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Troy Anderson, Kristen Jenson, and Martha Dobson

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
April 6, 2019 12:33 pm

Troy Anderson, Kristen Jenson, and Martha Dobson

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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April 6, 2019 12:33 pm

Kingdom Pursuits

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Pursuits where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary fashion.

Together, we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into the kingdom pursuits now live from the truth. Your host Robbie Gilmore well kingdom first have really enjoyed these topics. The first one up is Troy Anderson and he is the author of hope I can say, Mr. Wright, Apocalypse are I got it I got it the end times president a battle against the globalist elite in the countdown the Armageddon and this is a follow-up book right to another book that you sold three Babylon the Babylon code and now we have come Apocalypse and so you co-authored that right yet. My co-authors all McGuire indicated that all McGuire Shoney's in general and about your back on countdown Armageddon like right right so you can hardly wait to hear how electron cop come Apocalypse means that we can get to that in a minute and then next up I think I'm extremely important you know just critical topic today we have Kristin Jensen and she's the author of good pictures bad pictures kids can learn to reject sonography and actually there's good pictures bad took pictures Junior say got a couple different books. Kristin and and really this is about helping children through a maze that we didn't see his kids trying right. Allowing a parent. I will open, it will be Howard R and a plan to collect write in this book.

Good pictures bad pictures we have here in front of me is is really outstanding in just something that wow did impact generations and generations. This discussion that you could have with your children and soon I get all into that but you know it is kingdom pursuits and so you might recommend Robbie was going to do a little so I was thinking about this.

Good pictures bad pictures and I thought it was, like looking so speaking of looking and sometimes a computer's not doing what it should do so. I was, I set up beautifully. Rachel speaking of looking I looked up toward Apocalypse dictionary and it was quite a revelation.

Same graduate only go with the new seminary graduate because they were looking for greener pastures if you have that was pretty good. The thing I thought it was and my wife's been trying to find a rope tying class. She's been looking looking and looking. I told her she might look for a not-for-profit organization, so I got a little chuckle out of somebody there all right and I love you thought about this but when the snail loses its shell. It looks sluggish just saying now that you know at the end of those shenanigans will actually have a riddle, you can call in and win today either.

Your choice of the apocalypse books or good pictures bad pictures Junior or the regular book which I have in front me, all you have to do is answer this question, whose disciple went whose disciple went looking when he accidentally sunk his ax head and learned the prophet taught them some axioms on floating iron whose disciple went looking when he accidentally sunk his ax head and later learned from the prophet who taught him some axioms on floating iron and if you can guess that little Rachel Toma that went when a copy of the pictures bad pictures by Kristin Jensen thinking when Apocalypse you said in good that's really really good. Troy is due a lot of people you you probably done lots of interviews. A lot of people struggle with income Apocalypse and pronounce it a good little while Rachel really just jumped out out there right with first shot this perfect so anyway I am III think it it's a great observation just in the title that you know here you have a president and a course we have lots we could say one side or the other about them and I'm sure everybody listening has all sorts of opinions considers one thing you don't find too many people just neutral on present truck but one things for certain he doesn't owe anybody anything which puts them in sort of a unique place as far as presidents go in really since the Roosevelts politically incorrect and wondering why you know delete applicant like going to know and up and then confront the tablets grant confront the powers that be endured into much of the country but no court guy. So as you guys are obviously with the Babylon code looking into end times and in others, things what was one of those things that jumped out at you that made you think I can write a book about this yesterday about uncle would expose of globalism. In the Bible there revelation you need to talk about mystery Babylon and Babylon the great and Bible scholars of puzzled over what the apostle John is referring to for 2000 years. Okay. What that what that Babylon code explored that great mystery in all so it investigative booklet called expose of globalism are behind the scenes courses that are revealed going to largely control our world and then looking out 2015 and been credited truck started to emerge from the pool of Republican candidates and he ran on a campaign of Americanism that globalism will be a credo and it is stunned us because we never had a credit challenged the globalist before an encoder and complement your one on the campaign against the globalist against the New World order whatever you want to call it and what you 21 stunned the whole world to know that the day after the election. My member Franklin Graham posted on page but the God factor media and the fund that they didn't take into account the God factor in the selection.

Now we have noticed bombastic billionaire pregnant that challenge the notable people the world.

Now the leader of the world tonight when I was think about that mystery Babylon. I couldn't help but think of your topic Kristin that when I think of what Babylon stands for, especially in the end times were kind of face and that with this tragic, tragic, tragic thing that all her children in the interest pummeled with right now were there.

I ground I believe that I got going on a dark and I fire reaching every little village in the outback out off Gary and now everywhere. The character getting hot material and hurting their grain hurting their view of now, let the purpose is all about, and it very near future. And so wow I it's fascinating to me. Well, for a moment may know the answer to that is fascinating to me and what a challenge got write a book to come up against us in this I mean maybe one of the battles of all battles is good pictures better be hearing a lot more from Kristin Moore from Troy Anderson on Trump Apocalypse and find out the answer to this little they to warriors for the kingdom. Really Kristin Jensen, author of good pictures bad pictures kids can learn to reject pornography.

Wow that's encouraging. That gives me hope. I you know anybody that looks at the Internet, hardly at all wonders how in the world can they navigate that and then we have Troy Anderson, author of Trump Apocalypse the end times present in the battle against the globalist elite in the count down, so wow what a fun time. But right now we have Ramona's in Walnut Cove. She's got answer to our riddle Ramona you're on kingdom pursuits good morning good morning so good to hear your voice answered. I wanted to say thank you for your program. We've enjoyed we enjoy, from 7 o'clock on the morning listening to that been a blessing to sale and now I tell you this is so much fun this well.

How lucky am I that I get to share with my audience all the stuff that God gives me like these great warriors today. So yes, give me my answer what it what it was. This Elisha and I wish I had some real snappy little sideline that you learn how to float iron or something. I think something may have the irons in the fire, that's for sure, but I have always been fascinated with the way people say that Alicia Elisha Elijah, and I think you may have said it better Ramona than I've ever heard it said said again course one more time because it's always a tricky thing for me to figure out the difference between Elijah and how did you sent Elisha and that wonderful Rachel. Then she said that great wishing to read the recording so that I can I learn how to say it like that because that's where I am a stickler think people claim the way they wanted that like this guy running for president called Mayor Pete and nobody seems to know how to pronounce his name and I wanted to shout at the radio just asked him the weird sounding is like from the old country name and and all that I have yet to find out how he says his own name and advise what I am often have people's names, and I will go and so that's it. That's the answer to how you pronounce it and will just keep list and try to make it right.

Thank you for listen so much from him. Thank you for calling today.

God bless you and wow now we have little clear understand her standing on Alicia so Kristin I this this problem just kind of seems to this, the idea of how prevalent pornography is on the Internet today is beyond my wildest imagination of anything I could've ever dreamed of, you know I got you know I get publicist send me information all the time and they often send me YouTube videos, but apparently whatever that person was looking on YouTube before they hooked up with their YouTube that they are sending me.

I get a look at what kind of stuff they look. I thought you'd like oh my gosh, how could they even and I have all the restrictions on YouTube that I could possibly have and I'm looking at these and I'm like what in the world. How him and and so how in the world could a child possibly any in today's environment with YouTube and all the different things that they know the you know my granddaughter goes on YouTube constantly. How could they get there without it sometime. Being exposed to it is that even possible. They try to get lifelong. I am a very young age out apparent in our parenting in the digital age. Let Gary know about whining children are not on I stating a fact on children are watching the there indicating that they be proud of me on other children of the rate of child on child sexual abuse by rocketing at the topic.

Nobody want to talk about it hurting children their becoming and their study showing that the marriage rate is going down because the pornography on tell devastation the divorce rate is one of the Lord grant me in the chapters your book and I think is very courageous is to ask your child. You know, have you seen the know of the obviously routable, but how would you ask that question. You know I you got a five or six-year-old child and you say, have you seen something when you're looking on the Internet that look for how to I would you say the how would you ask that question will interaction with the Internet a day all appropriate definition of pornography taken recognize that when they tell and I brought in my book that day in August me and adding pictures or videos or even car people with little or no clubbing on that okay on the private parts of the body that we have a good doubt that very basic and it really is nudity, but I mean I don't think I'll need it is pornography that Chris child gently knocking out a new life – and right thing and then you help them understand that it is harmful and that they need to comment how you when it fell in our Junior got it return line and how plan fell again the definition help them understand how pornography and three. Give them up plan for what you when so it makes it easier for kids to begin with them so I like that simple definition. So Troy, I'm thinking that for a lot of this it would be really helpful and I like to turn and run. But anyway, a simple definition of a globalist because II can see that is is is were discussing this is really where we could do some clarity on what you know how the culture sold us on this idea of globalism all kinds of different terms are used for height. The real agenda so you know what would somebody you know at the white one level mean you'll very powerful, usually very wealthy people sometimes are Society foundation, things like that and know that they have many of them have peer motivate they want to bring the world together part of your job and live dominant vision of imagine that you haven't imagined though. Help all people coming together orally or even in the land on shoulders call out to Joy about the brotherhood of man, a longing of humanity and all the car a battle to bring the whole world together and and promoted as you get weapons we can address global poverty. We can address climate change we can save the planet and so also that the kids are no young people are much in line with just over 50% did not favor social thing now and you know in social the path towards globalist people with agendas of bring the world together, but the problem with this is that the Bible especially the book Revelation warns that the antichrist will at some point in the power and will exploit the naïve hopes of vanity.

The Bible tells us were born of the sin nature just like she's talking about here, and the devil use all the temptations and things like that deceive us so that there's this great deception that's going on in the world and in globalism is a part of this because the Bible tells us the Antichrist and false prophet will secrete a global totalitarian government and that we see all the signs that were heading in this direction… Are two books you explored, and so as you get a definition of what that looks like it is a globalist you know, what would you hope that the that is results from understanding what it means my Republic. This book wanted to know enlighten and educate people on this old movement poses and all the all the different organizations are involved in this media is involved in this. Governments around the world think tank foundation all kinds of different political group and a MediaCorp but a large corporation and supported the ideas of the Bible talks about exposing the works of darkness and that as part of what were doing and and in these books over hundred and 58 leaders Bible scholars expert geopolitics economic science intelligence, military, Billy Graham and Linda told me that fine.

I'm always always writes well we want to mention that you can find both these books kingdom you can see both apocalypse and good pictures bad pictures as well as both the websites and information all their team we come back where we have got blessed to have with us Troy Anderson, the author of apocalypse and Kristin Jensen, the author of good pictures bad pictures can kids can learn to reject demography and we finally we discover other guest.

Apparently we had little miscue on what time she was grumpier but she's in the studio with us where Martha Dobson and she is the author of be encouraged and boy after hearing about the apart from apocalypse and all the you know struggles with children. I mean fortunately these warriors rather badly.

These things but it's a good time to be encouraged Martha. So tell us what inspired you in your book, God gave me the same during three times and he tell me to write a book can't be encouraged and put the stories of his people in the book to encourage others.

It is Saturday it's a women's devotional book that has 31 true stories of women have ever come the obstacles in their lives through God's intervention and grace.

And it also has a workbook said with a workbook. It can be turned into a Bible study I am doing a Bible study in our church with this book and it's been very powerful because the devotions address so many of the issues that women deal with it could be fear it could be just needing encouragement. It can be abuse addiction discouragement. Whatever a woman scholar is Asian, as we found out from her so I'm curious when you look at the title the cover.

The book yes you know when you look at the cover from apocalypse. It looks like you know from apocalypse. That's what it looks like and when you look at good pictures bad pictures you can see a young man this fortunately turning away from what's on his tablet. There, but your says be encouraged as a guy with balloons. Is this come from in the Mary Poppins it's time to share this testimony with me. Her husband had just lost his father and he was grieving the loss any pride and he said you know God, I just don't know if God is if my dad made it to heaven or not, would you give me a sign and he was working outside one day and you have balloons with helium.

Just go up normally for this one defined gravity and came straight down and I and the writing on it said having a great time. Wish you were here really had his answer many of the stories in this book, be encouraged. Yes, I would charge right there so there goes the balloon and sat in the end of the very top of the living seasons like Brandon with they were they were they read your book so many of the stories so Troy, you know, I hope you're encouraged by the balloon story. But even with is the very encouraging. Even though the many dangers that you always expert were you were in the run-up event of an event that is very encouraging and inspirational buckles quickly… I would love to hear that you energy descent over hundred different leaders which one gave you something that you're just like a man.

I'm encouraged now what what was that yesterday Billy Graham told me that he compared the America to ancient Nineveh said that when God sent the prophet Jonah to Nineveh to warn one of the impending judgment that the kingdom of people repented and Billy Graham told me that you believe the same thing can happen again in our time here in America and so in the Babylon code. My co-author Paul D had a vision in which you believe the Lord, show them that was like perspective up like a like a satellite. The lights slowly coming across America and all the lights, like churches, lighting up the cross across the nation. And so week we talked about that we call people to repentance that the message throughout the Bible Jesus all the prophets deal with when the Israelites would stray away from God.

God will call them back and to repentance and then enter apocalypse. We conclude from apocalypse with call minister friend of ours is names Kevin just found the global strategic alliance and even working with the White House and the Israel on a national and global data repentance is actually had amazing success.

I heard about that at the NRB was at all last week that they are talking they are definitely talking about that Christian real quick. Kristin you know in this in your title. It actually says the kids can learn to reject stenography.

Have you actually seen the results of that work. Kids were rejecting it that you felt like wow God, you really did show me something that would help will what what they look you and let you now what that Pratt & Whitney story on page 119-year-old boy and his mother read back pictures and interbreed a lot, but you can read it. Even before you have the burden being competent and on and I lightly law you days later another child with the mobile device at Bonner at iPad yell at him for not came home he called mom mom I cared, but I knew what you when we ran on the information they need on the warning and coming through on their childhood brain and our heart and all your future from not a very helpful method on some over 565 I review on Amazon forget that.

And one of the most common statement that people may is that it may made it comfortable preparing it hot about it uncomfortable topic and fell book really is a wonderful way wonderful school to help parent have an open conversation that then they can empower their children because you can never tell.

Children are not well down now how so when the boy said but I knew what to do what he knew what would you do why black that. Yet on the radio but we had a candy plan that I closure I only dealt that began formal lag between parent and child and name it we need on and then they going to another parent in the determinant found it very simple plan only – the book for an 11-year-old plan and how the Windows memory come popping back up in there. My very shocking images and video.

Now they learn let you memory come back so they can minimize the memory and kindness. Forget what they give every child so we can be back in a moment with more be encouraged with Martha Dobson.

Her book like apocalypse and the good pictures bad pictures all that stuff is a king go there. Click on that site. She said it on Amazon really helps other people know about the folks right wow what a whole host of like poster children for that subject today we have Troy Anderson, the author of term apocalypse the end times present in the battle against the globalist elite countdown Armageddon. We have also Kristin Jensen, author of good pictures bad pictures kids can learn to reject holography. Have a plan almost how things I love to hear about that today I met Martha Dobson and she is the author of be encouraged encouraging the nation's dot-coms or website. And of course all that information. As we mentioned all those books you can order kingdom and go to their websites. Find out about their ministries almost kind of things and we would certainly encourage you to do that now. Martha, you have a book signing coming up. Yes I have to one in Winston-Salem at Barnes & Noble week from today from 3 to 5 and AGG's downtown states for deer in the art crawl from 530 to 830 next Friday. And the thing that wish I'd had time to get to this with everybody but I want to get to it with you because the idea behind the proceeds always was all kinds of people out there that God put an impression on the heart to do something about tomography or to do something about the globalism gives him a book. What's on your heart up dream yeah and but just turn that into a book was no easy thing right. I mean it was a lot of work in four years, four years yes and how much pretty. Think lots and lots of prayer, calluses on my knees because the Lord spoke to me and said all the profits from the book to build an orphanage in Uganda.

I go every year to Uganda administering women's conferences. Last year my husband went with attainment belt. The first two cottages for this orphanage. The first time I was in Uganda Artane pride every piece of land we walked across the ride and pastor Collett that we work with asked three boys in a mud hut with a grass roof is your mom. We don't know where is your dad comes every month or to what you eat these rates we get from the ground and it broke my heart and will Christian we don't have a lot of time left. But what's the one thing you wanted to make sure listeners heard today about your book.

Good pictures bad pictures there have warning. I conversation how cared for, I they are not high and I even will follow their curiosity and peer pressure so if they're not, I plan and they know that they have their family behind on behind on. They can learn to reject cannot be and how you might happier life on I also felt very called by God to write a three year and on. I really hope and that it'd be having a force for good. Can you help and began and continue the conversation though, and parent time just my hats off to all three of you because well I know that there was some all kinds of stuff went into that and I would imagine imagine Satan was none to glad about your book coming on the scene there. Kristin, all I cared highly appreciate prayer from everyone on the effort online. I went back to second

We have a lot of free guide and other health care parent and educated and empowered the fervent prayers. I would imagine from three of her guests today absolutely and Troy I'm I'm curious about your next project when when you feel God put on your heart now well after Tupac came out US Army chaplain Col. got a hold of me and he felt guilty.

God is called and wake up the church unfolding in time and write a book called the Army kite Armageddon got invited to speak at West Point on the on the entire and you'd be invited to speak at churches all over the country now and then the we will actually get seven film producer including some submit major ones that are interested in turning the babbling box with the films or TV series the work on Tuesday so there's a growing likelihood that wonderful book, movies or TV.

So what when you doing the Army got I'm curious. From a military standpoint what you learn there yet.

This book combines the old all the experiences and everything that this Col. Chapman learn in over three decades in the military and an elite that spiritual warfare you clean up on in time for your God with the spiritual beliefs military West Point life battle hello so grateful for how God tests on all three of your hearts and the prayers that went into it and now we can pray for you, Troy Anderson, Martha Dobson and Kristin Jensen.

You can find out all about them. is on your heart, taking on the part of the venture. I can tell you that Martha lately, absolutely. Thank you for listing