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The Immutability of God Part 2

Beacon Baptist / Gregory N. Barkman
The Cross Radio
August 5, 2020 1:00 am

The Immutability of God Part 2

Beacon Baptist / Gregory N. Barkman

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August 5, 2020 1:00 am

Pastor Karns gives church information, then continues his discussion of the immutability of God, beginning at 24-00.

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Welcome again to our beacon midweek service here on Wednesday night. Thank you for tuning in. Many of you of May that your habit and thankful to God for that.

I did not hear this was got the secondhand information but I've no reason to question its veracity that the governor Cooper announced that he's extending phase 2 for five more weeks. September 11 so seated about six or six weeks or so ago to holding people present services during the Sunday morning worship time observing social distancing wearing masks is saying and we've continue to monitor things faster apartment mature myself as we've just trying to have wisdom to steer forward in this pandemic and monitor things week to week, but again, Pastor Barkman and Marty away on vacation and this is new news today so that'll have to be fact. It's hard to envision any change in what were presently doing until his phase 2 gets lifted so most likely will continue with this pattern.

Sunday morning people service will present service live streaming Wednesday night live streaming Sunday night.

So that's where were at were at the mercy of God in this matter. Let me read from Psalm 33 to encourage you that our God is ruling it is raining and is not troubled, nor can rounded by anything.

Psalm 33 beginning at verse eight says let all the earth fear the Lord, but all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him, for he spoke and it was done he commanded and it stood fast.

The Lord brings the Council of the nations to nothing. He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect. The Council of the Lord stands forever. The plans of his heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the people that he is chosen as his own inheritance. The Lord looks from heaven he sees all the sons of man from the place of his dwelling. He looks on all the inhabitants of the earth. He fashions their hearts individually. He considers all their works. No king is saved by the multitude of an army, a mighty man is not delivered by great strength. A horse is a vain hope for safety.

Neither shall it deliver antibias great strength. Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who on those who hope in his mercy to deliver their soul from death and to keep them alive and famine.

Our soul waits for the Lord. He is our help and our shield for our heart shall rejoice in him because we have trusted in his holy name. Let your mercy all Lord, be upon us just as we hope you wonderful portion of God's word.

I was made aware of the song hadn't heard before.

It's a contemporary song set entitled the ancient of days and I'd like to read the lyrics of that tonight because it goes with the passage that I read three stanzas to it. Course I will read the first stands of the course verse to verse three and in the course again verse one. Though the nations rage kingdoms rise and fall.

There is still one king raining over so I will not fear for this truth remains that my God is the ancient of days, not above him none before him all of time in his hands for his throne. It shall remain in an ever stand all the power all the glory.

I will trust in his name for my God is the ancient of days, though the dreaded night overwhelms my soul. He is here with me. I am not alone. All his love is sure and he knows my name for my God, the ancient of days stands at three, though I may not see what the future brings. I will watch and wait for the Savior King then my joy complete standing face-to-face in the presence of the ancient of days and again the course not. Above him none before him all of time in his hands for his throne. It shall remain an ever stand all the power all the glory. I will trust in his name for my God, the ancient of days, but agree great song I listen to it this week it through my soul fact that I listen to it this morning and found it so refreshing and so faith, encouraging well, I basically covered the announcement related to our plans for our worship services. Also, making our deacons aware that deacons meeting is not this coming Tuesday to be the third Tuesday of the month, so be Tuesday, August 18. Just a reminder it's typically the second Tuesday of the month, but the sheet this month because of various reasons. It's been moved to the third Tuesday, August 18 men beat be reading chapter 5 in Jim works book mere Calvinism and then to remind you that Rob Conrad's mother is in need of a CNA to work 24 hour shift on the one to two days a week, or on a as needed basis and if you're interested in that it can help, contact Rob Conrad. His number is in your directory well at some must look to the Lord in prayer as we ask him to meet with us and bless our gather father.

What a great reminder tonight to be reminded of our posture toward you because you are the eternal God, you said enthroned in the heavens that you and rain your power has no limits, that your counsel will stand forever. You reminded us that our responsibility is to fear you and to trust you and to look to you for mercy and hope in you, and to wait upon you is days. Lord we are facing things that are obviously outside of our control.

We are bound by civil government to submit as long as not requiring us to violate biblical mandate in Scripture to help us Lord to find our way.

This unusual time. We thank you for the way you protected our church. You have sustained us.

You have provided for us. Truly, you have demonstrated a fresh to us that you are Jehovah Gyro God, who indeed provides made provision for us as a church you made provision for us individually and in our homes and in our families and or this.

We are thankful are worthy of our praise and thanksgiving. Lord we would ask you to meet with us tonight as we consider again a fresh your word and things related to you and your purposes and your determinations what you have purposed to do in this world that you have created the earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof, and all that dwell therein everything that you've created you've created for your own glory and for your own help us Lord to understand that a fresh tonight and to align ourselves accordingly father, thank you for this pause in the middle of the week where we can stop all of our busy schedules.

Whatever we've been doing and we find ourselves for you joining our hearts in prayer during our hearts and deliberation joining our hearts in consideration of your word the Lord because your word to bear fruit in our lives because us to believe your word because your word to be received with believing faith that it might be bring profit to those who hear it again. Lord, bless our gathering, give us a sense father of your your delight in your your pleasure upon us as we come together to honor you to worship you and to sing to you and to receive from you. We pray in Jesus name, amen, amen was a man. I'm told to was troubled as he heard the words of a hymn entitled I need thee every hour, troubled him because he realized he was honest about himself and his situation that it wasn't speaking of the full reality of what he knew and therefore he retired to a secret place with pandan paper and pen. The words of a hymn, moment by moment. I don't need thee every hour I need the moment by moment listen to these words by DW widow penned these words, moment by moment dying with Jesus like death reckoned mine living with Jesus, a new life divine looking to Jesus till glory doth shine moment by moment, old Lord, I am thine, then the refrain, moment by moment unkept in his love, moment by moment I've life from above. Looking to Jesus till glory got shine, moment by moment, old Lord, I am thine. In the North three more stanzas.

Listen and receive the blessing of these words never a trial that he is not there.

Never a burden that he doth not bear never a sorrow that he doth not share moment by moment. I'm under his care. Never a heartache and never grown, never a teardrop and never a moan, never a danger, but fair on your throne moment by moment.

He thinks of his own and in the last stanza never weakness that he doth not feel never a sickness that he cannot heal moment by moment in Waldo or in wheel. Jesus my Savior abides with me still enjoy hearing that the history behind the pinning of those words is been a blessing to the church of Jesus Christ. Down through the years. Well let's take a look at the west side of our sheet. Our government official. The week is Alamance County Commissioner Timothy Sutton are praising the Lord that Stephanie Stratton this is a cousin of Carolann Bart is improving covert, 19 pray that she continues to regain her strength under members Sarah Cardwell is recovering from knee surgery recently. Rob Conrad is now home receiving he's they put in an an IV port in his chest being IVs at home and they're waiting on the cardiologist to determine if the generation of his heart valves from normal wear and tear from a bacterial infection that landed him in the hospital here several weeks ago. Best of the tour is regaining his strength is in a rehab program at the hospital three times a week for an hour each time I think that is on for 12 weeks so putting them through the paces and he's finding it beneficial and helpful. I would mention Sunday about our coat having some tests run this weekend that he had those on Monday waiting to hear the results under others Sarah Gilmore that's the mother van unique sheet bell and broke her pelvis. She's in the hospital is expected to be released soon and Anna's really wondering about when would be the best time for her to make a trip to New York now or later. So pray for her grant her wisdom about that decision is a Slawson is recovering from surgery that he had Monday regarding mention Stephanie Stratton to Cybele Roys responded to antibiotics that given to him to bring some relief from an abscess had in his mouth. Beware of that improvement know you been faithful to pray for Trevor Trevor and Teresa Johnson, this time about people and their missionary careers: Trish Snyder and their two children are moving from Thomasville to Virginia coming Saturday and Ken Elliott are helping with that move. There's quite a few people on the Virginia and there be there to help as well. So to be aware that the Snyder's are moving to Virginia. No update for you concerning Stuart law, although I did see an update across the wire about further upheaval, economic collapse in the country so things are not improving factors further deterioration. There cause for upholding our brother prayer under sympathy. Carolann Bart's cousin's granddaughter had asked you to be praying for passed away this past Friday in Ohio. She had a medical issue. Heart stopped beating. She was taken to the hospital by life flight time she was revived. There was brain damage your lungs were affected.

God is seen fit to call her away from life. She was young girl, 12, 13 years old. Pray for that family and under cancer Stevensville interestingness to remember Annalisa Lynn in our prayers. Friend of Steve and Sue's has breast cancer returned.

Know your praying for those that we continue to bring before the throne of grace concerning salvation. Let me just read the names of those who are shut in members lest we forget about them. Gina Boswell was at her home in Maryellen Crompton were also in their home.

We stay was at the cottage at Blakely Hall that Pat and Betty Duncan who were still in their home. Francis Easley likewise Hazel Garcia is at least way. Family error number two.exe owns is at home recovering from pneumonia. Ruth Patterson is it high Grove long term care in Reidsville and Mary Sue right for these tumultuous days with election looming within three months, less than three months. Those that are serving the legislators are in strategic places and David Anderson is one of those people is he is ministering in Richmond, Virginia. He's writing to us. This is July 28. This is come to us. He writes a depressed apartment in beacon family watch the attitude toward the church in America continue to spiral downward. It is vital to remember the days of the early church in acts 20 to 4 Paul reveals the depth persecution against the church. I persecuted this way to the death binding and delivering in the prisons, both men and women. Paul speaking of his pre-conversion activities as a Pharisee.

Here Paul was telling his persecuting audience who had just lynched him in the temple that he had done the very thing they were currently doing and much more, even killing women who work usually spared and that day even in time of, and in contrast to them. He had not conveniently kept his persecution local Paul left his own country for Syria went to Damascus to bring in chains even those who were there in Jerusalem to be punished if they thought they had righteously on persecuting him.

Theirs was a drop in the bucket compared to his. So why does Paul say that's what was his ultimate point but just as Jesus had prayed in his final words upon the cross, father forgive them for they know not what they do and Steven and prayed in his final words as the Sanhedrin stone him to death or do not charge them with this sin.

So Paul desired the best for his persecutors and wanted to give them his own testimony, the power of Jesus Christ and transforming his life so that they might believe and be saved.

He cared more for the soles of his persecutors and his own life. The same attitude all passed on to the church in the time of their greatest persecution under Nero. So he says so use do we obey this priority and pray for our kings and all who are in authority in her public prayers of our churches. Each time we meet, how bad will it have to get in America before the true church will obey this first priority.

First Timothy 21 through four, and publicly pray for our political leaders when we meet. He says there may be nothing more vital at this time than a biblical attitude toward our leaders.

Please pray for opportunities to preach in churches throughout Virginia, encouraging them and obedient trust in the word of God through public prayer for the pastors and our political leaders especially request your prayers that God may use this second edition of the book to convince the leadership of our churches to obediently embrace their peace public prayers for our leaders. Also, we rejoice in connection with our legislators and staff in three days of training for ministry with the capital police and great opportunities to get to know them personally this month. We thank you for your continued prayers and sacrificial giving even in the midst of these trying times, rejoicing in his grace, David Anderson and David always sends us a copy of the Bible study that he is currently teaching their among people that he has a hearing with David and on June ministering with capital commission. There is something to be good assist pause again and pray again that the admonition here is first of all, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men for kings and all who are in authority so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and become knowledgeable to join me as we remember a County Commissioner Tim Sutton. Those in other places of authority. Father, we thank you for this admonition for these instructions.

We are to be men and women were to be churches that are diligent in our lifting before the throne of grace. Those who are in places of authority.

The Lord we want to remember County Commissioner Tim Sutton thank you for his life, abilities and gifts for his giving of himself for the people of this county.

Pray that you would cause him to be a God-fearing man as he makes deliberations and has decisions to be made that they would be informed by the word of God. You not rely upon his own wisdom but would do you for wisdom.

So help them Lord as he discharges his responsibilities in May our county be better off because of his service, Lord were mindful that there is much turmoil and upheaval in our country and there seems to be nothing that is said that is not tainted by political bias on both sides of the aisle.

This is troubling to us yet. Lord, it's not troubling to you, you're not frustrated you're not hindered you're not ported at all by all that's going on around us pray that our confidence would be in you and that you would lead through this morass lead us Lord to peace and prosperity, social unrest would give way to peace that there would be respect for police and for those who are protecting us Lord were mindful that we need your blessing Lord to rest upon us. We need you to turn hearts away from themselves and turn themselves to you in humility and in obedience to your word Lord. This is something that we do not have any power to enact it's something you must do, Lord, we pray that you have mercy upon our land, there would be a moving. I was very encouraged wooden hear this in the national news here that in the midst of all the unrest in Portland that there were those in the religious community who saw evidence of a moving of the spirit of God in the midst of all of that chaos support.

Thank you that there's that encouragement and pray that you would glorify yourself in the midst of all of this that you would turn people away from their confidence in themselves and to see that our confidence cannot be in a man, it cannot be in a party, it cannot be any piece of legislation that we must have our trust in you Lord that something you're going to have to convince men and women of the Lord, would you have mercy on this land would you remove those in office who are wicked and evil and are fighting against godly values and would you put in their place, God-fearing people who know you and fear you and are humble before you or hear our prayers work in our country work in our state or give wisdom to Gov. Cooper decisions that he makes a have an effect on on all who live in the state may be surrounded by people who are again not motivated by any personal agenda, but would be motivated by doing that which is right for the people of the state, not just in the state of North Carolina, but all across this nation or renew our confidence in you. Hear us, hear our prayers and answer them according to your perfect will and power. We pray in Jesus name, amen.


Well turn you to Hebrews chapter 6 tonight. I want to pick up where I left off last week as we were considering the very important subject of the immutability of God that is fact that God does not change does not change in his essence does not change in his nature ignores attributes.

Tonight we will expand a bit on that. Another aspect beautiful but Hebrews chapter 6 beginning at verse 13. My Bible has this heading above this section God's infallible purpose in Christ. When God made a promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no one greater. He swore by himself saying, surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you. And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise for men indeed swear by the greater and an oath for confirmation is for them and end of all dispute.

Thus, God determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise, the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath that by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation, fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast in which enters the presence behind the veil where the forerunner has entered for us. Even Jesus, having become high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek, so I liked the emphasis there in that passage, God determining to show more abundantly to the years of promise, the immutability of his counsel God's counsel God's determination. God's decrees. That's what I'd like to consider with you tonight again remind you in a world where the only constant is change. God remains unchanged. All comforting.

That is to us that he is the one stable unmoved unmovable force again to say that God is immutable is to say that he never differs from himself to be immutable is to always be the same unalterable God is unchanging and he's on changeable the quality of not being subject to are susceptible to change.

Malachi 36, God says, for I am the Lord. I do not change. So God is immutable is immutable and is being is immutable in his essence aunties immutable in his attribute revisit all of that tonight. But where I want to draw your attention tonight. God is not just immutable as being not just immutable in his nature and his attributes.

God is immutable in regard to his determinations or as Hebrews chapter 6 tells us he is immutable in regard to his counsel.

Listen to Isaiah chapter 46 verses eight through 11. Remember this and show yourselves man recalled the mind.

Oh, you transgressors remember the former things of all, for I am God and there is no other. All I am God and there is none like declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times, things that are not yet done, saying, my counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure calling a bird of prey from the East man who executes my counsel from a far country.

Indeed, I have spoken it. I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it all.

I will also do it God's immutability in terms of his counsel and his decrees in his will and his purposes there unalterable. They're not subject to change.

And that's just mind-boggling when you really dig begin to try and get your mind around that God has decreed would take place in this world in which he created any decreed that in eternity past and all the things that could affect wills of Mandan purposes and all of that cannot alter what God is decreed will take place.

He has purposed it and he will do it. He says in Isaiah so understanding. This has some very practical benefits to us so I'd like to speak to you about a couple of practical aspects here. Number one, there is great assurance, immutability of God is and an assurance for Christians.

This is the logic of because our God is unchanging.

His promises and his purposes are certain they cannot and they will not fail. We have an incorruptible sacrifice, the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. He has accomplished eternal redemption for all who receive it. We have a kingdom which cannot be shaken. According to Hebrews 12 verse 28.

We have a God who deals with us consistently with his character and his word. We have a great high priest who abides forever and holds a permanent priesthood according to Hebrews 7 verse 24 and again, our hope is not in our confidence is not in the uncertain riches, but rather in God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy the prophet Isaiah chapter 50 contrast the changing creation with the on change. Change is not that should be a wonderful source of assurance force that God will not change in his purposes of he's determined in purpose and will disable people, we can have confidence that he's going to say that people not one, not one single soul will fail to be included in the purposes of God nothing will thwart his purposes. Nothing will hinder his purposes. Nothing will frustrate his purpose for which we can give thanksgiving to God. This doctrine of immutability is a wonderful source of comfort. It should minister comfort to us. Listen to what Thomas Watson says in his book a body of divinity, he says, in case of losses. If you lose friends by death. There is a double eclipse but the comfort is God's unchangeable.

I may lose those things but I cannot lose my God never dies when the fig tree in the olive tree failed.

God did not fail, I will join the God of my salvation.

Habakkuk 3 verse 18 flowers in the garden die, but a man's portion remain so outward things die and change, but Psalm 73 verse 26 thou art the strength of my heart and my portion forever portion tonight you trusting him. You find him to be the solace of your soul writer of Hebrews tells us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever. And there's a lot in that statement, it's a claim of deity. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever.

Only God is immutable. Only he cannot and does not change, and for the writer of Hebrews to tell us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever, is to remind us that Jesus is God, so no wonder no wonder his sacrifice is a superior sacrifice to any of the Old Testament sacrifice see it fuels our faith is an incentive to our faith pulled better.

Better to entrust our soul, our eternal well-being to then he who is not only God but you cannot and does not change our eternal destiny could not be in better hands. Praise the Lord. Alleluia for that, I came across this quotation by Alister Baig, says my prayers. My prayers whether I pray how much I pray about what I pray reveal my priorities and they reveal how much I really think I need God, or whether I am deep down. In fact, self-assured and self-righteous.

My prayers whether I pray how much I pray, and about what I pray see we have a God who enthroned in the heavens God, who cannot be manipulated to God cannot be coerced.

But God commands us to pray, God commands us to look to him in believing faith, the God who tells us to ask and the keep on asking, and to seek and keep on seeking and do not keep on knocking line so that our persistence will wearing down. No, we might demonstrate our confidence in him or know about you but I think it's up pretty human nature for Christians to Wayne in their fervency and their consistency in prayer over matters that seem not heard. God does not seem to move in the hearts and lives of those for whom we are praying because we don't get a ready answer for not diligent in our seeking of God. We tend to's draw conclusion. Well, apparently God doesn't will this God is and will that I will bother God anymore and that no got I think at times wants to know how serious we really are serious are you this is just a prayer that you offer on an occasion or is this something that you are serious about.

Are you diligent about this or is there fervency in your heart about this and as we continue to beseech the throne of grace and pray what we find is God changing many times our own hearts.

God realigning our hearts with the divine will. There are times that we learn in the process of our consistency in prayer that our prayers need to be modified or prayers need to be refined because there there tainted by selfishness. We want God to do this because of this reason and that reason is not ultimately for God's glory and the best of this person's soul. So those are concerns that we need to continue to have God refine he is a master at doing that. See sanctifies us and grows us in the reason why this subject is so critical last Wednesday night and I introduced the subject. Jesus said this is eternal life, that they might know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent this is the essence of what salvation is it snowing God and knowing his son Jesus Christ.

So if that's the essence of what the Christian life is then genuine Christians should be on a continual endeavor to seek in the know God better and better and that's why Peter comes to the end of his letter is he is writing to churches who are being persecuted. That's a theme that he continues to speak to in that letter, you would think when he came to the letter at the end of the letter, he would say something in summary about this subject of suffering and the need to persevere. You would think he would say something like, and finally, brethren persevere in the midst of these tribulations.

But that's not what he says. He comes at the end of the letter, he says, but grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Interesting that he would end up with that grow in the knowledge and the grace of God.

Why is that important because that is the heart of what salvation is. So that's why you want to immerse yourself find yourself in a place that's continually instructing you informing you educating you on the nature and character and purposes of God need to continue to read and study and pursue these things is why our Sunday schools are designed away. They are times we take breaks from our expositional study of Scripture and study the contents of the book, but those books are chosen very carefully and there designed to help us grow in our knowledge of God's why are humans are selected the way they are, with an eye toward growing in our understanding God is, who is revealed himself to be. You see, since the subject is an eternal God will never exhaust.

This study, this ought to be our lifelong pursuit. That's what Paul said claimant can coming to the end of his life by might know the Paul's desire to know God, the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering, being made conformable unto his death. That was Paul's heart. At the end of his life.

That ought to be our that are to be characteristic of every Christian's life is no there's no graduating class.

You'll get to a place in this life and somebody says you know what you you finish the course.

No, this course continues after we leave this earthly existence.

I believe our knowledge of God will grow in greater dimensions when we are in his presence will know things that we weren't able to know here because were looking at things through a glass dimly can't fully see, we can fully understand. We've got restrictions upon our minds and our abilities was things will be lifted where it is present so all that to say this study. Immutability of God and again all were doing is scratching the surface on the subject because great men of written on this. I met a man couple years ago a pastor's retreat. Their loss holds card and I were invited to go in.

We met some people that we had not known before. One the men his son Daniel Chamberlain, pastor, and Daniel his taken Stephen char next three volume set on the attributes of God and are three volumes in their heart back in her three about like this, I thought, I think collectively, there's probably 800 pages. No pictures. It's all it's all text, but is taken char next work and his edited and condensed it in and brought down in the layman's terms and I was given a copy of that work dispatches retreat to spend some more time and work my way through that. But I found that the being notably helpful and it ignited a greater desire in my heart is one of those works that sits there in your library to look at it frequently and you're intimidated a bit biased because it's old English and its it's weighty and it's heavy and you read five pages of Stephen char and I can it's like reading 50 or 60 pages of something else. This is so rich, every word seems to be pregnant and meaning and you gotta stop okay no housing with what exactly is he conveying and think that through. So that's the nature of it, so Daniel Chamberlain is taken that needed much more readable. Much more assessable to to the average person so probably at some point make that Book-of-the-Month year when things get back to normal well. Again, thank you for tuning in tonight back here, Lord willing.

Sunday morning Pastor Barton will be preaching.


I believe from math at chapter 81 through third keenness I remember approving the bulletin for Sunday earlier this morning. Matthew 813 so you may want look at that reparation for Sunday. Well I want to conclude our service and prayer. Remember some of these requests and would encourage you to continue to be fervent in your prayers. Thank you for your prayers for the elders, the deacons says we have responsibility to lead the flock of God here have oversight responsibilities wisdom from the Lord. These are unprecedented days to know how best to instruct and lead in and guide her people. Thank you for fulfilling our joy in submitting to the authority vested in the eldership were not perfect man by any means, but others wisdom in a multitude of counselors so we talk among ourselves and try and discern the mind and will of God church so and that is in a lot of areas. Areas of preaching areas and decisions were making is this pandemic is affecting church life. Present the biggest thing is just wisdom to know when to begin to extend our people present services. Again, I think the extending a face to is impinge on that talk when? Gets back from vacation, but we think we found a good good medium were able to conduct the Sunday morning people present service we been given very cooperative with this terms of honoring social distancing been faithful in your giving so were very thank thanking the Lord what he's doing in you producing that faithfulness to Christ and his church will join me as we conclude our service and I remember some of us. Father, we would be amiss if we didn't cause and give you thanks for the countless innumerable answers to prayer that we have received from you, Lord, you are a God who delights to hear your children. We thank you that your eyes are upon the righteous in your ears are indeed open under our try.

We thank you father for the burden to pray.

We thank you for the knowledge of and relationships we have people that we love and care about that motivate us in prayer Lord we want to thank you for the improvement with Carolann's cousin improvement from coven. Pray for the passing of this granddaughter Carolann's cousin you administer comfort to those of people who are grieving the passing of this young girl over 13 years of age. These are sad times. Thank you that have made us aware of this. This loss and we would ask you to draw near and minister peace and comfort and consolation to this family that's been affected by this death.

We think that Sarah Cardwell's making improvement. Pray for Rob Conrad. His mother for this nurse assistant provide of this need. Thank you for the improvement with pastor Bob couture for Robert Sweet for our pope. We would ask you to continue to strengthen our brother, we thank you that he's been able to be in the services.

The last three weeks and that some thank worthy please help this brother work and life of his dear wife who is in need of saving faith, pray for Annie Nick's mother Sarah Gilmore was fallen and broken her pelvis would ask you superintend her life. Wisdom to Hannah. She seeks the wisdom to know whether to go to her mother now are to wait for a time. Thank you for Isaiah Slawson's improvement bring healing to him for Josiah Roy is known pray that you bless this move of the Snyders on Saturday.

Thank you for those who are involved in that made result in encouragement to the Snyders that there are church folk who love them, encourage them in these practical ways, Lord, we pray for Annalisa Lynn diagnosed with breast cancer you would be pleased to arrest these cancer cells in your body returner to a full measure of health can hardly think of her without thinking of Tammy Reed Langan. The battle that she's in Duard for years over the same type of cancer. Lord, she's weary from the battle pray that you would encourage her help her not to become weary in well doing, help her to trust you strengthen her faith. Lord, if it would please you to bring her through this battle. She might again be able to be a pastor's wife and be a mother and be a grandmother to her grandchildren. When remember our shut-ins and ask you to draw near to them they would know your fellow presence in these days is set this covert has affected everybody seems that it has the potential to adversely affect these were shot and even more Lord help them to know that they're not shot shut off from you. Help them to look heavenward help them to grow in their prayer life and in their trust and dependence upon you. We pray for this long list of people who are friends and relatives of this church family who are lost and in need of saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ Lord, it's good to be reminded of the rock in which we were you that we were all undone. We were all lost were all strangers to grace. At one time and you through your kind providences work through lives in finances and through the preaching and ministry of your word to bring us to believing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ Lord we would pray that you would do. Similarly, in the lives of these for whom were burdened Lord move upon their hearts command light shine in the darkness of their hearts, we would pray as you commanded light to shine in darkness was dispelled in creation. Lord you're able to do the same flood the souls of these people with gospel light, bring them out of darkness into your glorious light. We pray, we thank you father for the salvation we have in the Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for our confidence in you strengthen as our father for these days galvanize us, fortify us, give us courage, Lord, to be good representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ. You have enlisted us senior Army help us to be good soldiers help us to be good ambassadors as we represent King Jesus in this world. Hear our prayers and receive them. We pray through him who loved us and gave himself for us. Even our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ and whose name we pray. Amen