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When the Weak Become Strong, Part 2

Summit Life / J.D. Greear
The Cross Radio
June 24, 2022 9:00 am

When the Weak Become Strong, Part 2

Summit Life / J.D. Greear

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June 24, 2022 9:00 am

Today, we’re continuing our study called “Broken Saviors.” As we come to the end of Judges later this week, we’ll find out that the entire book is just one portion of a much bigger story.

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Today on Summit life with Judy Greer until you see him believe what Jesus therefore you call a personal strength because she is the real Samson. This glorious life powerfully people's lives is good to give you supernatural strength to bless others, but you're screwing up until you see Jesus was the real Samson that was given for you. It might after their religion. Judy Greer. I'm your host Molly that Yvette's okay giver finish the first book or movie series and felt frustrated or anxious with ending your ready for the next installment.

To see how everything comes together right will today were continuing our study called broken saviors as we come to the end of judges.

We'll find out that the entire bug is just one portion of much bigger story and it's all pointing ahead to a glorious ending. If you've missed any of the messages of this teaching series so far. Or if you'd like to get your copy of the honest questions, quick answers, volume 2.

Visit or by calling us at 866-335-5220 right now. Let's get started here faster. Judy with the second part of our message about Samson title when the week become strong. Samson story comes for the end of the book of Judges. In fact, Samson was going to the last judge specifically talked about a judges get a lot more material on Samson than we do any of the other judges get three whole chapters work that is because Samson's wife sums up the entire message of judges and then point just beyond judges he got shut down and then point just beyond the see and hear a picture of how God saves watch this chapter 13 Arrigo and the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. And so the Lord did them in the band of the Philistines for 40 years, Mercer was a certain manifold of the tribe of the day, night, whose name was Manoa and his wife was barren and had no children names of the Lord appeared. The woman said to her, behold, you shall conceive and bear a son, therefore, be careful and bring no one a strong drink and eat nothing unclean.

For behold, you shall conceive and bear a son to raise or whatever, but as ever the child will be a Nazirite to God from the womb.

Watch this verse five, and he shall begin to save Israel from the Philistines, so we got the beginning of a salvation by a judge who has no what comes after him and then the book of Judges ends and we are left asking the question what he began it completed and now you're reading the Bible the right way because now you're seeing that this thing that he began is not to be completed in the book of Judges is not to be completed in the New Testament. That's the way the Bible intends for you to read it going verse six to summarize what happens here is Angel after she was Manoa's wife Manoa. Like his back and tells Manoa mentor. What a believer is that we even have a strong break little too much mental us of all we asked Angel this is really the jet you were hallucinating. Well message will come back and so on.

Danger comes back to him and it was life, and minerals lifelines gets Manoa.

The first one first things Manoa says to the angel verse 50. Please let us detain your prepare young goat for you. In other words eat together with the angel God will not do it because eating in those days was a sign of fellowship and peace and there is no peace between God and Israel will not get to eat with you so verse 12. Manoa begins to pepper the angel with questions when your words come true, what is to be the child's manner of life and what is going to be his mission. Verse 17. What is your name so that when your words come true.

We may honor you.

What's he wanting to know and serve God and eroticism. I do say the details.

The question is do you trust my character, why do you ask my name seen.

It is wonderful. Is that enough for you. Manoa wants to know more about what to do. God says wait a minute. This is who I am. This is my name is wonderful and a question for you is, is that enough for you or you can require explanation because I'm giving I'm going to give you revelation verse 19. So Manoa took the young goat with the grain offering and offered on the rocks below are the one who works wonders. I night dinner together. He's often a sacrifice which is more appropriate. Verse 20. When the flame went up toward heaven from the altar the angel the Lord went up and the flame of the altar, Manoa and his wife fell at their faces on the ground. Manoa said to his wife is going to humorously think about it face down in the dirt, you know, Manoa comes as we shall surely die for. We have seen God. As I said him of the Lord, meant to tell us he would not accept the burnt offering and a grain offering at her hands shows all these things were now such things to these these. She responds in a way that puts her among the greatest women of faith in the Bible.

She says simply. I trusted these obviously good and I'm ready to obey all that he is said not a question for you is this.

Have you ever said that to him just a total unconditional absolute yes he's not waiting for you to accomplish things. He just wants you to lay it down and surrender yes Lord is the only response he requires is the only one that pleases him.

It's really the only one you can give a great substitute for that is religion is a religion is built on's what I'll do, go to churches many times I give you this amount of money in them will be this good. I executed this in return was like I told you last week. Jesus does not negotiate why because he owns it, already including you and you can only be in one of two postures with Jesus.

Faith and surrender or rebellion when it comes to Jesus's claims of Lordship is only one or two postures you could be Jesus does not come as a moral influence like CS Lewis said it doesn't come to try to make bad people become better people. He comes to rebels in the man's they lay down their arms.

Yes, I have told you income is an influence in your life to help you become such takeover is really only wanted to postures that are appropriate when it comes to the Lordship of Jesus, you're either in religious negotiation here in total surrender told you that if you're not total surrender. It is kind of like if I would tell my wife a your Father's Day is what you know I'm I'm 96% faithful you was that me I'm your college today who you may have know it means maybe it could mean that out of 100 women. I know I got you know relationships with only four of them.

That's wholly unfaithful because when it comes to wife.

You are your marriage you are you are when it comes Lordship of Jesus, you either surrendered or you are not. Religion is a great counterfeit to true faith and surrender and dizziness and religion gives a lot of people deceived into thinking a right with God when they are not people in churches all over America this morning saying like a church a lot. I give a good amount on some of the major many of the commandments you have either said to Jesus, I believe all that you say and I'm ready to fall.

You have my whole life, or you have not religion negotiates faith surrenders which category you win. Have you ever said absolutely unconditional.

Yes, Lord, I receive and I will follow verse 24, so the woman bore a son and called his name Samson young man grew the Lord blessed but already right there.

We see a big indication of trouble because Samson's name Sam Simon is a tribute to the son God. Samson is going to live a life that depicts Israel a life that is filled with compromise. Let me give you four problems plague Samson's life. These are thing to be like a precursor to the next couple of messages will go deep into them, but I want to introduce them to you because they are kind of for another 40 verse 24 number one compromise. Samson's life is going to be characterized by compromise. He is going to break flagrantly all three provisions of the Nazirite about number three provisions. No one cut your hair, don't touch anything bad. Chapter 14 1 chapter you will little appetizer on the same Cymbalta love the Philistine girl, which is obviously a problem because she did even share his faith, but because to celebrate his engagement. He throws a Ms. those are a weeklong beer keg party so he's not doing too well. The alcohol they'll a few days before the party. A lion attack.

He's on his way to the party to engage more than one line at Jackson and then comes my favorite verse in the whole story. Judges number 40 verse Exelon attacks him and he tore the line the pieces is one tears a young goat is one tears a young goat was not common in those days. It said like it is a like number 20 goat.

It doesn't sound to be that easy to me to tear a young go but evidently everybody did that back then anyone could hear young goat. But Samson not only tore young goat, he could tear a hole I am so terrible lion. A few days later it says he's passing, but by the place were killed while he looks overall the road and there's a lines carcass and in the carcass is a beehive that is filled with honey and bees, which raises a number of questions to me like how to get in there did a lion eating that's why the line was mad and attacked Samson for lien or maybe the bees make the hide in there after they like carcasses that look at ideal place for them to put I don't know. It doesn't tell us it just says that he sought so he went to get the hide out the it's the honey but it obviously touches a dead body in the process because he's hungry and of course he ends up cutting his hair, which leads to his downfall. These compromises whenever it's convenient. Number two impulsive impulsive thought. His life is controlled by his passions. He gets hungry for honey beats he wants a woman takes her the marriage is a Philistine or prostitute will whenever he gets mad he kills people almost every demonstration of strength in his life comes as a result of him being personally ticked off about something not righteously angry. He just The EE you get this image of a guy on void. Rage essentially to re-examine only 1.1 illustration of this because when mother for stories come after Samson killed a lion and eats awning out of its belly even resounds when he was bachelor party beer keg party when he gets there.

There are 30 Philistine guy and he says I'm with you as a little and here it was make it interesting. If you can guess the answer to this riddle. I'll give each of you a brand-new suit of clothes but as you can guess the riddle in seven days each of you is give me a set of clubs.

I am so the Israelites are rated for things I will were smarter than you anyway when I go you shows up so bone bringing on Santa says okay here's a real out of the eater came something to eat out of the strong him something sweet.

Now deceased talk about honey from the life while the Philistines go back in a caucus and they can come up with answer for six days. They talk about and are going to panic is not an allusion to lose face.

And so they go to his bribes.

The Philistine is brought to me and they say, would you please get Samson to tell you the answer you give the schedule of art. She's like well I can't really do that. He hasn't told me and the like. If you don't do that really kill you and burn your house on fire, so the woman is a Samson and she pulls the oldest trick in the book.

She starts to cry and she starts to say stuff like you don't love me were starting on American secrets and all the counselor say that's not good you got to tell me that me read it to you for 17 she went before him for the next seven days that their fees lasted. Talk about a miserable beer keg party is on the seventh day finally told her because she pressed them hard, she told the realtor people and the men of the city said to him on the seventh day before the sun went down. Samson was sweeter than honey. What is stronger than a lion, then my second favorite verse in the Samson story. Samson says only if you had not plowed with my heifer you would not have found out my little man to obvious lessons for you right here okay little Father's Day advice from uncle JD 1 do not let anybody plow with your girlfriend number two do not call your wife I have for okay this not Father's Day okay will Samson is to so he goes out he kills 30 other Philistines and take their clothes off their body and takes the back of those 30 like your closer ability and thorn you like your to close.

That's his whole life right there. Every one of his great feats of strength come from an impulse. Always be funny if it works at all on tragic. He's impulsive and honest because I was thinking about that this week about how much Samson was willing to risk is the strongest man to ever live. What guy would not want to be that they'll be like Aussie items from his men never knowing what I understand these want to risk all that for some cases of money about who would do that as I'm asking myself the question, it occurs to me you guys do it all the energy we have a new study right now that covers some strange but brutally honest topics. We created a second volume of honest questions quick answers you might remember when we offered volume line 2 years ago new, but new questions and answers from Pastor Katie like I don't and it is okay to ask for success. These types of questions often tread that people who are searching for God so let's remove the stumbling block with wisdom straight from God's word. Reserve your copy today by calling eight think. Thanks. 552 20 or visit us Thanks for being with us today. Now let's finish up today's teaching. Here's Pastor Jean.

Many men of the way their family just because they want a little taste of pornography.

How many guys do I know in college that will really think about the claims the Lordship of Jesus on their life because they don't want to have to give up sexual freedom. Mother in college. I don't look at them and say you're willing to give up. You will be give up eternity for you could have a little taste of pleasure for a brief time in your life impulsive in ruins.

It is number three entitlement. I'm going to this one left to wait for that one, but that's his attitude. I deserve that honey I'll take it for pride, everything in Samson's life comes about him to redo these chapters in the next few weeks and and and observe how many times Samson uses the word I Samson still leverages God-given strength primarily to benefit him, not for God's kingdom. Eventually he's going allow his hair to be caught because he's convinced himself that his incredible strength come from himself and not from God. We say this to the guys in here again this is a later message those same four things are the greatest threats to what God wants to do in your life the exact same for compromise living impulsively little with a sense of entitlement walking and pride they destroyed Samson the strongest man ever to live there the same thing the enemy the same playbook is using to destroy your life, but that's next time to bring it back to the message for this week the end of chapter 13 what I need you to see if it Samson from the very beginning the way of story is presented is pointing you forward beyond judges. Samson is the last judge in this book the last great hope for Israel and so we buy this one the book of waiting to see how we can arrest you and rule God's people.

I was gonna bring them back to obedience to God. But it almost every way working to find ourselves disappointed because he points us forward to another Jesus will complete what Samson begins to. That's the most important word in this whole story.

Chapter 13 verse five he began the salvation of Israel, Jesus will complete it is a Jesus birth and Samson's birth of remarkable similarities. Samson is giving us in his birth a picture of how the real Savior would come one day. The birds of Samson, a Jesus were brought miraculous Samson's mom was bold and barren.

Mary was a virgin. One huge difference though the birth of Samson brought joy and honor are in the midst of shame, the birth of Jesus brought shame to Mary and Joseph because everybody thought that they had had him out of wedlock. Samson's birth brought celebration.

Jesus was born into poverty in shape why that distinction. Why, because the real Savior would not save us simply for power. The real Savior would not simply turn our sorrow into joy.

He wouldn't simply remove our say real Savior to take on our sorrow at the take on our shave can be born into it and then die for it. Samson was a Nazirite which was a religious bow that brought somebody honor Jesus was a Nazarene which meant that he was culturally despised and an outcast.

One more thing the Samson and Jesus were told a lot about their birds, but almost nothing about their childhoods, the author whose writing judges probably has no idea even what he is doing, but the Holy Spirit is guiding him to write this story in such a way that we see a parallel for how Jesus is born as were told an awful lot about his birth. An awful lot about the Angels that showed up were told nothing about his childhood. Samson story is told in such a way that it gives us a premonition of something that is to come. Even though the people, and judges did know what it was because Jesus is the truer and better.

Samson and Jesus will succeed in every place of Samson fails like Samson. You see, Jesus of strength will reside not in how we built one can reside in his personal charisma is beauty. Isaiah said it was a physical beauty we would desire in Jesus drink like Samson would come from the indwelling power. The spirit, but unlike Samson, Jesus would never compromise every facet of God's law without sin. Instead of being controlled by his impulses. Jesus will be controlled by God's will.

After fasting for 40 days in the wilderness and not eating the things Satan shows up and offers him some bread and what is Jesus say is totally the opposite of Samson.

He says man does not live by desire. Man is not live by bread alone members by the will of God. Jesus did not do it please himself. Jesus it will please God is on the garden of Gethsemane when Jesus was the father and says I don't want to do this nevertheless is not what I want God. It's what you want is what pleases you there.

Jesus was entitled to the throne. Jesus would take the role of a servant and submit to the humiliation of the cross. I look at Samson, a man of incredible strength, a Nazirite with incredible strength and we are all on by his strength. But I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene, and wonder how he could love me, a sinner, condemned on claim. When I say how marvelous is not about how strong Samson was, or how strong God to make me when I say how marvelous it is about how Jesus would come and take upon himself. My weakness how the one who was strong and rich became weak and poor one who is righteous would become guilty how he who knew no sin would become sin for me and then I say how marvelous because my salvation didn't come by men with muscles remained intelligent they came by somebody who would take my shaman to him and die for you see, until you see them believe what Jesus did for you will never become a person of strength because Jesus is the real Samson's glorious life enables you to live like Samson should've lived here, and explain to you, God does want to use you powerfully people's lives. He is going to give you supernatural strength to bless others what you're screwing up. You always will. Until you see the Jesus was the real Samson that was given for you. Salvation encompass strength that came by him humbling himself and taking your shape and when you see and you believe that Jesus was the real Samson to give up his life to save you instead of a life that declares I wanted, so I'll take it, you'll start to say I want God is what he wants instead of saying I deserve it will start to confess I deserve hell and he saved me so I'll do whatever you say Jesus instead of saying my strengths are my talents and my abilities are all about me your sources.

Jesus is all about you. It's all from you.

It's all through you. It's all for you to say where the whole realm of nature mine, that would be a present far too small. Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.

Instead of saying I can handle it starts that can handle without God, but I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me, and you will cling tightly to the source of strength in your life and you will never let it go because this is all about him.

It's all about being in right relationship to the real deliver the real Savior on the road to Emmaus after the resurrection Luke tells us that Jesus was speaking to his disciples and said that walking between two towns.

See you know we was at time city started with Moses and the prophets, which means Genesis always in the Old Testament, and he explained how everything written was about him when he came to the Samson story.

I have to imagine that he explained some of the things that I'm explaining to you because he is wanting his disciples were about to go into the world to face the Philistines you want them to see.

I'm not asking you go over, K in the whole Bible is not about you becoming like Samson the whole Bible is not a list of examples for you to emulate. The Bible is about a Savior for you to adore and your strength is not going to come from what you do for me. Your gonna your strength is in the come from worshiping me for what I've done for you and your incredible strength is not to be given by working it out your incredible strength is going to come as you stand in awe and amazement of how I was a real Samson for you. I was a strong one who overcame and you just worship me. So I have told you that a goal in a sermon is not as you leave the page full of notes: this is not a failure mindful with info about Samson as if that information is going make you more spiritual. My goal is not to tell you live like Samson, you can't live like Santa and you should move like Samson. The goal of the lectures that you lead with information. The goal of a motivational speech is that you would accept the goal of a sermon is a leave worshiping God come a time in the sermon where the pen goes down the eyes go on and you quit writing down all my God, look at all the things I gotta do for you and you start saying oh my god look at what you done for me. The Scripture points to the real Savior, who gladly gave his life for the beauty of the gospel is the centerpiece of the whole Bible. It's also the centerpiece and everything we do here at Summit life JD in our newest resource you take some time to answer a lot of questions over and very broad range of topics.

What do you hope will take away from this new, but this book is pretty different from a lot of the resources that we offered her namely in that it's it's done in the same style as my other podcast asked me anything where I take a challenging or difficult question that that were often asked, as believers, and I attempt to give you a few short talking points of how to think about the answer and how to share with somebody else.

This can be a part of that hard work of winning somebody to Christ by by taking out some of the big objections that may have about about the Christian faith, and I think this resource will help you do that this is a second volume we offered volume 1, a couple of years ago. If you go to JV and to give you instructions on how you can get volume 2 and volume wanted to get these and I think it'll help you whether your kind answer a question your care. I tried to answer question for your own heart for neighbor the task city on the radio and online. So when you are hearing are present in ministry and think for the message gift today and remember to ask for volume 2, I sent answers 665-5224. You can donate online I'm only Vivace greatly and enjoy this. For some it might