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Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
September 16, 2018 6:00 am


Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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September 16, 2018 6:00 am

Psalm 133:1-3

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You see, family member, body shop Community Church at Clearview focuses on the Christ as we worship the way we serve. We love one another. Come check us out at 3485 Oxford Rd., Anderson, visit us join us for the rest of this week's message you want someone to feel what someone say, but it was not worship someone even preached. But it was not a message.

Why because there is a tension in that chart there is disagreement. People are not getting along something is wrong using unity is lacking in those places, but something else is also lacking God's blessing. Using this unity mitigates God's blessing and a business in a family in the workplace, especially in a church, but if you have unity if people have the same mind and same heart, not uniformity, but unity we open our hearts and we receive God's blessing God's joy God's peace God's fruits in our lives this morning to talk about what it means to be united and is coming from Psalm 133 starting in verse one, let's all stand together for the reading of God's word, behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren brothers and you could even say sisters dwelled to gather in unity is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron.

Running down on the edge of his garments is like the dew of Harmon dissenting upon the mountains of Zion for the day of the Lord commanded the blessing which is life forevermore. But this passage is a little difficult to understand for the message is very simple without unity.

There is no life without unity. There is only death, death, and relationships death and grow the death and blessing. There is note life when there is no unity of people not getting along in your life.

The question this evening is in your life in you home when you manage your workplace, especially in the church body is there unity or are things not right there said someone would hear someone over there and they're not getting along.

Is that what's happening are you are you promoting unity where you are or are you eroding unity on who the culprit with your words with your thoughts with your actions you're doing things that is dismantling the unity of the body if it is needed to repent. Need to ask God to forgive you because you are the enemy of blessing in that place. Are you saved are you part of the body of Christ to be saved. You have to receive Jesus as your Savior as you can and then you're part of the body and your goal is not only to lift up Christ's book to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. The Psalm we just read is attributed to King David says is a Psalm of David. And unlike some of his mother saw this one is kind of unusual.

It is a song of worship, but it reads like a proverb talks about God, but his team is the importance of unity among God's people.

If you weeks back when I was pray and sing God. What is it that you want me to preach once we get into the building.

Once we settle down God. What is it that you want me to preach and God laid this passage on my heart. Psalm 133. You see clearly exist to magnify Jesus Christ. We cannot do it without unity in our church family.

We cannot do it while were divided and you can apply this message is not just to this church, but also to your whole to your workplace to your community amidst the application is very it is applicable.

Three things I want to share with you, but unity number one unity is on, it is not natural. Listen to verse one again. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers student dwelled to gather in unity. David is saying making this observation how good it is how awesome it is when you see brothers, sisters, family members, charge body wiling to gather in unity. Nobody say this way because it is natural for brothers not to dwell together in unity to see if if David wrote the songs his brothers hated him as well had probably began when Samuel the prophet was sent by God to look for the next King of Israel. Saul had messed up. The oldest brother LEF comes and God speaks to Samuel and says do not look at his appearance or in his physical stature, because I have refused him. I have rejected him for the Lord does not see as man sees for man looks at the outward, but the Lord looks at the heart LEM is rejected and one by one. The brothers began to walk in front of Samuel and God said Samuel, not him, not him, not him, and finally Sammy looked at Jesse Davis father and said do you have any more kids is a yeah I do have this little boy, David, but he keeps the sheep bringing in the brain. David and David comes in. God says anoint him for this is the one now here's a question for you. How do you think the brothers felt at that moment you can imagine there is jealousy. You can imagine there is hatred and it comes out. Where does it come out it comes out in the next chapter, which is chapter 17 with the Goliath incident using David's brothers were at war thereof the battlefield. The first three brothers. The old version once daily ab have been a dab and Schama they were on the battlefield and the father Jesse send David with some food for them as a David came brought them the food and and he hired this Philistine giant shouting at the top of his loans and challenging the people of Israel, the people of God and say come find me and didn't witness this when he said to the soldiers around him is identified in. Come on guys, this got me someone to listen to LEM, David's oldest brother's response to David for Samuel 1728 Noel he had his older brother heard when he spoke to the men and Habs anger was her house and he said why did you come down here.

Can you sense the condescension in his tone. Can you send us the hatred in his tone, and then he says, and went home. Have you left those few who she in the wilderness, I mean there's so much resentment and bitterness coming through his mouth. This probably began after Samuel left, I can imagine the brothers just like Joseph's brothers looking at each other and saying who does he think he is his head's going to grow big and he will be able to walk to the door because he is the next King. And now LEM is letting David have it now listen to this.

I know your pride.

I mean, this is LEF talking to David. I know your pride in the insulins of your heart incidents means your rudeness, your insulting behavior that is inside a few you are a disrespectful young man, what do you do anything but LEM is judging David's motives which many of us try to do and we fail, we think we know about his heart.

The problem here is when David says those words how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to 12 together in unity.

I can I can just imagine his eyes welled up with tears, because in his own home. It wasn't so. His brothers did not dwell together in unity with him hated him. They resented him they mocked him, they do want him around.

Did you grow up in a situation where harsh words were spoken. Crunches were held and motives were judged to see if you grew up in that dysfunctional environment was can happen is everywhere you go get a carry that same spirit of disunity and when people come to church with that, baguettes guess what to do to bring the same spirit of disunity and before you know it. People are disheveled for not getting along.

There is miscommunications and misunderstanding is happen here to the main house after while Quincy got what just happened what's going all was going on is very simple.

Someone with the spirit of disunity has just come in my challenge to you this evening is if you are that someone who grew up in that environment were brothers did not get along and don't just think about brothers. He was a Watanabe brothers wife sisters and get along your parents didn't get along. If family members and get all his neighbors and get along if you grew up in a broken environment you have the gene listen, you have the seed of discord and what needs to happen is you have to confess to me. Confess it to God is a God, something is not right.

I like it when there's tension.

I like you and people and if I don't like when someone's whispering over here a couple and another one is whispering over there was someone else in the something always brewing always that some by stirring the pot that seems normal God but is not normal, it cannot be normal.

You see, unity is on, it's not natural when it is you can see the goodness, the pleasantness of the environment something else. Unity is sacred. Listen to what David says in verse two he says he he he he he paints a word picture which is very odd. What actually does he mean it is like the precious oil upon the head, whose head, running down on the beard will whose head and whose beard beard of Aaron.

Now, what exactly does David mean by this and all kinds of conjectures all kinds of opinions but I believe it's taking us back to a time of Moses and Aaron. It comes from Exodus chapter 30 in Exodus chapter 30 God told Moses to anoint Aaron and his sons and consecrate them that they may minister to him as priest that would minister before God is preached, and then he said to Moses to say to the children of Israel. This shall be a holy anointing. They showed me a holy anointing oil to me throughout your generations.

It shall not be poured on man's flesh on any humans flash, nor shall you make any other like it according to its composition. It is holy and it shall be holy to you whoever compounds any like it means whatever puts his same concoction again or whoever puts any of it on an outsider who is not a priest shall be cut off from his people something else God said in Leviticus chapter 8 the actual ceremony happen and Aaron was anointed with oil at the end of this eight day ceremony. The Bible tells us in verse 23 Leviticus 9 the glory of the Lord appeared to all the people in five just like in Solomon's time fire came down from before the Lord and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar when all the people saw the shouted and just like Solomon's Temple date the veil on their faces wine.

The world did David use this imagery to describe the goodness in the pleasantness of unity. Pay attention just like the sacred oil unity should also be treated as sacred in the same way as that sacred oil, so also unity is sacred.

Any abuse and corruption should also be punishable by banishment to break it down.

Don't mess with unity and if you are the one who is going to corrupt unity. You should be kicked out.

Let that sink into your mind and your heart because what we do is when someone starts dismantling unity of starting trouble in discord and and starts to gossip and tear down and sold the seed of dissension. What happens as we say well you know we just can't make it work.

We just gotta work together and we just got the listen folds, I'm not talking about uniformity thereby has dress alike think alike walk like what I'm talking about, that we become to them just the moment when someone comes with an ulterior motive to have an agenda. The agenda is. How can I get a few people in my side and then lead some kind of a revolt. How should you treat that just the way that oil was treated with sacredness the person has to be worn he do that you're done. Don't mess with unity. We will have different opinions and that's fine. There is diverse city, but if you come to divide with you ulterior motive. See you you're done. Here's a question. How sacredly do you guard the unity in your family and your workplace in your community and especially in the church body house sacredly view guarded when someone comes that Tell you something and start something how sacredly news realizes a way to meditate not start back. Let's not go there.

I know what you want to say but you know what he meant what she was saying as Barney would say nip it in the butt. Unity is uncommon. Unity is sacred.

But here's number three unity is a must for God's people listen. Verse three he says another strange comparison.

It is like the dew of Harmon Mount Herman descending upon the mountains of Zion for the day of the Lord commanded the blessing which is life forevermore again. David draws a word picture at this time is not from the sacred Scriptures from the book of Exodus and Leviticus. It is actually from the climate from the land from the terrain from the atmosphere. He's talking about that do on Mount Herman. Now you need to keep in mind deal was and still is absolutely essential.

In that part of the world. In fact, from April to October. There's very little rain in Palestine and Syria.

That area not much rain and you do is absolutely essential for the vegetation for the crops and what happens is this deal which is moisture which is condensed from the warm air by the cold ground will descend, and that it become streams of water turning into rivers of water coming down from Mount Herman. I've seen it been to Israel were going again and 2019.

January received Mount Herman and is always snowcapped and you can see the streams coming by coming down when you get a little closer. And where is it headed. It is, it brings life to a lot of places in Israel.

The mountains of Zion is a source of life without it. Mount Zion, which is a holy mountain, not Mount Herman yelled with me. Mount Zion is the holy mountain, but not Mount Herman. But Mount Herman replenishes and provides irrigation for Mount Zion so powerful. What David is saying here is unity is a must and what is the result blessing for ever more. Show me a charge that is lifeless and I will show you church that is lacking in unity.

Show me a family that is lifeless and I will show you a family where relationships are fractured.

Show me a workplace in neighborhood and community that is lifeless and I will show you a place where people are not getting along.

The problem is this unity, disharmony, nor blessing me so you know we need to pray and ask God we need to find out where the unity has broken down. Who is the source, who is the culprit. Is it me is that I what are we doing to rebuild that unity is that lifelessness in your home folks is an lifelessness in your marriage is lifeless and is on your relationship is dying. A charge is struggling with growth problem is unity. The Holy Spirit will not bless a place where people are not getting along.

He is grieved he is grieved using this message or not.

It is not an optional message is not one that yes a good one. You know, but you know what this is going to do this kind of money our ministry is taken of this and that there is no unity of your heart is divided. If there is bitterness in your heart. There's a resentment in your heart. Things that are right between you and someone else in the church body. If things are not right at you whole. Guess what, you're infecting this body. I don't have enough time to expound on this passage.

How do you achieve unity very quickly. Number one. Gotta be discerning, be discerning, discerning, does not mean that you become, you know critical lore that you begin to distrust everybody discerning means, be aware of people's agendas and motives be mature and know when someone is bending your ear.

Is it worth letting them fill your heart with garbage and now it is beginning to stink in your home is speaking to stinking a marriage is big and distinct in your church family. Why allow that. Be discerning what else know the difference between unity and uniformity. Sometimes what happens is when people are trying to achieve unity. They almost become uniform and and that's not what the messages about it's not about how we can all dress alike walk alike think like talk like you better not get out of line because we'll cut you off this legalism. You know how you know what, we have a clear view is unity in our universe uniformity look around and see you find people of all backgrounds are not only heat, ethnic backgrounds, but also socioeconomic backgrounds. You'll find people from all kinds of places here at Cleveland this how you know that we have unity and we need to protect it and it's not uniformity.

Sometimes he will accuse you that all you did to try to try to control know it's not look around the gift of God, we have to protect number three love fervently, and Peter talks about that twice in his epistle, which means love with passion, love intensely, because if you just have a little bit of love was gonna happen is people going to give you a lot. I hate, and if you love cannot conquer that hate, hate them, you'd be bitter towards them.

He can be resentful to them and now sin has taken birth as a matter of time. That place that hold that life, the church will be destroyed so love fervently because it will cover a multitude of said a lot of things that will happen in your you want to put up your gloves. But if you love passionately you will say no it's okay I don't think I meant that even if that meant that having a bad day you are able to move past those things that will destroy and break down the harmony in your life. Love fervently.

Lastly, focus on our common bond.

Focus on those things that matter. This is what Paul says in Ephesians chapter 4 in verse one is it. Therefore, the prisoner of the Lord is not about himself beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called with all loneliness and gentleness. I wish we could memorize this verse with all loneliness and gentleness, with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love.

Listen to this verse three endeavoring and endeavoring means trying verse 16 to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace and I wish I could preach on that right now. What our time is up some message for another time. You have to endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit of the Holy Spirit in the bond of peace.

Listen to this. There is one body, one spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and father of all who is above all and through all and end you all see how many times the word one is mentioned to tell us this is how you keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. When you focus on those things that unite us this evening.

How is your home life. How is your family life. I was a marriage.

How's your workplace how's your neighborhood how's your community more than anything. How's your church if there is discord and there is disunity people are added with each other, sometimes outwardly, sometimes inwardly this time is it was not my fault. I'm not the one I'm not the one infecting this will get on your face before God turn the steps into an altar and seek God.

Let me be the change agent. Let me be the one who brings unity back work in my life. You have to take some shots. People are going to tacky people going to say things about you misrepresenting what you have to in order to see life in order see God's blessing come again.

If not, whatever that organization is mother's home family charge workplace community or or something else it will die. It will die if you never given a heart of Jesus Christ. How can you have the unity of the sin.

The Holy Spirit comes in when you acknowledge and receive Jesus as your Savior and your king. Now all the same spirit that is in me is in you and you and you and you sometimes I believe people are divided towards a divine homes are divided families are divided because receiving Jesus Christ brings us unity of this. So much for joining us for this message.

Unity should be one of the defining traits of God's people homes church communities can all be changed by God's people uniting together to make his name known among the nations. What are you doing to promote unity among God's people. For more information visit us for the sermons, notes, check out Pastor Shaw's blog but on