Radio
March 26, 2018 2:20 pm

Valuable Insights On Today's Hot Button Cultural Topics

Family Policy Matters / NC Family Policy

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March 26, 2018 2:20 pm

This week NC Family President John Rustin speaks with Nancy Pearcey, a renowned Christian apologist and professor in residence at Houston Baptist University. They discuss her valuable insights into some of today’s biggest hot button cultural topics.

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Human right of human nature.

This is policy with Pres. John Weston joining us this week for family policy matters. Sometimes we as parents, uncles, grandparents and even friends found that we have to explain some very difficult concepts to children, especially in our current cultural climate finding a balance between helping children understand God's truth and how it applies to our everyday lives can really be quite difficult are just as renowned Christian apologist Nancy Piercy, a professor and scholar in residence at Houston Baptist University. Nancy's newest book, love the body hard questions about life and sexuality provides valuable insights into some of today's biggest hot button cultural topics. Nancy welcome back to family policy matters. It's great to have you on the show now young people these days. Nancy seemed to have an innate appreciation for justice and compassion, which is great but you warned that today's secularism can really destroy the basis for true compassion and true human rights. How do we balance the quest for justice and compassion without inadvertently tearing down or undermining the fundamental rights and dignity that we all should experience as members of the human race.

I need help children and cannot have human right and like you have an adequate fear of human nature. In my book my body. I quote a internationally best-selling book.

I called sapient at 350 of humankind, and he basically argues that evolution if you do not have the basis for human rights. By the late Ebony and I doing that like for example in the Declaration of Independence. We Americans say that rights are endowed by their Creator and that all humans are created equal well and internationally. Best selling book he says that's not true.

If you're an abolitionist, you realize that that natural selection work on variation among living things and created equal, should be re-translated into evolved differently and questioning materialist wealth you. There is no created plan documents with the right only this, but put that big blind evolutionary process divided devoid of any purpose by phrase. This book dismantles the claims in the Declaration of Independence says that humans are merely biological organisms driven by instinct to seek pleasure that the concept of equal rights. Nothing but a Christian math really realize that when ideas like this primate down through the public mind human life will be increasingly seen as nothing but a Christian math and then of course is going to bother to protect them downstream from culture to be effectively we really cannot avoid dialogue and philosophical questions. What does it mean to be human. We have an adequate concept of human nature to guarantee human rights. I know that is we can't apply this to our daily lives. We often hear a common objection to having standard. Why not just let people live the lives that they want to live as long as they're not hurting anyone else isn't out. Okay Nancy, how can we help our children understand that God's design for us is really to live in community with others and that is we live in that community. The things that we do and the things that they do will inevitably influence and affect other people – because the laws to reflect their viewpoint and when the logic change that affects everyone file free writing is possible only if it recognizes some rights as pre-political enemies based on something prior to the state estate does not create them.

It merely recognizes them.

So for example the right to life on the issue of abortion life used to be a pre-political right. It was something you had just because you're a member of the human race, but the only way the state could legalize abortion was to rule that some human are not legal persons means this state has claimed the authority to beside which humans have a right to live, not based on biology based on the fact that the human based only on athlete all legal Fiat power grab by the state. If an enormous increase in state power will take another issue that in the news a lot today. Marriage used to be a pre-political right. It was based on the fact that humans are a sexually reproducing species in the state merely recognized that the only way the state could treat same-sex couples the same as opposite sex couples was to redefine marriage as a purely emotional commitment which is what the Supreme Court did and it all. The Gestalt dissertation when it legalize merit same-sex marriage as we have a lot of different emotional commitment can commitments has claimed the authority to define which relationships qualify as marriage based not on biology but only on its own say so and if you read same-sex cats. They say the next step will be parenthood. Up until now, who counts as it child's parent was based on biological relationship, but in a same-sex couple at least one parent is not biologically related to any child at the house so the only way the state can treat same-sex parents the same as opposite sex parent is to be defined parenthood without regard to biology, you will be your child's parent only by permission of the state and this really is the background to only transgender loss is well with you.

Really. On that front burner today.

Gender followed metaphysically on your biological facts, but the only way the law can treat a trans woman having someone born male, the same as a biological woman is to say biology is irrelevant and so that's why you have public schools now enforcing policies telling teachers what pronouns they must use without regard for the students biological sex.

Every one of these cases, biology or natural realities by being dismissed and the state is substituting its own legal definition necklace what the state gives the state can take away and that's why human rights and no longer inalienable is a secular affect is setting us up for control by an all power political state listening to policy matters a resource to listen to our radio show online resources that will be a voice of persuasion in your community. Go to our website and see was so important. I know Nancy to choose to Pope John Paul II and criticizing both the hookup culture and are increasingly sexualized media for showing too little rather than too much of the human person. How can we help our children develop a more discerning and respectful for both media and relationships. Yeah, I think we have to hop down people and I underline worldview here would have to help them think critically and not Pope John Paul II was great at showing the denigration of the body and biology that is central to that secular affect. Let's take another hot button issue like homosexuality. Many people are gone by how quickly same-sex marriage one the day-even if just the logical implication of the secular ideas so think of it this way, no one really denies down the level of biology, physiology, found in anatomy males and females are counterparts to one another.

That's how the human sexual every protective system is designed still to embrace a same-sex identity is implicitly to contradict that design is to say, why should the structure of my body for my identity biological effects have any say in my moral choices begin to see that this is a profoundly disrespectful view of the body and outspoken lesbian named Camille Paglia and this is exactly how she defense homosexuality. Basically she said the body is a product of purposeless random forces and therefore no intrinsic purpose in the mind is free to use the body anyway. It wants is how she put it in her one of her essays. She says I will nature has made us male and female humans are a sexually lead to different species, one defined nature to all fate not God has given us this flesh we have proper food claim to a body made to listen to Lisi. If our bodies are merely products of undirected material forces and they convey no moral message they give no clue to identity have no inherent purpose, that were obligated to respect this is what we have to tell people to see it goes back to the very low and demeaning view of the body and the alternative course is to say yes the body does have meaning and purpose and this technical term.

There is a teleological view is cut from the Greek word Telus which just means purpose and what that means is that nature exhibit a design a plan in order purpose and when we live with that design.

When we live into our bodies. We experienced greater harm human flourishing as Ephesus, but it was just means you happier and healthier as morality is not merely arbitrary rules.

It's not just social convention. It expresses the teleology. The purpose of what it means to be fully human. How we need to get young people to think in terms of the big question. What kind of cosmos do we live in a cosmos of atoms bumping around by random forces.

Cosmos ordered by a purpose, which provides rational grounds for our moral decisions to say that the demographic shifts that we've been seeing in younger generations who are simultaneously more prone wife sinks are more permissive about sexuality is all rooted in a sense of compassion. Compassion rightly placed in loving and protecting the unborn.

But compassion wrongly placed in wanting to support an individual's sense of identity regardless of what that identity might be. Also, do you agree with his assessment and how do we help young people sort of bridge the disconnect between you a sense of real compassion, we would probably agree with. On one hand but compassion that leads them astray. On the other time than most pro-life generation today that much more pro-life than their baby boomer parents and not very heartening. It did they've grown up seeing ultrasound pictures posted on the refrigerator and they now much more aware that the human being is human from from the beginning and conception. They didn't turn around and say well we should be compassionate not judge people for their choices. And again, the answer to that is to help them understand underline worldview. We haven't talked at about the hookup culture culture also graphs very love you in person if the assumption that sex can be purely physical, cut off from the whole person without any coherent love or emotional attachment, and so what are they saying they simply saying the human being is nothing but a physical organism driven by physical impulses. Rolling Stone magazine quoted a young man who said sex is just a piece of body touching another piece of body it is essentially meaningless philosophy is that for young people creating a trail of wounded people without a worldview that does not fit who they truly are for genuine compassion in a case like that to help people see that they're living out a worldview that is attractive so much that we could talk about continuation of this discussion, but unfortunately were out of time today, but I know that we have listeners out there who were very interested in learning more in understanding more specially the insights that you have so graciously provided in your new book.

Love the body hard questions about life and sexuality work listeners go to get a copy of this new book by online bookstores like Amazon and Christian The publisher is Baker so you can also get it from your local Christian bookstore great image of the time of the book is loved by body hard questions about life and sexuality by Nancy Piercy and without Nancy, I want to thank you so much for being with us on family policy numbers for being a life for truth and increasingly secular. Thank you family policy matter the production of NC formally to listen to our radio show online for more valuable resources and information about issues important to families in North Carolina go to our website and see follow us on Twitter and Facebook