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Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
December 31, 2017 5:00 am


Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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December 31, 2017 5:00 am

Acts 16:6-10

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Thank you for tuning into the radio ministry of community church had clear our focus is making Christ visible providing an atmosphere, worship, community come check us out at 3485 Oxford Rd. in Henderson or visit us online activities. join us for this week's message by Pastor Albert on shop, if y'all have been frustrated with your GPS talk to mine all the time I get angry with my leg. What you thinking while you taking me this way. I use a southern expression which is something like that. You took me around my elbow to get to my phone I have no idea what that means when a user there's another kind of GPS is not global positioning is God's positioning system and unlike the one in our phones or in our cars and trucks. This one also reroutes our lives, but it never makes a mistake when it reroutes our lives and what it redirects our lives is always for the best. It takes us down paths. When you wonder what is God doing widely allow this to come into my life. I really didn't need this. And then when you go past you realize there's a reason why he closed certain doors.

There's a reason why he forbid you to go certain directions because he was taking you to a better place. He was taking you to a new place. So this morning we begin our series to the book of Philippians. The series is called grateful and today is the first message in the series is called redirected by another bullet begin in Philippians whereafter to begin and ask the book of acts of you have your Bibles with you turn to acts chapter 16 we can learn how Paul came to Philippi because if we don't understand the circumstances it's going to be difficult for us to understand why Paul love the Philippians, so much so. Acts chapter 16 let us all stand for the reading of God's word starting in verse six now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia. They were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia after they had come to my see other tried to go into Bithynia again. What happens is the spirit did not permit them surpassing by my see other came down to Troy as their going west to the whole time as the Holy Spirit keeps closing doors to the east to the north there headed towards the West. There's a vision. A vision appeared to Paul in the night a man of mice. Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, come over to Macedonia and help us. After Paul had seen the vision, immediately we meaning.

Now he has companions with him. There are three other people.

Paul, Silas, Timothy, and a man by the name of Luke errata gospel in the book of acts very soon.

All four of them sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them. Paul was a man led by the Holy Spirit. Paula's life was directed by the Holy Spirit as doors began to slam on him.

He knew that was the Holy Spirit of God and ask you this morning. What have you concluded at the close of 2017. You know some people conclude that Hanover got a soft I don't know why he allow certain things to come into my life. I wish things were much simpler and better. I wish he would not let me go through all the mess that you had to go through what have you concluded have you become bitter towards God.

Have you become discouraged or have you concluded that God is in control of your life, and he is the one who is redirecting your life for a reason. The passage we just read acts chapter 16 gets misinterpreted and misapplied a lot. Any little obstacle is considered to be the hand of the Holy Spirit. Any odd dream is taken as a vision from God. People come to me and they will tell me I had a dream and this is what happened in my dream. Do you think God is calling me to quit my job until then, please don't and they may know acts chapter 16 oh they may not know acts chapter 16 but sometimes we believe that these things are happening for a reason and we made the conclusion we draw the conclusion that it's gotta be God is God who is making these things happen. The listen very carefully to me there are things that happen in Paul's life before he could get to the point in acts 16 where he concluded that this is God there are things that happen in Paul's life where God strengthened him and took him deep into his word and taught him how to walk by the Spirit, taught him what it means to live by the Spirit of life taught him that he is crucified with Christ. He no longer lives, but Christ lives in him. These are things that God taught him before he got to the point where he could say I think this is God, the closed-door folks may just be a closed-door dream may just be a dream. Sometimes we blast nothing. God is calling me leave my husband really why is that a dream as a really and just as the dream you want, leave your husband yeah I think I think this dream is from God, are usually asked was a wood G last night. We need to be careful unless certain requirements are met. Unless certain prerequisites have happen.

You cannot go on to acts 16.

In fact, to understand acts 16 you have to go back to acts chapter 15.

You have to begin here to understand the work that God did in Paul's life and how he changed him and forced him and taught him how to understand the work of the Holy Spirit. And then he could do what he did in acts chapter 16 so let's go. Acts 15 for a moment what happened in Paul's life wells to do that would begin in verse one of acts chapter 15 where it says and certain men came down from Judeo and taught the brethren, unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved now. Who were these men from Judeo and why were they insisting that Gentile believers have to follow the law of circumcision like the Jewish people in order to be saved to understand that we can look at Galatians chapter 2, Paul gives us more information about these people who were these certain men. These certain men were from the mother church in Jerusalem. The mother church in Jerusalem was primarily made up of Jewish believers and they were primarily focused on reaching other Jewish people with the gospel. Something happened in acts chapter 10 Peter had a vision limited vision in Joppa where a sheet came down from the heavens with clean and unclean animals, and a voice was heard in his dream Peter rise up, kill and eat.

And Peter says God I can do that. Those are unclean animals you have told me in your word not to do that. It happens three times and then God says to Peter, Peter, what I have called clean don't call unclean meaning. The door is now open even to the unclean Gentiles. And next thing you know Peter is preaching to a Roman centurion by the name of Cornelius and his family and they receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior at that instant, the Holy Spirit comes upon them. It's amazing. Gentiles also have the Holy Spirit. When the receive Jesus Christ.

At first the Jerusalem church is a little reluctant to going after it was only meant for us. And after Peter explains to them. Listen carefully and formally and informally.

They accepted and approved Gentiles coming into the church as more and more Gentiles started getting saved some of the Jewish believers in the mother church became concerned that became concerned that these new converts were going to weaken the moral standards of their community. I mean is. Think about it.

There's a great person. There is a Roman there's a Babylonian there's an Egyptian. They're not Jewish and yet they believe Jesus Christ. If you are Jewish you going by the 10 Commandments you going by the laws and the ceremonies you know what is right and wrong and now you receive Jesus as your Savior. You still have a moral standard, but these Gentiles they don't know anything and they are coming into the church so they became concerned and so they took upon themselves to go from church to church Gentile churches and telling them that they're not saved. I mean imagine them traveling across Asia minor and going to Gentile believing charges and saying, so tell us how you got saved. Oh we got saved because you know Paul came to us with the gospel only got say because Barnabas share the gospel with those are really what happened. Tell us well we we believe that Jesus Christ is God's son and he is the one to come. And he came through you people. But he is the light of the world.

True, true, but you do know that you and I really say to be really saved.

You got to be circumcised not imagine the confusion in the division.

This brought in the early church you go to church to worship God.


What if you came here every Sunday morning. There's a controversy there is so much confusion and division that begins to come. People are questioning each of the salvation I can just imagine something about the way just put out there. Even your preachers not safe are we even a church listen to verse two and chapter 15. Therefore, when Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and dispute with them. He was angry he was mad. He said how dare you come here and try to undo what we have done and what God is doing in the lives of these Gentiles. How dare you come in.

You can imagine the spinners flying everywhere you can imagine them arguing and hoping the scrolls and say let me explain to you what this means an extended help all you don't understand is all I do understand me show you what Isaiah says and what Jeremiah says it wouldn't matter because I'm no small dissension. What happens next. The church in Antioch finally realizes not getting anywhere. Argument after argument dispute after dispute debate after debate so they sent Paul and Barnabas to the mother church in Jerusalem to settle with the apostles and the elders you tell us what is right and wrong Sona chapter 15 verse seven. Guess what happens when there had been much dispute. It starts all over again. At this time. I don't know about you, I would be like, you know what guys, I'm done, you can keep the gospel much dispute me as they get to Jerusalem and they start arguing again and Paul is defending the faith and is explaining the gospel what it means about the law of the Spirit of life.

He explains what it means that there is a righteousness apart from the law are young, you're getting those terms. As you hear about those things later in Romans and Galatians and Colossians what is Paul doing and what is God doing in Paul's life. Folks he's strengthening him and grounding him in the faith. This controversy is not shaking Paul as much as building him and maturing him and after hours and hours of arguing and debating proving and disproving a lot of harsh words and hard feelings if you can imagine. Lotta words were said by the way, sometimes people say things in church to each other that never need to be said is easy to hard feelings. Be careful how you say it the spirit controlled, you can say it but you will destroy relationships, and I can just picture people saying to Paul, Paul, you know what the reason you say what you say is because with really not one of us were you born Paul not in Jerusalem now, was born in Tarsus – right see if you were really in Jerusalem, you would understand these things and they might have said that to you if you really want to fuss you would understand. I can imagine feelings are being hard. I can imagine words are being said in harsh words are being shared and finally Peter stands up along with James and John and other apostles and elders and they make a decree was the decree. The decree is this does Judaizers though circumcision is that came from the mother church that did not come through their direction, they had no authority to interfere with the salvation of the Gentiles, and that salvation is only by grace through faith. As Paul says in Galatians 2 they give him and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship with the guys go out there. You reach the Gentiles.

We'll reach the Jewish people and together we will build the kingdom of God. But here's the question why did God allow all this mess into his church. Why did he allow the Judaizers to go around confusing the people. Why did he allow Paul and Barnabas to go through all these arguments and struggles. Why did he allow this controversy to rock the church you see all this was a blessing in disguise. Through these controversies through this crisis.

God was grounding Paul in his word. He was maturing him. He was forging steel spiritual steel and him something that he will need for his ministry. In acts chapter 16 you know you can look at 2017 and the problems that came into your life as a big mess. Or you can see God's hand guiding you maturing you purifying you grounding you in the faith, helping you to walk by the Holy Spirit forging steel and resolve into you or you can look at it as a big mess Manor table 7. I'm so glad 17 is gone. I would if you have said that already, I am so glad 17 is going away. I'm grateful for 17. I praise God for 17 because, listen, because God has taught me things that I did not know in 2016. And God has taken me through those trials through those difficult times for a reason, because in 2018 God is going to do something even bigger. You can either look at your past. You can either look at your acts 15 with regret and discouragement and doubt and bitterness. Or you can say God I know that all things work together for good, who said that Paul in Romans 828 all things work together for good to those who love God and to those who are called according to his purpose. So even that mess.

We had to deal with God is go work together for good to see before you can go to acts 16. You have to understand acts chapter 15 Paul grew in this chapter Paul became the man he was.

God was getting him ready to go to another place where people argued a lot who were known for arguments who are those philosophers who were known for arguing and arguing and arguing and argue who were there. The Greeks Paul was being prepared by God to grow and reach people who live their lives arguing what happens next.

Well controversies over the decree is taken to all the Gentile churches.

Here it is.

Is Don. It's over. You are just as much a believer as we are there all rejoicing and then Paul tells Barnabas okay Barnabas let's go back go through all the churches we planted and encourage them to know they were they were discouraged because of all the mess that went on.

Let's go back and encourage them and by golly, just when you think all that mess is behind us. Here comes another problem was the problem. Paul and Barnabas have a conflict have not had that have you ever had the situation where it's it's one thing when you're fighting somebody on the outside. Next thing you know there's problem inside is problem in the family. There's problem in the church family.

This problem in your inner circle at business and you go out and not need this.

What is the problem was a young man by the name of John Mark who went with Paul and Barnabas through their missionary journeys and this young man John Mark had abandoned them at a time when they needed him the most. Guess what Barnabas does. Barnabas as Paul. You got to give John Mark another chance pauses know he had his chance, he needs to grow up.

Who is right. Paul is right that the young man had to grow up because later on his income and write a gospel he needs to grow up. Let's find someone else. Barnabas says no I'm not in at that moment I can just I can just imagine it would been so easy for Paul to get bitter and angry and caustic against Barnabas man, how dare you do this to me were supposed to be a team but seeing acts chapter 15 had already prepared Paul. Don't let harsh words and harsh feelings get to you keep on going is a fun you know what we going to do. Barnabas you take John Mark undertake Silas, and I want to continue my journey is sometimes when it seems like your problem is over. Another problem will come into our lives seemingly a smaller problem but is so easy for us to quit. I have seen people win wars and then lose their faith over little battles I've seen people win big mountains and then lose their faith over anthills.

What happens here with Paul. Is that all right. I want to continue and then it says he came to Derby and Lister where he met a young man named was his name Timothy, who was Timothy. Timothy was a Jewish believer with a Gentile father in it. Jewish mother's father was Greek God is doing something. What is God doing in Paul's life is bringing somebody with Greek dissent into his ministry team.

Hint hint God is taking them somewhere else it. John Mark had to go.

We are still with me. A John Mark had to go for a Timothy to come in never get so angry and frustrated when a John Mark leaves be expecting a Timothy to come in your get that God's mother, John Mark but open your heart, because it Timothy is coming in because God is now taking Paul and his trip to his team towards Greece than it begins.

As he was traveling through Phrygia and Galatia. The Holy Spirit close the door to Asia. Asia was to the east. See Paul has been walking in the spirit.

Paul has been living by faith. He knows that this is not just any closed-door. This is God closing a door, please listen very carefully to me, unless your hands are clean. Your heart is clean and you walking by faith. Don't start thinking any little thing that happens is God's got nothing to do with God. Many of our decision.

The Holy Spirit is a million miles away. You might even be doing things in the name of God, but that has nothing of God, and it is what Colossians says as you receive the Lord Jesus. So walk with him.

How did you receive the Lord Jesus repentance and faith what is repentance confessing your sins before God telling him that you have sinned, that you are a sinner putting your faith in Jesus Christ. So walk with him. Which means this the rest of your Christian life is pretty much like the first of the Christian life, repentance and faith how you walk by the Holy Spirit.

Repentance and faith to listen if you got sin in your hearts that hasn't been confessed and you're not living by faith than whatever is happening in your life. Stop calling it the hand of God. Paul is confessed and repented. He knows this is the Holy Spirit.

The door shut as he came to my Seo is that he is going to the West. God is hamming him towards the West.

He tried to go into Bithynia, which is to the north is what happens the Holy Spirit again close the doors God is pushing him in a direction in a whole new direction than he came to Truax as in here.

There was a vision of a Macedonian man saying come over to Macedonia and help us and it finally dawned on Paul that God was telling him go West young man go West.

I did all I did in your life.

In acts 15 to prepare you for acts 16 yes Paul. Somebody else is going to handle the east. Someday someone else is going to go to the North. I want you to go to those Greeks those smart philosophical Greeks. The Greeks, to whom you will write your letter to the Philippians. The letter to the Thessalonians. The letter to the Corinthians, and later on to get a ride to the Romans is time to go West Young get it, you see if Paul was not submitted to the Holy Spirit. It would've been easy for him to confuse any closed-door as God's closed-door been very easy for him to get discouraged when there is this obstacle or that obstacle or this falling out and that falling off is because he was so grounded in the truth is, because he was walking by confession and repentance and trust in the Holy Spirit is because he was teachable and obedient that he could conclude that this is God directing and redirecting my life. People make all kinds of decisions. The quit jobs that sell everything and the move the break relationships. This start relationships, all based on all this happened in this happen. Man is so awesome what God is doing and I never affirm nor deny this, look at him is like and please don't affirm and do not. If you do not know for sure either don't come along people and say I'm so happy for you.

I can see God work. Don't do that.

Just back off and say, Holy Spirit, if it is you, only time will tell.

It's only when you are truly submitted to his leading and guiding that you can tell when it's his hand and not something else. What did Peter say when he was in the boat and Jesus was walking towards him what he say Lord if it's truly you bid me come.

What have you concluded is a Holy Spirit leading your life is the Holy Spirit guiding your decisions. Can you see God's hand directing and redirecting you in 2017.

Can you see that he is preparing you for 2018 from acts 15 to acts 16 can you see those things. How you look at the past year is a waste of time is a useless time or do you say God is unknowable, it wasn't pleasant. I'm so grateful for even that I want this problem, but I'm grateful for even that there's a reason and I may not see it now, but months down the road. I will see this problem was for my best and how do you walk by the Holy Spirit. I hope I've said enough confession, repentance and faith. You hands are clean before God. The hardest clean before God in you walking your trust.

Thank you so much for joining us for this message.

God is sovereign over all things, even when our lives seem out of control. God is always redirecting us and putting us where we need to be. If we are obedient to him, we trust him to lead our lives.

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