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Fighting the Sexualization of Children

Family Policy Matters / NC Family Policy
The Cross Radio
June 21, 2021 10:00 am

Fighting the Sexualization of Children

Family Policy Matters / NC Family Policy

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June 21, 2021 10:00 am

This week on Family Policy Matters, NC Family President John L. Rustin talks with Cathy Ruse from the Family Research Council about her recent report, Sex Education in Public Schools: Sexualization of Children and LGBT Indoctrination. Ruse’s report details how graphic and extensive sex education classes have become in public schools, as activists push material that sexualizes and indoctrinates children. Ruse also gives advice for parents to help them protect their children from this type of material.

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Family policy matters in engaging and informative weekly radio show and podcast produced by the North Carolina family policy Council, this is John Ralston, presidency, family, and were grateful to have you with us for this week's program is our prayer that you will be informed, encouraged and inspired by what you hear on family policy matters and that you will fold better equipped to be a voice of persuasion, family values in your community, state and nation.

Thanks for joining us this week for family policy matters. Many of us may recall, though slightly uncomfortable days in middle or high school when we received instruction about human growth and development, anatomy, and yes, human sexuality.

Today, students are by and large, being exposed to something entirely different in this instruction is causing great concern for parents and students across our nation. Of course this is not a new battle, but we are seeing growing efforts to push the envelope further and further when it comes to what our students are children are being taught about human sexuality and this is prompted a national profamily organization to raise the alarm again about radical changes taking place in America's public schools. Kathy Roos is a highly accomplished attorney and policy expert, and serves as the family research Council, Senior fellow and Dir. of human dignity. Kathy recently authored a report entitled sex education in public schools sexualization of children and LGBT indoctrination and she joins us today on family policy matters to discuss these alarming discoveries. Kathy welcome to family policy matters. It's great to have you with us on the show. Thank you, Mike. I'm glad to be here. Well Kathy as parents.

I think most of us hope that schools are communicating truthfully and transparently about the material that is being covered in their sex education classes.

After all, these are very sensitive and important topics which are research indicates these programs often go far beyond just the basic facts of life correct. The correct and prominent parent meeting at the family research Council from my own research on what is been recorded and then also my local activation in Fairfax County, Virginia arrived then on the Greyhound with families and parents fighting the school board town we needed to report on on what we were learning because we knew that many, many parents didn't know for instance that schools are starting to introduce transgender and ideology into text message that children can be born in the wrong body which is a horrifying message for kids the idea that children have sexual rights part of the new sex ed and a new trend in teaching you get consent for sex act and the highest moral imperative counting altogether.

That even if some sort of consent engaging in sexual activity on the part of children.

So it really been a paradigm shift from one check that used to be.

I'm not saying it was never perfect but it radically changed. Today about that now.

There seem to be a number of buzzwords that are used to drive the agenda in many of the sex education programs tell us about some of those buzzwords and while parents should be on guard. When they hear these terms and phrases well right quick time that parents might not be many of these new tech that programmed bending Delphi backwards to not saying that they are going all the way to promoting sexual agency on the part of the child on you positivity gender fluidity and gender identification. This may be determined that is not familiar parent portion anything anything. Words like power and rights when it comes in the context that sex ed bad news direction that is going today and it's extremely dangerous well in the use of these words and I think we seen that for years and years, but it creates kind of a moving target, and it's hard especially for parents who were not immersed in studying and researching these issues to really understand what's going on until they dig into it until someone like yourself and family research Council digs into these issues and exposes what's really going on. I know that we work with our families and communities around the state of North Carolina to help them become aware of and to engage especially with their local school boards when curricula like what you're speaking about is proposed in schools across the state. So it's you know this is not just something that's happening while I would say in Virginia, but that's just up across the board for us what you know, across a California rep in the New England, but it's taking place in communities all around the country sent something that parents deftly need to be very aware of that. I did have a North Carolina parent Langley Indiana Tennessee it really is coming to a school near you and all parents need to wait and learn about what the new sex ed movement is all about tasks. So Kathy you most shocked to discover it is fairly commonplace.

What has become one of the mill, so to speak. In today's public school sex education curriculum.

Well, really, why transgender ideology really what got my attention when I heard on the radio that my local school board had just voted to let boys into the girls bathrooms and showers.

My attention at the boat with 11 to 1. Only one thing person on the school board until I started attending. I wanted to meet her and thank her and that's when I just power playing politics with other people.

Children pushing policies that would affirm children who are confused about their sex mandating beach, forcing people to use false pronouns, which is a serious violation of our religious beliefs are right Christian Tina. We believe that God designed male and female with purposeful design and if we are forced to use false pronouns or to to even announce our own pronouns. That's really asking to God and to swear allegiance to God tremendously serious things are happening what I'm talking about now is not necessarily an sex ed lessons. Although all the language is being brought into sex ed but these are also sexuality related policy issues that are being imposed on cantons goes beyond sex ed becoming part of the environment of the whole school.

In many cases and there are good psychological organizations out there that call this child abuse and I agree with them. Teaching kids that they could be born in the wrong body psychological child abuse. I will say that I'm to get for saying that happening in public schools, and that's what I think is much radical change, school, and I think it's important what you said even in some states, parents may have the ability to their children out of these programs or classes, but even in those cases, their children may still be exposed to some of these harmful and dangerous materials and agendas because even if it doesn't happen within the context of a sex education class that this is a philosophy and an agenda that is permeating a lot of activities and arenas in our public schools.

One of what you discovered has led you to conclude that many of these programs are actually sexualizing children talk about that talk about the things on the radio course at Princeton tumbler page that there's nothing bad or unhealthy about having a big number of sexual partners that the chief architect for this new sex ed is is the sexuality information education center in the US and they change their brand to for social change that is not about information anymore.

It's not about education about activism and social change for reproductive justice, social change for gender fluidity. It's all about creating sexual right ideologues will go out them and change the culture. It's really insidious in the sex identity policies are really ground zero for manipulating children to be cultural warriors and parent none the wiser. Well, I know that you have spoken about the international influences that you have found that are associated involved in driving this agenda help us understand that one goodbye ready and then Planned Parenthood is International Planned Parenthood founder nation of America have an outsize role. They claim to be the largest provider of sex ed in the country and in my research and when I'm hearing from parents. It pops up all the time that their schools have adopted part or all of Planned Parenthood sex ed program. There are others that are big players. Southern poverty we've heard about the discredited anti-Christian heat profiteer may have created something called teaching tolerance and they've mailed their best practices guide to every school principal and nation, telling them how to have a clear school culture and how to make sure that your prom is LGBT inclusive and so on and so forth. So they got a lot of money and they are using it to make social change through sex so did nations.

Influencers at the education level and have bought into this program and it does sexualize kids that confuse kids very manipulative political politicizing all of this and parent are left in the dark. More than that parents are seen as the enemy. These programs want to get direct access to kids. They want parents out of the way and it often difficult to protect your kids from the material that you mention it coming at them from all different directions so Kathy, what can and should parents do to help ensure the sex education program in the public schools are appropriate and in line with their value. Trying to be proactive. We have to be proactive me. One of the things parents can do is promote good sex ed programs. There are good sex ed alternatives and great resource for parents is a group called sand and their website is we send WEA champion sex ed alternatives that are known as sexual risk avoidance.

Basically, the term that is replaced Because he can send the rest of them have made the word afternoon to dirty words. Parents have a door slammed in your face if you say I want more, but you can say sexual risk avoidance is what I want to see in our school and had listed many programs that are in using in school today and also the research on how those programs are effective, so taking that last taking it to your school board taking to your county complementing your state rep and saying any of these programs being used and why not.

If not everything I want to make sure to get in here is that parents can be proactive by filing a universal opt out letter with the school. Every year we provide that family research Council.

It is a letter that said, I don't consent to my child being exposed to art to participating in any of the sexuality related issues or assemblies or lessons and not really put schools on notice that you're watching and you're prepared to act if your wishes aren't followed, you're right. You have a right to see the materials in advance and this is goes beyond sex ed. You need to be the squeaky wheel and going after okay if anyone want to see everything that my child be learning this month like you really argue that you got to be the squeaky wheel join with other parents and set out to review every single word every video every slide in your sex ed program but that's hard to tackle alone to get a group of friends and review it and then Spread the word and then try to help your child start club at the school that would be a healthy positive club. What were seeing is schools are being taken over by gay straight alliance clubs there, becoming the dominant cultural force in a school. The NEA promotes the TFA club the NEA even offers financial rewards for school to set up GSA clubs.

It's all very connected but that is a recruitment center for kids, especially with gender fluidity and transgender is and so we got we got a credit provide alternatives for children in public schools. Those are great recommendations and great information throughout our conversation Kathy and I am so grateful for your work at FRC in the partnership that the family policy Council has with the family research Council in Washington DC Kathy were just about out of time. But before we go want to give you an opportunity to let our listeners know where they can get a copy of this report.

Sex education in public schools sexualization of children and LGBT indoctrination. Her parents not only policymakers but this is her parent. Debbie one word and in that you will see, you will find the universal opt out letter.

That's very important grade. Again repeat that website.

It's Debbie is an family research Council/sex education without Kathy Russo want to thank you so much for being with us on family policy matters and for sharing your important and insightful findings on this crucial topic. Thank you so much you can listing the family policy matters.

We hope you enjoyed the program and play the tune in again next week to listen to the show online and to learn more about NC families work to warm encourage and inspire families across from Carlotta website it NC family.award that's NC Thanks again for listening and may God bless you and your family