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When God Gives Us Up Part 1 R825A

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Cross Radio
July 21, 2022 4:00 am

When God Gives Us Up Part 1 R825A

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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God has an encouraging word for you and me today.

The Bible-based preaching Dr. Don Wilton as we study the book of Romans were excited open God's word in just a minute as Dr. will against a message called when God gives us Emily studying the book of Romans that were connecting while we study both and our phone number 866899 word were taking a lot of calls about this new book, the ultimate walk and the DVDs that goes with it. It's literally a virtual tour film in the holy land as we study God's word, together with Dr. Wilton again brand-new the ultimate walk. You can take a peek right now at our website, Encouraging or just go ahead and call ask about getting your copy of the ultimate walk at 866-899-9673.

Now today's message with Dr. Don Wilton. I'm going to invite you to take your Bibles and turn with me to the book of Romans and chapter 1, for those who are guests of the apps you have and worship with us for a time. We are doing a study in what is commonly known as Paul's letter to the church at Rome and this is the Magna Carta read the Christian faith and we do not teach things in isolation what we do is we try to understand what God is saying to us in the day. I'm praying just for you because I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to speak your heart in a remarkable way and he's going to bless you as he blesses each one of us are subject this morning. When God gives us up. I'm going to say to you without apology. The passage that we're about to study together in God's word is perhaps one of the most volatile about ignored passages in all of the Bible.

This passage makes some people awfully uncomfortable this passage as brought upon itself, which is the word of God. Every kind of scrutiny one can imagine. And we've studied these things and I think we come to understand why people struggle sometimes with certain issues. The bottom line is this what we're about to read is that God looks upon the heart of people such as ourselves.

All mankind and the Bible is going to tell us today that they comes a time when God will say to people just like you and me all right you want to listen will you okay you don't have anything to do with me. All right you think that I am irrelevant.

I'm not popular.

Well, seeing that you don't want to know about me you don't want to give me the time of day you don't want to listen to me you don't want to study my word you don't get your heart and life to me you don't want to live for me on that account, you're on your own. That's what we're about to study when God gives us up personally. We struggle with it because how can God do is a God of love give us up as a not long-suffering and kind. How can a God is a God of love tell us that he gives us up. We going to read about that three times but I made to submit to you today my friends that within this context, we are going to understand that God loves us so much that what he does is that he gives us up. He hands us over to our own devices. I believe in order that we might come to understand just how much he loves us what is it will look like without God, maybe read this to you where Romans chapter 1 and verse 18. The Roth of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be made known about God is plain to them.

We've looked at all of this in previous weeks, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature. Remember that all of God's attributes of balanced in divine perfection, his eternal power and his divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made so that mankind is without excuse for although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God will gave thanks to him, but they thinking became and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claim to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles their full because man refused God, God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another now. Why pick on six we going to look at this in just a moment. Why does God use sexual relationships as the writing illustration of the moral nature of man.

Without God we going to discover that why did this happen. Verse 25 because they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the create tool and Steve. We got a wonderful doxology praise God from whom all blessings flow down right here in the midst of this, who is forever praised the word amen means thus it is written.

Thus, it is being said. Nobody can change it. It comes from the heart of God. Despite the sin of man, Jesus Christ was coming to this he came to this earth because God loves us so much. Now watch the spokes we going to see something remarkable here now watch what happened. What is the consequence of God handing man over to himself. Because of this, verse 26, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations with unnatural ones.

We gain new look at this usage of the word natural, God gave us 64 natural means. Anything short of that homosexuality is unnatural. Watch this in the same way men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another, mainly committed indecent acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. I'm going to come back to this that is a living death sentence due penalty. There are two death sentences that occur because of sin.

One is eternal separation from Jesus Christ, the other is a living date same as God sees using this illustration that the sin of homosexuality carries with it a real living panel that will be meted out upon society. All right. Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over here it is again to deprive mine to do what not to be done so just in case someone believes that homosexuality is the cardinal sin which it is not God makes absolutely certain that there is not a single person on the face of the earth or turns around and says that's it. And he begins to tell us about the sins of iniquity that are upon all people they have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, and greed. The property they are full of envy, murder describes deceit and malice.

They are gossips longer, as God haters insulin arrogant and boastful by invent ways of doing evil they disobey their parents.

They are senseless fight for spotless, ruthless watchlist, although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve day.

They not only continue to do these very thing but they culture their society, their family, watch the spokes. Those who are not necessarily committing those sins themselves provide the justification for those who are committing those sins to commit boatswain I go to just stick with the word of God here. Watch this. Those who continue to do these. But approve of those who practice them. The government that sanctions their behavior that culture that hardens them. The parents who support thing that we talking about an awfully difficult issue here. It is the most heart wrenching heartbreaking heart searching. You should deal with these things when they pertain to one's own family and I have not read anywhere that I'm not to love people who are engaged in certain when God gives us up, take a look at our world today.

Things are not right, muggings, murders, violence, anger we see if we read about it every day, but were not willing to talk about. This is a staggering passage. My friend Doug three times you this would abandon his use. God gave them up.

Now we kind of have no problem with that frightening thought to think about God giving us over will be discussing at more than just a minute.

We want to know they were here for you. Dr. Wilton insists I remind you halfway through the program that we're here were here at 866899 word that phone number 866899967, through connect with someone happy to talk to listen to pray with you I just now during the broadcast for 24 hours a day. Would love to be a part of your support system. We want to be and encourage her to you today just know we're here.

You can also connect keyboard to keyboard on our that's the Encouraging or call us at 86689673.

Now back to today's message when God gives us up with Dr. Don Wilton just a couple of days ago and not a person who is a member of this church you know we have a lot of people who are worship with us, and a lot of them call me and talk to me and it's a wonderful privilege of drama ministry team and just some weeks ago a lady called me brokenhearted because her husband had walked out on the family for another woman and this is the word she used. She said pasta she said my husband has abandoned us. See, he's got three children that we understand that use of abandonment doesn't make us very comfortable. We use it with the father abandoning his family, or a child abandoned by his parents. So an animal being abandoned by its owner or soldier abandoning his post means to be left alone speaks of a ship without a rubber an airplane without an engine, Psalm 81 verse 11 and 12.

The psalmist put it right where it needs to be, but my people would not listen to me, says the Lord God. So I gave them over abandoned them.

I gave them up to the stubborn hearts to follow their own devices. This word abandonment to give up means to forsake entirely too to desert leave to your own recognizance to withdrawal from if you applied in your own life. It means literally that you yield your self up without restraint, moderation related to your emotions or your natural impulses. It means that you relinquish control, I lived in New Orleans for 15 years and I love the city but I meditate you every year we celebrated Mardi Gras on people would come hundreds of thousands, millions of people.

Guess what you give them sign when they were interviewed bedsides potty time we got to just let it all go man all weekend and do some stuff I mainly just kind of let it go. College students know what that's all about. I met many of them happened in my day when I was a college student, I tell you college students I met. I cannot wait for Friday night to come because the fraternities going to be having a plot keyboard. The sororities getting together with the brothers man. Guess what we gonna do on Friday night we got to get motherless. That's what we gonna do, I'll bet you drink you under the table, big boy. That's what it means to abandon.

To let go all be captured in all kinds of things. In fact, we got parents all across America that is saying if there's anything you need to do when you go to college just signed up with the brothers and sisters and if you don't do that you're not part of the crowd. Sign up as an assistant yourself man. Friday nights coming to get so motherless they want even the man. That's the kind of abandonment when talking about I'm going to really push any control that I've got. It's amazing the next day when we dealing with police and broken hearts, and unwanted pregnancies. There is never a mention about what took place. He noted to provide the child abandoned to be given its Philistine complete expression because it's not popular to talk about sororities and fraternities because it means you're out of touch with our sons and daughters what it means to be man.

There's nothing wrong with a little bit of fun. What is God talking about your I want you to know that God gave them over. The Bible says only off the three things that happened. Number one on the off today and seen but refused to believe in verses 19 and Randy God gave them over number two on the off today and you but refused to glorify on verse 21 God gave them over number three only off today but refused to include them in their thinking is what happens folks watch this watch this. So God allowed this student to take hold. That's what happened. Bible tells us that God allows Satan to take hold. God allowed this soon to grow roots. God allowed this soon to bear its fruit.

God allowed this student to demonstrate its evil appetite and allow days send or swallow it. Then God allowed Satan to anoint its victim. God allowed this soon to subtract it stuff God allowed this soon to prow its king James chapter 1 and verse 15 God's word talks about the progression of sin often desires conceived gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully grown gives birth to death any questions.

Folks listen to me God. This passage tells us that only off today and seen but refused to believe off today new but refused to glorify off today but they refused to include them in the thinking God allowed Davison to take all.

He allowed this student to grow roots. He allowed Jason to bear its fruit in allowed basin to demonstrate its evil appetite. He allowed this soon because it allowed Davison to anoint its victims.

He allowed this stuff. I it's why parents what is God trying to say to us what is God trying to say go so what exactly did God give them up to well I've summarized this in three sections just to help us.

There are three sins that God speaks about in terms of a category of sudden I'm just doing that to help you help us not prayed about this God signal ^ is 123 God gave them up see folks, this is the Barabbas syndrome do not. The Barabbas syndrome is minimal when Jesus was taken before Pilate. Pilate said we can't find anything wrong with this man is Jesus Christ is only done good bring up Barabbas will was Barabbas. Barabbas was a convicted convicted felon.

Everybody knew that he deserved to die.


Pilate said all right go to choice.

You want Barabbas or you want Jesus. They sit give us Barabbas that's the Barabbas syndrome.

That's what's happening in America, folks. That's the choice. In every family in every human heart and what God is talking about here on man and women just like you and me that God looks at us and he said you've either got God or you got yourself you choose, and this is what happens when we say give me Barabbas gave me me number one he gave them over to idolatry that your first big one.

He gave them over to idolatry.

According to verse 24 through 25. In other words, an exchange, God was put in the swap column God literally takes us back to the foot of the cross. God says I want you to take a good look at me from before the foundation of the world. I'm here to remind you that I am create told God I created you. I made you excuse me I made you I know you I love you. You cannot survive without me now make a choice you want to acknowledge that and accept that that I am who I am and that you cannot exist without me all you want.

Barabbas give me Barabbas crucify him. This passage tells me that God looks into the human heart and say says all right you can have Barabbas you're on your own. Barabbas is in charge. I want to gave them over to idolatry what is idolatry. Number one, it's the rejection of God. I we've studied all of this. That's why I'm not spending a lot of time on number two. It is the suppression of the truth of God reciting number three. It is the refusal to glorify God. Number four. It is the exchange of God for man and number five. It is the rejection of the knowledge of God according to verse 28 since I did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, we've been rocked in America again because in California the wife of another well-known lawyer was brutally murdered. Recently, all of us have seen it on television and we certainly saddened by anything like that but evidently a young 16-year-old boy has been arrested and he belongs to a sick and even color cold golfs folks. We've got them in our community you cannot baby father lightweight old black.

They paint their eyes black. Their hair is black. It stands up straight. They got all kinds of symbols and things called Glover them everything about the Gothic cultism is evil.

Everything about and on television. The attorneys are saying this. This is secular television as early as this morning. I would not once but several times.

A young man who was a Goff walking Peter to death 39 times with a blunt object. Apparently allegedly called the symbol intro back an innocent woman and the attorneys assigned this was done by a depraved mind, you don't say that was the most incredible bit of attorney I have ever heard of in my entire life.

I mean, he came up with that all by himself and it just made admissible in a court of law.

If it doesn't violate some kind of amendment but then maybe we going to stand on the rights of the gods. Excuse me. God gave them up to idolatry number two God gave them up to immorality You this is a sobering subject, and one that will dive into again tomorrow Encouraging Word but before we get to be in the message. Tomorrow you need know today that no matter where you are, God is using this and if your sensing conviction and a need to turn back to Jesus today. We love to pray with you and pray for you keyboard to keyboard me this online. The Encouraging is our website. Sometimes in moments like this when you dislike to talk to someone. We are here to take your call at 866899 word that's 866899673 would love to connect with you before you get away a closing thought from our pastor Dr. Don Wilton God has spoken to you hesitantly and you're ready to give your heart to Jesus. I'd love to help you right now.

Would you pray this prayer with me and accept Jesus into your heart and life.

Dear God, I know that on the center. I know that Jesus loves me and died for me on the cross. Right now I repent of my sin and I can face my sin to the Lord Jesus Christ coming to mop often save me today and forgive me for my sin. Jesus name.

If you pray that pray we'd love to get alongside literature help you grow and I want you to know that I love you very very much in that phone number one more time is 866-899-WORD 866-899-9673 or me this online. The Encouraging What a powerful encourager and biblical expositor you're listening to Dr. Don Wilton tomorrow he'll be completing this message. When God gives us. I hope you'll join us. Between now and then. Let's stay connected on our Here we are in the midst of July when I was patriotic months of the year.

At least it is for me as we continue to decide to be intentional about praying for a country about praying what our nation can be. We have a wonderful resource on our website right now if you haven't seen it drop by and hear the details on how you can get your copy of this powerful resource. We are not in a Good Pl. in America.

What would God say to us today without God we can do nothing to stand strong in a country turning away from the path God has laid out for us as our nation endorsed tragedy after tragedy.

It is so important that we follow the second greatest commandment and love our neighbors unconditionally with your gift of support to The Encouraging Word this month you will receive Dr. Wilton's powerful sermon God's message to America along with the bonus book when a nation forgets God by his longtime friend Erwin looser. These resources will engage enlighten and encourage you in your walk with Christ. Again, that's just one of many great resources on our and while you're there again. The website TBW afraid you'll consider who we are Discover more about who Dr. Don Wilton is his relationship as the pastor Dr. Billy Graham for the last 25 years of Dr. Graham's life. Details are