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Trusting God

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD
The Cross Radio
March 7, 2021 7:00 am

Trusting God

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD

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March 7, 2021 7:00 am

Trusting God isn't that difficult when your life is just sailing along. But when a senseless tragedy changes your reality, it gets hard to hold on to hope. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he reviews God’s record of faithfulness from ancient history through much more recent tragedies.

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Mountains does not think it is Dr. Tony Evans talks about how to get more of that mountain moving me celebrating faithfulness. This is the alternative Dr. Tony Evans mother speaker, senior pastor of Oakland Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, president of the urban alternative. People often say you can do anything if you have enough faith. Dr. Evan says that's not true. Unless you have the right kind of faith. Let's join him as he explains the Bible's mountains Little League but also speaks of mountains, figuratively something immobile, something that holds you so that it looks like it is a hopeless situation like that way sometimes where there are no answers the people you thought had the answers don't have them. I do find yourself stuck at the base of Mount Everest mountain that you cannot climb situation you can get over a pay, you cannot go struggle cannot win, call your attention to Mark chapter 11.

Let me start by reading verse 23.

Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, be taken out and cast into the sea… And it's hard to believe that what he says is going to happen will be granted for a few moments about what it means to trust God at the base of the mountain that is you in an insurmountable situation may be insurmountable.

Personally, it may be insurmountable professionally. It may be insurmountable relationally. It may be insurmountable circumstantially. The one common theme is I can get a is too high to live to difficult and even if you're not in the middle of the mountain.

You probably know somebody else that is not in the middle of the mountain and you don't know somebody else who is keep walking and you will run into a mountain. The mountains on their context for this statement about mountains really go back a few verses to verses 12 through 14 on the next day when they are not the Jesus became hungry. See Shri Emily went to see perhaps he would find out anything on and when he came to any found liens for the season for things to wear mail eat fruit from you again.

And his disciples were listening to time that I know of in the Bible when Jesus says a curse on something Jesus Christ the songwriter says he looks for some food truly would leaves on it now believes means that it is entering into fixing the become the leaves come out first to see the leaves.

So you see if there's something for him to go to training and there are no on the train and then he got an astounding thing.

He said no. I never eat from you again. Jesus was really good, may become the fate had not yet come forth a very important statement made it said disciples wordlessly. That is what leads us to our story because in verse 20 in the morning, they saw the figtree with the root by three would shoot because with her now and 20 the morning three just see the day before being reminded remembering what happened to Jesus by you today when you may know from you again Shri learned her completely that we have learned from now on the road for patriots when the light comes from the room with the root pronouncement from the ground began to growl and produces branches and leaves of is destroyed. Figtree of metal produce me again now shocking about this when you arrive. All well by what he sees about three lines of well well because it's the morning she had come true much the change occurred when one fully could not do anything ever again overnight only with.

But now you've gone, that's not what you would expect something that you would've for the why is this now goes to teach them spiritual lessons, physical things, like seeing a tree whether becoming a spiritual lesson to teach the government would become the apostles would write the New Testament to jostle he would think by giving them something to think something in the moment spiritual principle here is the principal it stated in verse 22 and Jesus saying something about what happened so quick and it says God you were all around to the negative truly teach lessons that you will learn Christian and that is to turn things around. Trust God to turn around time the legal discussion about the situation so so quick yesterday believe the weather is gone from 20 because what is he can turn things knows what say that's not enough information directly. Athletes want to believe God we got up and gotten out of nothing makes a ruling by itself is a meaningless concept. What made you want to increase their creation by finding and pumping like blow a football blow on the basketball leasable faith beautifully, more is usually not your problem problem is the object into which is being placed in God's Emily and God based on his word, believing something at all because the word of the GA all three and when he spoke to train that made no you again statement word not a lot about anything. If the company had the word because of his word was always congruent with God's word you now and not doing the scenario you know when the four Gospels funds to the Mount of olives and olive trees, olive trees grow all along the mountain stood on the Mount of olives on numbers of occasions and you can see all the olive trees from which great things olives are used for this violence could be seen you but the cycle become an looks no see 1000 S. balance them.

See you two should not because Jesus is going from Alaska to the greater Jesus spoke to 11313 tree whether you treat 13 and will just one possible when you Dr. Evan says there are people who have plenty of faith just not in God will talk about that when he continues this lesson from a series freedom through forgiveness. It starts by helping you understand the pardon you received from God shows you how to pass on that kind of forgiveness to people who hurt you and even how to forgive yourself. And right now we like to send you a copy of freedom through forgiveness is our gift, you make a donation to help support the work of the urban alternative here on the air, and around the world. This offer is only available through tomorrow, but if we hear from you right away will include a special bonus, Tony's companion book for the series 30 days to victory through forgiveness, which explains that the person who benefits most from your forgiving heart is you visit us for details or call our resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 that's 1-800-800-3222 20 will come back with more of today's lesson. After this, with the new Lois Evans legacy Bible study seasons of a woman's life, Crystal Harris and Priscilla Scheier take their mother's classic book and expanding into a life-changing Bible study in DVD series to help you through the veering seasons of every woman's life, including times of growth, knowing that often our growth and require us to be uncomfortable and require us to do things we haven't done before stretched beyond our own entity that's part of how God takes us from one season to another ask for your copy when you get to the urban alternative today.

You can find out more about seasons of a woman's life Tony up and start or an outback to Dr. Evans. Most people have faith in faith. So that's why they keep focusing on the in God because God for you. The faith that you want you create create. I don't recall God God because we now know what God says about what you say it's not God. Much will one God himself believes what he believes is not what you think about… Maybe faith in you not think God should be believing in God is not enough.

You are not bleeding to will become side to deal with the situation in your life. You will want to be that way, which means that God himself will block to move the mountain with because God allows nothing impossible with God, maybe impossible with you and the closest thing to growing your faith simply means seeing God on a bigger level in your life that's growing you want more go out tomorrow and go out more God when you go out God. You see God you go no inside you this mountain and see that's taken the spiritual impossible situation and having a totally removed and it is hard but is going to happen, it will be granted since here, not in your heart that you say. I mean lovely lovely lovely Bobby.

I really really really really really going on in your heart not on the town looking at whether you have confidence in him. When the question is confident that God will remove the smell of the big guy always treat inability a long time on the diligence the 20th. What you 15 years and this amount may move now and talk to Craig about going to church and Bible study over and laid hands on it.

You know I don't stop and is now James is my same job though single American same person going away from that. This impossible situation can be limiting one statement he makes a number times 11.

Plaintiff John Fox want to see my father doing. That is what I do one thing with always signal the problems doing that Jesus would spend five minutes with people with slick tool you will father is thinking that God is ready to remove this about what you about what you speak confidence by his word he gives use validation spirit.

All you all know stupid gobble you up with the spirit, if you leave the revelation of his word guidance when we're not going to see kids object direct word he will never tell you his secret work guidance public from his audience. That's wanted not that this is God's divine plan and therefore they can't speak to it with me.

He says that verse 24 I say to you what you pray. Now plead the connection not connect to the mountains in your life that you supposedly thought about praying all what you ask, believe you have received them and they will be granted to you introduces the subject of prayer and relational communication with God. When I asked to choose his will in history for giving mission for the parents is giving mission for only enter clearance all by which we commune with God. Three. Based on his will. It is the execution of the will of God in all the bull physical well.

Specific communication means whereby the plaintiff to God and his will carry them out.

Only it's where you ask, pray and ask God but also where he speak about whether he wants to do because most people in the most Christian communication with God is good, rarely ever listening. Now if you want audible voice.

The boy alone.

Okay, so Mike told me one day I God spoke to me last night.

What wouldn't say they did was long enough in what form, can you not heard every word out loud is not what you need before you pray God speaks to us today by his Spirit in the inner city. That's how he talks you must come to Kenya, which is why one of the main ways you praise with your Bible so that he can treat all the pain and what the Bible calls the new covenant. If you literally inscribe will word to you and you will not when you got until you can talk with Barney, but there's a condition to their promise. Dr. Tony Gavin's will come back to tell us about it just a moment for so don't forget that tomorrow is the last day you can get the full length version of all six messages. Tony's current sermon series freedom through forgiveness bundled along with a copy of his companion book 30 days to victory through forgiveness. As I mentioned earlier there yours with our thanks when you make a donation toward Tony's ministry so visit us to get all the details before time runs out you can make your contribution and request online again.

It's 2011' or call our 24 hour resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 like one of our team members help you again. It's 1-800-800-3222 a students or employee can complete a first-rate project for their teacher or boss.

But they're unlikely to receive credit. If what they did was not the assigned task. Next time, Dr. Evan shows how the failures we experience in life may be the result of working on the wrong assignment right now though he's here with a final comment about our authority as believers. Now, finally, there is a condition for the amount an impossible situation. You must believe on God's terms.

You must pray communicate with God when Street the leak and speak to you with the deepest level of way you live, but the movie mountain. He says there is a condition versus 25 and 26. Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your father who is in heaven will also forgive your transgressions. But if you do not forgive, neither will your father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions will mountain you must be on good terms with life, you will naturally when you talk to me one forgive you any fellowship you not when you don't have that will of God. The alternative with Dr. Tony Gavin celebrating 40 years of faith.

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