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Trash Talk

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
October 22, 2017 6:00 am

Trash Talk

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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October 22, 2017 6:00 am

Malachi 3:13-16

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Thank you for tuning into the radio ministry church had clear our focus is making Christ visible providing worship come check us out at 3485 Oxford Rd. or visit us join us for this week's message by Pastor Albert on shop some years back couple of our kids were complaining to Nicole about how much we make them work around the house and how much we should be paying them. They were looking for money then realized that I was in the other room listening in on the conversation. Hearing them gripe sub pulled out a piece of paper and I'm sure many of you parents have done that at some point and I began to write down all the things that we do for them that they owe us for an Nicole help me on that.

So we began to write down ran $200 a month food 200 but which was kind of a bottom number because they use a lot gas about hundred dollars and traveled them around and to show them everywhere it all and all these other things close sin, field trips, and everything in and be added all that up and retaliated with what they said we owed them and became to realize and they came to realize that they actually owed us. We had balance left over. They had to pay us at that point they dropped the claim is that were were good as we are civil good glad be took care of that in Malachi. The people were also complaining against God. There was a God yours. There's yours that and God confronted them.

They were trash talking God they were talking behind his back against him, God came face to face but they were so belligerent that they even talked to God disrespectfully. The trash talked to his face this morning to see what that really means is coming from the word of God. Malachi chapter 3 were in the series, have been for the past five weeks starting in verse 13 and let's all stand together for the reading of God's word. God says your words have been harsh against me, you say, what have we spoken against you. You have said it is useless to serve God.

What profit is it that we have kept his ordinance and that we have walked as mourners before the Lord of hosts.

So now we called the proud blast for those who do wickedness are raised up.

They even tempt God and go free verse 16 than those who feared the Lord spoke to one another and the Lord listened and heard them so a book of remembrance was written before him for those who fear the Lord and meditate on his name before me get into the message and try to understand what it means when we say trash talking God made to examine our hearts today. I need to examine my heart this morning. What do I say about God. What do you say about God you trash talk is name or do you fear him in a there is a place for fear is not a fright of God we can see that in a moment, but there is a certain reverence about the fact that he is God I am not in his presence. I need to be silent. Do people hear you talking about God or do they hear you talking about others.

The build people up or do you tear people down. This message applies in various levels. Are you saved. If you're not, you need to right now as I'm even preaching to you voice that prayer to God and say God I don't know you but I need to know you and you sent Jesus, so that I can know you. He gave his life for me throughout this book of Malachi, God was holding the people of Israel in contempt for their work so that state courtroom terminology to hold someone in contempt because they were being disrespectful towards God trash talking about God behind his back, but when God confronted them through Malachi they actually reiterated what they were saying, but this time to God's face. Listen to what is says in Malachi 12 we already went over this. I have loved you, says the Lord.

Yet you say in what way have you loved us. Probably they were going around telling people.

God doesn't love God doesn't care. God doesn't take care of us and God's is CALLING you out. Why are you saying that about me and instead of saying got I'm sorry I'm guilty as charged. I messed up I should not be talking like they were saying you, how have you loved us.

There's a sense of belligerence. You know what I mean by that. They were so disrespectful didn't care if they were saying it to the face of God not the only time to send it again in Malachi chapter 17 God says you all for defiled food on my altar, which means that you are bringing the land with a broken leg you're bringing the stolen lamb and you offered on the altar is us and got I'm sorry I'm sorry we should not be doing that their response in what way have we defiled you. What is that not good enough for you all you want the best again in Malachi 38. Will a man rob God's yet you have robbed me, says God is saying… I'm sorry we we should be tithing.

We should be giving the grace giving we should be putting our offering and I'm sorry were guilty.

That response in what way have we robbed you see, they had become so used to God that they were not afraid to talk back to God and to his face. You can call this the sin of excessive familiarity.

You know what it means to be excessively familiar with someone you get so used to the person that you are talking to them on the same level. These people had become excessively familiar with God.

They had lost sight of who God was. They have forgotten Habakkuk 220. Listen carefully. It says, but the Lord is in his holy temple that all the earth. Keep silence before him. If you grew up in church, you understand the school if you were there for every Bible study.

Sometimes that actually hurts is because we become too familiar to begin to say thing laughing all that our God knows where you got don't care if Eliana Gardner but is people that I know that messages for me. You become excessively familiar.

You are just as guilty as these people. Zechariah chapter 2 verse 13 says be silent on flesh before the Lord for he is aroused from his holy habitation means know your place, he is God.

You're not me ask you this morning. Are you infected with the sin of excessive familiarity with God. Have you lost sight of the fact that you are in the presence of the Almighty, eternal sovereign God who controls everything. Never forget that you are just the creation. I'm just a creation be silent before him. So the pattern continues. Listen to verse 13 God says your words have been harsh against me, says the Lord, by the way, the Hebrew word for harsh is the word Keswick, which actually means stout or heavy. And that's sad that God has to say that to the people.

Your words have been heavy against me.

Have you ever said that to someone man in their railing against you. Maybe it's a spouse baby is a brother. Maybe it's the neighbor. Maybe it's the church family and you cement you look you said too much heavier so that that's too much. I mean they just kept coming at you, coming at you zero in a way that's too much. Patient said that what God is saying to the people is your words have been too heavy against me calm down, back off.

But there's another meaning it in the meaning is this the people of Israel were not only speaking heavy words against God, but they were also trying to force their words when it says your words are heavy against me is almost like God is saying there too much on me this too much on me is too much weight what it means is that these people were forcing their ideas, their theology, their mold on God and sing God not you have to shape yourself. According to my idea people to that all the time is that you know what I think about God. What I think is and then to come up with some idea of God or I don't think God, whatever punish you for something like that.

You know, folks. It doesn't really matter what I think and what I what you think. What matters is with the word of God has to say about him. She these people are trying to force their mold on God is that happening in our culture today that people say what I believe about God and then encode the Bible to have nothing to do with the Bible their own ideas about God.

God says those words are too heavy on me.

When God confronted them.

Listen to what they said is that what have we spoken against what you mean.

I words are to have what you mean that we have said too much.

Then God says you have said it is use this to serve God. What profit is it that we have kept his ordinance and that we have walked as mourners before the Lord of hosts.

Nothing new here. There doing the same thing that said before what they're saying is this, you can go to charge.

You can pray you can tide you can help. You can be doing some ministry you can invite people to come but doesn't really benefit you can do all things and still have problems in your life and God's will answer your prayers. You want to come through for you. This is something Elder said.

And we have walked as mourners before the Lord of host. The word is Qatar, which means we have walked in black you when you go to funeral most of the time people still wear black is a sign of mourning that you know where were were in sorrow and suffering what they're saying is that we spent our whole life walking in black and God doesn't care. But now listen to this sarcasm. Here's a sarcasm in verse 15. So now we call the proud blast for those who do wickedness are raised up what they were saying is this they're saying is sarcastically say hello to Mr. proud but blessed. Say hello to Mrs. wicked but successful there being so hateful to God or say, you know, here's a proud person but old there blast.

Here's a wicked one, but all their successful and if we do a tiny itsy-bitsy thing again is God all is going to punish us the how does God respond to them. Listen to verse 16.

Listen to his response than those who fear the Lord spoke to one another and the Lord listen and heard them. How did God respond to them. The trick question. He didn't respond to them.

He moved on. I want you to hear me very carefully this morning there comes a time when God moves on the comes a time when you shake your fist enough towards God and you keep pushing against him or the saddest verses in the Bible is Romans chapter 1 I believe is worth 424 that says, it says therefore God also gave them over to uncleanness. There comes a point where God says okay you know what I'm just gonna let you alone and and and I'm gonna go to those who care about me. One of the worst things that can happen to us is when God says I'm done with you. You don't want me in your life. Find in a growing up my dad used to work with me. He was very educated Steelers and he was a principal and he was Prof. Amelia did a lot of things just to supplement his income and he would work with me, especially in math and science so it was tough. I would come home. I had to report everything what's on the test what's on the quiz coming up where where are we and how my doing in my map and out to sit there with him and I don't how he found time to do that and as a little boy. You know fifth grade 6th grade 7th grade. I was to argue with him that was very gentle but then then he would lose his cool and then you get a little hoping but then, then maybe all okay. It was cry and then let you know he would work with me again the next day and one day I just got a little bold yellow and talking about and I said so and so's dad doesn't even care but I just shut the book.

Is it okay were done done done's you were done not worry about this anymore. As always don't fill the class I'm not going to bother you anymore. At first I was like yes Oaxaca done this in about two years ago it would've been freedom as a man this is so great I would come home that would be there and it was never mean to me was not like talk anymore he was he was there, but he stopped asking me about my homework you stop asking me about the school stuff just to play other things to do in about a month later I began to miss it. I began to Mrs. I went to him you normally so young I was a dad, why don't you ask me about the stuff anymore. Why don't you carry more. Don't you remember you told me to stop bothering you yeah but that's not what I really meant well, I'm done. The point is this, there comes a place in our lives when God says I'm going to leave you to your own demise. Folks if you are the days need to ask God. God please forgive me but I listen to what God is doing is moved on, then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another in the Lord listen and he heard them not. Let's focus on the word feared first the word fear is the Hebrew word Eure which actually is not frightened you know were coming up on Halloween thereby is busy scaring each other but that's not what this word means is not like a freight.

It has the idea of reverence is has the idea of all. It has the idea of I want everything to be just right for God. These are people who are living to please God. When we say that we fear God is not that we are afraid of God. It's living in a way that you say God I want everything in my life to please you wanted to be perfect for you. Those kind of people listen to what they're doing they are talking to each other about God and what did God do the Lord listen and he heard them get a picture that God leaning down and listening to the conversation are people who are desiring to please God talking to each other services over people walk out one person talks to the other man. God really spoke to my heart today. That message was for me and at that moment God leans down and he is listening services over another person walks out of the same man I tell you what music was too loud for me. God said now not interested in over here but I know you been going some tough time lately. I got you to still look this is not to gossip but I will be praying for your promise shall be praying to God is faithful got some to get you through this. You know he's he's got me through this. He's got us through this. I'll be praying for you. The Lord leans down and he is listening over there to laser talking. I thought they broke up. Now's not worked.

Listening to that group of men walk out over here after service in their shooting the breeze will be relieved we don't go by let's get going here man we know me to miss Ms. a dinner line of Google men walk out here so you know we need to really do something in our community. We need to start reaching people in our community so messed that we need Christ we people need God. God leans down and he begins to listen to them a couple walks out over here and there, like where you lead. Well we ate there last night watch. Why just pick I really don't care where you want to eat because always what you want another couple walks out and say you know you see their face today.

I mean they were going through a tough time to stop and pray for them before we even go anywhere… Needs to heal their marriage.

God needs to help so-and-so post you get what I'm saying is, the conversation went. When God leans over and he begins to eavesdrop to what you're saying but those are conversations that are pleasing to God. Those are conversations that glorify God that bring God into the lives of human beings but listen God doesn't stop to listen what he does.

So a book of remembrance was written before him recording Angel I want you to write down everything they're talking about is it talking about me write it down everything you everything I got to said your wonderful your grade you're working in their life where people try to keep on writing. I'm done. Go here. You talk about how he broke up with her not interested folks to get the point when we are having a conversation that glorifies God and brings God into our lives. God is interested dirty gossip goddesses don't waste your income that Angel so it book of remembrance was written before him for those who fear the Lord and those who meditate on his name out of it or something else there. Meditation means in that office there goes so-and-so still arguing in her mind about why she should get a raise and there goes Mr. so-and-so.

He is still trying to figure out how he is going to really tell his neighbor off this time because the limbs keep falling on his driveway there someone so-and-so over there who is saying you know God, I just love you. I'm so grateful that you're in my life and I know you can handle all this goddesses alike them write it down our conversations, our meditations, God is interested in them and when they are pleasing to him. He leans over and he listens to you, does God leaning over you or does he go you know most people find more joy in gossiping and trash talking then talk about the things of God but I think talk about things are gonna talk about all Jesus hallelujah amen those people be careful of them.

I'm talking about people who are glorifying God who are edifying people you mean by edifying people who don't people instead of tearing them down.

Someone said years ago little people talk about people bigger. People talk about things but the greatest people talk about ideas and you can rate yourself on that is very convicting is an it doesn't mean that you don't talk about people.

It means that when you do talk about people, it is to edify them. Keep in mind folks that one day we will have to give an account for every idle word.

Jesus said it in Matthew 1236 he said, but I say to you that for every idle men. Men may speak, they will give an account of it on the day of judgment. Can you picture that on the day of judgment got to say okay now.

On October 22 at 230 in the afternoon you were talking so-and-so why while returning her down while you trash talking that scary isn't it more careful into stopping and say I can't. I can say that because I want to have to repeat this again why we trash talk why we say those things actually. Jesus tells us in Matthew 1234 two verses earlier, he says, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. If your heart is full of Christ was gonna come through his edification of your heart is full of junk. What's in a come through is trash talking and ask you this morning when the Lord leans over you. What does he hear are you the kind of person ratifies others, or are you the kind of person who tears people down and listen again to that first so a book of remembrance was written before him for those who fear the Lord and who meditate on his name.

God loves that when you focus upon him out of someone might say that's so arrogant of God. To expect us to focus on him by Disney folks are the people. Why doesn't he say will think about them and think about him and think about her. Why does he want people to think on him again.

Dollar gray barn house when my favorite preacher said it so well.

He said God is perfection and perfection is always glad when imperfection is interested in perfection. So when you and I think on God.

God says that's good. Come to my level. Listen to the last two verses verse 17 God says they shall be mine says the Lord of hosts on the day that I made them my jewels. The word is singled out, which means my prized possession. God says there is coming a day. Those who talk to each other about me.

Those who meditate on me as they're going to the rough times in life. One day I'm going to hold them up as it prized possession.

They will be my pride and joy and I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him then you shall again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve him. God said there is coming a day when you will see the ones who are shining here will not shine there, but the ones who don't shine here, but the talk about me, they will be like shining expensive jewels missionary by the name of Christine tingling.

She lived back in the early 1900s. She was a writer.

She was a missionary and one time she visited a leper colony in Funchal, China, and she heard about an old man who had showed up one day at this leper colony asking for a room in which you could just die just as in my life is over.

He was leper, and he knew little by little he was losing his arms and his legs and his nose is years and he's I just need a place where I can.and he had no relatives.

He was wearing a burlap that was tied together by strings and the Christians took him in and defend him and they loved him like he was their own and one day the Christian pastor the Chinese pastor visited the old man and began to share the gospel with him and told him that Jesus loves you and he died for you and and you need him in your life in this man, this old leper is in no I don't want him. He gave himself for me.

But I have nothing to give and return to him. What can I give. I'm just a poor old ill smelling leper. The pastor explained to him because that's a gift Jesus gave you a gift. He doesn't expect anything in return. He just want you to accept this gift of salvation. Finally the man understood what he meant and he accepted Christ as his Savior and he quickly learned to love the word of God this old Chinese leper quickly learn how their treasure trove's over treasure trove's of God's wonder and mysteries in beauty, beauty, and he began to get the word of God, and he began to go from room to room talking to the other lepers about Jesus Christ, they were not all Christians began to share with them the gospel, and many of them actually accepted Christ as their Savior, but the disease kept on creeping on him. His feet dropped off.

His eyes began to fall out and as he lay dying, the same Chinese pastor came to visit him and he told him is a look I have so many regrets. I just wish I had learned about Jesus much earlier.

I just wish I had more time I have done so little for the Lord. How wish I could've done so much more and then he said this, listen carefully.

He said when I reached the father's house.

Do you think Jesus is going to blame me for not getting any more done or will he remember that I was just a rotten old sinner and listen to what he said I only got 14 what he was saying was only got 14 people into the kingdom of God. That's all I could do Christine Tilling then says tingling that says on the resurrection they listen how she says it on the resurrection day from a gray outside Funchal will rise this child of God, who in the days of his flesh was a leper and an outcast.

He will have his own place in the blessed company, of whom it is written the same verse, they will be mine in that day when I make them my jewels who is pleasing in God's sight.

Those who talk about him who is precious in God's sight. Those who meditate upon his name is not enough to say I believe Jesus and I'm going to heaven. What matters is how you speak. Thank you so much for joining us for this message. What we say matters.

This message encourages you to remember to glorify God with your words you speak to people is what we say and how we say it tells others what we believe about God. More information, visit us and for the sermons, notes, check out Pastor Shaw's blog but I'm