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Successful Families Part 2

Power Point / Jack Graham
The Cross Radio
July 14, 2021 8:00 am

Successful Families Part 2

Power Point / Jack Graham

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July 14, 2021 8:00 am

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Welcome to this edition of PowerPoint with Jack Quinn later in the program will tell you that you can get Dr. Graham's brand-new message soon.

Don't first hears his message successful family that your Bibles and turn with me to the 10 Commandments which is filed in Exodus chapter 20, you should know that by now because we're doing a series of messages on the 10 Commandments, taking the one by one and when we came to this critical central commandment. The fifth commandment overtaking it into parts because there is a portion of the tablet which would have to do with being honorable parent. We are going to expect our children to honor us and respect our leadership, then we ought to live honorable lives and be honorable, but at the very heart of this commandment is the very straightforward and simple admonition commandment to honor your mother and your father. Now this commandment is repeated in the New Testament when the apostle Paul in Ephesians chapter 6 Dave these same words given to us of the 10 Commandments, the Decalogue honor your father and mother, and he knows that this is the first commandment. The only commandment with a promise attached.

And that promise is that you may do well and live long in the land. This is a promise of longevity not only of posterity but prosperity in the life of the person who keeps this commandment to honor your mother and your father. We know that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. It is a very terrible sin rebellion against one's parents, was punishable by death.

In the Old Testament, and that remnant of life we know when Paul was categorizing the sins of mankind calling for the judgment upon our sins, he listed in the very heart of all of these very wicked and serious sins disobedience. The parents later on in second Timothy chapter 31. There is a description of the last days.

One of the signs of the last days will be disobedience to parents are ramping up of rebellion and we know that many of the problems that were facing as a culture today in our own country are result of the bitter seeds of rebellion that were sown in the 60s and 70s and now the bitter fruit is on. I know this that that rebellion in life will wreck havoc upon an individual upon a family. Upon a nation and a culture so a result of rebellion in the family means that you will have a miserable life deal Moody the great evangelist said this, I've learned one thing, if nothing else, that no man or woman who dishonors father or mother ever prosper. I've observed that same truth no matter woman who dishonors mother or father ever prosper while that is true.

The reverse is true and penetrates right here in the Scripture board says if you obey this command if you keep this commandment, your life will be long and he will go well with you in the earth and in the land. So if you grow up in obedience to this command. You're going to live blessed life. And if you have a child who is compliant.

If you have a child who is walking in truth and there's no greater joy for a parent, but that our children are walking in truth. If you have a child like that. Thank God for the child that you've been given another word honor is a word which means waiting is a heavy word honor your mother and your father to honor your parents. It means we don't treat them lightly that we esteem that we elevate our parents that we put them in a position of prominence in our lives. Healthy respect and honor for our families for parents respect produces character in our lives produces morality in our lives. Now, you know, today there is a tendency to blame everything on our parents.

This is especially tendency in pop psychology and such so much of the psychobabble that we hear today that we blame everything on our parents. Now indeed some sins and failures of the faults of parents for the Scripture says the sins of the fathers will be visited upon the next generation from generation to generation, and we often pass our own sinful habits and ideas and so on along to our children. And while it is true that some have have lived in under the consequences of their parents actions.

It is also true that at some point in life we all have to accept responsibility for own action and far own decisions. It is a sign of immaturity to keep blaming our parents and the failures of our parents for our problems for the fact that you know you can't keep a job or are you can't keep your marriage together, you can keep your life together.

That's not all.

Your parents call and is time that we all accept responsibility for our own lives and our own choices. Now, having said that, in accepting that responsibility. It all starts with this commandment, honoring your father and your mother. How should we do that I would give you four ways that you honor your parents. Number one, obeying is that in the Bible. Oh yes, obeying your parents. Ephesians 61 introducing this commandment, the Scripture says obey your father and your mother in the Lord, for this is right so well my parents.

They aren't always right, it doesn't say obey your parents because they're always right. It says obey your parents for this is right. You know, children don't come with an instruction manual and many of us have to learn how to make enough as we go. And certainly we make our mistakes as parent.

I know I've had to apologize many times to my children for mistakes and failures in my own life. But the fact is that children are to obey because this is right. This is the right thing to do.

Paul also said the apostle Paul in Colossians 3 and verse 20 children, obey your parents in everything. This is an all encompassing commandment children, obey your parents in everything. Why for this pleases the Lord.

You want to please God do you want to honor God and obey your parents. How can you honor God that you have not seen if you dishonor your parents whom you have seen, obey your parents obey the people that God has placed in your life as your guardians as your governors say when I you know I don't have that grandparents maybe your parents aren't even Christians.

God has a word to say to parents who are followers of Jesus.

He says these are the words of Jesus.

It would be better for you to have a millstone hung around your neck and thrown into the middle of the sea than to hinder a little one from coming to me in the kingdom of God is a very serious sin with consequences and judgment. When parents keep their children from following Christ.

But having said that your parents still love they may not always show it. And even if your parents in some way have become your enemy and we know of cases in which there is an adversarial relationship.

Jesus said love your enemies, love your enemies, your parents, good or bad, have been divinely delegated, sovereignly placed in your life and I just could be. In fact, I believe it is sure that God is shaping you sovereignly shaping you he is in control of your life. Your gene pool. Your your home and your background and maybe your parents need to see the grace and the love of God in you.

I know this you need. If you have a problem with your parents because of some sin against you and and you're struggling with that. It's a difficult situation. Start by forgiving your parents and loving them in your hearts and asking God to give you grace to do that while we are never to do anything that would dishonor God.

The Bible says obey God and not man. If your parents ever ask you to do anything that is sinful or wicked or dishonoring to God. You certainly are not obligated to obey. In that sense, but you are obligated to obey your parents in Christ in the will of God.

Listen to this letter from a father to son. Dear son, as long as you live under this roof you will follow the rules in our house. We do not have a democracy. I did not campaign to be your father. You did not vote for me.

We are father and son, by the grace of God I consider it a privilege and I accept the responsibility in accepting it. I have an obligation to perform the role of a father. I am not your pal, the age difference makes such a relationship impossible. We can share many things, but you must remember I am your father. This is 100 times more meaningful than being your pal you will do as I say as long as you live in this house, you're not to disobey me because whatever I ask you to do is motivated by love. This may be hard for you to understand at times, but the rule holes and you will perfectly understand this when you have a son of your own. Until then, trust me.

Love, dad yes is true as long as you are living under the rooftop of your home and your family are taking their food and sleeping in their bad you have the opportunity, and you have the obligation to obey your parents and this is how we honor them listening to PowerPoint with Jack Graham in today's message.

Successful families part two, sexual identity, racism, sanctity of life.

These are some of the hot button topics in our culture that Christians are called to address and in his brand-new series dumpling. Dr. Graham shows you how to steer down the enemy's lies and stand firm for God's truth as it relates to the current culture dumpling is our thanks for your gift today to help boldly proclaim the truth of the gospel so call now to request a copy of dumpling when you get: 800-7956 27 that's one 800-7954 67. You can also text, point to 313131 text PowerPoint 313131. And don't forget to visit Jack shop Re: store give a gift online or sign up for Dr. Graham's free daily email devotion to our website again is Jack Graham.Margie. Now let's get back today's message. Successful families part number two spec your mother and father you honor your parents by respect, being proud of your parents valuing not only their lives but their influence upon your life, cherishing their counsel and their works. In fact, the word obey back to that word obey is a word which means to listen under and to listen to our parents as they advise us that when my parents there. You know I'm smarter than my parents. What you may be, but you're probably not wiser than your parents, especially not wiser than your parents if their Christian parents who know the word of God and could counsel you. God's way and so parents will instruct their children and guide their children and while they don't have all the answers. They can point you to the one who does listen to your parents. Proverbs chapter 1. Look at verses seven through nine of Proverbs chapter 1 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and fools despise wisdom and instruction.

You want to be a fool. Listen to the to the word of the Lord here, my son, your father's instruction, and forsake not your mother's teaching, for they are graceful you want to be beautiful in life is the instruction in the counsel of your godly parents for they are graceful darling on your head and pendants for your net. Listen to what your parents are saying no you don't have all the answers.

I know you think you may have all the answers but you don't and how many times do we look back at our parents counsel and say that was great advice, but never be disrespectful. All of us would have to admit that we have been disrespectful at times to our parents, and immediately when God convicts us of this kind of a rebellion or disrespectful prideful arrogance. We need to repent of it and ask our parents to forgive us.

Well my parents are there always on my back know they're not on your back there on your team and most parents are fighting like crazy for their kids.

We have a generation in which Satan is on the prowl. And yet, we will not allow Satan to have our kids where gonna fight for our kids. A man we're going in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ defeat the enemy and save a generation for Christ, my God, help us to do it and let me tell you something there many apparent, and if you're a single mom or single dad. You are fighting a fight of faith and I tip my hat because I believe is a single parent, you may have the toughest job on any of your mom or your dad is a single parent. Students boys and girls you show them respect for fighting for you and loving you, sometimes against all odds when they are hurt and broken themselves. Don't be disrespectful. Honor your parents to be disrespectful, not just with your words. You know the screaming and the hollering and the raging the whining and crying, but you can do it with just shrugging on and you know the what ever attitude that you have towards your parents don't criticize demeanor, dishonor mop or insult your parents always speak to you and all of your parents in a way that honors them. Listen to Proverbs 30 in verse 17 the eye that mocks the father and scorns to obey a mother will be checked out by the ravens and the bat in the Valley and eaten by the vultures.

This is not a little thing this is not some psychological thing. This is not some emotional misbehavior. This is at the very crux in the center of the 10 Commandments, respecting your parents. Thirdly, Karen, and here I want to broaden my subject to not only young men and women, boys and girls at home, honoring their parents but you see, this commandment encompasses all of life. This commandment is for children of all ages is a total life commitment that we had to our parents as long as we live as long as they live. Jesus himself set the example with dying on the cross bearing the sins of the world. He took time out to take care of his mother standing at the foot of the cross.

He gave over his mother to his beloved apostle John made sure that she was taken care of even in his dying moments. We live in a generation which youth is celebrated and I'm really good with that. And in this generation, which we stress you so much less.

Don't forget to admire, respect, honor the aged, and so when it comes to our aged parents. Sad isn't it that so many elderly are now just dogged in nursing homes and forgotten I'm not talking about the necessity of placing apparent lovingly caring for that parent through medical care and the facility we all understand that. But did you know according to research that only about 30% of the elderly in nursing homes are visited by a family member or friend that means 70% of these precious oldest people, older people are just dumped off at a nursing home and forgotten left to die. Now older people want their independence, but wanting your independence is not the same thing as warning isolation.

Can you imagine the isolation and the alienation that so many people feel because their kids really don't care. This should never be true among followers of Jesus and our families. In fact, the Bible says if you don't take care of your own family.

You're worse than an infidel.

I'm so grateful that my maternal grandfather lived with us. My first 10 years of life and and I gained so much wisdom and his influence upon my life is is the probably the human reason that I'm standing here today. The influence of a grandfather that my parents cared for in his declining year. I'm grateful for the stay involved in their lives and interested in their conversation. Even when they tell those same stories over and over and over again. You never outgrow this commandment never.

And remember, parents who have older parents, your children are watching you and what's going on. If you're not careful. The chickens are to come home to roost because most likely your children are going to treat you the way you're treating your peer. So how do you want to be treated.

Honor your mother and your father. I tell you, your parents will rejoice and celebrate in every attribute you bring them or give them my mother passed away in 1975 my father having died in 1970 we went back to clean out the house and I found tucked away in a cabinet stack of letters, and these were the letters that I had written my mother and my father from college. But my mother had saved every letter like it was a treasure and tucked it away and what a reminder that is for us today. You just never know what a word of encouragement is. And remember this dad knows the smell no roads don't live with regrets that you didn't say I love you but you didn't tell them that you cared. Don't live in the awesome loss of your parents thinking that you know I should've expressed that gratitude.

I should've written that letter. I should've picked up the phone or in case there's an estrangement between your and your parents. I should've worked I should've forgive no caring for your parents because you love. They sacrificed so much for you, love your parents.

In turn, show it one final word following following Christ.

The best thing you can do is to walk in truth, to follow Jesus, especially if your parents have pointed the way for you to following their example. Listen to Proverbs 23 Proverbs 23 verses 24 and 25, the father of the righteous will greatly rejoice here you father's wise son will be glad in him. Let your father and your mother be glad let her who bore you. Rejoice. That's a proverb that should be a principal in your life, godly children of the golden crown of parents live in when it comes this promise that you will live.

If you keep this commandment not only a long life in terms of the quantity of light, but the quality of your life will be better. The Scripture says it will be well with you. It will be well with you. So if you want to live a great life you want to be successful in life. Follow Christ and demonstrate the love of Christ in your family and honor your father and your mother. Jesus told a parable. The parable of the prodigal son and really it was a parable about this disrespectful son.

This rebellious recalcitrant son who demanded his father's inheritance and left. And what happened. He spent it all. He wasted his life and ended up in a ruling in the far country. I'm telling you, if you dishonor your parents if you just honor your father and your mother. You will live a miserable life. If you are unrepentant in dishonoring and disrespecting your parents you will live and a miserable life, but it's never too late like that son rebellious son living in the far country you can repent, you can turn around and that boy came back home and you know the story, no doubt that father waiting for him on the front porch went running to him ending braced him and forgave him and welcomed him home that this was my son, which was dead, who's now alive, so have you honored your heavenly father by professing your faith in Jesus Christ. Coming home to hear you put your faith in Jesus, so that you can live honorable life both his listening to PowerPoint with Jack Graham in today's message.

Successful families are two our world is full of chaos and confusion, moral and spiritual darkness when it needs to see his bold faith from followers of Christ. That's why Dr. Graham wants to send you his new five message series template.

This series tackle some of the most pressing issues. Our culture is facing today and shows how the Bible offers the answers our roots and desperately needs dumpling as our special thanks for your gift to help boldly proclaim God's word to PowerPoint. The requester copy when you call today: 800-7954 67. That's when it 795-4627 can also text, 3131 PowerPoint to 313131. And don't forget to visit Jack where you can shop our E store. Give a gift online or sign up for Dr. Graham's free daily email devotion our website again is Jack Graham.Margie Castro what is your PowerPoint for today is no doubt is there that God word is where we are to honor our fathers and our mothers so just as the fifth commandment says, commanding us to honor our parents. This is a commandment that comes with a promise because we are promised a life that is full and even loan longevity in life and prosperity in life when we keep this commandment.

This is a biblical principle is wonderful when you have great parents that are honorable, but let me remind you if you do not have honorable parents if your parents did not teach you to walk with the Lord. Or maybe there's a lot of baggage in your life, due to the way that you were raised. I want to really encourage you is follower of the Lord Jesus Christ to bow your head before the Lord. Right now, and forgive your parents ask God to send his grace and his love is power to your parents lives if they are still on earth.

And I pray that in your own life, you will never carry bitterness and the barrenness of a broken life that comes from the way that you were raised. So God bless you today and may you extend God's grace to the people that you love and the people who need that love the most. Honor your father and your mother. This is God's commandment and this is God's promise that he is today, remember when you give a gift to PowerPoint. Will Dr. Graham's brand-new five message series.

Don't blame is our thanks. Call one 800-7954 627-1800 79546.

It also text the word PowerPoint 3131 PowerPoint 3131 bonus again next time's Dr. Graham brings a message about how every life that's next time on PowerPoint PowerPoint with Jack Graham is sponsored by PowerPoint ministries