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Super Glue Marriage | Part 1

Love Worth Finding / Adrian Rogers
The Cross Radio
April 20, 2022 8:00 am

Super Glue Marriage | Part 1

Love Worth Finding / Adrian Rogers

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April 20, 2022 8:00 am

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What were finding studios to the city of Byron Tyler here with your reforms, your plover fighting.

Today we kick off a new message series with Adrian Rogers superglue for the family series is or you can go to my LWF app for the series and today's message I'm excited is called superglue marriage not you love that title may talk about the bonding right the superglue you know we we were superglue our hands together and then let it sit for a while and tried to separate it just it would be painful and would begin to understand the word of God when he says the two have become one flesh, and what God has joined together, let no man separate was bonding you're talking about.

Reminds me of Adrian Rogers of picking up on the superglue theme you know and seen how that superglue strongly bonds together like our marriages need to be bond together and this is what he had to say that I was reading an advertisement for a product called superglue and it said something like this that it is stronger at the point where it is bonded back together than at the place that is never been broken and I thought how apt that is for homes that have been put together by the Lord Jesus Christ, when there's been heartache and dissension sometimes divorce and then through the grace of God.

Those homes have been put back together and I believe there is a supernatural bonding that is there that is greater than the marriage was before it was ever broken.

Telling the story of Jesus is something that lover find us and were committed to here to the teaching ministry of Adrian Rogers and this month we have a resource tied into that new book from Leavenworth finding entitled his story, talking about his creation, his covenant, his cradle his cup his crown his cross, his conquest, but also his coming. It's phenomenal in its eight powerful messages from Adrian Rogers sharing the whole Bible in a simple but clear way right. His story will help the reader understand practical ways to increase their head knowledge, but more importantly, their heart knowledge and friend. You can call or go online today.

Call 1877 love God or again that number 1877 love God. Well, today we have back in the studio from ministry services Nicole Nicole I think you have another wonderful letter for us to hear from our listener. I absolutely did.

Byron, thank you for inviting me back today.

This is just another one of and such and encouraging messages that we received from a listener, and he says my wife and I watch LWF almost every Sunday afternoon.

I'm a 74-year-old pastor, evangelist and missionary actually knew Dr. Rogers very well. We sincerely love Dr. Rogers and we always will. I want to thank you and all of your team for continuing his work and ministry in our Byron testimonies like this when I just read and even prayer requests come into the ministry through many avenues email physical mail voicemails, social media, text messages, and we have a prayer team made up of dozens of people who take all of these prayer requests to the throne of Christ not also like to mention char listeners that UT can share your prayer need or testimony with our prayer team by just going to for me so I can imagine the blessing. It is for you and that prayer team. You know how is that affected you in your walk with Christ is praying over these in a Byron. Sometimes we grieve with those that sin.

There needs to thin and sometimes we get to celebrate those that send their testimonies to vest that it just reminds us that God is still on the throne that we are not in this life alone that he is still pursuing as he is still healing as he is still for eyes and he is still crazy for I love it Nicole, thank you so much for the testimony will today's message superglue marriage. Here's Adrian Rogers turn to the book of Genesis chapter 2 at a just a moment were going to be generating a very significant passage on the home. I began in just a moment in verse 21 Genesis chapter 2 verse 21 just a moment. Now we live in a tragic and a dangerous day. It's a day of throwaway marriages, disposable marriages dischargeable marriages and what a tragedy it is not.

I am not here to make divorced people feel worse if you been divorced. Thank God for the grace of God. The twins, but I am here to lay out a warning to those who not yet married and to help those who are married that what I want to call today a superglue marriage. I will show you today how to make up and not the breakup because dear friend if you do breakup I can tell you with all of the emphasis function and emotional my soul is going to be hardy is going to be difficulty. There are no whole eggs in a broken this. I think God God has given us a book that tells us how to stay married and be what God wants us to be. I'm reading here in Genesis chapter 2 and verse 21 and the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept and he took his God took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib, which the Lord God taken from man-made here will and brought her unto the man and Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called woman. She was taken out of man therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh.

And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed what happens is this dear friend that the enemy the devil comes in and breaks up homes and what happens is that people who come from broken homes have broken lives and people with broken lives 10 to build broken homes, which tend to produce broken lives which tend to produce broken homes and there's a vicious cycle.

Psychologist Alice that girls tend to marry man like their fathers. Now you can see why mothers cry at weddings. Somehow we got to get in and break that cycle. You can't do anything about your ancestors, but folks you can do something about you to send. Let me tell you verse that's been a lie first for me. You might want to make it a lie first for you. I claim this verse. Psalm 112 verses one into crazy Lord blessed is the man that theorists the Lord that delighted greatly in his commandments.

I want to be that man. Blessed is the man that fears the Lord, that delighted greatly in his commandments, his seed, his children, his grandchildren shall be mighty up on earth generation of the upright shall be blessed. Not a wonderful promise.

While we cannot deal different with our ancestors, we can deal with our dependence now look, if you will, in verse 24.

The Scripture therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother_the word leave, and shall cleave unto his wife_the word cleave and they shall be or become one flesh_the word be become free action words, three verbs leave cleave and become an very God gives us. In a nutshell what marriage is all about.

You see when God says that a man shall leave his father and mother that speaks of the priority of mine marriages the highest of all earthly human relationships. When God says that a man shall cleave to his wife that speaks of the permanence of marriage. Actually, the word here. Cleave means to weld Arctic glue as the reason talking to me about a superglue marriage. All right, that's the permanence of marriage and they shall become one flesh. That's the Son of Man that a man and a woman come together and becoming the closest bond in communion. One flesh now. I want us to look at simply the cleaving the welding, bonding, how do we stay together because my dear friend, it is not easy for three things I want to talk to about this morning. Number one is a lifetime commitment or if you will, a lasting commitment. That's the first step you must make a lasting commitment, there must be such a total commitment to marriage. If you want your marriage to last out folks. You show me a boy and a girl who come to the marriage altar who say in the back of their minds.

What if this doesn't work out we can get a divorce and I'll show you a boy and a girl who had a great potentiality for getting a divorce which you show me a boy and a girl who come to the marriage altar and say there is no such word as divorce in our vocabulary.

We are making a lifetime. A lasting commitment we throw away the parachute. There is no other way for us no matter what happens, thicker family going to stick it out I'll show you marriage it has a great potentiality for staying together when you say some some Boys and Girls Club more difficulty than other boys and girls all married couples have essentially the same problem that differences in commitment all married couples have essentially the same problems now.

Thank God for love. It takes love to build a whole. They don't have love don't get married but you listen to your pastor is not primarily your love that holds your marriage together.

It is your marriage that holds your love together is that commitment that enables your love and without commitment to allow is going to disintegrate. Don't get the idea that your home is held together by love your home is held together by a commitment is your commitment that sustains your marriage and sustains your love, not vice versa. Now you see the Bible says that a husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church, I will ask a question. Is Jesus Christ committed to the church when I failed as Jesus say well so long. Adrian I want a divorce from you Adrian. I know longer want to be your Lord, your Savior, I'm finished with you know, my Lord stays with me and he has said I will never leave you nor forsake praise God. I've told Joyce if you ever leave me. I'm going with you must be a commitment to say but what about my mate years of my mate. My mate accept them. She asked accept your you will me to tell you what a perfect husband is a perfect husband is a man who does not demand a perfect wife. They want a perfect life is vice versa. One who does not demand a perfect husband ever thought that your wife's faults or flaws or foibles or idiosyncrasies may be God's gift to you to help you to develop some character on the other side opposite to track her lateness may be God's gift to help develop your patient God knows what he's doing God's got a great sense of humor to accept the other person support Shane 90% of a good marriage go down the two because of some 10% problem or what ever.

There needs to be total commitment, a lifetime commitment. For this reason, shall a man leave his father and his mother and others like me glued to her welded together to her. Your children are bits of yourself, your wife is self. You are one – second thing, not only must there be a lasting commitment but number two there must be loving communication. Now most marriages didn't difficulty because the husband and the why bill learn how to communicate again must go back to the analogy of Christ and the church does Jesus Christ communicate with the church. Yes, even he's given us his word he speaks to us.

He has sent his spirit into our hearts he whispers to be that we belong to him.

We have the most intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ to set I'll call you servants and will I call you friend. The servant knows not what his master do that is Jesus said, I have given my spirit to you to share my heart to share my life with you. Most husbands and most wives fail in the marriage because they've not learned communicate five basic levels of communication. Some never get past the shallowest level the shallowest level of communication is this cliché small talk, whether sports support when I came up to the building I set high school there so long we all deal that way with people that we see that shallow communication.

All right, nothing wrong with but that will pass a marriage in the next level is factual level we deal with facts. We do share facts with people do that in a business meeting, a business enclave or whatever.

Very much like a news caster delivers the new no real involvement.

I'm just laying some facts on your yearlings impact on but there's 1/3 level at this level deals with ideas and opinion about you have to risk to get this level because your ideas and your opinions may be rejected. A person may not like how you think about this. This is the intellectual level. Sometimes people are afraid to venture in this level because they're afraid that their ideas to be shot down in flames and so they become retreat. Some marriages never reach this level were husband and wife can sit down and actually share ideas and opinion.

But there's a deeper level it goes past the intellectual level idiocy emotional level. Not only do I share facts and not only do I share opinion and dreams and goals and aspirations.

But I share how I feel about those my joys my sentences, my fears, my hopes where I can actually share my feelings, how many of us well with our mates on that level. But then there is the absolute deepest level of communication absolute openness and wondrous look, if you will, at the last verse here of our text and they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed about truly that deals with the physical part of marriage. There was no shame in the physical sense but you have to see different that what he's saying there is. There was no mental barrier there was absolute oneness.

They were absolutely 1/uninhibited all listen man did not desire this is much as women do have that intimacy, without which the physical act of marriage loses its meaning that oneness that sharing is hard for me to see women are more verbal than me. It is a known psychological fact that little girls have greater linguistic and verbal ability then men had the little girls. They begin to bloom.

First, they began to talk more in school little boys. They don't talk little girls raised their hands to answer the questions and get in the spelling bees little boys behind them in ages 6789 about 14, 15, and mechanistic book. These girls, they bloom faster and in this public ability they keep this verbal ability all the way through life James Dobson said something that I thought was interesting.

I was listening to a tape, he said.

For instance, let's say that God gives a man 25,000 words a day, and God gives a woman 50,000 words a day now. The man goes off to work and he spent his 25,000 words. I mean he's got about 250 words left and he comes home and Monday Night Football his own mayonnaise life is spent 25,000 words, but she's got 25,000 words left and she wants to and he needs to understand he needs to understand what we say.

Women ought not to defraud a man physically man ought not to defraud a woman emotion psychological. There needs to be that intimacy needs to be that communication number one, there needs to be a lifetime commitment number two.

There needs to be a loving communication number three. There needs to be a loyal confrontation, a loyal confrontation.

If you think that being in a home is just smiling and making out like everything is fine and no problems.

You're wrong. Does our Lord have problems with his church, his bride certainly does. Does he confront his church in deed he does as many as I love, he says, I rebuke and chasten but notice he confronts us in love as many as I love I rebuke and chasten to be some conflicts in your marriage. I tried analyzing my marriage counseling and from study. I have done where all the major conflicts in marriage. Let me just give you some some conflicts are going to need a loyal confrontation number one selfishness. Did you know that most of the marriage problems that I deal with at their root is nothing but selfishness. Another word for selfishness is immaturity big babies.

Most the time but not always, most timely, big babies of the man they think that God gave them a built-in servant when I got married, she's to wait on him hand and foot for because somehow he's the head of the house in a little Lord ha ha. She's a servant she's away don't have all the time. Did you know that 50% of the women who were married said if I had it to do over again I would not marry the same man. I shot 50% of the women. One out of every two women said if I could I not marry that God they surveyed the man 70% of the men said I would marry the same woman again I guess was it's about us.

Let me say something they put a new ingredient in the survey and asked this question. Does your husband help you at home to the lives who said yes to that question. 82% of them said I'd marry the same man again. 82%. Selfishness is one of the major problems. It comes across in so many ways, mate.

Another area is financial money problem. You say that's right. Not enough money will ruin a marriage. No I'm not talking about not enough money I'm talking about the mishandling of money poverty then break up a home many times it brings you together.

The problem in marriages is not so much a lack of money as it is a mismanagement of money for the Bible says that godliness with contentment is great gain content that's what people mean godliness with contentment.

I believe that charge accounts of the devils plan ruin marriages and most people need a little plastic surgery take those cards and just, and that you can do without anything except one another. I levitate another problem closest is sexual all of the things the bitter fruit of the sexual revolution. We are reaping it. And indeed, that's one of the causes for divorce and sex is a gift of God. It is a form of communication. The Bible says one husband-wife would have sexual relations that doesn't such a person move is one of the sexual union of a husband and wife is a form of communication. He knew her. It's a way of saying I love you, that cannot be put into words and when all of that is fine. It seems like it's not such a big deal but when it's out of whack when it's cute. Somehow it takes all immense proportion how we need to learn what the Bible says about this matter will talk more about that in our series another problem.

Believe it or not, the cerebrum is just the problem of nagging. Just nagging climbing over trivial things. Then of course there's substance abuse drugs, alcohol or other forms of viselike gambling. All these things now folks, you will face one or more of these things in and then going to call for a loving confrontation, a loyal confrontation. Our Lord says as many as I love I rebuke and chasten pastor Adrian Rogers in tomorrow will continue with part two of this important message. In the meantime maybe you have a prayer request that you'd like to share that love worth finding whatever great honors is to come alongside you, and pray with you and for you if you can go to our website and scroll down to our prayer wall.

There you'll have the option to either submit a prayer request or pray for others, or both. This resource is one of our favorite ways to keep the ministry in the community praying continually for one another's needs. We can't wait to hear from you today. Thank you for studying with us in God's word. Be sure to sign up for our daily heartbeat emails to get daily devotions and message links and straight here in find out and join us tomorrow for part two Super Glue Mary online word find