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November 2, 2020 9:00 am
Tail Senate life Jeannie Greer gives us the link to join what is you begin to think about the resources got you plotting some massive resources and massive talent when she started to say to God, how to use that talent if I use this one shot that I have leverage what I have for the purposes of the great commission would give you joy because you would actually knowing that your life is eternally significant rally north. I'm your host Molly, have you ever wondered what the pathway to true joy is so many search and come up empty. Surely there's directions we can follow right well today's message is titled the Kings joy and that title sounds promising right and it's the last message in our series titled kingdom come. If you missed any of the previous messages in this series, you can catch them online. Jeannie now. Pastor Jenny is teaching from the Gospel of Luke chapter 24 where Jesus appears to the disciples. Jesus himself says to them you humor the playful side of Jesus better is that you got a good chuckle out of that verse 37 but they were startled and frightened in the spirit he said to them while you trouble and what doubts arise in your heart resorted. I see my hands about me that it is I myself.
Touch me and see for spirit does not have flesh and bones like you see that I have a real resurrection not up a mythical one.
It's an actual resurrection. The only thing Christianity rises or falls on this point. The reason for that is what I both explained to you that the Circuit Court of Christianity is not what Jesus taught the central point of Christianity is what Jesus did in the fact that he rose from the dead validates the fact that Jesus had lived for us and died for us and paid for our sin and he hasn't risen from the dead, but he didn't really pay for our sin and pay for our sin. This whole thing is useless.
Verse 40 said this, he showed them his hands and his feet.
Verse 41, and while they still disbelieve for joy and they were marveling. He said to them, have you anything here to eat. They gave him a piece of broiled fish.
Located in a bit before them. I said, these are my words that I spoke to you while I was there with you but everything written about me will all the Moses and the prophets. In the Psalms must be fulfilled in many open their minds to understand the Scriptures, and he said to them, thus it is written, the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead and told that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name all the nations starting in Jerusalem. Verse 48 and you he says are witnesses of these things commission them and preserve their memory so they could accurately record for you and me.
What we needed to know about Jesus. Verse 49 and, behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. Stay in the city until your cloak with power from on high. Verse 50. Did he let them out as far as Bethany lifted up his hands. He blessed them while he blessed them departed from them that he was carried up and have it then your authority verse, verse 52, they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy that a key phrase circle that they were continually in the temple blessing God Luke in his gospel by talking about their joy joy which is a little counterintuitive in Jesus. He's leaving Dee as their leader and he is left them with a life that is harder than most of us would ever think our lives could become and they have joy.
What is joyful about that. Their joy listen was anchored in four things that they got in this previous verses from the resurrection right for things that their joy was anchored in certainty. Hope purpose presents. So here's my question for you. Do you have that kind of joy and where are you planting your certainty, your hope, your purpose in your presence. Number one certainty certainty again. Before this, they still doubted that Siebel had no expectation of the risen Messiah, the hope of the Messiah for them.
For a Jew, was he was one who was supposed to throw off the yoke of oppression not be overtaken by, and certainly not been to tell his followers that they were destined for the cross that he died on what made them go throughout the world to their deaths proclaiming a message that depended on Jesus being raised from the dead. That certainty certainty and uncertainty gave them a joint that gave them joy in the midst of pain and resolve in the midst of persecution number two. Hope hope Mercer certainty lashes were your hope, the resurrection of Jesus came to hope in two different ways things out in his resurrection, he given a picture of the creation they were headed to his resurrection gave him a picture of the creation they were headed into he could be touched any fish I could recognize them but also being into rooms. I told you throughout the series that Jesus was more alive after the resurrection, not less alive and that all that we love. Down here is just a pale reflection that were going to get to experience a resurrection version of up there. What is it look like what you like to experience that down here we got five senses. Maybe up there will have 100 life be awesome to scrub like you have to realize when Paul was talking about eternity. He said this is it.
I have not seen nor has either heard, nor is entered into the heart of man, what God has prepared for those that love him. I take that to mean that you and I don't have the sensual capacity to understand what God has prepared. Should I give people hope for the missed payment deprivation Johnny Erickson taught a story I told you last week, a quadriplegic who loses her ability to walk and move anything below her neck. When she's a teenager. She has hope because she's not to be a disembodied spirit float around the clouds up there. She could have real leg.
She's going to know what it's like to walk and to run the thing she has been deprived of your experiences in the fullness there, you're married, you're not married, and you've always wanted to be married and you like about to get married this time around on earth. I'm just gonna be lonely. No, no, marriage is just a pale reflection here of something that is eternally fulfilled their in eternity, the lame walk will only have companionship the blind to see the poor abound with riches. The good that the resurrected version is coming. I give them hope in the midst of deprivation. The other way that he gives them hope, as he shows and there's a purpose and underpay the point about them showing and showing his nail scars in his hands at his feet, showing Jesus crucifixion. If there was one time whatever look like their lives were out of control. It was through the crucifixion right if there was ever one time when it look like the good, the bad guys were winning and that God was absent it was when Jesus died on the cross and now here he stands in front of them showing get this that his nails in his hands at the speed the time when they thought God was most out of control was actually the time the guy was most in control and the very bad things that happened in their life they thought God was absent were the very things that God used for their ultimate salvation.
No wonder the disbelief or joy she got 70s. There are good and it's like Christmas there movies are bad indicates, I don't like is movies doesn't end well Mike I wasted my money like oh but it's so real to life. I know my life is depressed.
I don't need to pay $20 to come out but what about someone, feeling good for just a few minutes. That's all I ask. Okay, good. It is movies about Indians is the best kind of movie and that are movies that have really really bad all the way through it within the really good ending and all of the bad things that happen somehow become part of the good ending or what caused the good ending to be able to drop writers not just a good ending slap on the end of a depressive life. It's like all these bad things are happening actual part of the good and you try to limit how something of a good example of a movie on this when I come up with. I got a respected yesteryear. So hang up with me okay member that movie by the director Jim night's seminar that I got sort of speak in tongues message that in much science science that movies you can remember back is all this bad stuff is having to disguise his wife is God's brother Bill baseball career his daughters. OCD is as you drink out of the water. Leave them everywhere on the sun got asthma all these bad things that happen, but in the end the good ending actually is because all those things happen. Those become the very means by which the good ending is achieved and you walk out there like that was worth $80 EAT all the bad things happen in the good thing that is what Jesus showing that the very worst things at times, and I thought life was so out of control with the times of God was most working for their good.
Wonder the disbelief or joy.
What if God, what if God was suddenly able to open your eyes.
Should you. But this most painful moments in your life the times when you thought God was most absent, the times and you said God where are you constantly open your eyes and show you how this very things were the things he was using the produce that good and you might, disbelief, or joy. What you really believe Romans 828 that all things work together for good, all things not good things, all things are good, the bad, the ugly.
All of it was working for God's best and most beautiful plant question what your what you're hoping your ability to make a good life for yourself. Your ability to hold onto a life happens when Mike is wrong. What happens when the job falls apart. What happens when the marriage partner disappoint you guys release you what happens verse 1412 says Hope deferred makes the heart sick sick means it leads into depression because what you set your hope on crumbles always thought that I be married always thought I'd have this kind of job. Always thought this got home I have it I don't get it. So you go into deep depression. The disciples were going to go to some very difficult chapters of their life ahead but they had enjoyed that death could not touch. Deprivation could not take away D's could not disease could not corrupt because there joy was anchored in a hope that was anchored in something that was beyond the touch of disease and death. The resurrected body of Jesus.
What you're hoping and is it something that death and disease can take away number three purpose purpose because of his resurrection, Jesus showed them that they did not have to be out on an obsessive quest to obtain everything down here last week of the resurrection is true, the bucket list don't matter that much because whatever we miss out on down here. We get a much better version of a bear, and never I explained that it is our refusal to believe that that keeps us from being able to really live like true disciples because we can never really sacrifice because were so obsessed with what were missing out on this time a rep but I can also commit no no marriage, just a pale reflection on the outside of them on another vacation together without a doubt if there is the reason I was in heaven. Looks like but I know that somehow it relates to the apps now with Jesus resurrected body was to be patient past the walls relates to the out the rear and I'm willing on this earth to maybe forgo some of the things I'd like to see now because I get to experience them in eternity. It tells me obtaining everything down here is not essential but it also shows me get this.
It also shows me that people do matter.
People matter. Interesting thing about Jesus resurrection notices his followers recognize him, but not at first light. His first season in the garden every resurrected, not not as mom but the bellowing his friend Mary and and she should until he says Mary is disciples to like this.
Your spirit when you look at it you whenever you see them appearing after the resurrection.
He's always like it's me hey it's me, Lexi, was that it is. I can speak. Printing was heavy smoking is I like you know what's going on with that will be so hang with me. There's a certain graduation. There's a certain flowering in the resurrection that has continuity with the past but is so much more than the past giving example you guys know you want to know that I think my my daughters were the most beautiful people in the world right but there 853 social kids think a three-year-old right. Let's say that for some reason I should get separated for me and I think she she died of a ship ship or a reef separate from 20 years. 20 years later, she walked up to me. I think she did had no category for the fact she might be alive.
She walks up to me and she says 23 you recognize me.
My response to her is.
I'm sorry I don't think we've met and she says that in all the sudden I see in that face little beauty that I loved three years old which is now become that young woman little traces of personality that I saw three years old, have become the mature woman that I see a 23 and I look at her 23 years old this bright and articulate beautiful young woman and I say I know I always knew you could become like us and I saw it in seed form in you at three years old, but you had to tell me what look like a 23 because I know it can look like that's what happened in Jesus resurrection. There were evidences of the real him still bear but they didn't get it. They didn't see it until he told them about it will be that way lesson for us in the resurrection to see people see people that you knew on earth be like. I know it always for you to be like this.
I saw flashes of it in your best moments but only flashes and only your best moments and then you went back to the regular annoying you. Okay that I live with but but I saw all these flashes and now I see them in their fullness is what happens in the resurrection which means lesson that what you and I are investing one another's lives now she bacteria his eternal significance because people matter and we are every day, every moment helping the seeds of beauty in Christ likeness that God has planted in those people that are around us. We are helping them grow into those things and I've seen in you something eternal that last forever so my investment in you matters.
This is what was on CS Lewis's mind when he wrote that famous passage in the weight of glory. Listen to this hello this is a serious thing to remember that the dullest and most uninteresting person you talk to think about you that is for you though. Sterile point.
Okay, dullest and most interest uninteresting person you talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship, or else a horror and a corruption such as you now meet, if at all only a nightmare all day long we are in some degree, helping each other to one of the other of these destinations.
It is in the light of these overwhelming possibilities is with the awe and the circumspection proper to them that we should conduct all of our dealings with one another, all friendships, all loves, all play, all politics. There are no ordinary people you'd never talked to a mere mortal. It is immortals with whom we joke work Mary snob and exploits immortal horrors or everlasting splendors. This is not mean that we are to be perpetually solemn know we must play but our merriment must be a back time and it is in fact the various guide which exist between people who have from the outset taken each other seriously, bucket list, no matter but it was no matter the resurrection is true, but people matter shall be taken seriously and we get to be a part of seeing and seed form will flowering in eternity and then in verse 47.
He tells her that people all over the world… Their eyes to the nation's the gospel he says must be preached to all the nations, all people everywhere must be called to repentance and to receive this gift of forgiveness all people in all nations are made in the image of God. This gospel is not just for the Jews. It's not just for eyes. It's not just for our children.
The people in the unreached people groups around the world. God loves their children as much as he loves mine the homeless, or from the prisoner.
The unwed mother. The high school dropout warning to situations where they don't feel love. They are loved by God and God commissions us are going to tell them because they matter their loved by God and this message has to get the data in this life is the only shot. We had to get to Summit. Listen people from our generation who die without hearing about this gospel will never get another chance, and thus they should be for the most part the only thing on our bucket list. This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of souls all over the world.
What are some you begin to think about the resources got you plotting some massive resource massive talent when she started to say to God, how to use that talent not to invest a bunch of stuff down here, which is actually a pale reflection of what I get up there. But if I use this one shot that I have the leverage what I have for the purposes of the great commission that would give you joy because you have joy in knowing that your life is eternally significant. Number four presents presents a technician from a customer in place. The two accounts in Luke 20 4G the risen Jesus interact with his disciples.
All of us both on the which is one think a lot about Jesus. He loves to eat as we go along for some is able to heat and already the merits of the significance of that is not just a Jesus loves food, although that's important significance is eating in Jewish thinking was assigned intimate fellowship times that he sees his disciples after he is resurrected in Luke heat intimate fellowship and he shows them his hands and his feet would show them the eternal scars of his love for them and he promises them the Holy Spirit that will fill them in that presence is satisfying to them again.
Disciples comes pretty unbelievable. People be bold or zealous change world to hear this. Listen and start that way started out as it relates like you may they're not fundamentally different people. That is, had the roots there Certainteed or hope. The purpose of the present. The roots were in the gospel in the resurrected Jesus and that gave them a joy and a seal and a boldness are not different. They're not born that way now. Born leaders are born, idiots, you can have the joy, the boldness and the world change in power they had. If you will anchor your life and what they anchor their joy and boldness and seal. Those are the fruits if the resurrection is the root quit trying to think if you just math and Brad have joy boldness as it looks plant your flower in the right place and there's things come as naturally use roses on the rosebush worker surgery. Where is your worshiper before your presence.
I love the old hymn says it. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus name. The resurrected Christ as the solid rock on which I stand all the others are seeking sale. That's why I have found in my hope, my purpose, my presence and my joy, my certainty on something that death deprivation cannot take away some of the stands go wrong only one can only say that cannot you bill your life on Christ the solid rock you're listening to Summit life with pastor JD Greer. Today's message is called the Kings joy. The last part of our study in the gospel of Luke and the entire kingdom come series is available hey JD, your new book that you just released is titled what are you going to do with your life seem like it's maybe kind intended for a younger audience and those who are looking for their path right well yes and no Matt you have to be honest I think a lot of college students and young professionals will find the questions that I'm asking particularly relevant. You know I do not waste your life, what will. How do you determine what God has gifted you added how you can use that for his kingdom in a way that's that that's an investment to last forever, but I really feel like people who are just wanting to rethink their lives. People that are at transitional spots in the life people that maybe get ready to retire and are same like I really want my life. I want to make sure that I leverage it for the great commission that you, JD we got you like to give you a copy of this as a gift for becoming a gospel partner with us a gospel partner somebody you financially and prayerfully supports the ministry here in helping us get this program into the places where the Gospels not hurt as much.
And so, if you become a gospel partner without giving this is just a way of saying thank you so you get a JD and all the information will be there. In addition to how to how to get a copy of this book and some devotionals we've written that go along with it will take you deep into some of the Bible passages behind this and re-face-to-face with what Jesus said about a life that's not waste what are you going to do with your life is yours.
When you make a donation to support this ministry life depends on the listener's like you to give a generous Denny's $25 more work, but all obligations of the top request your copy now.
JD rather give us a call telephone number is eight 68335 228-663-3520 mailing events join us tomorrow.Renee study not right here on Summit life by