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Growing in Grace / Doug Agnew
The Cross Radio
December 12, 2021 6:00 pm


Growing in Grace / Doug Agnew

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December 12, 2021 6:00 pm

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Good morning and welcome to Grace Church if we have any first-time visitors with us this morning. If you would please raise your hand.

One of the ushers provide you with some information regarding grace over here we have one before he turned to the announcements this morning.

Just a couple praises verse Nancy Starcher's back with us today from coven Eric and Rachel have been back with us day Jenny brace field is not here this morning, but she will be here. According to Elsie she will be here with us this evening for the lessons and carols so Jenny's also restored to health. Praise God.

So tonight at 6 PM is our annual lessons and carols service. Join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. This is always a wonderful event and please bring some finger food with you also and share that we can share and enjoy some fellowship in the fellowship hall this evening following the service. Join us Wednesday night at 7:00 PM in the fellowship hall J Crestor continues to study on the parables of Jesus were those of us at the with J through this thing. I think we would all have to agree to it is been extremely edifying experience. If y'all have an opportunity please come in here J speak. Also, it's time now this, your first shoebox offering this year.

The offering is going to be used to support missionary young home who is distributing Bibles and food in Madagascar are as many of you know, they've been suffering in Madagascar coven but also extreme famine and hunger.

As a result of a severe drought it. It's been an extremely long, long time, but they been dealing with this so were to be doing. I wouldn't be collecting this next Sunday at the morning worship service so please please prayerfully consider contributing to this very important. Offering if you like a tie or offering envelope for 2022. You can sign up for that in the foyer and I asked this morning again for your prayers for Joni Presley is in the hospital.

She continues to suffer the effects of covert pray for the Robinsons. If you would please Charlie and Trudy were in the vehicle accident this past week and they're recovering and Nanette Brown who will be going for brain surgery later this week will be her second time very critical surgery that she's going to be undergoing so please keep all these people in your prayer during the course of this next week and this time I would ask you to please join me now as we prayer our hearts and our minds for worship and please rise now for cold works are called the worship of those today from Psalm five verses 11 and 12.

Sophia Davis tell David tells us that God does in fact hear our prayers and he gives God all the glory.

Specifically, in verses 11 and 12 which were to read this morning. David prays for all the Lord's people that God would give them joy and that he would keep them safe here. Now the word of God, but let all who take refuge in you. Rejoice let them ever sing for joy and spread your protection over them that those who love your name may exult in you. You bless the righteous overlord you cover him with favor as with a shield. Please be seated. Please note join me in prayer. Heavenly father living in most gracious God to you be all the glory and majesty, dominion and authority for the week give praise to you, for you are the provider and sustainer of our very lives through whose word creates all that lives, moves and has been, and we praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who in life and death identified with our humanity, who rose and ascended reconciling us to you, dear God, and who remains our advocate and our judge all-powerful to save and we praise the Holy Spirit who dwells within us and around us are guided in our teacher in our comforter during times of need and distress for the we are grateful for your lovingkindness that is shown to each and every one of us each and every day in spite of our feelings in spite of our continual struggles with sin and rebellion you remain faithful to us. You continue to love us unconditionally, and it is your love that signifies divine goodness and forgiveness to sinners like us as believers, we should take comfort in knowing that as we come before you this day, Christ Jesus sits triumphantly at your right hand interceding on our behalf on the basis of his shed blood and there is nothing absolutely nothing that can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord and father this morning. We pray for all those who are experiencing trouble in their lives that the sick and those with severe inherent illness or injury may be careful. Specifically father we pray for some of those in our congregation. We pray this morning for Joni Presley father is. She continues to struggle with covert continues to be in the hospital. We pray this morning father for for for Charles and for Trudy this past week.

Father had to endure a very difficult time as they had a severe vehicle accident. Father we pray for Nanette Brown as she will be going through some very difficult surgery this week on her brain.

Dear God, you truly are the great physician and we asked this morning, dear God, that you replace your healing hand on these individuals and restore them to full health.

If it is your will and father we pray that the lonely in our lives be sustained and depressed be strengthened that those who mourn, be comforted and those close to death may know the presence of the risen Lord and father we pray for those in the mission field.

We pray that you protect them from harm and that the Holy Spirit guide and direct them in their efforts to bring those spiritually closer to you as many of them are lost now as we proceed to this worship service. May our minds be illumined by the presence of the Holy Spirit in May our eyes or ears in our hearts be open to receive your holy word and make all that we say and do you praise, honor and glory.

These things we pray in the blessed name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Amen. This certainly is a joyous season.

It is a season to rejoice, the son of God has emptied himself and become one of us identified with us and that's cause for joy but it's not a glib, shallow, joyous, think of the world's joy. Think of secular radio Christmas songs and how shallow that joy is the joy that we as believers ought to to be full of as we contemplate the incarnation is a sincere joy but it's a joy that's tempered with all with amazement that God the son became man to save sinners like us. We have no cause for joy outside of grace grace from the infinite glorious God becoming man taking on our sin becoming one of us so that we might live with him for all eternity. Let's contemplate this awesome joy. That's hours because of the grace it's ours in Christ as we stand and sing songs of the incarnation this morning.

Would you stand with me as we worship the all will will be in and in the on will will will will and in all seated Christ's condescension to become one of us is an amazing condescension. An amazing act of humility and divine love, your sinners, we don't deserve any of this grace. And so it is good in our worship of this gracious God, to run to him and confess our sin and acknowledge our need for his mercy would you pray with me church. God is light and in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son, purifies us from sin. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. Most holy and merciful father. We confess to you and to one another that we have sinned against you by what we have done and by what we have left undone.

We have not loved you with our whole heart and mind and strength.

We have not fully loved our neighbors as ourselves. We have not always had in us the mind of Christ. You alone know how often we have grieved you by wasting your gifts by wandering from your ways. Forgive us we pray most merciful father and free us from our sin renew in us the grace and strength of your Holy Spirit for the sake of Jesus Christ, your son, our Savior. Amen a moment to silently confess your particular sins to the Lord now listen to these words from Lamentations 3 reminding us that God is a God who delights the pardon. He delights to's show mercy.

The prophet says the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning great is your faithfulness to God is a gracious God in the right response to that mercy is not to wallow in our guilt, but to rejoice, to sincerely Joyce and what is ours in Christ and that's what our Old Testament reading declares to us this morning will be read from Zephaniah chapter 3 verses 14 through 20, commanding us to rejoice over the redemption that God has brought Zephaniah 3, beginning in verse 14 sing aloud old daughter of Zion shouts, O Israel, rejoice and exalt with all your heart. Old daughter of Jerusalem, the Lord has taken away the judgments against you. He has cleared away your enemies, the king of Israel, the Lord is in your midst. You shall never again fear evil on that day, it shall be sent to Jerusalem. Fear not all Zion. Let not your hands grow weak, the Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save. He will rejoice over you with gladness, he will quiet you by his love, he will exult over you with loud singing. I will gather those of you who mourn for the festival so that you will no longer suffer reproach. Behold, at that time I will deal with all your oppressors and I will save the lame and gather the outcast that will change their shame and to praise and rundown in all the earth at that time I will bring you in the time when I gather you together. I will make you renowned and praised among all the peoples of the earth. When I restore your fortunes before your eyes, says the Lord says the word of God.

God is full of riches and he lavishes those riches on his beloved on his chosen. Let's think again about the condescension of God the father emptying himself to become one of us that we might enjoy these blessings. Would you stand with me as we sing the all all all all will all and will will and will will all will all will be everything comes from everything we thank you for the many blessings that you have given us, and bestowed upon Mr. Lord we just asked now as we get back portion of what you give a nurse staffing offerings. We just asked that you would use them for your work all over the world and we asked it in your name. Dear Lord Jesus, a man who deeply stand in honor of God's word as we read it together this morning. EM wants his fame spread everywhere throughout all the surrounding region of Galilee that with me as we get our Lord in prayer.

Heavenly father we pray a prayer of thanksgiving this morning for what you did for the Harper's in Austria. Father, we been praying for them. They've been having trouble getting their visa and had to go to many different countries in Europe just wait to see if it was going to happen in you miraculously provided and they got their visa and they are now at work in Austria and we praise you for that heavenly father I pray for Johnny Presley this morning as I was praying early for her this morning Lord and realizing the very serious condition that she is in you brought to my mind the fact that this world is not our home that we are just passing through heavenly father, I thank you that Joni knew you in a very special way that she loves you with all of her heart. Father, we would pray that you do a miracle that Lord you would bring her back to health and strength in her father does not look good right now and I pray for her husband, Randy, that you would strengthen him and encouraging him give him that peace that passes all understanding, and I pray Lord is.

He thinks about his wife that that he will understand how much Jesus loves her Lord that he too would be broken Lord over the fact that we are all sinners and all in desperate need of your grace. Father Baywood Joni strengthen her. Encourage her encourage Randy.

We pray Lord for a miracle.

Again, that asked more that you prepare us if this is her time to go to be with you that Lord you might bring that about. And that we might be able to have the peace that we need heavenly father I pray for Trudy and Charlie as they have developed the very difficult car wreck this week and both of them were injured. Thank you Lord that you spared their lives. They could've easily been taken. Pray for Shelby key Lord if she is still suffering with her problems with COPD and asked father to minister to her and for Nicole lungs, Lord, I pray that you would be with Nicole and help her of the dizziness that she has experienced father we pray for Annette Brown and she's got the surgery coming up this week she would be with her and in great power heavenly father we have a passage before us today that forces us to look beyond what we can see with their eyes and hear with their ears passage teaches us about the spiritual reality of the demonic secular elite would mock us for giving the story any credence at all. I would laugh at us for being intellectually naïve and foolishly superstitious father, help us to stand for your truth believe your truth be moved by your truth no matter what the secular world has to say about it.

Pray that you give us the ability to stay godly balanced in spiritual warfare. Don't let us run off to extremes don't let us get so caught up with what demons are doing that we take our eyes off of you and forget the calling to simply obey your word.

Help us to never forget that Satan is real and its purpose is to kill, steal and destroy my your work come alive to us today. May Jesus be glorified through this message board is in the precious name of Jesus that we pray. Amen. You may be seated. Two sets of brothers, James and John and Peter and Andrew left their fishing business to follow Jesus and that they first went to Capernaum. Now Jesus himself was born in Bethlehem, which is just a little bit south of Jerusalem. But Jesus was reared in Nazareth.

Nazareth was just a few miles away from from Capernaum and Jesus lived there for 28 years. It was a small little village and it was the place where Jesus worked in his father's carpenter shop only on me ask you something.

Did anybody in Nazareth ever see Jesus in an answer that is absolutely not for Jesus never seen was nobody there than ever look to Jesus as a little boy and saw him disobey his parents.

It was nobody that ever saw Jesus beat up a little boy in the neighborhood was nobody that ever saw Jesus stop his toe in cursive blistering was nobody that ever saw Jesus take advantage of a little girl was nobody there ever so Jesus do anything that was wrong whatsoever. Never would make a beautiful table and overcharge for it but everything that Jesus did was godly and without sin. So it's saying that when Jesus started teaching in Nazareth that everybody would got excited about this young man what he had to say and we have to believe also that they were probably many people from Nazareth that had gone down to the Jordan River along with the other thousands that went here John the Baptist and they were there that day that Jesus appeared they are on the top of the heel and started walking down it. John the Baptist pointed at the heel and said, behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world, probably many in Nazareth that day that saw Jesus baptized, which is a part of the ceremonial ordination into the priesthood and they watched him as he was coming up out of the water and then all of a sudden the Holy Spirit of God descended upon him like a dove, and the Shekinah glory.

The visible presence of the Lord and the glory cloud just rested upon his shoulders.

They saw that happen and then I heard the voice of God the father speak from heaven saying say this is my beloved son in whom I will play. Don't you know those people from Nazareth went running back to their hometown and I'm sure they said 50, but many are not will believe what happened are hometown boy Jesus, not the one who belongs to Joseph and Mary.

We saw him, we sewing baptized and we saw the Holy Spirit to send upon you visibly, we heard the voice of God the father speak from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. And they said this is not just our imagination is not just something that were telling you we have thousands of witnesses that saw the very same thing.

It happened so then Jesus went to preach, came back to Nazareth and he started to preach and what was that had achieved of the people in Nazareth, toward his preaching. They summarily rejected him. I said you think you are Jesus just one of us is just a commoner like we are.

Who do you think you are what is Jesus doing Jesus left Nazareth and he said a prophet is not honored into some country he wanted to Capernaum. After that, the word Capernaum is a Hebrew word and it means Kfar net whom and the that that word means the village of Nahum. Now who is named Nahum was the Old Testament prophet have a book in the Bible that was named after him, Nahum, in the word and I am in the Hebrew means compassionate. It means a CD layer that was a village that was filled with people who were concerned for others and cared for others. Jesus went first of all to the synagogue on the Sabbath day and the synagogue. What they all got started back in the Babylonian captivity. During that time, the, the children of Israel were in Babel and I were away from their homeland in the temple for them to worship in so they started building these little local groups and and they would bring these people together so they could read and study the word of God so they could worship together so synagogue wasn't required to be a synagogue had to be at least 10 adult me and Oliver 13 years of age when the children of Israel left Babel, and they came back home to their homeland in Israel brought this concept of the synagogue back with them in the synagogue became the place with the community life would take place. It was not just used for a local worship place but it was also used as a meeting house the school and a courtroom was later the synagogue and the leader was a man who was not necessarily a teacher but had to be an administrator. It was his responsibility to be sure that somebody was preaching and teaching that day and on this particular day, Jesus walks in and this man begs Jesus to come and teach that takes us to the text that I was to look at the day looking at the subject of authority, and their three points I want to share with you about the authority of Christ .1 the authority of his word.

Look at me.

In verses 21 through 22 and they wanted to Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath. The synagogue and was teaching, and they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes. John MacArthur said the following about Jesus speaking in the synagogue if it one of the primary functions fulfilled by the synagogue was the public reading and exposition of Scripture, a practice that went back at least to the time of Nehemiah, a policy known as freedom of the synagogue layout any qualified man in the congregation to deliver the exposition of the Old Testament passage that privileges often extended visiting rabbis as it was on this occasion to Jesus, the apostle Paul. Similarly, you such opportunities to proclaim the gospel in various cities throughout the Roman Empire because the news about Jesus miracles had already spread the attendees and Capernaum would have been eager to hear him teach Walmart doesn't tell us what Jesus preached all that he tells us about the impact that Jesus preaching head said that they were amazed and they said said about him. He taught as one having authority, and not as the scribes. The Greek word for authority is ex officio and that word means dominion or power.

Jesus spoke with passion and great clarity when Jesus preached you understood exactly what he was saying he paid his preaching and teaching was just as clear as a bail and when he taught there was great conviction. Though the listers would hear Jesus and it force them to look at their life to look at their heart and to look at their behavior. But Jesus focused on what was important. Now when the scribes preached they were different. They were unclear and they their teaching was muddled they wanted everybody to know that they were something special. I want people to look up to them and they would just feel with pride did just boost from them and I would stand there and they would they would they would teach in and the and people would look at them.

So while they are so intelligent, we can understand anything they're saying while they are such great wise man that their service just go right overhead. We have no idea what they're talking about and said they would start quote knowledge rabbis and this will this rabbi said business rabbis said that we really just don't understand what it means me tell you something.

Folks that cannot preaching is not godly that cannot preaching is not helpful. It doesn't convict. It doesn't challenge it is not clear doesn't permeate the heart. Jesus is was exactly opposite. It was clear as a bail hailing and it was convicting.

It was challenging and it permeated the heart and it was the word of God. And so when Jesus topic let people know this is the word of God and so you got a deal with it. Jesus was not shy. He call sin's lien. Jesus often spoke on heaven. Did you realize he spoke twice as much on the subject of hail and Jesus spoke about all these common things that we have to deal with Facebook about money generally spoke twice as much about money as he did about heaven or hail.

And Jesus talked about sin.

One of the great sins that we have in our society today is a sin of lust. That's kind of an embarrassment's lien. So is Jesus superficial about that. Absolutely not. What did Jesus say Jean Jesus said, you heard it said by them of all that shalt not commit adultery but I'll send you if you even look upon the woman as to lust after her, you committed adultery already with her in your heart.

And what about anger.

Jesus said, you've heard it said by them of the week. Now shalt not murder, but I see in you. If you're even angry against your brother and liable him then you are in danger of hell fire. No one ever walked away from a sermon that Jesus preached without feeling deep conviction and a need for grace and mercy. Mark describes the hears of Jesus as being absolutely amazed. They were so shocked and awakened by his words. If they were just stunned and silenced.

They felt guilty fell conviction they felt somewhat exposed and yet they still felt hope while I think that's what amazed him most is that this teacher Jesus is telling us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear.

We hear sermons and we feel guilty but not hopeless. We hear sermons and we feel convicted but not condemned. Jesus makes us want to hate sin and love God, but that is the preaching of Jesus that is the authority of Jesus. Jesus makes the Bible jump to life. It's not a desk deal history book. It's not a manual of rules and regulations. It is a life-giving rain they were amazed and they were silent. The scribes just spoke about God but Jesus but for God. Jesus teaching was reminiscent of assembly Old Testament prophets, meet me and like Elijah and Jeremiah and Isaiah and what was the favorite phrase that they would use. It was thus saith the Lord God.

When you think when you hear that I think about finality that that God said it that settles it didn't really matter what anybody else thinks about it a few weeks ago I encouraged you and your witnessing to use the word of God. Don't just defend the word of God.

Don't just use apologetics that has its place but not just defend it, but proclaim it because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

So when you're trying to witness to a Moslem. Don't spend your time talking to them, but comparative religions just quote the word of God to invest saith the Lord Jesus, I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father but by me. That's the authority of Christ.

That's with the people and Capernaum were so amazed that I went to the authority of his judgment. Look at verse 23 to 24 and immediately there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit, and he cried out, what you do with us, Jesus of Nazareth. Have you come to destroy us. I know you are the holy one of God. But we need to approach the, the subject of spiritual warfare with care and deep concern in 43 years of ministry axing to extremes when dealing with spiritual warfare. I've seen liberal theologians laugh at the idea of a literal devil and and literal demons and they laughed at it because I said well this is mental illness that they are looking at in the Bible and and they just don't know this mental illness, and so they call it demon possession. I've heard liberal preachers say that the men who wrote the Scriptures were just uneducated men and their problem is they just didn't know the science Jesus Christ, the creator of the universe and he didn't know the science while he just did not handle mental illness or aberrant behavior that is the epitome of spiritual stupidity and on the other hand, I've seen some Christians get so caught up in supernatural evil as I start seeing demons behind every bush yet to be very careful.

They are not to do that. Not to start blaming all temptations alone on the devil. Some of your old enough to remember the comedian flip Wilson flip Wilson will become all television and and he do a little skit and he fall into some temptation and people. So why'd you do that and he said devil made me do it any note from believers all the time everything that they do wrong. They want to blame on the devil so you signature computer and all of a sudden you decide that you will not check out pornographic website and you do that and for some way you get called and they said what did you do that, the devil made me do it.

Know the devil didn't your flesh made you do it you wanted to do it because you're seeing nature of the porch.

What you are definitely inside the wholesale had a desire to fulfill some some lust in your heart and so you gave into it.

Don't blame that on the devil. I may be you go out you drink too much or you take some illicit drugs are semi-somewhat of the devil made me do it now that was a problem with your flesh, so to give too much attention to Setanta the satanic rail is unscriptural and I think it's unhealthy but don't buy into liberal so-called intellectual elitism, but the stories that we that we read here are historically and theologically accurate.

I'll say this. If the Bible is the word of God, then we have no recourse than to acknowledge the satanic and demonic existence and realize that we are in a genuine war, genuine evil spiritual beans. The question arises than the one we see more evidence of satanic activity today. Well I think we see plenty evidence of satanic activity today. A lot of it but we need to remember. Satan is extremely wise and is extremely deceptive. Share a few verses with you.

Second Corinthians chapter 11 and in verse 14, Paul said this Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Jesus said in John 1010 the thief that is Satan cometh not to kill, steal and destroy. So he transforms himself into an angel of light in order that he might carry out his purposes of killing, stealing and destroying any brings a temptation into your life and makes it look like that and that he's a good guy that really has your best interests in mind anyone to do this to benefit you and that's how it it comes across and you fall into it and you realize that you have been deceived by one who disguises himself as an angel of light in John 844 345 Jesus said this to the wicked Pharisees. He said you are of your father the devil in your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in meaning when he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. So Satan can deceive us into believing that he doesn't exist or that he's kind of like a cartoon character with the red suit ponytail and a pitchfork. He's got us right where he wants us as a man in the crowd that day as Jesus was preaching in the synagogue and he was listening to what Jesus had to sign.

The man was possessed by a demon and when everybody else got quiet after Jesus taught and they were contemplating the things that Jesus said all of a sudden this demon possessed man stands up and he begins to shrink.

He begins to shriek out loud and and what does he say he said what business do we have with you. Are you here to destroy us.

You are the holy one of God puts the situation here in the synagogue had to be disconcerting had to be very upsetting. These folks had just been blown away by the authority and the power of Jesus teaching in this demon possessed man then jumps up and he starts shouting and what is he shouting PSA and what business do you have with us is saying you had you come here to destroy us. You know you are you are the holy one of God puts this demon is controlling this man's body is controlling his vocal cords, and the demon is absolutely terrified that's very interesting. This is been listening to Jesus preaching they felt guilty. They felt broken. They felt convicted. I did not feel terrified. But the demon felt absolutely terrified wise that son because the demon understands exactly who this is and the demon knows what he is and is going to be getting out is that this is the holy one of God who is going see it to send him to his final judgment, which is the burning like a fire. Now some of his fellow fallen angels have already been sent to hail.

We see this in second Peter chapter 2 verse four where Peter said this for God did not spare angels when they see and but cast them into hail and committed them to change of gloomy darkness, to be Into the judgment. The Greek word for hell in this passage and in second Peter is not the normal word that she is in the Greek for hail the westward. Anna, this word is the word Tartar is its only use one time the Scripture and issues right here. When 1/3 of the angels in heaven followed Satan and his rebellion in Revelation chapter 12 verse four.

There were some of those angels that the Lord dealt with and and judged right there on the spot and the Lord ushered them into this place called Tartar us and I have to believe that the other other fallen Angels.

This network and following Satan and his rebellion that they had to watch that and then you saw exactly where these demons went and they knew that that was going to be what was going to happen to them that it was going to take place. They did know when they knew that it was coming and the one who would send them to the burning like a fire to their final judgment was standing right before this man John MacArthur said the following should the demon call Jesus the holy one of God because he was fully aware of Jesus is divine authority.

This unclean spirit of being characterized by ultimate depravity and incurable wickedness cringed in the presence of perfect virtue and holiness list of these two verses they illustrated oil.

First John 38 whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil in Matthew 2541 Jesus said then he will say to those on the left. Apart from me you curse it into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. When this demon saw Jesus speak with that kind of authority. He thought the final hour of destruction has come, and it is over. He was terrified and he trembled. You know what I'm witnessing to somebody and that person is an unrepentant person and he tells me oh I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm going to heaven because I believe I share with him very quickly. James chapter 2 verse 19 that believes in one God that do as well. The demons also believe, and tremble, but that's what this demon was doing. He knew exactly who this was in you exactly what the gospel would be in your exactly what was coming and he knew that he was headed for a burning like a fire. He was concerned that might come sooner than later .3 the authority of his power.

Look at verse 25 to 28 but Jesus rebuked him, saying, be silent come out of him. The unclean spirit convulsing him and crying with a loud voice came out of and they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, what is this a new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obtain want his fame spread everywhere throughout all the surrounding region of Galilee. So the eschatological day of final judgment for Satan and his demons had not yet come with this demon was given a foretaste of the authority of Christ over him. Jesus was totally unphased by what this demon was doing and what did Jesus do they just immediately, despite all the antics, the loudness in the confusion. Jesus just rebuked him is kinda interesting to read what our modern-day translations help have a say. I think their little too soft in the ESV says that he said to this demon be silent. The ESV says he said to this demon be quiet. The King James version says he said to the demon.

Hold your peace.

Like what RC Sproul said better. RC Sproul said that Jesus probably looked at this deems that you feel the demon shut your mouth and he did was no exorcism there was no formula. There was no ritual. Now these exorcisms were done all the time by the scribes and the rabbis of that day they would sometimes take all day long trying to do one of these just want to this long ritual and at the end of the day. It would have done no good at all.

They never had any success. All Jesus did was to speak the word and there was always 100% success and it happened very quickly. Not all day long but very quickly.

Jesus simply ordered this demon to hush and then immediately the the stop the talking stopped and he was commanded out this man, the demon shrinks first and then he threw the man into convulsions and then he left. Know what the demon said about Jesus was truly never notice that he said that Jesus was Jesus of Nazareth. He was the holy one of God. This was not a praise of Jesus. This was a fearful acknowledgment that Jesus was his most feared and hated enemy, but as we go through the book of Mark to see a whole lot of these instances where demons speak to Jesus and they say things about Jesus and who he is and they are true things and what is Jesus doing Jesus always makes them hush and makes them shut their miles.

They're not allowed to do it that you think will. Jesus might've just turned around of the Pharisees said gas you will prove that I am the son of God. Here it is right here. Listen to what the realm of Satan is saying they are even acknowledging that I am the holy one of God the son of God, the Messiah, Jesus would not let that happen.

Jesus did not care for their testimony.

He did not want the test might not need their testimony, and he would not allow it centrist to me that Mark provides no by biographical information about the man here in the story. We don't know his name.

We don't know what he did. We don't know who he is there in this lack of information is intentional. Jesus didn't want us to.

The Scripture doesn't want us to get caught up in who the man is called the man's nonimportant the five that's going on. Here's between Jesus and the demon see the demon is just a tool and I mean that the man is just a tool in that demon's hand to try to harm Christ so picture the scene with no formula with no ritual, no showing fanfare. Jesus just speaks the word the demon is cast out of the man and the man convulses and the demon leaves the man is totally unharmed.

Verse 27 says, and they were all amazed, so that they questioned among them sales saying what is this a new teaching with authority to commands even the unclean spirits and they obey. The crowd began to buzz with excitement over what just happened.

First, Jesus blew them away with teaching like they had never heard before.

The teaching of Jesus just lit them up. It was convicting. It was challenging. It was comforting to them.

It was clear as a bail and it drove them. God poured but Jesus not only spoke with authority. He also did spiritual warfare with authority.

The demons fled at his command. They were terrified demons understand judgment.

They understand the reality of the present hail in the future, burning like a fire. They also understand God's hatred for sin and what they do, they tremble. Would to God that the nation that we live in right now would understand the judgment of God would understand that there is a present hail at there will be a future burning like a fire, and those who don't know Christ will spend eternity there. If that doesn't make you tremble, nothing will spring heavenly father. This passage focused on the sovereign, all-encompassing absolute authority of Jesus Christ. We saw powerful demonic being towering tremble before the son of God happen 2000 years ago. They steal tremble before you though spirits under the satanic reign of the devil are without hope. They know that their eternal destiny is like a fire. They hate you with an everlasting hatred they respect your authority when you say stop. They stop when you say by how they buy out when you say cower, they cower. The unbelieving world has less respect for use in the demonic gram the secular world has no fear of God. They sits no reality in the gospel.

They deny your existence.

The demons hate you but they don't deny father.

We know that the day is quickly approaching.

When you get a return in every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, it's difficult to live in a world there so little respect to the God we know and love.

Lord, please help us to be a bright shining witness to people who have no fear of God and the love for God. May they see the reality of Jesus in us.

40 is in the precious holy name of Jesus that we pray.

Amen. We tried assaying a Psalm every worship service or gather here Grace Church and as I was reading over Doug sermon Texas last week of a particular song Coming to mind and Psalm two. Psalm two is a messianic Psalm. It's a Psalm looking forward to the Messiah.

More specifically, if the kingship Psalm it's a it's a Psalm that stresses the authority that Christ, God's anointed one would have overall authorities, especially over those who were resisting him in the right response to that authority is to bow before God's anointed and worship him. Let's sing together Psalm to respond to the truth with her this morning. Stand with me as we sing and I and I name and all and all will go on all my all all on will and all I can come in working with us today really really encourage you to come back tonight. Tonight is our desire lessons and carols the gospel will be presented. Some in song something the Scripture people that come tonight will hear the gospel. I would like to encourage you to invite your neighbors lifetimes. Neighbor will come on Sunday morning 11 o'clock but there comes a music service often and said get out there and invite them do some evangelism. If they come tonight. I promise you this, to hear the gospel pleasure. Let me encourage you with these words receive the benediction. I have chosen you and not cast you off.

Fear not for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you.

I will withhold you with my righteous right hand in all God's people sin