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"Modern Pursuits"

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
March 26, 2022 3:24 pm

"Modern Pursuits"

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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March 26, 2022 3:24 pm

In today's episode Robby Dilmore is joined with Nikita Koloff for Truth Live Day at Modern Chevrolet in Winston Salem NC. They are joined by Stu Epperson and many more discussing God's many Blessings and directions for their lives. Overall leading them to use their gifts to spread His Gospel

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Truth Talk
Stu Epperson
Truth Talk
Stu Epperson
Truth Talk
Stu Epperson

This is Rodney from the masculine journey podcast. We explored manhood within Jesus Christ your chosen Truth Network podcast starting in just a few seconds. Sit back and enjoy it, share it, most of all, thank you for listening and choosing The Truth Podcast Network.

This is the Truth Network kingdom pursuits where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into the kingdom pursuits now live from the truth. Your host Robbie Gilmore is fairly are we in a booth or other showroom floor. We are beautifully of modern Chevrolet out here on University Pkwy. in Winston-Salem and this is your opportunity right to come out here meet the Russian nightmare. You know, get his autograph get a photo photo look get all that stuff and guess what we have lunch coming. Sonia is simply Sonia simply simply yes chicken salad. This is no ordinary lunch. So if you show up and you say hey I'm here for the Truth Network I want the Fremont steel.

Well guess what we got special Sonia's special chicken salad, potato salad and iced tea.

It's all coming is good to hear about 1215 so you don't use your opportunity to meet the Russian nightmare. You can hear the lineups alive you can get can get chicken salad gets a free food and like free daylight free and then they can meet Willie who's here with modern Chevrolet so welcome Willie. Willie back at modern Chevrolet veneer altogether. You been in the car business 45 years yes or 25 Pleasant Martin so yeah where we thought Marcus was good. 17 years now. We got Willie so you know it's getting a person. That's impressive. Willie just so you know that's impressive. It is Cordova sent you one place, let alone that length of time in one line of work. Really it it is that's impressive is backing up Chevy my music should be playing it might be playing there. It is as much of people know Robbie Cindy is speaking a Chevy we go Chevy Silverado and GMC Sierra Ford F1 50 and around 1500 as well is Rob driving in a convoy. What is the best ever seen the lead on you 45 years of of auto experience to answer these last try this one was okay as a Chrysler guy. Those people who know me know I am winner ask if you preferred for Chevy what what you should you do when you asked which one you prefer. As a Chrysler guy when you're asked no order Chevy which do you prefer white what stands for elements that is what you think you guys have a that's in and dodge the question God, you know, Lord help us.

I know where those came so why you Chevy lovers Widener Norwegian Drive is everyone that nine Norwegian that I've known for driving shepherds Chevy because they're afraid of drowning in a fjord. I hope you're laughing out there listening when you know you are know you are. This was for my buddy Stu Epperson who I hope is listening because he is the regift or extraordinary so I know you always wondered what you call it when you regift a Chevy volt regift is it's revolting. I was yes it is the opportunity out there good ones. Robbie had a good life this one for you Nikita Calumet on the last blast of the drought. There waiting for bated breath right now.

So what's the difference tween in 1972 Chevelle Anna Dick many Chevy man is heavy. It's a heavy question going Willie as well horsepower.

There's a lot of horsepower differences. He wanted to have a Chevy having Chevy 72 Chevelle was every Chevy and the other ones a little lighter and slow motion. I feel good. I had part of the answer anyway and that all said, we want to call it a win even though a little strip struggle with our phones today, but Christian. Let me know what is the lightest passage in the Bible.

What is the lightest right speaking of the dignity, let there be light. You can't give it away. People get a free watch this one, they'll get a free lunch.

Modern Chevrolet food plot ability to come on in. So, yes, yes, what is the lightest passage in the Bible other than what Nikita said because there's more than one okay 866-34-TRUTH 87884 866-34-TRUTH. The shenanigans are over Willie it's time to get down to business. So Willie tell me you've been working here for years.

Yes, I have had a lot of fun. What's your favorite like man. When this happens.

This is why I got my car business. What's that you been doing a long time 68 years old.

That's that's awesome think you know what what is what happens that you like, man. That's why came to work well when I get up this morning took us out.

You look like with anything in this place out the rest of the nines is what you got in my car and this is what I said to myself and God, okay, I said when I going this morning I went to God putting people in mind that he would guess it Martin seven because I'm good at what I do and she you ESS GPS is that you want gifting okay by just change Willie okay put you want to be wanted to put that in their minds. Why because I was not hitting people and that's my passion make people happy and I like him when I thought a person, and I seem driveway on on on that way and I consider myself to meet another customer so used to say when you see the taillights go over the curb that that's right when it actually happened that you going to say the taillights go to the curb. So I have to tell the story.

Maybe I should but I will so I were to gallery Buick years ago in downtown Greensboro. I wish well if you ever saw Buick anybody was sold Buick snow assisted people to buy Buick tend to be old. In fact, if you sell Buick for more than 10 minutes that hear what you can hear every single time as this is going to be the last car ever by 67 he is like this is good be the last time I okay and so this one time.

We sold this car and the man went out in the salesman you know right outside the window. I was a sales manager and I'm looking out the window when I see this old man sit in this car and salesman just done with an adjusted is just sitting there about 45 minutes.

You know it's a hot summer day, and I'm like still sit there still sit there still sit said Bill you better go check on your customer management like 45 minutes is still sit and so he goes out there and it was the last car you report on him. He had a heart attack. He died right there like man on the car lot all God is real stone story so while I'm talking to say I said this was before the Christian and I said Bill, can you just get it up over the curb to get it off the lot back exit. We we we packed up is obviously users can go right, it was gone whilst so that's amazing, really. You never had a story like that. Have you yet you never had anyone that would happen in modern Chevrolet what your crazy story this is my crazy story okay. In 1919 97 with night. No, 1988. Sleep came on the Lord have to wait hanging like we used to do the wrestling business.

Hold that thought the stories and I have I have one that I consider you have some got a guess for as long you're listening to the Truth Network and modern Chevrolet on University Parkway were live with Nikita Karloff and Bob if you want to meet Bob and have seen 78891122912 size. I asked her why is your opportunity. Come meet Bob company Nikita picture taken and we got lunch, Bob. I wrestled in high school.

This is the first time I got to tap me in with Nikita, it's it's really cool experience. You just take out and it was a tagteam experience and we got again. We have this little bit have to be removed so we got Josh, who is calling from North Carolina and Josh online on the kingdom pursuit. Josh, can you hear me did we lose Josh. I don't know if we can hear if we could hear Josh Josh. Let me just tell you from many, many times answering people who called in on kingdom pursuit. Let me just pretend that I just heard the answer you're exactly right is never manner and want to try a prize from the kingdom pursuit prize while working to get that out to you Josh, I'm sure you're right. Whatever the answer was, I'm sure it was a it was light.

It was lit up answer bring along lights of thank you, but when we left her here Willie. He was the middle of while the story ever so Willie laid on a study that you know anytime I tend to story. I'm passionate about people okay right because death part of my life. I and this lady is losing 1988 she was elated and I know that I used to work. She can't and I dread that is there now she can't she can and I waited on her and we had this Chrysler is loving the story a Chrysler lady in March. That was just right. My she wanted.

She wanted this Chrysler but no no you Chevrolet you told me it was a crazy story family and asked that I have this Chevrolet Christ, I have the Chevrolet that I want to say you and she said what kind is it, in essence, the liberty simply slip what she said no I don't want that is not status, she wants to Chrysler with Chrysler would have with it at time so I sent her to Chrysler when I was when I told her that he Chevrolet siblings a good cause and I want to disseminate because that's what I do now and I still had a call. Everything went smooth about two weeks later this guy called me and said Willie I seen this lady going to town in this Chrysler, but she was going about how the man could not stop. She hit his big Mac truck went up under it to head off kilter. Oh yeah and what happened Saturday to get stuck in pleasure every time I tell a story really knows real nice lady. She was very knowledgeable but at the point that she should about. But hey, how can I set this case, I am here and you have my total going expectantly. I was so maybe somebody mom so my sister passed away when she was just about that now Chevrolet man so that that that hurt. Yeah, 1988, nine County modern Chevrolet on Broad Street, downtown. Well wow so, lighter note slider slider is it is a beautiful day in Winston-Salem. We would love you to come down to modern Chevrolet 5955 University Pkwy., Winston-Salem 27105 report met and we got Nikita Cole off the Russian nightmare as well as Bob Yun are Christian junkyard guy. We would love to see you again, he's got autograph books on if you want a picture with Nikita. That's all available and Willie said the beginning he had prayed this morning that God would put it on somebody's heart. They want some help and that he not this time not get the Chrysler that Chevy my goodness I didn't know how to respond to that story. So I got really quiet. I doubt let's say anything that was definitely a different story. Unlike any other I've ever heard me out a little bit more humorous. So back when I sold X not Buicks and not Chevys, but also upon which their General Motors government lease for close and we had this this what we used to call teatime. It was it was a Pontiac Phoenix and it was the primary model year so this is like 1989 so it was maybe eight and you understand this is hard to get rid of those older models like this one was over a year old and really you like the last of the old models that we had and we finally sold these people discover and they went in the finance office to sign the papers and we have we had a car at the time that was ran back to the old times and had to brush as it came down so we sent the Pontiac ran back to get it cleaned up. What happened was the crazy part of the story. The carwash ripped the antenna off of the car and proceeded to beat the PGB's got out in the antenna was beating the carless pieces of the car came off they want to got in and connected to the bit to the brush until the brush literally pulled the body off see this picture this card out in a seat you got these people in the finance office right in their car has been destroyed in the carwash. I mean I'm not destroyed just a little bit. I mean this car was totally like you wouldn't recognize it as a car anymore like it a bit. It's was like back of the door on the side skews me. I hate to tell you this but Houston we have a problem you guys have a special opportunity today of picking out the car of your dreams and talk to the dealer and we know you bought this but were actually going to give you at the price of that car take out a brand and model nice is one of the models the nicest Phoenix. We have a lot of cheers you just go out there and pick out the spin of the last and there like what can we see it now you want me if you want to do that.

So yeah so what it always is when looking into your 2022 is really different time in the car business right is like all of a sudden there aren't a lot of cars out here I'm willing when you exactly right is not so you have to just take what you have and what would it and mainly right and we must send the 90s, you know, people still in the Bible back because so just honestly focus on what we need to keep everything moving. And that's what we have to do this. What you do everything we come here we try to make some right right and one of the neat things about the modern organization.

As you guys have the resources yes are to go out and get them best and finest use cars because obviously you can even trade for used cars and new cars to sell can trade form so you can have people to go out to the auction and places and it takes somebody that knows as you well know about. Absolutely this is not a job for a lightweight, or somebody that doesn't have resources to get out there and get the finest two-car ceramic you guys have quite a selection at the right which you know that's the deal in this great opportunity to get some help in Willy's Willy's here to give you some ideas along that line is modern Chevrolet 5955 University Pkwy., Winston-Salem, NC 27105 again, we've got simply Sonia is bringing us these wonderful sandwiches, chicken salad and salad and potato salad and your choice of iced tea or lemonade from understand all you have to do is say I came in here to with the WTR you crowded can you get a chance to meet Nikita or Bob and myself. And again we want to tell you that I simply salad simply Sonia's is in the best Western digital that if it's on University over there by the Coliseum.

You know where the Coliseum is on University you picture this, there's a best Western air across the street and in that. Best Western is simply Sonia's and so they have meals constantly.

All you have to do is go there that from understand well if you wanted to taste it for free to get an idea of how wonderful simply Sonia's is come out tomorrow Chevrolet were to make all that happen.

I'm pretty excited about it myself because I'm told about 1215. They're going to descend upon us with food of all of all sorts of so excited to be here for you are your mirror, I'm not sure just laying it by ear. Today, bread.

I'll be happy because they and so what year did you get in the car business while I started in 1977 I came I came to once in the 90s so 1977 I am to be in the car business because I got 73 and 77. For those of us remember that you do. What was the average time that somebody would finance a car. How many months between 24 and 36 months. That's right. In fact, it was hard to get a 36 month loan because most of them were 20 formal 24 months exact and just to show you how technology has changed, and his can remember this when used to take a credit application which do not let right and then how did you get that to the bank. Thanks, 70, 7007 call me back in your listening to the Truth Network and Today we are here alive.

Modern Chevrolet 5955 University Pkwy. in Winston-Salem. We got Nikita called off the nightmare in the hall. How about our Christian junkyard guy and very soon you have simply Sonia's chicken sounds pretty excited about that. I can't wait you know you know what Robbie just real quick.

They got so I simply Sonia's menu. I'm not sure money may chime in on this simply flies soul food aid rules by chiming on the sounds and simply sell microcap player okay anyway unlike anything I think okay and how we would put out simply I don't know okay I think that's an okay knit nonservice crochet. You put the balls with little to believe the jokes are Mohammadi is here live in it lie lie is anybody were talking. Let's make a deal hello hello door one through three.

Red body people, particularly Corvettes of floor out of your be earlier money that you have a 1986 Corvette that I bought in 1986 a while ragtop gold rings less than hundred thousand on it. My wise year in the pace car any patient is to test the salesman here beneath the outlet. I surmount how long have you been here I've been here for 11 years now.

You just heard it man coming to me that such a testimony of how the people are modern that are first Marcos was her 17 years that we we just had Willie that I think he said over a quarter-century, 25 years and set a course that is not my strong suit you and then money. Wow, 11 years a long time because I just tell you that I was in the car business long since 1973. So, long time ago and we would often hire 20 car salesman a month.

That's how we went through when I was with the crown organization I work for. I will mention some of the other ones that we went we went through a lot of sales 20 a month and we had to hire and train 20 salesman a month to keep 40 while you with the you did because people want to get in. They think a way that's easy money yeah but they don't realize that the hours are the first thing what drops out most car salesman number violates really have to work Saturday how many hours a week like Saturday is the day you want to work it in mind. It is as old as car sale Saturdays because that gets people off work maybe. But the real Super Bowl. It's when this month ends on a Saturday who will be big day. All is crazy. What I can answer any question what what what led you into car sales in here. 11 years later you're still with modern Chevrolet. That's that's guilty and now you have to look at what we I really feel into the graduate with some state in and actually fell into the car business and I've been this is my second dealership first started off it Bob King behind the to you and running quite radically, I find radically your fiery to be a blessing primarily what Robbie fired. The best thing ever happened to get a little while. The winning ended up here in the guy got here March 1 two 2011 so you just okay were still in the month of March. Is that a recent anniversary of years starting March month or year 12. Congratulation is amazing. Time flies and the client that he stopped taking it all.

Yeah, no matter how much he wanted to try one time in Bible history with the sun stood still and loved as his question marks of having been one and having enjoyed that identity. Most my life what's at what you get out of bed in the morning. What makes what flips mommy switch. When this happens, man. That's what I got afforded well I mean I really love dealing with people like being around people new people absolutely no make money like take care my family but I'm yeah really I really do like to interact with with a lot of people and meet new people you know I mean is this what it's about, you know, meet people find out new things you get that person not you know if you're like me, like, man. Here's this person I can figure out how to get my car and the credit was whatever and you had this situation and that situation is impossible it took to three weeks in a whatever and took and eventually something come together and you can get to see somebody's life like man I finally made a difference in absolute absolute so that's that's rewarding for that's part of your reward. Absolute is helping to meet the needs and help of somebody walking through that door and I swear your experience comes in right telling you this 11 years ago. I seep into your looking at the whole time to try to because of your you made in this business? You're building a car in your mind every minute. You're talking they'll yes absolutely I is what you do 11 years. Here modern BC*source-here's total is 20 22 1/2. 22. When you when the ring yes you had a picture in your mind of how you flare and and and and throw no sting over the high road and to strengthen it in Lex Luger's back as well. On top of that, that was the main thing is a way from his torture rack. Stay away from his torture rack right but I can't even imagine that thing yet I was just with him recently.

We spent we spent time together course, we do a giftgiving that you experience called me in chaos right where he and I didn't get on the torture rack did not put you in the torture rack.

Fortunately, but part of. Recently I think is in a wheelchair. Today he'd I concluded was was that darn torture rack use could not come up with a different setting that is similar put a thorn of fungi on the back of my back as I think that was the American dream Dusty Rhodes, Tower of power. I feel with Marty. Did you know I will be okay anyway so we didn't end in you know there's that, but you did. You had something in mind that a goal in mind as you had a sensitive okay on my phone. This guy got a stay away from that, like the joke okay to just get throw this in the real quick big fan feeder. Oh yeah, you know that it will then later help me so so God rest his soul.

Here he had a history of being reckless past rate so there was sure he had a pot was called a power bomb and I can assure you I and actually had a conversation with them and said, just so you know we will be we will take that out your repertoire because that will be happening to the Russian nightmare. Not tonight or any night" about the apps I value my health that I value my look for real I was a liquid chick conversational were some things I avoid anyway so I think it's great that that that you have that that goal in mind of bringing value that your reward for putting a smile. People oasis and send them out the door.

Here modern Chevrolet with the behind the wheel of a brand-new car so that's like like like it or not, you know you if you were to meet Monica thing that you need immediately know is man. He is having fun doesn't go my mommy for nothing right on his car so cool is that. So time to get my wisdom that simply sign that 5955 University Pkwy. in 105 is your listening to the Truth Network and take were so much fun today live in modern Chevrolet 5955 University Pkwy. in Winston-Salem again put that in your GPS 27105 see the big beautiful truth fan out there and now just to show how exciting it is and we just all truth out because we got Stu Epperson ballast on the list and sounds great.

Love this beautiful day. It's a little bit windy but it's a great day to get a new car or get services amazing service pages look at that while he does tell you about this Thursday like oh my goodness they have spent millions of dollars to create these state-of-the-art service center that I've never seen I not been in the car business. As you may know for 45 years, but let me tell you how cool this is when you drive in for free. You can when you drive through it it a lot.

It checks the alignment in your car tells you you know you how you would pay 9095 or maybe even $40 for a four wheel alignment. This is the state-of-the-art deal, you just drive in and automatically can tell you what. You know what the alignment is in your car and believe me when I tell you that how much do people spend on tires and all other stuff here. All you do is drive in the modern and as you're driving in the service pay. It checks your alignment and tells you exactly what it is. I mean how cool is that. Pretty awesome, and the people here for friendly awesome staff at Chevron team and staff.

Modern monetary Russian nightmare. This guy comes in unbelievably partial waters look at look at the vehicles. Look at the truck.

This is just it's amazing in that service in that the fact that they really wanted Jesus talked about he knew is the servant is the greatest and they have is a you know what we want to take care people and what it was. It ends up happening. People want to buy car for they want to work with people like that you know Mark Marcos is awesome team down here Armani you just talk to amazing what's going on here really early in Winston-Salem Oliver? Alister's were over here you'll see the big van parked hazards run right there and it's right here on University Parkway right off Highway 52 in Winston-Salem were sent down. How cool is that in right now we have with this pastor, Todd, and Pastor Tommy had a very special event coming up tomorrow right yes yeah how do we have in a very special service at my church is Bethlehem Christian church in the Altamont whole community of the line and on the cuticle awesome to be there.

He's will be preaching and this be the third time he's been there.

Glad to have them back in good friend of mine I got to know him over the last few years and and Taylor does a great job. The devil is going to get the Russian 61% yeah so a lot of yes no that's got on the eastern side of Triad Burlington area right right that's right Graham and AMA 30 are powerhouse salicylates in the church again Bethlehem Christian church in the Altamont community of the last left off him like the house of bread. Try running after him pretty easy to remember. I'm pretty here are the semifamous corner where only open on Christmas time to talk about how about that. Yeah right game of the church so so just to people Google liquefying church pretty easily.

I guess right yeah church Bethlehem is our website and the like. The telephone some are used to be a Baptist preacher, Southern Baptist joke around about how I'm not a Baptist preaching Mormon Christian preacher, now Bethlehem Christian people can time to keep it 11 AM tomorrow morning and be glad to have it buddy come over listen to you to have your picture taken the can serve some of his books and wants an autograph or some like that and he were here for little bit. If you get over your game show live shows on the man. 1230 and so that's after you get your free sandwich from Sennheiser food, and showing as we got books are Nikita Gallo's book church agree it's a great great set up here in a beautiful showroom and a beautiful day to be out about him telling yes it is wonderful day Pastor Todd that that is awesome. He thinks what you're doing serve the Lord through covert all the crazy stuff and going to last August, is to be a pastor had. It is like your body else's been difficult time.

In a lot of ways, but God is faithful and he sees a sleazy these things in praise God, thank God for that payment what your challenge people about getting plugged in getting in a church coming together at a fine which is Agoura construction work building each other up.

How important is that people all over the place good listeners in Richmond listen to this in Ohio with this program listen to man up the cuticle author Robert Gilmore Christian car gay universities what your challenge other yeah I encourage folks is to find small group of Christian friends on even within the church. You know, a lot of people need that small group of Christian friends that love you and they love God and the love the Bible and can grow and that together and if you can find a church that preaches God's word and loves Jesus loves you. You can love them then get involve a small group there like a Sunday school class or someone that is so my best friends and and I know that's what helps keeps me going and not keep my face wrong is my family and my friends and in my faith community at Bethlehem Christian church.

We love our pastors that you were going Robbie data goodbye were not playing with the pastor, love, and on and give them gifts about this guy and oh how I how we run out of time that we want to remind you more time we are at modern University of 5955 University Pkwy. again if you get here. Don't forget to mention Sonia simply Sonia free chicken sounds mean one.

This is the Truth Network