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And They Lived Happily Ever After!

Wisdom for the Heart / Dr. Stephen Davey
The Cross Radio
June 6, 2022 12:00 am

And They Lived Happily Ever After!

Wisdom for the Heart / Dr. Stephen Davey

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June 6, 2022 12:00 am

The story of Ruth and Boaz ends like any good love story should: happily ever after. But there is so much more in this last chapter than two love-birds riding off into the sunset. What we discover in the last few verses is that from Ruth and Boaz's bloodline would come King David . . . and from him would later come Jesus Christ!

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Grace To You
John MacArthur
Grace To You
John MacArthur

Boaz is a picture of our kinsman would be was taken us into the family of God, so that now everything belongs to him along. He has given us an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will never fade away. First Peter one. The rest of the story was found in the New Testament description of the final kinsman redeemer redemption of Ruth parallels the redemption that God brings us in Jesus Christ.

Jesus became a man walked among us obeyed perfectly and died to make our salvation possible. The Old Testament book of Ruth is a picture of that. The last chapter of Ruth is so much more than two lovebirds riding off into the sunset. You're going to be encouraged by what God has to say to you in this lesson called and they lived happily ever after. At the beginning of nearly every fairytale. I read them a little girls as I grew up with the words. Once upon a time that just those words alone evoke memories of enough stories with damsels in distress and some courageous prince coming to her rescue. We've actually seen a fairytale come true in a very real way, and in the days of other judges and throughout the history of Israel. Not only would they be given the inside piece of of the puzzle that Ruth uniquely provides in this genealogical record would be given an illustration that it's possible to live a godly, virtuous, wholesome life dedicated to obedience to God. Once upon a time really did really did happen and we have seen a damsel in distress rescued by a prince of a man, even though were dealing with imperfect people. We are sinners in need of God's grace throughout life. It's obvious that Boaz and Ruth followed after God before they were married and they will follow after God after they are married they will remain together though raising godly son will continue on the heritage of following after God all the way down the line into you come to the most famous of Old Testament relatives in the family line of Boaz. Their great-grandson, the poet King David.

Look at verse 13 of Ruth chapter 4, so Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife and he went into her and the Lord enabled her to conceive and she gave birth to a son now immediately you notice how quickly this dramatic tale is wrapping up in 29 English words in our translation into sentences. You have a wedding, honeymoon, establishing a home conception nine months of expectancy and the birth of a son would be great if at all with that quickly right except for the good parts well this is kind of slow it down here in climb back into this scene and we know from history that the wedding of a couple like Boaz and Ruth would've been a signature event affect the whole village or town would've shown up. The bride and groom would be dressed as much like a king or queen as they could possibly be dressed that's come down into our own culture where of the bride and groom dress in the grandest finery they can possibly afford. If the groom was rich which Boaz was, he would've worn a headpiece or a crown of gold. It was also the custom of the groom to have his garments, scented with two expensive fragrances. Frankincense and myrrh. Just one more picture perhaps of the Messiah, the legal descendent of Boaz, our kinsman redeemer was a little boy was presented with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, as if to just speak that he had come to win a bride for Boaz and Ruth her marriage was consummated, and a few brief words later were told. She gives birth to a son, if you look down at verse 17 were told that the neighbor women gave this boy a name saying a son is been born to Naomi to love that nevermind Ruth, it's been born and Naomi so they named him Oved servant. He is the father of Jesse, the father of Dave. That's very unusual, very unusual for the women in the village name the child were really given absolutely nothing of an explanation.

They may have very well just come up with the name and in their excitement, and Ruth and Boaz agreed with it.

Perhaps you have had family members to give you a name that you've agreed to use for your children. Perhaps you had family members suggested name you would never use for your children well they like this one. What's interesting here is that Ruth and Boaz now for the most part disappear from the story and the focus of the divine author returns to where it started. Naomi verse 14. Then the women said the Naomi. Blessed is the Lord who is not a lefty without a Redeemer today.

May his name become famous in Israel. May he also be to you of restorer of life and the sustainer of your old age for your daughter-in-law who loves you. By the way, it is better to you than seven sons is given birth to him, saying, basically Naomi because of Ruth. You are surrounded by care and protection and love. Now there's another close relative, a grandson who will restore your life and and sustain you in your old age. So in these closing verses, we not only have a wedding ceremony consummated.

We have a widowed grandmother invigorated.

Can you imagine this reversal for her to remember how it started. If this is a fairytale. It started like a nightmare. Naomi is taken by her husband, remember with her two sons to Moab. It was an act of disobedience to the God of Israel, most Jewish commentaries would believe that he died because of God's discipline in both of her grown sons, one after the other, died, and she finds herself now traveling back to Bethlehem with little hope of even surviving. What's more, there is no air to her husband's estate in all that they owned in Bethlehem is going to be given to the highest bidder. She's she she has nothing but whatever she and Ruth can scrape together to make a living. That's how it started, you members even changed her name called me bitterness. She believed it. God walked away from now look at her. Verse 16. Look at this. Naomi took the child and laid him in her lap and she became his nurse could render that guardian. More than likely the nuance of caregiver would come into play. Suddenly, in the space of a chapter she's cared for by Boaz, a leading statesman and landowner in Bethlehem.

She and Ruth are going to be taken care of royally by this man Ruth who didn't or perhaps couldn't have children. During her earlier marriage to Naomi's son is suddenly expecting and now delivers of all things, a male heir to Naomi's husband's estate. No wonder all the women are saying to her, this little boy is proof that your life has been restored. That little grandson is going to put a bounce back in your step. He's gonna wind the clock back. He's gonna reinvigorate your mind and in your heart and your body's and you better believe it. This is why the invigorated grandmother. She's excited about it. So much so that she is taken on the task of helping Ruth and Boaz raise him in a godly fashion and don't hold her back worn where's becoming a Naomi's joy in this text and Becky's writing is a proud grandparent himself wrote grandchildren are better than the fountain of youth. For we get young again when our grandchildren come again and enjoy them without being responsible for their actions all may have let them do that over relax but want to miss this.

Maybe some of you can sit there and immediately think of the grandmother or grandfather. I don't how many times I've read the testimony from someone in our greenhouse class and the person that impacted them was a grandparent. What a wonderful thing. Maya my grandmother on my mother's side lived in our hometown. She also served in the service and center nor folk. She was a widow for many years so she served in this flagship center downtown Norfolk that my parents began in 1958 and and for us every Friday night we went down to the center state until closing 11 o'clock got home around midnight just about every Friday night one of us for boys went home with with her spending the night at her home in a little home was icing on the cake and I do mean K she had for one thing, she had a television this not once a month. Sleepover Granny South meant staying in your pajamas and watching cartoons on Saturday morning, which we never did at home and all the while we are able to eat breakfast cereal from the box of our choice that she had picked out earlier in the week. Your choice. That bran flakes but my favorite Capt. crunch tell you is I immediately thought about her when I read this about Naomi thing that I remember the most was not that she bent you know rules and then by the way grandparents.

Be careful with that. There's a fine line between cartoons and Cap'n Crunch and compromising moral standards that your children are trying to entrust into their children. What I do remember was that after breakfast was over and it was time to get ready. She would come over, sit down, open a Bible read a few verses and then she preach a little sermon. She would tell me how I needed live for Christ and was I and she would pray the longest prayers I have ever heard.

To this day. She prayed around the world.

She prayed for lost people. She was witnessing to. She prayed for sailor. She led the Christ. She prayed for all the missionaries we supported, she prayed for every member of the family and then she prayed for me always.

With tears and she went home.

So when I see this little phrase of of Naomi taking Obed into her lap. Me tell you something that mean something to me maybe to you to. What a wonderful asset. Naomi provided Ruth and Boaz and raising their son and her grandson to follow after God. So these closing verses we have a wedding ceremony consummated. We have a widowed grandmother invigorated. Finally, we have a wonderful kinsman redeemer anticipated book of Ruth ends as quickly as it begins you have the genealogical record descendents which is significant because it places a piece in the puzzle of of the lien of the coming Messiah uniquely offered by Ruth in verse 18. You have Perez, the father of his Ronnie of has Ronnie's the father of RAM and ran the father of the minute ab minute abs, the father of they shot nation on father's salmon, salmon, fathers, Boaz Boaz is the father oh bed bed to him is born Jesse. Jesse David immediately struck by the fact and that that Ruth the Moabitess widow. The once impoverished Gleaner in the fields of Bethlehem has become the great grandmother of King David. It's possible that she live long enough to see them born that's really not the end of the story is when you like to know little bit more about this. I would I like to find out the ends to stories and historical nuances facts just a few weeks ago, Paul Harvey passed away. He was known for his news commentary for over 50 years. He he enthralled people for decades with his wife.

The rest of the story right. Lisa listen to my radio member years ago hearing them on the radio tell the story of Dick and Alan who work together repairing watches in the early 1900s successful. They began repair watches for the relatives and friends and soon discovered they could make more money by selling them and said to begin to sell them as well as prepare them for longer business expanded. They ventured into selling other items they eventually came up with the idea of of putting things together in what they call the catalog mailing at individuals who could then without ever leaving home. Choose an item send the money and and they be mailed back even open some stores and began to sell a variety of items or businesses flourished in the Great Depression.

Alan sold his share of the business to Dick and headed for Europe to spend his money. Dick slogged through the depression kept the business intact affected never even bother changing the name of their business. Dick eventually died a multi-multimillionaire and Alan over in Europe now an old man read the news and decided to return.

He walked into a star on the board room and announced to. He was and asked for a job of importance for allowing had no idea where or how this thriving Corporation was managed but for old time sake. They gave him a job opening mail and introducing him to the to the hundreds of employees, is a cofounder and until he died. He was able to tell the stories and he was used often in special events to tell the stories of those early years, the early days of Dick Sears and Alan Roebuck.

And now you know the rest of the story. I love the rest of the story. I'd like to know more about this eternally significant divinely inspired story between Boaz and Ruth.

I hate to see then look at look at chapter 5 in verse one, and so it came to pass that Boaz and Ruth were married in the presence of many witnesses. The wedding guests came from all around today.

Had to add your blessings to the union and future home of Boaz and Ruth verse two. The morning after all the guests had departed Boaz awake. And while it was still early, he searched throughout the house and could not find Ruth anywhere begin a search diligently for her outside, and upon entering his fields. He saw his bride gleaning once again.

She was dressed in rough clothing in her sack for grain was about her shoulders Ruth. He called his Miranda, Ruth, why are you gleaning in the fields today. She bowed low to the ground and said my husband surely I must find something to satisfy the hunger.

I will have upon hearing this Boaz took Ruth in his arms and said Ruth, do you not understand that since you have become my bride, all that belongs to me, belongs to you.

But in a way that is the rest of the story and it Boaz is a picture of our kinsman redeemer, who was taken us into the family of God, so that now everything that belongs to him belongs to you and me. He has given us an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will never fade away. First Peter one verse four. The rest of the story is found in the New Testament description of the final kinsman redeemer, so let me quickly compare briefly the illustration of Boaz with Christ our Redeemer. There are more than four similarities between Boaz in Christ, but I'll just highlight for them first kinship with the bride was required now. In other words, in order to meet the condition of the law of the kinsman redeemer had to be related to the bride right so Jesus Christ in order to redeem us had to become a relative, which he did.

He came and took the sandals of humanity to walk among us.

John writes, and the word became what flash and dwelt among us John 114, he satisfied, then this condition of the kinsman redeemer. He became a member of the human family so that he could make us members of his family. Second, a kinsman's desire to redeem his bride was voluntary. He still had to be willing to redeemer Boaz could've walked away. The other potential redeemer did member walked away barefoot, having given his sandals as part of the covenant to Boaz but Boaz didn't walk away.

Why because he loved Ruth that's what the Bible says it this way and this is love. In other words, if you want to talk about love.

This is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son, our Redeemer, to be the satisfaction for our sins. That is, the son came to redeem us first important and he was willing. In fact, for the joy that was set before him. That joy included winning his bride. He endured the cross. Hebrews 12 to he became obedient unto death, even if you can imagine, and death on a cross Philippians 2 a. That's how willing he was Boaz was related to Ruth and he was willing to redeemer the Christ related by flesh and blood fully God and fully man. God incarnate, in the flesh is not related to us and also willing to redeem us is bright. Thirdly, not only must the Redeemer be related and willing, the kinsman redeemer had to be capable of paying the redemption price no matter how much Boaz loved Ruth he had the buyer land he had to settle Naomi's estate. It costs that other near kinsman redeemer might've given Boaz's sandal to seal the covenant, but Boaz gave him silver, according to the law. Redemption price was paid in silver to settle the was no IOU there was no let's let's settle this later and see how it happened. Boaz had to have enough money to pay the debts of the widow he wanted in her family's estate.

Fortunately, then Boaz was wealthy enough to pay off debts gives the property will elect and settle the estate of Naomi and Ruth listen bride of Christ. You have been bought with a price for scripting 620. Christ, who is infinitely wealthy can handle any cost and the purchase price was not money was the legal tender for our redemption was the blood of Jesus Christ. Paul wrote in him we have redemption. We had been redeemed by our kinsman redeemer through his blood. Ephesians 17 I found it interesting to discover that, according to Jewish custom. It was the responsibility of the kinsman redeemer to also buy out of slavery. Any member of the bride's family who'd been forced to sell themselves into slavery to pay off some debt so I kinsman redeemer literally stepped in and settled any and all debt against his beloved and her family. He he literally wiped the books, clean so also our Lord hung on the cross and said it's finished to tell his dog gets paid in full. Literally every debts all the debt of sin, paid for every single legal claim against us every legality of the wall broken every debt of sin attached to his beloved's name was completely paid off the books were wiped clean. Jesus Christ is both willing and he is capable to pay the redemption price in full before the provision of a kinsman redeemer was comprehensive it was comprehensive.

Boaz lifted Ruth to his highest state. He condescended to marry her and then raised her to his estate is Jesus Christ. Condescended to win us and raises us to his estate or regions. She's no longer a Moabite widow. She is the bride, the wife of Boaz.

She's made a legal partakers in his name. Her status is now altered from alien foreigner to accepted because he made provision for all debts passed present and future.

He comprehensively wins her to himself, so also Christ Jesus has comprehensively raised our status as any from sinner to saint from stranger to friend from outcast to child from lost to redeemed from a beggar to becoming bride of Christ. Most fairytales I read to my girls when they were little began with those words.

Once upon a time, in nearly all of them that I can remember ended with these words, and they lived happily ever after. You know, it occurred to me that those words are an absolutely appropriate ending for every one of us who are the bride of Christ. Every one of us will live happily ever after.

That's the rest of the story for all of us. No matter how difficult your biography has been or is at the end of the book records your life on earth. After you've taken your last breath your book and close with the words and he lived happily ever after and she lived happily ever after.

Taken away by your friends swept away by your bridegroom kept eternally in the joy of your Lord forever and ever.

As I thought about this.

The only thing about your life and mine and in the fairytales. I read the my girls.

That's different is that after the words and they lived happily ever after.

There were always those two final words on the last page.

The not for you, not for me. Imagine frankly became but we believe by faith in our kinsman redeemer, our Lord Jesus, Christ, and we cling to his promises of grace, mercy, love, purpose, and we know that one day will enter the glory of heaven forever. Why because he was related because he was willing to redeem us because he was capable of redeeming us because he was able to comprehensively cover all our debts solicit the last words on the biography of the church, the bride of Christ in every individual member of the bridal party. Those who belong to him are not the words. The end it just strikes me that the words are and we live happily ever after. I sure hope this lesson has encouraged today.

This is wisdom for the hearts. Today's lesson is entitled, and they lived happily ever after with this lesson. Stephen Daly concludes his series through the book we've taken all of these lessons and bound them together as a set of seedings.

Call us today for information on how you can get a copy.

Our number is 86 648 Bible and we'd love to help you over the phone so we have time for today.

Please join us again next time.

As Stephen begins a series from revelation called is helpful. Real clear on wisdom