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What Impact Will the Supreme Court’s Unrighteous Judgment Have?

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton
The Cross Radio
June 26, 2020 8:00 pm

What Impact Will the Supreme Court’s Unrighteous Judgment Have?

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton

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June 26, 2020 8:00 pm

What with the attempted removal of the President from office, the COVID-19 pandemic, and left-wing uprisings in cities across the country, it would have been easy to miss an extremely consequential Supreme Court decision.

The New Yorker Magazine put it this way: β€œin a 6–3 opinion written by the Trump appointee Neil Gorsuch, the Court ruled that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or transgender status is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It was the single biggest victory in the history of the L.G.B.T.Q.-rights movement.”

If a left-leaning writer makes this conclusion, Christians better pay attention...

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What in the Green court on right Judge.

They right here on you radio program where the mission is to sharpen the biblical worldview and assure the good news that all people can be reconciled to God through faith in Christ we host the website is will, what with the attempted removal of the president from office earlier this year the followed by the COBIT 19 pandemic and left wing uprisings in cities across this country.

It would've been easy to miss an extremely consequential Supreme Court decision recently. The New Yorker magazine put it this way quote in a 63 opinion written by the triple point D Neil Gore search. The court ruled that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or transgender status is illegal under title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

It was the single biggest victory in the history of the LGBT Q rights movement unquote now felt a left-leaning writer for the New Yorker magazine makes that conclusion. Christians better pay attention because it is those who believe in biblical marriage and morality, especially in the workplace that will be faced with surrender, or else so this week and on the Christian worldview John Birch Senior Counsel and VP of appellate advocacy for alliance defending freedom joins us to explain what this means for Christian liberty going forward. John has argued 12 cases before the US Supreme Court's court in more than 30 state Supreme Court cases since 2011 ring get to the interview with him, and afterwards we have more on the black lives matter movement let's get to the first segment with John Birch, John, thank you for coming on the. The program today in a very eventful last week or so with the US Supreme Court and a lot of people missed actually what was taking place because of everything else going on in our society right now. New Yorker magazine said this about these cases, it was the single biggest victory in the history of the LGBT Q rights movement.

This particular decision and you mentioned it was three cases in in one opinion I think the first question people want to know is what happened and why is this significant my remarks by saying that the New Yorker got it wrong. It's not as significant as they claim in. I would get into the details that will start the cases it is three cases where employees were claiming that they were discriminated against in their employment to that they were discriminated based on their sexual orientation. One case I was involved in involving gender identity that involved here is funeral homes as the employer my client. All three of them asked the court to interpret the federal law that prohibits discrimination because sex employment. Now that lot title VII is been on the books since 1964 and everybody really need to interpret it based on what the general public meaning of those words were 1964 and in 1964.

Everyone understood sex to be biological, male and female based on physiology or genes, something that cannot be changed is immutable to the glassware where the substance committed against because of sex and the US Supreme Court held, contrary to dozens of circuit opinions over the last 30 to 40 years.

Contrary to all the attempts to amend title VII to add those categories.

If the attempted title amended to include sexual orientation are rejected. They said that when you fire someone because they their sexual orientation or gender identity. It necessarily is because of their sex. So what they did is they significantly expanded potential employer liability under title VII not the reason why that is significant as the New York Post thinks is that where the conflict will most often come in is when you're dealing with a Christian employer who, for religious reasons, their beliefs about marriage or their beliefs about human sexuality policy in place that requires employees only to be married to someone of the opposite sex requires them to identify with their biological sex for religious reasons and in the opinion. The court specifically carved out all those cases of religious beliefs and said were not deciding that today, in this case, all reviewing is deciding what the statute covers a cover sexual orientation and gender identity sometime in the future will decide the religious liberty question. Oh and by the way, were also not deciding other difficult questions about males identifying its emails for purposes of competing in women's sports or what you do with someone identifying as the opposite sex with the shower where a locker room or an overnight accommodation or women's shelter almost left to be resolved to settle what what did the court did is significant, but there's a lot that still needs to be decided by lower courts and ultimately by the Supreme Court in the future. John Birch with us today here on the Christian will you senior counsel with the alliance defending freedom.

He was part of the, the arguing of these cases last year before the Supreme Court.

I'm going to read you a paragraph from the New Yorker magazine, they said, the Civil Rights Act forbids discrimination on the basis of sex like male versus female the employer's in the Supreme Court cases argued in the Trump administration agreed that sexual orientation and transgender status are distinct from sex. The lawyers for the dismissed employees that you mentioned John argue that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation constitutes discrimination on the basis of sex. Pamela Carl in the Stanford law professor who argued on behalf of Donald Zardari and Gerald Lynn Bostock, the two gay men proposed a hypothetical to employees who come in both of them tell you they married their partner bill last weekend when you fire the male employee who married Bill male to male marriage and you give the female employee who married Bill a couple days off so she can celebrate the joyous event that's discrimination because of sex and Neil Gore search the Supreme Court justice appointed by Trump agreed with that particular reasoning is that basically the same thing in his opinion, how would you John counter that argument is interesting. They quote that portion of Prof. Carlin's argument because they leave out a far more important thing that she said during that argument.

One of the justices asked her what if the employer makes a decision based on sexual orientation and doesn't know the sex of the employee they put up a sign, no employer would ever do this but you I won't hire anybody who's gay and someone comes in. They got an application and they don't disclose whether there male or female, but they do disclose that they're gay and the employer says I can hire because they're gay. While the employer has not made any decision based on the sex of the applicant. There even know what that applicant's sexes so that the justice posed a hypothetical of the judgment of Prof. Carlin and she said that would not sex discrimination, so she admitted that sex discrimination and sexual orientation discrimination are really two different things. And the problem with the comparator that she use that justice course which ultimately adopted. Is that your changing two things your changing their sacs and their sexual orientation, then you can't decide which one is driving the employer's decision to not let me use the example from the funeral home. Case in our case it was an employee who heard for years had followed the sex specific dress code in accordance with biological sex.

Just as male but then came to the funeral home owner and asked to meet with grieving clients presenting dressing as a woman instead welded employer would go along with that, not because the employee was transgender. That employee could have you aligned their gender with their biological sex. They could have been gender queer. They could have been on binary Claritin care. The reason he said no because the employee would follow the sex specific policy the dress code again is possible to separate sex, gender identity, and the court failed to do that but again I don't I don't want to get too bogged down in those things because ultimately the court rejected arguments on those better left over this hope that for religious employers. They would be able to litigate these issues about their beliefs on human sexuality in future cases that's going to be very important. I can think of many Christian organizations that have those standards that you talked about for their Christian ministries or mission has to do with the gospel. Christian principles and they have policies in place that their staff members must be heterosexual. There is morality clauses. So that's going to be a very, very important decision because then it bleeds out of secular culture and starts impacting churches and parachurch organizations John Birch with us today here on the Christian Realty radio program senior counsel for the alliance defending freedom. Their website is ADF now I think for Christians.

John, there's been a sense of betrayal that its president Trump nominated what he thought was an originalist judge of conservative judges going to interpret the law according to the plain interpretation of it is been a sense of betrayal here that Neil Gore search. One of multiple thought was on the conservative side of the court five before leaning conservative at this particular point in time. Why do you think Neil Gore such a supposedly originalist judge decided this way. I think he does decided based on the text of the statute, which is what we ask our conservative justices to do and he disagreed with our position. I don't think anyone could have predicted this ahead of time. I certainly don't follow the president for taking someone who by all accounts I is an originalist is a textual list and had ruled that way and countless number of cases so that it is difficult to understand the I guess one of the things that I cling to. Besides him, possibly creating a startup religious liberty is that he also acknowledges in future cases that sometimes biology does matter that biology is not bigotry. Says I don't resolve the shower issue were locker room issue. Think about it in the context of a business Christian or not that owns a pool of water/prep or something like that so they might patrons to comments in the pool go on the waterslide part if they have lifeguards as employees and they require the menswear swim trunks and they require the women to wear swimsuits that cover their bottoms and their tops. I don't think justice course injure any reasonable judge would say you can't do that if female lifeguard identifies as male and wants where the Nielsen trunks, but not cover up the top. There are to be cases where biology matters and I don't think any of that's been foreclosed yet.

Just wait this is probably coming. You probably be on that that case when it does John burst with us today. The Christian worldview from the alliance defending freedom, why should someone not in the same Christian ministry.

We know that the biblical principles that guide their their mission, but why should someone just playing the devils advocate here coming to work one day through their boss and say you know I don't identifies them as the male sex. I was born with. I now identify as a female and that employer decides to fire them for that purpose. Do you think that an employer should have the right to do that if their performance hasn't changed. They simply perceive themselves differently.

John Birch of alliance defending freedom will give a very good answer to that particular question soap will stay with us for the first break of the day here on the Christian worldview radio program talk about the impact of the recent Supreme Court decision on sexual orientation, i.e. homosexuality and transgender is him also just want to mention that I'm going to be for Twin Cities listeners. I'm going to be preaching tomorrow. You're invited at Faith Bible Church in White Bear Lake actually are meeting at the Charlson event center Sunday, June 26 at 9 AM, Charlson, event center, White Bear Lake, Minnesota can look it up online 9 AM and be speaking on mastering sin from Romans six through eight. So you're invited if you'd like to come anyway lot more to get to today here on the program hope you'll stay with us. We have much more commute even after this a new interview as we continue discussion about the worldview behind black lives matter, many soundbites with that state.

You listing the Christian worldview.

I'm David. We people everywhere have anxiety about the coronavirus pandemic. What will happen to their help, their job, their finances the future.

There is also heightened spiritual awareness. Why is God doing in my right with him. We encourage you to order Ray comfort's 20 page booklet how to be free from the fear of death, which explains how one can have peace with God in a confident hope this life and the next, for the good news of the gospel.

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I'm David. We hold curative driver. We weekly email and annual newsletter that comes up toward the end of the year, you get all the audio grams, and that weekly email and resource offers and how you can support the ministry of the Christian will you get the short takes every week. The highlights so I just go to the Christian roof to do that are guested in the program is John Birch. He is a senior counsel legal lawyer for alliance defending freedom were talking about what impact the recent Supreme Court decision on sexual orientation, and transgender is him will have in this country was get back to that interview. Why should someone just playing the devils advocate here coming to work one day through their boss and say you know I don't identifies them as the male sex. I was born with. I now identify as a female and that employer decides the fire them for that purpose.

Do you think that an employer should have the right to do that if their performance hasn't changed. They simply perceive themselves differently. The nonreligious answer is really related to the religious answer to those who read the Bible see that God created them male and female in his image and likeness and the Bible doesn't say that sex can change so as Christians we believe you follow God's plan is put forth in the Bible because when you don't, that things will happen.

All sin, we engage in sin, then we don't become the best possible version of ourselves become some corrupted version that never achieves the heights that God wants for us because his love is always to want what's best for us. Definition of love itself. It shouldn't surprise anyone that when someone doesn't identify as their own sex and their affirming that behavior that there are bad consequences that happen from you often hear that someone who's not suffering from gender dysphoria and that's when your your mind is aligned with your body with respect to your sex that they have depression and mental health issues in high suicide rate all of that's true, but the best long-term peer-reviewed studies that we have been in the scientific and medical communities show that if you affirm that person and actually go through and they have a sex change operation to align their body with what's in their head there suicide rate actually goes up, and there are no long-term mental health benefits from syllabi by following society, rather than following the blueprint actually end up in a much worse position and back signs also shows that if you don't affirm the child is having this dysphoria. Having the struggle in 80 to 95% of the cases will naturally resolve things that their mind aligns with their thereby anyone ever have these issues again.

But if you affirm the child 100% of the time they will be dealing with that dysphoria.

The rest of their life in one form or another.

So if you want the best for the human person, whether you're Christian or not Christian, it would not be to affirm the person who doesn't want to align body, mind if you think about mental health.

Generally, there are other diseases, mental health issues that look very similar to this common sense tells you that we don't treat anybody else. That way if you have anorexia you look at your body and you think that it's too fat, even though that's not the truth. No one would ever tell their daughter their sister their friend, but anorexia you should eat less than align your body with your mind organize another health issue where people feel like a limb on their body doesn't belong there and it will do almost anything to try to remove that limb. No Dr. no loving family member would ever hand in the sign say you got your arm, they would say no. We need to deal with the underlying issues to align your mind with your body, not the other way around. Why is it that gender ideology is the only area of mental health we get it exactly backward is not in all these instances, it's entirely within the purview of an employer to say I think this is harmful to the individual. I think it's harmful to others in the culture and I'm happy to do it for that basis, and all of that would be consistent with wanting what's good for the other whether you're Christian or not. Now we know all this to be true because of our Christian beliefs because of what the Bible tells us, but as is always the case. Science and real life experience aligns with those beliefs. Yeah it's very, very well said, and I but I'm just thinking about the. The impact of what what you just concluded there that an employer can say this is bad for your health, but it's it's bad for our company and so forth and so therefore going to not employ you anymore, but could that then be taken to other things that are are bad for us her sinful someone who is living with someone before they're married someone who's engaged as being a homosexual someone who may be, you know takes drugs or something. I mean it like again if these things aren't affecting job performance do you think an employer still has the right, or should have the right to be able to terminate those kinds of employees they call it at will employment because the employer is allowed to do that. The only things that are prohibited are to treat someone different because of their race, their sacks, their ethnicity that their religion on anything else is on the table for the employer, but I would actually go farther than that challenge your premise that when someone is engaged in those types of behaviors in the end it will affect their work performance. If you're an alcoholic. Rerun drugs that might show up sometimes your work not high or not drunk designated to be able to successfully do that every day is an effective job performance. In the case of the funeral home employee were talking about a funeral director. This is the face of the funeral home. The person who is the first interaction between the business and the family members after they lost their loved one, not the whole reason for having a sex specific dress code in codes of conduct is said that those grieving families can focus on processing their grief and not on the funeral home and its employees is not reasonable for the funeral home owner to think that when a family comes in because dad died in January and they meet with a male funeral director and they come back in April because mom died another meeting with the same human director and address high heels.

They may not be able to focus on processing their grief. Yeah, it's inevitable that when you make choices like that they do impact her job performance. This is the way that life works. You can't separate what you do on your personal time when you do your work time there to come together and played at some point. So yes players do have the right to do what they think is best for the company was best for that individual. John burst with us today on the Christian wrote you a senior counsel for alliance defending freedom is argue 12 cases before the US Supreme Court to their website for this excellent organization is ADF I think it was Charlie Feld Bloom, who was in the Obama administration. I think something to do with the human rights acumen what what the position was by member the quote that came from this person that the homosexual rights for LGBT Q rights and Christian liberty. It's a zero-sum game. Either one wins their loses or vice versa, is not actually true, how we get along in our society nowadays going to Iraq if you look at the other cases that we have where these issues come into conflict that is very easy to see how you can have amicable resolution where everybody take someone like bairn else that she's the florist from Washington state her case is still pending on she's been persecuted by the ACLU and the Washington State Atty. Gen. because she declined to create custom floral arrangements and bring them to a same-sex wedding because it violated her Christian beliefs which you need to know about. Now, if you have heard this before, is that she loved and served all of her customers came in the door that Rob the customer who requested this this order for his marriage was a friend of hers and she had faithfully served for nearly 10 years she had made custom floral arrangements for Rob and Ross, same-sex partner knowing that he was gay even for things such as anniversaries and Valentine's Day. It was only participation in the same-sex wedding ceremony itself that she felt went too far violated her relationship with Jesus Christ. So when he came in and asked her to do this. She took him aside were no one else could hear what was going on. Your took his hand and said, Rob, you know that I love you because of my relationship with Jesus Christ. This isn't something that I can do and she reverted to five other nearby florist that she would need.

She knew would do a good job and if they just let things go there and everything would've been fine.

I would've respected the dignity of rot as were all called as Christians to do and they are now would've been able to live by religious convictions not dissipating in a sacred ceremony that violated her religious beliefs. But what happened. Rob went away.

He was disappointed but he understood her position. He told his partner partner posted on Facebook because he was angry that the Atty. Gen. sees dense foods in and decides that they are now as public enemy number one.

You forget all the other problems that Washington state might be having yet to stamp out this loving Christian woman who tried to accommodate a customer and served for years she had any.

And based on his same-sex attraction based on the fact that he was gay. She loved him no matter who he was now a perfect example of how everyone should have been able to get along and coexist but where the LGBT advocates pushed it because their goal is nothing less than to westernize antidiscrimination laws to wipe out Christian thought anywhere in the public square. We cannot bairn else we can have Jack Phillips we can assimilate chief Cochran. He was the Alanna Fire Chief and he was fired for writing a private track for his men's Bible study away from work not working assumption about what the Bible teaches on marriage with the fact that he wrote that, and how those beliefs was too much and Alanna fired we be sued. Alanna and prevailed. We got a very favorable settlement for his case. It just goes to show how these laws are being used promote equality and to get everyone working together.

Instead they're being westernized persecute those believes that the left is life, and so I absolutely reject and repudiate anybody who says this is a zero-sum game. Now shut us exactly how this could be done while respecting everybody on both sides. We just need advocates on the other side to appreciate that and buy into the program. John burst everyone here today on the Christian real view senior counsel for alliance defending freedom think he's a sharp critical thinker is probably why he's arguing cases before the Supreme Court thought his last answer was very interesting.

Unfortunately as gracious as bairn else does. When was still was attacked relentlessly for her beliefs. I will come back. We have more with John burst after this and will get into some on the black lives matter movement is the Christian rule of you.

I'm David is a pain to know that there are people who do not know Jesus is a greater pain to know that oftentimes Jesus and Christianity is being distorted. Destiny is called Congress thought. I don't think God Jesus said Satan story the doctrine of Christianity that separates Christianity from other religions in the world. The American gospel films.

Contrast the false teaching so prevalent today to true biblical Christianity. Both films are available in our store and will be excellent to show to your family or small group or give to your pastor to order go to the Christian world or call 1888 646-2233 right to Box 401 Excelsior, MN 55331. Be sure to take advantage of two free resources that will keep you informed and sharpen your world. The first is the Christian were weekly email which comes to your inbox each Friday. It contains the upcoming radio program along with need to read articles feature resources, special events and audio the previous program. The second is the Christian world annual letter, which is delivered to your mailbox. In November it contains a year-end letter from host, David. We had a listing of our store items including DVDs, books, children's materials and you can sign up for the weekly email an annual print by visiting the Christian will.will: one. AAA 646-2230 through your email and mailing address will never be sure you can unsubscribe at any time: one AAA 646-2233 or visit the Christian.thanks for joining us today on the Christian world radio program and host heard he was always connect going to our website so they give you the Christian and signing up for a free weekly email that's their short takes. You can find about resources with lots of resources for adults and children from books and DVDs and all sorts of things in those types of things can help you sharpen your biblical worldview is the point of this ministry and that we appreciate your support so much as well, which we have time or in a regular basis to thank all of you who support the Christian rope you, whether by prayer or whether by sending us notes email cards in the mail, whether by financial donations is pretty overwhelming and were just so grateful for your support of this ministry today in the program were talking about what impact will the Supreme Court's recent decision on sexual orientation, and transgender is him have upon Christians in this country because Christians always the target when these particular things occur. Now our guest is John burst you senior counsel lawyer for alliance defending Freeman excellent organization that is, by the way, supported by people. It's a nonprofit organization, but they come to the aid of Christians typically when their religious rights are being violated and so are John is argued, many cases before the Supreme Court is talking about these recent cases these three cases with one decision that was surprisingly went against read the that the side of religious liberty. I actually think it is first answer today when you talked about that he doesn't think it's as significant as a lot of people are saying, including those on the homosexual so I think it is pretty significant government standpoints. Another steppingstone in the wrong direction for this country toward homosexual rights away from Christian liberties that are enshrined right there in the first amendment of the Constitution, but we have more interview with John coming up so escape back to the final moments with him. Recently there was a column that came out by the oblivious, the CEO of alliance defending freedom. Michael Ferris also Charles is it supports is that how you pronounce it took you check the retired Archbishop of Philadelphia. Okay, so he's Catholic Michael Ferris believes an evangelical Christian. They came out the joint article entitled unjust rules for religious believers is one sentence from the column when public officials and I were moving on to what's going on here with coronavirus and the states, not allowing churches to open while casinos and bars and you you name what else are allowed to be open when public officials allow people to gather in secular settings but not religious ones of the government effectively declares that religious practice is not really necessary, and that reveals not only of disregard for the first amendment, but also a complete misunderstanding of people of faith and why they gather to worship you. I think of the state of California right now in many other places where there is still ongoing re-restrictions against gathering for worship services.

John what what is your thoughts on what churches should be doing right now.

In that situation when they know they have a First Amendment right to assemble a freedom of religion. All these things that the state is telling them know you can't do this, you can only do it in a very, very limited way in a church is caught between the idea of what we want to be obedient to the state will be good citizens, but we also having our our first freedom liberties infringed upon that wonderful question that I think it's all about a matter of balance you if there's a pandemic that requires everybody to be home then because were Christians and we love our neighbors then that we stay home to, even if that means participating in worship service online or on TV or something like that because no one is allowed to go out but when we see the government allowing people to go to casinos and to marijuana shops and buy lottery tickets at the grocery store and a protest in the streets and bring down buildings, but they don't allow more than 10 people together in a church. Then something's wrong. We need to stand up for that and and when you do that two things will happen your great state of Minnesota.

Minnesota Catholic bishops stood up and said no were going back to mass and when they did the government sit down and allow that to happen is one possible outcome.

The other outcome is that the government gets it back up and says, well not really go to court over over this and when that happens, then attorneys like alliance defending freedom will stand up and represent those churches.

Those religious leaders. Those people and make sure that their constitutional rights under the free exercise clause are protected. We won 14 lawsuits in the last two months across the country challenging discriminatory governmental practices with respect to the pandemic in churches just like you describe, and she was getting more those in the days ahead. So yes we do have to show respect to our civil governmental leaders. I think the church is been more than accommodating in allowing them to shut down churches over the last couple of months but as things start to open up churches cannot be treated worse than everybody else and if they are that we need to stand up and do something about it and we will generally appreciate your coming on the Christian real view today and so much appreciate the values that alliance defending freedom is standing for and representing those who believe in the Constitution, religious liberty that they stand for. So thank you so much for coming on the program, my pleasure.

Thank you. Okay I was John burst of the alliance defending freedom very thankful for people like him who understand the law so well and are and are not unclear, and or and unambiguous about what the Constitution means for Christians in this country and our just God-given gracious rights that we have had that are so rare amongst all peoples in all history and that we need to be aware of these things pay attention to these things as this judgment by the Supreme Court could have been easily missed and again I think this can be a stepping stone to more thereafter. That equality accurately actually change the nondiscrimination policy to include sexual orientation and gender identity. Transgender is in that this case didn't do that but it allowed this is it's can I have a trickle-down effect there. There is no doubt that we will pay attention to this going forward. Okay I want to transition now to a topic that we dealt with last week about black lives matter, and some different soundbites that we have on the program today to play before the program concludes the first time, but I would just want to play is a promo promotional video will display the audio. Of course from black lives matter from their own website and let's get into some of their beliefs and what they are pushing for. They have become the I guess you could say the most influential, most powerful political movement.

These fastest growing political movement in recent history heard just recently that they really have race and be like $10 million since all this, leftist uprisings have happened earlier political force to be reckoned with. Now we need to understand who they are and what they believe cures from their website about who black lives matter is until black people are free. No one is fully critic of the issues that affect black people. The most affected everyone and everyone can you imagine in their lives. No police brutality.mashing and gun violent has incarcerated children came to oasis immigration policy voter suppression are mental degradation and justice. It's time to vote for in America. Our lives are valued. Police are held accountable. We have access to quality healthcare we can thrive in school. I want to see America without a way to low opportunity for numerical oppression of white supremacy. Can you imagine an America where oppression and fear are dissolved.

The most powerful voters in this country will not be distracted by the noise they made her going to those who choose to vote out you we are going to show up.

So that's the black lives matter promo is very significant that women were voicing that because this is an overtly anti-male organization, says that in their very statement beliefs. We will build a space that affirms black women and is free from sexism and misogyny in environments in which men are centered. This is right from their website, we do the work required to dismantle cysts, gender, privilege and uplift black trans folk.

We make space notably for transgender brothers and sisters to participate in lead we foster a queer affirming network when we gather we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking. We disrupt the Western prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families in villages this this goes way beyond just you standing up for the rights of a particular ethnic group in this country. This is a Marxist revolutionary organization that is getting widespread support and funding, even from Christians as well. Now one of the founders of black lives matter. One of the leaders of it. His name is Hawk Newsom. He appeared recently on a cable news program with Martha MacCallum and she showed a video and his response to the video. I believe it had to do with what was going on. You know with black lives matter the legislation they're trying to push forward what's going on the streets and he responded by saying what's interesting that you oppose this question because this country. This is a black lives matter leader is built upon violence see the worldview behind us now. What was the same revolution that another was a revolution taking place now is no different than the original original American Revolution about what is our diplomacy around the globe. We go in and blow up countries talk about America and we replaced their leaders with leaders who we like.

So for any American to accuse us black lives matter of being violent. It's extremely hypocritical now when we talk about us using self-defense. We you.

She goes on we see here and me skip down your we are talking about for five police officers choking someone to death. Someone from the community having the training to intervene effectively when we go talk about upholding a Second Amendment. I think you should be applauding me we should be armed ourselves to defend themselves and when he goes on I like that never play the soundbite of what next, what he talks about the justification for using violence after this break, David Wheaton here to tell you about my boys then story of love, loss and grace then was a yellow lab and inseparable companion.

This stage of my life when I was single, competing in the professional tennis to.

I invite you to enter into the story's tapestry of relationships within my aging parents, child, friend. I would finally marry, and ultimately with God because all things, even the hard things to work together for good.

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We encourage you to order Ray comfort 20 page booklet how to be free from the fear of death, which explains how one can have peace with God in a confident hope this life and the next through the good news of the gospel.

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There is no country that is as just tenant has good and is overcome its sins of the past like this country but that's not the way they think and they want to impose this America is evil. We hate this country were gonna revolution to transform this country and so then he had to say this to Martha MacCallum, this is Hawk Newsom from black lives matter what you talking on a bunch of different interviews today and he said burn it down burn it down, it's time so that makes me find anyone I said. If this country this country. I think it was what we want, then we will burn down the system and replace it all right and I give me Sweden's visit for figuratively and be sweet and literally as a matter of interpretation like let's be very real and and and let's observe the history of the 1960s when black people were rioting we had the highest growth being wealth and property ownership. Think about the last few weeks since we started protesting near mint eight cops fired across the country.

Remember, they would solicit their was doing process.

That's why the copy choked regarding the dev had kept his job and make received raises for five years. Anytime a cop heard a woman heard a child her pregnant people hurt elders. There was always a call for doing process. You must wait, you must wait with the moment people start destroying property, now cops could be fired automatically would avoid is this country all rewarding behavior. Is it listening to obviously not marching when people get aggressive and may escalate their their approach as I mastering getting the house get fired. Now you have found that you have police officers you have Republican politicians talking about police reform. I don't condone nor do I condemn writing, but I'm just telling you what I observed. I don't condemn writing. Did you just hear that so you may watch the news at night and think this is terrible, riots, burning of buildings, looting, violence against people and police officers and so forth. That's not what black lives matter thinks about it. They think this is the way hate more of the same.

This is the way were going to get away. You see, the results were getting in Seattle are letting us build their own encampment in the city.

In Minneapolis there allowing us to take over the.

The police precinct.

This works throw a tantrum do violence due process doesn't work. Why wait will go on the street.

We've never made more much much more money would never have more cops fired and what were doing right now that that's the worldview. So again they're looking at it completely differently than you think this is got to stop. We want peace on our streets. That's not what they're thinking.

The thinking this is the way working to get our way. Otherwise, were going to burn it down are so with that as a context reading your statement of belief in the last segment and then hearing some of the leaders about how they think they're going to enact this rebel revolution by violence, not through due process and voting in making the case and so forth for why their views are better than the traditional American views. That's why when you have the president of the Southern Baptist convention.

The largest convention, the Protestant denomination in the country. JD Greer is also a pastor saying what he said about black lives matter. It just makes it so much more egregious. Here's JD Greer, Southern Baptist. We need tenant to say it clearly as a gospel issue black lives matter of course, black lives matter are our black brothers and sisters made in the image of God. Black lives matter because Jesus died for them. Black lives are a beautiful part of God's creation and the makeup and essential and beautiful part of his body. We will be poor as a people without them and and other minorities in our midst.

Let me echo my met my friend Jimmy Scroggins not Pastor Don in Florida and saying that black lives matter is an important thing to say right now because we are seeing in our country, the evidence of specific injustices that many of our black brothers and sisters and friends of intelligence about for years and and and by the way, let's not respond by saying all will all lives matter of course all lives matter, but to describe this way. So you're in a group with the group at a restaurant and the waiter brings the food to everybody except the one got your table. Your friend Bob and so you say the waiter had excuse me, Bob deserves food is about your table corrects you to say not all of us deserve food while that's true, but you're missing the point. Bob is sitting there by himself without food so we are saying. We understand that that that that that that many of our black brothers and sisters have received for many years that the process is the new processes of justice of God not work for them as they have for some others in our country.

By the way, like Jimmy, I like Dr. Scott and says what spare each other.

The quotation stats right now if you talk to some black friend, you'll know that they can tell you about their experiences and how some of them can be quite different from from others in our country just while while mean knowing what black lives matter, believes for a Christian pastor little on the leader of the largest cross-examination to repeat their slogan. The slogan they've popularized you could say all souls matter or you're in a black lives are prime. Whatever. But to repeat their slogan all the things he said in that particular soundbite member. We've said this in the past whenever you couch something like oh this is a gospel issue just that the Eisen Christians has had a role that all will therefore it's true which what Christian doesn't believe that every person's life matter, regardless of the color of the skin that that's just there's no one there no Krishna who does not actually believe that and then to go on to say all these evidences of injustices we've talked about this week after week.

This whole thing is is based on the lie of systemic injustice.

There is not systemic injustice in this country based on so many different studies. We don't even know of George Floyd's killer. The police officer was motivated by racial animus against black you know that but that that was assumed right away and then secondly, then it was the next assumption was with the Minneapolis Police Department is systemically unjust is no evidence for that that there've been some cases of course, but you know it's just in the whole country is systemically injustice.

So it's all based on a lie and then finally he goes into saying don't say all lives matter.

That's just a talking point of black lives matter and finally he said the square spare the quotation of stats right now like me about facts that that is a tenant of critical race theory which is based on people's experience rather than facts useful upon almost of this organization is trying to revolution in this country might end on a discouraging note. But there is one thing that we can always count on in trust and above what any of Christian leaders are saying. Jesus says the Bible says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever until next weekend. Think biblically.

We hope to these broadcast turned your heart toward God's word and sought to order a CD copy of today's program or sign up for our free weekly email or to find out how you can be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ go to our website the Christian world dawdle. Call us toll-free at one Tripoli 646-2233. The Christian worldview was a weekly one-hour radio program that is furnished by the over comer foundation is supporting my listeners and sponsors request one of our current resources with your donation of any amount go to the Christian world dawdle or call us toll-free at one Tripoli 646-2230 3.2 was sent Box 01, Excelsior, MN 55331 that's Box 401, Excelsior, MN 55331. Thanks for listening to the Christian world you until next time, think biblically, we've according