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Israel and the Church

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD
The Cross Radio
July 4, 2021 8:00 am

Israel and the Church

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD

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Dr. Tony Evans talks about how the chosen people fail to recognize the Messiah what the board plans to do about Israel celebrating 40 years of faithfulness.

This is the alternative Dr. Tony Evans, author, speaker, senior pastor of Oakland Bible Fellowship Dallas, Texas, president of the urban alternative when Israel rejected Jesus to God on choose his chosen people will find out today as Dr. Evans talks about the relationship between Israel and the church. Let's join you cannot stand this story is story went out the back story just to give a quick brief summary God created angels. Angel Lucifer rebelled. One of the angels with him, he was found of cosmic treason was prepared for Satan and his angels.

But God rather than carry out the sentence right away.

He would use the rebellion of Satan for his greater glory when God decided to do in the garden was placed. A lesser creature constitutionally inferior to demonstrate if he can work out this lesser creature right it would overcome the creature that rebelled against the problem occurred when Satan tricked, and Adam producing the angelic conflict or the battle of the sea's because Genesis 315 says that it will be the seed of the woman who would destroy the head of the serpent.

While the seed of the serpent within the ratio of the woman battle scenes. The Bible talks about offspring today.

This battle of offsprings, which is why Cain killed Abel. Satan wanted to get rid of the divine seed emerged into nations. In Genesis chapter 11. All the nations of the world gathered together in rebellion against God at the Tower of Babel and the seed of the serpent was multiplying rapidly. That's when God went to the counties and found a man named Abraham and he did something awesome. He made a covenant with Abraham.

The covenant is recorded in Genesis 12 Genesis 15 in Genesis 17.

A covenant is a divinely created agreement. God told Abraham leave counties in his, make of you a great nation it already split up the nations of the world at the Tower of Babel by confusing the ability to communicate and now he was establishing a nation that would be called Israel. You cannot understand world history from God's point of view without understanding Israel and so today I want you to understand the relationship of Israel to the church if you want to understand what's happening in the world that you are reading about in the newspaper and the world in which you are living in today. Even your own personal life is all this God created a nation be called Israel and he gave them a job.

He says throw you all the nations of the earth will be blessed through you, that will redeem humanity job Israel is to be a light to the nations.

Your job is to send the word out about your great God is coming back to you as a nation represent. Maybe I will make you the greatest nation on earth. If you baby I will scatter you around. And so if you want to read the history of Israel.

You read the history of gathering and scattering the only nation in history that broke up as a nationstate broke up, came back in 1948 May 1948. Affirmation never having lost the language never happened before. But of course God said it would happen.

It happened so. Also, why the Middle East is the son of the world. That's also why God deposited the link that explains the rise of Iran which is Persia.

The conflict in Iraq which is Babylon together. This is spoken up in the Scripture because it only walls around Israel.

You read the Bible and all of this is continuing and finally Messiah comes the seed of the woman because there is no manifold, no human person, one of a virgin Jesus Christ not see the first thing Jesus said at 30 years old when he begins his preaching ministry is the kingdom of God is his first message. Once he got baptized by John and he stepped out of the podium is the kingdom of God has arrived on the king and bringing the king and on what you've been waiting for praying for looking for expecting Houston we have a problem because the Messiah is rejected crucifying rejected this in a moment he is still rejected by Israel you will go and we'll talk about Jesus the Phillies a good man is a great profit but we're still waiting for that was a rejection that occurred. I just can't give you the highlights combined with a $20 overall.

The idiosyncratic makeup on this but but Jesus Christ comes on the scene. He demonstrates himself to be Messiah, healing the blind human mistake raising the dead blank wall all that all the built-ins would set Messiah would do even being born in Bethlehem. Micah 5 to 10 Messiah will be born in Bethlehem was predicted hundreds of years in advance. In the Old Testament. Now Jesus has arrived and they rejected Matthew 21 Matthew 21 he tells them in verse 42 Jesus said to them, you never read the Scriptures, the stone which the builders rejected this stone became the chief cornerstone. This came about from the Lord and it is that will save you the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing the fruit of okay the stone which the builders rejected, you have rejected me the kingdom that you been waiting for talking about praying for you is going to be removed from you and it's going to be given to somebody else. So stay with me here now God's kingdom is gone were kingdom cilia means rule. So he says I will remove the kingdom from Israel on one hand it over to somebody else. So Israel was rich in God's program, so to speak because he said the kingdom of God and I'm ready to handle through you to everybody else and Messiah is all you gotta do is accept me as your Messiah now goes with because of your rejection, the kingdom of God is removed and it will be transfer to downtown Dallas downtown Dallas from church. I have a direct route 35. I got the 35 I can go straight downtown not stopped because his mother Rick when you get on 35 depend on the construction taking place with 35 to 35.

Sometime I get my going anywhere because the traffic backed up as ActiveX construction and sold directly has been blocked by something happening little bit about Dallas you know about balance you know that when you not run out of options options on Illinois to design exam right to Jefferson Jefferson right to the Jackson Street bridge Street bridge in Illinois and turn to message you turn left turn right. You can take Illinois all the way down the for you crossover for you. Also get to the still intact because you're not limited to the direct route to bring blessing to the world was through his nation Israel, but they blocked by rejecting Messiah you know something is options. God says Israel rejected the cornerstone planning on going to the kingdom from you and give it to somebody else. In Matthew 16, verses 18 and 19 Jesus was asked who do men say that I am Jesus says to you, verse 16. I also say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not, I will give you the keys of the kingdom of the church. Whatever you bind on our children have been bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Guess what, he gave the church the keys to the kingdom that was his kingdom plan just because the original plated work. He just transferred the plan to the church. Stay with me that right?

Come back to church a moment as God no longer going to worry about Israel because they blew it. Romans chapter 11 he says in verse 25 I do not want you brethren to be uninformed of this mystery, I want to unfold this mystery. He goes on to say, so that you will not be wise in your own understanding so you'll make up stuff, let me help you understand this mystery.

What is that a partial name has happened to Israel back to Israel in the New Testament is as a partial hardening is when God shut you down, but if partial snap, though they still believe in God, the God of the Old Testament, a partial piping.

Israel watched his next word until it's for a time will hear more from Dr. Evans in a moment on what happens when the clock of history winds down. First I want to tell you, you can receive our current double resource offer. Tony's book prayers for victory in spiritual warfare will teach you how to call out to heaven and get the help you been needing. Whether you're dealing with everyday issues. Serious strongholds like addiction or anything in between. This luxury addition with a cover that looks and feels like leather is a proven resource that's already being used by over 100,000 readers along with the book will also send you a copy of Tony's current two-volume series, prophecy, and our world. These 12 full-length messages on both downloadable MP3s and CDs dig deeper into what the Bible says about the rapture, the tribulation, the second coming, the judgment seat of Christ, and many more terms often mentioned in the church, but not always explained to get your copy.

Just visit Tony heaven start or make a contribution that will say thanks by sending these 2 Powerful Resources Your Way again. That's the 12 part teaching series, prophecy, and our world and Tony's popular book prayers for victory in spiritual warfare.

Just visit Tony to make the arrangements or call 1-800-800-3222 let one of our resource team members help you all have our contact information for you again later on right now. Let's get back to today's lesson here is Dr. Evans rejection that continues to this day this coming day when this will change when change when the Gentiles has come in to watch this Israel is to me right now, but there is a time when they will no longer be hardened to make any says in the next dollars and all Israel shall be saved.

The whole nation is will become crystal will be talking about that comes up in the tribulation. But for right now.

He says tell the Gentiles all finished everybody who's not Jewish is agenda you may be a black Gentile and white, Gentile, Hispanic, Gentile and Indian Gentile, Jewish Gentile. He says it will be hard until the Gentile insane. What when the last Gentile becomes a Christian, God is going to read a malicious program would Israel, the rapture is when he removes Christians so we can get back to the original play went well the last Gentile that say when the number Gentiles. A number of angels that rebelled the rebellion of angels, all about the rebellion of angels, so God is matching on. That's why we got the name the place where Adam lived a well where that name came from the Bible says the place that used to live in God's replicating in history what was happening with the Angels, which is why we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, but we were without power in heavenly places.

Angels Angel driven over 1C when the last Gentile comes in.

This is why the book so fascinating just to summarize in Denver. Chapter 2 the King has a nightmare on Elm Street during the King's history because been sick was extremely says okay what God wants to tell all the nations that will rule Israel during the times of the Gentiles, and he walks through what secular history knows to be true. Before what happened.

He walks through Babylon will be first. The Medo Persian Empire will be second Greece will be third and role with 10 goals will be for. That's why the clock is going to tick tock tick tock tick tock… Coming together in God's prophetic plan. He says the kingdom will come. Jesus will come when the 10 toes of come together and have a question and then verse 24, 27, Daniel says, when will these things be in a time in question because he was here all the stuff get most of headache with what is all the stuff can be. Then God tells him about the 70 weeks of years. The 70 weeks of years tells Daniel in the 70 weeks of years must sign you will be cut off now without getting into all the mathematical equations. If you break those down to the years it will bring you Jesus Christ. God is precise on the date but God does something very interesting. He says that will be a break between the 69th and 70th week of years there will be a possibly be 66 chemical parts and become 70, 77 years of tribulation, but there's a gap he started fixing before we get to 70 is that gap because God and to the plaintiff.

The blitz having anticipated. The blitz even though it was a mystery that will be a bit better know anything about the church but God anticipated the blitz so we split we got the 69th creating a gap before God begins with Israel's 70th week. The week of tribulation.

God knew that that would be a parenthesis call the charge because that's the place. I would be killed during the implementation of you and I today (we are the gap between week 69th and week 70.

I will take you I will give it to another, but I'm coming back to you.

Tell the Gentile time is less than the become site you and I are not waiting for the tribulation were waiting for the rapture. I will build my church. The church me up about Fellowship Church… Is to operate the kingdom to remember. I give you the keys to the kingdom that was with Israel's goblins bomb pause would Israel and I can do right now to the project makes the group that is accepted me as the church, but the job of the church is the same job that I'm giving to the church, the kingdom that I'm taking away from Israel. So the church is not supposed to be about the church told me about the kingdom and variance is the problem of the church because the church is more concerned with the child in the kingdom. So the problem is we can go to church and skip.not looking for church members looking for kingdom people in church. America has embassies all around the world all around the world every country in the world has American embassy recognized nation and embassy is a little bit of America a long way from home. Embassies are sovereign territory. They do not go to the country there in the bones of the country using American embassy opposed America even though it's located in a foreign when you get in trouble if you oversee, you want to get across the enterprise, and investigate an American is no longer in the country in which the compound will embassy is located just what an American embassy. The laws of American not the laws of the country in which the embassy is located intended by an American ambassador because all embassies blown to the homeland.

They don't know the country. There is what you are supposed to be duly and collectively is the representation of the kingdom. That's why Jesus is prayer was that kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Guess what they do and whatever God says you are not kingdom person unless you God says that if you have the final decision-making power over your life and you understand that will contradict the land in which you are located commitment as to the laws of America, not the laws of the culture in which it is located in the church that would let the world into the church. We have taken while we praise God that's a contradiction has lots of problem when churches are endorsing same-sex marriage has lots of problem which I do not think abortion is why it's a problem when churches are endorsing things that are clearly stated that the will of God because now you have a country you're in the country and the tragedy of the tragedy of it is when we stop being kingdom citizens and corporately average when we stop being kingdom citizens, we lose the support of the King is also supported God because of their rejection and where people worshiping God. Every Sunday we have no principal because there worshiping God in worldliness, not disciples did not kingdom citizens may wonder why prayers are being answered where there is no power because you are operating from the laws of the homeland logically got a two hour visit on Sunday. That's why God says another service we get to the judgment seat of Christ to stand before the Lord and he is going to show your take, and the tape will reveal whether you are a kingdom citizen churchgoer so you see Humana's wife says the job of Christians is to be like to just register a bike as you God representative the bindings of the bankruptcy is what God looks like God is the bank, or a bank loan officer you not just us teachers. God representative in the educational field of the education field sees a dog look like when God teaches a lesson for not just the Lord God representative in the Bar Association for the muscle tissue, for God look like God tries a case for not talking about total medical physics would God like God help hurting people, not just a homemaker who got presented in the home. The home sees what God looks like God raises the next generation representative of the kingdom your keys. Youth represents a big deal.

Just go to church to take Dr. Evans will come back in just a moment the final thought to wrap up this message, Israel and the church. Just ask us about the title. If you'd like to get a copy on CD or digital download to reviewing your own or share with someone else. Better yet, check with us for details on getting a copy of this entire two volume 12 message series called prophecy, and our world. And don't forget, you get both volumes of this collection is our thank you gift when you make a contribution to help us keep Tony's teaching on the station.

You can call her 24 hour resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 that's 1-800-800-3222 or visit us online at Tony Avenue and start or rather, details are waiting for you and if you make a contribution right away will also include a special bonus. The high-quality keepsake addition of Tony's book prayers for victory in spiritual warfare.

But remember this is a special, limited time offer so don't wait visit Tony or reach out to our resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 were team members are always on hand to help you. That's 1-800-800-3222 biblical prophecy tells us in the end God wins in his kingdom last forever, but it also says there are some pretty scary things destined to happen along the way.

Next time, Dr. Evans will tell us about one of them in a message he calls the coming tribulation.

Right now though his back with these final comments. So in closing, Jesus in John 13 verse 33,000 out of the white male I got to go away you can come with me Telemann John 14 verses 1 to 3 weeks I go to prepare a place for you if I can prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am, you will be also. That's the rapture. I am going to come and get you and then continue with Israel. You know the best way to live the Christian life is to live in light of the skunk. None of us does that perfectly all of us have false got to get up and get at it. In other words, change the focus of the parties clock is going to pick her by one to know how the whole world know when Jesus returns when everybody got a cell phone altogether around the sun in the 2012.

My Jesus Christ is his the alternative with Dr. Tony Avenue and Rocky reviving celebrating 40 years of faithfulness. Thanks for the generous contributions of listeners like you