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R709 Why Jesus Was Crucified, Pt.1

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Cross Radio
October 19, 2021 8:00 am

R709 Why Jesus Was Crucified, Pt.1

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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October 19, 2021 8:00 am

The Daily Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton

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God has an encouraging word for you and me today to the Bible-based teaching of Dr. Don Wilton. The question about Jesus Christ. In just a moment were heading Hebrews chapter 10 for a few days when we'll be spending thinking through talking about why Jesus was crucified as we open God's word together in the book of Hebrews know that were open to speak with you and pray with you anytime 24 hours a day at this phone number got it down stored in your cell 866899 connect with one of us anytime to pray with you, but also to connect with wonderful resources like this. Call for courage while you're in this day and age when there's opposition to our basic Christian faith is a wonderful book video from Dr. Don Wilton: be salt and light available on our website. TW TW online OR chapter is a miniseries and it is entitled why Jesus was crucified not going to submit to you today, my beloved friends that there is nothing in this world that is more important than the subject and I'm going to submit to you today that it was the apostle Paul said, I say to know nothing among you accepting Jesus Christ and him crucified. Why would he have saved that Paul put it like this. He said I saved to know nothing among you accepting Jesus Christ and him crucified. Charles Spurgeon said every time I open this book I make a beeline for the cross. That's what it's all about. You might say to me, will foster what is the alternative. All I got some alternatives to speak about. If you will beg my pardon I could preach social gospel Sunday by son but you gotta say to me, will foster you again, social gospel, not for one minute. I believe every born-again Christian who is been washed and redeemed by the blood has a mandate from God to be involved in society so I could announce to you we going to have a series for the next 10 weeks.

Today I'm gonna talk to you about Habitat for Humanity and how important it is for us as a church as Christians to get involved I could announce next week it's going to be the Carolina pregnancy sent I'm going to tell you that we are going to speak we going to have pictures up that we going to show aborted babies where gonna put the the point where it ought to be. We are going to get to grips on this whole matter of life and we are going to talk about the Carolina pregnancy center and at the end, the invitation is going to ask you to come down to the front and say I will go to work and give my money to the Carolina pregnancy what I could. The next week on the third week series could be on MobileMe couldn't find a brighter work than that. We gotta talk about helping the needy and delivering meals getting involved in the end of the message I'm asking if anyone of you would, would you just step out and walked down to the front and take one of us by the hand and say I'll do it. I'll go out with MobileMe. Use this next week I'm gonna be socially active. I could talk to you about soup kitchens.

I could talking about mission trips, building houses, I could talk to about doing this and doing that but I'm going to tell you something, my friend. The reason I bring them up is because these concerns are viable by all necessary they are indispensable components of our play. Paul said I saved you know nothing among you accepting Jesus Christ and him crucified cross of Christ Jesus, why did Jesus die I could talk to you about politics. We don't black blood and guts in the church wholesale saved to know nothing among you accepting Jesus Christ and him crucified. So why was Jesus crucified. I want to read to you in chapter 10 of the related to Hebrews verse one the Lord is on your shadow of the good things that are coming. Not the realities they pursue this reason, it can never by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly gear off the year, make perfect those who draw near to God in worship. If it could, would not they have stopped being offered just the Christian folks, just in case you're struggling this morning.

If the law if the sacrifices and the means by which someone came to God in the Old Testament perfected people like you and me why I keep on doing.

I got an announcement to Mike when Jesus died on the cross is forgiveness perfect back to you once and for all. I want you to hold that because that is fundamental to our Christian fight second part of verse two for the worshipers would've been clans once for all, and would no longer feel guilty for their sins. Those sacrifices are an annual reminder of sin because it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin.

Therefore when Jesus Christ came into the world, he said, sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me with burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased though God and I said the Lord Jesus Gerard Amit is written about me in the scroll, the Lord Jesus have come to do your first he said, sacrifice and offerings burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not design know what you pleased with them. Although the law required them to be my then he said that the Lord Jesus here I am, I have come to do your will. Jesus Christ sets aside the first covenant in order to establish the second. And by who we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ. Garrett is once for all day off today. Every priest stands and performs these religious duties again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.

But when this priest. The great high priest, the Lord Jesus Christ had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins. Jesus Christ sat down at the right hand of God. Since that time Jesus Christ waits for his enemies to be made his footstool because by one sacrifice he has made perfect for ever. Those who are being made pony point number one why was Jesus crucified.

Number one in order to make perfect. Now we've got a real die. Limit your friends.

I have a major darling because I struggled to understand how that I could ever become perfect and evidently the Old Testament they were no different to me if you have a look in chapter 10. The Bible says sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year to make perfect those who are desiring to be drawn into the presence of God, the greatest desire of the heart of mankind is to have access to God. How does a nobody get to coming to the president presence of the commander-in-chief. How does that happen. How does a nobody like me if I have any hope of ever sitting down with the commander-in-chief of the United States.

How's that going to happen what I can tell, in order for me to have access to the commander-in-chief. I have to know somebody. I guess what happens folks. Somebody walks in and says are you Dr. Don Wilton yes sir will let me see your credentials bank balance Social Security ID you give him everything that he needs somebody looks at you and he says follow me.

Nobody so nobody follows somebody. Nobody doesn't know where he's going, he doesn't live there.

He's hardly been there before but once and so nobody follows somebody somebody knows exactly where to go and all the sudden somebody comes up to a door.

He opens the door.

The door opens and you're in the Oval Office and the commander-in-chief stands up walks across somebody says Mr. commander-in-chief, please allow me to introduce you to nobody and Mr. commander-in-chief is pleased to meet you. Nobody in the moment that you are introduced by somebody. Nobody becomes somebody but I'm going to tell you nobody will never meet the commander-in-chief unless somebody makes him a nobody because nobody is a somebody when somebody has access to the commander-in-chief. Not don't ask me to say that again let me tell you what happened. The man, the Bible says that Adam and Eve sinned.

When they send their lives became blemished.

God is perfect. He is holy that would plug your survey literally means that God our heavenly father is without spot and without wrinkle you can translate that directly there is nothing in God that even has the suggestion of impurity so impurity or unholiness which is sinful man cannot come into the presence of the holiness of God. That's why God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world to himself, not who was Jesus. Jesus was the spotless Lamb of God.

He was the holy one. He was without spot and without blemish right so I guess what happens. My friends because Jesus Christ died upon the cross, God designated him to be the somebody through the nobodies can have access to the commander-in-chief.

And so there is a sense in my heart I believe this with all my heart that the instantaneous moment that I repent of my sin and I give my heart and laughter. Jesus Christ, I am rendered once and for all by somebody who's Jesus Christ who types this nobody and brings me into the presence of Almighty God, not as a nobody as somebody because it is Christ living in that the imputed righteousness of God. How could these things be friends listen to me because Jesus died. I have someone that I can present my credentials to who had the authority to take me and present me to the holiness and righteousness of God.

And when I come into the presence of God. God doesn't see Don Wilton with all his imperfections.

God sees Jesus Christ Don Wilton has been granted holy which enables me to have access into the presence of God, my heavenly father. Somebody say amen this morning, so why was Jesus crucified, or if we could put it into modern-day terminology why your Christian because Jesus died for me without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sin without Jesus Christ I'm rendered hopeless. I'm helpless. I have nowhere to go. If I was to major ministry in this church on social gospel politics, or anything else you could name. I would be guilty of the most heinous crime against humanity, because I would be telling you to go out and do good works, and there is not a single good work that will ever render me in the presence of Almighty God. Good works cannot get the job done, it cannot happen by grace.

I am saved through faith, not of myself.

It is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast.

Some of you, my beloved people you pouring your money and your effort and your time and everything into things that will never gain you access into the presence of Almighty God, you're wasting your time. You can stand in the presence of the righteousness of God's word. Jesus Christ upon the cross. Please forgive the interruption will be back with the rest of today's message and just don't go away. Dr. Wilson will be back and he wants you to know we're here for you as we take this because we do it so you can jot down this phone number 866899 word as well as G, those are points of connection for prayer for great resources.

That's 866-899-9673 NTE W on

Now back to today's great teaching with Dr. Don. So where do my bit works coming to play the instantaneous moment I give my heart and laughter. Jesus Christ, I am magically motivated to become involved in Christian social activity. Why, because the love of God constrains me.

I do what I do. You know these organizations not merit my salvation. I do them because I say there are churches all over America today trying to blow themselves on social gospel on doing good and being good stroking one another's backs of paying lip service to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hear it ring the stories of preachers who get up and preaching never open the word of God. How can these things be say to me, pasta why so passionate about the subject because my friends in America today.

People are so passionate about everything they passionate about going on vacation they passionate about fishing. They passionate about playing golf, passionate about the motor cloisonné businesses they passionate about their problems. They are passionate about organizations they are passionate about fame and fortune God says I want you to be passionate about Jesus Christ and him crucified you listening church greatest gift parents that you can give to your sons and daughters is the gift of the Lord Jesus Christ gave his life to make people like you and me perfect.

So what is perfect spiritual perfection do number one spiritual perfection provides the ability to have access to God. Number two.

Spiritual perfection provides the ability to obtain personal perfection gone believe that but that's what happens and number three. Spiritual perfection provides the means to complete salvation. Why, because the Bible says in verse 14 that he has made me perfect forever. I am being made holy. I want to say I am safe I'm being saved. I will be say I was save the moment I give my heart to Jesus Christ because my salvation is an historical fact upon the cross and the moment I give my heart to Jesus to die and say but I want say when Jesus died upon the cross. Tomorrow I am being cited because it is my life. God is sanctifying me continually, and on that great day. I am completely safe when not coming to the presence of the king. What an incredible thing to think about why Jesus was crucified why the cross what's so important why the fuss why.

The why why all the talk surely pasta tell you what I love about this church my friends I I haven't had a single person since 1993.

Not a single person in this church has ever come to me again and complained about hearing Jesus not one that was a one time experience for me in this church and God spoke to my heart, allowing Oscar today why your Christian why what moves you motivate your parents what you teaching your sons and daughters. What is more important to you than anything in this entire world more important than your horses more important than your lake house more important than your vacation more important than July more important than your business more important in your school then your graduation more important than anything is Jesus Christ and him crucified Lord Jesus. Write your cross upon our hearts that we might see Jesus forcing his name we pray together. Amen. See, folks, this is another one of those things.

I don't ever hear any complaints. I haven't had anybody that I can refer to. I don't have that young. The church is a wonderful church. I'm sure there's some people who right now you're saying look preaching. You've preached a good one today. Let's just go home and we… Please don't why we got. I have this little extra thing hanging on the end of the service of trust, my friend listen to me this there is implicit in the very name of Jesus and invitation to respond. How could I say to you today. Thank you so much. Alright everybody go home and think about.

Is it possible God forbid that they could be someone here today who would be killed this week are probably not raw, asking God to be kind and gracious to us and Sandy's guardian angels to protect us. Is it possible does that ever happen.

Is it possible that they could be someone here who would slip in Alzheimer's or something you'd lose your mind, you've got no connection to light. Is it possible that something could happen on any like to think about those things.

C frames II actually, we should say because I've neighborhood a word of complaint in our church to you by we we actually don't have any choice. By the way, the ever been to church with. I don't have an invitation set in a church where they've preached and sign of the end of it. They should not go to and complete select cooking at dinner and then leading up to standing. The invitation comes right out of the word of God. God by his Spirit is calling us all the time. My friends is your posture, I am compelled this church is compelled to call you out and I'm compelled to call you out publicly.

I'm compelled to invite you to walk out in front of everybody takes someone by the hand to Clay your relationship. Jesus Christ, I'm compelled to do that.

I don't even have an option. I was lost to think about Jesus eat if we could face him publicly before me. He will confess us publicly before the father which is in heaven besides Jesus was crucified publicly. He could've done it privately because he was the son of he could've had a private little execution but he didn't do it. He went off in front of everybody hung on a cross in front of everybody. We are compelled to call one another. Young people aren't calling you out some you teenagers sitting here messing around with God.

You know exactly who you all are playing a game you coming to church on Sunday morning and you looking terrific and you going out during the week and doing exactly what you like when you like your drinking or smoking messing around with you boardings using four letter words and on Sunday morning you come and secure and you think God's impressed with masking some of you young man of you got guts enough to stand up and step out and say I'm coming for the Lord Jesus Christ site pasta. What's this all about.

It's about the cross. It's about the cross. It's about God loving the way so much that he himself was somebody like me. I Richardson allowed me. It's bad enough trying to imagine that God would allow me to be loved by people like you, but to be like God. Well, what a powerful message. We have so much more to share from this teaching on the book of Hebrews chapter 10 I will have more throughout the rest of the week right now, let's concentrate on what Dr. said that Jesus loved us so much that he gave everything so that we can be saved to term, we hear an awful lot, but it means something to you personally prefer Dr. Wilton as he's been teaching and preaching now as he steps in the studio. Open your heart to what he wants to share next are you ready to give your heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Why don't you pray this prayer with me right now.

Dear God, I know that Iversen and I know that Jesus died for me cross today. I repainted my sin and by faith I receive you into my Jesus name, my friend.

I welcome you today into the family of God. This is exciting new been listening to Dr. Don Wilton our teacher here on The Encouraging Word and perhaps moments ago you prayed along with Dr. Wilton to give your life to Jesus Christ for perhaps to rededicate your life to Christ. We are so excited for the way that God is working in his word and The Encouraging Word ministry every single day that's happen for you today.

Let us put some free resources in your hand will help you grow in your faith.

Dr. Wilton has prepared these resources for you and their absolutely free if you give us a call at 8668986689996733 could be this online as well. Website is TW that's TW you can receive exclusive teaching letters from Dr. Wilton information about our messages every month. Join our email community.letters will income rates fortify you and your mom. You will also receive periodic share God's truth with the searching world.

Subscribe today by visiting our's TW online are/email The Encouraging Word is a viewer and listener supported ministry. Thank you for today are times gone for today but no tomorrow.

We pick back up here in Hebrews with Dr. Wilton all week long. Talking on this concept why Jesus was crucified and how that change the way we live out our life every single day between now and then, I pray us to connect with us on our website TW is the place to sign up for our daily devotional now available in Spanish throughout our website. TW

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