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Life's Ultimate Goal - 16

Beacon Baptist / Gregory N. Barkman
The Cross Radio
July 17, 2022 7:00 pm

Life's Ultimate Goal - 16

Beacon Baptist / Gregory N. Barkman

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July 17, 2022 7:00 pm

The goal of the Christian life is Christ-like perfection. Pastor Greg Barkman continues his exposition of Philippians.

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Beacon Baptist
Gregory N. Barkman
Beacon Baptist
Gregory N. Barkman

Evidently the apostle Paul. Set goals as he chose us in our text today in Philippians chapter 3 as we are looking in verses 12 through 14. That statement will initially please the goal setters that are found in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the world today. That statement may unsettle others in the church today who are not so keen on goal setting, but we need to understand is that Paul's goals are very different from the kinds of goals that are so often set before us in the world in which we live and goals that we are told by some are necessary if the church is going to be be able to make progress in the world today, but Paul's goals had nothing to do with the one-year plan.

The five-year plan of the 10 year plan and growth plans in attendance and numbers and that sort of thing, nothing like that at all. Paul's goal, and it is really one goal, but there are different aspects may be some cold goals.

The point to the main goal. Paul's goal was to achieve greater Christ likeness. That was his goal.

That's the supreme goal that was guiding, directing, and undergirding everything in the life of the apostle Paul, the goal to achieve greater Christ likeness. Sadly, a goal that doesn't seem to interest many Christians in our day with us. We need to consider that today's tech shows us how this goal played out in Paul's life and what I say to Paul, set goals down the back up and say I put it that way. In order to get your attention, but that's not exactly accurate. Paulding so much. Set goals or set a goal as he did embrace the goal, the God had said for him.

He wasn't figuring out a goal and saying I think this would be a good goal would please the Lord.

So let's do this and will ask God to bless it. Paul recognized the goal that God had given to him and he made that his goal in life and that's what were going to see today were going to do that. I trust by considering three keywords number one perseverance number two focus number three motivation. We begin with perseverance as we look at verse 12 Paul says not that I have already attained, or am already perfected, but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me this statement in verse 12 is actually an elaboration. Building upon what Paul said earlier in the chapter, and particularly in verse 11 where he said if by any means I may attain to the resurrection from the dead, and we saw last Lord stated what Paul is talking about is that day of final salvation when everything that Paul that God has given to us in Christ everything the Christ Jesus has purchased worst upon the cross of Calvary is brought to its ultimate cold culmination that takes place on the day of Christ return that takes place on the day of our bodily resurrection from the dead with glorified bodies and at that time. Salvation's purpose has been fully accomplished and in that state of perfection.

We shall enter into all eternity. And that's what Paul so Paul says not that I have already attained, if by any means I may attain verse 11 to the resurrection from the dead, but verse 12 not that I have already attained you see that connection between the word attain in verse 11. The word attained or not you have attained in verse 12, so Paul is recognizing that the ultimate goal is full and final redemption. Christ like perfection, which will take place on the day of Christ's return in our bodily resurrection, but the question is what drove Paul to make this statement in verse 12 he tells us that he is desiring to attain to the resurrection from the dead that day of ultimate and final salvation, and the completion of all that God is doing in our lives to bring about the full redemption of our Adamic fallenness to Christ like perfection, but he follows that up by saying that I have not yet reached that goal. I'm not there yet. I haven't already attained what drove Paul to make a statement like that in the he doesn't tell us why the most likely answer to that question is apparently there were some that were claiming present sinless perfection. And so Paul has made reference to the day of sinless perfection that he is looking forward to it by any means. Verse 11. I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.

That's the ultimate goal, but I'm not there yet and what ought to be very clear is neither are you.

I'm not there yet and neither are you are is anybody else. And if anyone claims to have reached a place of sinless perfection. They are badly mistaken. I don't know if you ever had any interaction with people like that but I have a few times along the way to an interesting conversations I have had with folks like that. I will go to those details, but it did become clear to me very quickly that their idea of sinless perfection of the Bible's idea of sinless perfection on miles apart and I and I still remember talking to one lady and I said no you have perfection. Nobody has reached that of his life. She got so mad at me. I thought she was going to get the ice and 1/2. You just lost your temper. No sinless perfection layer you still got a ways to go, don't you know we all, nobody has reached sinless perfection but apparently some had claimed to that seems to be the implication behind Paul's statement so he says even though there is a perfect state ahead of us to be attained, and I'm looking forward to that and that's my goal to attain that I have done that yet. Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected, but I press on, that I may look lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has laid hold of me. Paul's condition presently is that he had not arrived yet sinless perfection did not arrived yet at perfect and final completion of salvation is salvation was not yet complete. He knew that full well he had not yet attained perfection. He knew that full well. Even as an apostle who'd been saved for 30 years and serving the Lord in an incredible way. But Paul's condition did not negate his responsibility even though he had not yet obtained he recognized that it was Still his responsibility to try to here's another one of those mysteries. Another one of those paradoxes, another one of those seeming contradictions which really isn't a contradiction of all, when properly understood what it is this, namely, that though we cannot, nobody can attain sinless perfection in this life.

Nevertheless, it is our responsibility to try to understand that is our goal that we must keep striving for. Paul understood that we had not yet arrived. It was his responsibility to keep pressing on toward that goal. To make effort to strive for Christ like perfection, recognizing that that would not be achieved until the day of the resurrection resident recognizing that that goal was absolutely guaranteed short for the true people of God, and some would say therefore there's nothing that I need to do by way of effort. Now I just costarred just wait.

I just let go and let God pause and not be. I strive, I press my putting forth effort because God expects Paul to strive toward that goal.

God expects all of his children to strive toward that goal. It is the process that God has designed for our life here upon the earth, and doing so is a mark of divinely bestowed life.

Those who are not striving toward this goal have very little right to claim that they have been born again. They may be. I can't say God knows the heart, but there isn't an much biblical evidence of it. There isn't much biblical reason to claim that is your position.

If you don't have this desire to become like Christ. So that's Paul's condition number one in his responsibility. Number two, and his ambition number three is to lay hold of that verse 12 that I also may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has has laid hold of me. Paul's ambition was to lay hold of Christ like perfection will, the date of the resurrection of Christ ambition was to reach forward toward that Christ that Christ like perfection that that that resurrection fullness I guess is the word that I'm trying to get a hold of here.

At this point Paul is encouraged and that by this statement for that which Christ also has laid hold of me. I am pressing on to lay hold of that for which Christ has laid hold of me. She had put that last statement there. It would sound like it's all up to us because we know we can't achieve that in this life.

It might seem like a futile effort.

Why the world should we even bother because it is impossible. But Paul says I press on to lay hold of that for which Christ has laid hold on me since Christ has laid hold on me. I'm in his hands.

I do this by his power.

I do this to please him.

I do this by his direction.

I've got a pretty good chance of making progress.

I can't reach the goal until the day of resurrection, but I can achieve a great deal of progress toward that goal now and that's what Christ wants me to do. That's what Christ has laid hold upon me to do Paul's encouraged that he can make strides toward Christ like perfection in this life and he can do this because of what Christ has done.

Christ not only lived and died to redeem Paul and all who trust in him, but Christ had also claimed Paul as his own. Christ Will hold me. Paul doesn't seem so glad I made a decision for Christ. What he sets. I'm so glad the Christ laid hold on me on the Damascus road and I haven't gotten free from that group yet Christ had claimed Paul as his own purpose to bring him to the final goal and so therefore Paul realized that what he is doing, though it does require his effort by the design of God is nevertheless not so much his effort as it is Christ effort is not so much his goals. It is Christ goal. It's not so much his striving as it is Christ working through him to achieve this goal.

This is not so much what Paul is doing, but what Christ has done and is doing in his life. What was true. Paul is also true of you and mean if we are born again children of God. This is what Christian perseverance is all about what we persevering in what we persevering toward what we are persevering to achieve work persevering to achieve Christ like perfection, which will be achieved.

Finally and fully at the day of Christ return of his glorious resurrection. Do you ever sing this.

What would we do here from time to time how I praise the precious Savior that I love laid hold of me. Would Paul said here that I love laid hold of me that has saved and cleansed and filled me that I might die channel be channels only blessed master and so forth.

I praise the precious Savior that I love laid hold of me. That's what Paul is saying here, I press on because Christ Jesus has laid that changes everything that encouraged Paul in this heavenward endeavor so number one perseverance number two focus verse 13 brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended. But one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, focus, concentration, pressing on requires effort. Perseverance requires diligence Paul in verse 13 first repeats the disclaimer verse 12 makes it clear I I have not yet attained.

I'm not there yet. I haven't arrived yet and then elaborates what he's trying to get across with an athletic metaphor. He likens the Christian life to a Greek runner runner in the Greek Olympic Games or Corinthian games are a lot against the they had in those days and he said a runner who is going to succeed has to be sure that he doesn't get distracted by what's going on around him. The successful runner does not allow straying thoughts to distract him from his focus on the goal, the successful runner does not allow other people around him other runners around him to distract him from reaching the goal, the renter who looks around to see how he's doing in the race is going to be pacified by somebody who keeps his focus on on the finish line and is not, is determined not to be distracted by those things around successful runner keeps his eye on the goal of the finish line in the successful Christian will keep his eye on the spiritual finish line, which is this day of ultimate reduction demolition. So in this area focus, Paul talks about one ultimate purpose and one primary focus of one supreme effort and his ultimate purpose is very simple because there's only one ultimate purpose when he says this one thing I do this one thing I do is they will, Paul. You're fortunate because you're like most of been simple. I've got so many things I gotta do all had a lot of things in life like all of us do, but he submitted all of them to one overarching purpose, and he could say this one thing I do, even though I'm doing many other things.

Ultimately, it all points to one this one thing I do know life for all of this includes many elements and embraces many purposes sub purposes purposes that relate to our job relate to our family.

The relate to our health.

The relate to helping others and on and on and on we go. These are all elements of life and all of these bills have certain purposes in life.

We need to be sure that every one of those are submitted to the ultimate purpose which is achieving Christ likeness the day of Christ's return in the day of the final resurrection. One thing I do one thing I do I keep pressing toward that one goal.

One thing I do.

The ultimate purpose gives meaning to everything else, it's because I keep my mind focused upon.

The one thing that I'm able to do successfully the many things and to give them meaning and purpose and unity and tie all of them up together in the direction of that one purpose of life and when I lose focus upon the ultimate purpose that all of these other elements can become very distracting and frustrating and impossible. I can't keep up with this. I'm juggling all of this I can't do all this stop slow down focus. Remember this one thing I do and make sure that everything you do is directed toward that one purpose. We must not lose sight of the main purpose or pretty soon all of the other purposes, become lost as well.

And how do we keep our mind focused upon the one purpose only got to remind ourselves regularly purpose in life is to achieve Christ likeness. I'm heading toward that goal. We must consistently be in God's word and prayer or to lose focus upon the end goal one, the Christ is set for us and we need to be active in a healthy church that is biblically focused so that the ministry of the word and the edification of the other saints around us will help keep us focused will pull us back when we stray from the main purpose which is Christ like perfection finality of our salvation.

One ultimate purpose. One thing I do one primary focus, forgetting what lies behind St. Paul, runners can't look back over their shoulders. Gotta keep looking straight ahead, looking toward the finish line. That's what Paul is telling us here forgetting what lies behind what is he talking about what should we forget that lies behind.

Certainly we are not to forget God's many mercies to us.

We should continue to curse them regularly. That will give us help and strength along the way.

Certainly we shouldn't forget the valuable lessons that God has taught us along the way. Help us to mature and grow and to keep from making foolish decisions in life. But what we must forget the lies behind is anything that hinders godly effort toward the ultimate goal: spell out exactly what that is but there are several things that we can consider that need to be left in the past, forgetting those things which are behind, such as sins of the past. Some people's lives get so wrapped up in the they think about their sinful past the shameful failures they get so discouraged so distracted by these things that they can't seem to make any progress in life or what was me or how awful I have been well how bad I have been. That's true that's true of all of us to see that quotation in the bulletin today when contemplating what he is in himself. The Christian mournfully Christ, a wretched man that I am but if that's the stars you get if you stay there, you're in trouble. Not forgetting what lies behind are you but the quotation goes on. But when he views himself in Christ, he triumphantly exclaims, who shall lay anything to my charge. Gotta move on. Don't shoot past the dwelling upon the sins of the past.

We do consider those from time to time. They rightfully humbled us.

They remind us of what God has done for us in Christ. They remind us of the wonders of salvation in Christ.

The marvelous grace the God has shown us that we can't live in those sins we can't dwell upon those sins we Splash around in the mud puddle of mice of our sins and keep flagellating ourselves continually because of her since that's what Martin Luther did you know until he came to understanding that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone and that when we trust in Christ all of those sins are gone and you sing that as a child gone gone gone gone. Yes my sins are gone now. My soul is free and in my heart a song buried in the deepest sea yes that's good enough for me. I shall live eternally. Praise God my sins are God, their God. Forgetting those things which are behind sins of the past were disappointments. Some people get so wrapped up in their disappointments that they just can't seem to to manage life and manage godliness anymore. Sometimes bereavement will do that to people not to lose a loved one is a deep blow to great sorrow troubles us greatly and should, but we don't stay bound by that sorrow to the state of inaction so that we can move on forever and forever. Amen we deal with it. We grieve, we committed to the Lord will never completely get over that. That's not something that will ever forget or ever, ever lose sight of. But on the other hand, it cannot be a hindrance to our life. We got work to do. Christ didn't promise us that we would have a life without any any deaths any difficulties any trials in fact a promise just the opposite. How do we think we can live in a world under the curse of sin in which everybody dies but somehow in our little circle. Nobody dies doesn't touch us when you put it that way. It makes no sense whatsoever. So like, are some of God's people paralyzed by bereavement or by bitterness you don't know what he did to me you don't know what she did know I don't know, I'll be glad to tell you I don't need to know. You need to get over it.

You need to forgive them in your heart you need to quit being bound up by that you need to quit letting that root of bitterness consume you because it's so not only going to affect you but those around you. Many of you, to be defiled by that root of bitterness that is you dwelling in the past because somebody did something bad to me that I can't do what I'm supposed to do I care for Christ. I can't make progress toward the goal.

I am not responsible for these things says, who not the Bible, not Christ, not the word of truth.

You're listening to the wrong voices get over that bitterness, quit looking at the handicap so you don't know what handicap I have if I had been born this way and I could do these things if I hadn't had this tragedy in my life. Along the way that has handicap me physically or in some other way than I could do what I'm supposed to do, but because this is happened to me.

I can't I'm unable to do that, forgetting those things which are behind the Bible tells us to do that than we can do that. Can't wait. Forgetting the things which are behind, you can forget the things which are behind because the Lord tells us we can forget those things which are behind, forget them in the sense that they don't they don't ruin our present relationship with the Lord in their present efforts. What else in the past achievements, praiseworthy achievements, notable achievements, but you can't dwell in the past when you don't know what I did back that you should've seen me back that while I really was something back that and some people are all mesmerized by the wonderful things that they envision that they accomplish in the past and from a human standpoint. They may be wonderful things as well but forgetting the things which are behind this may be exactly what Paul had in mind. He just talked about all of his credentials as a Jew, born of the tribe of Benjamin and the Pharisee, the Pharisees and a persecutor of the church at all the things that he had done that were so impressive in the in the eyes of man, but he's not going to live in that place of of memory for the rest of his life, forgetting those things which are behind, I can't keep rehearsing them.

So what that's what was yesterday, but now how about today and how about tomorrow I've got work to do. The Christ is assigned to me. We have to forget the values of the past was values that come out of the old life. The goals of wealth and fame or sports or whatever closer.

God is not a not a ghost. Things that we can hold so important, so valuable. These are the goals of life for many people, but not for one who's been saved by the grace of God that changes everything. Our whole perspective on life changes. All of our goals change all of our values change, forgetting those things which are behind the one ultimate purpose. One thing I do one primary focus, forgetting what lies behind. I focus only on the goal one supreme effort effort reaching forward to those things which are ahead. That's where my focus. That's where my efforts are directed to what lies ahead. We've already talked about it. Sinless perfection lies ahead. Perfect Christ likeness amazing is that is what lies ahead a future of unhindered worship we shall be able to worship God perfect without distraction, without sin, without any thing that will keep us from worshiping him totally in spirit and in truth without any any lack thereof that lies ahead. What lies ahead.

Unfailing service for Christ.

Right now all of our service is mixed week we serve God in week. Thank you, but we can but never perfectly. Not in this life.

Never perfectly remember, the Bible says about those who are with the Lord where his servants shall serve him perfectly. His servants shall serve to serve him in heaven. I don't use when we get to do no Bible doesn't tell us serve to serve them gladly and were going to serve him enthusiastically and working to serve him perfectly out any mixed motives without any distracting thoughts without any have heartedness to serve him perfectly. All events in the future. That's what lies ahead, reaching forward to those things which lie ahead. How do we attend to these things we do that by reaching forward. That's too mild a term for what the Greek indicates we reach we attain these things by eagerly striving expected this picture of the runner again, who is straining every nerve, every muscle, every ounce of energy and focus is all sped toward reaching that goal.

Getting just a little bit faster a little further ahead. That's the way a runner operates.

If he is intent on winning the prize, and that's the way a Christian operates of he's intent on winning the price of these intent on pleasing the Lord he stays focused. No distractions. Nice time with the we had a nice time with all the family at our house last night. My apologies to someone else who said you invited them with. They were already committed to us last night. So you have to have another type. I hope you will. But I learned something about Anthony.

He sees quite an athlete knew that but in college. She was a runner among other things, and to get in shape for the races he ran he ran 70 miles a week it would take to run 70 miles a week figured out that's an average of 10 miles a day to not running on on Sunday. Now you gotta make that up so you running. I guess the 12 or more miles a day six days that dead that wears me out. Just thinking about it. Why would anyone put themselves through that. Why would anyone buffet their body. To that extent, but to win the prize.

What else to compete with the price athletes will do things like that for an earthly prize will Christians be willing to put forth unusual effort to please the Lord and to gain the prize that he is set before us, and if not why not. Why would we do less than an athlete trying to win an earthly price of the prize was for those Greek runners that trained for a couple years and just put themselves there are all kinds of things were hoping to win the prize. You know what the prize was an olive or some other kind of of of garland of leaves that would be placed upon their head, I'm you couldn't even put that in the trophy case until it would turn brown and brittle and I guess it could be there. There is much my Marie thinks it looks pretty tawdry.

Right now, but that's I wanted. It's not really what the prize was it's what it stood for. And it was quite an honor to use to stand there in that arena before the stand and have the judge confirmed that upon you and really that's what were looking for is to stand before the Lord Jesus Christ that final day and hear him say well done, thou good and faithful servant.

What is it take to hear that.

Well done, forgetting those things which are behind and straining eagerly forward with every ounce of effort toward those things which lie ahead. So we got number one perseverance number two focus a number three motivation.

What motivates Paul in all this, verse 14 I press toward the goal is the goal. Goal setting, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

The goal motivates me the price motivates me the divine purpose motivate makes me simple. The goal motivates me. I press toward the goal. The goal of our goals are our human are objects of human striving, whatever they may be. Here the goal is Christlike perfection not when your plan five year plan, tenure plan, but Christlike perfection, it's up to the term of the plant. This goes way beyond the 10 year plan that's that's the goal that motivates me. I press toward the goal. What's the price I press toward the goal for the prize of price. In one sense, in the sense we generally use it is an earned reward, and there is that aspect of it in the spiritual sense, but because our earned rewards are really not deserving. We don't really deserve them to God's gracious gift, but he graciously gives the them to us anyway, as if we ever invent what he's given us the strength to enable us to do that we couldn't of done it without it, but that's the price it's God's gracious B Storment and the prize is the same here as the goal.

The goal is Christlike perfection and the price is Christlike perfection that motivated Paul to see thought about that day when I will be perfect. I will be glorified completely. I will be like Christ. I will be Christ's younger brother, so to speak in the family. God will look upon me with the same love and favor that he does his own. These these things are so incredible, we can hardly grasp that truly actually be true is that possible that's what the Bible indicates that's the prize surprise brothers and sisters to imagine being like Christ. Can you imagine that being like Christ. Can you imagine a greater prize. That's the goal that surprise when we reach the goal we get the prize.

Too many people are thinking about prizes the crowns God gives an various rewards it gives in terms of like glorified material benefits on earth. We get this. In heaven we get a bigger one better. What you call a bigger mansion that there is no doubt that in the future. Everything about our circumstances is going to be so much superior to what we have here upon the earth.

Yes, that will necessarily include some things that we might put in the category glorified material benefits, but that doesn't even tick at 0+1/2 on Paul's on Paul's meter. There's one thing that excites him Christ likeness. Christ likeness sinlessness glorification for sanctification Christ likeness so that and what's the purpose of this Christ likeness so I can say.

Well now I've I've achieved I've arrived. I reached the state of perfection is the purpose of all that, so that we can have unhindered fellowship with Christ, we have to be renovated to the place where that's possible now. Our fellowship with him is not complete and can't be because our redemption is in complete God still working on us is still a lot of progress. It needs to be made. But when we reach the goal when we obtain the prize that's going to enable us to have perfect and unhindered fellowship with God Almighty with the triune Godhead, father, son and Holy Spirit for all eternity. That is why this is so remarkable and so desirable. The prize is Christ in perfect fellowship with him. So the goal motivates Paul in the prize motivates Paul in the divine purpose motivates Paul, the upward call of God. God's work is purpose in Christ Jesus Christ Jesus who purchased this for us and calls us to this the recognition that God has purposed something amazing for me recognition that God is accomplishing something amazing within me. So that's why we sometimes sing ASCII what great thing I know the delights and serves me. So what would that be great thing I know delights and stirs me so what the high reward. I went but will that be, whose name I glory in Jesus Christ crucified. That's it that delights and serves me so that's the high reward I'm striving for Jesus Christ crucified and that thoughts get a hold of your let me suggest two areas of application here for us. Number one in the primary one which pertains to the Christian life the Christian life has a goal that has a purpose but to many of God's people have lost focus. The are not striving for the goal.

God has revealed to us in his word is too easy to become distracted and therefore we need to regularly examine our heart to make sure we haven't lost sight of the focus we need to regularly acknowledge our sins and confess and forsake them for they will divert us from focusing upon the price we need to regularly examine our life are all kinds of distractions. Whatever they may be the keep us from this pursuit from a biblically centered life and there's so many things to follow that category.

I leave in the know where to begin.

I was talking to somebody the other day one of what was talking to Jim work on the phone is going to be a Bible conference speaker again this year in October.

Looking forward to that. With great delight. Such a blessing to us a couple years ago and we have played a lot of phone time before we finally connected and talked and I apologized and I said I don't really keep my phone with me all the talking and he said no apologies necessary. I don't either. He said I can't understand these people live their lives with their phone welded to their body into their hand.

They can go anyplace without being on the phone can't go anyplace for goodness sakes folks turn that thing off.

Put in the drawer go do a few things for a while if you get anything important.

You will be there when you come back your voicemail average. Now is as sinful yes and no it is if it distracts you keeps you from the Gulf is one of these things becomes so tedious still consuming so so distracting in your life that you can't stay focused on the goal the Christ to set before you. Yes, that is a sense in that category, and then doesn't even mention things we know our sins, but there are plenty of things like that. Evaluate and say if I'm going to please the Lord. I've got to set this aside.

If I'm going to reach toward this prize I got is that this is let's reconnect to the goal of pursuing greater Christ likeness. Some are drifting from this pursuit something here are drifting from this pursuit snap to wake up, deal with it. Make the changes you need to make. Let's get on with it, but there's also a lesson here about salvation and that's this without Christ life has little meaning. Some people have found that out. Some haven't found that out yet, but you will eventually long enough you can find out that all the pursuits of this world do not satisfy. They all disappoint afterwhile and some people are mildly puzzled as to why that's possible.

I thought if I can pursue this and got it.

I would be happy.

I thought if I pursue this and got I would They go through a whole series of things and they never quite achieve it, and so many times afterwhile. They just become jaded. It's not worth it?

Because you're not living for the purpose for which God Almighty created you in his image and in order to achieve that purpose. You've got to be redeemed by the blood of Christ too good to be saying that the new birth even to be regenerated and you can live for Christ. When you live for Christ.

All these other things fall into place and they make sense in their rightful place. If there Submitted to the main goal. It. Life becomes delightful.

Life becomes fall.

Life becomes joyful. All of these other things are just little blessings along the way that God gives us as we are pursuing the main goal soon as we lose sight of that main goal. These things become a problem, and until we come to Christ. Life really is is very little meaning.

And that's because the God appointed goal has been ignored.

The goal of gaining Christ. That's it. That's your situation and you need to go to him acknowledge your need and ask him asking for what salvation asking for eternal life asking for heaven asking for for forgiveness of sins will yes all of those things. What do you need and I trust understand the standard enough to know that this is what you want. What do you need you need divine life implanted within you. Changes present life and gives you an eternal life and eternal perspective and eternal goal which you start striving toward. Now that's what you need and there's only one who can give that to you. Where is he seated at the right hand of the father in heaven, and he will hear your prayers if you go to him with a humble and repentant heart, and call upon him, for the life which he could give. Let's pray father shows the truths that we have looked at today. May they be more than just interesting thoughts. May they grip our soul's made a guide our paths. It all the days that you give us here in this world as we ask it in Jesus name, amen