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R454 What Would Jesus Do?

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Cross Radio
November 20, 2020 8:00 am

R454 What Would Jesus Do?

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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November 20, 2020 8:00 am

The Daily Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton

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It's a bracelet it's a trendy phrase, but it's also a great truth.

What would Jesus do not study the word together. See, this is The Encouraging Word featuring the Bible-based preaching of Dr. Don Wilton well-known author evangelist Pastor and today his message is that simple phrase.

What would Jesus do what had about second Chronicles Matthew six in our Bible study today before you start another were available for your connecting keyboard keyboard right now online at G that's G still believe there's great strength in the conversation.

I would love to speak with you on the phone at 866899 word 866-899-9673 if you like to call and sign up for Dave Encouraging Word email give us your email will take care of now.

Dr. Wilson is going to be in second Chronicles chapter 7 we know this passage we know well but I want you to read it. I want you to listen with me please it's important there is a Bible provided for you. Second Chronicles difficult to find, but right there in the middle of the new testament. Second Chronicles chapter 7 and verse 13. I want us as God's people to listen. I want you to listen its icon.

In addition, that means that certain things will happen only if we need God's condition. They won't happen because we want them to happen because we believe they will happen I will happen on God's timetable according to God's standards, and by his mandate. Second Chronicles 7 in verse 13. My people walk by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I clear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and God will heal their land. Have you heard the word of God this morning. I want you to turn with me to Matthews gospel chapter 5 in Matthew chapter 5, we have what is known as the Beatitudes.

This was a series of teachings that Jesus gave to the people that he called his disciples. You might say to me, will foster I'm just a Christian I'm not a disciple.

No. If you are a Christian you are a disciple you cannot be a Christian without being a disciple. A disciple is someone who follows Jesus Christ and Christians follow Jesus Christ modern disciples are disciple makers. That means that not all disciples of God to the point at which they are maturing in their faith and all themselves leading other people to become disciples. That's a disciple might could, but believers are disciples and Jesus spoke to his disciples and he told them something about themselves, he said in chapter 5 of Matthew's gospel in verse 13 he said you are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again. It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled by men. Salt is a marvelous substance. Many things we can say about, so I'm not going to dwell on it. But Jesus said that those who love him.

Also three things that I think are very pertinent today. Salt is a preservative. It preserves goodness that's what salt does Jesus say that God's people preserve goodness.

I want you to think about that today, September 13 and I want you to think about what is happening in our nation today we have a responsibility to preserve the good number two so prevents DK if I can put that into classical English expression so prevents the law so stop things from becoming bad walking from becoming putrid. :-) That's what salt does so many moons food which is good still to be eaten, even long off to the fact number three salt provides flavor. Nothing like a good plate of food. And then when you add a pinch of salt just does something to it, gives it a special taste. Bible says Jesus told his disciples that as disciples, as believers as people who follow Jesus Christ, but we are not only to presumably not a need to prevent decay, but we ought to provide taste. Yes, in a tasteless society, we are the ones who provide taste we done contribute to the tastelessness because it's so we provide flavor I want to ask two questions. By way of introduction, this morning and before I knew I'm going to make a statement. I'm going to submit to you today that I believe that it is more important. We can't include from your letters going on in Washington, then how we conclude that is going on in Washington. It is far more important for Americans and particularly for God's people. It is we conclude from this.

What is God saying to us what lessons are we going to learn how much better all the people are we going to be, it is family important.

We conclude from this then all we conclude this i.e. to exonerate, to forgive what we conclude this is very important in so many lost two questions today as I begin to try to share with you what is upon this cost is hawked from the word of God. The first question is this what is going on and it is not my business today in God's house to dwell upon what is going on. The issue is this where do we go that's the next question before we try to discover some things we find ourselves immersed in a fog plot of human emotion from anger to disbelief to political ideological perspective to pain I have for so many times about elderly people in the United States, many of whom stood in platform such as this one who respected who were men and women who carried voices all the authority distinctive in their service to this society into the United States of America raise the children in the knowledge and fear of the Lord Jesus, but many about elderly today in nursing homes and other centers find themselves captive to a vast array of human emotion with no means of escape and to make matters worse, with no one to listen to no one.

I think all the law today. If we going to Understand Way, God would lead us. Perhaps we need to do the impossible and we need to subject our human feelings and we need to subject our strong belief in the system will perhaps where we should go is to we the people often really all Americans. We the people, the great constitutionality the center of the mold. The very pivotal point upon which civilization revolves. We the people we the people decide based upon the inalienable people who believe that they have the capacity to determine what it is that God has held only for himself lead the people. Yes, I people of diverse city. We are a nation of diverse city. This is a nation of landed immigrants, people from every real life and we pride ourselves upon that by putting the people. If we resist going back to raising the flag and saying it depends upon leaving the people we must of necessity begin to ask ourselves what is it that we the people have already in place in America. Is it possible that God could be speaking to we the people within the context of our own simplicity and full heartedness to remind us that we the people we stand on our own cognizance.

We the people from sea to shining sea. God bless America. This great nation of people and sadly to say my dear friends this morning.

If we the people do not wake up and understand what is going on in America today diverse city, which is a cherished of these United States is data changed from diverse city this duty and if there is anything that looks and rentals in it's not diverse city on the constitutionality of the United States of America is goodness that is beginning to spring up from within which we must bear upon the we the people know by submit to you today with all the love in Maha that if we are going to do and respond and be in a time like this.

With all respect. We cannot turn to Congress and we cannot turn down human emotions and feelings and we cannot turn to we the people I'm going to submit to you that we must turn to the word of God. We have to because we are a nation under God and until the day that Americans understand the constitutional foundation upon which this nation has been founded and grounded understand what it is that God is saying to that we are a nation under God and so on. They do submit to you today my sermon topic is simply this. What would Jesus do I have in my pocket Terra little bracelet got the lid is on at WW JD's is almost as well-known as what we reading in the newspapers to the young people have them. They were everywhere. They very popular. It means rock Jesus do. I don't think it's ironic that some time ago someone came up with his genius but all over America today from one wrist and arm band to another, from To sway those you are seeing WW JD I think it's time young people that we stand up and we play up and we take attention to what we're saying to the brain that we advertise.

So I submit to you today. What would Jesus do what you suppose the Lord Jesus would say to you and me on a day like this word of encouragement is there.

How can we respond and how can we come to grips with the multiplicity of our emotions are political dispensations, the privileges that have been put into place. The constitutionality of the United States of America. When we find ourselves in.

This would Jesus do my submit to you in the first place.

And these are not in order of priority. The Jesus would remind us of the damage that can be done to our children today.

I think we need to be very careful my dear friends Jesus had such a tenderness for children. He gathered them on his knee time without number, and I'm going to submit to you today. Moms and dads and grandparents newspapers Congress that it's one thing to believe in the inalienable rights of Americans to have access to whatever they want, but it's another thing to put X-rated material in front of the eyes of their people and regardless of the consequences.

And no matter who you want to try and convince about whatever issue it is never justifiable to take a nation and the Dragon nation down into the sewers of hell itself. The sad part is that we have children that even those adults, we do not believe that they become impacted by things like this, I say to you with love in my heart that if we do not take this seriously without children. Many of our children can go on and Scott in ways that we are not willing to admit why, because they are seeing license they are learning new levels of public acceptability they are seeing justification debate together with outside watching thousands upon thousands of people lining up trying to get a little bit juicy to so they can take it back home with them to read. They watching the Internet being jammed on by Americans.

I think that the Lord Jesus would say to us today suffer the little children, you might say to me, pasta, what can we do object three suggestions bears they will begin with answers. You might want to write them down. First of all, speak up. Talk to the children just gather them around and talk to them. Don't make assumptions don't sit there and watch television and think because of their range that they not hearing that they not watching. Understanding these things that go on is a different issue but there is created within the heartbeat of a child a a a a a turmoil that begins through like a volcano. They read it on our places. They can feel the intensity of this preacher preaching who finds it difficult to Laughlin and a smile in the midst of the peril of this nature speak to the number two simplicity. Don't ever feel like you have to go into detail totally unnecessary. You don't need to get down in that sewer record with that with everybody else ever feel as though you have to go into exclamations done showing with her at least people who believe that it doesn't matter what happens we give children whatever they want and that we just live in a free society done by into that whole don't ever allow yourself to be taken down. The same that we've been taken down by many of our leaders today that seek to say that parents are absorbed from responsibility and that children's rights on the right to be able to listen and be anything that they want to be because they are Americans. We the people have put this in place. Please forgive the interruption but it's Dr. Don's idea. He insisted I remind you we are here for you to talk with you. Pray with you connect with resources. You can do that online TE W that's TE W or this phone number 8668 jotted down stored in your cell 866899673 will connect with one of us 24 hours a day we'd love to encourage you now back today teaching with Dr. Don Wilton, but the third thing is provide security that all fashion hug that look that embrace that we know about mom and dad and grandpa and grandma provide security children look in the rear of the month and I may run out to the playground. Having just heard things, but within their Fox they saints the turmoil and it's frightening speak simplicity and security that would Jesus do, he would remind us about our children, but in the second place. I believe he would remind us that a nation or people who turn their backs on God are in trouble. He's been trying to tell us that right from before the foundation of the moon. It's a biblical principle in its absolute truth. It's not a personal conviction or personal preference. God is true to his word. There is no as far as God is concerned. And God means what God said and information as nations have done repeatedly on God that nation is in view. Love history and you go back and you begin to study the cycle of human nations from the Roman Empire down the Goths in the Visigoths, and all along down the road you going to find that every nation that turned her back on God began to crumble outside my coming Messiah, God would remind us of that. But I think in the third place. The Lord Jesus would remind us that the character does count, contrary to public opinion in the polling booths character does count as one of the saddest things in these United States of America to see the kind of flag of democracy that we hold out for the world to see. I kind of democracy in which potential candidates insults and dig up every kind of piece of junk they can about their opposition members of the greatest is that American people go and vote.

And they know according to character according to Romans and says how said that in a time like this. Presidential polls go up instead of down. We the people.

Why because Jesus would remind us that the character does count you say character's honesty reputation for acute behavior, integrity, nature personality, but Jesus would take it further and he would remind us of Jesus, do remind us that morality does matter. It's not a side issue that is pertaining to purity and faithfulness. Jesus would remind us all in today's world is that the does not justify the means by good people say it doesn't matter what he does is long as he does a good job.

What a sad commentary.

What a pitiful position right group of people who are under God.

That's like me saying to one of my sons son. I don't care how you did in a at school as long as you get it.

I don't care how you run your business as long as you make money. I don't care if you become sexually immoral, as long as you don't pregnant before you get married, and the way we going to come. This problem is we going to go around and handout contraceptives and began to hold up the banner of Planned Parenthood wanted us in the United States of America. That's what's happened. We the people.

What would Jesus do Jesus would remind us about the children he would remind us that the nation returns her back on God is in trouble.

He would remind us that character does count he would remind us that morality does matter, and I'm going to say. Just as a side issue that I believe that those who are in leadership positions from teachers drawn down the line we are going to play a greater price as leaders. Why because we set the stage, but I think he would say in the first instance that sin was serious.

That's what Jesus would say he would say my friends in America on September 13 somewhere in the Bible. I tried to do that sin is serious infected so serious that I had to go to the cross in order to provide you layout and within the context of what Jesus would teach us with regard to sin, he would remind us that the wages of sin is dead and that Russell Simmons every one of us would invite anyone in this place to throw the first stone. We the people he would invite anyone of us women in adultery. And he said to listen. I forgive you, but go and sin no more. That's a key issue. He said jobs that judge not that you be not judged. It's a key issue, but I'm going to say to you that the bottom line is that sin is serious and God says be sure your sin will find you are Jesus would also remind us that forgiveness is often there is not one in America who can stand up and say that this in here is worse than another sin is sin, and sin is subject to the absolute forgiveness of God, I'm sub- for that. That means it means there is means there is hope for our president agrees there is a Congress that means there is hope for every man, woman, boy and girl. There is hope for me. You know why because God's forgiveness is the today's day just believe it. I believe it I'm going to pray as you listen to these words from our pastor Dr. Wilson be ready to say.

If you're stuck.

Are you ready to give you a heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Why don't you pray this prayer with me right now. Dear God, I know that Iversen and I know that Jesus died for me on the cross today. I repainted my sin and by faith I receive you into my phone in Jesus name, my friend. I welcome you today into the family of God. This is exciting if the Lord has moved to want to talk you into anything. I couldn't talk anything that's not art our job are calling God his church, and you know you need to make a course correction.

Perhaps you just prayed with Dr. Wilton. You need to let someone in one eye. Let us know.

We would love to put some resources in your hands that will help you grow whether you said yes to Jesus for the very first time. Or perhaps you come back to Jesus for you through solid again we're here for you and 866-899-WORD 9673 in many folks are asking how do you get involved. How can you prayerfully and financially support this ministry's lives with all the details we need your support as you join us in Alexandria to reach line. We would love for you to become a monthly supporter in The Encouraging Word 8899 way to request information on support in the way it can be encouraging wearing today 669996.

The Encouraging Word is a newer listener supported ministry listening to our times gone for now, but let's stay connected