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The Gracious Land Owner - 7

Beacon Baptist / Gregory N. Barkman
The Cross Radio
May 3, 2020 7:00 pm

The Gracious Land Owner - 7

Beacon Baptist / Gregory N. Barkman

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May 3, 2020 7:00 pm

Pastor Karns continues his series in the parables with this message, -The Gracious Land Owner- from Matthew 20-1-16, beginning at 17-30.

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Good evening again to you from beacon Baptist Church.

Thank you for joining us for this lifestream service. I trusted you tuned in early enough to hear the car occasional singing hearing that just creates a longing in my heart to be gathered with the saints of God. Beacon to worship the Lord together and are singing, what, what a wonderful hymn I'm born again I'm God's child of mercy love to sing that him here together. You know there's there are some advantages of of tuning in at home in front of your computer. You don't need to be concerned about how your dressed you can be sitting there with her favorite beverage or coffee or your water, whatever.

You don't have to be concerned about distractions unless up.

Perhaps the person who's watching with you is your distraction but there are some advantages but the disadvantages seemed greater to me than the. The advantages but were shut up to God in this matter. Trusting him were taking advantage of these means that he's given to us. I was tuned in with you this morning about I don't know, 15, 20 minutes and maybe a little later are computer weekend. The buffer in we set there for three minutes and nothing happened so logged in on our iPhone and soon as we did that were able to listen. The remainder of the service uninterrupted. So it is a wonderful means of hearing the word of God preached in benefiting from that rejoice with you this morning that the truth preached. Thank you for gathering again this evening we are in a sermon series on the parables going to continue with one of parables about the gracious landowner trust that will be a blessing to you, but as we come together this listen to the word of God. As I read from Psalm 90 50, let us sing to the Lord, let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving let a shout joyfully to him with psalms for the Lord is the great God and the great King above all gods in his hand of the deep places of the earth.

The Heights of the hills are his also. The CS is for he made it in his hands formed the dry land, O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our maker, for he is our God. We are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. It takes some mental energy and to obey this. It's easier to do that were gathered here when it says let us come before his presence with thanksgiving let a shout joyfully to him with psalms were not able to do that were not. I don't know whether your singing is part of your worship, your private worship there but when you're sitting before a computer screen. It's takes some energy to think about. I'm coming both before the presence of a great King but we are we are as we are gathered in corporate worship in this fashion. I thought of this wonderful hymn that we frequently sing here at beacon. How marvelous how wise, how great by Dr. James Montgomery Boyce is with the Lord. The hymn says this how marvelous how wise, how great, how infinite to contemplate what Jehovah's saving plan he saw me in my lost state yet perch purpose to regenerate this faithless fallen man that is cause for rejoicing foreknown before the world began, according to his gracious plan, God destined I must be what conformed to Jesus Christ. The man who lived and loved as no man can a glorious decree.

He wore my sin on Calvary's tree and righteousness bestowed on me that I might see his face.

God justified me, set me free and glorified. I soon will be, how marvelous this grace, which should be our response to these glorious truths. What have I now but to embrace the God who saved me from disgrace and love him evermore and with contentment run my race, my eyes fixed solely on his face to praise him and we join with me as we look to the Lord and ask his blessing on our service to what wonderful words penned by man, how marvelous how wise, how great, how infinite to contemplate Jehovah's saving plan. Lord we marvel that you in eternity past would determine to save the lost humanity at the cost of the giving of your own son what love is. This how deep, how marvelous is this love that you would before we were ever born.

Set your affections upon us and determined to save us to redeem us to make us your own. We rejoice in so great a salvation and we tremble concerning those who have heard this wonderful message and yet they have neglected it have spurred your love Lord would you in mercy break in upon them and an open or blinded eyes and grant them new life in Christ, Lord, we confess that we miss the assembly of the saints here at beacon Baptist Church. It is created a longing in our hearts to come together again. Lord we believe that that will happen in your own time, but in the meantime, we ask you to help us to remain steadfast, unmovable, abounding in the things of the Lord, knowing that our labor is not in vain in the Lord was to keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. For the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising it shame, and is even right now seated at your right hand, we rejoice in our Savior and his cross work in his perfections and that you receive us through his merit in his merit alone. We pray that you would help us tonight as we have come together around the word of God to hear it with believing hearts to hear it with a warm, affectionate love for Christ. You would instruct us and teach us and correct us if were wrong in our thinking.

Rejoice in your tender mercies that they are new every morning great indeed is your faithfulness.

Lord were mindful of some of our folks who have walked through deep valleys and recent days and weeks and months who have said goodbye to their partner. There earthly partner for time.

Father we pray that you would sustain and strengthen and comfort in give peace and joy in the midst of loneliness and sorrow for these earthly departures acutely remind us that there is a day glad day of reunion for the saints of God in every saint whose departed for glory is left this earth and left us creates a greater longing in our hearts to be gathered with Christ there in glory and Lord. It is as it ought to be. You are weaning us away from this world. We are pilgrims mere pilgrims help us not to forget that the this place. This this earth is not our home.

We are simply passing through Lord keep our keep us focused on things above, not on things on the year. Pray for Drew Guthrie today and ask you to strengthen her and help her through this season. Help her to regain her strength.

Because these treatments that she's receiving to be helpful and profitable, that it would indeed arrest the cancer in her body and allow her to live for significant amount of time.

Yet upon this earth. Pray for Mary Barkman and ask you to help this elderly saint this season of her life. Thank you for renewing her strength and allowing her yet to live some more days upon the earth. We pray for our City Councilman and her family in the home-going of her mama. We think of others who've buried loved ones in the past or please draw near to them and encourage them strengthen them. Would you know are you know us better than we know ourselves. You know our needs and we thank you that you are our heavenly father that were part of your family that you have made as part of your family. You know what our needs are and you're able meet our needs according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. So Lord, please dispense mercy and grace in the hour of need.

The needs very among us draw us together around Christ and around his word and may we rejoice together in the truth of grace tonight or I pray this in Jesus name, amen. I would invite you to turn to the gospel of Matthew Matthew chapter 20 going to consider the parable of the workers in the vineyard. That's the heading above this parable in my Bible but I think it's better referred to is the parable of the gracious landowner because it's about him. It's about him more than it is about the various workers in the vineyard. Let me just say one word before we read this, we are again in a series on the parables and the first series of parables. We looked at the kingdom parables number seven of those and it's not that they're the only parables that are related to the kingdom because the one we looked at last Sunday night and the one were looking at. Tonight is also a kingdom parable, says the kingdom of heaven is like, but that cluster of parables that we looked at the parables of the kingdom were the first parables that we encounter in our New Testament there in Matthew chapter 13 and there were seven of them together so we looked at them separately in that way.

So I just to offer this qualifying statement, an explanation that it's not that there out the other parables are related, for they are. Remember last Sunday night, the kingdom of heaven is like a certain King who arranged a marriage for his son to our kingdom parables. So listen to the word of God, trusting him to give us understanding. Matthew 20 beginning in verse one, for the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers. Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard, and he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace and that to them.

You also go into the vineyard and whatever is right, I will give you. So they went again. He went out about the sixth hour in the ninth hour, and did likewise in about the 11th hour he went out and found others standing idle, and said to them, why have you been standing here idle all day. They said to him because no one hired us. He said to them, you also go into the vineyard and whatever is right, will receive.

So when evening had come. The owner of the vineyard said to the his steward called the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first and when those came who were hired about the 11th hour, they each received a denarius but when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more and they likewise received each a denarius, and when they had received it, they complained against the landowner saying these last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden in the heat of the day but he answered one of them and said friend I am doing you know wrong. Did you not agree with me, a denarius take what is yours and go your way, I wish to give to this last man, the same as to you, is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things or is your eye evil, because I am good so the last will be first in the first last for many are called, few are chosen as one of those parables that's often misunderstood and salon and maligned because we don't understand it and I think what is behind that is the gross misunderstanding in our day of how people are accepted before God. So many people are of a delusion that their acceptance before God is based on their record on their works upon their performance. What this parable screams at us is know the kingdom of heaven is not like that kingdom of heaven is not based on human merit. The kingdom of heaven is based on grace and grace alone.

If you don't hear anything else tonight here that this teaching of Jesus is meant to communicate to us that our acceptance into God's kingdom is solely based upon grace. So tonight I'd like for us to look at this parable under four headings number one at the setting were gonna look secondly at the story itself number three were going to look at the main spiritual lesson that this parable teaches because that's the nature of parabolic teaching is not that every thought or truth is meant to be extrapolated into some spiritual precept in teaching parables are given to teach one primary lesson that being said, my last point is six additional spiritual lessons that I think the text in the parable merit now as we consider the setting, we must go back to the preceding passage of Jesus encounter with the rich young ruler to establish the setting and that's in Matthew chapter 19. Let me read these few verses begins at verse 16 of Matthew 19.

Now, behold, one came and said to him, good teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life. So he said to him, why do you call me good, no one is good but one, but one that is God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments. He said to him, which once Jesus said you shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal.

You shall not bear false witness. Honor your father and your mother and you shall love your neighbor as yourself. The young man said to him, all these things I have kept from my youth. What do I still lack Jesus said to him, if you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor and will have treasure in heaven and come, follow me.

But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

This rich young ruler came to Jesus inquiring about salvation. The dialogue that ensues revealed that this man's heart was consumed and controlled and mastered by covetousness Jesus states up front what he requires of all disciples what is that notice verse 21. If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have given to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven and then, follow me. Jesus requires two things he requires number one undivided affection undivided loyalty number two unconditional commitment, follow me. You may be hearing this tonight and say, does that mean for me to be a Christian. I have to sell my possessions and follow Jesus as a is a missionary or as a teacher or no us what it means at all what it means is that the Jesus requires undivided loyalty. You remember the principle in first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 31 whatsoever you find it do what you eat or drink, or whatsoever you do do what do all to the glory of God. Your now living not for yourself but your living for the God who saved you undivided loyalty. No competing affections you love God you love yourself you love God more than you love your ambitions you love God more. You love your plans. That's what it means. And Jesus goes on to tell us that this man went away sorrowful because he had great possessions.

Jesus then warns the disciples about the great barrier that riches can be to entering the kingdom and in contrast to the rich young ruler who refused Jesus is gracious invitation. Peter and the other apostles. They had left what they had left their worldly occupations and their possessions at the call of Christ to follow him and Peter with that contrast in his mind, makes a statement to Jesus and follows it with a question notice with me.

Verse 27 Peter answered and said to him, see we have left all and followed you. That's true.

They had left all to follow Jesus. So there's a statement. But here's his question. Therefore, what shall we have what shall we have Jesus gives an answer to Peter's question. The first answer we gives two answers to his question. The first answer is recorded in verses 28 to 30 and the second answer to his question, is the parable that he gifts that were going to look at in a moment, look at Jesus's first answer to Peter's question.

Verse 28 Jesus said to him, assuredly, I say to you that in the regeneration when the Son of Man sits on the throne of his glory, you who have followed me will also sit on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel, and everyone who was left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for my namesake shall receive a hundredfold and inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last and the last first reward. God will reward us above and beyond any possible imagination. Anyone who follows me leaves his house and his brothers, sisters, father, mother, wife, for his sake, shall receive 100 fold and HR all life is if eternal life wasn't enough, there is this extraordinary promise of reward, so we need to keep in mind Peter's question because it is the setting of the parable that Jesus is going to give the begins in chapter 20. In Peter's question betrays an attitude of improper motive in Jesus is answers intended to gently rebuke Peter for the spirit of his question for what's going on here. Peter is adding up his merits.

He speaking for the others we've given up all to follow you and I want to know what are we going to get out of this. What's in it for me.

What's in it for us again.

Jesus assures Peter and the other disciple disciples of a reward, not only a reward for them, but a reward for all who will follow him in sacrificial service God's reward for God's reward is out of proportion to our service and sacrifice. Jesus is telling us that God's reward system is based not on merit but on grace and grace always gives far more than we have ever earned so in reply to Peter's question. Jesus promises great reward while issuing a gentle rebuke to Peter for the spirit of his question, so you want what you perceive you've earned or deserved for your sacrificial service. I believe Peter is guilty what we are often guilty of. While were quick to remind ourselves and want to pride ourselves in our merit. What we believe we've done that earns favor from God. We devalue or forget our demerit. One of the demerits even in the question is his selfish attitude is demanding attitude. So that's the background that's the setting of parable. Now let's consider the parable itself and again my Bible calls it the parable of the workers in the vineyard but I think it's better to think of it is the parable of the gracious landowner verse one says for the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard of the Jewish work day began at 6 AM was called the first hour and it tells us here in verse two now when he had agreed with the laborers for ordinary day he sent them into his vineyard. He went out early in the morning to hire laborers. He finds these men he hires them to work in his vineyard in the landowner hires this first group agreeing on a payment a penny and in areas a good day's wages for a laboring man tells us verse three when out again about the third hour would be 9 o'clock in the morning and saw others standing idle in the marketplace and he said to them, you also going to the vineyard and unlike the first, there was this negotiation. This agreement of pay. It simply says the owner says whatever is right, I will give you no negotiation, no agreement made. They trusted the landowner they wanted to work, they needed to work there, ready to work so it says so they went the end of verse four again he went about the sixth hour, which would be noon and then the ninth hour, which would be 3 o'clock in the afternoon and did likewise in about the 11th hour.

Again, a Jewish workday is 12 hours begins at 6 AM and ends at 6 PM the 11th hour would be 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Verse six about the 11th hour he went out and found others standing idle, and said to them, why have you been standing here idle all day and they had a very legitimate explanation suck because they were lazy so because I didn't want to work the been standing there all day hoping someone would hire them to work.

They said them because no one hired us. He said to them, you also go into the vineyard and whatever is right, you will receive verse eight so when the evening income. The owner of the vineyard said to his steward called the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first right so far nothing alarming to us. Nothing of controversy yet, but tenses, but when the first game of the first. Those are the ones who were hired at 5 o'clock in the afternoon at work one hour when the first game they supposed that they would receive. I'm sorry verse nine when Nate when those who came who were hired about the 11th hour. That's verse nine. They each received a denarius now. Again, there'd been no negotiation. They did know what they were going to be paid, they simply were trusting that the landowner would treat them fairly and all where they treated fairly far beyond fair they received a day's wages for one hour work. Verse 10 says, but when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more and they likewise received each a denarius. Verse 11 when they had received it, they complained against the landowner. So again, five groups of workers.

Each group represented by the time in which they were hired to go work in the vineyard and we have this complaint registered in verse 11, 12, and its registered in the complaint by those who had worked all day for the landowner. It says in verse 11, they complainer they grumbled against the landowner and they leveled their complaint, verse 12, saying, these last man have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the heat of the day. That was their belief that was their complaint. This isn't fair. These guys who worked one hour have been paid the same as us, and perhaps even said look at them.

They know she will bear the where of a day's wages look at us.

We borne the heat of the day. Then there is the setting of the record straight, beginning at verse 13 but he that is the gracious landowner answered one of them and said friend I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius takes them back o'clock in the morning when they were hired where this negotiation was worked out an agreement was made they would go work in the man's vineyard for a denarius and he takes them back. Did you not agree with me for a denarius take what is yours and go your way, I wish to give to this last man the same as to you. So he saying, didn't you agree with me to work for a denarius did not pay you what I agreed to pay you and what I choose to pay the others who have been hired by me is not your business is what he's saying is no concern to you.

What is it what it take take what is yours and go your way, I wish to give to this last man, the same as to you. Verse 15 is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things. In other words, isn't it my prerogative to do with my resources to pay man.

What I want to pay them. Why is that your business he saying in a sense, have I missed something here on the owner. This is my vineyard I can do as I please, with no obligation to you I'm not accountable to you for my actions. Here's the problem it's in the latter half of verse 15 is your eye evil, because I am good.

There's the question is your eye evil, because I am good.

The problem landowner is. It is saying. The problem is with you and not with me.

The problem is not injustice on my part, but jealousy on your part. You're jealous of the other workers and then verse 16 is Jesus's only comment concerning the parable so the last will be first and the first last for many are called but few are chosen. So we've looked at the setting we've looked at the story of the parable itself. Now look, let's look thirdly at the spiritual message again.

The parables told by Jesus. And remember, in response to Peter's question in chapter 19 verse 27, what shall we have what is in it for me. What are we getting out of following you. I was Peter's question to Jesus and the preposition for that begins chapter 20 shows that the parable that begins here is meant to explain further to amplify the rule that has been laid down in verse 30 of chapter 19 and repeated with a slight modification in verse 16 was the last thing Jesus said in chapter 19, but Manny, who are first will be last and the last first and the only thing he says in relationship to the parable again is verse 16 of chapter 20. So the last will be first in the first last for many are called but few are chosen. The order that the workers in the parable were paid underscores this basic rule that characterizes what what is this about the kingdom of heaven is like this. This is a rule. This is a principal that governs the kingdom of heaven, and in the parable of the gracious landowner. Jesus is dealing with what he's dealing with the selfish envious and demanding attitude of Peter and the other disciples.

In this parable teaches that the standard of reward in God's kingdom is utterly different from human standards of payment the God rewards or pays on the basis of what on the basis of grace not of works, or of merit is an astounding thing that we who are debtors to God alone would be in any kind of a place to receive any reward from God.

And yet, the Bible tells us that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. So the operative principle in terms of human reckoning is that a person should have or should be paid in proportion to his work. That's what's behind Peter's question, the more we do, the more we earn and the more God owes us. Jesus is saying clearly in this parable. The kingdom of heaven is not like that. The operative principle in the kingdom of heaven is grace. God delights to be gracious to the undeserving and are we happy about that. Are we glad about that art we call I don't have cause for rejoicing about that. You see, human reckoning is a day's work earns a day's pay God's reckoning is an hour's work receives a full day's pay. God does exceedingly abundantly above all that we could possibly ask. That brings us to personal application personal application and I have six applications that I want to make number one God will be no man's debtor.

No one can obligate God you can't force God to be obligated to, you what I mean when I say that God is no man's debtor in this that We Can Never Pl., God under obligation to do something for us because we've done something for him.

There is nothing you or I or anyone else can possibly do that Will Pl., God in a debt relationship to us. God owes us nothing except punishment for our sins. So if we do not experience are just desserts punishment then everything we do experience is pure grace.

This is very practical. There are people who are of a mind because I've been a Christian for 30 years I've been faithful. I've done this I've done that God owes me got obligated to me this is this trial it's come upon my life is unfair, and so on and so I know preacher I did hear him say this, it came to me secondhand, but I know of what was going on in his life and it doesn't surprise me that he would say this but his marriage was failing and he was having difficulty in church and in his life and he said after all I've done for God.

This is what I get another words, God being unfair God being unjust. God owes me. I considered what I've done my merit and God owes me know.

God does not owe us those that grumbled and complained forgot this, that the landowner was under no obligation to hire them in the first place. It was pure grace that he went to them at 6 o'clock in the morning and hired them, put them to work in his vineyard and paid them a day's wages, he would have been entirely justified to have passed them by door others. Obviously, who had stood and it wanted to go to work but were hired to work.

So instead of grumbling, they should have been thankful so application number one God will be no man's debtor, no one including you or me can obligate God. Application number two.

Avoid falling into the work for wages spirit with respect to this thing. Spiritual blessings received are not based on merit works.

We don't earn we don't deserve a favor from God.

God does not owe us anything. He doesn't know any good thing, but because God is gracious and he's like this gracious landowner. He rewards and blesses out of proportion to the service that you rendered see is the sovereign ruler of the universe. God has a right to demand perfect absolute, unequivocal obedience from us is a right to demand that and expect out of us and if we were able to read to him at the end of the day, what could we say pay me reward me know. At the end of the day all we could say is I've only done my duty. I am but an unprofitable servant of only done what was expected of me know. Reward expected another lesson. This parable teaches is the sovereignty of God in every area of life. Do not fail to recognize here God's sovereign right to distribute favors as it pleases him first in the area of salvation.

God is the gracious landowner who went into the marketplace doing what looking for workers and it was he who asked them to labor in his vineyard. God is pictured here in this parable is one who continues to call man into his kingdom. He keeps going back and going back into the marketplace of the world doing what calling men to himself. Even at the 11th hour, knowing that Braveheart, the sinful heart can say well I'll just put off this business of trusting Christ and submitting to human following him doing his bidding and mop with my life. I'll put that off till the 11th hour. Someone has said many who plan on repenting at 11 o'clock die and 30. Such an attitude is foolish and presumptuous. Remember, Jesus hung on a cross between two thieves, one thief on the cross was say that none should despair and only one that none should presume lesson number four we see a lesson here concerning our motives for service our motives for service. It is the mature believer who keeps an eye on his reward is the mature believer who trusts the character and the reputation of the owner to deal justly and fairly. And if we know the landowner graciously with us. So let's cultivate the spirit of the 11th hour worker. Let's cultivate the spirit and the attitude of the 11th hour work that we have what dominates here at the end of the parable are those who registered complaint and grumbled against the landowner.

They were not happy at the end of the day, despite the fact that they had earned a day's wages. They had the same amount of money in their pocket as the man who had worked one hour. You know who wasn't grumbling you know who wasn't complaining. The men who'd only worked in our rejoicing. They were thankful for a gracious landowner who treated them above and beyond what they deserved. See one group didn't think the landowner was unfair at all. They considered him very generous, and therefore they left with more than the others.

They left with joy in their hearts they left with thanksgiving in their hearts they left without discontentment in their hearts.

The others, despite the fact they had the same to Nereus in her pocket were impoverished. They were discontent. They were unhappy they were grumbling. They were complaining so I say let's cultivate the spirit of the 11th hour workers seek godliness with contentment is great gain must be content. Let's rejoice in God's dealings with us if were saved you not say because of anything you've done your say, because God had mercy on you.

God sent his affections on you got to God could have judged you, but he didn't and that's cause for rejoicing and not a ferret out the spirit of grumbling and complaining in God's dealings with this if will remember that go back to that in another. Let's guard our hearts and avoid the sin of envy. Who is it that we instinctively identify with. In this parable. How many say you know what identify with those guys and only worked one hour. That's who identified with.

I think most of us of our honest so you know what identify with those guys he did worked the whole day and only got that that got treated unfairly back to I identify with you. See, because that's who we readily identify with. It exposes that we do not understand grace here that we are to really getting grounded in marital theology. Let's guard our hearts and avoid the sin of envy say we look at society around us, and instead of Jesus Christ we feel pretty good about ourselves. We consider ourselves to be what 12 hour workers and expect to be what reward accordingly. But be careful. Let's be careful of insisting upon what we have supposedly earned and what we think we deserve what do we deserve what have we armed the wages of what sin are death. That's what we've earned. That's what we have coming to us. That's are just desserts death.

So instead of death.

God is given life eternal life to us.

We haven't been treated according to our merit. We have been treated according to our just desserts you see the sin of envy is a serious vice that we want to guard our hearts against because it'll cause us to grumble about blessings not received rather than be grateful for those that have been graciously bestowed must not be envious. Let's be grateful. The parable of the gracious landowner of the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. We were gathered here for worship. We would sing this wonderful him together. Samuel Davies wrote great God of wonders, great God of wonders, all thy ways are matchless godlike and divine, but the bright glories all thy grace above the line.

Other wonders shine above the line. Other wonders shine who is up hardening godlike. The or who has grace so rich and free, or who has grace so rich and free. Such deep transgressions to forgive such guilty sinners.

Thus, despair. Listen to this.

This is thy grand prerogative and in this honor. None shall share stanza three in wonder lost with trembling. What joy we take the pardon of our God, pardon for crimes of deepest die. A pardon bought with Jesus blood.

The fourth stanza old, made this glorious matchless love. This godlike miracle of grace teach mortal tongs like those above to raise this song of lofty praise to raise the song of lofty praise and what is that who is up hardening God like the or who has grace so rich and free God and God only thankful we are God is of this nature. We buy with me as we pray our father, we rejoice in your mercy, we rejoice in your grace that's been extended to hell deserving sinners like us.

We marvel, our God, that you would not only save us, that would be cause for Thanksgiving throughout the rest of our days and in all into eternity.

But you've done more than that. You not only save this by your grace, but we are astonished that you would give us something to do in your kingdom that you would make us workers in your vineyard bless you God for so great a salvation because your people to rejoice afresh in the grace of God and not only rejoice afresh in the grace of God, but rejoice afresh in the God of grace of God who stands with his hands wide open to extend mercy and grace in the face of sin and rebellion. What a God, you are. We thank you for what your Word tells us the book of Revelation records for us that you are coming quickly that your reward is with you to give to every man according to his work.

He who testifies of these things says, surely I am coming quickly. Amen. Even so, Lord Jesus, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. A man