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FBI Leaks Top-Secret Info to Washington Post?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
September 7, 2022 1:29 pm

FBI Leaks Top-Secret Info to Washington Post?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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September 7, 2022 1:29 pm

The FBI has been accused of leaking details about top-secret files supposedly seized in the raid on President Trump's Mar-a-Lago home. Jay, Jordan, and the Sekulow team discuss the latest developments in the case. This and more today on Sekulow.

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Top secret info Washington Post talk about that more today you informed.

Now you know on Labor Day.

The judge ordered a report of the special master. Now that we got you yesterday.

Finally, the liberal media started piling on. Surprise, surprise. Their favorite branch of government to attack these days judges federally appointed judges confirmed by the U.S. Senate when we attack the FBI request of the FBI, Department of Justice Eva speech by Joe Biden call your Seo enemies of the state, but when there's a coequal branch of government.

It's important to point out a coequal branch of government that happens to become a procedural ruling.

Yes that they don't like becomes a special master all then all bets are off. You could criticize the that that part of government, all you want, how about this, which is make it fair. We should all be able criticize whatever parts the government we want its America to its America so tell be having any real estate for question what if you question the other if Dr. Playfair like that I am to point out every time you're doing the same thing you're telling people is is so bad for the country because you are delegitimizing or attempting to a equal coequal branch of the US federal government, and they don't coax them so they get upset their angry and guess what we get out of the DOJ and FBI a leak of what's in the documents that they're so upset about but of course they botched handling these documents already as was reported out in the judge's order. That's part of the reason special master got appointed another leaking to the Washington Post to get some of the specific source of that which reads must be so top-secret right that they felt comfortable leaking at that effect. That was to cause them to get criminal liability is on James coming leaking a conversation he had with the men of President of the United States felt Donald Trump but was a large fry from Harvard. Here's what he said that they love attacking judges humor screaming at Supreme Court judges, that's fine. You know, making all the statements about the decision and in the in the Dobbs case find build they can criticize the large fry cannons were that's the judge will go down as part of the judicial anticandida body of decisions like Dred Scott, which said by people were not people for the purpose of the Constitution or Korematsu which allowed the interment in basically camps of Japanese Americans during World War II that lawyers use for generations to teach students how not to wield the judicial power they disagree with the judge's decision by the way, obviously, was correct, as she pointed out in her footnote to her opinion on page on a paid 15 note 13. She said that you know I don't find the government's untested premises up satisfying. Perhaps most concerning is the filter team's report does not indicate that any steps were taken after documents were given from the taint team to the investigators that were privileged. No corrections were taken place and then the FBI so concerned about what happened at what documents were down there links it to the Washington Post and cities with the highest level of security clearance not look you realize what's going on here right they want this in the truth of the matter is they want the kerfuffle right now because it distracts you from all the other maps that were having to deal with globally and domestically. Gary try to ritornello about some of that that could be hitting us as temperatures begin to fall which I know something most of us are in place for an hour, that it doesn't seem like that's happening anytime soon and on the West Coast. Temperatures are high, but we will get to a point where you getting turn heat out invite a lot of parts the country and what's happening to Europeans as their starting to is that the probably electric bills and why we have that second half hour.

The broadcasters knows the issues they really don't want you focused on it which are freaking out before midterm election. The electrical bill to a thousand percent annually places in Europe and a thousand percent, not 100% thousand percent measure small business you you mailed. I have a pay a thousand percent were for energy to keep the lights on. Factory going business operating 1-800-684-3110 a leak again. This time it supposedly the concert top-secret with no investigation of secular to your phone calls this to 100 safe to because you know you read the Washington Post headline calling what it is to them what we know it is it's a leak. When you read it, Washington Post. They get at this detail some of the seas.

Documents detail top-secret US operation so closely guarded that many senior – security officials are kept in the dark about that but not the Washington Post reporter or the FBI agent who leaked it to the who definitely don't have that loving awareness remote and we just think about that for a moment.

It's so classified so important that it not be leak so important that there is a main maintenance of control over these documents and that a special master was can interfere with the investigation that the FBI Department of Justice decided well just give this information, the Washington Post, because this way we could show how bad what the documents were that the former President maintain its exactly. I go back to this footnote in the judge's opinion that there attacking this judge by what the judge did said I would put in 1/3 party special master she decide that ruling on the casing and told the search warrant unconstitutional back. She said the opposite.

She said I don't think there's been widespread constitutional violations at this point, but I do think she segment she said but I do believe that there are enough issues here that a special master is warranted. But she said that she was concerned that after the two at least two times when the department in their taint team. The review team. It's as though this may be privileged may be protected David to the investigators with they were supposed to happen at least twice every time they do this is what so amazing to me. She said perhaps most concerning is that that filter team's report does not indicate that any steps were taken after these instances of exposure to wall off the two taint team members of the investigative team now. When asked this question. Where is the Inspector General of the Department of Justice determining who leaked information that was at the highest levels of classification, even at that and say here's a document like James commented watching Alexei James coming to do that. What he did was he gave it to a friend of his who leaked it to the newspaper so this is again the part they play the same playbook every time and they lose every time they hear. It's like it's like here we go again same issue same time and they think they bring this breaking news last night at 9 o'clock and what happens after they make this breaking news. Here's what happens people's like start say will wait a minute. If this was so top-secret. This is so secure. If it was so secured and only a few people in the government could have it.

How did it end up where agent or DOJ employee could say hey by the way, Washington Post is what we got.

Think about that for a minute.

It was so important that they were able to get a tip for people sought but did not have that level of clearance may maybe they did and it's decidedly can especially worthy even of an investigation.

I would think you absolutely have phones Jerry Pennsylvania online. One hey Jerry, Jerry, there I will go back straight and I want to play this because this shows me as I usually play Stephen Colbert on here you know he's probably very angry because Greg Garfield is getting more ratings than him politely, but with them when the late-night guys start going in line with the daytime TV commentators in the primetime house you know that there's a cabal going on. If you will, of of these are talking point on this. So, guess who's going after a District Court judge on national television. Late-night show Stephen Colbert take a list so why is Judge Cannon going so far out on this very very stupid legal lamb. I don't know maybe because she was appointed by the former President and confirmed just days after the Presidential election in November 2020 is a brand-new jives with hand eye, the place where he was committing the crimes. The Super Bowl is Tom Brady's dad's interference defense first down my beautiful ball. I know a similar law is that the Obama judge I could have recused. Because remember, conservative because that doesn't make you sit there made another statement is ridiculous. This judge is so bad, but the judge that issued a search warrant did he do a commentary on her monologue on that… The say hey you know that maybe this judge that recused himself from a civil case involving Clinton and Trump.

Maybe he should not of been the one that executed, or signed and authorized search warrant. The guy he posted negative statements on social media about who's now in this B magistrate judge did any of those doctors talk to them.

No were pointing this out folks because we want to give you the real I'm trying to get behind the headline here is the headline like George that it's a glaring headline top-secret highest level security clearance. That's horrible to people to rewrite the CR. This is is very bad there set but then you realize what other criminal investigation. Do you are you told about what their find me if you think they're going after drug cartel leader you not getting any info they won't even tell if they are you know that they will they will not confirm that I don't speak when it's politics and this was talked with the FBI. The problem here is it with they get too involved in the politics of the day they just can't help themselves. And because we know the top brass has gone so far left they been on the scourge of conservative whistleblowers to people like Sen. Grassley, effectively using these terms. These are terms and from US senators, from whistleblowers is not just Jordan secularist term. If your purging conservatives are leaking to the wash.

He posted day after you get a decision on a procedural matter that you don't like.

It's not like this the end of the game for that but the way that they they they just cry foul on the situation of this is procedural this is that it's the appointment with third party arbitrator to look at documents right now. This is a constitutional case like we've struck me in the searchlight is unconstitutional.

Not even close. Know that that that special master second to be able to decide if if present, trumps guilty innocent should be united all that this is just about the piece of paper about what pieces of paper investigative team can actually utilize in pursuing potentially criminal charges correct is typical 164 3110 if you want to talk to us on the air out of intricate, this isn't Araya early early coming from Kansas on line 3 here. All our mind wondered what going to be held accountable for death in the FBI by the Lexington Protestant inquiry now poses no liability.

Your times are summoned or protected there.

The press and that's allegedly I don't want imposes no exposure. The exposure would be a person that Lee did not. We don't know that all of what they leaked, but you would think this out more, you would think that the Inspector General's office would be on top of this, you would think the director of the FBI might go over to his office in Washington and say hate what you all doing calling but got the press about document you ceased from a former President of your center so top-secret that nobody should have access to them, why are you discussing this with the press so the Inspector General is the one who should be involved in this and I doubt it that he is at this point, probably not up to him. He probably see appointed to do it. That would come from Chris ready.

Chris Ray should do it.

But there already reminds me of Moeller stuff.

It's just a start doing these things. It's the judge who post the negative note tweets about the former President. It's the head of counter assistant Special Agent in charge in the DC office is squelching the Hunter Biden story. While these also you know opening up 2020 investigations of obtaining up of Presidents and candidates.

It's all about and then now you got the Washington Post getting a story and you can't blame the Washington Post for taking the lead on this, but you got him in the and they said this is devastating news. That's not a part of this devastating I can't believe this information was there again undermines the entire investigation because if the if they feel because Emily getting access to the site is everybody in the taint team at that level clearance. I like to know that if it's opposing this level. It is like a handful of people. The country that would have it, so there are you violating that the violating that question then whether not this is still even classified information is that many people living will point way out in order. Top-secret people could be on the taint.

Tillotson is 5001 newsletter who called the New York Times, Washington Post, that's what I like that hard to figure it would not be but again were in an institution, we have decided FBI director who seems like he likes to say that doesn't sound good.

That was bad but has no control doesn't seem like and was very disappointing. Very discouraging yet read that soundbite from Chris Ray. We find that template later. All the gadgets it's up Sen. I don't like to hear about these ideas isolate the FBI focus of the bad guys try to hurt us and that your foreign enemies domestic. I focus there. We have we have it for a crime crisis, a drug crisis and illegal immigration crisis in our country evident that there's always the threat of terrorism popping back up again Islamic radical terrorism as well. How about focus.

There, but instead they're so sidetracked, which is you got the top people of the FBI whose that should be there job or focus a piece of paper and leaking to the Washington Post every time they leak that that the Washington Post, it undermines their argument consists of top-secret because if they were that top-secret those as we were to go to jail for life right but this is the this is the irony of all this, but it gets the headline that gives the news last night from 9 o'clock forward. Three hours of coverage and then nobody's asking the question, whereas he is happy. Why did this person delete this to the if it's that some some stuff at risk and how do they get access to Chris Ray calls his head was off as investigative humans like what were you doing here for just this horrified that this is happened I will take your call. 164 3110.

We come back that's unlikely. She's willing to talk to coming back as well as your listening or watching on Amber social media applications platform share with your friends right now. We encourage you to do that.

See LJ action.or that's our C4 organization ACLJ action by the white join as a member of ACLJ action. It's $25 a year. The donation at ACLJ action.or the second part of this was what you take action, so out to protect pro-life speech.

The Biden administration Department of education just issued and they want this to go horse on unnoticed, but we notice. Of course they see LJ and so that he feels action, not just notice to get something you could do about it.

So the issue this notice of a part proposed rulemaking, which doesn't sound again.

They that big changes can be happy, but as to title IX of the education limits act solicit affects title IX with the regulation would do the proposed regulation would add abortion to its description of discrimination. So it would put killing the unborn child legally and morally on par with discrimination gets a pregnant woman, which I think you understand that why we have the laws in place to discriminating people. How would you even discriminate against someone is having a procedure they don't have to tell you about. Well, this is where we we come in and concerned pro-life speech. We know this would be interpreted if this rule moves forward to then condemn pro-life speech on college campuses. This was really faxed department education, public schools, UNICEF, you said something pro-life in front of somebody who you may or may not even know had an abortion or is planning on having abortion. Now you've committed harassment under title IX and there to be the action taken against you by surprise, surprise, the federal government for asking you to do is we have comments about almost 874 people who have written in comments to to provide of this rule we have it set is very easy to do what we want to do is you can use the language we've provided. We also want you to encourage three or four sentences of your own personal thoughts or concerns. So everything is up at ACLJ action that are right on the homepage there love to have over thousand comments advised by the end of the show today doesn't take a lot of your time, but it is an opportunity to show how you can take those steps, it doesn't cost you anything but take those steps to protect life and protect really what I think is the next battle which is it's the pro-life speech because we need to be able to go. Lord knows you've learned and post jobs. We've got to be able go and educate people. Kansas was an example of not enough time to educate voters on the ballot initiative.

We were just involved through ACLJ action in a bit about initial proposal in South Dakota where the language was very confusing. It is not even on the ballot in the just now try to get the signatures but it was from a pro-abortion individual group and the languages was a clear this would codify abortion as a constitutional right in South Dakota. We did one make sure the voters know what they're voting on because the other side doesn't what you know so that's how are getting out ahead on those issues to ACLJ action but I encourage you to go to ACLJ

Make sure to get a competent on this so that the thing that they, with the focus on here is the woodlike night. I perceive an SEC really elaborate on this is by changing the title IX language of the proposed changes they really but when you state you abortion is now sacrosanct. As far as you know, addressing it in acts of discrimination which sounds very benign, but it's can really go right to the heart of free speech, especially on the college campuses so this is just another attempt of the federal government stepping and once again when the Supreme Court has said this is an issue for the states to handle wasting the Biden administration time after time say no abortion is something we are going to fight and battle for and said they step in and places where they can. This is another title IX was enacted to bar sex discrimination in any educational institution that receives federal funds said this is an attempt by the federal government to come in and say okay well and in the definition of what can be protected from discrimination where you say abortion. And, of course, when they are going to protect abortion.

That means there to target any pro-life speech any pro-life activity.

So if you have CPC's or anybody that you know is on campus or has ministries to the campus desert to be shut down and now there's an obligation under this. There's an obligation at the school.

Take prompt and effective action to and that discrimination also a grievance process that has to be good for two here in the grievance process allows for an adjudicator you know this is can impact the colleges in your right pro-life groups on the college campuses.

So if someone takes a pro-life position on a college campus and then in the pro-abortion group than in the Planned Parenthood student groups is willing to take them up on this or discriminating against people are targeting. If you will, or discriminate against people that have had abortions or might have an abortion were to take them up on this.

I think what you you end up seeing.

I mean, in my view is just another example of the government's ability to target the speaker absolutely because again there obligation is to take prompt and effective action to that discrimination. How do you and you stop that speaker from speaking transit. There's this there's that speech elder to this, but here's where it gets even more complicated. Let's say your Christian University base to follow the title IX the protections in place there and you've got a pro-life you boys is universally and on your campus. You might have a support group for mothers. You now have to bring in Planned Parenthood under this reading them. If a student asked. I guess you would, I mean be good to to comply or else she could be facing harassment lawsuits discrimination lawsuits so you see how what they do. Through these regulations, you are just getting to that is a set of cases. Yes, it let you connect to go through this essay is one there's a speech case is one about now. Planned Parenthood's got have access to a Christian school adds, if not you get note deemed by title IX and the effect the feds are coming after you and private rights of action to so all of that. So whether the speech but it's the actions it's why we need to speak up here, and slow the process down. They try to speed these rules through more comments the committed slow. The longer hello everybody what you want it so ACLJ action is a sister organization base yield eight separate is a 501(c) four if you become a member for $25 donation. That's all it is a now you remember in condoning workers who wanted to become a member of ACLJ action. When we ask people specifically that ACLJ right now will say right in front homepage action update Biden targets pro-life speech with radical pro-abortion regulation click on that and right there you will see what what we just talked about.

We walk through the talking what this is the rulemaking and says click here to take action to the click here to take action that takes the page shows the 875 people. Vardy done this and that is act now to put your name in your email that will then take you to the page where there's a prewritten comment, you can edit it how you like you we actually encourage you to add a few sentences to personalize it and then you submit. So that's all you have any estimates of market had 875 people do it in about 24 hours (it's impressive, I mean that. That's folks you understand this is an organization edition it's a step further in signing a petition you had a little bit more what we we've created this tool right so you will be launched ACLJ actually have all these new tools in place through the website. This is one of those tools that allows us to to get these comments directly to the right place. They need to go if it was something we need to get Congress. We can get it to those but again ACLJ

You have until September 12 so if you're hearing this now this the time to do it and he gets right on the front homepage ACLJ right we come back from the break were getting it right back and reconnect Vernell to be joining us when we talking about this whole leaking of information that the FBI Department of Justice did to the Washington Post about very highly classified documents or allegedly at that during the Ray tomorrow… Hopefully take your calls on this to so we've opened up our phone lines 1-800-684-3110. That's 800-684-3110 again ACLJ is a great way to go to get involved in a grassroots basis, especially in the fight for life. Your ACLJ will be back with your calls. 800-684-3110 for watching our social media platforms share with your friends like plus. You will talking about for decades. ACLJ is been on the frontline protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us,, where you can learn more about our life-changing become a member today ACLJ keeping you informed and now is Jordan's secular secular to your photos to 101 to getting back into the issue where you got the now FBI, Department of Justice, what appears to be leaking right to the Washington Post that, because who else would have this information and of course the storyline that you get is how they have these new documents at Malaga, which by the way, again, if these were the kind of documents is described that they were looking for. They would not have waited on all these search warrants in all these different issues back in June when they had the ability go right in.

But put all that aside, if you're so top-secret that we can get directly to the Washington Post directly with a lot of specificity so we have seen this time and time again with truck derangement syndrome at the levels of the highest levels of the FBI. They can help themselves, but you would think if these were documents that they just the way they describe them so top-secret. Only a handful of people the country can see the okay so but they're willing delete that which a document like that means like for an FBI agent caught doing that and leaking that they they could face like life imprisonment.

Even if a serious charge even if the agency to the Washington Post. Here's a document we just read to them what I think that's all have to be serious. I do too, but let's go back. Sen. John Kennedy asked Chris what Raby Executive Director at the director of the FBI about the whole situation with agent Tebo and it's it it's it's just listen to the question and the answer nest explains the entire problem, isn't it true that Mr. Tebo agent Tebo excuse me and FBI supervisory intelligence analyst Brian Oak can covered up derogatory information about Mr. Hunter Biden while working for the FBI well again I want to be very careful not to interfere with ongoing personnel matters, I should say that when I read the letter that describes the kinds of things that you're talking about. I found it deeply troubling, deeply troubling, deeply troubling that agents are squelching evidence from putting one thing Ford squelching another political candidate to find it deeply troubling that summary rage is linked to the Washington Post. Information about highly classified information that supposedly was taken during the raid on the execution of a search warrant is a deeply troubling. It is beyond deeply troubling. Is it deeply troubling that Peter Strauch and Lisa page were texting all the anti-trumps up is it deeply trumping troubling that under Robert Muller's watch the cleaned all their phones out before they hinder men while they knew there was an investigation ongoing that's what they did that is deeply troubling to because all of this is deeply troubling when taken only one what you think. Call Tamra and a Texas online to hate him right exotic criterion in the letter made about McKay and deliver immediate not connect the questions are Right like R&B classified emails that were found on client server and back again at the way they claim they were investigating a heading of Jane James Coley made multiple statements, it is obviously an investigation going on. They didn't rate her home, which they did. In this particular case, Sec. Clinton will said that there was not classified information will we find out about that. That's class a top-secret sky was like classified so but look at the source shot. There's a double standard. No were not shocked if he had mishandled back to the did earth three days before election.

We got these documents were reopening the investigational equipment. If this were the FBI's is like usage or is it really had it not only out of touch out-of-control out-of-control. This they didn't understand because I guess they think is think twice about what just happened last night.

You realize fairly very fierce. The interest undermines entire case so top-secret they should really keep the Washington Post into the discussion. We note that the FBI's top leaking topping. Fortunately, inner US government be right back or active national intelligence record now is Geordie is now to give you a bit of time Rick to have Jan because we saw this news story break last night after the special master supported the left goes nuts. So the next step in Washington, the FBI, the leaks and the effort it would appear to be a leak at the FBI right to the Washington Post about what documents they've got intercourse to me. Rick undercuts the whole classification top-secret part because if they were that concerned about it.

I hope they be talking the Washington Post because the Jeopardy that would put them in with with handling these documents find that the agents themselves, but we get we see again out of the FBI and in these Intel agents leaking to Washington media Rick and their leaking. What is supposed to be our nation's top secrets a couple .1 there leaking a document which their credit by prompt or because it would presented it though it's too tentative for present time At the leak it to the washing about that make that the second point is, of course, we got that name anonymous person someone close to the situation and how they describe you know legal we don't know who that person is we don't have the anonymous person we don't know their motive, but what we do now is that anonymous has been so wrong with the Washington Post for so long remember. There, the one that Donald Trump was a Russian agent. They are the ones who said that that the FISA warrant was legitimate. There, the one that Hunter Biden the laptop was Russian disinformation and they're the ones who told us that Kim Jong-Il with brain-dead though this anonymous person at the who keeps leaking to the Washington Post is really playing the Washington Post.

They need to have more scrutiny and did the editor that the Washington Post should be ashamed of themselves, how they keep pushing anonymous Intel which which over and over proved to be wrong.

Rick, you know, the thing that's it hit me right between the eyeballs of the system will live this for number of years is secure we go again.

So a judge comes up with the decision it says you know what this is sensitive stuff is a former President involved, there's the current administration. That's authorizes a point a special master to review the documents not judging the constitutionality of the search warrant just the documents and then left goes on this attack on the judge who by the way, prophetically puts in footnote 13 that she was concerned because her at least two report to incidents government admitted where documents that were deemed privileged from the taint team ended up over the investigators and then she put in and there's been no evidence of any corrective measures to fix it and then the neck so they attacked the judge and they love attacking judges they check judge Cabot Justice Cavanaugh, they attacked the Supreme Court justices because in the Dobbs case. Now they're protecting this judge because of a procedural decision appointing a special master. So then what they what the government does is let's leak it to the Washington Post to show how serious is this at 9 o'clock at night prime time so the something else to talk about on the news. That's what it seems like to me more proof that the FBI leadership really need to gut renovation. What they're trying to do it hold information not have any outside sources being transparent about it.

We have a system in the United States where transparency and double checking and scrutiny. The post could be a good thing. The FBI has proven the leadership has proven to be so problematic when it comes to accurate information and put it putting forward nonpartisan prosecution than an indication that a eight, the court turned out, they must have an outside entity like the special master (outside entity try to bring some sanity and double checking to DOJ, and yet they want to you. Chris Ray finds out about the days got this agent assistant agent in charge of the DC field office who was Chino putting squelching the Hunter Biden evidence and then you know part of the authorization of the 2020 investigation of former President and he's not that agents gone and Christopher Ray's words are. I find it I found his comments deeply troubling.

We would judge that had anti-God from statements on a social media a couple years back. Now becomes a magistrate judge which uses himself from a civil case involving Clinton and Trump and then signs a search warrant. Okay, signs a search warrant for the President, former President's home doesn't recuse himself from Matt. That's not a constitutional problem but from a civil case he has to recuse himself.

So I look at all of this and then you got that leaking down the judge says special master and in the swamp reaction Washington reacts and I'm thinking to myself, we have been in this fight for decades and more in you and me and Jordan know what it was like the last six years. Let's say of what was going on but you are the acting director of national intelligence.

You're the director of Giannotti with a dealer like what is going on with these agencies. Rick exist just as people embedded in there or is it a leadership problem or all of the above, it is a leadership problem at DOJ and the AI. What we have is a comfort level with being part of Washington DC. Remember, had voted for the Democrats 90 put more than 90% at all action so the bureaucracy is extremely lax and so the leadership become very comfortable with having partisans within their system that are attacking Republicans, especially Republican President and it only is when we raise it to a level in the media with a center-right media with organizations like HP LJ put it in front of it. Presented at look at this person who's being totally parted and then you get years later someone like Chris Reith and although I didn't see this in town. Now the big question is why.

Why didn't you deed of partisanship when it's right underneath your note and the answer is because he's part of because he's comfortable with all of the you know the least.

The same people giving them the same information and and people not interested in dispensing information that the real problem.

Washington DC gets its assent to the politics going on before I do that I want to get to the Valley Europe because Europe is facing what looks like a Christ is massive energy crisis that could also become in here and that that implicates financial security to of course, but also the cost of just doing this to resolve because of Russia announced that they've cut the Nordstrom one pipeline that that so many European countries were ever lying on.

I received prices are reported increases thousand percent a month in bills. I this seems like it's gonna be very serious and one issue that the ministration pride is what a lot of Americans focused on right now is a lead-in to midterm elections, but it's right around those midterm elections that people start turn on the heat, but I think the problem in Europe and the problem quite like California, there's a simple solution that it increasing the supply we had too many partisan that have decided to get rid of the traditional energy sources like nuclear energy or oil porthole and instead just have green energy resources renewable energy. Now we all know that renewable energy is part of the solution we should have in all of the above strategy with energy, but when you put partisans in charge like Avenue or Angela Merkel, and they begin to get rid of the.

The large traditional sources of energy they put the public into a terrible situation we in California just like in Europe are being told to conserve constantly energy rather than having leaders look for additional supply. Pretty simple. So following that, I mean the situation. How do you view right now you got this situation with Ukraine. There's supposedly making some counteroffensive how does this play really be going into the innumerable works administer a hot and misplacing the country unbelievably so, but were about to go into uniform just weeks away months away from winter and were to be back in the time when the war can get more aggressive over in Russian Ukraine. How you see that plane out right right right now. What of Geo in political implications of this kind a stalemate right now. Yeah, I think it becoming not difficult or lukewarm or because a lot more active food and now the that he kept a weapon I energy is now talking openly about Nordstrom one and what he can do the dial that back to try to get Europe to change its policies. Again Europe but it fell into the situation by getting rid of the traditional forms of energy. Now their overleveraged going to take it manage in any possible way as we go into the winter months. They put themselves into the situation and that got climb their way back out by having more supply is depreciated procedure this with all this information is folks to from slick Rick my content. This their submitting articles to the unique just site. You to check that out as well.

This saga is is not in it but it is playing out a very similar similar storyline that we have seen Regan to take phone calls. Final signal broadcast coming up you would enjoy this one 800 684 31 to the 2063, 110 and urge you, as we told you take right of the homepage, protecting pro-life speech is provided ministration trying to make pro-life speech equivalent to harassment under title IX take action ACLJack should hundred 6430 with by the way have more disasters by the federal government give the IRS the 87,000 new ages very deeply dollars. It also unmistakably exposed. Just 120,000 individual taxpayer information that may have been affected. A lot of this of course comes from their favorite target, which is the nonprofit world, and as at C3 organizations of organization filed 990s with the IRS.

You got documents with the get 120,000 is this LOI doesn't your Social Security number, but does have your detailed account holder information personal income tax returns are included in this that now. I again where this I think goes is to have an IRS big bureaucracy operating from home adds again. They can't even use the technology they've got which we know is we don't worry to to keep your information secure and this is again this goes back to the problem of of just in Washington dealing with these bureaucracies. They are there. Do not function you made that statement about the with the agents at home and here's what you had, you are literally faxing documents to their home taxpayer documents and this is absurd so the washing of the Wall Street Journal, had a great piece.

It's entitled another week, another leak at the IRS mystery read before he says speedy isn't the first word we associate with the Internal Revenue Service. But the agency hardly wasted a minute and showing why it shouldn't be trusted with tens of billions of dollars in new funding. Once again, it is managed to fail its most basic mandate. Keep taxpayer information private, which is their primary mandate of privacy taxpayer privacy. That's part of their mission.

The IRS told a press conference is happened on Friday that it quote inadvertently. I love this inadvertently published confidential information which details about 120,000 taxpayer's disclosures, included names, contact information and financial information and the Wall Street Journal goes on to say, the Democrats recently handed the IRS $80 billion new funding in full knowledge of the shortcomings not to fix the money because remember the image that for that very little. Here's the problem. You now have 87,000 Internal Revenue Service agents could be hired first system that does not work and are we at a point where we think that's okay because I think the answer that should be Jordan, no it's not okay and that's where Congress comes in and said you know what and that's where if Republicans get the house in the Senate, or even just a house. Maybe could defund some of the stuff we had a training that the idea here is a thick ticket that just the basics right.

Why are we saved okay to export to give an $80 billion when they're not spending that $80 billion on this, which is said that this doesn't happen again. So you don't have exposure hundred thousand at people's tax information and we know that it's not normal folks were to be accessing that right online. It's the bad actors who are waiting for those over. They are going through those websites. All of the time looking for the government tacky to so they can steal identities, take identities and and this is at that process is a serious issue in the United States and all over the world. So you get this kind information.

Taxpayer numbers taxpayer IDs personal tax returns exactly what they are looking for.

I to take the bad actors is going filed to get that information on the leak as well.

A Ronald at South Carolina on my one a round and Michael saw an important question I want to propping the bay on one week at the David for the search warrant relates that we would look at this and much of it was redacted. Would it be that some of the stuff that was redacted may be some of the information. This FBI had leaked to the Washington Post, and if it is, what are the repercussions for such a great question and it's quite possible that in those regalia page and page and page of redacted information that could be the specifics as to the information that was obtained from the search of the property in Florida and it could very well could've been concluded that, let's say that did okay, let's just take up around say they did list that Islamic documents are concerned with that does not in any way justify in any way justify leaking that information by the government. Who else would have it to leak to the Washington Post. I'm not blaming the Washington Post. They're doing what they get paid to do. New York Times versus Sullivan's exit could do all this, Pentagon papers, cases, but the question is, how is it that the Justice Department FBI allows a leak of this kind of sense information even if they didn't say hey here's the document Washington Post but it is so limited with this documents about why in the world. Is that okay wise or not Inspector General issuing a statement immediately said we are taking control of the situation where to find out what happened here but that's not what's happening. Chris Roy goes untroubled by. That's the statements that everybody's troubled by accepting fear, the defendant, so when they're attacking the judge updating the attack on the judge then and in some conservative doctors judge I think is ridiculous. The judge looked for some of the judge pointed out in her order. There are at least two incidents where the taint team that is the team reviewing this special information and sale. This might be privileged gave the information that was tainted to the investigators and then she goes on to state, in footnote 13 of her opinion, and by the way they acknowledge it, but they didn't seek to fix it so yeah put a special master in there and get this out of the hands of the agency that's in charge of doing this you are dealing with the former President that does make this different folks and the people say Lord makes no difference.

Of course it does it does both in I think the line that the judge said prosecution have to be just.

They also have to be fair and all this judge. It was Sam reported third-party special master was right was probably of retired judge may not be something like that, but as a clearance levels and that is what's causing the left to go ballistic. So if you tell me that's not politics.

I don't believe it for a minute and the day the timing of the time he was the literally 24 hours 24 hours after the special master it's announced you get this week like this to try take the attention away from what was in.

I think that order.

Like you said about how the Ira how the DOJ and FBI have Artie botched handling these documents twice, at least. And so, hey maybe we need a special master because you guys can't get your job done when you're supposed to get done and then we of course see the lease. The next day and safety is the same bad actors the same level of Washington DC who have no business running these investigations because one the kick at the procedures downright can't even procedure linked to yet. Well, they don't want to. It's it's it's fast and loose at six and that's what they choose.

The fitted out. I think what everybody communist Africa to the our system of justice is put it to protect the accused exactly protect the accused about they get the most efforts they get they get the book because you got the full federal government coming after you. So a special badge. The outrage here over procedural issues. Ridiculous. But yet you know we are evil and enemies of the state. If we criticize the FBI that's recording the President denies that other guy that that so that's where we are right now, but will things puts it on. I think it's will run our producer Margaret was beholding another press, saying that any that they at the action they're taking to sequester this investigative team. While these investigative leaks are investigated themselves by me that's a great idea on rumble. This was a very good comment. Someone said Job I could be here if you open up our energy for own country through and then Dorothy and YouTube said, just like the leaker in Roe versus Wade. They hope we all forget move on to be shot by the next incredible act that takes place in our economy on the global stage.

All of those are great comments and that's probably ACLJ actually were talking about that today on the pro-life issue very very important to intelligibly were to go again soon ACLJ right there on the homepage and will walk you through it doesn't cost a thing to take the steps you need to submit a copy to the department education of this title IX reform that would is targeting pro-life speech of ACLJ and take action