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Dominion and Marriage

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD
The Cross Radio
February 2, 2022 7:00 am

Dominion and Marriage

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD

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February 2, 2022 7:00 am

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As long as you 100 2011 shows husbands and wives have to be united in order to exercise the one you want because now you only as God intended.

This is the alternative Tony have another speaker, pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas Texas and president of the urban alternative. I divided can be a miserable place to live with Dr. Evan says that's only the beginning of the trouble when a husband and wife won't work together under God's authority. Our primary passage comes from Genesis chapter 2, so have that ready as Dr. Evan sets up today's teaching.

Psalm 115 verse 16 says that God will, but he has given the to the sons of men to rule the implications of that staggering because what it means is that God has decided to respect your decisions and much action will be determined by action. While he has maintained a base of sovereign boundaries sphere where he will not allow man to trespass. He has opened up a field of play where we get to call the particular play and he will respond accordingly. That explains a whole lot that explains why God allows the how can a good God, great.a powerful God allow that to happen because let I will respect within my sovereign boundaries. Their decisions God planted Adam in the garden he planted in the spring of his calling from every tree of the garden you may freely eat the essence of your Christian life should be measured by what you get to enjoy not what you are denied. The Lord God said it is good for the man to be alone I will make him a helper suitable for him. Not God and spent the whole week talk about was good. He created the light visibility created is good this good is good is good is good. And now he comes to a place in his creation where he says is not good. There's one thing missing in this creation and that is Adam is alone. That's not good. Adam was created first on purpose. The Bible says that we will look at the passages Adam was created from swat because he was supposed to be handled all schools being hit in the church Bible says that since he was created to be. So before woman was created, God created him and set him straight underneath God. He was to be subordinate underneath God. She was to be subordinate underneath him.

He was to be what's this now subordinate underneath God to Tracy that she was supposed to be subordinate to him.

But when it came the functions subordinate underneath him. She was to be will to him, male and female, but when it came to function like Jesus is subordinate to the subordination of the woman on the man, was I to the subordination of the man I believe God reveals subordinate underneath God would show up in the rebellion of the woman and how it feels to be subordinate underneath them. Subordination that allows the shift to occur to the management of first ground God formed every beast of the field, every bird in the sky. He brings him to man to see what he would call whenever the man called a living creature that was its name. He gives in the cattle and the birds of the sky and every beast naming involved exercising dominion over the creation on underneath the creator or because God brought it to his thoughts with God. It was given to man and man names. Verse 20 says, however, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him. So he sees Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Liebert, Mr. and Mrs. you know Aardvark. Mr. and Mrs. Rocchi sees Mr. and Mrs. Kamali have created the same time watching this come long enough naming my name and what did God do before he made the he let Adam see what he was miss another words a need had to be created before a woman would've been made because the woman with the help him.

And so God uses this naming this dominion calling in order for him to name so he evaluates the proper name in order to bring creation under his control.

The name stuck whatever he named them that with its name.

Watch this lady's Lord God once he realizes he can do this by himself causes Adam go to sleep. I love this phrase was a little God was 21 called a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept. God put you to sleep sleep. One of the ribs and closed up the flesh at that place and fashioned a woman from the rib which is taken from God perform surgery. He slips Adam's side and takes the side away Adam right now is only half the man he used to be because a big part of him is missing. While he was single.

He had no friends, letting his married ribs going to hold cavity has been removed and God fashions a woman, God, and he crafted a woman from the rib.

Now back if he was when he lost from the woman but the woman if you don't it is written back if you bring him back.

Then he lost because the loss of God made whole.

That was a lot different from you and will become the below temperatures distinct and different rat and like colors that distinguish different man and woman become mankind's children distinctly different.

It was to get back his room and in getting back to his rib was to get all then he started. Remember the help. So God took him and made more so that when he brought to him that would be an said he did not have when you start trimming the woman and brought her to me.

So God is in the matchmaking business he's playing Cupid because he goes the man asleep.

Pickles makes a woman and brings the woman lady.

She wakes up the first thing she sees is God you don't know anything about Adam. She's an adult woman. The person chooses a God. 25 and on my marriage is no shape to snap in God's hand and he said God brought her to Adam adult club and the finding to see you do all that you do is put your hand on the one no longer surgically only reasons you will find yourself in a mess. God fashions woman with the ribbon brings her to me. Some of places you ladies going look for me. If you click the man is you will be able to help him fulfill his calling on the got the keys everything else is a bonus from that key you want to find a man who has not as a consumer, and if the place is going does not ask out of the concern of that environment you are in the wrong location I'm delaying the book up to the right man.

You will wind up waving nobody on the wrong man messing over you be you cussing while disrespecting you this honoring you but you got on Dr. Evans will have more on what God centered relationship look like when he continues this message from a compilation dealing with one of the most requested topics ever it's called marriage matters. It covers practical issues like finances and communication as well as digging into the spiritual roots of the marriage covenant dealing with the spiritual side of sexuality and laying the groundwork for a real family revival would like to send you the complete 14 lesson collection on CD or digital download so you can explore these important topics with your spouse or small group Bible study. Just contact us by phone or online. Make a contribution and will send you a copy of all the messages in this two-volume series with our thanks and appreciation and for a limited time will also send you three of Tony's popular booklets covering more of these message topics and are quick to read, easy to digest format you receive marriage matters for married men only and for married women only, along with all the full-length messages from the marriage matters audio series. Just visit Tony to get the ball rolling, or color resource request line at 1-800-800-3222 anytime of the day or night repeat that contact information for you again after Dr. Evans returns with more of today's lesson right after this I'm standing here in Alaska. One of the most glorious places in God's great creation and I want to invite you to join me permit alternative for the Alaskan cruise going to have a magnificent time in God's word in God's creation we going to enjoy great fellowship. Great, great, and I'm looking forward to meeting you on our QA Alaskan cruise register to be there. Can't wait to be with more unforgettable Alaskan cruise, visit Tony today Tony God do before he made the he let Adam see what he was miss another words a need had to be created before a woman would've been because the woman with the help him. And so God uses this naming this communion calling for him to name so he evaluates the proper name bring creation under his control. The name stuck whatever he named them that with its name shall be called woman, because she was taken on me. She Adam's name, Adam's name means man she's man taken out of Adam, so he calls her man named her when he became name because it is the role of a man to name his and to name his woman is not only nomenclature is to exercise governance all as long as the man is on the me God is to exercise so if woman is not willing to come under your leadership and your leadership is legitimate if you're single. She is pretty miserable. If she is not willing to come on your authority and respect authority. What do we call God. We call him law what does the Bible say 30 the same name that we use God. A woman is supposed to be able to use it yet because governing so good governing so well leaving so strongly, so clearly she's not willing to do that than you in full. Now another side is true. She will submit have never been mistreated will be modeling the submission is vulnerable never have another chance. First wedding ceremony. For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Please notice it's the man leaving his mother or father. There's nothing said about a woman leaving her mother and father, and in this particular context. There is no mother and father Adam have a mother and father.

So evidently Adam was really impressed with me because he said if I have one having the gondolas out any fashions. This magnificent called woman a man leave his father and mother would assist me to leave your father, mother, what Cleave means the bond will stick like glue as quickly. In other words, his priority attachment and his priority relationship is to be his wife but will he's not too busy, his mother and father on the commandment to honor your mother and father that includes how you talk to them.

That includes financially supporting them. If that's needed. Mother and father, but what you are not to do is place the relationship of mother and father, husband and wife. Now the man is to leave mother and father Cleave to his wife and he really, really, is to be a whole sermon here and the two shall become one flesh, and shall become one flesh, and the two shall become one flesh, one gets pregnant and infiltrates a effectively. The sink gets them first toward one direction to penetrate. So that's something new is brought into existence.

Stick with me to sperm become on the lawn something comes into existence that existed before women come along, just like in the pregnancy or conception. The same principle is true also marriages today are to become one to become one Salt Lake function as to while living the same space space like the same in the same house saying it will but not as the purpose of marriage for Tuesday to it once more to become something before and that is one this is my money. This is this is my call.

This is her, this is not my time to have a different account for different things about a mindset that is too short to you will be one and tell you why you'll never have never will because Satan will roll because when the Bible says God steps.

And when God steps you can you can you must decide as a couple. We are going to be one of them email become female.

The people become males. It means that we are going to operate on the same way going to be one cents my salary to make our money. We will talk about having bills paid that you have some spending money. Some spending money. But that has come out of an agreement that we have made because the goal here is one not trying to make to work. So we spent all this time trying to make work when God is not interested in is interested in one spot getting into it and creating something that has never ever the problem with people one flesh to flesh 111 marriage. Some people get divorced over ridiculous reasons. The day that this prince was so powerful. Malachi 2 says I created the one Spirit by way the three positives body soul and spirit okay but that's mutual attraction physically. That's the first attraction to the person, usually then asked soul attraction that's personality that means you pick a job with her personality.

She jobs at your personality you have shared interests shared the intellectual orientation you can talk about the same, things, and so should you can feel each other: having a soul mate. Okay that's that's a soul connection. All right, then there is spiritual that's a shared faith was the most important you are looking for spirit make because the souls even if they compatible pistol different in the body gets old body gets old so me you put too much weight or something last that long. I have a good look at the 20 20th nonmedical change anyway. He says of the two shall become one flesh.

Because of oneness produces dominion. That's why for the first 237 if the husband is not studying his wife like Adam studied the animals and came to a naming conclusion.

If a husband is not studying his wife know what she picked Nora moved can think her thoughts before she thinks because he has studied them and you can study somebody without talking to you can study somebody not around, you can study somebody you not hang out with. Because when a husband studies his wife if he does not relate based on that study, tell him not to pray for I will not hear his prayers become versus true when you're operating as one and you go to God is one you will now present your answer. God comes in history begins to turn things and changes think things and flopped things is what we say that you been created to rule in the comes a time when God decides you no longer to move along. Once you are married you are to rule two becoming one and then you will see the power of God because you're operating Dr. Tony Evans talking about what it takes for husbands and wives to reclaim their spiritual authority at home.

Part of his current series called marriage matters if you like to review this lesson on your own, including content. We didn't have time to present on the year.

Full-length copies are available on CD or MP3 the title to ask about his dominion and marriage.

I don't forget if you contact us right away. It'll come to you as our gift as part of that two-volume collection of messages, marriage matters, all we ask is that you make a donation to help the ministry keep this program coming each day and is a special added bonus will include marriage matters for married men only and for married women only three popular booklets.

Tony's written on these important topics get all the details and make the arrangements.

When you visit us once again that's Tony or call our resource request line at 1-800-800-3222 were team members are standing by to assist with your request day and night. Again, that's 1-800-800-3222 as far back as the Garden of Eden.

Satan's been using family conflict as a weapon against us tomorrow.

Dr. Evans will show how to tear down the strongholds. The enemy is set up in your home should adjoins the alternative with Dr. Tony have brought you fighting made possible by the generous contributions listeners like