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Envy - Part 2

Fellowship in the Word / Bil Gebhardt
The Cross Radio
April 27, 2022 8:00 am

Envy - Part 2

Fellowship in the Word / Bil Gebhardt

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April 27, 2022 8:00 am

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Today on the Fellowship in the Word pastor Bill Gebhart challenges you to become a fully functioning follower of Jesus Christ I say that as it says this a tranquil heart is like the body and envious heart is what so what he ends up telling us what this whole idea is that you really want to have healthy heart make make peace in India's art is. That's how important God sees this idea joining us today on this additional fellowship of the word pastor Bill Gebhart Fellowship in the Words the radio ministry of Fellowship Bible church located in Metairie, Louisiana. Let's join Pastor Bill Gebhart now again he shows us how God's word meets our world Esau sold his birthright. What is just one support hungry. She does the same thing she said is a small matter for unit take my husband. She's resentful, she said, and would you take my sons mandrake's. Also, Rachel said, therefore he may lie with you tonight if you return your sons, mandrake's not Leah needs permission to sleep with her husband from Rachel and it turns out that way. So it's is admin in the next verse he lay with her that night and Leah has another child and she named him just a car. Leah conceived again and bore six on the Jacob called him Zebulun afterwards bore daughter and named her Dina. Now watch what happens now God remembered Rachel and God gave heed and opened up her womb, so she conceived and bore a son and said God is taken away my reproach and she named him Joseph saying May the Lord give me another son, settlor Joseph comes now think about this. Remember the story of Joseph and Holland. His brothers Phil bottom you think you know why now you see all this work. You gotta know why they hated him. She that's the only this is the only son he ever wanted and so all the others are not sons. He wanted at all.

So showing her character 3119. When Laban and gone to share his flock.

Then Rachel stole the household idols that were fathers and what we wipe their idol worshipers. These are not believers. This is a part of vision is the beginning of Israel.

These are all idol worshipers. So she steals him with interesting about it though as you go one and he said that them. Verse 31 of the same chapter. Then Jacob replied to Laban and said because I was afraid I thought that you would take your daughters from me by force, the one with whom you find your guides shall not live in the presence of our kinsman point out what is yours among my belongings, take it for yourself. For Jacob did not know that Rachel was stolen. Jacob just pronounce the death sentence on Rachel, the only one he loved in his whole story.

He said that's the way this is that's the way this is going to be now. This is quite interesting because they ask Rachel you read and she lives at night Rachel. Rachel has no more character than Jacob. I want no one in the story has character. I mean there's no one with it. So then go to with me to chapter 35 as we get near the end, Jake was going back in the land. In verse 18, 35, 18 it came about as her soul was departing why I should read 17 first when she is in severe labor. The midwife said there do not fear you out now have another son. She has the second boy then it says it came about as her soul was departing for. She died that she named him Ben on Arnie, but his father called him Benjamin. So Rachel died and was buried. On the way to eat frappe that is Bethlehem so she has her second son, but she dies so Rachel's that she has two boys you have you have 64 Leah yelled for the handmaidens and then you have Joseph and Benjamin. But what's interesting is that one away the breath, I'm back in the landed worse.

Rachel Berry side of the road.

She's buried on the side of the road with Leah. Right beside Joseph that interesting little bit of justice. Everything about this story shows all that is built on envy all of it, all the choices they made to handmaids everything I want what she has. I want what she has and there's nothing going on, but sin and deceit, lying treachery, that's all that's going on because that's exactly the way envy works envy creates more sense because envy can consume you. Now, 20 years pass 20 years and at the end of these 20 years. You see something it's quite interesting and that is that their coming home and someone shows up after 20 years Esau now from Esau's point of view, how to Jacob get the inheritance he stolen.

He deceived my father, Esau's and forgotten. Apparently so Esau decides he's going to meet Jacob and he puts 400 men with them.

That's not a good sign. He brings 400 men to meet Jacob. 20 years later. Now Jacob has a strategy for this. Jacob decides what I'm going to do when I meet Esau's ongoing aligned everybody up and in a very nice a guy. A good solid way that I believe in. So what Jacob did is the four children that were from handmaiden there in the front you see then the six children that he had with Leah earned their next. Then Rachel and her two boys or acknowledges that the two boys, Joseph and Benjamin are in the back. He was determined that if I'm in a save many lives in Ravenna save their two lives so you can just see when the story of Joseph starts how much I favor.

Joseph and Benjamin were to their father, but he thought that's what I'll be able to do. I will be able to protect them now. Turns out Esau was not bitter. He had forgiven and they were able to work all that out, but envy becomes a kind of motor that runs so many other behaviors, it always starts with a desire and it's always there something I want to have, but I don't. Vicki Kraft writes this envy starts with desire.

We all one things we don't have money. A nice figure a better home more close we long for a happier marriage, successful children, a secure, pleasurable job. There's nothing wrong with these desires, as long as their realistic recognizing that they do not bestow value on our lives today society. She writes values people for their appearance and their achievements. It's very difficult not to be envious of a woman who has a beautiful figure why struggle every day for not gaining another pound. It's hard to feel good about ourselves when we been driving the same car for 10 years and my neighbors every two years. Get a new luxury model.

We don't accept ourselves as we are.

We are she he's rewrite.

We are unable to recognize our own strengths. Instead, we compare our weaknesses with other strengths.

Consequently, we become envious that's what enemies like you. Did you ever think envious thoughts.

I wish I had. I wish I had the third thing.

Envy has terrible consequences. I want to go to Proverbs 14 with me Proverbs chapter 14 and verse 30.

Now those of you to be here long time. You know, I've been very partial over all these years. The new American Standard translation there a lot of good. When CSV is another really good translation. It's out now but I've always been partial a book I translation like the NIV they translate ideas on numeric and standard only translates words so it's a little wooden and little literal, but I was for was safer, but let me give a disclaimer there translation Proverbs for teams. The worst whenever it's the worst translation I've ever read. I don't know who did it. Working on in ASP. I don't know if they hated envy or someone called him envious so that I can use the words literal wording there that doesn't even exist as far as a possible translation so it says in verse 30, a tranquil heart his life to the body, but passion is rightness to the bones. That's not passion the words envy. That's why you know that you sure to assure him.

I read 20 English translations this week. 20 you nominate translated passion one.

The other 19 envy, not just telling I got a pretty good idea.

This must be envy you see that's what the word is because the word itself is key not it is translated envy all through the Old Testament and why would passion be rightness to my ball. We should have passion. If it's good. Passion makes no sense to me but the first is so important. I was going to use it anyway passion or envy is rightness to my bones. In other words, envy will consume you just like cancer accepted works in your heart it will consume you. It is a disease we even use a phrase sometimes it refers. That way you ever heard the phrase green with envy.

You want to work came from the computer culture of fellow Shakespeare was the first one to use that term and it's been with our English-speaking world ever since.

He talks about a monster that can consume you green and so green with envy. He's right. Envy is rightness to the bones.

Solomon also said I saw all of the toil in the world all the work and all the achievement and it all springs from one person's envy to another. He says we use envy to motivate us see if I envy if I envy. I always want what more I want more. And if I see you, and you have more just what I want I want what you have. That's the way we do things that drives the American economy. I want more I saw, what he has. You see what she was wearing. Did you see what they were driving this neighborhood compare to my I want more.

That's envy and or something else. Envy always has an ER with every time envy has it lives in the world of ER bigger, smarter, richer, you see, it always has an ER and that's what I want my life I want more I want when I know somebody else has and I don't have enough so I find myself being Evan and envious. Now the first part of the verse though says a tranquil heart is life to the body that were tranquil heart is the word more pay and that word means healthy, soothing, healing peaceful see one of the things you can never be. If you're envious and never at peace. Your why envy has no finish line. See you never you never finished. If you're envious personal diabetes is always more.

There's always something else that someone else has and I love the habit and we just become envious.

But he says here that a tranquil heart his life to the body. Now what I find amazing here is this is Hebrew poetry give you poetry lesson. I've said this before when he was right poetry. They don't whine the words like we do in English when the human rights poetry. It's called parallelism. When you see two lines of heat and Hebrew wisdom literature.

The point of the author is how these two lines relate to each other. Most heat of this, most of what you read in wisdom literature is what is called synonymous parallelism that is the what's written in the first line is just like my dream in the second line, but this is not synonymous parallelism. These are antonyms.

They are the exact opposite. So when you look at the poetry these two lines represent the exact opposite.

And the reason I say that as it says this a tranquil heart is like to the body and envious heart is rightness to the bones. So when he ends up telling us when you look through this whole idea is that if you really want to have health in your life you can. This healthy heart of make a tranquil heart will make a peaceful, joyful and envious heart will make you miserable and eventually it will consume you. That's how important God sees this whole idea Jordan Patterson gave some insight in his book he said compare yourself to who you were yesterday.

Stop comparing yourself to somebody somebody else's today.

That's were in the lives you see I should compare myself with words. I come from, how they changed not look to someone else that what they have and I don't him envious. So the solution to envy is pretty clear I John 15 New Testament last verse, Jesus speaking.

How do I overcome this envy in my heart. Jesus says this is my commandment, you love one another, just as I is a commandment not a suggestion. It's not a wistful list.

It's a commandment I command you to love one another, and then he tells you how just as I will do well. How did Christ love you. Did Christ give up anything for you or how about the fact that he gave up all of his divine prerogatives. He emptied himself, he's God. He did that for you. He bore all your sins. He screamed out of the father, Eloi, Elamites, about he did that for you he came he lived and he died for you and for me is a gap that's the way I want you to live at the way I want you to love other people. That's what I want from you. Now notice envious preoccupied with me. Love is on preoccupied with you greatest commandment love the Lord your God with all your heart mind soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. It all fits their greater love.

He said has no one than this, that they lay down their life for their friends so love kind of you is part of the answer.

Envy is a sin envy will consume you. Envy has terrible consequences in your life, but envy can be dealt with envy can be built with and that's what I'll close with five things I think it help us deal with envy one. Confessing to sin. If you're envious you'll know what you know what you do in your heart you know it's likely to see other people succeed have more what you feel and is 44 joyful for them. When we do with the member in Galatians I read that the beginning it's called deeds of the flesh, you got to do with it. First John 19. If I acknowledge and confess my sins he is faithful and just to forgive it.

I have to confess it is sin. Secondly, first Peter what I read earlier I have to choose to get rid of it. Peter says put aside all injury. Lord I have to get rid of this. This is part of who I am in a mixed I think this way all the time.

Thirdly, I have to develop a thankful heart. This Bible tell us we should only thing God for things like get some big.

I think it says for all things than it I think we are to be thankful for all things were to be thankful in everything see if I pumped constantly thankful for God for my health for my abilities for my family, my friends, my gifts, my experiences from thanking God for that.

I can tell you those that Thanksgiving pushes what out of my heart envy.

I don't envy what other people have forcefully, I need to learn the joy of serving others because that's how I manifest the love just like Christ love me every secular study abroad over the last 10 years. Every one of them says the same thing when it comes to happiness.

The happiest people on the planet are people who give themselves away to others.

I read it.

It didn't matter what country it's in. Who wrote it.

Modern psychology won't matter. The happiest people you finer people give their lives away to other that's an interesting thing because they serve other people that there's something absurdly selfish about the idea of envying for myself, and last, and I think by a mile. The most important is this live for an audience of one to nice phrase, but it's a hard way to live live for an audience of one, and I mean live I mean everything you see I try to train myself every morning when you get up and you first wake up your eyes. I always think of the phrase turn your eyes upon Jesus first thing why I like to have my eyes on me. You see, and then I like I like you to help me all day long. Make me feel better about me. I that's a good day to me. It's not way to live. Turn your eyes upon Jesus for his wonderful face the things of earth grow strangely dim. You see, that's live for an audience of one. Colossians 3 says this set your minds on the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God and not on earthly things, envious, preoccupied with earthly things.

Of all the experiences you may want to have in your life. I can tell you one bit. To me, and I pray for you will be the most important thing the greatest experience, however, have in the greatest words will ever be spoken to me will be at the judgment seat of Jesus Christ were all born there we all go to the judgment seat and he's going to look at our lives, not our sin. All the things we've ever done some of those Hill cedarwood hay and straw there just consume others or gold silver and precious stones. When you read the rest of the Corinthians around that you realize the key to this whole thing is Homo how my motivated. He knows the difference between motivation for me and motivation for him and he separates it at the judgment seat of Christ. So of all the words I could ever hear because they will ring through eternity to me is Jesus looks at me and says, well done good and faithful servant. That's more important than anything you've ever owned anything everyone own no money.

Every human beings ever said to you, those are eternal words. Well done good and faithful servant.

That should be our mode of the live don't let envy get away.

Don't become envious of what other people possess.

Let God do open heart surgery on you spray father.

The problem we have when it comes to envy in our lives as were just not honest, we don't see it as a big deal but apparently you do. We don't realize it has tremendous consequences in our life, and leads to all of other sins in our life but you do. We don't realize we can be consumed by envy Richard father I pray that we live our lives for an audience of one that we are thankful for what we have. We are thankful for where we are who we are what we are.

We are thankful that were a child of God we are thankful for everything that happens in our life because we realize as Paul said, all things will work together for good.

So father we can be thankful for everything and every that's what I pray usual to drive Jesus Pastor Bill Gebhardt. If you ever missed one of our broadcast or maybe you just like to listen to the message one more time. Remember the good a great website called one that's one and you can listen the fellowship and the word online event website you will find on with today's broadcast but also many of our previous audio programs as well have Fellowship in the Word. We are thankful for those who financially support our ministry and make this broadcast possible. We ask all of our listeners to prayerfully consider how you might help his radio ministry continuous broadcast on this radio station by supporting a monthly fourth is the one-time gift support for ministry can be sent to Fellowship in the Word. 4600 Clearview Pkwy., Metairie, LA 7006 if you would be interested in hearing today's message in its original format that is of the sermon, the pastor will deliver during a Sunday morning service at Fellowship Bible church visit our website FVC that SBC and LA.O RG at our website you will find hundreds pastor Bill sermon you can browse through our sermon archives defined sermon series are looking for, or you can search by title. Once you find the messenger looking for. You can listen online or if you prefer, you can download the sermon and listening. And remember, you can do all this absolutely free of charge. Once again our website is FVC for pastor Bill Gebhardt and Jason Gebhardt. Thank you for listening to fellowship in order