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R688 Once Lost Part 2

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Cross Radio
July 8, 2022 8:00 am

R688 Once Lost Part 2

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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July 8, 2022 8:00 am

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The Truth Pulpit
Don Green
The Truth Pulpit
Don Green
The Truth Pulpit
Don Green
The Truth Pulpit
Don Green
The Truth Pulpit
Don Green

You could use some encouragement in the Bible is the best place to join us on The Encouraging Word, we will be incurred today as we open the word with you, Dr. Don Dr. Wilson is our pastor. He is a well-known author and evangelist and today brings this message once lost while we were doing that were available for you both. The other end. 866-899-WORD 866-899-WORD 96 study gone together. You know, I've often lost myself once a person dies without Jesus Christ, did I have an opportunity to get saved and go to heaven well Bibles got some very direct has to do with Jesus Christ loves me your Bibles this morning to Hebrews chapter 6. Love to hear the word of God being open my friends as we open our Bibles this morning.

Let me remind you that we are in a nice singularly significant passage of Scripture. What is seen in Hebrews chapter 6 carries such deep spiritual significance and spiritual application in our lives that I beg of you to listen carefully, I beg of you to open your heart, because the Lord will speak to you on the spirit of God will draw you into the heart of God. I believe with all my heart that what is said in Hebrews chapter 6 is one of the most serious warnings that God can ever give to his church and this warning is not addressed to those who are in his church who are believers.

It is addressed to those who are in his church who are unbelievers.

There are two very important points that I want to make and reiterate to you today number one. Once you are saved your always say I want you to listen to. If you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ that God raised Jesus from the date if you have repented of your sin and by faith you have trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior and you have been born again of the spirit of the living God. You cannot lose your salvation you cannot become on the site number two.

Once you are lost you all for ever lost.

Once you are lost you for ever lost. I believe with all of my heart that Hebrews chapter 5 verse 11 through Hebrews chapter 6 and verse nine. That is the subject of these verses once lost you for ever lost. This is not about one saved forever say, even though that is the logical spiritual implication which I'm going to show you that comes out of this. That is the wonderful good news of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now we know how to be saved.

The question is this how do you become lost if once lost you all for ever lost. How do you become lost. There are two ways in which you become lost. You might want to note this. First of all, by being born into this world. Every single person who is born into this world is born, lost dog who was the first commandment God created his name was Adam does Harpole puts this. He says in Adam all die, not some guy old-line fact the psalmist when he was writing he put it like this. He said I was conceived in sin that waters the wages what is the penalty of sin. The wages of sin is all right now want you to listen carefully, folks. How do you become lost. You become lost by being born into this world. There is not a single person who is born site. If that were the case Nicodemus wouldn't have any problem.

Woody Jesus would never have had to cite him Nicodemus you need to be born again, born for second time. All right, we know how to be born for a second time, we know how to be born again we must repent of our sin, confess that sin to Jesus Christ believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, trusting him receive them into a hot lap and you will be born again, we must call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be safe. We know that, but how do you become lost number one by being born the first time into this world.

The second way that you become lost is by never taking the opportunity to become site I want you to stick with me some of you got a puzzled look on your face if you are born lost and you never take the opportunity to be sorry, guess what you forever lost. So the second way in which you become lost is by losing or forfeiting your opportunity to become site well. There are two ways in which you can lose that opportunity. According to the word of God number one is if your mind goes, folks let me tell you something disease, a tragic car wreck something that can rob you of your ability to respond to God can cause you to be lost forever. Now some of you going to say but wait a minute, pasta, can God still penetrate the mind of someone who has lost a mine of course he can. What seems to be a problem God can do anything. Can God reach into the mind of a an Alzheimer's patient and cause that person to turn him course, God can do that but folks, I don't know that God doesn't say that there is nothing in Scripture that says that when a person loses their mind but continues to live. I don't have anything to back that up with accepting the fact that God is God and I'm willing to accept the in fact, when I'm around people like that or not. I ministered Alzheimer's patients often always take them by the hand I minister to patients are in comas always take the hand I get down I did.

So this past Friday, got right down next to someone playing in her air prayed the sinners prayer. Thank God for them. Pride concerning Jesus Christ.

The doctors say they responding. There is no response but I'm just playing because of who my heavenly father is I'm asking God to do something that nobody else can.

The second way that you can be lost forever is by die, but they Bible says it is appointed on the man once to die, and then off to that the judgment and by the way, that would judgment they folks is not referring to the reward, judgment, or the judgment concerning the good works are believers that judgment in the text.

There is referring to judgment as a great white throne judgment. The final judgment, the separation of the sheep and goats.

The time at which all those who have rejected Jesus Christ are going to be classed from the presence of Almighty God into outer darkness forever and forever and forever lost forever, but I wanted just couldn't make this very very important point your folks. Once you are lost you are lost forever.

How do you become lost.

You become lost by being born and second of all, you become lost by rejecting Jesus Christ while you have the opportunity to accept it is to those people that God is writing in this passage we must understand this in its context.

God here by his spirit. The writer to the Hebrews is writing to a Jewish audience lost week we looked at the facts in order to try and understand once lost forever lost. What we discover in chapter 5 in verses 11 through 14, we discovered four things we discovered number one they had been taught Bible tells us these Jewish people were so religious they were sincerely religious, they knew all about God. They had studied the law and the prophets that mean talk number two they were slow to learn. According to verse 11, they were spiritually sluggish and it cost them folks not just watch me for a minute, there's no such thing as soul, to say being saved means you are complete. Beside you cannot be sort of site and likewise you cannot be sort of kind of lost. If you are lost and without Jesus Christ, you are lost, there is no sort of loss and the Bible addresses these people and he says you have lost not only because you were born in sin, you have lost not only because you have acquired all this knowledge with your Bible calls the elementary teachings about Christ, but you are lost if indeed you continue to have all this knowledge and get to acknowledge and accept Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Sometimes knowledge is not forgive the eruption will be back with a message from Dr. movement just a moment that I was thinking about something my dad used to tell me. Gotta be careful that the distance between her head and heart is not what separates us from eternity. Maybe you had plenty of knowledge. I grew up in the church to have a lot of knowledge. It wasn't until that summer gave my heart to Christ.

No, she's knowing right to talk with you to pray with you to give you some free resources and we are here at the other end of 866899 Word 866899967, also connecting Just watch and maybe you have some questions that I have all the answers that will know where to pursue the answers to your questions together at the other end of 866899 Word 866899673 and now it's go back to the conclusion of today's message is not been talking about this once lost.

This is the conclusion of a two-part series course available

Now back to Dr. Hebrews chapter 6 and this one.

Let us therefore leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death and of faith in God and instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment. And God permitting, we will do so. It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, I'm going to get to this. This is dynamic stuff. It is impossible for those who have tasted the heavenly gift. It is impossible for those who have shared in the Holy Spirit. It is impossible for those who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming night.

Some people take this text and eyesight. You see, those are people who are save my friends, that is as far from the truth as you can possibly get. That is not talking to people who were so I'm going to show you that in Scripture. I'm sure exactly what God is saying that it is impossible for these people if they fall away if they lose their opportunity to beside if they continue to be lost to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss. They are crucifying the son of God will over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. All they were told they were slow to learn. They wanted milk. That's all I wanted. According to verse 12. The second part in chapter 5 by only wanted the elementary teachings. They said listen, we're not interested in ever growing up we not interested in spiritual maturity we not interested in reaching the age of spiritual accountability. We don't want to have to make a decision for us so we want to remain babies, infants, not babes in Christ because all people who accept Christ Jesus become babes in Christ.

This is talking about infants in the sense that all they are doing is feeding upon the knowledge that is given to babies in the form of milk, which the Bible calls the elementary teachings about Christ and God.

Hearsay is not only that, in the fourth instance they are not acquainted with righteousness.

If you look at the latter part of verse 13 anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with righteousness and friends. Let me remind you that word that means they are not possessed by the righteousness of God.

The imputed righteousness of God which is given to us through his precious Holy Spirit who indwells each person after that have repented of their sin and by faith trusted in Jesus Christ.

These people were not born again believers so we got a look at the fact that we want to understand once lost boys lost, but second the bull. The Bible teaches. It is time to abandon the elementary teachings of Christ for what were they what were these things, they had to abandon. Let's look at them number one repentance from dead works there it is) verse one. Let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation, by the way, that word foundation is very important. Folks, because here is God by his spirit, looking at the Jewish people, and he sees one precept being laid upon another, much like a brick layer includes the foundation of a house and what he is saying is that the foundation is not the house. The foundation is the means or the things upon which the hospital span and he says the first thing you need to abandon concerning these elementary teachings is repentance from dead works wonders that go with me to chapter 9 everybody turn over the plates to chapter 9 verse 13 folks. This is very important this morning. Look at verse 13. The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of the heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are awkwardly clean not just watch me for second doctors chapter 9. Watch this hard bid, the Israelites become ceremonially clean. How did they repent of their dead works by the white wine dead works works that bleed today. How did they repent of that quote about how did that part of the Israelis out of the Jewish people wandering around in the wilderness. How was I forgiven of that while the Bible says they offered sacrifices back. Chapter 9 and verse 13 tells us that that's what you did. That's the elementary teachings about Christ. What about Christ. Folks watch me why about Christ because everything that happened in the Old Testament, watch me points to Jesus Christ, you can trace the blood of Jesus from Genesis chapter 1 the crimson thread ride through the pages of the Old Testament, where does it find its climactic expression right there at the genealogy of the king.

You can read about it in Matthew chapter 1 verse one when Jesus Christ the King of the world, the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, the one who was born of the seed of David, the lineage of David on the verge of Seed implanted by the Holy Spirit because he is God's son. That's the climactic moment and what the Jews needed to understand that while back there in the Old Testament that that might have fit that description. Look at verse 14 how much more then, will the blood of Jesus Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God claims our consciences watchlist from that bleed today what I asked that bleed to death. That is our Adamic nature, whereby the wages of sin is death, how much more then one of the blood of Jesus Christ deliver us, why because the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

You brought that. Are you with me today. My friends, I know these are difficult things to contemplate God and speak to a heart God will open your heart. This is fundamental to your faith that I had to lay aside repentance from dead works.

Repentance is meaningless without faith in Jesus Christ. Number two that I had to lay aside faith in God. Now all hold on a minute. Chapter 6 verse one says that have to lay dying, stop, lay aside the foundation of repentance from acts that bleed to death and of faith in God of faith in God hold on a minute. Excuse me, I got bit adjusted down from this doesn't make any sense to I'm giving up.

I am officially retiring as a preacher you mean to tell me the Bible is telling me that faith in God is not good enough. Yes, do you mean to tell me that the Bible is questioning faith in God saying that faith in God is not sufficient for salvation. Yes, these Jewish people believed in God, which God this I am God. I believe it but the Bible says that Jesus Christ came to this world and died upon the cross watchlist that God was Christ Jesus reconciling the world unto himself. That means that Jesus could span in the presence of God the father and say I was alive and to the father except through me and what God's side to the chart trend that every person it is not enough jobs in God you must believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, told about Jesus. He is the superior one doesn't work without him, friend, you can go around America today and you'll find most Americans won't have any problem in saying I believe in God but if I have not trusted Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord. The Bible says they all lost. There are religious organizations that believe in God.

I've heard people say all I believe in God. They don't believe that God is the father of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is God is in that God's will the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes shall not perish up which God speaks Jesus Christ, the one that God turns here by his spirit to this congregation and says I want you to lay aside the elementary teachings about Christ.

Number three, number three, they needed to lay aside and abandon instruction about baptisms. You might say to me what is that while friend that where there baptisms is not the word from which we get our word baptism so which means believers baptism by immersion, which is the only baptism that the Scripture talks about in Scripture. This passage is not talking about believers baptisms it's talking about baptisms baptism laws go to chapter 9 again in verse 10 yes where it is used, they are only a matter of food and drink and various ceremonial washing external regulations applying until the time of the new order. What's the time of the new art of the blood of Jesus Christ. At the time of the new order the sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross. These people these Jews. They believe that they have to be about ceremonial washings and cleansings and Old Testament washings had three distinctives number one it was repeated many times over number two it was symbolic in number three. It was temporary. That's why you have to do a time without number. Meaning churches in the United States of America. When I deal with this with great respect in my heart I meaning churches that still carry out ceremonial washing. The Bible says it's meaningless. It's meaningless lay aside these things.

New Testament baptism has three distinctives number one it's only done once number two it is spiritual.

Number three.

It is permanent.

Well, there's 1/4 thing that they had to lay aside. According to this passage in chapter 6 that had to set lay aside the laying on of hands that you see that in verse two, chapter 6 and verse two instruction about baptisms in the laying on of hands. Now what were they talking about that when talking about what the apostles did in acts chapter 6 deacons were chosen from among the multitudes by the disciples who comprise the New Testament church and I brought them to the apostles who prayed for them and laid their hands on them. That's not what he's talking about not talking about ordination not talking about blessing a child but you got to go back into the Levitical law go to Leviticus. You don't need a turn they just listen. Leviticus chapter 1 verse four. For example, Leviticus chapter 3 speaks about it extensively particular around verse eight. If you do this in your private Bible study the Bible teaches us that according to the Levitical law that the Jews who brought sacrifices to the priest have to also lay their hands on that sacrifice God any spirit care assign abandon that thing you need to lay hands on Jesus Christ. You need to take hold of Jesus Christ.

That's what you need to do. Number five, the resurrection of the dead Bible here says let us leave behind the elementary teachings of Christ going to maturity. One of those is the resurrection of the dead by the resurrection of the dead.

Because the old in the Old Testament the Jewish people struggled over trying to understand what happened off today and so it is that he says lay aside your understandings concerning the resurrection of the dead. Why because Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life. Folks can you hear this God by his spirit saying to these knowledgeable religious people. If only you would lay aside all these things that are stopping you from turning your heart and life over to Jesus Christ.

If you were to just lay them aside and come to maturity and accept that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, you will discover that you will know everything you need to know about the resurrection of the dead. Because Jesus is the one who has made us alive. Thank you again for your valuable time.

That thing time as well as resources we can never give you back in so we promise we covenant with you to use this time wisely in studying God's word together get your listing to The Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton would love to hear from you. You can do it or perhaps by calling us right now.

This week with some of our friends ready to take your call to pray with you to help you gain some resources. Perhaps if you just need someone to talk where there at 186-689-9673. Have a wonderful