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Are You Angry?

In Touch / Charles Stanley
The Cross Radio
October 4, 2022 12:00 am

Are You Angry?

In Touch / Charles Stanley

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Jack Graham

Welcome to the index podcast with child family for Tuesday, October 4.

Today's program begins a theory fanning the explosive subject in anger is part one of letting go of anger.

Are you an angry person. I made you feel very angry inside about something that is happened, something is going on your life, something someone said they insulted you to hurt your feelings. It took something away from a lot of people today who are very angry. They don't even realize their anger they just know that something's not right on the inside. Anger is a very dangerous thing that anger just in itself is not evil all, nor is it bad is good. Anger in this bad angle. The problem is that most people have more experience about bad anger than they do good anchor. Anger has a terrible effect when it is anger that is on discipline not directed when it's bad anger and not good anchor on the other hand, there is anger that's good anchor gets you up get you fired up about doing the right thing at the right time in the right way to the right situation or circumstance in life. So it's interesting the Bible doesn't say don't be angry.

It says don't be angry and let your anger remain past sunset. So when you turn if you will, to the fourth chapter of Ephesians and I want you look, if you will. In this so 26 verse and the 27 verses and listen to what Paul says in this 26 verse he says be angry, and yet do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger and do not give the devil an opportunity that what's anger all about anger is a strong feeling of intense dysplasia, hostility or indignation which will describe the moment. As a result of something either something real that's happened or something that you imagine like a threat or insult the frustration or injustice toward yourself or others. That is, anger deals with something that's important to you. Someone is insulted you all you see injustice going on in somebody else's life.

Are you been threatened or insulted you just frustrated but listen strong feeling of intense dysplasia, hostility or indignation. As a result of a real or imagined threat, insult, frustration, injustice toward yourself or others important to you, so there's more to it than just saying bad now, let's think about some verses of scripture. Let's go to Proverbs chapter 14 and verse 17 a quick-tempered man asked foolishly look if you were in the 15 chapter in the first verse. A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh words stir up anger toward someone else then look in the 15 chapter and the the 18 verse hot tempered man stirs up strife, but slow to anger calms the dispute slow to anger that is controlled thinking about what's happening, slow to anger Lincoln the 16th chapter and the 32nd verse he says he who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, that is, a person and not someone he doesn't get angular person who does get angry but they are controlling it.

He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit greater than he captures the city look in the 22nd chapter and the 24th verse, and here's a real caution and the oftentimes humans have a lot like so-and-so and will be their friend. The undulant business with this person or marry this person listen to this caution of God's word about our relationships when it comes to anger. He says the 24th verse do not associate with a man given to anger a person whose number is the characteristic of being an angry person or go with a hot tempered man are you will learn his ways and find a snare for yourself.

That is if you associate with people who angry and you know that they are. He says don't do it is a must as well.

But he's my friend. He says don't associate don't have a relationship with an angry person, or you will fall in the trap and what happened. He'll influence you to become angry surreal to be careful.

That's why I would say to you if you're not married, that you should be very very careful. The person you married. Naturally and you should be careful about their spirit, their attitude because you see, if you marry somebody whose angry watch this carefully.

Something happened back there in their life. They have not dealt with and if they do not deal with and bringing it into their marriage, bringing it into your life. Now you are a part of their problem and that's why it's so important to teach your children and grandchildren before you marry some somebody you go see their family bond that is much as you can back there about their family, and you can't always be totally impressed by some of his looks and what they have what they drive and what they wear, they where they live, and so forth. What about so what's on the inside and an angry person is a dangerous person, the word of God says listen don't associate with them little not associate with them. I sent him not to marry. And I'm not to go in business with an angry person because what he's doing. He simply trying to protect us from making a terrible mistake to ask you this question.

Are you an angry person.

What are you angry at what you angry about how long you been angry while you keep holding on to it. What is it that you get out of holding on to this anger because of something that you think someone did something that they really did you notice in the definition we said you know it could be something that actually happened to you. All you think it did. And haven't you been angry people that you heard it said something about you, and you finally found out they didn't say that it all. People get angry easily, and the more insecure a person is more insecure they are, the more easier, they can feel anger in their hearts because most of the time there feeling like they're not being treated correctly will list. Talk about the basic causes of it and the one of Ms. persons not get their way. As from the primary causes not get their way.

A second cause is the fact of feeling rejected.

When a person feels rejected that can cause deep deep anger in a person's life.

So some of that I won't be they turned me down. They've they fired me, or whatever. Then of course is the fear of loss and I think today many people angry because they see that not only fearing that they may be losing but they have lost so much you think about how many hours a person's work weeks and months and years and years going to work early in the one to fight the traffic and coming home and have the weekend and going back to work on Monday morning several years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years he spent in somebody can cause all that to evaporate in a matter of a few days or one decision letter reasons people fear loss. Sometimes a person.

For example, will feel threatened and that if a person feels threatened, they get angry and it's that anger that causes people to do all kind of things that are very very destructive to someone else and then of course there is disappointment person is very disappointed. Sometimes they get angry and then there's injustice. That is what we see other people being harmed and abused and misused and all kind of things happening.

And sometime we can't seem to do anything about it as a reason to be righteously angry and so when you think about those and you think about feeling an adequate that'll make a person be angry if they feel like the people around them are very adequate to do what they do and yet you not then a person can become angry because of their background and give them the privileges that they need and you can come up with a lot of reasons being angry, but these are some of the basic ones that I want to mention here all anger falls into two categories justified anger and unjustified if I'm angry because you hurt my feelings.

That's unjustified. After forgive you if you are angry because you see someone else hurting someone else and taken advantage of them. That's justified anger. So the two kinds there is anger is justified and anger is not justified, and so when you look in the life of Jesus. Naturally, you only go to see justified angle that's purposeful and what about bad anger where we talked about. Cain killed his brother.

Why, because he was jealous.

Saul try to kill David because he was jealous jealous it up there under the tree because he get his way and you get this and of course let's take Peter for example, Peter's anger, he was willing to kill risk his life and be kill for his devotion and love to Jesus Christ. So is good. Anger is better anger most anger these days is bad anger because it's about ourselves that we are concerned about most of all. Now I think about in this light that two kinds of expressions of anger best allocate expression. You know it's there and was an explosion and you just blow it all out your rage goes this place, that place the other and you thin and your husband and wives and thinking – what happened. Well it's been there all along, but it exploded when he says that bad anger is better. Anger will imitate a worsening of net that's crockpot anger electronic file is you just fill it up and you cut the fire only hears what happens. It boils and it still use it.

It boils and it boils and it's burning and you know what just goes on and on and on and eventually you going to have an explosion is very very destructive in a person's life is no way to have anger without paying a price for them. So as you think about it.

I wanted to give you little fivefold test here and let's see if you angry so to say. For example, you say will I'm a bit angry so answer these questions yes or no, not out letter course. Is it anger directed toward a person that is you sell your lawn though I'm angry is your anger directed toward a person can you identify the person is alarming to a lot of people.

Nominal note is there is there someone that you are angry toward first question second question, is it anger without a justifiable cause. That is what is it about that person or that situation or circumstance is made you angry parents if it has no known justifiable cause about number three is it anger that seeks vengeance was just what they did to me yesterday. You just wait till tomorrow and I get back I'm gonna fix them.

Good. That is, vengeance or any you may be very sophisticated veterans that will you know they they did that to me that I'm going have the last minute. That's vengeance all right. And then the next question is, is it anger that is cherished. You still have you cherish anger will tell you how when a person becomes angry and they don't give it up. They just also like being angry because sooner or later, and you not remember psychologist friend of mine was telling me about this lady that he he had counseled her in counselor and counsel her.

He was just about discouraging the whole situation and I finally in his last session with her after he finished talking and he talked to her about her unforgiving spirit toward someone and pleading with her to give it up, he said. She walked over to the window. She held up both hands, and she said I can't give it up. I can't give it up. I can't give it up because I don't have anything left. When I give it up. You think about what a captive she was there. Her anger if she laid it down. She wouldn't have anything else to be thinking about life cherished anger. I got it. I'm going to keep until it kind of thing then is it anger that has an unforgiving spirit.

Is it something that's going on in your life in the past and you can't you just can't handle it and settle it you you look back and you just can't lead them with the truth as you can with God's help.

So let's ask yourself the question, and if your answer is yes if your answer is yes to these numbers.

If this anger is directed toward a person without a justifiable cause seeking vengeance cherished has unforgiving spirit is it good or bad anger is very bad. That's the kind of anger that will destroy destroying people everyday, stronger marriages, the strong relationships with her father's of parents and children destroying relationships on the job, making people lose their job. In fact us talking to man this week.

He said I told the good fellow. That is a good worker but his attitude was just absolutely so destructive, so I can keep them there is no way for me to keep because it's affecting everybody else.

That's exactly what God says don't have a relationship with a person who is given to anger.

That is, a person given to anger as a person is controlled by it may be subdued and suppressed but there angry and you know it and you know, if you walk up to somebody and say say something happens and you won't have somebody you say are you angry. No, I'm not well I don't know of a louder confession of Hank given that no I'm not angry. Don't ask me that again. You know what you can hide it long it'll come out the best way to deal with it is to get it out and deal with it.

Think about this watch this carefully. Jesus was angry at the Pharisees and Sadducees in robbers and thieves in the temple for what they were doing and then think about this. He's on the cross nailed to the cross and suffering the most horrible death and what is he say father forgive them. They don't know what they're doing and he can forgive you and I can forgive because there is no forgiveness to match that a man father how grateful we are for the awesome demonstration of true genuine forgiveness that Jesus could walk through those last three years or so with so much anger, then it toward him and he was still able to say father forgive them for they know not what the day.

I pray for every person who's listening angry wives, angry husbands, angry children whole angry families, angry boss, angry employees, angry teachers, angry students, every aspect of society. Pray the Holy Spirit would get the message deep in the heart that it's a destroyer and the fact that it destroys none of the persons angry, but he can destroy the people you love. I pray the spirit of God sent this message deep in every heart is my prayer in Jesus name. Will you may not be a Christian you saying will hallow out there with. I doubt if you can because you see there's some anger that is so deep and been there so long only by the grace of God only by his help in his strength in the spirit of God working in your heart.

Are you able to deal with that. But I pray that you do the first thing the first step asking him to forgive you of your sins and to cleanse your heart and deceive you say what can he forgive me of my sin. If I'm if I'm angry toward a person I want to be saved. Yes, he will forgive you of your sin, you can trust them as your personal savior and immediately he will begin to help you deal with these attitudes because that's not the only attitude problem.

It's not right now. Life, but is willing to deal with this pardoning of our sin that makes the difference between will be go to heaven or not he'll handle that he will save you. You will to ask him to do so based on the fact that you going to change based on the fact that he went to the cross laid down his life shedding his blood he paid your sin, then info already in the trust he will sing thank you for listening to today's podcast. Are you angry if you like to know more about child family or in touch ministries, not my intent started wagging podcast is a presentation in touch ministries Atlanta, Georgia