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Everyday Faith

Encouraging Prayer / James Banks
The Cross Radio
August 20, 2022 12:00 pm

Everyday Faith

Encouraging Prayer / James Banks

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August 20, 2022 12:00 pm

Today On Encouraging Prayer, James and Robby discuss how Christians are able to ask God for help in the everyday life.

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Sure, but most of all, thank you for listening to The Truth Podcast Network. This is good Truth Network encouraging prayer, God offers an open invitation for his people to talk with him at any time about anything urgent prayer.

Dr. James Banks, author of the best-selling and many other books on prayer provides weekly for insight help you learn to love and now talk about what we will talk about the importance of believing that God is with you, really, with you every day and the difference that can make in your life. James yeah, and that's where we need to be all the time where he really wants us to be.

But it takes time for a second to cultivate this and to learn it to live into it and this is about the funny thing because it takes time to learn it. It's really about the most simple kind of prayer there is Jesus promised that he is with us always prayer that boils down to that one solitary fact and just revels in the more we simply believe and trust that he is with us and talk to him that way and live with him that way more of his piece were going to receive every day. So true.

Otherwise just running off in so many directions, we need to boil life down to this. Think of the old American simple gifts gift to be simple gift to be free as a gift to come down where you want to be really about childlike faith in Jesus. It's just simple and affectionate and if we learn to pray this way will find ourselves talking to God not just about you know anything and everything. But even when you're not talking you will find your key people in keeping them close and it's a beautiful way to be because David wrote in Psalm 16, you fill me with joy in your presence that awareness, you know that right there in the more our hearts are stayed on him, the better it is.

The more we learn to do this. Also I think the less contrived it becomes and the more our our faith just increases from from being with him about something you told me you'd heard from a friend the other day you said isn't disappointed in you because you don't pray more. He's disappointed for you so good because there are things that that we will see things that God wants to show us that will otherwise miss because were were too caught up in other stuff. I love that James were some of things we might do ways we might pray so that we can really just go there more.

I love that he's right there. Let me talk to.

I think the first is that we should just ask ask God to help us with this billing we want to learn to be with him and think of another prayer that really helps is simply I love you Kelly and we love him several times throughout the day you don't write it down, put a Post-it note where you can see it be reminded of it and start getting into that habit or another prayer you could put right beside that is just thank you I love you.

Thank you and him and keep going back there. All of the sums up what God's word tells us in first Thessalonians 516 through 18. Rejoice always pray continually give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus, so this isn't something that's too hard for us to do. God wouldn't do that to us. You know this. This is something that he wants for us, but we make it too hard. And probably this is something that I think you've learned to do so beautifully. Really. And so, naturally, and you told me a story about that after last week's broadcast love for you to share that with her listeners. I was about when you were taking a walk in talking with God about a flower that you sometimes see go ahead and tell us about that which you want to say I often take walks during the day as I love to spend time with God in the woods in the fabric park here in Winston-Salem area and in that park there is often these little flowers that they got a big wide leave on them and they shoot up the little purple flower is called an elephant foot flower will on Thursdays. I speak in Marksville at a retirement home in Saigon over Moscow.

I was rock walking in rich Park and in that parking lot so I thought while this is just like the fabric park, you're bound to have elephant foot flower. He said Lord I was his brain. As I walked show me I want to see some elephant foot flowers like show me where they are. Help me to see him so you knows we would come around every bend in the garden. I like to look for what God wants me to see and so as I'm heading out of the park come in after all, our walk in the'am, that's disappointing. I didn't see any. And as I was looking across the field. I see this beautiful little bridge that was going across a little break). I said that's intriguing. I like to go cross that bridge so I go over and I start to cross the bridge and as I got across the bridge, I see a big bright yellow butterfly on my God that is cool I love that butterflies are neat and it does look like he was having the best times I watched the butterfly fermented as I was coming down on the side of the ridge and guess what, he landed on was this bright purple flower and I looked down and my mom and I saw that it was just not one elephant's foot flower. There were maybe 150 200 and were spread out all over it.

I did. I just knew Jesus was winking at me going all I got plenty elephant speak for you lead me there through the through the you know the butterfly but that's part of the reason why I really enjoy those walks is just that intimacy yeah yeah I love about Robbie because it shows you the things we miss when we don't go there, you know. And again I think some might be a little uncomfortable with this because it just seems so simple and childlike.

That's what were called to do and it makes you wonder what might I see where my to realize that God really is with me light like he was with you in that moment that I guess if I didn't let a guy didn't walk with him.

I didn't pray and just just talk to him and just be with you.

There's nothing better than that realization when it comes. James what you wrath up with a prayer along these lines… Let's do it. Father helpless in this week I want to become more simple, more childlike, just to live as you hear more from Pastor James by visiting the website James or by visiting these church in Durham, North Carolina.

May God bless you and encourage you to pray. This is the Truth Network